
didrocksgood morning06:41
dufluMorning didrocks06:51
Laneyhi there!07:01
didrockshey duflu, Laney07:16
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LocutusOfBorghello guys! can we please continue the ayatana discussion?07:45
LocutusOfBorgoh... seb is AFK...07:46
Laneymoin didrocks & duflu07:51
LaneyLocutusOfBorg: yeh, he'll probably be around shortly07:51
dufluHi Laney07:51
seb128good morning desktopers07:56
Laneymoin seb12807:57
Laneyhow's it going?07:57
LocutusOfBorghello seb128 :) I was mentioning just you :D07:58
seb128hey Laney! I got a bit of a cold but good otherwise! you?07:58
seb128hey LocutusOfBorg, what's up?07:58
seb128Laney, you guys had another late night, eating at like 23h? I don't know how you do it :p08:00
Laneyseb128: slight sore through actually08:03
Laneywondering if that jadahl has infected me 😭08:03
Laneyand yes, you know how this goes ...08:03
Laneywe went to a monastery in the day so worked later, then eat later08:03
seb128yeah, I know how it goes :)08:04
seb128good that there are a few days to rest before GUADEC :p08:04
Laneyyep, going to be required08:05
Laneydidrocks: on the theme per release thing, can't you use the per gtk version directories inside one package?08:06
LocutusOfBorgseb128, ayatana switch :D08:06
seb128LocutusOfBorg, what about it?08:06
didrocksLaney: well, GNOME Shell isn't backward compatible theming-wise08:07
didrocksLaney: so, we still need to have one snap per release08:08
Laneyoh this would be a nice addition ;-)08:11
dufluOh, hi seb12808:16
seb128hey duflu, how are you?08:18
dufluseb128, going very well. I shall have a fix for the mutter-is-always-60.00Hz-issue today. You?08:18
seb128oh, nice08:18
seb128I'm good, just having a bit of a cold08:18
LocutusOfBorg[18:17:56] <LocutusOfBorg> folks, anybody wants to subscribe here?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libayatana-appindicator/+bug/1770146 :)08:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1770146 in libayatana-appindicator (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libayatana-appindicator" [High,Incomplete]08:36
LocutusOfBorgseb128, ^^08:36
LocutusOfBorgthis is the discussion :)08:36
seb128LocutusOfBorg, my position about that didn't change since the previous discussion, I don't agree that the ayatana version is a obvious better option/what we should do until we at least review what is exactly needed, if things are going to keep working with GNOME and unity, if we can mix client from both libs, etc08:37
seb128that's a transition that needs an owner and review of the situation08:38
seb128not just something to wave in08:38
seb128so no08:38
seb128you don't get a subscriber here08:38
seb128or at least not the desktop team for now08:38
dufludidrocks, I got a small heart attack from your first presentation title, before it was fixed :)09:13
didrocksduflu: ahah, yeah, maybe something from my subconscient :p09:14
LocutusOfBorgok seb128 can you please clarify what testing you want so I can do it?09:15
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LocutusOfBorgstuff in universe already started switching to ayatana, the delta to keep the old version around might be really high09:15
LocutusOfBorgand seems that ayatana gives better upstream support and development09:15
seb128LocutusOfBorg, I feel like those a free claims not backed up by anything concrete at this point09:18
seb128no stable distribution is including that stack09:18
seb128is it used by default in any stable version of a distro/desktop yet?09:19
LocutusOfBorgdebian should have it by default now?09:24
LocutusOfBorgat least in testing I would say09:25
LocutusOfBorgmaybe we can switch this discussion to debian-devel irc channel on OFTC?09:25
LocutusOfBorgsunweaver has strong knowledge on the topic09:25
seb128I don't see how that would help, he's going to claim that it's a better maintained stack and that Debian is switching09:26
seb128which is fair enough and not something I can/want argue against09:27
seb128it doesn't change the fact that we didn't test it on our side yet and it didn't get much real world usage, Debian testing has a limited set of users and none of their desktop rely on indicators by default afaik (GNOME doesn't and they don't have Unity)09:28
LocutusOfBorgok but cosmic-proposed is using it since the opening, did anybody complain yet?09:30
LocutusOfBorgs/is using/is already using/09:31
LocutusOfBorgthe mix is already in place, and nobody complained so far I would say09:31
didrockshow many people are using cosmic at this stage?09:34
didrocksI'm still on bionic myself for instance09:34
seb128didrocks, it's not even cosmic, it's cosmic-proposed which is not meant to be used09:36
seb128LocutusOfBorg, I'm not sure cosmic-proposed as any user, and if even if it has I'm not sure those are the kind of users who cares about their indicators having issues09:36
seb128LocutusOfBorg, anyway, bottom line is that it's not tested enough for me to ack it at this point, I'm putting it on our backlog but I recommend for those changes to be rolled back for now if you want to unbloc things from proposed09:37
seb128even if we subscribe the MIRs still need to get reviewed which can take a while09:38
LocutusOfBorgseb128, I don't care to have a bunch of packages go in release, I prefer to avoid a delta09:54
LocutusOfBorgreverting the change is trivial enough, we can wait some more time if you think your backlog will take the point soon09:55
LocutusOfBorgmuktupavels, ^^09:57
LocutusOfBorgsee the discussion if you are interested in an answer wrt https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libayatana-appindicator/+bug/1770146/comments/7 :)09:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1770146 in libayatana-appindicator (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libayatana-appindicator" [High,Incomplete]09:57
seb128I'm going to comment on the bug09:58
muktupavelsLocutusOfBorg: I did not see answer to that...09:58
muktupavelswhy that fork was needed in first place? why cant people just maintain original upstream project!?09:59
LocutusOfBorgmuktupavels, this is something for upstream, not for me :)09:59
seb128that project was poorly handled imho10:01
seb128I had an email exchange about that with the guy who forked, who basically had no good reason10:01
seb128it would have made sense to just take over the existing projects10:01
muktupavelsthat is what I think. more work for no reason now...10:03
muktupavelsbetter to drop fork and maintain original project10:03
seb128right, that was my recommendation as well but seems that got little traction10:06
seb128which leads us to where we are now10:06
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muktupavelswhere is trevinho?10:19
Trevinhomuktupavels: hi, here :)10:19
muktupavelstrevinho: hi, do you have  time?10:19
Trevinhomuktupavels: not so much now, can we talk next week?10:19
muktupavelstrevinho: oh, ok. wanted more compiz reviews and one for libwnck. but I guess it can wait next week. :)10:20
Laneydidrocks: if I tried to push https://paste.debian.net/1031132/ would that help you?10:21
didrocksLaney: there are other blockers for the snap side itself, but yeah, that could be a great fit! I'm a little bit afraid it won't get merged as there is no support for theming and it's understood it's unstable, but worth giving a try, thanks!10:23
Laneylet's see how it goes10:41
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mdeslauris there a way to have the dock show preview windows in start order instead of recently used order?11:47
mdeslaurI just can't get used to stuff moving around all the time11:47
didrocksI don't think so, raise it with upstream?11:49
didrocksbut I don't think it's a settings we want to add by default anyway (would have to be tweaked via gsettings)11:49
willcookemdeslaur, is this the sort of thing:  https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/686#issuecomment-39509079412:17
gitlab-botmicheleg issue 686 in dash-to-dock "Stacking order of window preview shifts" (comments: 1) [Open]12:17
mdeslaurwillcooke: yeah, that looks like what I'm looking for12:18
mdeslaurthanks willcooke, didrocks12:18
willcookeI've had little traction upstream, so I might see if we can get it on the roadmap next cycle :)12:18
willcookeI looked at the code but failed12:18
willcookeI should try again12:18
willcookeProbably in here: https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/blob/master/windowPreview.js12:26
mdeslaurwillcooke: I'm guessing it needs a new sort function that uses get_stable_sequence12:55
willcookemdeslaur, yeah I think so too, just looking at the code now13:00
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kenvandineTrevinho, can you look at backporting this to 18.04?  https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/10313:40
gitlab-botGNOME issue (Merge request) 103 in mutter "A couple of xdg foreign fixes" (comments: 1) [1. Bug, 5. Wayland, Merged]13:40
kenvandineTrevinho, that's needed for portal support on wayland13:40
kenvandineor just update mutter... but i guess jamesh has already asked you about that13:41
jameshTrevinho: the fix is already in mutter 3.28.213:41
kenvandineLaney, awesome!13:57
kenvandinejamesh, ^^ 3.28.2 is in the queue13:57
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seb128k, time to enjoy a bit the nice weather, I'm going to look at the backlog/deal a few things a bit later though, so see you later or have a nice evening, depending15:31
didrocksenjoy your evening seb12815:32
willcookesee you seb12815:37
k_alamHi, where is jbicha today? Anyone knows?15:40
willcookenight all17:23
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