
Scary_Guyhttps://github.com/dimitri/el-get/issues/474 comedic gold06:37
=== havenstance1 is now known as havenstance
doubledevAfternoon everyone16:50
doubledevanyone know a place that is hiring?16:50
jrwrenPillar in Ann Arbor.16:53
jrwrenIthaka in Ann Arbor.16:53
doubledevjrwren: that is too far of a drive for me. I am in Macomb Township.16:53
doubledevthanks for that suggestion though16:53
doubledevHAHA!  just bought this house and my wife's job is up this way too. That would be too far of a drive for what she is getting paid.16:54
doubledevCan I work remotely at Pillar?16:54
jrwrenI have no idea.16:55
jrwrenI don't follow Macomb Co. jobs because I'm not a fan of the suburban wasteland that it is. :p16:55
jrwrenautobooks is hiring.16:56
jrwrenbut they are looking for Senior level folks with some .net/sql experience.16:57
jrwrenif you are willing to comute to detroit, there is tons of cool jobs.16:58
jrwrenOptomi is hiring.16:58
doubledevjrwren: thank you.  I will look into them17:07
cmaloneyFord is always hiring17:11
jrwrenhelluva commute though.17:12
cmaloneyAnd I have opinions on Ford's hiring process17:13
cmaloneynot complementary ones17:13
doubledevcmaloney: what was your experience?17:14
cmaloneyWell, for one position I applied for they put me through a timed reading comprehension test17:15
cmaloneyand a timed percentages test17:15
cmaloneyand a timed culture fit test17:15
cmaloneythe best I could come up with is they wanted someone who was a complete toady who did fractions like a machine and had a photographic memory17:16
doubledevare they looking for speedy gonzales for everything17:16
cmaloneyI hope they can build their little friend someday17:17
cmaloneyThe second was with a contracting house that demanded I send thiem my drivers license (I refused) and then reformatted / rewrote my resume for the job even though it's CC-BY-NC_ND licensed17:17
cmaloneyso they literally stripped out my license and copyrighted my resume17:18
cmaloneywe had ... words.17:18
cmaloneyBut the girst was I felt I couldn't trust them to have my best interests at heart17:18
cmaloneybecause they ignored my desires17:19
jrwrenthe drivers license bit is illegal as an EOE, you could report them.17:19
cmaloneyThey claimed it was a Ford requirement, but in the end they didn't need it17:19
cmaloneythat was before the resume re-write17:19
cmaloneyWhat's awesome is my formative years as a computer professional were with Ford17:20
cmaloneyas a contractor17:20
cmaloneySo being told (in the first case) that I wasn't even worthy of an interview really stung17:21
cmaloneyNevermind that they got 8+ years out of me in one way or another17:22
cmaloney13+ years in the auto industry. Just say no, kids.17:22
jrwrenI did.17:23
cmaloneyI mean, I learned Perl and did some interesting web-based project17:28
cmaloneybut when they didn't know what to do with you they didn't promote an environment of growth17:28
cmaloneyand it was easy to get lost in there17:28
doubledevSo don't go into automotive industry, got it!  ;)17:33
cmaloneyIf you value your soul you'll find something else17:34
rick_h_doubledev: what kind of work are you looking for?17:35
doubledevhaha, i think i sold that a while back ago, but will steer clear of it.  :)17:35
doubledevrick_h_: Well, I would like to stick with developing, but I wouldn't be opposed to moving into a support management role or quality team type of work.17:36
doubledevor even a deployment team role17:37
jrwrendevops is all of those.17:37
doubledevI don't think devops would be good, just briefly looking at job descriptions and requirements.17:42
jrwreni must be only person outside of google who actually likes devops17:43
doubledevi am not saying I wouldn't like it, but don't think i am qualified for it17:43
brouschI like devops. I get to do all the things17:47
jrwrennone of that - throw-it-over-the-wall-and-point-blame crap.17:50
jrwrenand none of that - IT won't let us crap either.17:50
jrwrenOWN IT ALL17:50
greg-gall of the: 24/7 pager duty :)17:52
greg-g(yes, because it makes you make better software!)17:52
cmaloneyhell yeah17:55
cmaloneyI don't want to be up at 3am trying to fix shit17:55
cmaloneyBeen there, done that, got the T-shirt17:55
jrwrenactually it does!18:02
jrwrenbecause you stop writing and designing things that can go down.18:02
jrwren24/7 pager duty THAT NEVER GETS USED18:02
jrwrenbecause you are finally forced to understand the platform on which you run and write to it... or... you don't, and you get called all the time. your fault.18:02
jrwrenbonus if you define your own SLA such that it can always wait until morning. :)18:03
greg-gyeah... that SLA wouldn't fly here :P18:06
jrwrenthen you can afford to hire 24/7 support people.18:07
jrwrenhired on 3-4 continents such that all hours of the day are covered by peoples regular working hours.18:08
jrwrenif you can't do one or the other then something isn't being valued correctly.18:08
greg-gindeed :)18:13
cmaloneyI like the SLA where it gets fixed when I get around to it19:23

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