
bluegrass900Hi. I'm using Ubuntu MATE. In the top right corner at the left of my left-most icon on the panel I have a little green | just like that00:07
bluegrass900just a line like that that is green that doesn't seem to be for anything.00:07
bluegrass900It's there sometimes, not always.00:07
bluegrass900Is this some kind of spyware?00:08
bluegrass900Doesn't seem legitimate to me. All my other icons are white.00:08
bluegrass900This vertical line is green.00:08
doug_brasil ?01:08
doug_Firefox had a problem and crashed.01:09
doug_To help us diagnose and fix the problem, you can send us a crash report.01:09
doug_help please01:10
doug_help me01:18
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kofiUbuntu Mate hangs sometimes on shutdown/logout01:49
kofiSo I just long press the physical power button01:49
kofiI don't think there'd be long term damages to this but it is annoying. Anyone willing to help?01:49
mate|33514hi there. trying ubuntu-mate via virtualbox windows host... anyone have any tips? i tried typical things like this: https://www.linuxbabe.com/virtualbox/speed-up-ubuntu-virtualbox but every instance i've tried is crashy/buggy/slow02:40
mate|33514also tried on a partitioned drive, performance is awful.. running this on gaming rig.. i hear you should build or purchase linux friendly systems or you'll run into issues02:41
mate|33514any help would be appreciated. i am fascinated by linux, just find myself hitting brick walls02:42
mate|33514loaded up this irc page and it still hasn't loaded yet... typing this from windows02:42
zaoqiHow to run ubuntu-mate in rpi zero W? Using raspbian's boot,I got Kernel panic 'Not tainted 4.14.34+ #1110'11:07
alkisgzaoqi: the actual problem would show up before the kernel panic. E.g. "no init found, did you set the correct root="?12:06
tornado_face_anyone active rn?13:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:42
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deskwizardHowdy, I was wondering if it was possible to have that service -> https://pastebin.com/b82frDxV run at startup as well, ideally once the gui is up18:25
deskwizardor do I need two separate ones?18:26
diogenes_deskwizard, so what's the issue there?18:28
deskwizarddiogenes_: the question I asked18:30
diogenes_yes it's possible18:30
deskwizardgood. ty18:31
deskwizardI'll bash my head a bit more at it then hehehe18:32
diogenes_what's the systemd service called for that unit?18:32
diogenes_you run: sudo systemctl enable verscan-fix.service and it should run at startup18:33
deskwizardyeah, I wasn't clear.18:34
deskwizardI want the command mentioned in the unit file to run when the system starts as well as when it comes back from sleep18:34
deskwizardthe service starts up fine, but it's waiting for it's trigger, which is after sleep18:34
diogenes_the probably you need two services18:35
deskwizardah, thought so18:35
deskwizarddiogenes_: thanks, at least it confirms what little I understood hehe18:35
diogenes_:) np18:36
deskwizardlet's see if I can figure out the other machine's then lol18:36
diogenes_i believe in u )18:37
deskwizardupgraded the CPU and now my (poor excuse for a) script gets out of sync hehe18:37
deskwizardhehehe ty18:37
deskwizardbut I think I could replace most of that ridiculousness with parts of it and a timer service, but yeah, we'll see :P18:38
diogenes_"run forest run" you can do it XD18:39
deskwizardlol your holding on the box of chocolates I bet :P18:40
deskwizardyou're ffs.18:40
deskwizardI'd really like to get rid of python entirely while I'm at it, but let's take it a step at a time hehe18:49
deskwizardI was over-confident .. lol19:08
deskwizardsomehow, I now have a system timer at 1sec interval :) syslog is gonna hate my damn guts though lol19:32
deskwizardand there's no way to turn it off. Hell, was worth a try19:39
deskwizardLinux; does everything, except what you want it too hehehe :P19:43
diogenes_you can teach it19:44
deskwizardnot from what I've read20:05
m4t    + Add 0001_disable_python_plugins.patch. Disable Python plugins because21:09
* m4t frowns21:09
m4tmy pluma plugins disappeared heh. guess i haven't tried using them since april...21:09
deskwizardyou know, those days when it seems simple at first ... hehe21:44
deskwizardrlmao I was wondering if I should upgrade to 18.04 .. look at the time, it's 18:0422:05
deskwizard'cause the service stuff ain't going to happen hehehe22:05
siducer601Do I have to worry about Puppy because of the root? Can this be switched off and called only when needed via the terminal?23:00
siducer601Oh Sorry bin ja beim Ubuntu Chat gelandet  :)23:03
salmanso like i got ubuntu mate onto a rasberry pi 3 was wondering whats the default hostname and pass23:34
salmanwas trying to look for it on the wiki but i prob overlooked it23:34

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