
dokocpaelzer: could you have a look at migrating mysql and mariadb packages? or somebody else ...07:25
cpaelzerdoko: I'll ask rbasak to look as he is more mysql'y than myself07:39
cpaelzerbut I'll take a look myself if there is anything easy I can help with once I'm done with my current task07:39
LocutusOfBorgstgraber, what is your opinion wrt libxml-sax-perl ? is the patch still needed? can we forward upstream?09:26
Unit193Hello, any hints as to why ppc64el failed?  It shouldn't have, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/4.13.2-0ubuntu110:17
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, pbuilder-dist cosmic ppc64el create && pbuilder-dist cosmic ppc64el login? :)10:26
Unit193Not quite how I have my pbuilder set up, but that seems unideal.10:26
LocutusOfBorgwhy? it works!10:27
* LocutusOfBorg is trying this10:27
Unit193Just seems odd that it was the only one to fail, and it wasn't an issue solved by autoreconf.10:30
LocutusOfBorgUnit193, they are installable to me10:39
LocutusOfBorgI retried the build10:39
Unit193Yes, precisely why it's weird...10:39
LocutusOfBorgI did some perl stuff, and python is doing some weird things because of transition maybe...10:40
LocutusOfBorgit is working now, meh10:40
davidgilukrharper: You're bouncing on oftc/#qemu   rharper left the room (quit: Killed (NickServ (Too many failed password attempts.))).     about every 20 seconds12:05
infinityahasenack: *poke*12:15
infinityahasenack: You around?12:15
infinityahasenack: Looks like it's time to revert the mod-proxy-uwsgi revert from your last upload (uwsgi no longer builds the module).12:15
infinityahasenack: Erm, referring to apache2, that is.12:17
ahasenackinfinity: hi12:21
ahasenackinfinity: we should start using the one from apache now then?12:21
infinityahasenack: Aye/12:21
infinityahasenack: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/371383267/apache2_2.4.33-3ubuntu1_2.4.33-3ubuntu2.diff.gz12:21
infinityahasenack: Just revert every bit that refers to uwsgi, IMO.12:21
infinityahasenack: I'd do that myself, but I don't want to be TIL.12:22
ahasenackinfinity: ok, I'll do it. And then the other source will be removed from the archive?12:22
infinityahasenack: The other binary, you mean.  Which it'll be replacing.12:22
ahasenackit comes from its own source, but yeah, its binary12:23
infinityahasenack: There's a lot more in the uwsgi source than just that binary. :)12:23
ahasenackI see12:23
infinityahasenack: Only mod-proxy-uwsgi was dropped (because it's now part of apache)12:23
infinitySee https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89478512:23
ubottuDebian bug 894785 in apache2 "apache2: File conflict with libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi" [Serious,Fixed]12:23
ahasenackand that's the only bit that is failing to build I assume12:23
infinityahasenack: No build failures.  It's that things depend on libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi, which no longer exists because you aren't building it. :P12:24
infinity(or, it will no longer exist if I were to remove the NBS package)12:24
ahasenackah, no longer builds == on purpose no longer builds12:25
infinityAs in, this transition happened in Debian, and you undid half of it. :)12:25
infinityAnd then we synced the other half.12:26
ahasenackfor a reason, I think we were missing that sync of the other half12:26
ahasenackit was stuck in migration12:26
ahasenackit will all come back to me once I re-enable it12:26
infinityCan that happen today?12:27
rbasakahasenack: and when you're done with that, submit your core dev application already :)12:27
infinityIf not, I'll grumpily do it myself, but then nag you about taking apache2 back. :P12:27
infinityOh, if you don't have upload rights, I can just do it in your name and pretend I sponsored it for you.  *cough*12:27
ahasenackinfinity: no grumpyness needed, I'm just starting my day, plenty of time. But I'll need reviews from my peers, it's how we have been doing things. But I guess you can review it if you are still aroun12:28
rbasakHe can upload apache2 I think - through the server packageset12:28
rbasakBut still12:28
rbasakCore dev.12:28
rbasakahasenack: I think infinity would count as your peer from our team's peer review perspective12:28
infinityI might still be on your team!12:29
infinityThe oldest member, no less.12:29
ahasenackdidn't mean to imply otherwise :)12:29
ahasenackrbasak: I still have some checkboxes to tick in that checklist of yours ;)12:30
rbasakinfinity: the second oldest member. Looks like you were beaten by 24 seconds :-P12:30
ahasenackwe have that kind of resolution?12:31
rbasakMouse hover12:31
infinityrbasak: Curses.12:31
infinityrbasak: Deactivating Fabio would fix that.12:31
infinityPretty sure he hasn't contributed in about a decade.12:31
rbasakThere are tons of people in ~ubuntu-server who don't appear to have ever been involved at all.12:32
infinityYeah, some past admins were a bit nutty with the accept button.12:32
infinityBecause building a "community" was more important to them than a useful team.12:32
rbasakIt's an open team. There is no accept button.12:33
infinityOh, or that.12:33
infinityI thought it was once closed.12:33
infinityBut I could be misremembering.12:33
ahasenackubuntu-server-dev is the more crucial one in terms of privileges12:35
infinityYeah, that didn't exist (cause packagesets didn't) back in "my day".12:36
infinityWHEN I WAS YOUR AGE.12:36
Unit193Where you ever?12:46
dokoUnit193: are you handling the thunar transition?12:46
Unit193doko: Yes, should be only one package left.12:47
Unit193xfconf should be one too, and that's also going to be done real soon™12:47
juliankPhasing of update-notifier uploads has stopped due to https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/4844575ab1a533f9e47d6fdde541010e267bd9d3 - but all I did was move around some print statements (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/375023334/update-notifier_3.168.8_3.168.9.diff.gz), does anyone see anything I'm missing?13:07
infinityjuliank: Clearly not a new crash.13:10
juliankIt does seem familiar13:10
infinityjuliank: Well, the list of versions at the bottom confirms it's not new. :P13:10
infinityOr, wait.  Unless those are all current SRU versins?13:10
juliankinfinity: no, these are all my SRUs13:10
infinityIndeed they are.13:11
infinityColour me stumped.13:12
juliankinfinity: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/88288213:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 882882 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer crash with ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" [Undecided,Invalid]13:14
juliankI think xnox's comment from 2012 explains it13:15
juliank"What happens is that debconf database is locked and status ends up as empty string."13:15
juliankwhy it's locked, though, no idea13:15
juliankanother one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/53795213:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537952 in Ubuntu "the installer crash" [Undecided,Fix committed]13:15
infinityjuliank: Maybe, yeah, but why just now?13:15
infinityjuliank: Seems fishy.13:15
infinityGranted, only 6 total reports, but still weird that it's only on that version.13:16
julianktiming issue?13:17
juliankthe first print moved after the database opening now13:17
juliank(well, and after db shutdown)13:18
infinityCould be.13:18
juliankinfinity: no reports from artful yet13:19
infinityI suspect the number of people using artful isn't high.13:19
infinitySo that makes sense.13:19
xnoxjuliank, sorry, i forgot.13:22
ahasenackinfinity: local test build worked, upgrade with dpkg -i with old uwsgi installed worked, just waiting on a ppa build to try with apt13:22
infinityahasenack: Pointer to the PPA, so I can re... Thanks. :)13:23
ahasenackbranch is https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+git/apache2/+ref/apache2-restore-uwsgi13:23
ahasenacknot an mp yet, pending that ppa13:23
juliankxnox: there's nothing you have to be sorry about, your comment helps.13:23
juliankI wonder what locks the debconf db13:24
juliankLike, for my problem, is package-data-downloader run inside a maintainer script that does debconf itself?13:24
infinityahasenack: Diff looks sane to me.13:24
infinityjuliank: It very much could be, yes.13:25
infinityjuliank: Try installing flashplugin-installer and see what happens?13:26
infinityjuliank: Or ttf-mscorefonts-installer, but it might be broken in other ways.13:26
juliankinfinity: I have that installed on my system for testing13:26
juliankin cosmic13:26
juliankbut I tested those for the SRU verification13:26
juliankmaybe I need to have both installed?13:27
juliankWell, I do13:28
juliankinfinity: that seems to be it13:31
juliank. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule; /usr/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloader13:31
julianklike that13:31
juliankBut this does not really explain it13:31
juliank/usr/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloader gets run from update-notifier-common.postinst only, at least here13:33
ahasenackinfinity: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+git/apache2/+merge/34867913:35
ahasenackrbasak: ^13:35
ahasenackrbasak: we should find out why lp can't get the diff correctly for the apache package13:36
infinityahasenack: libjansson4 being removed... Is that because you didn't re-add it to build-deps?13:36
ahasenackinfinity: that is because of the md module, which I'm still not building13:36
ahasenackI'm not changing it in this diff13:36
infinityahasenack: No, I mean it's listed for autoremoval when you remove libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi ..13:37
* ahasenack checks13:37
infinityahasenack: Or is that just cause your system is in a state where that was already on the hit list?13:37
ahasenackI started with a fresh cosmic container, just as the testing description says13:38
ahasenacklet me see what I get out of the box13:38
infinityahasenack: Kay, uwsgi-core depends on it.13:38
infinityahasenack: But I'm wonder if apache2 would too, if you had it in build-deps and the module build detected it, that's all.13:38
ahasenackI will check. I thought it was because of the md module, as that's why debian added it to build-deps in https://salsa.debian.org/apache-team/apache2/commit/b9d37f2a96da2fd69bf13:39
infinity$ rgrep -l jansson | grep modules13:41
infinityYeah, the source agrees.13:41
LocutusOfBorgstgraber, I merged it, please correct me if I'm wrong, maybe we can upload a revert and let it be syncd on next update13:41
ahasenackjust md?13:41
infinitySo, just a weird coincidence is all.13:41
infinityrbasak: If I sponsor this the usual way and don't bother with the MP (other than to review and mark it merged), some magical import tool will DTRT, right?13:43
infinityLike, I don't actually need to commit this to git just to make your tooling happy?13:43
ahasenackinfinity: the original uwsgi-mod-proxy package recommends uwsgi-core, that's where jansson4 comes from. The new libapache2 transitional package doesn't to that of course, nor does apache2-bin (where mod-proxy-uwsgi lives now)13:44
infinityOh, not that I'm in the list of reviewers anyway. :P13:44
ahasenackinfinity: ops13:44
ahasenackautopilot, sorry13:45
ahasenackinfinity: it's infinity in lp too?13:45
infinityahasenack: Yeah.  I meant it's a weird coincidence that uwsgi-core and mod_md happened to have that same dep and caused the confusion on my part. :)13:45
rbasakinfinity: the magic isn't implemented yet13:45
ahasenackno, adconrad13:45
infinityahasenack: ~adconrad13:45
infinityrbasak: Wait, really?13:45
infinityrbasak: So, if I upload apache2, your branches all go to poop?13:45
rbasakIf you just upload, then the importer will manage, but the git commits won't be incorporated. New commits will be synthesized by the importer instead, but only one for each upload.13:46
rbasakThe unimplmeneted magic is to be able to detect the MP and incorporate automatically, or similar.13:46
infinityrbasak: Oh, sure.  But that's almost more desirable.  A single rebase-style commit is more readable than "here's some changes, here's a changelog". :P13:46
infinity(Why do people always commit changelogs separately?)13:46
rbasakIn the meantime, we can incorporate manually by pushing an "upload tag" so the importer will find it when it sees the upload. Currently that's restricted to ~usd-import-team.13:47
rbasakI insist on commiting changelogs separately, since it reduces hell when cherry-picking.13:47
rbasakIMHO, git makes changelogs inside source trees obsolete. They should be generated from commits when needed instead.13:47
ahasenackchangelog always conflicts13:48
infinityKids these days.13:48
infinityrbasak: Well, if you want to do the thing "properly" (I'm not in the mood to learn a new workflow), go to town, I'm +1 on the debdiff in the PPA.13:48
infinityWhich is supposedly what the branch diff is, but LP's diff is broken beyond recognition.13:49
rbasakI was just looking at that. I don't understand why it's broken. I'll dig.13:49
ahasenackrbasak: it's been like this for all apache mps13:49
ahasenackI vaguely remember nacc saying something about a bug in python[23]?-git or whatever the name of that module is13:50
infinityThat would seem to imply that it's very confused about what the target branch actually is.13:50
ahasenackthe lp diff is correct for the top part13:50
infinitySo it is.13:50
ahasenackit breaks once it hits that docs directory13:51
infinityThe other 1400 files, though...13:51
cjwatsondebian/changelog is IMO closer to a NEWS file than to a trad ChangeLog file.  I agree that git makes the latter obsolete, but not the former.13:56
rbasakI think it makes sense to maintain a NEWS file in a git-based source tree, but I'd want it to be done in separate commits (perhaps at release time, to nicely aggregate things together) to avoid the conflict hell.13:57
infinityOr learn to CP without picking the NEWS bits?13:58
* infinity shrugs.13:58
infinityI think a news item belongs with the commit it's referring to, so I can trace back that way.13:59
rbasakI'm quite capable of doing that but that doesn't stop it being painful13:59
infinityblame the news file, find the commit.13:59
ahasenackI'll be back in ~30m, need to fetch Ted from the pet store from his bath13:59
rbasakFor our merge workflow, you end up having to resolve the conflict manually for every single Ubuntu upload since the divergence point.13:59
rbasakI'm sure git could be taught to resolve that itself automatically somehow, but we don't even want those parts cherry-picked anyway.14:00
rbasakThe news file won't necessarily have a 1-1 correlation between commits and entries anyway14:00
rbasakThe MP is identical to the PPA diff except for the changelog version as expected.14:01
infinityThen +1 from me.14:02
rbasakahasenack: so I pushed the upload tag for you. Upload when ready.14:02
infinityGo forth and merge/upload, pretty please.14:02
stgraberLocutusOfBorg: I don't even remember doing that :) so may very well not be needed anymore indeed14:24
LocutusOfBorgstgraber, ack thanks!14:49
ahasenackrbasak: ok, thanks14:52
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
LocutusOfBorgdoko, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/376363514/buildlog_ubuntu-cosmic-amd64.python-taskflow_3.1.0-0ubuntu5_BUILDING.txt.gz16:00
LocutusOfBorgdo you have any idea? it seems to be related to new python?16:00
naccahasenack: rbasak: yeah, i dug into it and it seems like it's something was in pygit2 or libgit2, but i forget immeidately16:02
ahasenacknacc: ok16:06
naccahasenack: in theory, we should be able to reproduce the diff that LP shows via turnip (iirc, that's the name of the project)16:08
naccahasenack: by tracing that code to the diff generation (which I believe is pretty straightforward) and then seeing if we can get the same thing in a simple tool16:08
rbasaknacc: thanks!16:10
rbasakI'll chase it up at some point.16:10
naccrbasak: np, i remember in one case, I couldn't get pygit2 to get me quite the same thing, and that's about all I remember right now16:11
cjwatsonStart from turnip.api.views.DiffMergeAPI16:11
cjwatsonAnd if you want to reproduce exact versions and such, use a trusty container with ppa:launchpad/ubuntu/ppa16:12
rbasakThanks! I filed bug 1779178 so as to keep that info around for later.16:59
ubottubug 1779178 in usd-importer "git diff generation is sometimes wrong" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177917816:59
bdmurraymanjo: Could you respond re the verification of bug 1716517 so we can get it released?17:34
ubottubug 1716517 in The Ubuntu-power-systems project "[arm64/ppc64le] load ipmi_ssif/ipmi_powernv instead of ipmi_si" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171651717:34
manjobdmurray, done17:44
bdmurraymanjo: but it says "Installed: (none)" in the apt policy output17:56
manjoright .. I skipped a step where I did the apt install openipmi17:57
manjoso in between the status and apt policy there was an apt install which I did not cut and past .. I assume . .that would be obvious17:57
bdmurraywell its inconsistent in that comment #20 you showed the version installed (which is really the best practice)17:58
manjobdmurray, I can repeat the test if you need17:58
bdmurraymanjo: nah, its fine. just going forward please run 'apt policy' with the package installed17:59
manjobdmurray, ack .. won't screw up17:59
manjobdmurray, thanks for reaching out to me18:00
ahasenackbdmurray: is this your sru day? Is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/1766186 next or close to next perhaps? :)18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1766186 in apache2 (Ubuntu Bionic) "IncludeOptional fails when a directory does not exist" [Low,Fix committed]18:05
bdmurrayahasenack: It is, have these autopkgtest regressions been investigated?18:07
ahasenack"these"? hm18:07
ahasenackno, I wasn't aware of them, my fault18:07
bdmurrayno problem we could do better about messaging the failures18:08
ahasenackI keep assuming that if the upload made it, the tests passed18:08
coreycbLocutusOfBorg: the taskflow upload seems to be causing issues19:32
coreycbLocutusOfBorg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wvS4kqmckj/19:33
coreycbnot sure why that fails though. OrderedDiGraph inherits from DiGraph which defines nodes_iter.19:43
LocutusOfBorgcoreycb, where did you take it? the fixed one is waiting for python breakage to reduce a bit https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-taskflow/3.1.0-0ubuntu5/+build/1506488719:46
LocutusOfBorgI suspect this is because of new networkx19:47
coreycbLocutusOfBorg: i have a nova build that picked it up from cosmic-proposed19:48
coreycbor maybe not, checking. i probably need the new one is what the issue is.19:48
coreycbLocutusOfBorg: ok yeah i'm using 3.1.0-0ubuntu4. i'll wait on 3.1.0-0ubuntu5. sorry and thanks :)19:50
=== imcleod__ is now known as imcleod
LocutusOfBorgcoreycb, nice to know :) I don't even know if it will build or not BTW20:38
LocutusOfBorgI hope and I have fingers crossed!20:38
coreycbLocutusOfBorg: ok, then i'll cross my fingers too :)20:39
LocutusOfBorgcoreycb, 4 pkg-openstack packages required patches to work with python3.7, "async" keyword being now reserved22:03
LocutusOfBorgI suspect lots of breakage in the archive :/22:03
LocutusOfBorghello jamespage, please merge kazoo from Debian?22:11
LocutusOfBorgI don't know if new deps requires mir or not...22:11
LocutusOfBorgneither if python now has automagic autopkgtest22:12
dokoLocutusOfBorg: I'll have a look once I'm finished with all these no-change uploads23:40

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