
bluesabresmall victories, https://git.launchpad.net/catfish-search/commit/?id=1c04cfa1ee61f3ff998802b138e02f44ca086f9e :)02:12
Unit193https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar-archive-plugin/0.4.0-0ubuntu1 - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar-vcs-plugin/0.1.90-0ubuntu1 - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar-media-tags-plugin/0.3.0-0ubuntu103:27
Unit193https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/4.13.2-0ubuntu1/+build/15063032/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-cosmic-ppc64el.xfdesktop4_4.13.2-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz :'(09:40
Unit193...I was expecting a need for autoreconf, but uhh...09:42
Unit193So functionally, we're just waiting on ristretto.11:09
bluesabreand if I can get a release for that by begging or doing it myself, we should be set?11:20
Unit193Technically waiting on -dropbox-plugin, but yes I think so.11:21
bluesabreI'll give f2404 a day or two to respond before poking somebody to get me some release manager powers for it11:23
Unit193Could take it for a spin and see how it goes.11:23
Unit193Make sure there's nothing else. :P11:23
Unit193Ooooh, make it do webms, and make  `ristretto SOME_URL_HERE` work!11:24
bluesabreI just fixed thumbnail issues in catfish, can probably fix em in ristretto too11:24
bluesabreUnit193: so, remote files?11:24
bluesabreprobably a lot of work if it can't already do them11:24
Unit193I think it can't, at least.11:25
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: ristretto 0.8.3 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-ristretto-0-8-3-released-tp51326.html (by Igor Zakharov)15:17
ochosihey guys21:27
ochosisorry for all the afk time21:27
ochosifootball world championship, end of the school semester (family) and loads of work...21:27
ochosiexcuses excuses :)21:27
ochosianyway, i think i'll be available a bit more in the coming weeks21:28
ochosi(at least until the holidays start)21:28
ochosibluesabre: do you need help with the lp to xfce migrataion?21:29
ochosiof catfish and xfpanel-switch (man, i really hate that name, why can't it be xfce4-panel-profiles or something...)21:29
bluesabreochosi: that would be delightful21:42
bluesabrethey've been moved to git, so moving to xfce should be not so hard21:42
ochosidunno which parts need doing21:42
ochosiah ok21:43
ochosithat should be fairly easy then21:43
ochosigit clone, git add remote, git push? :)21:43
bluesabreadd projects, add bugzilla, migrate bugs21:43
ochosiwhat's the name of the repo? catfish-search again? or just catfish?21:43
bluesabreping kalgasnik to tell him catfish is moving again :)21:43
ochosikalgasnik? or kalikiana?21:44
bluesabreochosi: https://code.launchpad.net/catfish-search21:44
bluesabreoh right21:44
ochosiyeah, i know it's currently there21:44
ochosibut it's catfish-search currently21:44
bluesabresince lp~catfish was already taken at the time21:44
bluesabreso it'd just be catfish on xfce21:44
ochosibut nothing is called catfish search there, no binary at least21:44
bluesabregotta run again now21:45
ochosibluesabre: ok, starting pushing to a new git repo here: https://git.xfce.org/apps/catfish (wait for cgit to refresh)21:50
ochosiok, it actually failed21:51
ochosii need to rewrite the git history because a commit has an invalid email address21:51
ochosiwonder why launchpad didn't complain21:52
Unit193Why would it?21:53
ochosiwhy not?21:53
ochosiit's a fairly sane configuration to reject commits without valid author/email21:53
ochosiproblem is all "launchpad automatic translations update" commits have no email21:54
Unit193https://help.github.com/articles/changing-author-info/ very simple to fix.21:55
ochosiyeah, i know21:57
ochosiit's not really that hard, it was just surprising LP didn't care21:58
ochosiphew, it skipped sending commit emails...21:59
ochosiwould have been >70021:59
ochosibluesabre: so i pushed everything22:02
bluesabreThird req is transifex, dunno if you have admin there22:02
ochosibut unfortunately cgit seems to sort the tags incorrectly22:02
ochosinot sure why22:02
ochosiyeah i do, but let's do bugzilla first22:02
bluesabreCool though, I'll update all the lp connections and send some mails tonight22:02
ochosiany idea on how to migrate the bugs? by had?22:03
bluesabreI might just leave them tied to Ubuntu catfish so we don't have to migrate22:03
ochosiok, bugzilla is set up too22:05
ochosii can delete that again too, if you want22:05
ochosigenerally speaking it's there though22:06
ochosiso you can report bugs against it now on bugs.xfce.org22:06
bluesabreAwesome, thanks ochosi22:06
ochosior do you want to keep the LP bugtracker?22:06
bluesabreI'll tidy all the lp stuff up22:06
ochosihm, i added the catfish.pot to transifex22:08
ochosibut i'm not sure what has to be done to sync existing translations22:08
ochosianyway, it should be mostly set up22:09
bluesabreochosi: very nice22:09
ochosialrighty, lemme know if you need anything else there22:10
ochosias soon as we've figured out everything for catfish, let's rinse+repeat for xfpanel-switch22:11
bluesabreochosi: will do. I'll do the lp stuff when I get home22:12
ochosialrighty, sounds good!22:12
ochosimaybe i can figure out the remaining transifex issues with skunnyk22:13
bluesabreAnd thanks a bunch for knocking this out so quickly22:15
ochosibluesabre: no problem, had to deal with my bad conscience of not contributing much in the last few weeks ;)22:19
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
ochosiok, added a few versions to bugzilla too22:24
ochosiyou should be able to edit them yourself as well, but not sure many more previous versions are needed22:24
ochosibluesabre: i'm starting to consider deleting all tags and manually pushing them one by one to fix the sorting...22:25

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