[03:13] Good night, i'm having thia iseue [03:13] https://postimg.cc/gallery/hye3rcge/ [03:13] Issue* [03:14] Perdón por el inglés..;) === samfumon_ is now known as samfumon [09:40] hola gente tengo un problemilla no puedo borrar unos ficheros desde consola estan en rwxrwxrwx i lsattr -> --------------e--- [10:50] buenas === naldoco_ is now known as naldoco1 === freddy is now known as Guest44184 === yo_ is now known as tragonbisex [17:23] hola [17:39] Alguien de vosotros conoce algún panel de control gratis mejor que vestacp? [17:39] zpanel no me termina de convencer [18:01] buenas [19:04] Hi, I am having a problem with efibootmgr running on command line in ubuntu 18.04. The application can't proceed when running it into a console. Does nothing and I can only close with with Ctrl+C. I am running it on Ubuntu 18.04. How can I fix this issue? [19:28] Guest25169: /join #ubuntu