[01:45] Why is there 2 sites for lubuntu.me and lubuntu.net [01:47] I used to always download the iso from .net but it had always problem connecting to the ubuntu servers and it would take minutes. Noew ice dled the .me site iso and it works perfextly [01:47] Its strange [01:52] @Questt, Because the people squatting .net won't give it up. [02:22] how do I install and run program from the internet istead of just dowloading its files [05:50] Is it safe to add i3 window manager to the newest standard setup of lubuntu that has lxde? [05:50] Sure, why not? [05:51] Is the option to switch DE's available at sign in like ubuntu? [05:51] p.s. lxde is nice [05:51] Yes it is. [05:51] noice, ty :) [05:52] No problem. [07:27] hi. how can I change gtk-theme and icon theme via terminal/command ? === Thedarkb1 is now known as thedarkb [14:08] hello sorry for the question, but can someone tell me how i can now if the trim in my lubuntu are activated and working, because i have lubuntu 18.04 lts using a ssd [14:35] no help? [15:05] newbie554, ? [15:10] can someone give me a little of help with the trim on ssd [17:31] hh