[22:20] wallyworld: I'm pretty sure the cloud region details are all up to date etc. (I did that streams update a little while back), what's the best way to confirm this? Compare the in-tree public-clouds with what's in s.c.c? [22:21] yup. i am pretty sure as well. i thought it was part of the release process to check. but yeah, comparing those 2 is what's needed [22:22] the symptom of a mismatch is to run up a system and then update-clouds will say that stuff is added/removed [22:23] ack, I'll compare now to ensure /me considers a way to automate it for release/ci [22:52] wallyworld: if I add the peer grouper as a dependency for the raft transport worker, do I need to also do a context.Get in the manifold (even though I don't actually need a ref to it in the worker)? Or will the dep engine prevent a worker from running until all its deps are running/ [22:52] ? [22:53] looks like the latter from this log. I'll add code to get it. [22:58] bah, can't do that unless the peergrouper implements an output function. I'm not sure this is the fix - lacking this dependency doesn't cause a problem in the normal startup process. I'm adding more logging in. [22:58] wallyworld: ^ [23:35] wallyworld, I just pushed changes to fix typo stuff, could u take a look when u got time? thanks [23:45] hmm, using "charm push" with resources . . . ah (as I was typing this) the resources need to be in the homedir if it's snap installed? It failed when I used /tmp/thefile, but not ~/tmp/thefile