[12:38] https://hackaday.com/2018/06/22/linux-fu-the-great-power-of-make/ [13:54] Found on reddit if someone wants a source. Thought it was neat [14:00] It is sad that so few are encrypting the disk [14:01] I was a bit worried about the default encryption option even though I use it [14:01] I thought it had been compromised [14:02] @govatent, Even if it was compromised, it is better than nothing [14:02] True [14:34] Go USA! Most popular country for Ubuntu. [15:12] @AdamOutler, Wow, didn't expect that honestly lol [16:25] Oh @RazPi - You wanted to know the names of the fittings on the 3D printer - https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=as_li_ss_tl?url=search-alias=industrial&field-keywords=PC4-M6&linkCode=ll2&tag=geeksurvival-20&linkId=f368ba1a401bd000d991c26e68ef2e5d [16:27] That was me. Wow, they are called pneumatic fittings. I would think there was a different nomenclature for something that transfers plastic instead of pressurized air. [16:28] @KMyers Those don't fit my printer I bought both the black and the blue ones :( [16:29] @RazPi, I think we may need to make some modifications to yours. Sounds like a weekend project [16:29] Ooh I like the sound of that [16:29] It's been hard to move forward with FreeCAD without a working printer [16:30] @RazPi, http://www.soliforum.com/topic/15273/howto-convert-da-vinci-jr-to-ramps-14/ [23:41] Ohh I see now [23:45] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYtbnTGVoQY