[01:00] OvenWerks: Haven't tried it yet, but I'll report back. It's a Dell Inspiron 5576 Gaming. [03:14] Eickmeyer: I am just looking at this page: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/25776/detecting-headphone-connection-disconnection-in-linux [03:16] The very last answer is decidedly different from the rest. It talks about using hda-verb to set pin controls rather than using alsamixer to turn speakers off and on. [03:27] Eickmeyer: http://www.alsa-project.org/hda-analyzer.py looks useful for finding out more info. It is similar to hdajackretask but at a lower level [03:44] Hmm, I was able to switch my internal HDA to 2/6 i/o [03:44] Alsamixer seems to do that. [03:49] Anyway, hdaanalyzer seems to show setting similar to alsamixer [03:51] but they don't seem to do anything. That may be (in my case) because the plugs are set to ac97 [15:10] To whoever does our web page :) someone actually left a comment on http://ubuntustudio.org/2018/06/introducing-the-ubuntu-studio-audio-handbook/ and was horrified that it actually put their plain text email address in rather than their logged in nick [15:12] On further reflection... if you have to have a launchpad account to comment one could look up the email anyway. [15:14] Anyway, they would like their email removed... the comment can be removed if that is the easiest/quickest method. [15:24] Oh... Yuck! the login process to leave a comment is quite a pain. It takes me through at least three screens... one of them twice. [15:30] I put an email in as well. I have no idea how I would remove that comment... who has moderators authority where to go to use such authority, etc. [15:34] OvenWerks: Done. I didn't remove the comment, but I did remove any reference to an email address. Login is required, but using an email address to post a comment is not required. In fact, if one is already logged-in to Launchpad it should "just work." [15:35] And, unfortunately, there's no way to change the process. [15:35] Huh, I wonder how that happened then. Oh well. so long as it is fixed. I am guessing this may show up again? [15:36] Maybe we should not allow comments? [15:36] He's the first person to ever have this problem. I look back at the other comments and absolutely nobody other than him used their email address in the comments. [15:36] He made a mistake somewhere. [15:37] BTW, the comments about the handbook in #lad have been less than complementary. [15:38] What's their problem? [15:39] There is a feeling that example plugins should be non-proprietary, that using a windows vst with wine to make it work rather than a lxvst is a mistake... and that some of the info is just wrong. [15:40] It is true that people should be encouraged to use linux native plugins. There are some very goods one out there both open and proprietary. [15:40] Using wine to get around this does not scale. [15:40] (which is why Ardour does not sandbox plugins) [15:42] my Yf and son want to go berry picking, but there is tyhe darkest, meanest looking rain cloud in the direction they want to go :P [15:43] Eickmeyer: of course audio setup will change with the intro of -controls [15:43] Well, nobody got paid to do it, so I don't care. [15:43] :) [15:43] * Eickmeyer is a little grumpy this morning [15:44] * OvenWerks hasn't had time to read through it yet. [15:47] the comments in #lad were from the 21st so long gone. [15:59] OvenWerks: If they're not commenting directly, then obviously the issue isn't that pressing. Besides, as I said, nobody got paid to write it. [16:19] OvenWerks: No idea what to do about manpages for Carla. [16:19] FalkTX never wrote any. [21:48] I am not sure if there have to be man pages. But they would not be hard to write. [21:49] Basically man pages are for commandline parameters and I don't know if Carla has any. [21:49] Other than that, just a quick description is all that is needed. [21:51] Eickmeyer: this one is already probably more wordy than needed: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-controls/tree/usr/share/man/man1/ubuntustudio-controls.1 [21:52] Y9ou would only need to do a man page for the binary, not the plugins, I think. [21:53] Yeah, I think that's correct. [21:54] Right now I'm working on the /usr/lib/pkgconfig issue (it's not allowed) [21:56] :) [22:00] The other issue is the Epoch number without comment. No clue how to handle that. [22:02] Eickmeyer: you may or may not be able to. [22:02] I don't know either [22:02] So, just leave it? Won't it get rejected? [22:03] It is just a "W" (warning) so I think leave it. [22:03] Okay, cool. [22:28] Looks like the /pkgconfig issue is just a warning too. [22:29] The "E" ones are the errors. [22:40] If that's the case, all of the errors lintian is throwing for me are simply warnings. [22:41] cool. If the package is just for ubuntu that is ok. I think debian packaging is more picky. [22:42] I'd have no problem with it simply being in Universe. Debian would take much more time. [22:44] There yu go. [22:44] so not a problem then