
sonicwindI'm using a new (used) laptop for first time. Normally, in indicator-multiload, you can put your mouse over the app icon at top of the screen and adjust what monitored resources you see there by scrolling the mouse wheel while over it. How do I do that on a ThinkPad?00:02
sonicwindnevermind... just realized this is probably off-topic here... gotta find a general hardware channel00:03
BaKKaRCan someone help me with my Nvidia please, its is integrated Nvidia, it was working fine and then suddenly stopped after switching to Intel graphics. I have tried like 5 drivers 396 - 380 - 340 all the same. Models when doing (lsmod |grep nvidia) are loaded but still cannot open Nvidia settings and cannot do switch.00:03
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svipI am doing a do-release-upgrade, but I cannot access my Xorg tty anymore, or rather, XFCE won't load windows.00:29
svipSo I cannot see how it is going.00:29
svipBut I can see in htop that I have a 100% CPU usage across my 4 cores.00:29
svipDoing a sudo apt-command indicates that it is still locked.  Is there a way I can check whether it is safe enough to reboot?00:31
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naccsvip: it's not, if your cpus are busy00:31
naccsvip: did you see in top/htop *what* is using your cores?00:31
svipnacc: But it's mostly XFCE-programs that are taking CPU time.00:31
naccsvip: also from what to what were you upgrading?00:31
svipSuch as xfce4-panel, xfce4-terminal, etc. and Xorg.00:31
svipnacc: From 16.04 to 18.04 LTS.00:32
naccsvip: that's not currently supported00:32
naccsvip: dunno if it's well-tested yet by the xubuntu folks00:32
svipnacc: Yeah, but my laptop shouldn't behave like this, even if the upgrade isn't supported.00:33
naccsvip: well, dunno if that's accurate00:35
naccsvip: the upgrade process itself may be broken and doing something funky00:35
svipnacc: It seems more like Xorg/XFCE is actually hogging all the resources.  The dpkg-process seems to be sleeping.00:36
Bashing-omBaKKaR: In replacing the driver .. did you remove the /etc/X11/xorg.conf config file ? and is secure boot disabled ?00:36
svipWhy should nm-applet or xfce-session run at 100%?00:37
BaKKaRBashing-om: i did not try that. However, i have run Nvidia-xconfg which then replaced - supposedly - the xorg-.conf in the process00:38
easzeroi have got a problem. If i start a browser, firefox or chromium  e.g, then it crashes immediately after seconds I have already tried some cleaning commands in the terminal. Error remains00:40
Bashing-omBaKKaR: I just do not have faith in Nvidia-xconfg after the fact on a new install . I feel the better if the file is built in the install process .  personal feeling is all . EFI machine where secure boot must be disabled ?00:41
naccsvip: possibly because they are being replaced, etc.00:41
naccsvip: in any case, you could try rebooting whenever you want, but it seems likely you'll need to repair your system manually00:42
easzeroany ideas?00:42
BaKKaRBashing-om: i am using normal boot, UEFI is off/disabled00:42
BaKKaRBashing-om: r u suggesting to purge nvidia all and then removing the xorg.config file , then reboot and reinstall the drivers again .. is that the right sequence?00:43
Bashing-omBaKKaR: EFI will not discern how you are booting - if enabled it will do it's job to not allow 3rd party software .00:43
BaKKaRi can double check th BIOS, but the UEFI is OFF .. and i dont have the UEFI drive .. all that removed already.00:44
Bashing-omBaKKaR: were me and what I do .. is make sute the system is fullt ipdated and allow the system to choose the driver it thinks best to install ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' .00:45
BaKKaRi eant no UEFI partition in my HDD setup and it is disabled00:45
svipnacc: OK.  But it should be possible to repair?00:47
svipEven if manually.00:47
BaKKaRBashing-om:  ok it is downloadning now, should i remove all nvidia drivers i have now already before it continues?00:48
Bashing-omBaKKaR: There can be only one ! I always remove the bad driver before getting the replacement .00:49
BaKKaRBashing-om: yeah, i have noticed the command u suggested is removing the old one already00:50
BaKKaRi am going to go ahead and try00:50
Bashing-omBaKKaR: :) will not hurt to try .00:51
BaKKaRBashing-om: :)00:51
* BaKKaR crossing his fingers00:51
naccsvip: in theory, yes00:52
BaKKaRBashing-om:  i have done and rebooted now .. should i try the Nvidia-xconfig?00:57
Bashing-omBaKKaR: No, that file should have been built .. you can check for /etc/X11/Xorg.conf .00:58
Bashing-omBaKKaR: What releas is this .. as seems in 18.04 that file has moved ???00:59
BaKKaRBashing-om: i could find it in /etc/x11/xorg.config00:59
BaKKaRBashing-om: what should i look for there?00:59
oerheksX11 .. else you get an empty file01:00
Bashing-omBaKKaR: looks sane ? with entries for both nvidia and Intel in that config file ?01:00
oerheksand config .. > conf01:00
BaKKaRoerheks: thx01:00
BaKKaRBashing-om: i could see entries for both yes, intel and Nvidia. Also in the X11 folder i could find another file called xorg.config.nvidia....01:01
gambl0r3hello? i cant mount my sd card. im geting an error message01:03
gambl0r3Error mounting /dev/mmcblk0p1 at /media/ricky/CC23-17B3: Command-line `mount -t "exfat" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,namecase=0,errors=remount-ro,umask=0077" "/dev/mmcblk0p1" "/media/ricky/CC23-17B3"' exited with non-zero exit status 2:01:03
gambl0r3stdout: `FUSE exfat 1.0.101:03
gambl0r3stderr: `BUG: failed to read 512 bytes from file at 0.01:03
gambl0r3i never had problems in the past01:03
BaKKaRBashing-om: lsmod does not show any loaded nvidia modules now .. it was before :-/01:04
Bashing-omBaKKaR: Do not know about xorg.config.nvidia - have never seen it .. can not see though that it will affect Xorg.conf .01:04
BaKKaRBashing-om: no worries, it has the same entries the xconfig has .. so i think xorg.conf is built alright01:05
Bashing-omBaKKaR: Let's see what is installed ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' .01:05
BaKKaRBashing-om: nvidia-396 and opencl-39601:06
Bashing-omBaKKaR: pastebin ' cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' . See what the manager has to relate .01:07
RoadRunnerunder 18.04, is Flash player plugin installed in Firefox by default?01:08
BaKKaRBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/vcREVb6i .. thank you01:10
oerheksRoadRunner, no. flash is part of the restricted extras package01:12
svipnacc: It went A-OK!01:13
svipMy system is now running smoothly again and is upgraded.01:13
RoadRunneroerheks: in that case, is there an open source equivalent that allows to view flash content like video's, etc?01:13
oerheksstandard html5 in firefox/chrome should work, for most flash content01:14
oerheksbut flash is dead. hurray01:14
gambl0r3anyone able to help?01:16
Bashing-omBaKKaR: Still reading -- nut we got to adress this " Is nvidia blacklisted? yes" .01:17
BaKKaRBashing-om: yes i was googling that now :)01:17
RoadRunneroerheks: what about that flash content that isn't read by standard html5, what should I get for that?01:19
andres_%n =Andres01:22
Bashing-omBaKKaR: Well, we know we have isues to overcome :) in small steps let's begin with the blacklisting . pastebin ' ls -al /etc/modprobe.d/ ' and ' cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ' .01:27
RoadRunnerso is there an open source player capable of playing that type of flash content that standard html5 in firefox can't handle?01:35
Chicken_WrapRoadRunner: You mean like Pepper Flash?01:38
Bashing-omRoadRunner: This : ' apt show adobe-flashplugin ' ?01:43
BaKKaRBashing-om: i am really gratefull for your patiance :) :)01:43
svipIs Wayland ready for Xubuntu/XFCE?01:44
BaKKaRBashing-om: i have checked the directory and it does not contain that *.old-dpkg mentioned on some online forum01:45
WoCDoes Wayland have any benefits ?01:45
Bashing-omBaKKaR: Hey ,, I too am in that learning process ! .. each and every one of us . So where are we ? I be awaitin g to lkook at what is blacklisted .01:45
BaKKaRsure .. in a second01:46
guivercWoC, yep wayland has benefits (it wouldn't exist otherwise), but ....  refer https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wayland maybe01:46
Bashing-omWoC: It is what will be .. I find it smoother and faster than X11 - there are many apps that are not to this time ported over .01:46
Bashing-omsvip: No, xfce will not be a part of wayland .01:47
WoCjust that it seems to be a very long list of things not working with it01:47
svipBashing-om: OK, thank you.01:48
BaKKaRBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/p5eugYE101:48
WoCBashing-om, amd graphics ?01:48
Bashing-omWoC: I run wayland and with the nouveau driver no isues .. there is a lot of effort in nvidia's 396 driver to support wayland .01:50
WoCBashing-om, not an option for me, i use OpenCL01:51
WoCbut ty01:51
RoadRunnerChicken_Wrap: Bashing-om: under 16.04 my Firefox has a plugin called Shockwave Flash and everything works fine (I am guessing it's a adobe-flash one - not sure). Don't remember how I isntalled it either...01:53
Bashing-omBaKKaR: We do have our work cut out for us, huh ? .. OK .. seems BumbleBee is still a factor . depreciated in favor of nvidia-prime . ' sudo apt purge bumble* ' .... and does this file exist - /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf - ?01:55
Chicken_WrapRoadRunner: They’re not the same.01:55
RoadRunnerChicken_Wrap: so what should I go with under 18.04 to have rock solid compatibility?01:56
Chicken_WrapRoadRunner: I find just installing Pepper Flash works well enough. Never really had problems with it, but I don’t use Flash much anyway. Just the occasional video off a shitty web player and maybe a game once in a blue moon.01:57
guivercsvip, maybe of interest (xfce & wayland) .. https://www.reddit.com/r/xfce/comments/73gihm/are_there_any_plans_for_xfce_on_wayland/01:57
RoadRunnerChicken_Wrap: so is Pepper Flash a plugin for Firefox like Shockwave Flash?01:59
svipguiverc: Thank you.01:59
Chicken_WrapYou installthe package and that’s about it.02:00
BaKKaRBashing-om:  i have installed prime now02:07
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RoadRunnerwhat's the diff btw adobe-flashplugin and Shockwave Flash plugin?02:07
Bashing-omBaKKaR: ' cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf02:08
Bashing-omBaKKaR: And we start hunting for why nvidia is blacklisted .02:08
Chicken_WrapShockwave is for .swf02:09
BaKKaRBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/p5eugYE1 i have looked into it .. nothing mentioned about nvidia02:10
bobbieboyHello. 8-)02:13
BaKKaRBashing-om:  i found this nvidia file in the modprobe.d and has some nvdia driver and mdes blackisted tho https://pastebin.com/SeaDvBXf02:13
Bashing-omBaKKaR: Agreed, the blacklisting is not there- oh boy .. where to look ?  .. does this file still exist ' /etc/modprobe.d/bumblebee.conf ' ?02:16
Bashing-omBaKKaR: those ^ blacklistings are acceptable .02:18
BaKKaRBashing-om: hmmmm i am skimming through the other modprobe.d files .. bumblebee is not there02:19
Bashing-omBaKKaR: /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf. ?02:20
BaKKaRBashing-om: i am thinking .. in the nvidia version before this one, nvidia-48x the lsmod could show nvidia mods loaded .. but not this one .. could it be a driver not fitting?02:20
BaKKaRBashing-om: no bumbelbee directory there .. we have just removed the package02:21
BaKKaRwe have switched from bumbel to prime02:22
Bashing-omBaKKaR: We know that the driver did not build . as it is blacklisted - somewhere . There *May* be other reasons why the driver did not build . I would also like to see the kernel's boot line ' cat /proc/cmdline ' .02:24
BaKKaRBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-45-generic root=UUID=e2558203-8cf7-43b0-adca-e88ad8c027ad ro quiet splash vt.handoff=702:26
BaKKaRBashing-om: What i am thinking is that 396 is not "yet" fitting for my graphics nvidia m840. So, perhaps i need to o backwards to older drivers?02:29
BaKKaRcorrect me pls02:29
Bashing-omBaKKaR: will only take a tic to verify .. pastebin - lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - and i cross reference the card .02:31
BaKKaRBashing-om:  YG sir https://pastebin.com/dBJqb5CC02:34
Bashing-omBaKKaR: nvidia do recommend the 390 driver : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/134859/en-us .02:36
BaKKaRBashing-om: uhaa .. let me downgrade then, right?02:37
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Bashing-omBaKKaR: Wont hurt to try :) .. I still advocate to ' sudo apt purge nvidia ; sudo rm /etc/X11/Xorg.conf ' .02:38
BaKKaRBashing-om: shoud i reboot after that before new install?02:40
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
Bashing-omBaKKaR: Might be good too to see what ' sudo apt autoremove ' will remove .02:40
BaKKaRBashing-om: will try now all that .. thank u ... will be back in a gif02:41
Bashing-omBaKKaR: No, I can see no point in rebooting after the purge . but to reboot after the install yes, for the driver to take effect .02:41
BaKKaRE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'nvidia.log'02:41
Bashing-omBaKKaR: Umphhh .. pastebin so I get the full context .02:42
BaKKaRi was trying to install .. i tried CTRL-C t stop the download and tried to purge first when  i got this error02:43
BaKKaRone min .. i should not bother u with this small one02:43
Mibixlol so i accidentally rsynced to a /mnt/ location that i hadnt mounted yet02:49
Mibixi wonder where the files went :o02:49
mousMibix: nice02:49
mousMibix: somewhere in /mnt I bet :)02:50
Mibixweird it like made a directory there but i cant delete it02:51
Mibixor umount it :o02:51
BaKKaRBashing-om: thank you for waiting .. so i have removed "pured' the nvidia and when tried to remove xorg.conf it was not there after removing nvidia02:58
BaKKaRreboted now .. anything to check before getting the new driver install?02:58
Biessiethis isnt exactly ubuntu related (however i am using ubuntu 18.04) but if my port forwarding is all setup properly and i can view my webserver via LAN but WAN it doesnt respond does it mean my ISP blocked my port? even though it worked yesterday and no settings have changed?02:59
TimeDoctorBiessie: have you checked your firewall logs?03:00
BiessieTimeDoctor : im newb to *nix so no03:01
Biessiei dont think i have a firewall enabled TBH on my box03:01
TimeDoctorBiessie: and how are you accessing it from the WAN? by your public ip address?03:01
Bashing-omBaKKaR: Nope - install and we see what is :P03:01
BiessieTimeDoctor : i tried both IP address as well as my noip dynamic dns03:02
Biessiei have the DUC client installed03:02
Mibixlol so wait if i copy something to /mnt/whatever and whatever isnt mounted it just creates a directory there?03:02
Mibixwould they copy to my OS's drive then?03:02
* BaKKaR rubbing the dice now Bashing-om and baming the KDE for it. :)03:03
Gobo708I am trying to change network adapter config on ubuntu 18.04, and notice the message in /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml that says changes wil not persist03:03
Gobo708Where is the correct place to configure your network static settings now?03:03
TimeDoctorMibix: yes if you don't have something mounted it'll copy to the local drive03:03
Gobo708If I add something like 01-netcfg.yaml with a new network config, do I need to delete 50-Cloud-init.yml?03:06
BiessieTimeDoctor : You would think my ISP blocked my port as of yesterday?03:07
Bashing-omGobo708: See if: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-set-dns-nameservers-in-ubuntu-server-18-04/ sheds some light .03:09
Gobo708Bashing-om, Thank you!03:09
Bashing-omGobo708: Best I recall there is a see too link at the bottom of the article .03:10
BaKKaRBashing-om: how i can eve thank you :)03:12
BaKKaRit was a driver version issue :(03:12
BaKKaRtried them all and it was 390 :) :)03:12
BaKKaRBashing-om: one last favour plz, how i can lock it so it wont upgrade in future to 396 ?03:13
Chicken_WrapBaKKaR: Is it a package?03:19
BaKKaRChicken_Wrap: yes, i want to lock the nvidia-390 and similar nvidia driver reated packages not to upgrade03:19
Bashing-omBaKKaR: :) I have never locked the proprietary driver ,, no idea ,, but to be honest I bet it was something blocking the install (BumbleBee residue ??) . I would not worry over an update .03:19
Chicken_Wrapsudo apt-mark hold <package-name>03:21
BaKKaRBashing-om: thank you so much03:21
BaKKaRChicken_Wrap: thank you yummy03:21
Chicken_Wrapsudo apt-mark unhold <package-name> to reverse03:22
Bashing-omBaKKaR: Glad2help ,, we are all in this together .03:22
BaKKaRBashing-om: :)03:28
reqwhat is the bash expression to check if the process is running03:46
Gobo708ps - aux | grep proces03:47
Gobo708ps -aux | grep proces03:47
xboxownCan I say...I LOOOOVVEEE UBUNTU so much! It really is the best OS as an alternative over Windows04:10
xboxownIt is like Mac for PC in a sense.04:11
xboxownI love how it looks, I love how it feels, I love the easy and usage of it.04:11
xboxownMy favorite version of Ubuntu is 18.0404:11
xboxownI did not think there is literally 1627 people here O_o04:14
the_seekerHey! I'd like to know if it is possible to boot windows using VistualBox. Indeed, I have windows already installed, but not using it in dual-boot mode. I want to use the alreay Installed windows on internal harddrives and use it in Ubuntu 18.04???04:14
=== ayl1ah is now known as MyNt1a
cfhowlettof course, the_seeker04:15
xboxownBut is it recommended though?04:15
hggdhthe_seeker: I do not know about VBox, but I know it can be done with KVM (I have one Windows 10 Pro KVM instance)04:15
xboxownWith virtual box you are limiting windows with inferior hardware emulator04:15
xboxownYou cannot play modern 3D games etc with using it in virtual box04:15
cfhowlettvbox doesn't run exactly the same as an actual installation, e.g. graphics.  if your needs are modest and sparing, I'd say do it.04:16
xboxownif he wants it for application and business sure04:16
xboxownbut for gaming04:16
hggdhxboxown: might be true, but I use mine professionally, not for games.04:16
xboxownthen it works well for you hggdh :D04:16
xboxownThis ubuntu laptop I am using right now is the most inferior hardware04:17
cfhowlettI boot windows increasingly rarely.  I think once during 2017 and not yet in 201804:17
blackpawnhello :)04:17
xboxownUbuntu is an awesome OS04:17
xboxownthere is no denying it.04:17
cfhowletttis true!04:17
xboxownI just love how it feels and looks04:17
blackpawni'm updating from ubuntu 14 to 18... in 14 i used sudo start proxyServer for example and had files in /etc/init/proxyServer.conf... start and /etc/init don't seem to be in ubuntu 18?04:18
cfhowlett!fcm | xboxown for inspiration, please read04:18
ubottuxboxown for inspiration, please read: fcm is THE Ubuntu Community Magazine - find it at www.fullcirclemagazine.org, or #fullcirclemagazine04:18
xboxownmagazine about ubuntu?04:18
the_seekerOk! H    Ok. How can I use KVM to loaad a bootable Windowz7 drive ; are there tutorial, howto's ; I have difficulties to find the proper seach keywords04:18
cfhowlettblackpawn, #ubuntu-server channel question??04:18
xboxownyeah by all means! I am book marking it04:18
blackpawnhmm ok i try there04:19
cfhowlettthe_seeker, yep.  see the kvm manual for instructions04:19
hggdhthe_seeker: all you need to do is create a new instance, set the Windows ISO as boot device, and start the instance04:19
the_seekerJust to make sure that I express myself good enough. I wont load an image, but an already installed windows7 on hard disk. I want to load windows in ubuntu from botable hard drive04:21
xboxownDo you know what would be super cool?04:21
xboxownTo have a CPU designed for Ubuntu and an actual Ubuntu exclusive laptop hahah04:22
xboxownJust a though O_O04:22
xboxown* thought04:22
the_seekerJust to make sure that I express myself good enough. I wont load an image, but an already installed windows7 on hard disk. I want to load windows in ubuntu from botable hard drive04:24
the_seekerHey! I'd like to know if it is possible to boot windows using VistualBox. Indeed, I have windows already installed, but not using it in dual-boot mode. I want to use the alreay Installed windows on internal harddrives and use it in Ubuntu 18.04???04:25
the_seekerust to make sure that I express myself good enough. I wont load an image, but an already installed windows7 on hard disk. I want to load windows in ubuntu from botable hard drive04:26
krytarikthe_seeker: Can you extend a little more patience?04:26
the_seekeryes, of course04:27
krytarikAnd that strikes me as a #vbox question really.04:28
xboxowntalk to you guys later04:29
the_seekerkrytarik most probably.04:30
krytarikThat is, I'm indicating you should rather ask this in the #vbox channel.04:31
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the_seekerI'm actually asking to multiple channels :)04:36
the_seekerIncluding #VBOX04:37
seekerhi all04:37
=== seeker is now known as Guest2701
Guest2701I'm using an audio device plugged into a system with ubuntu and device is being recognized by alsa utilities04:40
Guest2701But, I'm getting an unexpected error while trying to use it with alsa utilities .04:41
Guest2701Anybody alive here ?04:42
the_seekerkrytarik is04:42
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=== guiver_d is now known as guiverc
krytarikGuest2701: Giving out any more details might help anyone to assist you.04:55
Tecan-anyone else notice xorg running 20-30% cpu on ubuntu 18.04 ?04:55
Tecan-my laptop fan noise is annoying04:56
Guest2701It is an audio recording device 8 channel and alsa detected it on "arecord -L"04:57
Guest2701But when trying to record from it , alsa says "Unable to install hw_params"04:58
rorqualHi all, I've been hearing Ubunt has been developing in a different debian way in some aspects. I'd like to know in terms of percentage today, according Ubuntu Advanced Users and Developers: how much in terms of percentage, does remain Debian features and base in Ubuntu nowadays ?05:02
rorqualhow much 'debian' still remains in 'ubuntu' in terms or percentage ? 20, 30, 40% debian in ubuntu ? more than it, less than it ?05:03
guivercrorqual: this is a Ubuntu Support room; I don't see a support question in what you asked.  #ubuntu-discuss may be a more room05:05
guivercs/more room/more appropriate/05:07
rorqualhi guiverc, thanks for answering and sorry for mistake here. In fact, you are right, this is an off-topic question, if compared to a regular technical question related to ubuntu linux support05:13
rorqualthanks for showing me #ubuntu-discuss05:13
rorqualnow, a  technical question, guiverc: is that possible I using ZFS in Ubuntu natively, running in the linux kernel directly, withou dkms module use need ?05:16
guivercrorqual: you should avoid directing questions to a person, I can't answer zfs questions, and others may now overlook your question because it mentions me..05:23
rorqualyes, guiverc, you are right again, thank you for warning !05:24
TabMasherDoes anyone know of a good utility for optimizing the filling of DVD/BluRay disks?  Like, being able to give it a target capacity size, and having it sort directories of media optimally for that capacity size for ubuntu?05:27
furkani installed 18.04 on a new machine (i was previously using 16.04), and have a question about the Gnome 3 dock: with Unity when you clicked on an icon on the dock, it used to tile all the open windows for just that app. Gnome 3 only shows small thumbnails when you click an app icon, but the activities screen tiles all the open windows - is there a way to make it tile windows per application type, instead of05:28
furkantiling all windows from all apps?05:28
lotuspsychjefurkan: you can adjust this from dconf-editor i think05:31
furkanTabMasher: i can't answer your question directly, but from a terminal if you navigate to the parent directory where your media is stored, type "du -hd1" and it'll tell you how big each child directory is05:31
lotuspsychjefurkan: dconf-editor for bionic has also improved nicely05:32
furkanlotuspsychje: thanks for the lead, will see if i can find a relevant setting05:32
TabMasherfurkan: I have a windows app called BTTB (Burn to the brim) that does that for over a decade now, but I'm astounded that such a utility has escaped the linux comminity.05:33
TabMasherfurkan: I'll give your command like a shot though.  Thank you.05:34
TabMashercommand line*05:34
cupcake90Can anyone help me out I am using ubuntu 16.04 trying to connect to ldap searver https://pastebin.com/sxzHUSjG05:37
lotuspsychjefurkan: think it might be in a 'shell' setting, not sure anymore05:37
furkanTabMasher: turns out it hasn't escaped the linux community, check this out ;) https://linux.die.net/man/1/dirsplit05:40
furkanTabMasher: see here for a more detailed example https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/splits-directory-into-multiple-with-equal-size-for-iso-burning-purpose.html05:41
TabMasherfurkan: Nicely done! I wasn't able to find it.  I wonder if it will optimize files for a given number of disks.05:42
=== prince is now known as Guest87691
Guest87691how do i identify my nickname05:51
acosNot sure05:51
lotuspsychje!register | Guest8769105:52
ubottuGuest87691: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.05:52
Guest87691thanks ubottu05:52
=== Guest87691 is now known as Pikachihuahua
Pikachihuahuayes it works05:59
rorqualhello Pikachihuahua06:00
Pikachihuahuaname some good channels06:00
lotuspsychje!alis | Pikachihuahua06:04
ubottuPikachihuahua: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"06:04
Guest2701My sound card is detected by alsa driver but no pactl06:21
Guest2701Is there anyone in ubuntu06:22
Guest2701*in ubuntu06:22
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Guest2701is there anyone who can reason please >06:22
Guest2701* ?06:22
hecksagonheckhow to look all group ??06:23
guivercGuest2701: don't spam the channel; people are here but do other things, they'll answer when & if they can06:23
lotuspsychje!sound | Guest2701 start here06:25
ubottuGuest2701 start here: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:25
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ducassehecksagonheck: please stop that06:37
purpleunicornhey blackflow you here07:16
purpleunicornanyone else here07:17
purpleunicorndo you know how to use UNetbootin07:25
purpleunicornim trying to creating a bootable drive for ubuntu Jonta07:25
purpleunicornJonta: should i use bootable drive maker instead?07:26
ducassedon't use unetbootin, it's known to have problems. i'd just use dd or plain old cp.07:28
ducasseif you want a gui, etcher is supposed to work well07:28
Edistoin 4.1 is there a way to lock the reference image to viewport?07:36
purpleunicornducasse: for some reason im trying to partition my ssd and when i click partition it stalls and then it randomly quits on me. What do you think could be the problem?07:41
Edistooops wrong chan =D07:42
ducassepurpleunicorn: i don't know, can you try booting in 'try ubuntu' mode and partition with for example gparted?07:43
purpleunicornidk maybe but idk how to do that07:44
purpleunicorndo you think its because my ssd has no storage. I mean it sayes 251gb and its all blue so i think i have no space07:44
EriC^^take a screenshot07:46
purpleunicornEriC^^: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/JxKU6BYc/Screen%20Shot%202018-06-26%20at%203.47.08%20AM.png07:47
EriC^^looks like its full07:49
EriC^^you want to erase it all and put ubuntu on it?07:49
purpleunicorni dont even know why its full. i lost a lot of files and such a year ago and haven't had that much stuff on it since. I also have an external hard drive so maybe i could dump most of the stuff thats on that on my hard drive. I just wanted to partition twice and make one for linux and ubuntu to make the bootable flash drive07:51
purpleunicornEriC^^: i used vbox for ubuntu and gave me a lot of problems which is why i wanted to do this instead07:52
EriC^^i see07:54
purpleunicornEriC^^: how would i be able to free up the space for the SSD07:55
ducasseif this is on a mac you should probably shrink the partition from mac os07:56
EriC^^purpleunicorn: you can copy all the stuff to your external one and then repartition it from scratch, or you can shrink it like ducasse said and leave some of the stuff on it07:57
purpleunicornEriC^^: which is better?07:58
purpleunicornhow do i shrink it exactly? mac os ssd has 138.68gb of free space07:58
EriC^^purpleunicorn: take a look here http://osxdaily.com/2009/11/20/resize-partitions-in-mac-os-x-with-disk-utility/07:59
purpleunicornEriC^^: thanks08:03
purpleunicornfor some reason when i put my external hard drive in time machine doesnt tell me if its backing up or even in progress08:05
ducassewe don't support mac os, so we can't help with that08:07
TabMasherfurkan: https://sourceforge.net/projects/filesfitter/08:07
purpleunicornducasse: what do i do if the volume has space but the external physical disk doesnt? what does that mean?08:10
ducassepurpleunicorn: probably that there is space for more files, but no unallocated space for new partitions08:11
anibicHi, I am back with a pertinent question. Why the GNOME network manager does not have a option to create a DSL connection.  "sudo pppoeconf" does not work08:19
purpleunicorni still don't get why i can't partition mine. The guy in the video is able to partition his even though its pretty full like mine...08:20
lotuspsychje!partitioning | purpleunicorn start here08:23
ubottupurpleunicorn start here: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap08:23
purpleunicornapparently i can't partition because of my macbook. its an apfs version and sometimes these types of macs don't let you partition...idk08:24
rushmaybe u need t opartition it in a different way08:26
rushi use partition software when possible08:26
rushbut dunno about mac08:26
anibicpppoeconf does not work always and I have to run the command "pon dsl-provider" to authenticate with my isp. My connection sometimes drops and remains so for 30 mins. Although I have  check marked " Automatically connect to this network when available" still it fails to autheticate when my link comes back I remain disconnected for the entire night and my downloads get affected.08:27
purpleunicorni hate how ubuntu and mac's are incompatible08:29
rushi am here08:32
rushwell. dont expect much help in here. i think ubuntu is he best linux system. but some people in here a real snobs08:32
purpleunicornyeah i can tell rush08:34
rushreminds me assetto corsa, fantistic game, real snob community08:35
rushpuppy linux is probably harder to ge tthings installed on than ubuntu, but i find it less painful, cos the community are nice08:35
purpleunicornrush: lol08:35
rushthis lot in here.. i dont know08:35
purpleunicornyeah idk either08:35
purpleunicornsomeone on #macosx is telling me not to put ubuntu on mac without vm because its not good for macs or some shit08:36
rushmaybe true.  i had to use vm in ubuntu everytime i wanted to try it out a few years back..  but now it finnaly seems good enuff to use standalone.. in pc08:37
rushmaybe mac not quite there yet08:37
rushhi kiri08:37
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rushrichard guest08:38
purpleunicornrush: they're never there when it comes to making other systems compatible with macs08:39
rushi hear you..   yes linux is free, but it has a tiny userbase for a reason.   its too hard to do stuff basically  and terminal ect is not 'so easy my gran can do it' despite what the fanboys tell you08:39
rushstill, ubnuntu is better theses days as i say.. but not perfect08:40
rushsuper os when it works and doe swat u want, super08:40
TabMasherfurkan: Thank you again for the info.  Much appreciated.08:43
rushanyone know how to clone my sytem?08:43
rushim running o fa usb stick08:43
rushand have a space on my hdd in this computer i  want to use08:43
rushtried clonezilla, couldint get it to work08:44
rushyea.. thought so08:47
ducassejust use dd?08:49
ducasse'sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=output.img bs=4m' to read to image, and 'sudo dd if=output.img of=/dev/sdb bs=4m' to write08:51
ducassewhere sdb is the usb device node08:51
adacIf I install "smartmontools" and then do sudo smartctl -H /dev/sda does then this always show the actual status?08:53
rushducasse, i dont know what you mean08:55
rushremember most people here who ask questions are not terminal lterate08:55
rushi need step by step guide08:55
rushi have a hadd ready in this system, that i want the usb system backed up on to08:55
rushmy hdd also has a windows 10 on it, i just made a 10gb fat 32 partition for this ubuntu system file, but dont want to format wthe whole hdd while doing so08:56
ducassethe gnome disk utility can both make and write images afaik, maybe that's easier for you08:57
rushi have no idea again08:57
=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest57744
RowHello There!08:57
rushplease can u tell me how08:57
ducassei don't use it myself, but try this - https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-create-disk-images-using-gnome-disk/08:59
rushis ubuntu beaver running gnome?08:59
rushi donteven know that08:59
ducasseby default, yes09:00
rushit seems good if it works.. has a gui also09:00
rushi will give it a try ,thanks for the help09:00
ducassejust so you know, you don' really need to run gnome to use the disk utility or other gnome apps - you can install them manually09:03
rushwell, it says i can clone a currently mounted frive anyway09:03
rushso i have to exit ubuntu before i can clone it !?09:03
rushwhich means i cnat run gnome disks lol09:04
ducasseno, just unmount the usb09:04
rushbut the nthe os wont run?09:05
rushmy os is on the usb completely here09:05
ducasseah, i see. have you got another usb with the installer on it?09:06
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rushi run usb only09:06
rushi have ubuntiu on my usb09:06
rushthats it09:06
rushi need  s seperate ubuntu i think then09:06
rushor can i just clone it with windows?09:06
rushdoes windows clone linux files ok?09:07
ducasseyou don't clone the files, just the raw device, so doing it from windows shouldn't matter.09:08
rushyes ok.. u know wat i mean09:08
rushcan the device reliably be cloned if i plug into windows pc?09:08
rushthats good09:08
rushmuch easier09:08
rushif u are sure it can clone linux data fine09:08
rushi read sumwhere maybe it doesnt work well09:08
ducassei don't know if a tool like rufus or etcher can create images, they might09:09
chomwittwhy software center wont report idle-python ? (18.04)09:09
ducasserush: a raw image is just a dump of the disk, it doesn't need to read the files09:10
rushok.. it must have ben a linux fanboy trying to scare people away from using windows software lol09:10
rushthanks ducasse09:17
rushim sure it will be fine.. as long as it can read the linux ystem as i say., or watever09:17
ducasseif you clone the actual usb device it will work09:18
sa_Hi I’m working on out-of-tree drivers on ubuntu platform. I’d like to release the source code for the out-of-tree drivers as a ubuntu package , I don’t know how to create a package and keeping it in internal repository and pulling it from internal repository. Can anyone suggest me good pointers on this stuff?09:23
ducassesa_: try asking in #ubuntu-packaging, maybe?09:25
sa_ok thanks09:26
sa_While there are many of packages in the Ubuntu archive, I’d like to know is there any command to know the packages hosted by a particular repository?09:31
ducassesa_: you can do it with an aptitude search, but i can't help you with the actual command09:35
=== Realcashmoney26 is now known as Guest46174
TabMasherI'm making a BTRFS to install Ubuntu.  How can I make set all the files to be compressed?  Either during the install, or after the install, I'd like as much of the disk to be compressed?09:40
blackflowTabMasher: Look up the manpages and documentation. The reason I say that is because btrfs is a complex filesystem and using it without knowing how to really use it is illadvised. Plus, it's not really stable, so make sure you have proper backups.09:42
ducasse+1, it's lost data for me more than once09:43
uruk7hello i cannot remove a files -> -rwxrwxrwx and in lsattr is --------------e--- can you help me?09:43
TabMasherblackflow: Thank you for the advice.  I just need a filesystem that supports compression mainly, and I don't know which other ubuntu supported filesystems supports file compression.09:43
blackflowTabMasher: Question is, do you really need it? What do you intend to store on it? Unless you have a lot of text documents or files that don't already compress, you're NOT going to see significant compression ratios.09:45
ducassezfs, but that's only supported for storage, not the root fs09:45
blackflowducasse: it's supported for root as well09:45
ducassezfs, by ubuntu? you can't select it in the installer, afaik.09:46
blackflowTabMasher: i'm using ZFS exclusively on all the machines and I don't see compressratio above 1.10 which is cca 10%09:47
blackflowducasse: so? it works fine as a root fs. the installer does not cover all possible use cases anyway.09:47
blackflowunless the metric for "supported" is what the installer does? which would be a very bad thing :)09:47
TabMasherblackflow: I have large highly compressible files that contain redundant data.  I don't really need the system files to be compressed so much.09:48
blackflowTabMasher: well, you know your use case the best. Just consider whether you really need to add the complexity. disk space is relatively cheap nowadays. what file format is it, that doesn't already compress, and there's huge size of them?09:49
ducasseit works, yes, but it wasn't officially supported last i saw. but i agree that's a technicality.09:49
blackflowducasse: by the installer? yes. By system tools, kernel and initramfs. It most certainly is ;)09:50
TabMasherblackflow: I'm on a laptop so disk space matters in this case.09:50
blackflow(yes = not supported)09:51
TabMasherI'm needing a software/fs solution.  Only other OS that would probably work well is NTFS of all things...09:52
TabMashererr, FS.09:52
blackflowTabMasher: then consider btrfs, zfs or squashfs, maybe just for the partition that will hold all that compressible, redundant data.09:52
blackflowTabMasher: I suppose btrfs is easiest to use in this case. compression is mount option. ** DO ** consult the docs about all that, it's not a regular FS.09:53
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
TabMasherI wish I knew how to implement ZFS for my /home dir for example.  Can you recommend some literature for reading about how to use btrfs and zfs "natively" in ubuntu?  That would help me a great deal.  Thank you very much.09:56
blackflowTabMasher: the book ZFS Mastery is affordable on Amazon. I use ZFS exlusively, and am biased toward it. No idea what to recommend about btrfs other than try google.09:57
blackflowTabMasher: sorry it's "FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS". Doesn't matter that it uses FreeBSD as the base OS, ZFS here is OpenZFS, so most concepts apply regardles of the base OS.09:59
blackflowthere's also the followup book "FreeBSD Mastery: Advanced ZFS", those two are highly recommended if you want to seriously use ZFS.10:00
TabMasherOnline literature would be preferable.  A website with btrfs and/or ZFS information.  ZFS sounds absolutely ideal, but I don't know my way around it and enough linux to implement.10:02
sensibleI am using Dell server poweredgeT440, I have two hard disks each having 4TB space , I want to install ubuntu server with RAIS 1 partition10:05
ducasseTabMasher: https://pthree.org/2012/04/17/install-zfs-on-debian-gnulinux/10:05
sensible*RAID 1 partition, in this case what should be the size for swap,ext4 etc?10:06
TabMasherducasse: Thank you for the link.10:07
blackflowTabMasher: ducasse that's not a good link10:07
blackflowUbuntu fully supports ZFS. there's zfsutils-linux package, and the modules are part of the kernel. Back in 2012, especially Debian (even today) required building ZFS from source.10:08
=== Richard is now known as Guest39912
blackflowTabMasher: look up "ZFS tutorial", that's about generic use of ZFS, regardless of underlying OS. Avoid tutorials that wnt you to build something from source, not needed on Ubuntu.10:08
TabMasherI thought that Ubuntu supported ZFS already, I've never been able to find out how to use it.  Even if I just make one big /home partition in ZFS, that would be acceptable.  I'll look up more recent ZFS tutorials.  Thank yo for your help and you suggestions/input.10:10
blackflowTabMasher: it does, that's my whole point here10:11
TabMashererr, Thank you.10:11
blackflowTabMasher: in short?   sudo apt install zfsutils-linux ; sudo modprobe zfs (not sure even if needed nowadays) ;   zpool create my_first_zfs_pool /dev/sdX    where sdX is a free partition to use.10:11
blackflowTabMasher: just note, ZFS is not a regular filesystem. it's.... LVM + mdadm + filesystem + compression + snapshots + ...     all rolled into one.10:12
sensibleIs it neccessary to allocate space for ext4 before installing ubuntu?10:12
blackflowTabMasher: (not literally LVM + mdadm + ....    but volume management + raid management + .... )10:13
TabMasherblackflow: I remember reading up about it 3-4 years ago and getting really fascinated with it.10:13
blackflowTabMasher: I can't imagine running anything else these days.10:14
blackflowsensible: depends on what exactly you want to do. The installer can use the entire disk and allocate all the space needed, automatically.10:15
TabMasherblackflow: So you're using ZFS native under ubuntu/linux, or just from FreeBSD? :o10:15
blackflowTabMasher: both, with more machines on Ubuntu than FreeBSD10:16
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TabMasherblackflow: Very awesome.  I hope to find a ZFS tutorial.  lol, maybe you might consider writing your own ZFS Blog/Tutorial someday.10:17
blackflowTabMasher: nah. Plenty of material out there, and I really recommend those books. there's kindle edition of them, and that's how I have them anyway. android kindle app, I don't have the device.10:17
blackflowin fact, all the books I own are digital :)   dead trees are so 1990s  ;)10:18
TabMasherblackflow: I'll see if I can find hard-copies next time I go to the bookstore to check them out, and then maybe order them from Amazon. :D10:19
TabMasherblackflow: That's true.  It would work well along with my tablet.10:20
yecril71plgdm hangs in Wayland under 18.0410:41
yecril71plI had to disable Wayland in order to start gdm10:42
blackflowyecril71pl: there's a reason wayland was removed as _default_ in 18.04. gnome isn't ready for it, won't be until gtk410:43
yecril71plbut it is still default for gdm and it causes the computer to hang10:45
qwebirc47546hello guys i need help10:46
yecril71plAlso, the installer for 18.04 ignored my mdadm volumes, rendering them unusable10:46
yecril71plThings went back to normal as soon as I installed mdadm10:47
qwebirc47546how i can open my dvd so i can use some file inside it10:47
Amany12:46 < qwebirc47546> hello guys i need help10:47
yecril71plDVDs cannot be opened.10:48
qwebirc47546i need the files inside it10:48
yecril71plThey are solid and there is nothing inside.10:48
yecril71plThe files are on their surface, not inside them.10:48
qwebirc47546i putted some files on it from windows10:48
yecril71plSo the files are on it, not in it10:48
qwebirc47546what im gonna do now?10:49
qwebirc47546how i can acces them10:49
yecril71plInsert the disc into the tray10:49
yecril71plsay { udisksctl mount -b /dev/cdrom; }10:50
qwebirc47546it said that (Object /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/sr0 is not a mountable filesystem.)10:50
guiverc_tqwebirc47546, i just inserted a disc in my dvd; opened nautilus & then can open the files on it... note: if the disc was written on the windoze machine you were using before and not 'closed', no other machine can use it unless closed (depends on software used for write though)10:51
yecril71plsay { file -s /dev/cdrom; }10:51
qwebirc47546what do you mean (closed)10:52
guiverc_tqwebirc47546, if write wasn't complete; the 'directory' for the fs on disc will still be on writing (nero etc) machine, is written on close....10:52
zetheroohow would I get the total amount of memory being used by Chrome/Chromium?10:52
qwebirc47546it said(/dev/cdrom: symbolic link to sr0)10:52
yecril71plit means that nothing can be added to the disc10:52
yecril71plsay { file -s /dev/sr0; }10:52
qwebirc47546it says (/dev/sr0: data)10:53
qwebirc47546and the disc was making sound10:53
yecril71plThat looks like the disc is damaged10:53
yecril71plI am sorry10:54
yecril71plYou need a professional to recover the data10:54
qwebirc47546is ther any program that can open it like windows does10:54
qwebirc47546like a simulator10:55
yecril71plYou can have Windows under QEMU10:55
qwebirc47546i need to full install it?10:56
yecril71plYou cannot partially install Windows10:56
qwebirc47546there is no simulators?10:56
qwebirc47546what it does and how to install it and do you think it will open itµ?10:57
yecril71plI do not, the disc looks damaged.10:57
yecril71plReactOS simulates Windows.10:58
qwebirc47546how to install itN10:58
qwebirc47546how to install it?10:58
yecril71plRead the instructions on their home page10:58
yecril71plYou start the computer from a bootable CD with ReactOS, and that is it10:59
qwebirc47546ok thanks10:59
=== giraffe is now known as Guest34814
qwebirc47546what diffrent about boot cd and livecd11:00
qwebirc47546what diffrent betwen boot cd and livecd11:00
guiverc_tqwebirc47546, bootable means it boots & lets you install or other.  live means it can boot, and act like an installed OS (without install, but within limits - ie. when rebooted nothing on the hdd/sdds gets changed)11:01
gt8ost4ldoes anybody here know why in firefox or chrome when i try to download a file from libgen it says its is malware and has a virus?11:09
HexaByteHi. I'm trying to install php 5.4 alongside 7.2 on Ubuntu 18.04. The only place I found packages was on http://packages.rusoft.ru/ppa/rusoft/php/5.4/pool/ubuntu-xenial/amd64/php54/, so I added deb http://packages.rusoft.ru/ppa/rusoft/php/5.4 ubuntu-bionic main as a repo and it's key. PHP works, but I can not install some modules like mysql, due to dependencies. Anyone willing to help? Deps problem can be seen here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hjpfr2hcBV/11:12
ppfgt8ost4l: on ubuntu??11:12
ppfgt8ost4l: can you screenshot?11:13
gt8ost4lppf: im not the only one with this problem11:14
ppfgt8ost4l: wow11:16
gt8ost4lppf; know11:16
ppfi mean, you can disable that feature (have they heard of 'privacy'), but .. wow11:16
gt8ost4lppf: where is it?11:17
ppfhttps://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/8hlyy7/firefox_this_file_contains_a_virus_or_malware_and/ fwiw11:17
qwebirc10391Hello um I tried to install Ubuntu but then it said installation when I reached to the location setup option so I tried it with another usb it SAYS grub minimal bash line how to fix this11:17
qwebirc10391Installation failed when I reached the setting the location11:18
ppffailed how11:23
HexaByteOK. I will give up on Ubuntu 18.04. Unless I want to compile from source, there is no way to get PHP 5.4 alongside current PHP versions from packages. Going back to CentOS 7 where there are multiple repos for it.11:42
HexaByteCorrect me if I'm wrong.11:42
ppfHexaByte: ^ that was my correction (and my suggestion like a week ago)11:43
HexaByteppf I will not run a containers just to get another PHP FPM running11:43
HexaByteinside of a VM11:43
ppfthat's what they're for11:44
HexaBytethere is no way, developers will make the app fit the container11:44
ppfwhy do developers care11:45
ppfhow do you 'fit' a container?11:45
ppfbut anyways, if you don't want to use a container, built from source is your only option on a recent ubuntu11:45
HexaByteppf: There are some packages here: http://packages.rusoft.ru/ , specifically here: http://packages.rusoft.ru/ppa/rusoft/php/5.4 the only problem I have is with mysql extensions, which require old libmysql11:50
OolHexaByte: I don't know for bionic but perhaps it's still working : https://askubuntu.com/questions/761713/how-can-i-downgrade-from-php-7-to-php-5-6-on-ubuntu-16-04/762161#76216111:50
HexaBytehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hjpfr2hcBV/ if there is a way to work around that11:50
ppfHexaByte: yes, old packages were not dropped from the repos just to annoy you ;)11:50
HexaByteI have working 5.6 Ool thank you I need 5.411:50
HexaByteppf: I know, it's normal11:51
HexaByteguys at rusoft shoud provide those, but either they are not, or I do not know how to use their repos11:51
ppfHexaByte: maybe they are, but there's going to be a conflict with the mysql libs required for your current system11:52
ppfthis dependence nightmare is _the_ motivator for snap/flatpak (and thus by extension containerization)11:53
HexaBytei think they do provide these packages, I just do not know how to use APT repos of theirs11:54
ppfthere's simply a version conflict11:55
ppf!info libmysqlclient1811:55
HexaBytei'll just add mariadb as a repo like i did with php 5.411:55
ubottuPackage libmysqlclient18 does not exist in bionic11:55
HexaByteso no conflict anyways11:55
HexaBytei guess they used different paths11:56
ppfyour apt knows the pacakge11:56
ppfbut it tells you it can't install it11:56
ppfthat can be because it doesn't know where to get it from, or that there's a version conflict11:57
HexaBytei see that it does not know where it it11:57
HexaByteit is11:57
HexaByteI will fix this shortly11:57
HexaBytewill let you know11:57
HexaBytebah libmysqlclient18 : Depends: libmariadbclient18 (= 5.5.60+maria-1rusoft5.3~bionic1) but 1:10.1.29-6 is to be installed11:59
HexaBytei guess I have to replace original mysql with theirs11:59
ppfbreaking everything using mysql in your system11:59
ppfthe solution is to use a container. if you don't like that i can't help you12:00
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
HexaBytethank you for your help ppf12:01
auvraycCc les amis12:01
HexaBytewill go to EL7 where 5.4 can be installed alongside n.p.12:01
auvraycOfficial Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 14.04, 16.04, 17.10, and 18.04 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl12:01
ppfHexaByte: if that works for you then that's a good solution12:02
ppfprovided you don't need any recent versions not in the rhel repos12:02
coconutdemoucha, auvrayc, would you use normal words please?12:03
ducasseauvrayc: stop that, please. do you have a support question?12:03
auvraycCC ducasse12:04
auvraycCC coconut12:04
HexaByteppf: in EL you have SCL and pretty much every version of PHP including 7.3.0alpha2 :-)12:06
HexaByteBut I just started using Ubuntu recently for servers and some things are done a bit more to my liking12:07
HexaByteand I just assumed that 5.4 would also be available via oandre or whatnot12:07
=== rougue_xirg is now known as xirg
ppfyes, you have SCLs for a lot of things, but they were never complete enough for my taste12:07
ppfplus, maintaining services that require scls is tedious12:08
matmal01Hi there, it seems that an Xorg configuration I have for certain keyboards to be US layout and all others to be GB is getting overridden in Ubuntu 16.04. Could this be the Input Method IBus?12:09
clydhi all... anyone using unity-launcher-folders in 16.04? cant drag and drop items most proly its this :  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/G6Wr4jJy69/12:10
clydis unity launcher folders and drawers app same?12:11
transhumanhi I have an 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05) I get no sound, looks like lots of people have had this problem over the years (this is on a new install) I am using Ubuunt 18.04.12:15
transhumanheadphones work perfectly fine ( head phones are a 3 prong jack, not two) so this could be the problem, not sure how to find out for certain that its 3 progronged jack but I think it is since the 3 prong plug fits in perfectly fine.12:15
transhumansudo cat /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf | pastebinit12:15
transhumansudo lsmod | grep -i snd | pastebinit12:15
transhumanoh and I tried both front and rear jacks12:18
svipI have a laptop with an Intel i7-2640M CPU.  As far as I know, that CPU should have 4 physical cores and hyperthreading.  I have enabled HT, but still my system only reports 4 cores, shouldn't Linux be seeing 8?12:29
svip/proc/cpuinfo only reports 4 processors.12:30
janisvilcansyours have only 2 cores, 4 threads12:30
svipjanisvilcans: Ah, OK.  It's just weird that the BIOS settings allows me to change active cores to 1, 2 and ALL.12:31
janisvilcansALL = 212:31
svipI assumed ALL meant 4, since there was a 2 option.12:32
svipjanisvilcans: Thank you!12:32
JimBuntucore != threads (virtual core)12:34
transhumananyone have an ideas on the problem I listed above12:35
clydJimBuntu: what does ! mark infront of a phrase mean on irc?12:38
ppfan attempt to talk to a bot12:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone12:38
clydppf: i see12:39
ioriaclyd, i think you used an external  .deb file for that app12:41
clydioria: yes12:41
ioriaclyd, so no point in triggering the bot :þ12:42
clydwas just testing the bot.sorry12:42
ioriaclyd, check comments 2# to #5 https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232517512:42
clydioria:  tnx been on that link already12:43
ioriaclyd, did you edit generateIcon.py ?12:43
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clydioria: yes,edited that too12:44
clydissue is i cant drag & drop items into the drawer12:45
ioriaclyd, what happens when you do it ?12:49
clydioria: followed the video.it seems easy,but when i do it.only 1 icon appear..it should work for other firefox profiles right?12:51
clydare there any exceptions for items that cant be drag and drop to the gray box of launch folder editor?12:52
ioriaclyd, fot the icon you need to right click ,Properties option. an select the icon12:55
clydioria: im ok on that part12:56
ioriaclyd, this, right ?  https://www.maketecheasier.com/assets/uploads/2016/12/ulf-app-properties.png12:56
akemHey, what umask should i use for read/execute permission for everyone but NOT write, (this is for mounting an NTFS volume) ? i read umask=000 but this is full access including write.12:57
clydioria, got an idea.brb12:58
clydioria:  nah..some other time.this is getting old. tnx13:00
akemFound umask=022... :)13:11
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transhumanrepostig my problem for newcomers as a simple link (its a sound problem ) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/J7kmyGRTmB/13:13
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AdamDay86transhuman: I take it this is a laptop13:15
* AdamDay86 sips his coffee13:16
transhumanno its a media pic13:16
AdamDay86And you are trying to get audio to go over hdmi?13:16
transhumanno through any of the 6-8 ports on the back or two on the front13:16
AdamDay86but headphones work?13:17
transhumanone thing I am not clear about is whether its a 2 prong headphone output or 3 pronged13:17
transhumandont have speakers just headphones , and yes they work fine13:17
transhumanuse them on another machine13:17
kiriuhahas joined #freenode13:17
kiriuhahas joined #ubuntu13:18
leftyfbkiriuha: can we help you with something?13:18
AdamDay86I believe the intel audio is for hdmi audio, and the ac 97 is the audio on the sound chip on the motherboard13:18
leftyfb!op | kiriuha this spammer is back again13:19
ubottukiriuha this spammer is back again: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax13:19
cristian_cleftyfb: I mean, about the question I've asked13:19
cristian_cany ideas?13:19
transhumanthanks for that clarification so It looks like I need to load another sound module13:19
transhumanwhich one would I use13:20
transhumanit doesnt appear to see an ac9713:20
AdamDay86Well, you should be able to pick the output device, make sure the default is the ac9713:20
leftyfbcristian_c: from 21 hours ago?13:20
AdamDay86it's a standard sound chip13:20
AdamDay86ubuntu should see it fine13:20
leftyfbcristian_c: no, I don't. But there are over 1700 other people here that could have potentially helped you out in the meantime13:21
transhumanAdamDay86, I see two devices presently Digital Output S/PDIF built in audio and a Line Out-Builtin Audio13:21
AdamDay86pick the line out one13:21
AdamDay86then start a song or something, or youtube, and test all the outputs13:22
transhumanYeah its running13:22
cristian_cleftyfb: ok, but I've not received other answers13:22
AdamDay86and make sure the volume is up ^_^13:22
transhumanproblem is when I click on a speaker to test 2 or soround sound 5.1, etc the button to run the test sound does nothing13:22
transhumanvolume is up to max in 3 different methods, including alsamixer13:23
transhumanwith all about 15 things showing except spdif which seems to do nothing13:23
AdamDay86(I'm going to be honest here transhuman, I run elementaryos, I can't really look at the audio system ubuntu uses :( )13:23
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transhumanno problem , perhaps I should go to a mailing list13:23
transhumanit simply just doesnt work13:24
AdamDay86did you check out the ubuntu forums?13:24
varshitbhatDoes vlc media spoil speaker13:24
AdamDay86the forums are a great source of help too ^_^13:24
transhumanok I will check13:24
transhumanvarshitbhat, whats that13:25
transhumanI have vlc installed13:25
varshitbhatNo, someone said me vlc media player will corrupt the speakers of the  laptop.i found in net that it happens for most sensitive laptops if volume is set above 100%(over amplification feature).13:26
ukyrgfVLC lets you set the volume "above" 100%, but it's nothing magical, it just adds compression and distortion like any other amplifier. Any sustained noise at full volume could damage a speaker.13:33
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transhumanI see, well I have set the volume at mid and high levels, no sound what so ever13:40
transhumanbut now I am wondering if its not loading the AC97 due to some detection interference, problem with the intel sound chip13:40
transhumanAdamDay86, is the forum indexed by google?13:41
XenophonFthis is ridiculous - fresh install of ubuntu 18.04, no matter what password I enter, it claims that it's a dictionary word and won't let me skip the first user account creation step13:42
ghostnik11hey quick question during boot after the ubuntu logo, i notice it says error invalid boot sequence then shows a lot of code that runs fast then it brings me to the login screen. how can i reproduce that in terminal? i want to learn what errors are occurring during boot that the system sees on my asus t100taf13:42
leftyfbXenophonF: so type a better password13:44
leftyfbghostnik11: type dmesg13:44
leftyfbghostnik11: or look in /var/log/syslog13:44
zetheroois there a way to see all the installed programs (not packages) installed?13:46
JimBuntughostnik11, is the info not in dmesg?13:49
ghostnik11leftyfb: i am still getting this drm:intel_bios_init [i915] *error* invalid sequence block (header)13:49
XenophonFleftyfb: I'm typing strings generated by 1Password.13:49
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ghostnik11JimBuntu, yeah i get two errors but during the boot when i press esc key i feel like i might have more errors. with dmesg i have only two errors shown with red text13:49
XenophonFq;1.2,3n4:5 is clearly not a dictionary word, and yet it says "Try to avoid common words"13:51
compdocyoure good then13:51
ghostnik11JimBuntu, thing is, i put kernel 4.16.9 on my asus t100taf with ubuntu 16.04 and now i finally got brightness working via the fn keys and now my battery is 9+ hours b4 with other kernels it was only like lets say 3 hours so i feel this is a big improvement but i don't understand why i still get error13:51
XenophonFghostnik11: create /var/log/journald and restart systemd-journald13:52
XenophonFthat's a directory btw, root:root and 075513:52
XenophonFthat will cause systemd logs to persist across reboots13:53
XenophonFin case what you need isn't in the legacy syslog13:53
XenophonFalthough dmesg and possibly the regular journald logs should have what you need, if it happens at boot time13:54
XenophonFso the `dmesg` command mentioned by JimBuntu, and `journalctl -xe` to read the logs13:54
ghostnik11XenophonF, hold on that was really fast what u said, i get the first one about making directory but the journalctl -xe? can i run that command at boot then will be able to see the log? or no, i still need to create a directory. because i thought by default that all logs were saved somewhere in ubuntu13:59
XenophonFsystemd doesn't persist logs across reboots14:02
XenophonFdepending on what you're troubleshooting, you might want that14:02
XenophonFso to get journald logs to persist, you have to create that directory and restart systemd-journald14:03
XenophonFmaybe on 18.04 that directory exists by default?14:04
XenophonFanyway, you read the logs using journalctl14:04
XenophonFthere's got to be a way to skip gnome-initial-setup14:06
ghostnik11XenophonF, yeah i read the same thing from blog of journalctl, okay i understand will make it right now and see. i think the developers of these great distros should put this feature by default14:08
XenophonFah here we go14:08
XenophonFyeah I can never keep all these little differences across distros straight14:09
XenophonFooooh and that's how i disable wayland, too!14:10
ghostnik11XenophonF, okay i created directory and now i can just reboot tablet? which will reboot or restart systemd-journald?14:13
unrecoveredhi! how do i autostart vpn connection when openvpn service starts?14:19
unrecovered(ubuntu, obviously :D)14:19
JimBuntuunrecovered, https://askubuntu.com/questions/229800/how-to-auto-start-openvpn-client-on-ubuntu-cli14:21
unrecoveredJimBuntu yeah, already did14:23
unrecoveredadded in /etc/openvpn and did AUTOSTART="all"14:24
unrecoveredstill doesnt work14:25
unrecoveredany other ideas? :D14:25
unrecovereddamn logs are empty, it doesn't even try -_-14:25
JimBuntuunrecovered, yes. Double check that manually running the config works.14:25
JimBuntuas in... openvpn --config /path/to/config14:26
unrecoveredyeah, it works, and other side available(pingable)14:28
JimBuntusorry unrecovered, I have not tried to start the client automatically before. The askubuntu answer looked good with 18 +s.14:30
ppfmaybe a user-level systemd service14:31
ghostnik11XenophonF, okay so i did exactly what u said and now i see the error and it has to deal with the powerstate and suspend and resume. kernel: [drm:intel_bios_init [i915]] *ERROR* Invalid sequence block (header)14:36
=== nat_ is now known as Natkeeran
G__81i am getting the following error when i do apt-get autoremove or update14:40
G__81Failed to restart lvm2-lvmetad.service: Unit lvm2-lvmetad.socket is masked.14:40
G__81invoke-rc.d: initscript lvm2-lvmetad, action "restart" failed.14:40
G__81● lvm2-lvmetad.service - LVM2 metadata daemon14:40
G__81   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/lvm2-lvmetad.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)14:40
G__81   Active: inactive (dead)14:40
G__81i have pasted the error in the following location https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SVb8h77Whc/14:41
G__81i am using ubuntu 18.0414:42
ppfG__81: unmask it then14:42
ppfsystemctl unmask lvm2-lvmetad.socket14:42
ppfthough it'd be interesting to know who masked it in the first place14:43
ghostnik11i also have modules that aren't loading but it seems to be problem for ubuntu 16.04 for example: systemd-modules-load[302]: Failed to find module 'lp'14:44
G__81ppf, thanks i tried it but i still get the same failure while i do apt-get autoremove or update14:44
ppfunmasked the service as well?14:45
zealsham_how do i resolve this, i am trying to use katoolin to install some kali tools but get this errors14:45
zealsham_The following packages have unmet dependencies:14:45
zealsham_ libc6-dev : Breaks: binutils (< 2.26) but 2.24-5ubuntu14.2 is to be installed14:45
zealsham_E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.14:45
G__81ppf, infact it showed me two and now have unmasked the second one as well. I did autoremove and now i get the following14:46
RSplietWhen bugs do not get picked up in over a month, what do I do?14:46
ppfG__81: apt -f install14:47
zealsham_can anyone help me14:49
ppfzealsham_: you installed some ppa and that broke dependencies14:49
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html14:49
zealsham_ppf: how do i resolve it14:50
G__81ppf, thanks a lot. It works fine14:50
ppfzealsham_: see ubottu's info14:51
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:52
oerheks_zealsham_, nobody here is going to hellp you with kali, join the kali channels for that14:52
ppfoerheks_: i goodheartedly assumed he wanted to install kali tools on ubuntu :)14:52
oerheks_yeah, but you know what happen with your environment in ubuntu??14:53
oerheks_we support no kali  for a reason :-D14:53
zealsham_oerheks_: am on ubuntu and trying to use katoolin to install some kali  tools for pentesting14:53
Oolmix seems to be not a good idea14:53
oerheks_and kali is based on #debian now14:53
oerheks_zealsham_, yes, see the ubottu factoid where to get help14:54
ProfP30Is this correct, that next Ubuntu version will reject creating shortcuts on the desktop?14:58
XenophonFghostnik11: if you're on 16.04, are you running the HWE kernel?14:58
XenophonFor are you on the GA kernel?14:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770617 in gimp (Ubuntu) "Dia-normal, GIMP crash when attempting to print using network printer" [Undecided,New]14:59
RSplietBeen ignored for over a month, likely a bug in GTK2. What do I do to get peoples attention?14:59
ghostnik11XenophonF, i am running kernel 4.16.9, don't know what you mean when u say hwe kernel vs. ga kernel15:00
srulii've got a weird issue with connectivity (16.04 mate) i tried to add the pc to a vlan so added it in /etc/network/interfaces, added some routing, all worked fine and then I removed all the new config, back to regular NM but since then my internet connectivity is all over the place, sometimes i can ping sites and sometimes get a page with wget but never in the browser, i completely removed NM and reinstalled, how can i trouble shoot this?15:00
ghostnik11XenophonF, i did find a error that relates to bluetooth module functionality and might be able to clear a headache i have with bluetooth connecting with my bluetooth speaker in ubuntu 16.0415:01
oerheks_RSpliet, i find no simular bugreports about dia/gimp printing issues15:10
ghostnik11XenophonF, thanks for all the help, from what i have seen of the errors that occur on my asus t100taf, they are superficial and don't warrant me to do anything. i have now a more dynamic system with this little tablet and its functionality of having ubuntu on it and android x86 so yeah. i will be cool with what i have now.15:10
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naccRSpliet: both are in universe and need someone with an interest to look into it15:21
Harishello all15:28
Harishow to hard kill apache2 process on 14.x lts ?15:28
srulii've got a weird issue with connectivity (16.04 mate) i tried to add the pc to a vlan so added it in /etc/network/interfaces, added some routing, all worked fine and then I removed all the new config, back to regular NM but since then my internet connectivity is all over the place, sometimes i can ping sites and sometimes get a page with wget but never in the browser, i completely removed NM and reinstalled, how can i trouble shoot this?15:28
Hariswww      15061  0.0  2.4 516736 24480 ?        D    15:10   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start15:28
HarisI have this process. it won't die even when I run kill -9 pid15:29
oerheks_sudo service apache2 <stop/start/restart>15:31
oerheks_easy to find if you have a manual15:31
AntonVanCrypto93Hi guys... I need a favor.   It is Ubuntu related but from a cousin.  I have massive problems with an install that went really wrong.15:33
AntonVanCrypto93It is PURO OS but I have found that you guys are the very best for help.15:33
AntonVanCrypto93Can you make a little exception. I have been trying all kindsa things for 48 hours and nothing works.15:33
oerheks_AntonVanCrypto93, please read the topic, we do not support forks15:34
=== shann_ is now known as shannara
Harishow to force kill a process that won't die ?15:38
Harisits a single process for httpd15:38
naccHaris: it's in uniterruptible sleep in the kernel15:39
naccHaris: meaning it's blocked on some IO operation (typically)15:39
Harishow to end it ?15:39
naccHaris: you probably can't kill it easily15:39
AntonVanCrypto93Guys... Installed PURE OS and a lagg in keyboard made my password something I did not intended to.15:39
naccAntonVanCrypto93: "PURO OS" is not Ubuntu, sorry.15:39
oerheks_AntonVanCrypto93, please read the topic, we do not support forks15:39
leftyfbAntonVanCrypto93: install Ubuntu15:40
oerheks_Haris, how about; sudo service apache2 stop15:40
naccHaris: did you try what oerheks_ said to stop the service?15:40
AntonVanCrypto93Upon restarting PC the USB I intended to install OS failed. Upon inserting DVD to reinstall the Test Pure OS brings me back to login menu15:40
leftyfbAntonVanCrypto93: install Ubuntu15:40
Haris * Stopping web server apache215:40
Haris *15:40
Haris * There are processes named 'apache2' running which do not match your pid file which are left untouched in the name of safety, Please review the situation by hand.15:40
leftyfb!paste | Haris15:40
ubottuHaris: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:40
HarisI'v restarted service apache2 restart|stop. doesn't work15:40
naccHaris: sounds like your system is in a bad state, did you run apache2 by hand?15:40
AntonVanCrypto93Anybody knows a way to force reinstall or access GRUB?   Folks at #purism are totally overwhelmed and not understand how crazy this is.15:40
HarisI'v tried kill -9, kill -15, kilall. nothing works15:41
naccHaris: simplest way to stop it, is to restart15:41
naccHaris: yes, as explained, kill will not.15:41
Harisno. not running by hand15:41
AntonVanCrypto93leftyfb I wish it was that easy.15:41
leftyfbAntonVanCrypto93: We can help you install Ubuntu15:41
AntonVanCrypto93leftyfb   does this mean no help for this "one time" PURE OS problem.15:42
leftyfbAntonVanCrypto93: correct15:42
AntonVanCrypto93You guys are really good and freaking helpful.15:42
AntonVanCrypto93Side window? Side chat? could you?15:42
AntonVanCrypto93I am really in a massive funk.15:42
naccAntonVanCrypto93: why not just use ubuntu?15:42
leftyfbAntonVanCrypto93: when it comes to Ubuntu, yes, we try. We simply cannot be expected to support every distro that someone creates from Ubuntu.15:42
oerheks_btw pureOS is based on #debian15:43
AntonVanCrypto93I am running Ubuntu and Ubuntu is running superb. I also run Mint and have no issues. Debian rolls OK and Qubes run OK.15:43
AntonVanCrypto93I just wanted to test this derivated product by Purism (due to their Phone the Librem 5 to be released in 2019) and it turned into hell.15:43
itJunkyHaris, what do you mean "nothing works"? What happened and writen to terminal? May be you don't have enough permissions?15:44
AntonVanCrypto93I can't remove or reinstall this distro and I know you Linux wizards are really good.  The Mint folks are rude.15:44
naccAntonVanCrypto93: ok, so not a topic for this channel for sure. Don't use software that doesn't have support from the developers.15:44
HarisI'm root15:44
Hariswhat more permission do I need ? *lol*15:44
AntonVanCrypto93Based on debian..... I see. We know why it is nuts...15:44
Harisanyway, sent it for reboot15:44
leftyfbAntonVanCrypto93: you'll have to seek support from PureOS15:44
naccHaris: it's not permissions.15:45
naccHaris: please read what I wrote and do some research on it.15:45
AntonVanCrypto93leftyfb they are out of it.   They cannot understand. This is why I came to the Holy Land15:45
itJunkyMay be this process have a Z flag because it's zombie and can't be killed15:45
naccitJunky: no, it's in D, uninterruptible sleep.15:45
leftyfbAntonVanCrypto93: except PureOS has nothing to do with Ubuntu. This is not the appropriate place for support15:45
AntonVanCrypto93The devs are not really able to comprehend what is up.    nacc> AntonVanCrypto93: ok, so not a topic for this channel for sure. Don't use software that doesn't have support from the developers.15:45
AntonVanCrypto93Should I try some crypto devs at debian?15:46
naccAntonVanCrypto93: then definitely don't use their garbage software.15:46
AntonVanCrypto93Is it garbage?15:46
blackflowAntonVanCrypto93: you wanted to test that, right? Obvs is broken, so..... test complete?15:46
oerheks_AntonVanCrypto93, please stop15:46
AntonVanCrypto93<blackflow> AntonVanCrypto93: you wanted to test that, right? Obvs is broken, so..... test complete?15:46
naccAntonVanCrypto93: if they can't support it in the first place... in any case, please drop it.15:46
AntonVanCrypto93Not wrong in a way.15:46
AntonVanCrypto93Did not worked to well.15:46
blackflowso install ubuntu.15:46
leftyfbor debian, or mint. Something that works and is supported15:47
AntonVanCrypto93blackflow   my UBUNTU BRINGS THE MILKSHAKE TO THE YARD and you guys are awesome... Sorry I dropped here... I am just in desperate situation and I ran out of ideas / help.15:47
leftyfbAntonVanCrypto93: good luck15:47
AntonVanCrypto93Thank you all.    I understand and I appreciate.   See you around and have a good day making UBUNTU work well.15:48
AntonVanCrypto93Thank you guys.15:48
JimBuntuUbuntu 18.04, does CTRL-ALT-T still bring up a terminal?15:53
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=== coconut_aw is now known as coconut
oerheks_JimBuntu, yes16:01
oerheks_why not on your system??16:01
JimBuntuNot on this HP Envy I just tried. I wasn't sure if it was the KB or what. Thanks!16:01
ntdhp envy. now there's some "buy this and think you're "prosumer""16:06
JimBuntuntd, It was basically gifted, so I don't mind :)16:09
Haristhank you all16:11
srulii've got a weird issue with connectivity (16.04 mate) i tried to add the pc to a vlan so added it in /etc/network/interfaces, added some routing, all worked fine and then I removed all the new config, back to regular NM but since then my internet connectivity is all over the place, sometimes i can ping sites and sometimes get a page with wget but never in the browser, i completely removed NM and reinstalled, how can i trouble shoot this?16:20
svipI am using the nvidia-driver-390, and I've noticed a seemingly constant high CPU usage.  Particularly Xorg seems to have a higher than usual CPU usage, although around 2-10%.16:24
grymhow do i make /usr/bin/sensibile-browser respect ubuntu's default browser settings on 16.04?  I have firefox set as my default browser, but sensible-browser opens chrome instead16:24
svipIs there any benefit to switching to the nvidia-340 driver instead?16:25
blackflowsvip: I had issues with gnome regularly crashing with 390. Upgraded to 396 from the graphics PPA, fixed the crashes.16:28
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AntonVanCrypto93OK................... The geniuses over there at PURE OS figured it out.16:30
svipblackflow: Where is the PPA?16:30
AntonVanCrypto93That window in the TEST live was put there for no reson and was not related to the login (user and pass) that I had inserted. The answer to this LOOP OF HELL was to insert "pureos" as username.   Then it starts.16:31
blackflowsvip: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers16:31
AntonVanCrypto93I hope you all have a good laugh at this.16:31
AntonVanCrypto93laugh >>> leftyfb16:31
svipblackflow: Thank you.16:31
AntonVanCrypto93blackflow do you read this?    How insane is that? Why put a LOGIN window in the middle of an install reboot that only devs know the username and password?16:32
AntonVanCrypto93The distro lyfe is a bitch sometimes. Thanks god for freenode and Ubuntu.16:33
AntonVanCrypto93Please laugh at this a little. Wasted 48 hours of my life at it.16:33
Guest15030I'm trying to install ubuntu through the Live CD(USB Drive), and ubiquity gets stuck on "Detecting FileSystems." The logs show upowerd throwing [https://pastebin.com/KWbwVzxQ]. I tried using some of the solutions on AskUbuntu, but none of them worked, as they were all different errors.16:34
svipblackflow: Should I use that even if I have a Quadro 2000M?16:34
m47h4rHey all, wazzup?16:37
JontaCeiling, yo16:38
naccm47h4r: do you have an ubuntu support question?16:38
Guest15030Whoops, Nevermind. Apparently the installer continues anyway, just spamming the logs with that.16:38
m47h4rnacc: nope :D16:42
m47h4rnacc: why? am i known for too much question? (hope not)16:42
Jontakilo: Hi17:16
kilohead on over to #applerumors for the latest spicy android + iOS rumors!17:17
lotuspsychjekilo: only ubuntu support here please17:20
oerheks_kilo, please part this channel and focus on that fruitcompagny, thanks17:25
=== oerheks_ is now known as oerheks
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
arooniquestion team: is there a way to change / add a keyboard shortcut that invokes ubuntu 18.04's start/menu/dash?  i dont seem to have a windows start button on this keyboard17:33
arooniim not seeing anything in the keyboard shortcuts section17:34
naccarooni: tweaks -> keyboard & mouse -> alt/win key beahvior maybe?17:57
Plofhas the bionic beaver update release point happened yet today?17:59
Plofcause I have not been notified yet on 16.04 for an upgrade and I knew they were wanting on that release18:00
leftyfbPlof: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule18:00
Plofleftyfb: I have already seen that is just says its scheduled for today18:01
leftyfbPlof: no it doesn't18:02
Plofit does not what?18:02
leftyfbPlof: it does not say it's scheduled for today18:02
Plofoh wow I misread the month lmao18:03
Plofso that is supposed to be another month lol18:03
oerheksjuly JULY ...18:04
adrian_1908I have a question regarding apt. Does something like `--no-install-recommends` also exist for when one wants to reject specific package(s), but not all?18:16
oerheksadrian_1908, only the needed core packages will be installed, this option is often used with a desktop install18:18
naccadrian_1908: what do you mean by "reject" specific packages?18:19
adrian_1908I found a direct answer I think: https://serverfault.com/questions/250224/how-do-i-get-apt-get-to-ignore-some-dependencies#answer-66380318:19
adrian_1908nacc: for instance, install `mpv` and all that comes with it, but not `youtube-dl` which is not necessary unless the feature is used.18:20
naccadrian_1908: ... well that would just as easily come with --no-install-recommends18:20
naccadrian_1908: yes you can do what you are suggesting, but i think it won't work for actual dependencies18:21
oerhekswith --no-install-recommends only xdg-utils and youtube-dl would skip https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gHr4j9mHMP/18:23
oerheksis this worth it, i wonder18:23
srulii need some help with my internet connectivity, i can login to the pc (ssh) but there is not outgoing connections, i cant even ping an external address, other machines on the network are working fine (all ubuntu-mate 16.04)18:23
naccoerheks: right, and i'm pretty sure if you told it not install an actual dep, apt would error out18:25
oerhekssruli, ssh in, as root? is networking available 'for all users'  ?18:26
srulioerheks: i can ssh in (from external network) as any user, but inside there is only local connectivity18:27
adrian_1908oerheks: yeah, i wasn't aware of the scale of extra packages, now i know (will remember that command). I could have sworn it tried to install avahi-daemon as well, though I don't see it in that list.18:27
srulioerheks: the other day i added it to a vlan so messed around with /etc/network/interfaces, but i now reverted all the config and i might get connectivity for few seconds after reboot, after that all fails18:28
ph0n3did anyone use riseup-vpn from the software center?18:29
oerheksoh right, you reinstalled networkmanager i read back18:30
srulioerheks: yes i tried that too, what else can i try18:30
oerheksremove profile from network manager and set a new ?18:31
oerheksnot sure what else is to be done18:32
srulioerheks: tried that too (about 30 times)18:32
srulioerheks: is there nothing but a reinstall?18:39
oerheksas it is a virtual networking thing, reboot the router too? that might be your hickup18:40
oerheksno clue what else..18:40
srulioerheks: cant reboot router.. got about 15 public facing servers on it18:41
oerheksgood luck then, sruli18:43
srulioerheks: thanks18:43
oerheksno way to remove any lease?18:43
srulioerheks: i already did that, i even set the lease for a different ip, no change... gonna try putting the interface in /etc/network/interfaces and see if i can connect like that18:44
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Guest25169 Hi, I am having a problem with efibootmgr running on command line in ubuntu 18.04. The application can't proceed when running it into a console. Does nothing and I can only close with with Ctrl+C. I am running it on Ubuntu 18.04. How can I fix this issue?19:33
=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest28198
naccGuest25169: you are running it as root?19:55
Guest25169I am on a HP Pavilion x36019:55
EriC^Guest25169: are you booted in uefi mode?20:01
EriC^try "ls /sys/firmware/efi"20:01
Guest25169one moment please20:02
Guest25169I'll take 5 minutes20:02
EriC^Guest25169: try running it with strace -o /tmp/log20:03
EriC^and upload /tmp/log to a pastebin20:03
Guest25169Thanks, I will try it in a couple of minutes and let you know20:05
RSplietoerheks_, nacc: thanks.20:10
RSplietoerheks_: That's precisely why I reported it ;-). As the bug report mentions, it involves avahi registering web printers that have otherwise been registered by cups. If I disable avahi, the printers stay but the problems disappear. The set-up is office like, not many home users will run into this20:12
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.20:13
RobBurkeTach zusammen. So halb related, aber ich wollte hier mal ob guter Erfahrungen fragen: Kennt sich hier wer mit dem Zugriff auf TP-Link Router aus? Ich  komm da nicht auf die Anmeldemaske. Zur Erklärung: Hier hängt ein TP-Link zwecks WLAN aufspannen annen KabelDeutschland-Modem. Theoretisch sollte ich auf den TPlink per oder kommen, doch da tut sich nichts. Das Modem sagt zudem dass der Router unter v192.1620:15
RobBurke8.0.14 im Netz ist20:15
RSplietnacc: Oh! I'm surprised to find gimp for Xenial in Universe.20:16
RSplietHowever, I have a strong suspicion this is a gtk2.0+ bug, which does live in main.20:16
RobBurkesorry  guys, wrong channel20:18
naccRSpliet: could be, not sure20:19
Guest25169EriC^ https://pastebin.com/MhsvwfQS20:22
EriC^Guest25169: can you pastebin "strace -o /tmp/log efibootmgr" ?20:25
EriC^(the /tmp/log)20:25
Guest25169EriC^ https://pastebin.com/gytrtsV720:31
Nordohi guys20:33
JontaNordo: Eyyy20:33
Nordoay wassah20:33
JontaBeen wondering how your setup's going20:33
Nordoyeah its alright20:36
Nordoi think ill never use windows again]20:36
Nordothis is speedy thing20:36
Nordosnappy boi :)20:36
Nordooh btw20:37
Nordohow do i uninstall LXDE completely?20:37
Nordonot just the meta package20:37
oerheksadding a desktop is fun, removing one is amazing20:37
gigirockNordo, the meta is all20:38
Nordosure? so there will be no leftovers and crap?20:39
oerheksapt clean & autoremove after next login helps20:39
oerheksbut surely you can run into dependency issues20:40
gigirockNordo, it depends , the LXDE was the main in installation ? like lubuntu ?20:40
Nordoi installed it after installing ubuntu20:41
Nordooh and20:41
Nordoubuntu 18.0420:41
oerhekssudo apt remove --purge lxde* -d # -d dry run to see what happens20:43
Nordowhats the command with quotes?20:44
EriC^Guest25169: this is the line with the problem, not sure what it means though read(3, 0x7ffec24b828c, 4)              = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)20:44
oerhekswhat quotes?20:44
Nordoinsert " in the beginning and in the end20:44
Nordoso i know the command exactly20:44
mac`hello i am having issues with dpkg https://pastebin.com/JwsP6JFF20:45
oerheksyou can use the whole line, all after # will be ignored20:45
Guest25169EriC^ how shall I proceed then?20:47
EriC^Guest25169: try joining ##linux and asking there20:47
Guest25169Thanks :)20:47
Nordoaye oerheks20:51
Nordowhats the command again? sorry for annoying20:52
ppfNordo: scroll up?20:52
Nordowell my internet died and the page refreshed automatically20:52
ppfsudo apt remove --purge lxde* -d # -d dry run to see what happens20:52
oerheksor maybe --dry-run20:53
Nordosudo apt remove --purge lxde* -d # -d dry run?20:54
Nordoi get this: Package 'lxde' is not installed, so not removed.20:55
Nordothis is impossible20:55
NordoThe following packages will be REMOVED:   lxde-common* lxde-core* openbox-lxde-session*20:56
gigirockschools out and everyone try to destroy the pc ?21:03
deskwizardhell I hope not, having enough trouble to keep it running as it is :P21:04
BrokenTrackpadWhile replacing my laptop keyboard, I damaged the cable for it and the trackpad on my laptop. Now my syslog is being flooded with the kernel trying to connect to them then failing. I tried a fresh install but that didn't help. I'm thinking I will need to disable them somehow but I at least want to reduce the logging verbosity so I don't wear out my SSD in a week. I'm looking for suggestions or advice. /msg me and I'll send you a copy21:12
BrokenTrackpadof the loop showing up in my syslog.21:12
ppfcan't you disable the trackpad in bios21:14
BrokenTrackpad@ppf Looking into it now but not that I'm aware of. Its a MacBook Pro, unfortunately.21:17
oerheksbuy new laptop21:18
BrokenTrackpad@oerheks Good advice but I like to collect garbage and try to put it to good use.21:19
gigirockremove the trackpad kext21:19
robuntuHi all21:20
robuntuInstalling Ubuntu here in Virtual Box21:20
BrokenTrackpad@gigirock Can I do that from linux or do I need an OSX installation?21:21
robuntubut couldn't specify which file system I preferred... I would like to use zfs, instead of ext4, that comes by default, during installation21:21
naccrobuntu: requires some manual work21:22
gigirockrobuntu, you can do what you want21:22
naccrobuntu: google the zfsonlinux github page, iirc21:22
naccrobuntu: if you mean for /21:23
robuntuoh, so it is not automatized process, nacc, using zfs in ubuntu21:23
naccrobuntu: for non-/ it is21:23
robuntufine, gigirock21:23
gigirockrobuntu, zfs is like a pain in the ass ext4 is here to stay21:24
robuntujust a question: does zfs run natively in ubuntu, in the kernel linux (in other linux distros, it is not possible) or does it  require dkms ?21:24
robuntuterrible situation, gigirock a pain in ass trying to install ubuntu with zfs21:25
oerheksdue to license, AFAIK21:25
naccrobuntu: i believe it is fully supported in ubuntu, no dkms21:26
ppfrobuntu: yes it's natively supported21:26
robuntusomething absolutely intuitive and fast in FreeBSD, due to license FreeBSD Project uses, instead of gpl21:26
naccrobuntu: please stick to support topics.21:26
robuntuit is part of technical comments, nacc....21:26
naccrobuntu: not relevant here, sorry.21:27
ppfrobuntu: we have btrfs which is simply btr21:27
robuntuplease, ppf, how does it run natively in ubuntu ?21:27
naccrobuntu: zfs is supported "natively" in Ubuntu kernels.21:27
robuntunot relevant for you nacc....21:27
naccrobuntu: what is your actual question?21:27
naccrobuntu: the kernel module is built with others in the ubuntu kernel source.21:27
oerheks<robuntu> please, ppf, how does it run natively in ubuntu ? >> zfsonlinux github21:28
robuntuplease, nacc, my doubts were already answered by your and ppf21:28
robuntuyeah, ppf, I use btrfs in debian, tried to do the same in ubuntu now21:28
robuntubut it is a graphical installation and there wasn't this option21:29
robuntuat least using this installation modality21:29
robuntuI'll repeat the process more twice21:29
oerheksthis https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS links to https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu21:30
robuntuthanks, oerheks21:30
oerheksi would not use zfs, as a vitualbox filesystem21:31
naccoerheks: does feel like possibly a misunderstanding of what zfs is for :/21:31
robuntujust installing a elementary ubuntu test environment here, oerheks21:31
robuntuyou are wrong if commenting about me, nacc.... I know what is zfs21:32
robuntuand more than you can imagine, by the way21:32
oerheksoh, elementary .. good luck, it has its own issues and support channel21:32
robuntuwell, if you didn't understand that, sorry, oerheks, just forget about it....21:33
robuntuoerheks: grow up....21:43
oerheks'restart now'21:50
gigirock1!info eclipse21:53
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.1-11 (bionic), package size 15 kB, installed size 99 kB21:53
Avanthashello everyone, I'm doing a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 on my desktop, but after several minutes formating the target disk, I'm not really sure what is going on22:17
Avanthasis there any way to open a terminal on that step?22:17
Avanthasnvm, I've switched tty22:20
=== Richard is now known as Guest53853
edgarhi, someone know how update snap22:35
oerhekssnaps update themselves, but you can run snap refresh22:37
oerheksor snap refresh  <package>22:37
edgaroerheks, thans22:38
oerheksedgar, have fun!22:38
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edgaroerheks, i am looking in the command but I don´t find that22:39
edgaroerheks, good time, thanks for your answer22:41
oerhekshttps://docs.snapcraft.io/core/usage for a start22:41
FarrellHello, can anybody help me with iptables please?22:45
eyeohhmm keyserver back up23:05
eyeohnot sure what was blocking me23:05
hackinghornmy ubuntu hangs on boot23:14
hackinghornI think it just cant load the GUI23:14
hackinghorncan I run gnome from X somewhere?23:15
=== Pleasures is now known as Sircle
newuser19998hi, trying to install ubuntu and im having a problem where its not detecting which drive is my boot drive properly and wants to install the OS on another drive or something? how do i fix it so it installs to my ssd and detects my windows thats on my SSD and correctly installs so it doesnt break windows?23:16
=== coffeemug-rick is now known as coffeechug
k0leohi , how can i find a word from strings all files on a diroctry in 1 command ?23:24
oerheksgrep  "whatever" .23:29
oerheksgrep -R "whatever" .  # gives all sub folders too23:29
qwebirc41397hi, new to ubuntu, my pc is rebooting randomly, no loading screen, 10 passes with memtest86 0 errors, lm-sensors temps good, an logs that might tell me something?23:30
qwebirc41397*any logs the might tell me something?23:30
newuser99998can anyone help me figure out why ubuntu wants to install on the wrong drive and wont let me choose a different one?23:33
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guiverc_tqwebirc41397, no idea; have you looked?  journalctl? or other?23:36
newuser99998guess nobody can help :(23:40
=== edmz_ is now known as edmz
Bashing-omnewuser99998: Tell what setup you performed if any ,, and the install mode employed .23:42
qwebirc31484hi guiverc_t, I dont have a clue about logs in general so I thought I'd check here to see which ones to check23:42
qwebirc31484guiverc_t, I'll check the one suggested, my pc rebooted again andi've lost the chat, could tell me the one you suggested again plz?23:43
guiverc_ti mentioned journalctl - probably because that's where I'd check:  it's one that doesn't restart on reboot :)  (also shows time/date in human format)23:44
guiverc_tqwebirc31484, i'd be likely to blame hardware; open box up & do cap. check etc... (though this is hardware & not ubuntu related)23:45
dpereir_Hello guys.My bios does not save settings.I believe it was due to the 4.13 kernel, however I upgraded to version 4.15.0-23 and the error continues.Does anyone know how to fix this?23:54
compdocwhich bios?23:55
dpereir_insyde h2023:57

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