
RandomGuestAccntHello again. I'm trying to get an ethernet connection without having Network Manager installed. Removing (apt remove network-manager) seems to disable my connection on bootup. Should I activate systemd-networkd, or does a simple config setting suffice?00:03
Biessieno matter what i do on apt-get it gives me those errors every time00:05
Biessiegetting annoying00:05
Biessiei may just reinstall ubuntu and wipe everything i have on it.00:06
oerheksis this on wsl ?00:06
Biessieoerheks : Talking to me?00:07
Biessieif so, i dont know what that is.00:08
oerheksand sudo apt install <what> exactly? just sudo apt install surely should not give this output00:08
RandomGuestAccntDoes anyone know? Do I need to enable a service like systemd-networkd (to get basic networking/routing) if I have disabled network-manager?00:10
Biessieokay so basically anytime apt-get makes changes and "triggers man-db" it gives me those errors00:10
Biessiewatch let me run the autoremove command and ill copy/paste everything00:10
oerheksRandomGuestAccnt, netplan in 18.0400:11
cw_the_developerHey how do I install the theme I just downloaded for HexChat00:11
RandomGuestAccntoerheks: thanks, will read that now. Isn't netplan just a precursor, something that feeds either network-manager or systemd-networkd with config files?00:12
oerheksit is a new proper way to provision that, i guess.00:14
leftyfbBiessie: what version of ubuntu?00:14
Biessieleftyfb : 16.04 server00:14
Biessiehere leftyfb and oerheks -- https://pastebin.com/QbPbrZ8t00:15
Biessieif you guys are stumped ill just go download the latest stable ubuntu version and reinstall00:15
leftyfbBiessie: type: dmesg    # look for errors, mainly ATA or IO errors00:15
Biessieid rather not but this is annoying00:15
RandomGuestAccntoerheks: reading the article now, but can you tell me in advance: if I don't use network-manager, isn't it the case that I have to use systemd-networkd instead or nothing will be "set up" on boot? Or is there a more low level system that always does this job regardless of these services?00:16
Biessieleftyfb : Wow they have alot in this list lol.. how do i know what is ATA/IO?00:17
leftyfbBiessie: if you see those words/letters00:17
Biessieoh okay, not yet00:17
leftyfbok, you'd see them toward the end00:18
leftyfbBiessie: sudo apt-get purge man-db00:18
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leftyfbroot_: you shouldn't IRC as root00:19
Biessieleftyfb  --> https://pastebin.com/ka3WN4Jk00:19
oerheksRandomGuestAccnt, ifconfig is depreciated, so i won't know for sure00:20
leftyfbBiessie: sudo dpkg --configure -a00:21
leftyfbBiessie: or sudo dpkg --configure keyboard-configuration00:21
Biessieleftyfb  --> https://pastebin.com/3Cemzkz100:21
Biessieokay ill do that now00:22
leftyfbyeah, you're getting segfaults left and right. Something is seriously wrong00:22
Biessiebest bet to reinstall? i literally dont know wtf i did lol. it's been a long time since i even logged into the box and it was running just fine00:23
leftyfbIn my experience this is usually a hardware issue, mainly storage/filesystem issues00:23
BiessieOh really?00:23
leftyfbor memory00:23
Biessielet me reboot it00:23
leftyfbmaybe run a drive/filesystem test and a memory test00:23
leftyfbrebooting solves nothing00:23
Biessiei was running a node for crypto on it.. so when you said memory i just assumed it was eating up the ram00:24
Biessiei closed it about 15 min ago00:24
Biessiehow do i run a memory test00:24
leftyfbif you were out of memory, you'd get OOM errors, especially in dmesg, not just core dumps00:24
leftyfbBiessie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MemoryTest00:25
leftyfbBiessie: https://www.tecmint.com/linux-disk-scanning-tools/00:25
Biessiethank you leftyfb for all your help and patience00:25
Biessiegretly appreciated. i will work on that now00:26
mos_basikTrying to install Ubuntu 18.04 (32 bit) using the minimal iso.  I only have wifi, and the ESSID contains several spaces and a comma.  The installer, when doing network setup, splits on the comma and lists the two strings as two separate networks.  I choose "Enter ESSID manually" and try to type it, but all attempts so far have just caused the installer to loop back to the beginning of network setup.  Tried: wrapping in double quotes,00:28
mos_basikwrapping in single quotes, not wrapping, and escaping the comma/spaces/both with backslashes.  Any ideas for more things to try?00:28
mos_basikI'm not the administrator of the wifi.  The administrator of the wifi thinks this is kind of funny and told me to get a real operating system.00:28
raidghostAny good Network Bridge Guide? Fedup soon with stuff spent hours trying to get working. and not working = Wasted time00:34
RandomGuestAccntoerheks: creating and applying a simple netplan config.yaml worked. Looks like something like systemd-networkd is a requirement (if NetworkManager is gone) for having the interfaces brought up and routes set. The article was helpful, thanks.00:35
oerheksRandomGuestAccnt, have fun!00:35
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lessoffensivetesting...do I need registered nick?00:36
lessoffensiveI guess not00:36
lessoffensiveis there a specific channel for 18.04 LTS?00:36
oerhekslessoffensive, no, but there are specific desktop channels though00:37
oerheksthis is main support, welcome00:37
lessoffensivewhat is the chan for desktop?00:38
mos_basikI'm curious as well if there a specific channel for the minimal install version.  It often seems kind of hidden away in the docs and not mentioned much.00:39
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oerheks#xubuntu #lubuntu and such, see the channel list https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:39
Biessieleftyfb : I rebooted and those errors dissapeared...00:39
leftyfbBiessie: I wouldn't trust it .. it'll happen again00:40
Biessieim still going to do a clean install with 18.04 vs 1600:40
Biessieburning image now. but thank you again00:40
mos_basikthanks oerheks.  looks like the closest to what i'm looking for *might* be ubuntu-server00:41
oerheksmos_basik, the minimal option is now included in the standard 18.04 desktop iso else https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:41
oerheksor server, sure00:41
lessthan0am I correct that 18.04 LTS replaced unity with a custom gnome?00:41
lessthan0or is it something else?00:42
oerhekslessthan0, yes.00:42
oerheksbut set Xorg standard over Wayland session00:42
lessthan0I think I am in the right place then00:43
Biessiewhile im here.. does ubuntu 18.04 support the Nvidia geforce g210m hydrid graphics?00:43
lessthan0did you try it?00:44
Biessielessthan0 : I am about to install it now00:44
Biessiei dont need GUI but.. wouldnt hurt00:44
lessthan0I think nvidia drivers are non-free so make sure to install non-free drivers during install00:45
Biessiewill do :)00:45
hiris1002what should i do after installing ubuntu???00:45
lessthan0use it maybe00:45
mos_basikBiessie: what do you mean by support? do you mean, can you use the gpu at all (probably)? or do you mean, can you dynamically switch between embedded and gpu like it would on windows (unlikely, or it will be tricky)?00:46
lessthan0I disabled some things and installed some things00:46
lessthan0posted a small bug report00:46
lessthan0about the installer00:46
Biessiemos_basik : if i can use the GPU at all00:46
Biessiei dont need it to switch to conserve power00:47
mos_basikBiessie: then yes, it should probably work.00:47
Bashing-omBiessie: That card takes an old 340.107 version driver .. soon to be dropped : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/135161/en-us .00:47
aroonianwyay to keep less than 3 versions of the same app with snap?  it's taking up 2gb w.r.t vlc00:47
BiessieBashing-om : Yea this is an old laptop i am using for linux00:48
Biessiemos_basik : tanks00:48
mos_basikmy geforce gt 540m worked (ancient, probably same vintage)00:48
BiessieOutside of windows 7.. the hybrids didnt work too well00:49
mos_basikyeah.  on my next laptop purchase, i decided to skip the gpu.  not worth the hassle for me.00:49
Biessieit really wasnt00:50
=== Viper is now known as Guest77817
lessthan0I think the biggest problem right now with any distro is having support for 20 years of desktop, server, laptop, IOT hardware in one distro while still keeping the included kernel up to date.00:51
lessthan0just think about that for a minute00:52
mos_basikooof.  should I just make a bug report about this comma in the SSID?  Every time I install a new distro, I have to figure out how to get around it for that distro.  I think I have it figured out once I'm in the system and using wpa_supplicant or networkmanager but if the installer chokes on it, it's rough work around00:53
lessthan0so the natural next step after getting everything installed and running is to uninstall packages. or install minimal and build it back up. pick your poison.00:54
mos_basikis it haram to ask for distro rec's in this channel?00:55
leftyfbmos_basik: it's inappropriate. Try ##linux00:56
mos_basikthanks :)00:56
=== root is now known as Guest10323
lessthan0I guess that nick is registered LOL should have thought of it first00:59
oerheksusing irc as root is silly00:59
lessthan0its just a cool nick. I don't think he actually hmmm is he that much of a noob?01:00
lessthan0I am reading that you don't need to call it root on some versions of linux, you can call it anything01:01
lessthan0so when someone goes looking for it then they can never find it01:02
blackflowit's still uid=001:02
lessthan0so let me ask you then, if someone tries to unobfuscate uid=0 to a login name, if they don't have permissions then they can't get the name they need to login right?01:04
lessthan0like if someone tries to brute force ssh or something and there is no root01:05
lessthan0there is no way to login local or remote from just uid=0 right?01:05
blackflowsorry, I can't parse that.01:06
lessthan0are userland users allowed to see a list of logged in users by default on most systems?01:06
blackflowI think they are, through who(1) command01:08
Luxray5474i still can't get over the fact that I wasted two days of my life because i used 'useradd' instad of 'adduser'01:10
blackflowLuxray5474: how so? adduser is perl "frontend" (so to speak) to useradd, functionally they're the same01:14
striveI heard in the past that adduser should typically be used on Debian-based systems.01:15
Luxray5474yeah but installing UnrealIRCd needs 'adduser' because that installs it in /home/user while 'useradd' installs in /root/01:16
striveuseradd is the lower level utility.01:16
Luxray5474And 'useradd' puts you into a sort of paradoxial situation01:16
Luxray5474because it installs it in root01:16
blackflowinstalls what in root?01:17
blackflowagain, lolwut!01:17
Luxray5474and to access root you have to do 'sudo su' then cd to the root dir01:17
blackflowuseradd is not softare installation utility01:17
FurretUberIs there a way to make the autorun.inf icon and name appear on Xubuntu 18.04?01:17
Luxray5474but you have to make a -separate user- for unrealircd01:17
blackflowyeah, so?01:17
Luxray5474and... doing useradd... makes it install in /root/01:18
FurretUberI have many USB pen-drives and would like it loads the icons and names to differentiate them01:18
blackflowLuxray5474: again, makes it install _what_  in /root?   useradd doesn't install any software01:18
Luxray5474i have to install unrealircd.01:18
Luxray5474now, to install unrealircd, you must do so from source, and make a new user JUST FOR unrealircd01:19
Luxray5474so, that's where useradd and adduser comes in.01:19
Luxray5474adding a user with useradd which is lower level than adduser, will have it install in /root/.01:20
Luxray5474but, using 'adduser' makes it install in /home/user/01:20
blackflowyou're talking nonsense. you can't "install" a "user" into the /root/ directory01:20
Luxray5474ok look01:20
blackfloware you talking about _home_ directory?01:20
Luxray5474When you install unrealircd, it has to install into a directory because it's from source.01:21
Luxray5474everything has to install into a dir01:21
Luxray5474when you make a user with adduser01:21
blackflowright. and useradd is not a tool that installs anything. it creates a system user.01:21
Luxray5474i know.01:22
blackflowso it doesn't install anything under /root/01:22
Luxray5474you make a user with adduser, isntall unrealircd while logged in as the unrealircd user01:22
blackflowthere's nothing to install. a system user is registered in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow01:22
blackflowLuxray5474: sounds like you borked the $HOME env01:23
blackflowbecause you can't install under /root/ when you're "logged in as <not root>"01:23
blackflow(unless you use su or sudo)01:24
Luxray5474_ugh we had a little power surge01:25
Luxray5474_but here let me explain01:25
Luxray5474_blackflow:  as main account, 'sudo adduser unrealircd' > log into unrealircd user > download unrealircd in account > install unrealircd in account > it installs in /home/unrealircd > it has the right file permissions > run unrealircd in account01:28
Luxray5474_You have to run an ircd as NOT ROOT01:28
Luxray5474_when you create the user using useradd, the unrealircd installer will install it into /root/unrealircd which is bad, because to access that location you must 'sudo su' then cd into the dir01:29
Luxray5474_but when you try to run it, it will not let you because you are root01:30
Luxray5474_so you must exit su01:30
Luxray5474_but when you do you get shot back out of /root/01:30
Luxray5474_and you can't do sudo cd01:30
blackflowsudo cd makes no sense01:31
Luxray5474_that's why you can't do 'sudo cd'01:31
blackflowwhat you describe makes no sense. you can't install anything under /root as a non-root user, without su or sudo, in which case, "well duh"01:31
Luxray5474_i forgot to mention that to make the installer actually place the files in /root/unrealircd you must run it wuth sudo01:32
blackflownote that without -l for su, or -i for sudo, the environment is not changed. so if you su from root without -l, $HOME will remain /root, and if for some reason you then again sudo something, then it'll end up in root01:32
Luxray5474_i must admit i never knew that until now01:33
SlothernopolisHi all. Anyone ever deal with "aacraid: Host adapter reset request. SCSI hang ?" with Dell's PERC 3/i Adaptec hardware raid card? According to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=92129 REHL fought this for 18 months back in 2003/4 without a definitive solution.01:35
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 92129 in kernel "(SCSI AACRAID)kernel: aacraid: Host adapter reset request. SCSI hang ?" [High,Closed: currentrelease]01:35
tomreynto me, the definitive solution to undebuggable HW RAID issues is: don't use HW RAID.01:37
tomreynSlothernopolis: which ubuntu release + kernel version are we talking about?01:39
Slothernopolis16.04.4 4.4.0-128-g01:40
tomreynSlothernopolis: try a google trasnlation of this german language article, it contains workarounds: https://www.thomas-krenn.com/de/wiki/Adaptec_Controller_Timeout_Fehler01:41
tomreynif machine translation doesn't help. ask me about the unclear spots, i can help translate it.01:42
Slothernopolistomreyn: The default device timeout is 45 already.01:42
SlothernopolisI tried to increase it to 60 to test, but I wasn't able to actually set it for some reason01:42
tomreynSlothernopolis: how about irq conflicts?01:42
Slothernopolistomreyn That's in interesting angle, but I can't imagine that being the case. I'm working with a Dell PowerEdge 265001:43
SlothernopolisI should also note, that I've seen this across multiple 2650's01:44
tomreynwell just search your logs01:44
tomreynshared IRQ01:44
SlothernopolisNothing found01:45
tomreynalso try a hwe kernel01:45
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack01:45
leftyfbthose 2650's were beasts. As in, power hungry01:46
leftyfband very outdated at this point01:46
SlothernopolisI know :/01:46
SlothernopolisWorking with what I have lol01:46
SlothernopolisAt least they're not running NT4 anymore01:47
leftyfbI have 2 650's sitting right near me which were the same generation. They literally have IDE connectors in them01:47
Slothernopolis..yep.. /wrists01:47
SlothernopolisAnd CD drives01:48
Slothernopolisand floppies.01:48
SlothernopolisOh, and single rank memory only. lol01:48
SlothernopolisJust hang me01:48
tomreynSlothernopolis: this discusses a driver which might work around it http://ask.microsemi.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1720201:49
Slothernopolistomreyn are there any negatives to the hwe kernel?01:49
tomreynSlothernopolis: negatives, as in negative side effects of running a HWE kernel rather than the GA kernel?01:49
tomreynthe above driver is no longer available at its original location, but there is a newer copy, including source code, and a 16.04 directory, here https://storage.microsemi.com/en-us/speed/raid/aac/linux/aacraid_linux_drivers_ppc_v1_2_1-52011_tgz.php01:50
Slothernopolistomreyn I came across that article and was able to successfully install StorMon which gave me all kinds of cool info01:50
SlothernopolisTHATS new tho01:50
SlothernopolisYour googlefu is strong. How'd you come across that?01:51
tomreynstartpage.com search for: aacraid_linux_min_drivers.tgz (without quotes)01:51
Slothernopolistomreyn Yes, negatives to running the HWE kernel versus the GA01:51
tomreynGA kernels are supported (on this very kernel version) for th eentire lifetime of an LTE release. HWE releases have shorter support timespans, meaning you have to update + reboot when they go EOL.01:53
tomreynbut then you probably want to do that occasionally anyways.01:53
tomreynbut that's pretty much it.01:53
Slothernopolistomreyn Thank you. I've never compiled a driver from source before, anything I should know?01:54
tomreynget help from someone who did then ;)01:54
SlothernopolisSo how badly can this go wrong? haha01:55
tomreynchances are this wont apply cleanly to HWE kernels01:55
tomreynit may to the GA one, though, since they included one which did.01:56
tomreynon the other hand the gcc version may be older.01:56
SlothernopolisI was going to try the driver first, but it needs to be recompiled since the link was for PPC01:56
tomreyndoh, indeed01:56
tomreynwell lets hope the source code is x-platform then01:57
Slothernopolismake fails lol01:59
tomreynSlothernopolis: try these https://storage.microsemi.com/en-us/speed/raid/aac/linux/aacraid_linux_drivers_v1_2_1-52011_tgz.php01:59
tomreynhere's the documentation for the kernel in-tree module https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/scsi/aacraid.txt02:02
SlothernopolisClose with that driver, I need a i686 version. That download had x64 and ppc641e02:03
SlothernopolisDell PERC3/di is on that list02:03
tomreynchances are the in-tree one is actually a lot more robust, though, is you look at the commit log https://github.com/torvalds/linux/tree/master/drivers/scsi/aacraid02:04
tomreyni686 lol02:05
SlothernopolisLook, it pains me to ask for help about this haha02:06
SlothernopolisI promise this isn't fun for me lol02:06
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dunnousernamefnHey, so I'm trying to use that file roller or whatever program to extract a .rar I downloaded with some autocad files in it, but when I extract it it says 'parsing filters are unsupported'02:12
=== Guest59947 is now known as MxMax
dunnousernamefnIt extracts one file and the other is 0 bytes02:13
dunnousernamefnI even tried redownloading the file and I get the same problem02:14
MxMaxdunnousernamefn, https://askubuntu.com/questions/801426/parsing-filters-unsupported-error-during-extraction-of-rar-file02:15
dunnousernamefnThat's really weird02:15
dunnousernamefnMaybe it's because I installed ubuntu-desktop over my install02:16
dunnousernamefnIt works great now02:17
Slothernopolis@tomreyn Looks like this adaptec driver is going to be a no go, I found an "unsupported linux" source package but it won't compile easily. Should I just consider the HWE option and see how it goes?02:20
tomreynSlothernopolis: for sure worth a try. you could also replace the hardware. ;)02:25
SlothernopolisI've been lobbying, hopefully next year.02:25
SlothernopolisI have 4 of these, btw lol02:25
tomreynSlothernopolis: maybe replace them by raspis, might be faster. and surely cheaper.02:29
Slothernopolis /walk of shame02:30
qwebirc95584place that lists which vertions are best for different hardware? i have 4 computers that originally came with xp i need to put new OS on02:31
leftyfbqwebirc95584: install ubuntu02:31
qwebirc95584but which one   these are core duo processors02:32
leftyfbqwebirc95584: ubuntu 18.0402:33
leftyfbqwebirc95584: ubuntu.com/download02:33
qwebirc95584they will run the new version?02:33
leftyfbqwebirc95584: did you try?02:33
qwebirc95584no i just thought i would need an old one as these are 10 year old computers02:34
leftyfbqwebirc95584: There's not much benefit from running older versions of ubuntu. Especially when there's really only 3-5 versions that are technically still supported in any manner02:34
George_Hello. Does anyone know anything about the Omap zoom2?02:36
qwebirc95584ok if it wont overload them i will get that one  thanks02:36
Bashing-omqwebirc95584: 2007 build : sysop@x1810:~$ .02:36
tomreynGeorge_: i do. it's a hardware. and this channel is about ubuntu, an OS.02:37
George_@tomreyn I'm trying to get Ubuntu to boot on it.02:37
leftyfbGeorge_: try #ubuntu-arm02:38
sarcasticoAway - sleep.02:40
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ubottuLinephreak: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».03:39
=== shiznix is now known as Guest52838
Biessieleftyfb : I have 18.04 installed now :)04:25
lotuspsychjeBiessie: tnx for the feedback04:29
Biessielotuspsychje : He was helping me earlier so i decided to remove 16.04 and install 18.04. just following back with my success04:30
Biessieim not the best with linux stuff.. just learning04:30
lotuspsychjeBiessie: great idea, thank you and welcome to the ubuntu community04:31
Biessiethank you04:31
Biessiei wish my wifi would automatically connect on re-boot and not have to be manually enabled04:31
lotuspsychjeBiessie: wich wifi chipset do you have?04:32
Gobo708Hi All, just installed Ubuntu 18.04 and I am trying to set up the network on VM to access external content..... I am trying to restart the network manager without a reboot but everything I try is failing.... NetworkManager not fouind04:32
Gobo708Any ideas, how I can restart the network after updating /etc/Netplan/50..........yml04:33
lotuspsychje!netplan | Gobo70804:33
ubottuGobo708: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/04:33
Biessielotuspsychje  - does this make sense? Intel® WiFi Link 1000 Integrated 802.11a/b/g/n04:33
lotuspsychjeBiessie: yes tnx, so on a reboot, it does not enable by default?04:34
Biessieit didnt on the first 2 reboots. but i did a command i found online and didnt test it yet. let me track it down04:34
Gobo708lotuspsychje, you are supposed to use netplan to restart it?04:35
lotuspsychjeBiessie: are you the admin of your system or multiple users, so a keyring is active?04:35
Biessielotuspsychje - im admin. only user its my old laptop04:35
Gobo708<lotuspsychje> !netplan | Gobo708 ................ not sure what this means04:36
lotuspsychjeBiessie: so system is not asking for keyring password right? doesnt block your wifi?04:36
Biessieno its a home router04:36
lotuspsychjeGobo708: im just trying to widen your options mate04:36
Gobo708ok, but I am not sure what you meant04:36
Gobo708with the NOT operator and pipe??04:36
Gobo708all went over my head04:37
lotuspsychjeGobo708: ah the | means a trigger is redirected to only your nick04:37
Gobo708oh, an irc thing04:37
Gobo708and you meant Not netplan...?04:37
Gobo708I can install anything else, because I cant access the internet04:38
lotuspsychjeGobo708: yes, as 18.04 uses netplan, i wanted to share you netplans url...04:38
Biessielotuspsychje : i found a site that told me to add 'nmcli nm wifi on' in /etc/rc.local04:38
Gobo708ahh ok04:38
Gobo708ahhh oh, I see what happened04:38
Gobo708ubottu ...04:39
lessthan0this desktop interface is pretty sweet. I never like the wbar but its less garbage now with all the added features and smaller icons04:39
Gobo708cheers, anyone know how to restart the network?04:39
lessthan0gobo can you be more specific?04:40
lotuspsychjeBiessie: you dont have secureboot to block wifi or so?04:40
Biessiei just did a basic install04:40
lessthan0restart the service or renew an IP from DHCP?04:40
Gobo708trying to pick up new netplan config04:40
lessthan0have you tried rebooting?04:40
Gobo708for another adapter04:40
Biessie18.04 desktop (i really dont use GUI just ssh but it didnt hurt to have GUI)04:40
lessthan0I don't think my mobo supports headless04:41
lotuspsychjeBiessie: perhaps you can consider a new !bug ?04:41
lessthan0so I just plug in an old vga04:41
lessthan0I just had a great idea04:41
Gobo708I really just want to update the netplan config and test it without having to reboot the machine and wait04:41
lessthan0I can stick a resistor in the vga port04:41
Biessielotuspsychje : what does that mean04:41
lotuspsychjelessthan0: please, only ubuntu support here focus04:42
lotuspsychje!bug | Biessie04:42
ubottuBiessie: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.04:42
Biessieoh okay04:42
lotuspsychjeBiessie: can be handy if you problem persist...developers & the community can help solve your bug04:43
Biessieill look into it! ty04:43
lotuspsychjeBiessie: or if you idle here, ill let leftyfb where your at04:45
Biessiei am on a BNC so ill happily idle here04:45
Biessieit will let me know if my name is mentioned04:45
Gobo708netplan apply04:46
picardaHello, anyone can help with Dovecot? Looking to activate (auth require on 587)05:05
mbrigHey guys, weird issue. After compiz crashed on me, ubuntu now logs me off after 15-20 seconds of being logged in. The unity bar and stuff comes up and I can even start programs, but it also sends me back to the login screen05:05
mbrigI'm on 17.1005:05
lotuspsychjembrig: did you install unity on 17.10?05:11
mbriglotuspsychje: Not intentionally? I upgraded to 17.10 so maybe its leftover from that?05:12
lotuspsychjembrig: yeah i think so, consider installing 18.04 clean perhaps?05:13
mbrigEverything was working fine up until the compiz crash today05:13
lotuspsychjembrig: 17.10 and 18.04 doesnt use compiz anymore, xorg or wayland05:13
mbrigI'm not 100% sure it was real compiz, I just got a message that "compiz has stopped unexpectedly" and that's when the trouble started05:14
mbrigIts especially weird because its not the "normal" kind of login loop where it fails immediately05:15
mbrigI assumed a startup program was misbehaving but disabling them all didn't seem to do anything05:15
mbriglol, I updated packages and rebooted a few more times and it fixed itself05:17
mbrigA clean install is probably a good idea but I have so much stuff installed I don't want to deal with the hassle05:18
lotuspsychjembrig: sometimes a clean install can fix alot of stuff, besides you would be on LTS then, long support?05:18
mbrigI'll figure out a way to list all the packages I actually want to reinstall and do it at some point05:19
lotuspsychjembrig: less hassle is taking your current /home to the new 18.04 install05:20
Biessieyea i like to make a /home partition05:20
mbrigwell my /home is already separate05:20
mbrigso that's ok05:20
lotuspsychjembrig: setup will ask you howto05:20
Biessieso 18.04 LTS = lont term support like you stated? what exactly does that mean? they wont be making a new update for a while and just work on the current version for bugs?05:21
lotuspsychjeBiessie: long time support means, stable experience, and yes they keep releasing point releases .105:22
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | Biessie05:22
ubottuBiessie: Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.05:22
lotuspsychjeBiessie: the lts way= more secure way of handle things05:22
Biessieperfect. im on 18.04 now with a fresh install05:23
mbrigLTS = updates for 5 years05:23
mbrigI'm not really concerned about my home drive its just all the development programs and stuff05:24
mbriglike docker and its 1000 addons05:24
Matviyfakeroot debian/rules binary-headers returns "Unknown sequence binary-headers". What am I doing wrong?05:26
Matviytrying to build the ubuntu kernel05:26
lotuspsychjeMatviy: we dont reccomend compiling own kernels, see !mainline05:26
MatviyShould someone delete the wiki then? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel05:27
lotuspsychjeMatviy: no, its not because there's a wiki we reccomend it05:30
lotuspsychjeMatviy: depends on what you want to do really05:31
MatviyI want to follow the instructions on the Ubuntu wiki. But when I get to "fakeroot debian/rules binary-headers binary-generic binary-perarch" i get "Unknown sequence binary-headers"05:32
lotuspsychjeMatviy: perhaps paste your whole output in a hastebin, some one else might see the clue of it?05:35
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ljcis there a way to install ubuntu with 'ubuntu-minimal' metapackage only?05:58
guiverc_tljc, the minimal install currently installs everything, then deletes.   the 'minimal' is really just a list of what to delete..06:00
tsarompyno it isnt06:00
tsarompyuse the netinstall iso06:01
guiverc_tsorry ignore my last - i confused things up - sorry06:01
tsarompyand dont install a desktop image06:01
tsarompyyea i was about to jump in yo ass lulz06:01
ljcno worries06:01
tsarompyubuntu minimal network install06:01
ljcnetinstall or netboot06:01
tsarompyis my favorite way to install ubuntu :P06:01
tsarompyi like to do the minimal install06:02
tsarompythen reboot06:02
tsarompyand install kde06:02
tsarompyhey i DO have a problem actually06:02
tsarompyif anyone wants to help?06:02
ljchttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso ?06:03
ljcwhat's your problem tsarompy ?06:03
tsarompymy wine fonts are retardedly big06:04
tsarompyits also 1am and im getting drunk with my puppy06:04
tsarompyso excuse my rudeness :P06:04
ljcah i don't use wine soz06:05
tsarompymy girlfriend left me alone here and im watching her dog and cat and they are terrorists06:06
tsarompynot ubuntu related but ugh06:06
tsarompyimma go deal with these animals06:06
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Laughing_Godhi I would like to ask anyone favour to download a video from a page(the only video in the page). Sorry to ask out of topic. The url is https://www.i-cio.com/big-thinkers/rita-mcgrath/item/creating-a-business-culture-for-co-creation-and-innovation06:55
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xfceoneRaspberry pi zero I can`t ssh with Ubuntu over usb07:20
pepijndevosI have a chroot in which i bind mount /dev, but inside it I get errors about not being a proper TTY.07:24
pepijndevosI read in some place I have to bind mound /dev/pts, but I thought bind mount was recursive?07:25
EriC^^pepijndevos: sudo mount -B /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts07:25
guiverc_txfceone, do you have openssh-server installed & running on pi?  (it may also need usb to be setup to receive incoming; I've only used ethernet or wifi)07:28
guiverc_txfceone, I note on the doco for ubuntu mate 16.04.2 says openssh-server is installed by default but disabled (https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/)07:29
xfceoneI burned Raspbian07:29
rangemongerwhats the easiest way to confirm iommu is on? (intel / 18.04)07:29
ducassexfceone: rasobian is not supported here, try their channel07:30
xfceoneand make changes in config.txt .. Ubuntu see the pi but I can`t ssh no ip on pi07:30
xfceoneok thanks07:30
guiverc_txfceone, this room supports Ubuntu, not modified-debian (raspbian)07:30
xfceoneI can burn ubuntu image on pi zero?07:31
ducasserangemonger: 'dmesg | grep DMAR'07:31
ducasserangemonger: one of the first lines should say 'DMAR: IOMMU enabled'07:33
guiverc_txfceone, i'm looking, so far I can't see any confirmation (ubuntu appears to support pi 2 & 3 only)07:33
rangemongerducasse: crud, no dice07:35
rangemongerducasse: i know my system can do it, i had it going a few years ago07:35
guiverc_txfceone, i see only negatives (running ubuntu on zero); but this maybe of help (https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/66836/raspberry-pi-zero-and-ubuntu-ethernet-over-usb) but if not you'll have to seek help elsewhere as its a raspbian issue..07:36
rangemongerducasse: nm, i got it, thanks, forgot to set it in grub07:36
xfceoneguiverc_t thanks07:37
anton-z-sDriver for my wifi adapter (RTL8821CE) is not in the kernel. Although it exist in EndlessOS patches and works well. Is the any way i could force it to upstream? Would reporting a bug on launchpad help? It's in the Ubuntu Certified laptop.08:26
lotuspsychjeanton-z-s: wich ubuntu release is this?08:27
anton-z-sboth 16.04 and 18.0408:27
lotuspsychjeanton-z-s: imp currently working on a similar bug, but for eth card not wifi https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/176938608:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769386 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Cable network does not get recognized anymore, wifi works" [Undecided,New]08:28
lotuspsychjeanton-z-s: if its relevant, please subscribe affected08:28
lotuspsychjeanton-z-s: can you recall wich 16.04 iso you downloaded?08:29
lotuspsychjeanton-z-s: i think mine was .1 or .208:29
anton-z-slotuspsychje, thx, but it's unrelated. The problem is that driver for my wifi card is not in the kernel yet08:30
lotuspsychjeanton-z-s: did you check sudo lshw -C network if driver is not loaded?08:30
lotuspsychjeanton-z-s: shows at bottom of the output driver=08:31
tpw_ruleshey so i have ubuntu 16.04.4 for arm running on my odroid xu4. i did an apt update && upgrade and now update-initramfs is hung. Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.122ubuntu8.11) ... update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.14.5-92 is what it has been doing all night08:33
lotuspsychjetpw_rules: try #ubuntu-arm mate08:33
tpw_rulesthis morning i killed dpkg and ran dpkg --configure -a to restart it and it doesn't seem to be doing much better08:34
tpw_ruleslotuspsychje: ah, thank you08:34
Dreamannikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ uname -a08:48
DreamanLinux ubuntu-ivan 4.17.2-041702-generic #201806160433 SMP Sat Jun 16 08:35:37 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:48
lotuspsychjeDreaman: only ubuntu support issues here please08:48
Pipox9sHi! I have an installation that demands that I 'press F to fix' every time the hard disk has an error. I'm trying to skip this interactive part and make it fix and go on booting automatically. So far, it seems that, you can do that by adding the nobootwait option to the /etc/fstab. But I'm not sure whether that will fix it or just skip the mounting which is even worse because it will just stall the bootup with no / mounted. I can't seem to test it myself09:03
Pipox9sbecause I can't trigger that error to see if that would work, so an expert opinion would be very appreciated.09:03
tpw_ruleshow often is your hard disk having an error09:04
EriC^^Pipox9s: is the hard disk healthy?09:05
EriC^^did you try a smart test?09:06
Pipox9snot very often, the system works fine overall, it's just that i don't want it to stall and ask the user anything at bootup and fix everything automatically, if possible.09:06
tpw_ruleshttps://askubuntu.com/a/151742 the answer you're looking for is i think this09:07
tpw_rulesbut you really shouldn't be seeing that screen09:08
Pipox9sEriC^^: will a smart test rule out all such errors? I'm not sure exactly when the users get them, but just an unsafe poweroff isn't enough09:09
purpleunicornubuntu isn't loading up for me09:11
purpleunicornit's been stuck every time i try to open up vb09:11
EriC^^Pipox9s: i'd make a smart test for sure09:12
Pipox9stpw_rules: I've thought about adding that first, but then I thought that it would be better to force an fsck with >/forcefsck and see if that message will appear. It doesn't. Maybe it's because there's no actual errors this time. But if the FSCKFIX option should fix it for me in such situations, I guess that's what I need.09:16
Pipox9sSmart test is fsck -fycc /dev/sdb1 ?09:19
EriC^^no, sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb09:20
EriC^^!smart | Pipo09:20
ubottuPipo: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools09:20
kab0mhey there. Can someone tell me how i can use an emoji picker like “Insert Emoji” on Kubuntu/KDE? tia09:22
Pipox9sOkay, thank you! So, in short, I just need to run the smart test once, then add the FSCKFIX option, and it will work?09:22
EriC^^Pipox9s: run the smart test and look at the results to see if the hard disk is damaged in any way09:22
EriC^^Pipox9s: http://pchelp.site/topics/harddisk-health09:23
Pipox9sThank you!09:24
EriC^^no problem09:24
Pipox9sI have another question. Not sure if I wrote it correctly the first time I asked, but the dialog seems to appear when the mountall.conf script is run, so it just asks "press F to fix, S to skip, I to ignore'. It's not the usual fsck's 'fix y/n' dialog. Will it still work?09:37
Pipox9sNevermind, it seems to be the same thing according to google. Thanks again!09:52
coconutWhat is the most used command line tool for downloading files? wget, curl, rsync?10:08
purpleunicorncan someone tell me what's wrong with ubuntu or vb10:10
Jontacoconut: What do you want to download?10:16
ToaderasCould someone please send me a random PM to test notifications ?10:16
JontaToaderas: You can also test this in a separate channel with your own secondary client10:17
coconutJonta: just a https download of one file on web.10:18
Jontacoconut: wget10:18
Jontamy123: Hi10:18
my123https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/6908 makes me furious, and I have it on Ubuntu 18.04 fully upgraded still10:18
Jontacoconut: With git, look into git clone. If it's actually an entire repo10:18
coconutNo just one file.10:19
my123makes my laptop battery life unusual once I start the GPU even once10:19
my123what should I do? (disabling logind doesn't seem to be an option)10:19
my123I just want it to never grab a handle to /dev/dri/card1 at this point10:20
my123(I use bumblebee)10:25
purpleunicornguess no one's gonna help me with my issue...10:26
Jonta!patience | purpleunicorn10:26
ubottupurpleunicorn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/10:26
blackflowmy123: tried blacklisting all relevant drivers via modprobe? in which case your xorg would use the framebuffer and be very slow...10:28
my123blackflow, yes, there are all the blacklists for nvidia, and bumblebee loads them via optirun when needed10:28
my123the problem is that systemd grabs a handle to the dGPU when that happens10:28
my123so it can't power itself down when I quit the app that uses it10:29
my123so angry10:29
my123(this is on a laptop, I really need to have the dGPU down)10:29
blackflowmy123: I don't know anything about bumblebee or optirun, is there a service you can disable or an application you can uninstall?10:30
blackflow(I mean, I know broadley what they're for, but nothing in detail)10:31
my123root@laptop2:~# sudo lsof -n | grep "/dev/dri/card1"10:31
my123lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs10:31
my123      Output information may be incomplete.10:31
my123systemd       1                   root  398u      CHR              226,1       0t0        579 /dev/dri/card110:31
my123blackflow, oops10:31
my123blackflow, you see the problem?10:32
my123systemd is the only thing blocking the dGPU from going down10:32
my123and as it's PID 1, can't do anything10:33
blackflowmy123: yeah I've read that systemd issue, and I understand why it does it. My question to you is:  1) are you sure that merely holding the fd open keeps the gpu active and wasting power?      2) is there a service you can disable so the drivers are never loaded?10:33
blackflowsystemd won't load up the driver. if you modprobe blacklisted it, and you say optirun loads it up anyway, is there a service you can stop/disable to prevent that additional loading of the driver?10:34
my123blackflow, for 1, it's yes10:34
blackflowno driver = no /dev/dri/...10:34
my123for 2, the whole point of bumblebee is loading/unloading it at will when I want to run GPU-heavy apps10:34
my123blackflow, https://filebin.net/mgefl75l0ii9m9zw/Screenshot_from_2018-06-24_12-33-43.png?t=npnps9gu10:35
my123that single ref is what prevents me from using power management properly...10:36
blackflowmy123: so you have to figure out what loads the driver and disable it that way somehow. I really don't see what else you could do. Also, you're using gnome AND virtualization (and for some reason irc from windows in virt, but that's another question :))  ) --- you're gonna hve hard time what that running without a gpu. gnome is almost an unusable hog wihtout a gpu.10:37
blackflow*with that10:38
mr_louI have this: myvariable=$(date -d "$d" +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')10:40
mr_louHow do I add 1 hour to the date I get from that?10:40
mr_louI've tried all sorts of +1 hour +60min +3600 and whatnot, as found in google searches. Nothing works.10:40
my123blackflow, I have an Intel GPU anyway https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qt9gRgFwcp/10:41
blackflowmr_lou: well, with python you could use timedelta10:41
coconutWhat kind of partition layout is on an usb thumb drive when i buy one? Or is there no default one?10:41
nativelinuxappmr_lou: I would ask in #bash10:41
EriC^^coconut: usually a msdos partition table with 1 fat32 partition10:42
mr_lounativelinuxapp, Right, thanks.10:42
coconutty EriC^^10:42
blackflowmy123: ah I see now. So you run optirun manually.... is there  a service that loads up the nvidia driver, even though modprobe has it blacklisted?10:43
my123blackflow, yes, and the window at the left is it running in debug modee10:43
my123it's in charge of bringing the GPU down by unloading the drivers and then using power management, but it can't do that because of the single systemd handle on the dGPU10:44
luxiowhat's the difference between xubuntu and installing xfce on ubuntu?10:45
my123(what's supposed to happen: optirun asks the service to start the dGPU, and then the dGPU is brought down by the service when optirun exits)10:45
blackflowmy123: ah so, it's not that you don't want it used EVER, you want it to go away completely when you stop using it, and that systemd bug prevents it. Well, I don't know what you can do short of fixing systemd.10:46
my123blackflow, and that's the problem :) it's a known bug since a while, and the systemd folks made a patch that didn't fix the issue10:48
nativelinuxappluxio: xubuntu comes with a custom xfce configuration (theme, panel layout,..) and different default applications10:48
nativelinuxappluxio: however, you can install the xubuntu-desktop package on ubuntu to get almost the same result10:49
my123seems that systemd 238 has a fix, and that I might have to build from source though10:52
blackflowmy123: if you can identify which patch exactly fixes it, you could file a bug for ubuntu or, even better, have a patched src deb for it locally? it's a bit of a pain to keep that maintaining (you'll have to rebuild every time the package updates), but at least it'll fix it for ya10:54
cg_hello Drone10:54
purpleunicornim still waiting to be helped and i dont think my issue is that difficult to grasp or fix. I'm sure if you can fix other people's issues with ubuntu you can fix mine.10:58
nordois it possible to enable autoscrolling in Ubuntu, not just in firefox10:59
blackflowpurpleunicorn: what was the issue, again?10:59
purpleunicornblackflow: my ubuntu startup is frozen and won't load to the login screen.11:00
purpleunicorn^ that's the log11:00
blackflowthat's Ubuntu in VirtualBox?11:00
nordoyeah it seems that he is running Ubuntu as guest os11:01
purpleunicorni am11:01
nordoi think you should go to vbox channel, since they know more about these problems11:02
nordoum im getting this error: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:02
blackflowpurpleunicorn: yeah, maybe ask there. there have been a few reports here about vgpu issues in virtualbox without any solution. you could check if that's the case by switching to another tty and checking /var/log/Xorg.0.log  whether it has issues loading the vboxvideo driver.11:04
blackflownordo: yeah. are you? :)11:04
purpleunicorni already asked vbox channel, no one's answered me yet11:05
purpleunicornmaybe their all sleeping or at work11:05
nordoi dont know if im root, whats root anyways? i dont know much in ubuntu11:05
blackflowpurpleunicorn: right, so, perhaps meanwhile check if it's the vboxvideo issue reported by xorg11:06
nordoi've got 1 user only, which i created when installing ubuntu11:06
purpleunicornnordo: idk what you're referring to11:06
blackflownordo: did you run the apt command with sudo?11:06
purpleunicornblackflow: how do i check that11:06
nordoOH WAIT11:06
nordolol i forgot, sorry :)11:06
purpleunicornblackflow: im not too familiar with ubuntu yet11:06
nordoyeah me too, im not familiar with linux11:07
purpleunicornso what do you use nordo11:07
blackflowpurpleunicorn: well, on baremetal you could hit ctrl+alt+F2 (for example F2) keys to switch tty  (to another terminal, in this case the non-gui one). then, you log in regularly, and run  `cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999`   which will paste your xorg log to the termbin.com pastebin. you'll get an URL, so please post that URL here11:08
blackflowpurpleunicorn: now, I don't know how to inject ctrl+alt+F2  into a virtualbox VM,  so that part you'll have to figure out yourself.11:09
purpleunicorncan't i just type it out11:09
blackflowpurpleunicorn: you could try. I don't know if ctrl+alt+Fx has any special meaning on the mac11:10
blackflow(it being unix and all)11:10
purpleunicornblackflow: does this mean i have to turn off the f keys11:10
blackflowagain, I don't know. that part you'll have to figure out. I don't use virtualbox, I don't use a mac, so I can't help with that part of the problem.11:11
purpleunicorni mean so the symbols on the keys don't work but instead the f keys work as regular keys11:11
nordopurpleeunicorn: when you hotkey, virtualbox will ask you if you want to enable hotkeys in guest os11:11
purpleunicornoh okay11:13
=== coolchris is now known as Guest40188
purpleunicornwhat do i do if i can't remember my ubuntu password11:19
blackflowyou cry? :)11:20
purpleunicorndude i wrote it down but it says its wrong smh11:20
blackflowpurpleunicorn: does it contain Z or Y (lowercase or uppercase, doesn't matter)11:20
blackflowtry swapping them. could be keymap issue, qwertz vs qwerty11:21
purpleunicornits definitely not that11:22
purpleunicornif i did that then the spelling of the words i wrote would be wrong11:22
purpleunicorni honestly think its a different password but apparently that's wrong too11:22
coconutIs there any way to _exactly_ dd an usb disk with all partitions on it?11:22
tomreyn!recovery | purpleunicorn11:22
ubottupurpleunicorn: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode11:22
tomreynpurpleunicorn: you can login as root without password there, unless you set a root password.11:23
purpleunicornis there a way i can reset my password while in that mode11:23
coconutI mean the whole disk with all partitions. (some real small)11:23
lui89coconut: do you want to copy a disk into another ?11:24
tomreynpurpleunicorn: just start a root shell (its an option on the menu showing then) and run "passwd username" where username is your standard username.11:24
blackflowpurpleunicorn: and while at it, try pastebin-ing that xorg.log11:25
coconutlui89 no just /dev/null it11:26
coconutand then put ubuntu iso on it later11:27
lui89coconut: so you want to delete everything safely ?11:27
lui89coconut: you sould read this:11:27
lui89coconut: wait11:27
coconutbrb (tea)11:28
tomreynthe summary is: you can never be sure that everything was deleted in an unrecoverable way. but maybe that's not your goal.11:29
* tomreyn brb (tea)11:30
lui89they should just dd the iso11:30
blackflowor cp11:31
lui89or dd urandom in it then the iso.11:31
purpleunicorntomreyn: im at the recovery menu and have no clue what to do. i used the instructions you sent but im at a dead end11:32
purpleunicornit says press enter for maintenance. i did that and nothing is happening11:33
blackflowpurpleunicorn: via "Drop to root shell prompt" option in the recovery menu?11:34
deskwizardHowdy ! :)11:35
purpleunicornhi deskwizard11:35
purpleunicorni wanna be a wizard too11:35
tomreynpurpleunicorn: so you're on the root shell?11:35
deskwizardpurpleunicorn: not this morning you don't ... lol11:35
blackflowpurpleunicorn: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword11:35
tomreynjust type "passwd username" where username is your standard username.11:36
uboadeja-dup keeps thinking it's making the first backup even tho it makes files :V using ssh as location...11:36
uboalike it always gives me the "require password?" dialog11:36
purpleunicornthank you blackflow and tomreyn11:37
tomreyndeskwizard: actually i forgot an important step, which blackflow's link ppoints out.11:37
tomreyn"mount -o rw,remount /"11:37
tomreyn...needs to be done before you can "passwd username"11:37
coconutlui89: it is not to securely remove data really; it is to make my usb thumb drive to actually work again... (i am in this loop: 1. fix the flash drive table with dd, 2. partition it with guid table and fat32 partition, 3. put ubuntu iso on it with etcher, 4. end result with total different partitions+table type on it).11:39
deskwizardtomreyn: I'm guessing that was actually for purpleunicorn11:40
deskwizardI just came back hoping for an answer for my question, then realized I haven't asked yet :P11:41
blackflowdeskwizard: obvious solution: moar coffee.11:42
deskwizardblackflow: exactly what I went to fetch :P11:42
deskwizardto make a long story short, I'm trying to get pm-utils to run a script on wakeup on 16.04, but I must be missing something obvious again 'cause it's not happening :P that's what I'm testing with atm, for the sake of seeing something happen hehe https://pastebin.com/pUBdQEuf11:42
BluesKajHiyas all11:43
deskwizardfor a bit of context, I need to run a intel-panel-fitter command, I didn't used sleep on that machine until now, so just running the command at boot did it, but I need to run it when waking up as well11:43
blackflowdeskwizard: you've got systemd there, and could use its targets with a unit file.11:43
deskwizardmkay, I'll look into that, ty11:44
blackflowdeskwizard: quick googling found this for example: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/124212/writing-a-systemd-service-to-be-executed-at-resume11:44
deskwizardblackflow: wonderful :) thanks11:45
lui89coconut: ok i can't help with that but i found this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Securely_wipe_disk11:46
tomreyndeskwizard: indeed, sorry11:46
deskwizardtomreyn: hehhehe no worries :)11:46
purpleunicornYES! It worked11:48
purpleunicornthanks guys11:48
blackflowpurpleunicorn: that's the password reset you fixed, not teh GUI/GPU issue, right?11:49
purpleunicorni had a screen flickering issue too when using ubuntu but it's again after using recovery mode11:49
purpleunicornbut i'll fix that too11:49
blackflowthat xorg log would very helpful to get started.11:49
blackflow*would be11:49
purpleunicorni probably have to scroll up because i dont remember what you wanted me to do11:50
lui89does xfce qt based ?11:50
coconutthank you lui89 :D11:50
blackflowpurpleunicorn: when regular boot fails to reach the login screen, ctrl+alt+F2 to change the tty to tty2, login there, and run   `cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999`  and paste here the URL you get back.11:52
my123blackflow, so Wayland works11:52
beeperdeeper089Is discussion of Ubuntu server allowed here?11:52
my123the workaround is using Wayland instead of X1111:53
blackflowpurpleunicorn: make sure the VM is grabbing your entire keyboard when you ctrl+alt+f2, I don't know how that would affect your host (osx)11:53
blackflowmy123: but... nvidia doesn't work with wayland. does it?11:53
my123blackflow, optirun apps run over X11, with XWayland11:53
blackflowI see.11:54
purpleunicornit froze again11:54
purpleunicornim frozen at the ubuntu logo screen11:54
blackflowI'm not quite sure how that fixes it, though. the device would still be there and according to that ticket, gdm would still push it to pid1....11:55
blackflowpurpleunicorn: alright, do this then. reboot it, and when the grub menu appears (might need to hold the shift key while it's booting to get to it),   hit 'e' key to enter the grub selection edit mode. then use the arrow keys to reach the line with 'vmlinuz', and remove words 'quiet' and 'splash' from it, then hit F10 to continue booting.11:56
blackflowpurpleunicorn: when it freezes again, take the screenshot of that VM window and post it to, say, imgur, paste the link here.11:56
my123is ZFS fully supported for Ubuntu?12:00
blackflowmy123: define "fully"?12:01
blackflowmy123: I mean, the module is part of the kernel package (you just need to install zfsutils-linux for userland). it's at version 0.7.5 + bugfixes. initramfs supports ZFS root.12:02
purpleunicornidk if you might use this for future reference but f10 doesn't work. ctrl -x does12:05
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justchatHey guys! What's cooking this morning?12:11
uboawait you bake bread12:12
justchatBread or muffin, LOL12:13
my123blackflow, is it fine if I manually installed zfs-dkms anyway?12:13
my123(on 18.04)12:13
purpleunicornblackflow: i dont know what key to use besides the f212:13
purpleunicornits not recognizing ctrl+alt+f212:14
blackflowpurpleunicorn: try without ctrl12:15
purpleunicornblackflow: it didnt work12:17
purpleunicornlet me turn off the key and see what hapens12:17
purpleunicorngot it12:18
purpleunicornit said tty2 and login and then it disappeared12:19
justchatHey guys!  Any thoughts  on Ubuntu 16.04 vs 18.0412:19
purpleunicornso am i using tty2 now blackflow12:19
blackflowpurpleunicorn: now cat that log file to termbin :)12:20
compdoc18.04 is nice, a little different, and its the future12:20
justchatSo, you think it's worth the upgrade12:21
compdocyou will have to eventually12:21
justchatAny idea how long is the upgrade process and the amount of data required?12:22
purpleunicornblackflow: termbin.com/723412:22
purpleunicornblackflow: for some reason i dont have any of the things i downloaded on there even though i did before :( it just went poof. I had downlaoded hexchat and a couple of other things and its not there at all12:24
blackflowpurpleunicorn: "there"?   also, can you do the same but for output of `journalctl -n -p err` ? pastebin it, I mean12:25
purpleunicornon ubuntu12:26
blackflowpurpleunicorn: `journalctl -n -p err | nc termbin.com 9999`12:27
blackflowpurpleunicorn: not sure I understand what you mean with hexchat and other things going "poof".12:28
purpleunicornblackflow: im trying to say that i had it downloaded on ubuntu and its not there anymore. It's like I made a new account but didnt.12:29
blackflowpurpleunicorn: hmm, not sure what's going on there, then. the xorg log states that it couldn't use the vboxvideo driver so it fell back to VESA. I don't know if gnome can work with that, but it didn't log any errors, at least not through the journal.12:30
purpleunicornblackflow: What is VESA12:30
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x12:31
purpleunicornblackflow: so what should i do to fix this12:31
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:31
purpleunicornsomeone fixed the screen flickering for me last time but i dont remember how he did it12:32
blackflowpurpleunicorn: gnome requires accelerated OpenGL. now, whether OpenGL can work with VESA through software rendering, I don't know that much. There definitely is some issue if you're not reaching the GUI.12:32
blackflowpurpleunicorn: do you have virtualbox guest additions instlaled?     dpkg -l | grep -i virtual | nc termbin.com 999912:33
purpleunicornlet me see12:33
blackflowpurpleunicorn: also did this work fine before? was there an update after which poof, no more GUI?12:34
purpleunicornare their any spaces in dpkg12:35
purpleunicornyeah it worked fine for a while12:36
blackflowpurpleunicorn: spaces?12:36
purpleunicorn nvm12:36
purpleunicorn blackflow termbin.com/92mp12:38
talxyou could use history | grep12:38
talxto check for the command12:38
purpleunicorni got it anyway12:38
purpleunicornthanks talx12:38
purpleunicornhi stevent12:38
steventhi purpleinucorn12:39
purpleunicornmaybe i should forget about vbox and put ubuntu on a flash drive12:39
purpleunicornvbox is causing too many problems12:39
blackflowpurpleunicorn: yeah no virtualbox additions as packages there. but xorg knows about it, so they're probably installed manually. do you remembre doing thta? mounting the ISO and running something off of it?12:39
blackflowpurpleunicorn: well if you can run it natively, then by all means do so. you probably won't need anything other than ubuntu :)12:40
purpleunicornwould it work if i put it on a 8gb flash drive12:40
purpleunicornor is it too small12:40
blackflowpurpleunicorn: oh well, just try running that same process again. if the kernel updated, you had to rebuild the virtualbox guest kernel modules, like vboxvideo12:41
steventhow are you today ?12:41
blackflowpurpleunicorn: I'd give it at least 20G12:41
purpleunicornfor some reason it just turned off by itself blackflow12:41
purpleunicornoh god12:41
blackflowbut first try rebuilding the guest additions12:41
purpleunicornhow do i do that12:41
blackflowpurpleunicorn: that's screensave. hit a key12:41
purpleunicornhow do i rebuild the guest additions blackflow12:42
blackflowpurpleunicorn: do you have an option in your VM window menu, something about mounting the guest additions ISO?12:43
purpleunicornblackflow: is it insert guest additions cd image12:46
blackflowpurpleunicorn: before you do that, which ubuntu is that, what kernel are you running?      lsb_release -r && uname -r12:46
blackflowpurpleunicorn: yes I think it's that12:46
purpleunicornblackflow: 18.0412:47
purpleunicorn4.15.0-23-generic release12:47
blackflowpurpleunicorn: okay. so once the ISO is inserted,   run    `sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt`    then `cd /mnt`    there should be VBoxLinuxAdditions.run there12:48
afrgI want to install Ubuntu for my phone.12:48
purpleunicornblackflow: so insert guest additions cd image is highlighted, should i click okay?12:49
blackflowpurpleunicorn: now here's the part where I have to warn you, I know there are packages for it on Bionic, but you're not using them apparently, and you say you remember running the guest additions manully before, so it only makes sense to try that again.12:49
blackflowpurpleunicorn: yes, insert the cd image into the VM12:49
blackflowpurpleunicorn: checked that VBoxLinuxAdditions.run is there?12:51
purpleunicorni typed in the first part you said12:51
purpleunicornblackflow: am i supposed type cd/mnt separately12:51
tomreynafrg: there's #ubuntu-phone IIRC - but this is no longer upported by canonical.12:52
tomreyn*supported (financially)12:52
blackflowpurpleunicorn: I've put the commands in `backticks` so that you can see they're individual commands12:52
purpleunicornoh ok12:53
blackflowpurpleunicorn: after cd-ing, run   `ls`   to check if the file is there12:53
purpleunicornblackflow: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/gw1RjPMy/Screen%20Shot%202018-06-24%20at%208.54.40%20AM.png12:55
blackflowpurpleunicorn: uh... wait. you do have the gui?12:55
purpleunicorn i do12:55
blackflownow you've completely lost me.12:56
purpleunicornsmh im sorry12:56
blackflow"13:54 < purpleunicorn> im frozen at the ubuntu logo screen"    <-- this is the problem I though we were solving....12:56
blackflowI also asked you if that "yay" from before was about password or GUI, you said it was about password.12:57
purpleunicornme too12:57
purpleunicornit was12:57
blackflowso then you can boot and log in normally?12:57
deskwizardblackflow: I took the easy way out for the moment since I needed to get that thing up quickly, but I'll look into the services in more details, it would probably a nice way of not having crap everywhere.... hehe Thanks a lot! :)12:58
blackflowdeskwizard: yw12:58
purpleunicornit still freezes12:59
steventpurpleunicorn : which country do you come from ?12:59
blackflowpurpleunicorn: blame it on virtualbox then.12:59
purpleunicorni will12:59
purpleunicornfuck vbox12:59
purpleunicornim getting a 32gb flash drive and calling it a day13:00
purpleunicorni'll just put ubuntu on there13:00
purpleunicornstevent: why do you ask?13:00
blackflowmake sure it's really usb3.x thingy, otherwise that will be unusably slow.13:00
purpleunicornblackflow: i really wanted to solve this problem, which is why i haven't slept yet and its 9 am....anyway fuck vbox13:01
purpleunicornyeah i know.13:01
purpleunicornthanks for trying though13:01
steventpurpleunicorn: want to get acquainted hehe..13:01
blackflowpurpleunicorn: if you want you can continue re-isntalling guest additions. if you're sure you did it before. like I said, there are packages for Bionic, but I have zero experience with those. bulding from the vbox ISO is the way I did it in the past and that always worked.13:03
blackflowalso, 4.16 kernel is supposedly having the drivers mainlined, so that will change things in the future.13:04
purpleunicornoh okay13:05
purpleunicornthanks for letting me know. I don't remember how to do it. But i'll probably watch another installation video again later13:05
blackflowpurpleunicorn: technically all you need is   `sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run`  . That'all take some time as it compiles and installs the drivers. Then you reboot the VM, and it should work automagickally with no further config required.13:06
blackflow(after you've cd'd into /mnt, after attaching the cdrom image)13:06
purpleunicornyeah but im going to put it in a flash drive none of this stuff matters right?13:06
blackflowsure, but you could try this to see if that fixes the freezes.13:07
purpleunicorni'll give it one last shot13:07
purpleunicornshould i use tty2 again13:08
purpleunicornblackflow: or does it not matter13:08
blackflownot needed. that tty2 thing was when regular boot freezes and doesn't reach the GUI13:08
blackflow(which is at tty1 if I'm not mistaken)13:09
purpleunicornOkay idk what just happened but i think i have two accounts or something. I opened vm and ubuntu showed a different username...now its back to the original13:10
purpleunicornim so confused13:10
blackflowthe plot thickens.13:12
purpleunicornwhat does swap header found mean13:13
purpleunicornblackflow: it says /VBoxLinuxAdditions.run: no such file or directory13:15
blackflowpurpleunicorn: missed that dot before /  ?13:16
blackflowah could be cwd... just `sudo -i`  to root, then `cd /mnt` and  `./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run`13:16
purpleunicornI put that in last time and it said no command or directory13:17
blackflowthat ISO is still mounted?  `ls /mnt` shows the files?13:17
purpleunicornblackflow: I’m gonna go to bed. I’ve been up too long. If you are here 8-12am EST later we will continue13:18
purpleunicornI’m sorry13:19
purpleunicornIf I took too much of your time13:19
blackflowpurpleunicorn: nah, it's okay.13:22
purpleunicornblackflow: ok13:34
gigirocki have strange icon on the mozilla thunderbird inbox view13:45
LoopAtHomehello anyone here13:58
cfhowlett!ask | LoopAtHome13:58
ubottuLoopAtHome: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:58
LoopAtHomedo anyone know about kernals14:01
BluesKajodd how new users don't check the chat nicklist14:01
LoopAtHomewhat bro?14:01
LoopAtHomeDo you know about Kernals?14:01
cfhowlettBluesKaj, that's a pretty high expectation, yes?  :)14:01
cfhowlettLoopAtHome, this is a support channel. for support, ask your support questions.14:02
BluesKajcfhowlett, I suppose :-)14:02
Battlehey all, im having an issue with getting apache2 to recognise virtualhosts. I've created 2 virtualhosts, and, and both all default to one of the virtual hosts... lol14:02
LoopAtHomecan we modify kernals , if yes then how , i am only askinbg starting generals steps ,14:03
cfhowlett!kernel | LoopAtHome14:03
ubottuLoopAtHome: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)14:03
Battleif I also create subdomain.example.com virualhost, it still defaults to exmaple.com's virtualhost. and so does the entirely seperate domain14:04
con3hmm..I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I have pgadmin that I want to remotely link to a digital ocean droplet running ubuntu with postgresql, any here that might be able to help?14:08
BattleHere's my virtualhost's config, all of them. https://pastebin.com/DyapZSVP They're all listed in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/, and ALL of them default to VirtualHost 1 I have no idea if that's just coincidence or not though.14:08
Biessielol i used 'sudo apt-get install vsftpd' and its downloading a bunch of .exe files14:08
BattleIn my main apache2 config, i have a line that is including the virtualhosts folder. so they're being taken into account, just not acted upon... =\14:09
BattleIncludeOptional sites-enabled/*.conf to be exact14:09
abb4shey every body , i have a program with a  dependencies on ubuntu 14 : libmysqlclient-dev=5.5.60-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 and i want to have this package by this version on ubuntu 16 , what should i do ?14:15
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Kaylashi all14:48
AngelKdehi Kaylas14:49
Kaylasi've trying to install the ubuntu 18.04 on very old pc.. without any flag "installation loading" stucks14:49
lotuspsychjeKaylas: at wich point exactly?14:50
Kaylaswith "nomodeset" and/or "xforcevesa" the installation load but when prompt the gui is full resized and "pink"14:50
Kaylaslotuspsychje stucks before load the installation gui14:50
lotuspsychjeKaylas: any way you can see text booting F1 to see where it stucks?14:51
Kaylaslotuspsychje kk lemme try14:52
sarcasticoback - sleep. - 12h 12m e 3s14:52
coconutAnyone here knows a great source for "Calculating blocks to wipe an usb disk manually"?14:53
lotuspsychjeKaylas: also if your hardware is pretty old, consider a lubuntu/xubuntu iso?14:53
coconutI read a wiki link somewhere, but i do not undestand the calculation much14:53
Kaylaslotuspsychje i've upgrade the ram to 2Gb and trying to install ubuntu mate14:54
AngelKdeKaylas,  your hardware is pretty old, consider  for my xubuntu14:54
cfhowlettor lubuntu14:54
lotuspsychjeKaylas: is this mate right now that freezes on you?14:54
blackflowcoconut: what calculation?14:54
coconutblackflow -> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Securely_wipe_disk#Calculate_blocks_to_wipe_manually14:55
blackflowcoconut: uh that's only if you want to erase only some _part_ of it. is that what you want?14:55
blackflowI thought you wanted to wipe the entire USB thingy14:56
coconutno, i want to wipe all 100% of all bytes14:56
Kaylaslotuspsychje now i'm trying with "f1"14:56
lotuspsychjecoconut: is it zero the usb you want?14:56
blackflowcoconut: assuming that's /dev/sdc,   just run   dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=128k    and wait until it's done14:56
Kaylasbut is very slow to load, i'm waiting to load up14:56
blackflowcoconut: just make sure it's correct device (sdc in the above example)14:57
lotuspsychjeKaylas: normally at purple loading screen, you can F1 to see text14:57
coconutblackflow: do i understand correctly that when i do not give an "count=x", that all bytes are done?14:58
blackflowcoconut: yes, it'll reach the end and then error out with "no space left" or something14:58
coconutlotuspsychje: yes, zero or something else, as long as the data, table and partitions go.14:58
coconutok, so it will work then. thank you :D14:59
Kaylaslotuspsychje with f1 don't show anything15:00
Kaylasnow without any boot flag show the black screen15:00
blackflowcoconut: btw,  that bs=128k is just a random block size I found optimal. not too small and not to large, hurting desktop latency.15:01
lotuspsychjeKaylas: what kind of system is this exactly?15:02
Kaylaslotuspsychje ubuntu 18.04 mate i38615:03
lotuspsychjeKaylas: i mean the hardware, cpu, laptop/desktop brand?15:03
Kaylaslotuspsychje MB: asus a7n9x-x, CPU: amd (don't remember the exact model), desktop, VGA: ati radeon 920015:07
coconutoh, only /dev/zero works. I see your question now...15:08
blackflowcoconut: you know, that you mention this.... I'm not sure about the _last_ block, I don't think dd will do it partially. so perhaps run again and drop bs. I _think_ it's 4k by default? but then it depends what the sector size on the usb thing is.15:09
lotuspsychjeKaylas: try a lubuntu or xubuntu iso, see what it does there as a test15:09
KAOSr u trying to burn ubuntu iso15:09
lotuspsychje!who KAOS15:10
lotuspsychje!who | KAOS15:10
ubottuKAOS: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:10
KAOS:lotuspsychje what does !who do15:12
Biessienah man but i just changed my ssh port to 522 if you need to use it. my speeds are pretty slow though ;) - http://www.speedtest.net/result/7418805778.png15:12
MiraKooloHi, can I have a little question, is it still possible to install Ubuntu from windows via some exe?15:12
lotuspsychje!wubi | MiraKoolo15:13
ubottuMiraKoolo: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and Windows, and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.15:13
MiraKooloThanks, mate15:13
KAOSMiraKoolo: You can use rufus to burn an iso15:13
MiraKooloSo the better option is to plug USB15:13
Kaylaslotuspsychje i can't burn other isos, i don't have the dvd here, do you have any other tips to debug that?15:13
MiraKooloI just dont want to loose my Windows 1015:13
BiessieMiraKoolo : i have ubuntu 18.04 desktop on a cd i burned last night15:13
Biessieif you're int he states i can fedex it tomorrow next day air15:13
MiraKooloHow do I check that dual boot is possible on my pc?15:13
KAOSMiraKoolo: It is usually possible on everything15:14
MiraKooloI heard there are some problems with Win 10 and Linux on the ame PC15:14
MiraKooloor used to be15:14
EriC^^MiraKoolo: not many problems no15:14
lotuspsychje!uefi | MiraKoolo start here15:14
ubottuMiraKoolo start here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:14
BiessieMiraKoolo : i had 16.04 and have 18.04 with win 10 on the same pc. just have to partition the hdd15:14
striveMiraKoolo: Just go for it :)15:14
FurretUberHow do I make the USB pendrive icon and label be shown? It has a autorun.inf specifying the icon and the label15:14
DJonesKAOS: !who is a command to the channel info bot, when directed to somebody, it gives useful info about how to use the channel15:14
kierrinFriends,I got a problem. My Chinese input method  can't be used in some software ,such as icq.15:16
coconutblackflow: well it's interesting you say, seeing it has partitions like 4.1 KB size.15:16
striveicq still a thing?15:16
lotuspsychjestrive: this is the ubuntu support channel15:16
striveI'm quite aware. Just shocked.15:17
lotuspsychjestrive: ubuntu has multiprotocol chat packages, that might support icq15:18
coconutblackflow: do you also happen to know how long such dd operation takes? (for an usb 2.0 with 32GB)15:19
blackflowcoconut: you can find sector size with a tool like fdisk (fdisk -l /dev/...) but chances are then it's 512b. So to be more sure you've covered all sectors, use bs=512  (which according to the manpage, is default)15:19
blackflowcoconut: quite some time15:20
blackflowlonger the smaller block size you used15:20
blackflowcoconut: you can use dd with pv to watch the rate and progress15:21
lotuspsychje!info pidgin | strive for example15:21
ubottustrive for example: pidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.12.0-1ubuntu4 (bionic), package size 525 kB, installed size 1959 kB15:21
KAOScoconut: if you are on windows, rufus is pretty fast compared to other tools. It takes about 5-10 mins to burn a ubuntu iso.15:22
KAOSDJones: Thx15:23
coconutKAOS: thanks, i use etcher though. (but i might give that a try)15:23
Kaylaslotuspsychje with F1 on pink screen it don't show anything15:23
coconut(i do have heard about it...)15:24
lotuspsychjeKaylas: yeah i saw your answer the first time, and replyed try a xubuntu or lubuntu iso?15:24
Kaylaslotuspsychje i can't, i've only ubuntu dvd available15:25
lotuspsychjeKaylas: dvd player or writer?15:25
Kaylasno i've only this dvd available for now, i can't burn anything15:26
lotuspsychjeKaylas: there is a grub way to load iso's at boot if you like?15:26
Kaylasnope this pc doesn't have anything, no partition..15:26
lotuspsychjeKaylas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot15:27
Kaylasnow i've tried with this flags "all_generic_ide pci=nommconf ide=nodma acpi=off nodmraid nomodeset edd=on xforcevesa noveau.modeset=0"15:27
Kaylasnow the installer is full resized in 200px (full pink)15:28
lotuspsychjeKaylas: how about F6 before setup, does that work?15:28
Kaylaslotuspsychje yep this screen work without any issues15:29
lotuspsychjeKaylas: no i mean F6 to get you into pre-setup boot options15:30
Kaylasyep i've press F6 -> install mate and insert the boot options after "---"15:31
Kaylasthen enter15:31
Kaylas(sorry for my english)15:31
lotuspsychjeKaylas: you can see this? https://i.stack.imgur.com/X6dvz.png then setup gives you black screen?15:32
Kaylaslotuspsychje yep i see these screen15:33
lotuspsychjeKaylas: ok, have you tryed 'try ubuntu' instead of install ubuntu?15:34
Kaylasok lemme try15:34
sin_dyi'm confused15:34
lotuspsychjesin_dy: how can we help you?15:34
Kaylaslotuspsychje "try ubuntu mate without install" end with -> "kernel panic - not syncing: stack-protector: kernel stack"15:45
Kaylasand before "SQUASHFS error: error: unable to read page block.."15:46
lotuspsychjeKaylas: yeah i had that error on an older system on kernel 4.15 aswell15:46
lotuspsychjeKaylas: try a xubuntu or lubuntu15:47
Kaylasoh ok15:47
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saymynamehi everyone16:12
saymynameDo you guys discuss something? Or just sit in silence? =)16:14
leftyfb!ask | saymyname16:17
ubottusaymyname: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:17
CookieMthere are no support questions right now, so yes, there is silence16:17
dunnousernamefnOn ARM devices, can I use a UART as a serial port and use that as a terminal16:22
dunnousernamefnSo it's literally a serial terminal, if that's how that stuff worked16:23
dunnousernamefnOh, wrong IRC16:23
ovidnishi, i'm having some issues with suspending my laptop. it usually works just fine, but sometimes the Battery-Power-LED stays on and no button will wake the laptop. I have to power down and up to start using it again16:25
rk3yhi community, super simple question: why is my crontab command not working? /usr/bin/pgrep -f /home/pi/pyHS100/watch_waschmaschine_dog.py || /usr/bin/tmux new -d -s washdog-session '/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/pyHS100/watch_waschmaschine_dog.py'16:37
rk3yevrery secon * * * * * (missing above)16:38
rk3yin command line it works perfect16:38
blackflowrk3y: care to rephrase? and what does watch_washmachine_dog do :))16:40
rk3ysorry I was in rush mode :)16:40
rk3yI want to execute a script via crondaemon that is watching if a python script is executed already. If if is executed, than it does nothing. If not it will pipe the command to start the python script (watch washmachine) in a separate tmux session.16:42
rk3yfor test purpose I created the command and tried it in bash shell and it works: executes the python script in separate tmux session16:42
blackflowrk3y: for starters, put all that in a shell script, don't do all that logic in the crontab, and then only call that single script from the crontab.   now, what's the crontab like?16:43
rk3ythe I wanted to test it in cron (raspberry) crontab -e. for test purposes I scheduled for every second (*****). but it never executes16:43
blackflowrk3y: crontab doesn't do 1 second resolution afaik, but 1 minute16:43
rk3yahhh :)16:44
blackflowrk3y: maybe systemd timers can help with sub minute resolution16:44
rk3y# * * * * * /usr/bin/pgrep -f /home/pi/pyHS100/watch_waschmaschine_dog.py || /usr/bin/tmux new -d -s washdog-session '/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/pyHS100/watch_waschmaschine_dog.py'16:44
blackflowalthough if I were you, I'd just write a simple service with a loop and use sleep()   (python's) in it16:44
takemeexport IIOD_REMOTE=usb:3.6.5  <— what it mean?16:45
rk3yja I did that in the washmashine watch dog - but it has some exception i could not handle16:45
blackflowrk3y: I think youre really better off having a simple service, than doing all that pgrep and tmux dance16:46
rk3yok thanks blackflow. what u mean by service? like init.d service?16:47
blackflowrk3y: no, systemd service. which ubuntu is this?16:47
rk3yarmv6 4.9.35+ kernel16:47
blackflowoh, debian, great. so, upgrade that debian to ubuntu, and use systemd process management facilities for that.16:48
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rk3yok thanks blackflow16:49
blackflowrk3y: well you asked in #ubuntu, so what else did you expect. although, with that kernel, that's stretch, meaning you have systemd even there.16:49
oerheksIIOD or IPOD :-D16:52
coconutWould dd'ing significantly faster with an usb 3.0 thumb device instead of an 2.0?17:00
coconutI need almost 7 hours for an 2.0 now.17:01
ioriacoconut, cloning a drive ?17:02
coconutioria: no, just /dev/zero it with bs=512 :)17:02
coconut(i was in a weird loop when i tried putting ubuntu iso on it)17:04
ioriacoconut, how big is the thumb ?17:04
ioriacoconut, are you going to do a bootable ubuntu iso ?17:08
blackflowcoconut: yeah, those usb2 sticks are slow. what, few MB/s? that's gonna take a while. USB3 is ~10x faster (for sequential write)17:08
coconutGUI partition table, one fat32 partition, sector/block size 512B, if that matters.17:08
ioriagpt you mean ?17:09
coconutioria: yes, with ubuntu.-mate.v18.0417:09
ioriacoconut, livecd or persistent ?17:10
blackflowcoconut: you do know you don't have to wipe the entire disk, to put that ISO on it, right?17:10
coconutblackflow: 1.51-1.54 MiB/s17:10
blackflowcoconut: so that's what, 10 hours total? :)17:10
coconutblackflow: i know, but i end up with a total different disk when i write iso on it, so there is something not ok with the disk17:11
coconut7 hours17:11
blackflowwhat do you mean "totally different"? how are you copying the ISO on it?17:11
adrian_1908hello. anybody here well versed with using a VPN? I freshly installed 18.04 and discovered that I'm leaking DNS queries, which I wasn't before. I think systemd-resolve might be the issue.17:11
coconutioria: yes live-usb17:11
ioriacoconut, so, why don't you use Rufus (if it's a win machine) or dd (if linux) ?17:12
blackflowadrian_1908: yeah: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/718217:12
coconuti had advise for etcher yesterday, somewhere else, but if that would work too....17:13
blackflowcoconut: how about you start from the beginnig. why are you wiping out the entire USB? sensitive data? how did you try to copy the Ubuntu ISO on it?17:13
adrian_1908blackflow: yeah, i saw that and others. any experience with the updater script? or what do you recommend?17:14
ioriacoconut, i know etcher works,btw (on win) i always have used rufus17:14
blackflowadrian_1908: first thing I do for each new installation is: remove systemd-resolved.17:14
adrian_1908blackflow: i see. do you use dnsmasq, or what takes its place (i'm not well versed in this topic)17:14
blackflowadrian_1908: unbound works too17:14
blackflowadrian_1908: or simply nothing. dhcp can set upstream resolvers in resolv.conf, and glibc will happily use it.17:15
blackflowadrian_1908: I'm not sure what you'd need for VPNs though. iirc resolvconf (not resolv.conf) can use all the separate sources (dhcp, vpn, ...) to set up resolv.conf properly.17:16
adrian_1908blackflow: i'm very much inclined to do that too then (replace systemd-resolved). i feel like i'm fighting that thing, and it might bite me back any time. I have a pretty static setup here, so anything that just works will be fine.17:16
snowflake8i need help with my new computer17:17
adrian_1908snowflake8: you can just ask, if anyone knows the answer, they can reply.17:18
coconutblackflow: i tried to first give the disk a fat32 partition, and then put the iso on it with the wizard of etcher. This completes, but after etcher i have an disk with the weirdest partitions. ( https://pastebin.com/PkxPMwSu )17:18
snowflake8i dont know how to reset the password on the computer i got it from a riend17:18
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords17:19
blackflowcoconut: well, you don't partition the disk before you copy the ISO on it. the ISO contains the partitioning. you must copy it straight to the disk (as block device), not a partition. That in itself will wipe out the partition table and replace with whatever's in the iso17:19
oerheksbut if things are encrypted..17:19
coconutblackflow, weird, i never knew17:20
blackflowcoconut: in short, all you need to do (from a linux system) is:   sudo cp /path/to/the.iso /dev/sdc  -- or whatever /dev/sdX it is. Note theres no number after sdc -- meaning, the block device, not a partition.17:20
coconutblackflow: ok, and do i have to touch/change the table for this?17:21
blackflowcoconut: no. just run that single cp command, that's ALL you need.17:21
snowflake8can someone guide me to restet the password?17:22
coconutwow, that's different.17:22
blackflowyou could've used dd too, but it's a bit more verbose, so I prefer cp:     dd if=/path/to/the.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=128k       <-- also note, sdc and not, say, sdc117:22
blackflowcoconut: we _are_ talking about Ubuntu ISOs, those found here, right?  https://www.ubuntu.com/download17:23
coconutblackflow: ubuntu mate to be honest, but yes17:24
blackflowcoconut: right, so cp is all you need.17:24
steventbobs ?17:28
bobshi gathis17:29
FurretUberHow do I make the USB pen drives icon and label be shown? It has a autorun.inf specifying the icon and the label. Three of them are SanDisk Cruzer Blades and there is no way to differentiate them17:32
=== a_ is now known as newbiii
eelstreborwhy is both amd64-microcode and intel-microcode being installed on an intel system? can amd64-microcode be removed with breaking the installation?17:37
eelstreborubuntu 16.04.4 64 bit installation17:38
ioriaeelstrebor, it's installed on the disk... what if you migrate the disk on an amd sys ?17:42
coconutFurretUber: what do you want to do, changing the desktop icon for your pen drive? I believe a .inf file is something windows like, but i might be wrong.17:42
BiessieHow can i make ubuntu to use the best server to download/install packages from?17:43
ioriaFurretUber, never tried,i thin an udev rule17:43
Biessiemirror or whatever.. its extremely slow using the default and i have 100mb up/down17:43
FurretUberYes, this is the approach on Windows, but it worked before. Older Ubuntu versions and LibreOffice 5 shown the properties correctly, now it no longer does17:43
ioriaFurretUber, https://askubuntu.com/questions/328488/how-to-change-device-icons-in-launcher/333817#33381717:44
ioriaBiessie, and what is the default ?17:45
Biessieioria : No idea but it's only allowing 65kbps download speeds on avg lol17:45
ioriaBiessie, check your /etc/apt/sources.list17:45
ioriaBiessie, but i don't think is an OS issue17:46
Biessieioria : It's not an OS issue. its the source issue17:46
ioriaBiessie, what you server ?17:46
Biessiei've read on how to do it via GUI but i want to do it via console if possible17:46
ioriaBiessie, cat /etc/apt/sources.list17:47
Biessieit has a lot ill post it on paste bin17:47
FurretUberioria: when I look at computer:/// the icons are shown (not the labels), so something is parsing the autorun.inf files, but nothing else other than computer:/// shows them17:48
ioriaBiessie, ok, you're using the us repo, here it's the same and it's ok17:49
steventhi ioria17:49
oerheksthe softwareupdate menu has the tool to choose fastest mirror, Biessie17:49
ioriastevent, hi17:49
Biessieioria : Strange..17:50
Biessieoerheks : That GUI related,  right? anything via command line?17:50
steventhow are you ioria ?17:50
oerheksBiessie, no, just use the gui17:50
oerheksreally, why do you make it not simple17:50
ioriaBiessie, a simple sed command ... but why ?17:50
ioriastevent, fine,thanks for askingù17:50
Biessieoerheks : Because my linux server is at my office17:51
Biessieill wait until i go to the office then. no worries.17:51
=== mkv is now known as m4v
coconutblackflow, cp'ing the ISO also ends with an FAT12 partition of 2.4MB which the OS cannot read. I guess my thumb drive is broken. o.017:53
steventioria, are you man or girl ?17:53
tomreynstevent: does this matter here?17:53
acebrianjuanhi there17:53
definitely_heterhello there17:53
definitely_heterI'm running irssi for the first time on my Lubuntu 18.0417:54
EriC^^coconut: that's normal17:54
steventtomreyn, im lonely17:54
tomreynstevent: sorry to hear this, but this is not an ubuntu support topic, so please try to find someone elsewhere.17:55
coconutEriC^^, weird i would expect to be able to read files from it, and have an fat32 partition, no fat12.17:56
steventtomreyn, sorry to make you uncomfortable17:57
Jontastevent: /join #ubuntu-offtopic17:58
tomreynstevent: you didn't, it's just off-topic here.17:58
eelstreborioria, i don't understand your comments17:58
ioriaeelstrebor, what comment,sorry ?17:58
=== a_ is now known as newbiii
eelstreborioria, <ioria> eelstrebor, it's installed on the disk... what if you migrate the disk on an amd sys ?17:59
EriC^^coconut: fat12 is normal cause it's smaller in size, if you really wanted to mount it you could but everything you're describing is normal, did you try booting the usb yet?17:59
ioriaeelstrebor, yes, exactly what i meant18:00
coconutEriC^^ : i still need to try it out, on another location on a medion brand pc.18:00
eelstreborit didn't make sense - i asked if amd64-microcode can be removed without breaking the installation - one bit of info i found stated that both amd64-microcode is identical to intel-microcode - so why are both installed on an intel system?18:02
ioriaeelstrebor, no, you asked why both are installed18:02
eelstreborioria, you're confusing me18:03
eelstrebormy orginal post: why is both amd64-microcode and intel-microcode being installed on an intel system? can amd64-microcode be removed with breaking the installation?18:04
EriC^^eelstrebor: i have both installed on mine fwiw18:05
Ben64eelstrebor: why do you think it matters18:05
archedDoes the latest debian installer support LVM2 installation using a raw device instead of partitioning? E.g pvcreate /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda1? I can not find any definitive documentation about it. Using a raw device with lvm is very useful when extending disks on virtual machines, since the vg can be extended without the additional partitioning step.18:05
EriC^^arched: /join #debian18:06
eelstrebori'm just trying to determine if i can reduce the number of packages on my system without breaking the system18:06
ioriaeelstrebor,  why do  you say they  are identical ?18:06
Ben64eelstrebor: why18:06
archedUbuntu uses debian installer.18:06
freezer_ubuntu is fake news18:06
tomreynarched: i'm not sure whether it's supported, but it should not take long to try it in a VM.18:07
eelstreborthis article suggests that they're identical instruction sets: https://askubuntu.com/questions/54296/difference-between-the-i386-download-and-the-amd6418:07
ioriaeelstrebor,  what ?18:07
Ben64eelstrebor: that page is not about microcode and i386 and amd64 are not the same18:08
ioriaeelstrebor,  wrong track18:09
ioriaeelstrebor,  and, btw, it's not an 'intel system'  ; pkgs do not know your cpu18:10
eelstreborbesides, why would i need to install AMD-microcode on an intel system? this is automatically done by the installation DVD but why?18:10
tomreynbobs: do you have an ubuntu support question?18:11
pineapplelover_hello last week I tried this fix: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/132034/libcrypto-so-10-cannot-open-shared-object-file-no-such-file-or-directory and somehow I ended with the usr folder on my home folder like this: http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=3ea21007eabe38d41490c4d8b6e29fab is it safe to remove it?18:12
Ben64eelstrebor: don't worry about it, removing it will only open you up to potential problems18:13
tomreynpineapplelover_: this kind of depends on whether the original copy is still in place18:13
pineapplelover_indeed this was the fix that worked: https://askubuntu.com/questions/339364/libssl-so-10-cannot-open-shared-object-file-no-such-file-or-directory18:13
pineapplelover_now I would like to undo the first one18:13
eelstreboroh well, i'm not getting anywhere with my question - i want to be more informed about computers and that's why i'm asking - i'm going to take the risk and backup my data, remove the amd64-microcode package and reboot18:14
pineapplelover_tomreyn the original copy is the one on root/usr/ folder isnt it?18:14
tomreynpineapplelover_: it should be, but i do not know the contents of your system. for all we know you may have moved /usr to your home directory.18:15
tomreynpineapplelover_: nothing in the stackexchange post suggests to move or copy /usr around, though18:16
pineapplelover_thats why I am asking here18:16
pineapplelover_I did what that thread said18:16
pineapplelover_so it should be safe to remove it18:16
pineapplelover_I guess18:16
pineapplelover_this what I did: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libssl.so.1018:17
pineapplelover_sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.1018:17
pineapplelover_the ln18:17
pineapplelover_for those lib18:17
pineapplelover_but then I saw the usr folder on my home directory18:17
tomreynpineapplelover_: again, nothing in the stackexchange post suggests to move or copy /usr around (nor to create a symbolic link in your home directory pointing to /usr), so following the instructions there (whether or not they're sound) should have made you end up with a copy of /usr in your home.18:18
pineapplelover_perhaps I did something else...indeed I was following this tutorial before the need for the fix appeared:  http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/xpwiki/?OAR%20Converter18:19
pineapplelover_I tried both the install from binary and install from source code thought this last one not till the end18:19
tomreynpineapplelover_: you are following too many tutotrials too blindly. ;)18:21
pineapplelover_tomreyn is there a fix for that usr folder location?18:21
pineapplelover_how would I turn it back to the default location?18:22
FurretUberioria: LibreOffice 5 was able to show the custom icons: https://i.imgur.com/VEU8bFX.png18:22
tomreynpineapplelover_: run *exactly* this, and post the http address it returns here: ls -la "~/Carpeta Personal/usr" "~/usr" 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999918:23
FurretUberThat udev rule is way too much complicated and apparently it would work only in the computer where it was configured. I would need a solution that works on any computer where the USB device is connected18:23
pineapplelover_tomreyn okay give me a minute18:23
tomreynpineapplelover_: typo fixed: run *exactly* this, and post the http address it returns here: ls -la "~/Carpeta personal/usr" "~/usr" 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999918:24
pineapplelover_tomreyn http://termbin.com/m97d18:25
pineapplelover_should I substitute Carpeta personal with the name it has? tomreyn18:26
tomreynpineapplelover_: what name does it have?18:27
pineapplelover_it changes18:27
pineapplelover_when you re in it says personal folder but from the home directory it has the user name18:27
ioriaFurretUber, as i said, never tried ... might be a security issue that stops the autorun18:29
tomreynpineapplelover_: so it matches the output of "echo $HOME"?18:29
pineapplelover_but I tried changing it in the command you gave me and the result is the same18:30
pineapplelover_tomreyn might it be not a system folder after all...perhaps something related with that program I just installed...18:32
pineapplelover_what do you think?18:32
tomreynpineapplelover_: all that you're showing me makes me think that http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=3ea21007eabe38d41490c4d8b6e29fab no longer correctly represents the current state of this system, or that you are now working as a differen tuser than you worked on when you took this screenshot.18:32
oerhekssounds like the iconname does not match the autorun.inf .. or properties 755 not set https://askubuntu.com/questions/642511/how-to-autorun-files-and-scripts-in-ubuntu-when-inserting-a-usb-stick-like-autor18:33
oerheksFurretUber ^18:33
pineapplelover_oh no I didnt log out since the picture was taken18:34
pineapplelover_I am puzzled thats why I asked here18:34
pineapplelover_but the usr folder is in my personal folder since last week when I installed oar converter18:35
tomreynpineapplelover_: let's put it this way: i don't know what you did, you don't know exactly what you did. apparently your system is stil workign for now, so you can probably remove these folders, but i don't think they are still there.18:35
tomreynbut do it without sudo18:35
pineapplelover_they are18:36
pineapplelover_I posted a hot picture18:36
pineapplelover_and I can still see those in my home directory18:36
texlaWould like command to list partitions primary,extended,logical in msdos18:37
tomreynpineapplelover_: that's probably where your hotz pictures belong.18:38
pineapplelover_http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=df7f32d65fc62d91ee4e5afce7b0e3ac see it next to unreal engine folder?18:38
pineapplelover_so your suggestion is to remove it with sudo18:38
pineapplelover_be it18:39
pineapplelover_thanks for the help18:39
tomreynpineapplelover_: you ran "ls -la ~/usr", it returned an error message because there is no such directory. but this is actually where a "usr" directory in your personal home directory would be,18:39
pineapplelover_yep I understand18:39
pineapplelover_I agree with the removing18:39
pineapplelover_I didn't know how to check18:40
tomreynpineapplelover_: my suggestion based on not knowing what is going on on your system is to remove the not really existing 'usr' direcxtory in your personal home directory *without* using sudo.18:40
pineapplelover_you helped18:40
curlyearscan anyonbe in hefre suggest a channel to properly discuss BIOS issues?18:40
tomreyncurlyears: not really, maybe ##hardware. i don't know whether there is ##firmware18:40
pineapplelover_tomreyn hahaha18:40
tomreynmaybe there is one specific to your mainboard manufacturer, but not very likely.18:41
oerheks##hardware +118:42
pineapplelover_tomreyn oh oh http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=9a8ef400c89dc9ad4fd99a10e9a4a56d18:42
pineapplelover_that happened when shift+supr18:43
pineapplelover_then sudo?18:43
tomreynpineapplelover_: i dont speak spanish18:43
tomreynpineapplelover_: if you can work on a temrinal i can guide you to produce output in english18:43
pineapplelover_it says the file (path) could not be deleted18:44
pineapplelover_shall I try with sudo now?18:44
pineapplelover_is this ok? sudo rm -R /home/ivan/usr18:45
justchatHey guys! Any thougths as to why an upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04  displayed the same version after completion18:45
pineapplelover_you should wait for the automatic update till late july18:46
curlyearstomrehy:  this damned system drove me CRAZY for abut a week, after I tried to fresh install 18.04LTS.  I finally determined that the BIOS is corrupted, so I have spent 3 dzys  now fryinv to re-flash with the18:46
pineapplelover_to expect a smooth upgrade18:46
pineapplelover_tomreyn say something :-S18:47
EriC^^justchat: what does "cat /etc/issue" show?18:47
curlyearswhen in July is it due?18:47
justchatDo I really need to wait for the automatic upgrade? Isn't there a way to force the upgrade successfully?18:48
pineapplelover_is what I read this morning I cannot remember wherer18:48
curlyearshello, EriC^^  :)   still fight with the same recalcitrant system :(18:48
texlaWould like command to list partitions primary,extended,logical in msdos18:49
tomreynpineapplelover_: i can't responsibly guide you if i dont know what is going on on your system.18:49
EriC^^texla: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdX18:49
pineapplelover_I nkow18:49
pineapplelover_I will risk a chance18:49
tomreynpineapplelover_: does this file system object exist? /home/ivan/usr18:49
EriC^^curlyears: hello18:49
pineapplelover_how do I find out?18:49
NoobHelpCan anybody help me with this?: The system image is meant to be flashed to a raw device (I.e., no partitions). On Linux, this can be done like the example shown below: $ dd if=my_usb_image.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M18:51
pineapplelover_tomreyn what do you mean18:51
KAOSNoobHelp: is ur usb wiped?18:51
EriC^^NoobHelp: use "sudo parted -ls" to get the name of your usb and replace it in the command instead of /dev/sdX18:51
pineapplelover_tomreyn the folder usr was not there when I installed the system18:51
tomreynpineapplelover_: what does this return: ls -la /home/ivan/usr18:51
pineapplelover_drwxrwxr-x   9 ivan ivan 4096 jul 17  2017 .18:52
pineapplelover_drwxr-xr-x 115 ivan ivan 4096 jun 24 20:03 ..18:52
pineapplelover_drwxrwxr-x   2 ivan ivan 4096 jul 17  2017 bin18:52
pineapplelover_drwxrwxr-x   3 ivan ivan 4096 jul 17  2017 include18:52
pineapplelover_drwxrwxr-x   3 ivan ivan 4096 jun 24 20:41 lib18:52
pineapplelover_drwxrwxr-x   2 ivan ivan 4096 jul 17  2017 mnt18:52
tomreyn!paste | pineapplelover_18:52
ubottupineapplelover_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:52
NoobHelpKAOS: Should I remove the partition (/dev/sde1) and replace with (/dev/sde) or not?18:52
tomreynpineapplelover_: what doe sthis return? file /home/ivan/usr18:53
curlyearsEriC^^: any suggestions what channel I might seek help on?  The problem is a npn-working BIOS update utility (or my USB thumb)18:53
pineapplelover_/home/ivan/usr: directory tomreyn18:53
EriC^^curlyears: probably some forum for your specific BIOS18:53
lessthan0NoobHelp I don't think you understand the difference between sde and sde118:54
tomreynpineapplelover_: what does this return: ls -la /usr | nc termbin.com 999918:54
lessthan0sde is a physical peice of hardware18:54
lessthan0sde1 is a logical volume (a partition)18:54
pineapplelover_tomreyn: http://termbin.com/oa14618:54
lessthan0sde can have many partitions18:54
NoobHelplessthan0: then why is it asking me to flash to a "raw device (I.e. no partitions)"18:55
lessthan0if sde1 exists then you can be sure sde exists in /dev/18:55
lessthan0so the iso is getting sent to the device18:55
lessthan0after that is finished, that device will have as many partitions as the iso contains18:56
tomreynpineapplelover_: run *exactly* this: sudo rm -rf /home/ivan/usr18:56
lessthan0they will be identical in every way18:56
NoobHelplessthan0: So should I delete sde1 and only have unallocated space and then use dd on sde or not delete sde1 and dd to sde nonetheless18:56
curlyearsEriC^^:   yeah, I thought of that.  There doesn't seem to be one.  The BIOS is an AMI BIOS, heavily modified for MSI's boards18:57
lessthan0in your example it should be dd if=my_usb_image.iso of=/dev/sde bs=4M18:57
pineapplelover_tomreyn done18:57
tomreynpineapplelover_: you should do a fresh install sometime, rather sooner than later. and read up on file system hierachy, users, groups and permissions, and why you should use apt to install software rather than building things yourself most of the time.18:57
tomreyn!fhs | pineapplelover_18:57
ubottupineapplelover_: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier18:57
NoobHelplessthan0: Thanks18:57
lessthan0sde1 if it exists will be destroyed and there will be a new sde1 after it finishes18:57
lessthan0so you will lose all data on sde1 and lose all data on sde18:58
tomreyn!permissions | pineapplelover_18:58
ubottupineapplelover_: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:58
lessthan0be sure you are sending it to the right place18:58
lessthan0if sde is windows then you deleted it by accident18:58
EriC^^NoobHelp: unmount /dev/sde1 before dd'ing anything18:59
pineapplelover_tomreyn ok thanks18:59
tomreynpineapplelover_: and don't trust online tuorials too lightly, better come here if you're ususre.18:59
lessthan0also interesting for noobs is that the iso can be larger or smaller than sde18:59
EriC^^NoobHelp: run "sudo umount /dev/sde*" then the dd command, followed by "sync"18:59
lessthan0if it is smaller then there will be garbage on the disk even after it is wiped and overwritten19:00
lessthan0if it is the other way then you get an error writing past the end of the drive.19:00
lessthan0so in some cases you would want to write zeros with dd before writing the iso19:01
lessthan0or tell dd where to stop if you want to prevent an error19:01
lessthan0bs=4M is really only there for increased speed by matching the command to the hardware you are writting to and from. it works without a block size but it runs slower19:02
KAOSlessthan0: Apologies for the butt-in but couldn't a gui application be easier for noobs like us19:03
KAOSlessthan0: Perhaps something like etcher?19:03
NoobHelpEriC^^: I didn't do that. It is dd'ing right now. What do I do?19:03
EriC^^NoobHelp: you could cancel it with "ctrl +c"19:04
NoobHelpEriC^^: It just finished. Do I need to do it over again?19:04
Biessieioria : I think i figured out why my download speeds are slow! i did a speed test on my linux server and it's under 1mbps... when my laptop on the same network has 100+ mbps up and down. what could be wrong? driver issue?19:04
lessthan0sometimes it is19:04
NoobHelpWhat is "sync"?19:04
EriC^^NoobHelp: that depends on if anything else is writing to /dev/sde1 or had written19:05
NoobHelpEriC^^: No, it was completely empty and no application was using it19:05
EriC^^sync dumps the cache, stuff that you told the pc to write and it pretended to but waited for other stuff to come along to write it all at once19:05
lessthan0this is probably the only command you need to know if you are making a live usb installer. you only need to learn this one command. you need to understand the process with or without the gui.19:05
ioriaBiessie, sudo lshw -C Network | nc termbin.com 999919:06
EriC^^NoobHelp: ok, no worries then, just run "sync" and you're free to unplug the usb19:06
lessthan0people want the gui because they don't understand linux but a gui wont change that19:06
lessthan0you need to unmount with the gui19:06
NoobHelpEriC^^: Thanks :)19:06
lessthan0same as with terminal19:06
KAOSlessthan0: You're right19:06
EriC^^NoobHelp: np19:06
lessthan0the command is umount /dev/sde119:06
lessthan0super simple19:06
KAOSlessthan0: But people here aren't the type of people who use Linux to look cool. "Oh ma gawd I don't want Mikerosoft tracking me so I got Linux look I'm a hacker"19:07
lessthan0how can we make this more simple? we can't. imagine sudo gparted then click unmount then click yes19:07
lessthan0thats more steps then umount /dev/sde119:08
KAOSAnyone can advise on the powerpoint blank slides bug under wine?19:08
KAOSlessthan0: I understand your point!19:09
Biessieioria : it helped following this a LITTLE - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029723/slow-wifi-since-updating-to-18-0419:10
Biessiei will do what you asked now19:10
Biessieokay done19:11
lennygot a problem my printer working but scanner is not detected ... not even with xsane ...19:12
lennyhave canon pixma mg565019:12
lennyI have used it about week ago ...19:12
Jontalenny: Ubuntu-version?19:13
cactus00000lenny: my guess is, it is a driver issue!19:14
Bashing-omBiessie: "< ioria> Biessie, sudo lshw -C Network | nc termbin.com 999919:14
lennycactus00000, u mean like i need to reinstall it?19:14
BiessieBashing-om : i did that19:14
Biessiejust brought me to a new line once it completed19:15
Bashing-omBiessie: We are awaitung the returned URL . Pass that link back here .19:15
cactus00000lenny: not the os. maybe look up drivers for that printer for linux19:15
iorialenny, for reference : https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/1819:15
Biessiedrake@drake-UL50VT:~$ sudo lshw -C Network | nc termbin.com 999919:15
Biessie[sudo] password for drake:19:15
Biessieioria : Bashing-om : i ran it again and it dumped a link the second time. http://termbin.com/t4l019:16
lennycactus00000, I already install it before, because I used it.19:16
ioriaBiessie, yes, iwlwifi might have some issues19:17
cactus00000lenny: odd. the reason i am using ubuntu linux is that it has most drivers and what not..19:17
cactus00000lenny: it must be a driver issue.19:18
lennycactus00000, I try to reinstall it than ...19:18
ioriaBiessie, did  the '11n_disable=1' solve the issue ?19:18
Biessieioria : It brought my speeds up to 5-6mbps vs sub 1mbps19:19
ioriaBiessie, is it a server ?19:19
Biessiebut my speeds are 100mbps up/down on fiber19:19
Biessieioria : i had server and desktop packages installed but will mostly be server19:20
ioriaBiessie, i'd use ethernet ...19:20
Biessieioria : Ill try that. i have a switch handy i can use and put there to add another line19:21
Biessieso you think the wifi drivers are faulty? i didnt have that issue on 16.0419:21
Biessieioria : haha wow! yea its something with wifi.19:23
BiessieTesting download speed................................................................................19:24
BiessieDownload: 118.23 Mbit/s19:24
BiessieTesting upload speed................................................................................................19:24
BiessieUpload: 112.43 Mbit/s19:24
Biessieoops sorry. i thought it would put all in one line.19:24
ioriaBiessie, using 18.04  ? if yes... can you paste /etc/netplan/*yaml ?19:24
Biessiethose speeds above is with my ethernet19:24
ioriai see19:24
Biessiels - /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml19:25
ioriaBiessie,  cat  /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml | nc termbin.com 999919:26
ioriaBiessie,  it's ok19:27
Biessiewhat is ok?19:27
coconutAnyone knows out the top of their mind whether an medion brand pc with windows 8.1 OEM installed is an UEFI system or BIOS system?19:28
ioriaBiessie,  the netplan config (if you're using NM) ....19:28
Biessieim not sure. just default settings19:29
ioriaBiessie, for Desktop yes, not for server19:29
Biessieunder wifi settings for this connection.. it says link speed - 1MB/s19:30
Biessiewired its showing 1000MB/s19:31
Biessieso its gotta be something with wifi settings capping my speeds19:31
ioriaBiessie,  what's your kernel ? uname -r19:32
Ben64it's an old wireless chip, and wifi sucks, i don't think there's more to it than that19:33
ioriaBiessie,  someone solved with kernel 4.16.0 mainline but i cannot recommend19:34
Biessieioria : Yea ill just stick to the wired connection. My knowledge with linux is very minimal19:35
Biessieioria : Thank you so much for the help and efforts19:35
ioriaBiessie,  no problem,you're welcome19:35
Biessieioria : i do have a netgear a6100 usb stick.. think that would work or nah?19:37
ioriaBiessie, it uses RTL8811AU. .. not sure of the outcome19:38
Biessiescrew it. ill just rearrange some stuff and install a switch19:41
ioriaBiessie, in any case : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223577819:41
Jontaqwebirc9117: Hi19:41
qwebirc9117I am trying to use the ls command to create a link directory but it keeps throwing an error could some one has time could you let me know what I am doing wrong ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tRFMpp99Fk/19:45
ioriamaybe ln not ls19:46
qwebirc9117OMG if thats it I am so stupid19:47
lennyhaving trouble to install tar.gz package ... try to install scanner drivers for canon pixma mg5650 but after tar xvzf scagearmp...tar.gz when i run ./configure it shows there did not find any configure ... ubuntu 16.0419:50
ioriaqwebirc9117, don't say that : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tldGgGFe19419:50
qwebirc9117I am stupid as stupid does by not reading the guide clearly :-P19:52
xitlenny, after zxvf, did you cd to the directory tar created?  Can you paste an ls output of the directory?19:53
=== qwebirc9117 is now known as april2018
lennyxit, in the folder is install.sh and 2 folders: packages and resources19:55
xitthere should be a configure file with executable privileges.  Did the tar complete successfully?19:56
xitlenny, nevermind.  I just downloaded it and there is no configure.  Can you run ./install.sh instead?19:59
april2018"Stupid" here again still not able to get the ln command to run correctly https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4MwjCFsdqR/19:59
lennyxit, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vXnfQkTrXF/19:59
lennyxit, how to install that?20:00
xitjust type: ./install.sh20:01
memphistoapril2018: ubuntu-dev:/home/april# ln -s /mnt/april/ /home/april/downloads/20:01
xitlenny, you might need to do: sudo ./install.sh20:02
lennyxit, anything else need to do after run scangear.../install.sh ?20:05
xitCan you check if it installed the ScanGear software correctly?20:07
lennyxit, installation has been completed20:08
xitOk, are you able to run it?20:09
lennyxit, finally ... works20:12
lennyxit,  thanks ...20:13
xitLenny, yay!  Glad you got it!20:16
coconutxit: ./install.sh does not come with uninstallation management, am i right?20:19
xitcoconut, probably not.20:20
oerheksthe output of the scangear package gave some debs, so it should be reversable20:24
AnticomHi. I'm still kind of a linux newbie when it come's to full-time use so please bare with me. Knowing about both KVM and (as a former windows user) VirtualBox I've just asked about, wether nowadays using KVM actually yields some benefits over using VirtualBox.20:26
Anticomasked myself*20:26
april2018thanks memphisto  think i am getting it20:30
tomreynAnticom: i'd prefer virtualbox for desktop use + integration, kvm on servers for performance and no need for guest addons on linux guests.20:30
tomreynkvm provides more options regarding what you virtualize, too.20:32
Anticomso is KVM actually faster, does it use less resources, etc.? Like what's the benefit of using KVM over VirtualBox20:33
compdockvm is good if you want servers that boot and run automatically20:34
compdocits good enough for business use20:35
Anticombut kvm is as convenient as VirtualBox using virt-manager20:36
Anticomso if kvm was better i'd stop using VirtualBox and switch over to kvm20:36
compdoclife is full of twists and turns20:37
tomreyni disagree about <Anticom> but kvm is as convenient as VirtualBox using virt-manager20:38
tomreyntry to do usb device pass-through with virt-manager20:39
Anticomtomreyn: disagree about what exactly?20:39
Anticomhm, let me try20:39
memphistoAnticom: for home use, i'd recommend vmware player. 2nd place virtualbox and 4rd kvm20:40
compdocstart with the best if you intend to run the vm very often: kvm20:41
Anticomwow there's quite a few oppinions on that topic if i all get you right20:42
tomreynactually usb passthrough is a lot easier now with virt.manager, seems i didn't look into this for a good while.20:43
LagairTruthfully, in most use cases for personal use, any of them will work as they are close enough to each other on modern hardware. Use what you want.20:43
AnticomLagir that's what i thought. They shouldn't differ in performance significantly enough to choose one over the other so just use whatever floats your boat20:45
AnticomI guess the only advantage of using kvm over the other two is that kvm is open source and that should be the linux spirit, right?20:45
tomreynwell virtualbox is, too, for the most part.20:46
=== fred909 is now known as fred-
Anticomdidn't know that20:46
tomreynthat's why it is in ubuntu, in contrary to vmware-*20:47
tomreynthis may be just a one-shot view on things, though, a biased comparion20:51
=== Pleasures is now known as Sircle
Dave_Elechey guys i have removed python2 with "sudo dpkg -r --force-depends python" and i tried to install it with apt and i amgetting dpkg error(1) how can i reinstall it?20:56
Dave_Elecubuntu 18.0420:56
Dave_Elecamz3: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/o583IvvClPVR35jgmlIg/20:57
Bashing-omDave_Elec: Try ' sudo apt install --reinstall python-minimal ' .21:02
memphistoAnticom: when pausing/saving state of VM, Virtualbox is the fastest. and since i power on my VM just for quick stuff and save it again i want it fast21:03
memphistohence me using virtualbox instead of other solutions21:03
ruffleSneed help with dell l421x graphics card. i want to disable NVIDIA as it's overheating my laptop.21:03
Dave_ElecBashing-om: yes the same21:04
Biessiehow can i download using wget using a mirror site that waits 5 seconds before download starts such as sourceforge? or do i have to do it another way via command line?21:06
Bashing-omDave_Elec: Back to square1, pastebin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ' see if we can get to the bottom of the issue .21:08
Dave_ElecBashing-om: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/dosCWSGf27yLyLAAWkY4/21:12
Bashing-omDave_Elec: looking.21:12
BenderRodriguezwell ubuntu21:17
BenderRodriguezthe time has come21:17
BenderRodriguezI am needing to upgrade my 16.04 LTS to 18.04 LTS21:17
BenderRodriguezwhat do I need to do and check so that this goes off without an issue21:17
Bashing-omDave_Elec: Oh my - how about ' sudo apt install python ' ?21:17
gigirockBenderRodriguez, have you unity desktop ?21:17
BenderRodriguezgigirock: no GUI -- this is the server version21:17
gigirockah ok BenderRodriguez ask google for an official guide and go on21:17
Dave_Electhe same as --fix-broken21:17
gigirockBenderRodriguez, have you strange conf like raid o something else ?21:17
Bashing-omBenderRodriguez: The general advise is to await the .1 point release before upgrading 16.04, as then the upgrade path will be open . But for the adventuresome there is a means to force the release upgrade .21:17
oerheksBenderRodriguez, networking, (netplan) and much more fun ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes21:18
Dave_ElecBashing-om: it all started by me doing 'cp /usr/python by python3' to just type python for python3 and python2 for the other. since python is a symlink.21:18
BenderRodrigueznetplan eh...interesting21:20
BenderRodriguezwhy in gods name does ubuntu add more abstraction over network config21:20
BenderRodriguezfirst systemd, then networkmanager, and now on top of that netplan21:20
Bashing-omDave_Elec: I do not know now how to straigten this out .. python is critical to the system and I am afraid to mess about too much with it .21:20
Dave_Eleci think it was not installed on ubuntu 18 by default21:21
Dave_Eleci remember typing sudo apt install python21:22
=== Nephilun is now known as Nephilum
ColdKeyboardHow can I see why ubuntu server boots into emergency mode? I can see my drive and console starts in my ~ dir. (I cloned old drive to SSD and changed UUID in fstab, doublechecked that hey match)21:26
Bashing-omDave_Elec: I do believe that you may be correct on that 'python' is superceeded . I did have to install python in 18.10 to support old scripts .21:26
Bashing-om!info python bionic21:26
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.15~rc1-1 (bionic), package size 136 kB, installed size 624 kB21:27
compdocColdKeyboard, how did you clone it?21:27
gigirockColdKeyboard, i think the OS is not secure21:28
Bashing-omDave_Elec: ^^ says otherwise .. that python is the default in 18.04 .21:28
bob98Problem with script permissions in Firefox under 18.04 on some sites (ex: http://www.pro-tv.net/2002-5-kanal.html or http://rus24.tv/perviy_kanal.html). Same sites with same ver of Firefox work fine under 16.04. What is likely responsible: NoScript plugin, Firefox for 18.04 or something in 18.04 itself?21:28
ColdKeyboardcompdoc: used GParted to copy one partition, paste on another. Re-installed GRUB, used fsck on /dev/sda 1 and changed fstab to have my new hdd UUID21:29
ColdKeyboardgigirock: If that's the case, how would I solve that?21:29
gigirockColdKeyboard, wait a minute...21:30
compdocsounds theres a good chance that didnt go well21:30
oerheksbob98, script to watch pay tv?21:31
bob98its actually free tv21:31
ColdKeyboardcompdoc: gigirock Which part? It boots into emergency mode but when I do 'ls' I can see all my files copied properly21:31
bob98oerheks: and even allowing all scripts still doesn't allow for video to start21:32
oerheksif this is on the same firefox, that would be odd21:32
ColdKeyboardCan I check why is it failing to boot GUI?21:34
gigirockColdKeyboard, the username the root and the computername remain the same  ?21:34
bob98I checked, the ver of Firefox on both systems (16.04 and 18.04) is the same - 60.0.2 64bit Quantum21:35
gigirockColdKeyboard, have you the grub menu ? please run 'filesystem check or something similar'21:37
bob98oerheks: any idea what's causing it or how to fix it?21:37
ColdKeyboardgigirock: Yes, it's still called `fileserver` and it root is to my name21:38
oerheksthere must be something special, who owns the script ( groups) on 16.04 and is the execute stuff set properly?21:38
ColdKeyboardgigirock: I've run fsck -y /dev/sda1 but same issue21:38
gigirockColdKeyboard, can you phisycally disconnect the old  hardisk from the system ?21:39
ColdKeyboardI do however see `A TPM error (7) occurred attempting to read a pcr value` poping up during boot21:39
ColdKeyboardgigirock: Already disconnected21:39
bob98oerheks: both systems are single user, both were set up by me so I don't see why permissions would be different21:40
gigirockColdKeyboard, in the system now the configuration is for the mech hard disk but you are running a ssd21:40
gigirockColdKeyboard, i made something similar but with clonezilla live disk and had no problems at all21:41
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ColdKeyboardYeah, I wish I tried that before21:42
ColdKeyboardMaybe I'll give that a try after I try few more options21:42
bob98oerheks: in any case, how would you verify script permissions?21:42
oerheksls -la # gives permissions21:43
bob98to be honest, I don't understand why permissions would differ for diff scripts on a page (I thought permissions are only for applications or documents)?21:44
oerheksso a script is not an application?21:45
oerheksanyway, you checked the script, seems both the same.. then i have no clue why it differs.21:47
bob98To my way of thinking, it is something that is a part of an application and should  just do its thing in the background if access to the application is sufficient by that user21:48
gigirockColdKeyboard, have you a uefi boot ?21:48
ColdKeyboardgigirock: To be hones, I don't think I have but haven't checked yet21:50
ColdKeyboardI didn't make changes to BIOS config thou21:50
gigirockColdKeyboard, did you install / reinstall the grub in the ssd ?21:50
tito_hi guys21:51
bob98oerheks: ran the command you suggested, it does not list scripts of individual web pages visited21:51
ColdKeyboardgigirock: Yes I did. I think GRUB boots the hdd fine. I can see it and it boots to emergency console where I can pretty much do everything except GUI and some services don't start...21:53
gigirock!info nvidia-panel21:53
ubottuPackage nvidia-panel does not exist in bionic21:53
oerhekshuh/ you started that *your* script is not running, now you switch to scripts of web pages visited, what did i miss?21:53
ColdKeyboardI'm not sure if there is a way to see why it's failing to start GUI21:54
bob98oerheks: I guess I was not clear, sorry if I confused you; I guess you thought I wrote a script for Firefox? No. I am talking about how the NoScript plugin allows /blocks scripts on various web pages21:56
oerheksbob98, then noscript would prevent this, i just read back21:56
oerhekswithout js the video would not start, for example21:57
bob98oerheks: so going back to my original question: why is everything working fine under 16.04 but not under 18.04 (even if all scripts are allowed)?21:58
Chicken_Wrapbob98: Tried to read back but got lost. You’re saying you’ve allowed scripts globally in NoScript from Firefox, but websites are behaving strangely?22:02
GlenKhi there.  I have ubuntu 14 running via virtmanager, or qemu/kvm I guess.  when I go full screen though I'm not able to select my laptops native resolution.  any ideas?22:02
hpDoes ubuntu have support for i915/GM965 gpu ?22:04
gigirockhp, mmmmmh i think not22:05
bob98Chicken_Wrap: here's a repeat of my original post: Problem with script permissions in Firefox: under 18.04 on some sites (ex: http://www.pro-tv.net/2002-5-kanal.html or http://rus24.tv/perviy_kanal.html). Same sites with same ver of Firefox work fine under 16.04. What is likely responsible: NoScript plugin, Firefox for 18.04 or something in 18.04 itself?22:05
hpgigirock: too bad can I install 4.13/4.14 kernel where it works over the original one(IK it's not really supported but)?22:05
hpon 18.04 lts22:06
bob98Chicken_Wrap: so under 18.04, even after allowing all scripts on the pages I listed above, the video does not start. Yet everything works fine under 16.0422:06
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
hplike 4.14.51/4.13.16 gigirock ?22:07
hpfrom kernel-ppa on a 18.0422:07
gigirockhp 1604 is here to stay for some year again why do you need to upgrade ?22:08
hpbecause I know for sure that even the intel wifi driver isn't supported/doesn't work22:08
hpI'm not on ubuntu22:08
gigirockhp and what is your wifi chip ?22:09
hpoutput on 4.13: Card-2: Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection           driver: iwl394522:09
hpon 4.15 it doesn't load the driver or it's not there I haven't memorised the driver name so I haven't tried to modprobe it22:10
hpunder 4.1522:10
bob98Chicken_Wrap: I do not permit scripts globally, but even after changing all scripts on a page to "Temporarily Trusted" the problem persists under  18.0422:10
hpalso from the output of the apt on that distro it said something about missing i915 firmware gigirock ,but I would had to check how it works on ubuntu install/ubuntu live dvd22:13
hpwhich is what I gonna do rn with xubuntu 18.04 in sec22:13
hpsee you in a jiffy22:14
hpI log out22:14
bob98oerheks: Chicken_Wrap: do you understand my question now?22:17
bob98and if so, could this be in any way related to ubuntu itself or am I better off taking it further on #firefox or specifically on NoScript's forum?22:18
cheikhHello Word22:19
Chicken_Wrapbob98: Have you tried to outright disable NoScript and refresh to see if it’s the problem? Because I doubt it has anything to do with Ubuntu.22:22
=== xubuntu is now known as hp
hpYo got a question22:24
hpIf I put cmdline option before booting iso in live/install mode22:25
hpwill it install with altered /etc/default/grub ?22:25
hpand put that cmdline option everytime22:25
hpor I will have to do it post install ?22:25
bob98Chicken_Wrap: good advice :) its the simplest things we often overlook...22:25
hpfile=/cdrom/preseed/xubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash video=SVIDEO-1:d video=TV1:d ---22:25
hpNeed the video= cmdline22:25
hpdesperatelly to boot into xorg at all22:26
hpon 18.0422:26
hpon 14.04-17.10 it was mainlly to avoid usb devices not waking up as fast22:26
hpnow I need it to boot tbh22:26
hpyeah I will verify after install I guess22:27
antifahet guys ! having some trouble runing calibre on ubuntu 18.06 I et thiss error when runin22:27
antifaImportError: No module named _firefox3cookiejar22:27
tomreyn!enter | hp22:27
ubottuhp: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.22:27
FatSpitfireubuntu broken at booting line 19.622:28
tomreynhp: linux parameters you provide in a live grub are not retained, they are valid just for this very boot.22:28
antifahet guys ! having some trouble runing calibre on ubuntu 18.06 I et thiss error when runing it ImportError: No module named _firefox3cookiejar22:29
FatSpitfirehow to fix booting problem from telnet ?22:29
hptomreyn, ah I see well I will add it in after install22:29
hpfingers crossed for the screen to work in other modes than 1024x768 ,it works on livecd ,but something broke with intel driver on 4.15 on that other distro22:30
Chicken_Wrapbob98: Any progress?22:32
hpyeah running modesetting driver rn22:32
bob98Chicken_Wrap: thank you for your interest; the 18.04 system is not at my location and my client isn't able to try it right now... unfortunately...22:33
tomreynantifa: which ubuntu version (lsb_release -ds), calibre + firefox versions (dpkg -l calibre firefox)22:33
Chicken_Wrapoof. okay.22:33
bob98Chicken_Wrap: I hope it is a NoScript issue. Other alternatives are likely to take longer to fix...22:34
tomreynbob98: you should also have them use developer console, if just to take a screenshot, so you can compare it to yours22:35
tomreynsince there, it may well tell what got blocked and why.22:36
bob98tomreyn: where can I learn about developer console?22:37
tomreynbob98: probably on some mozilla websites, they have a developer wiki. also around noscript documentation, i would guess. or just try it, should be available on the 'tools' menu22:38
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bob98tomreyn: I assume you meant: tools>web developer>browser console ?22:47
af99is there a terminal command to boot kali alongside mint thanks for any help22:48
tomreynbob98: yes, although sodcrtipt may have one of its own. other filtering addons do it this way.22:48
tomreynaf99: how is this an ubuntu question?22:49
af99sorry im new to irc i can retry in mint chat22:50
bob98tomreyn: many thanks :)22:50
tomreynbob98: welcome22:50
acebrianjuanhello everyone23:01
acebrianjuanI just installed ubuntu 18.04 on an msi laptop23:01
acebrianjuanbut I have no sound at all23:02
acebrianjuanwhat should I do to get sound back?23:03
userI know that feeling23:03
userI have no idea. I've been without sound on this computer for months.23:04
acebrianjuanuser: nah23:05
acebrianjuanhard to believe23:05
userWell, I only use it when traveling, so I get it out about twice a year23:06
userBack in kernel 3, the sound worked fine, but now in kernel 4 the headphone jack isn't showing up in pulseaudio output devices at all. All that's there is the HDMI.23:07
userSo I suppose I could hook it up to a tv or something and get sound.23:07
userI tried an old pair of usb headphones, but I only got sound on one side, and I'm not sure if that's the headphones or the laptop.23:08
acebrianjuanuser: oh so neither the jack is working?23:08
userThe jack just isn't there, according to pulseaudio23:09
acebrianjuanwell that's 50% audio23:09
acebrianjuanI'm gonna have to try the jack too23:09
acebrianjuan1 sec...23:09
userWell, I've got my phone with me, so at least I can listen to youtube, but that's about all I can do with this phone.23:10
adrian_1908acebrianjuan: no devices listed in pavucontrol under configuration?23:10
ColdKeyboardIs there a how-to guide on how to clone old spin drive onto ssd with clonezilla?23:10
acebrianjuanthe jack works woot! woot!23:13
ColdKeyboardOr how can I see why my Ubuntu cloned disk is failing to start gui and services/23:15
acebrianjuanadrian_1908: I haven't got pavucontrol installed23:16
adrian_1908acebrianjuan: oh ok. looks like sounds works for you already :)23:17
acebrianjuanIf I open the sound options, under output devices I can see 2 devices: Digital Output (S/PDIF) - Built-in Audio and Speakers - Built-in audio23:18
userbut yeah, the only think listed for my under pavucontrol configuration is various HDMI outputs23:18
user*thing, me23:18
acebrianjuanbut if I unplug my headphones I cannot hear a thing comming from the speakers23:19
acebrianjuando you guys know what might be the problem?23:20
acebrianjuanI've got the volume at max23:20
userCheck the speaker volume sliders in ALSAmixer?23:22
adrian_1908acebrianjuan: so under "Built-in Audio" you selected the Profile that feeds your speakers (whatever connector/device that is)?23:22
acebrianjuanthe only profile that I can choose is "Analog Stereo Output"23:24
acebrianjuanI've tried the "Test Speakers" function too23:24
adrian_1908hmm ok, that might not be right for internal speakers (of your notebook), which I presume you want. No idea then, sorry.23:24
acebrianjuanadrian_1908: what profile should appear?23:26
acebrianjuanso that I can search on the net23:26
adrian_1908acebrianjuan: no idea, i rarely use my notebook, but Analog Stereo Output would refer to the 3.5mm audio jack, which works as you found out.23:27
acebrianjuanI've read posts about re-installing alsa and they claim it works23:28
acebrianjuanI should give it a try23:28
adrian_1908did you have sound before on earlier Ubuntu versions (or different distro), or is this your first attempt with Linux on that machine?23:28
acebrianjuanthe machine is brand new23:29
adrian_1908Well, MSI is pretty mainstream so I would guess they don't use sound components not supported by Ubuntu out of the box. Hopefully it's a simple fix as you say.23:30
acebrianjuanI hope so23:31
acebrianjuanI'm gonna get a system76 nex time23:31
acebrianjuanI've spent a few days learning how to dual-boot23:32
acebrianjuannow I'll have to spend some more time with audio23:33
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ColdKeyboardOkay, I didn't connect my other 4TB drive that's listed in fstab, so that's why it didn't boot up after cloning. I've connected it and now it works great!23:36
acebrianjuanthanks for the help guys23:37
acebrianjuansee you!23:37
april2018when I login with ssh my prompt looks like (1:361)# .  I then have to run  ~/.bashrc and then its back to ubuntu-dev:~#23:38
april2018how can I fix it so its fixed as ubuntu-dev:~#23:38
niceguy99hello can somone please tell me how to delete lvm information from my hard drive using ubuntu live cd so i can then installl ubuntu it is complaining it can't delete it23:38
april2018I like knowing the directory I am in sometimes I forget :-P23:39
april2018eg ubuntu-dev:/home#23:39
adrian_1908niceguy99: I don't know much about LVM, but I would recommend you launch gparted from the LiveCD and see if that gets the job done. Pretty intuitive interface.23:40
niceguy99i know there is some lv something command or somehting23:41
xitapril2018: when you login via ssh, what shell are you using?  i.e. $SHELL23:41
GlenKso I just installed lubuntu.  but apparently the program I'm trying to run won't run.  so I need something or other that comes with the regular old ubuntu install.23:42
GlenKso my question, can I install the unity stuff and all that easily somehow?23:42
Bashing-om!unity | GlenK23:43
adrian_1908GlenK: which program won't run?23:43
ubottuGlenK: Unity is a graphical shell for the GNOME desktop environment. Ubuntu used it by default from 11.04 to 17.04. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity23:43
GlenKadrian_1908: cisco's packet tracer program23:44
april2018xit: sorry I am very new to Linux i there a easy way to tell ?23:44
xitapril2018: sure just type: echo $SHELL23:44
adrian_1908GlenK: is this supplied by Cisco or via the package manager? In the former case, I'd be surprised if it depended on a specific DE, so long the graphics libraries are installed.23:45
GlenKadrian_1908: supplied by cisco23:45
april2018xit: ubuntu-dev:/home# echo $SHELL /bin/bash23:46
GlenKis there no ubuntu equivalent of something like fedora's "dnf group install gnome desktop"?23:46
xitapril2018: Can you try that command before your prompt is set?23:47
adrian_1908GlenK: you can install another DE through a meta-package, certainly. If you wish to use Gnome though, I would just install vanilla Ubuntu instead. Not sure how the Unity package is called, do a websearch.23:48
Chicken_WrapGlenK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MetaPackages#Desktop_Metapackages23:49
xitapril2018: If it still says /bin/bash, then type: gedit ~/.bash_profile        and add the text from: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fTBtNmd5YW/23:51
april2018thanks for the hint xit: let me try that23:53
GlenKChicken_Wrap: so it sounds like I want to do something like "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop".  but when I try that it complains about unmet dependencies23:54
GlenKargh.  hard to do from my vm23:55
Chicken_WrapUse pastebinit or something.23:56
Chicken_Wrapsudo apt install ubuntu-desktop | pastebinit    works, I think. Provided you have pastebinit installed, of course. I don’t remember if Ubuntu comes with its own paste service built-in.23:56
april2018Thanks xit that did it I just had to use nano as I did not have gedit installed it seems23:58
GlenKha, nevermind.  I just kept adding whatever dependencies it complained about to my install command and now it seems to be working23:58
GlenKhaha, watch.  gonna go through all this and then packettracer still won't work23:59
xitapril2018 great!  :)23:59
GlenKand I'd be fine with vanilla ubuntu, but for some reason compiz goes nuts in my vm23:59

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