[05:20] Bug #1779253 opened: can not deploy centos7 in uefi [05:35] Bug #1779253 changed: can not deploy centos7 in uefi === jaypipes is now known as leakypipes [14:33] When trying to deploy kubernetes bundle xenial with 16.04-hwe kernel (Bionic still not supported), on maas (juju on bionic, maas on bionic, if that makes a difference), I get this error in juju status : hwe_kernel": ["xenial has no kernels available which meet min_hwe_kernel(ga-18.04) [15:19] has anyone tried virsh pods with zfs as a storage backend ? I'm getting error if volume size is not aligned to record size (128K) [15:20] on 2.4.0 (6981-g011e51b7a-0ubuntu1~18.04.1) [15:20] provisioningserver.rpc.pods: [critical] node1: Failed to compose machine: RequestedMachine(hostname='lucky-bream', architecture='amd64/generic', cores=4, memory=2048, block_devices=[RequestedMachineBlockDevice(size=10400000000, tags=['local'])], interfaces=[RequestedMachineInterface()], cpu_speed=None) [15:21] internal error: Child process (/sbin/zfs create -s -V 10156250K data/523ea682-19dd-4c7d-9547-e16e4bf428d6) unexpected exit status 1: cannot create 'data/523ea682-19dd-4c7d-9547-e16e4bf428d6': volume size must be a multiple of volume block size [15:24] I can create VM if I'll create it with storage like 10.73741824 GB which is weird :) [15:27] looks like the machines thenselves were configured with minimum bionic 18.04 (per machine). Somehow it was set as the default when they were commissioned. So, problem solved :) === mup_ is now known as mup [18:01] Is there a way via the MAAS ui to set a disk from MBR to GPT? [18:01] wanted to setup zfsroot, but errored since my disk was MBR [22:04] long story short I hit LP: #1737436, where my non-uefi system wasn't able to set GPT and therefor not able to setup zfs root