
daftykinsnvidia's drivers are great vs. AMD :)00:17
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:13
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: I wandered away for a bit .. All I missed was to say HI when you returned :P03:35
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Are you LotusComputerizing full time now ?03:36
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: first ill stay part time, and have a short vacation03:39
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: then i combine part time with gov payment03:40
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: if i can crank it up, ill do fulltime03:40
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Sounds like the plan :) .. So Far So Good .03:43
lotuspsychjeyeah the plans are on the table03:43
lotuspsychjeand time is on my side now03:44
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: also soon .1 comes out for existing customers & new ones..perfect timing?03:48
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Coincidence ? I think NOT - Prior Prudent Planning :)03:52
lotuspsychjeyeah fate comes togheter03:52
ducassegood morning05:48
lordievaderGood morning05:59
ducasse\o lordievader - all well?06:11
lordievaderDoing good here. How are you?06:11
ducasseok so far, i think :)06:13
lotuspsychjemorning lordievader ducasse06:48
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje06:50
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:59
lotuspsychjeall good lordievader warm, how about yourself? vacation in sight?06:59
lordievaderDoing good here.07:00
lordievaderErr, not really.07:00
lordievaderWe had a vacation in April. No real plans for the summer.07:00
lotuspsychjelordievader: come to belgium mate, we have much holidays here :p07:01
lordievaderHahaha 😋07:01
lotuspsychjefor the right cipher $$$$ i could sell a few days :p07:02
hggdhgood morning folks11:08
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
* leftyfb shines hggdh's boots15:22
oerheksnow i want LUKS too15:22
leftyfband there it is15:22
leftyfbI encrypt all my laptops with LUKS15:23
oerheksLuks, Btrfs, ZFS,raid and LVM, write me a setup script please15:23
oerheks.. and gnome must remember password!15:23
leftyfbbtrfs / zfs15:24
leftyfbgotta pick one :)15:24
oerheksssssh, i have a heat stroke, walking Drabber15:24
oerheksoh, i forgot, i want swap-exfat15:25
hggdhthere was an issue with synchronisation of LUKS passwords, IDK if it is still there15:26
leftyfbhggdh: you mean in keyring or something15:27
oerheksmaybe a conflict with 2 entrances for luks pass ...15:28
hggdhleftyfb: yes. Package is seahorse15:29
leftyfbregardless, people shouldn't rely on "save password" to remember passwords. Especially for an encrypted drive15:30
hggdhleftyfb: indeed. There are password managers for that15:32
leftyfbor, I don't know, remembering the password to drive encryptions15:32
leftyfbthat's not like gmail where you can click "forgot my password"15:33
hggdhUsually password changes for LUKS were (are?) done outside seahorse15:34
leftyfbhggdh: I'm pretty sure you are right. I'm pretty sure if that guy had tried my suggestion of running cryptsetup and used his old password, he'd probably get in15:34
leftyfband since he messaged me to call me an asshole, I could verywell walk him through that.15:35
hggdhI do sort of agree this is a bug, there should be a way to synchronise it15:35
hggdhanyways, he is back in the channel, but keeping silent for now. Let's see how it goes15:36
leftyfbfeel free to use my suggestion if he asks again ... I won't be15:36
oerheksmake your luks password 16 char+, most rainbowtables are limited as microsoft has this limit too15:36
oerheksqwerty x 5 is fine :-D15:37
leftyfbI'm over 16 :)15:37
oerheksour gov decided to make metasploit *and* nmap hackingtools, let see what this brings15:38
oerhekslike in Germany15:38
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:07
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pauljwhi everyone18:40
EriC^hi pauljw :)18:55
pauljwhey EriC^ :)18:55
=== EriC^ is now known as expl
oerhekslike in Germany20:53
oerhekscrazytux likes people send to him about distro comparison :-D22:00
naccok, i don't care to deal with this person anymore22:12
naccoh good lord22:15
oerhekshail the mighty pinguin22:17
leftyfbpretty sure he's just trolling you now22:19
oerhekssure, but i promised to do no harm22:22
oerhekshe is safe :-D22:22
grgbug shave live stoo22:40
grgwhat's a stoo?22:40

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