
waldo323good morning13:46
cmaloneyApparently I have made someone in the UK unhappy enough to send me a firebomb threat13:56
cmaloneySo that's fun13:58
cmaloneyWonder if one of my forks is making someone cross13:59
rick_h_cmaloney: ouch, you're just making all kinds of friends14:03
waldo323woa did they say why?14:08
waldo323sounds like something that could get them in more trouble than they'd expect if they thought they were threatening a fork in the UK14:09
cmaloneyApparently I've been "dissing my crew"14:10
cmaloneyIt's rather strangely worded and feels a bit cut-and-paste / random14:10
rick_h_you disser14:11
jrwrenyou sure it isn't spam?14:13
cmaloneyThe headers seem to check out14:14
cmaloneyI tried to send it to abuse@ but it bounced14:14
cmaloneyso I just sent it to an info address14:14
cmaloneyBut yeah, it looks like it might be spam / compromised14:16
jrwrenupgraded to bionic last night, finally and now gpg is broken :(14:46
jrwrengpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device14:46
jrwrenjust needed a `export GPG_TTY=$(tty)`, but still, that is pretty bad breakage14:47

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