[01:36] i Have KDE and mate, spyder IDE launches with a dark not eye killing theme under kde, but with dying white on mate envoriment [01:36] how can I use the dark theme on the mate envoriment too? [01:52] mattfly: Hrm. I don't know anything about spyder, but maybe you can set a theme within the IDE independent of the WM/DE's settings? [01:52] no every qt application has this problem there [02:05] Any news about when we will have plasma 5.13 on backports ppa? [02:08] From what I understand, 5.13 was held up by new version of QT. Once QT is released, I suspect 5.13 and QT 5.11 will be released together. === nisankh is now known as Guest53987 === ap_ is now known as Guest65907 [10:08] ?JOIN [10:15] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/kqs8cUP4/file_8295.jpg [10:15] Any help? [10:45] ¡Hola chicos! Veréis, tengo un pequeño problema con VirtualBox. He realizado una actualización a través de la terminal de Kubuntu con "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade", y todo fue bien hasta que le llegó el turno de actualizarse a VirtualBox, ya que cuando intenta desinstalar la versión antigua llega un momento en que se queda congelado y ni tan siquiera te deja cancelar el proceso (lo único que te deja [10:45] hacer es cerrar la terminal, por lo que luego te toca a tí volverla a abrir de nuevo y desbloquear sudo). Identifiqué cuáles eran los paquetes de VirtualBox rotos mediante el comando "dpkg -l | grep virtualbox", los cuales son "virtualbox" y "virtualbox-dkms". He intentado solucionarlo usando el comando "sudo dpkg --configure -a" pero no hay manera (al intentar desinstalarlo llega el momento en que vuelve a quedarse [10:45] congelado). ¿Alguien me puede indicar cómo puedo desinstalar ésos dos paquetes que me dan el problema? [10:45] !es [10:46] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [10:46] !pt [10:46] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [10:46] I don't know which it is [10:48] Muchas gracias, ubottu, éso hare. [13:30] Hi. I am using kubuntu 18.04 and I want to upgrade KDE plasma to 5.13 using backports. === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [13:31] ugur1981: not available yet, as we are waiting for the new required Qt version in Ubuntu [13:32] I have added kubuntu ppa and did an upgrade changing a lot of kde libs but after I restarted my pc still says QT is 5.9.5 [13:32] ok thanks [13:33] if/when available, that fact will go in a news item on our website kubuntu.org [13:49] hi, kubuntu 18 is not detecting any other computers on the network ( 4 connected) 2 are windows & 2 are Kubuntu 18 with samba & shared folder .. but non of them are being detected. [13:51] any advaice on how to fix Kubuntu 18 network descovery ? === Slav3000 is now known as panel === panel is now known as Slav3000 === chili is now known as Guest99213 === greyson is now known as Guest98501 === greyson_ is now known as greyson__ === greyson__ is now known as GreyIsAPC [19:17] hi === GreyIsAPC is now known as GreyIsAPC1 === greyson_ is now known as GreyIsAPC [19:23] m [19:23] l;k [19:23] jkop [19:23] kl; [19:23] lol [19:24] im on a phone [19:24] [15:23] m [19:24] [15:23] l;k [19:24] [15:23] jkop [19:24] [15:23] kl; [19:24] [15:23] lol [19:24] [15:24] im on a phone [19:25] GreyIsAPC1: Please no gibberish, this is the Kubuntu support channel. === Katnip is now known as Guest15730 === Jatto is now known as VLanX [22:52] fmb was added by: fmb [22:52] hi [22:53] just started using kubuntu and I'm having some problems related to video, but couldnt find a solution online. thought maybe someone here could help me. [22:54] first thing is I'm getting an unusual degree of screen tearing, and second is that the icons on the desktop get their names obfuscated by a strange colored banner over them. [22:54] any ideas? I'm on a gigabyte motherboard (GA z97m-d3h) with GeForce 1030 GPU [22:55] thank you for any suggestions [23:41] drivers are updated?