
keithzgCool, so the functionality has been removed and I'm out of luck . . . greeeaaat.00:02
keithzgI always love it when things are fixed by way of removing functionality :P00:03
* keithzg is tempted to give up on this whole "attempt to have at least a modest level of security on network shares" thing, then00:03
keithzgI suppose that explains why things worked for users on the older server that already had things set up, it must have synced folks' passwords at the time, and just nobody here ever changes their passwords, haha00:05
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rbasakkeithzg: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1066900:39
ubottubugzilla.samba.org bug 10669 in Other "libpam-smbpass leaks file descriptors when PAM authenticates multiple times in a single process" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]00:39
rbasakkeithzg: it was fundamentally broken and upstream recommend restructuring to use pam_winbind instead00:40
keithzgrbasak: Yeah, I noticed that linked to from the debian bug. Unfortunately the Samba docs don't appear to detail any way to use pam_winbind to just let existing users automatically be Samba users, at least not that I can find. And there's zero chance users at my work will go along with having *another* set of credentials.00:41
rbasakkeithzg: either you make your system use AD for its user database and authentiation needs (use winbind), or you don't and you can't reliably have magic password sync.00:44
rbasakYou might be able to use winbind to join the domain and then selectively use pam_winbind for only a few things.00:45
keithzgI mean, there *is* no domain to be joined, so . . .00:46
rbasakWhere are your extra set of credentials coming from then?00:46
keithzgTehre are two classes of user accounts on our *buntu machines, local ones and ones authenticated against our OpenLDAP server.00:47
keithzgIdeally, whatever users are respected on the actual machine would be respected over SMB, so that local permissions would actually map to remote permissions, yaknow?00:48
keithzgBut if I can't have that without running an AD server of some kind myself then I don't know if it's worth it to even bother with authentication at all.00:49
rbasakOh, I see00:53
rbasakI think you need to set up Samba as a domain server then.00:53
rbasakYou used to be able to do it without a domain, but I think the more recent wire protocols may preclude being able to do anything sensible security-wise without going all the way now.00:54
rbasakWith the older protocols being disabled for security reasons etc.00:54
rbasakI may be wrong.00:54
rbasakI think with the current protocols there's no way for the server serving the file shares to see the password itself in plaintext to verify it, which make magic sync essentially impossible.00:55
keithzgFrom what I understand that does sound about right. But that's . . . well, I mean, running a big extra heavy service is itself a security risk, yaknow? So I'm more tempted to just try to abandon Samba as much as I can.00:55
rbasakOnly as a domain controller can samba actually see the password itself to be able to sync it00:56
rbasakYeah. Fair enough.00:56
rbasakIt's the same in the Windows-only world AIUI. Join a domain, or you don't get useful services.00:57
rbasakThough I'm not really up to date any more. Especially with the most recent sets of vulnerabilities that caused much stuff to end up being disabled by default for fundamental brokenness reasons (AIUI)00:58
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blackpawni'm updating from ubuntu 14 to 18... in 14 i used sudo start proxyServer for example and had files in /etc/init/proxyServer.conf... start and /etc/init don't seem to be in ubuntu 18?04:19
blackpawnwhats the new way of setting up servers to start at network-services start time04:19
blackpawnah i see upstart has been replaced by systemd04:23
blackpawncan i install upstart on ubuntu 18 to use my old stuff or have to switch over?04:25
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lordievaderGood morning08:31
lordievaderblackpawn: Systemd should be compatible with upstart scripts.08:31
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jamespagecoreycb: horizon is making my eye's bleed10:58
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Gobo708_bHi all, I am trying to follow instructions here:ttps://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubeadm/ to install kubeadm, and hitting the wall on the cat section...11:39
Gobo708_bcat <<EOF >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list11:39
Gobo708_bProbably doing something silly11:39
Gobo708_bBut that section just sits at the prompt >11:40
Gobo708_bany ideas what I am doing wrong?11:40
ahasenackgood morning12:03
tomreynthe same t ;)12:04
tomreynGobo708_b: you're supposed to paste all the red lines in one go, including the trailing newline. this is a 'heredoc'12:05
Gobo708_btomreyn, Thanks, yeah got it working in the end.. just needed to hit ENTER :p12:05
tomreynGobo708_b: read up on this (this wiki is a great resource to better understand bash) if you're not yet familiar witht his concept: https://mywiki.wooledge.org/HereDocument12:08
Gobo708_bThanks, yeah I was confused by the EOF... cheers12:08
Gobo708_btomreyn, that confused me a little more.. will have to read that a few times ;)12:13
tomreynreading it again may help. practising more so. if, however, you prefer to add to the confusion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_document12:18
Gobo708_btomreyn, I get it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2qecoe3KSk12:18
Gobo708_btomreyn, thanks, I wouldn't have known what to look for without your hint12:19
tomreyn:) welcome12:19
UssatAnyone here run cacti on Ubuntu, could use some help here, I have asked in the cacti channel, but any help would be appreciated, as I am getting a headache banging my head against the wall12:32
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Ussatso it seems rrdtool 1.7.0 may have a bug while in cacti, not displaying graphing correctly, how would I down grade that12:44
Ussatdowngrade rrdtool I mean to say12:50
UssatI am on Ububtu 18.04 LTS12:50
rbasakUssat: try a 17.10 or 16.04 container? "lxc launch ubuntu:artful"12:52
UssatOK, so that would basically launch the older OS version in a container, correct ?12:57
cpaelzerUssat: yes13:04
UssatI mean doable, but ...I can just as easilly do a fresh 16.04 LTS install13:11
Ussatwell, descision time13:11
blackflowUssat: it means run Cacti in an older ubuntu container. Personally, I'd fork and build a custom dpkg from it.13:12
blackflow(I'd hate installing the whole OS sans kernel just to run a specific version of rrdtool)13:12
rbasakUssat: I suggested that for debugging purposes13:16
rbasakUssat: to pin down the details for a bug report.13:16
rbasakUssat: if there's a bug in a newer release then let's fix it rather than downgrade.13:17
Ussatrbasak, Yea I see your point....will do that.13:21
UssatJust kinda up against a wall here :)13:21
UssatWill leave the debugging for a bit later, need to build something that works for the network team asap :)13:22
Ussatpriorities and all13:22
coreycbjamespage: i'm sorry to hear that :/ want to sync up on horizon today?13:57
fricklercoreycb: I'd be grateful for new nova pkgs that fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1770640 , can you do them based on that bug or would you need a new one? 16.1.4 and 17.0.5 would be needed14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770640 in OpenStack Compute (nova) queens "live block migration of instance with vfat config drive fails" [High,Fix committed]14:35
fricklercoreycb: note that 16.1.4. ftbfs's for me due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1765122 , would need https://review.openstack.org/578058 as local patch applied14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1765122 in nova (Ubuntu) "qemu-img execute not mocked in unit tests" [Low,Triaged]14:37
coreycbfrickler: we can use the existing bugs. i'm working through stable point releases for ocata, pike, and queens now and will look to include these.14:39
fricklercoreycb: great, thx14:40
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[diablo]good afternoon guys.. is there a help tooler to convert a running system into a template please?15:45
blackflow[diablo]: what kind of template?15:47
[diablo]hi blackflow for Proxmox15:47
[diablo]just to be able to quickly deploy a new baseline15:47
blackflowthat's a bit specific to Proxmox. I have no idea what they use for templating.15:48
[diablo]well it's more like reseting MAC, etc etc15:49
[diablo]so a new instance can be spun up15:49
naccthe MAC isn't usually stored in software15:49
[diablo]I mean for the NIC ...15:50
nacc[diablo]: i know what you meant15:50
[diablo]right, sorry I have to dash, back in a bit, cheers guys15:50
nacc[diablo]: sounds like a proxmox request, anyways15:50
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[diablo]back... so nacc not really proxmox request... I'm referring (possibly badly lol) to up'ing a VM , installing Ubuntu, cleaning it up so that the next boot it's treated like configuring a new machine16:15
[diablo]when it's powered off, it's copied into a template... same principle for VMware, or pretty much any virtualisation platform16:16
naccsmoser: --^ didn't you have something for that?16:17
nacciirc, remove ssh keys, remove machine-id, make sure the iscsi initiator id is generated at boot time (if using).16:17
nacc[diablo]: using dhcp or static ip?16:18
[diablo]hi nacc yeah exactly  that type of stuff16:18
[diablo]DHCP is fine for the template16:18
nacc[diablo]: ok, then that list is probably all you need to do16:18
naccand no, there's not an existent service to do it, afaik16:19
[diablo]ok nacc cheers16:20
smoserwell, what you need to do very much depends on what you *want* to do.16:22
smosermaybe you want ssh keys to stay there. maybe you want added users...16:22
naccsmoser: true, you're right; i read their request as "as close to a blank image as possible"16:23
smoserbut what i suggest for anyone trying to build images is basically to take Ubuntu cloud image and modify it.  ideally without booting it.16:23
smoserand to do that, what I do is use mount-image-callback (from cloud-image-utils)16:23
smoseryou could also use guestfish or something16:24
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jak2000hi all i am under a firewall, is possible wich ips have permit togo to www?18:05
jak2000wich command?18:06
jlacroixI am experiencing a strange issue where every time I reboot my ubuntu server, /etc/resolv.conf is deleted. I think a package might be missing but I'm not sure which one. I have to recreate /etc/resolv.conf every boot18:10
jlacroixHas anyone seen this before?18:15
xnoxjlacroix, that is weird. what do you recreate it with? it should be a symlink to ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf on bionic and later18:18
xnoxjlacroix, what release are you on?18:18
jlacroixUbuntu 18.04. I just ran echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf to create it18:18
jlacroixThe file isn't there before I run that18:18
naccjlacroix: is this a fresh install?18:18
jlacroixNo, I've had this install since release day18:19
jlacroixThe problem started today after doing some package cleanup18:19
xnoxjlacroix, please don't, and instead specify your nameserver in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf, unless you can pick it up via DHCP? and symlink /etc/resolv.conf to ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf18:19
jlacroixThe systemd-resolved service is running18:19
jlacroixok I will do that now18:19
xnoxjlacroix, what's the output of $ systemd-resolve --status18:19
xnoxjlacroix, if you are comfortable with sharing /var/log/installer/ and /var/log/apt/ it would be interesting to see if anything was done to the system to cause that.18:20
jlacroixThe contents of /var/log/apt would probably be huge. I basically accidentally ran my desktop install script against my server, which caused hundreds of unneeded packages to be installed. I removed these packages, and now resolv.conf is deleted every boot18:21
xnoxjlacroix, yeah specify dns in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf (note it is .ini like file - just like any systemd unit/config file, not a resolv.conf like thing)18:21
xnoxjlacroix, networkmanager got installed? it likes to do that..... resolvconf? ifupdown?18:22
xnoxtypically these things should not be on server installs18:22
xnoxmaybe avahi or some such18:22
xnoxjlacroix, it would be interesting to find out who/what is doing that18:22
jlacroixThe /etc/systemd/resolved.conf has everything commented out. Interestingly, an unrelated (and working) server also has everything in that file commented out18:23
sarnoldauditd file watching may help catch the process responsible if it happens at an awkward time18:23
sarnoldfatrace kind of thing might be easier if it happens at a more convenient time18:23
jlacroixresolveconf is installed, so is ifupdown18:23
xnoxjlacroix, typically, resolved gets it's dns server over dhcp, and thus only visible in /run/systemd/netif18:24
jlacroixIf it matters, this server is running on Digital Ocean18:24
xnoxjlacroix, your system does not appear to be getting dhcp.... or somebody is eating it away before resolved manages to get its hands on it18:24
jlacroixI don't know what DO uses for dhcp18:24
xnoxoh, it's a cloud server/droplet.18:24
xnoxjlacroix, if i were you, i would recreate the instance.... if that is easy enough for you to do18:24
jlacroixI thought about it, but I literally ran this script against a dozen servers, so that will be quite a few to recreate18:25
xnoxjlacroix, i think they do have like an agent, which backdoors things into the instances, including resolv.conf / networking, no?!18:25
blackflowDO uses avahi to set up networking, as incredible as that sounds.18:25
xnoxjlacroix, make new instance, check how it looks and what it has installed, mimic others.18:25
xnoxblackflow, wow ouch.18:25
jlacroixavahi makes sense actually18:25
jlacroixone sec18:25
blackflow"makes sense"? no it doesn't18:26
xnoxjlacroix, cause than it's not setup like a typical "ubuntu server", as I believe DO make their own ubuntu customized images, and I don't know how things work there.18:26
jlacroixWell, makes sense from a "probably what's wrong" standpoint18:26
xnoxjlacroix, you may have better luck on DO specific support forum. or maybe wait if somebody here uses DO and can help better.18:26
blackflowah. also, btw, resolv.conf is volatile on ubuntus since it became a link into /run. any modifications to it will of course be deleted on reboot.18:27
jlacroixIs there a VPS solution more "pure" for Ubuntu?18:28
sarnoldI use aws lightsail, I intend to look at vultr one of these days, hear good things about packet.net18:29
jlacroixWhat about Linode?18:29
sarnoldthey're okay if you know exactly what you're getting and why you're getting it18:30
jlacroixI suppose I could chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf but that's messy18:30
blackflowExcept they tend to ignore security incident reports, and keep on telling you nothing happened, until it hits the media, then they acknowledge, if even then.18:31
blackflowjlacroix: no. if you want custom resolv.conf, drop systemd-resolved from teh picture.18:31
jlacroixI really don't want a custom anything, to be honest. I am not sure what I did to break this. I will ask in the digitalocean chatroom, but at this point, I'm tempted to delete everything and start over18:33
jlacroixEven though that will be weeks worth of work18:33
blackflowjlacroix: if european VPS is okay, I recommend Hetzner.18:36
jlacroixI may just host internally on LXD at this point, I've been thinking about it anyway18:36
jlacroixThe only problem is I have a handful of services and one single external IP, so I would probably need to set up a proxy in front of everything18:37
blackflowthey don't do any weird avahi stuff. the VPS images have colorized prompt, dhcp setup, and .... well... if you take the "Cloud" server, then networking is "normal". If you take the CX line, then your IPv4 is always.18:37
blackflowooh, firewall maintenance tiem. bbl.18:43
ahasenackI'm trying to find a way to run new dep8 tests I'm adding to a package18:46
ahasenackI don't need to have the package built to do that, the package from the archive works for that purpose18:46
ahasenackI'm using -B, but it's not doing what i want, it just fails saying the test dependencies can't be satisfied18:46
ahasenackis that because my d/t/control file has "@" in the Depends line?18:46
naccahasenack: does the test specify build-needed?18:57
ahasenackI'm also running it by giving autopkgtest a directory where the package is extracted, and my new dep8 tests are18:58
naccahasenack: can you pastebin the command and output?19:00
ahasenackthe output I don't have now, I ran it again without -B to test a modification19:01
ahasenackbut I'll start again, since it fails it will be quick19:01
naccahasenack: oh ok19:01
ahasenacknacc: pastebin with some bits: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/gDMKB8PKrC/19:06
ahasenacknacc: and full dep8 output: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ahasenack/dep8-output-with-B/19:07
ahasenackwe have a synced package (1.16-2), that has a no-change rebuild in ubuntu (1.16-2build1), and I'm adding ubuntu changes to19:55
naccahasenack: reading19:55
ahasenackwhat is the ubuntu version now?19:55
ahasenack1.16-2build1ubuntu1? Or 1.16-2ubuntu119:55
naccubuntu1 > build119:55
nacc  Removing autopkgtest-satdep:amd64 because I can't find libkdb5-8:amd6419:57
naccahasenack: --^19:57
naccahasenack: doesn'te xist in cosmic19:57
ahasenackI found the error19:57
naccahasenack: :)19:57
ahasenackmy ubuntu/devel branch was outdated19:57
ahasenackand I based this branch on it19:57
nacc(as in not fetched?)19:58
ahasenacknot recently fetched19:58
ahasenackit was still at krb5 1.1519:58
ahasenackso it should work now, let me try again19:58
ahasenackI found it just a few minutes ago19:58
naccahasenack: ack, makes sense19:59
naccahasenack: it's possibl gu-clone is wrong and not setting up your local ubuntu/devel as a tracking branch19:59
ahasenackI probably wouldn't have thought to try autopkgtest with -B again, had you not pinged me :)20:00
naccahasenack: :)20:00
ahasenackwhen you did, all pieces fell into place20:00
ahasenacknacc: hah!20:09
ahasenacknacc: down to 2min from 12min20:09
ahasenackas expected, but still, nice to see it working as expected :)20:10
ahasenackfast tests make developers happy20:10
naccahasenack: nice!20:19
FishPencilI have a VPS that will host multiple websites with different domains. I'll be SFTPing data each day into each domain, and each domain will be running PHP FPM and NGINX. How should I secure and organize this?22:21
FishPencilShould I create a user account for each domain and grant each user ower permissions for each /var/www/domain.com ?22:21

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