
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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zygaMvo: I fixed it05:35
mvozyga: \o/05:42
mvozyga: woha, nice05:43
mvozyga: what was it?05:43
zygaFlipped logic05:43
zygaLook at the FIX patch05:43
* mvo looks05:43
zygaCore test still need change but runtime is fine05:43
mvozyga: what core test needs a change?05:45
zygaOr actually no. It doesn’t05:46
zygaIgnore me :-)05:46
zygaNot enough sleep05:46
zygaDon’t look at the time stamp05:46
zygaI will clean this up and propose to master05:46
mvozyga: uhhh05:50
* mvo hugs zyga05:50
mvozyga: really not enough sleep05:50
mvozyga: yay, works here, nice job05:58
zygaSame here05:58
zygaCool, so one last issue ahead05:58
zygaAnd one that should be way05:58
zygaI’ll get some coffee and get right to it05:58
mborzeckimvo: hi, can you take a quick look at #5424 ?06:00
mupPR #5424: tests/main/snapd-notify: use systemd's service properties rater than the journal <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5424>06:00
mvomborzecki: good morning06:02
mvomborzecki: sure06:02
mupPR snapd#5361 closed: snapstate: allow removal of snap.TypeOS when using a model with a base <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5361>06:16
mupPR snapd#5424 closed: tests/main/snapd-notify: use systemd's service properties rater than the journal <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5424>06:19
mborzeckimvo: yay!06:19
mvomborzecki: thank you, that was failing a lot recently06:20
pedronis#5392 needs a 2nd review06:23
mupPR #5392: snapstate,ifstate: wait for pending restarts before auto-connecting <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5392>06:23
mvoabeato: hey, good morning! 5309 got a +1 just a tiny tweak to the filename is requested06:37
abeatomvo, morning!06:37
abeatomvo, yeah saw that, will change it and ping you back :)06:38
mvoabeato: great, thank you! I'm keen to land it :)06:39
mvosil2100: hey, good morning. I noticed our /etc/hosts on core18 is empty, do you know where that files comes from nowdays? I wonder if we need to add a static one to our build tooling06:48
mvosil2100: with localhost and the like06:48
abeatomvo, 5309 re-pushed06:52
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mvogood morning pstolowski07:00
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:00
zygasmall horror story07:11
zygawhat happens after:07:12
zyga1) you talk with your wife about ways of making coffee07:12
zygaand about perhaps getting those portable espresso machines07:12
zyga2) you work till 3AM07:12
zygaanyone wants to guess? :)07:12
zygathe coffee machine breaks :(07:12
mborzeckizyga: you go a buy a moka pot? :)07:14
mupPR snapd#5420 closed: snap-mgmt: fix for non-existent dbus system policy dir, shellchecks <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5420>07:14
zygawhat's a moka pot? :)07:14
zygaso far I fed the children and tidied the kitchen, now I need to walk the dog07:14
mborzeckizyga: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moka_pot07:14
zygabut first, small rebase of that WIP+FIX patches so that I can send it to master07:15
sil2100mvo: let me make sure07:18
mborzeckiany PRs in need of review?07:18
mvomborzecki: the 2.34 ones would be great07:24
zygamvo: ok, I have a nice patch now07:26
zygaI force-pushed to my working branch07:27
zygaI will now open a master PR07:27
pedronismvo: could you review #5304 ?07:29
mupPR #5304: overlord/ifacestate:  simplify checkConnectConflicts and also connect signature <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5304>07:29
pedronisheh, sorry07:29
pedronismvo: I meant #540307:30
mupPR #5403: many: use extra "releases" information on store "revision-not-found" errors to produce better errors <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5403>07:30
mvopedronis: sure07:30
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vn9XJVcpKj/07:31
zygamborzecki: is match passing -E?07:31
zygabut ... odd07:31
zygado you have a debug shell?07:31
zygaif so, type MATCH could be useful07:31
mborzeckizyga: yeah, i checked spred source code, it's using ... grep -q -E \"$@\" ..07:32
mborzeckizyga: https://github.com/snapcore/spread/blob/master/spread/client.go#L35707:32
mupPR snapd#5432 opened: cmd/snap-confine: fix snaps running on core18 <Core18> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5432>07:33
zygamvo: ^ this is for you07:33
zygamborzecki: magic :)07:33
mvomborzecki: yeah, this is strange, this tests passes most of the time07:33
mvozyga: \o/07:33
zygamvo: I need to take the dog out and look after myself a little07:34
zygaI will be back around 10:30 perhaps07:34
Son_Gokuzyga, do you think we can have a fedora-based snap to demo by Flock?07:40
abeatomvo, 5309 finished CI fine (thanks for the change in the spread test, I had not noted that one)07:41
mvoabeato: ta07:41
mupPR snapd#5309 closed: overlord/configstate: add watchdog options <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5309>07:42
mborzeckiniemeyer: hey, you're early, adjusting to new timezones?07:48
niemeyermborzecki: Heya07:49
niemeyermborzecki: Nah, just in the mood for night hacking07:49
niemeyerWell.. "hacking".. reviewing right now07:50
pedronismvo: #5392 paniced btw, not sure it's the panic fixed by the other PR07:51
mupPR #5392: snapstate,ifstate: wait for pending restarts before auto-connecting <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5392>07:51
pedronismvo: could be though, maybe they need to be merged07:52
mvopedronis: indeed, I think its the same, I will merge the fix and see if that helps07:52
mvopedronis: but its slightly odd as this panic happens when there are snaps in the seed, I will dig into it07:53
mvopedronis: right after I reviewed your PR07:53
mupPR snapd#5388 closed: tests: fix tests when no keyboad input detected <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5388>07:54
mvopedronis: aha, I think I know what is going on, silly me07:55
pedronisah, it was the previous commit07:59
mvopedronis: yeah08:00
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mvopedronis: reviewed, looks fine and added some comments but we can land when green I think08:23
pedronismvo: thx, yes, need to tweak a couple of spread tests to get it green08:26
* Chipaca afk for a while08:39
popeycjwatson: when did "Manage this package in the store" link land in the store? I only just noticed it. It's super useful, thank you (if it was you, which I assume it was) that made it happen :)08:40
cjwatsonpopey: 2016 :-)  You're welcome08:44
Son_Gokumvo, it's happening! https://pagure.io/flock/issue/8708:51
mvoSon_Goku: \o/ woah08:51
Son_GokuI just filed the proposal since niemeyer gave me the all-clear08:52
mupPR snapd#5427 closed: configcore: fix incorrect handling of keys with nubmers (like gpu_mem_512) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5427>09:00
mvomborzecki: 5389 looks good, does this need any further design review or can I just land it?09:14
mvomborzecki: at this stage, what is missing for parallels installs to get them working end-to-end? just curious09:14
pedronismvo: all the interface backends need some work (some a little, some a bit more)09:16
mborzeckimvo: i still have changes for snapstate/snapsup, some tests in overlord, small change in daemon and some spread tests, plus changes in store09:16
mvopedronis: aha, thanks09:16
mborzeckimvo: oh and some bits in snap-confine too09:16
mupPR snapd#5389 closed: snap: account for parallel installs in wrappers, place info and tests <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5389>09:17
mupPR snapd#5429 closed: osutil: import go-udev <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5429>09:18
mborzeckihit a weird problem, if /etc/dbus-1/system.d does not exist and we dump a file there (creatign the directory first), does dbus daemon need a reload/restart to pick up the new files?09:20
mvomborzecki: I bet it does09:21
mvomborzecki: probably a inotify (or whatever it is nowdays called) restriction09:21
mborzeckiso #5413 does some distro purge, in arch /etc/dbus-1/system.d is not owned by dbus but rather by individual pacakges09:21
mupPR #5413: tests: purge packages installed by accounts, calendar, and contacts interface tests <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5413>09:21
mvomborzecki: i.e. I assume it sets up a watcher for this dir, but if the dir does not exists it will not setup this watcher09:21
mborzeckiit's possible that we end up without /etc/dbus-1/system.d at some point09:22
mborzeckithen when snap is installed, create the dir and dump the *.service file but it's not picked up09:22
mvomborzecki: hm, that seems unfortuante09:22
mupPR snapd#5392 closed: snapstate,ifstate: wait for pending restarts before auto-connecting <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5392>09:22
mvomborzecki: might be worthwhile to fix in the arch dbus package? it seems odd that it would not own the dir09:23
mborzeckimvo: i could own /etc/dbus-1/system.d in snapd package, but it's slightly meh, another empty dir09:23
mvomborzecki: especially if the suspicion about the inotify watch is true09:23
mvomborzecki: I don't know the conventions of arch so I might be off but I think the dbus arch package should own the dir09:24
mvomborzecki: or at least co-own it09:24
mvomborzecki: like if dbus is installed it should always be there09:24
mborzeckimvo: the 'convention' is no empty dirs shipped by the pacakge, but we're already not doing this09:24
mborzeckior doing, i.e. shipping empty dirs :)09:24
mvomborzecki: heh, yeah, I understood (but parsing took a little longer)09:25
mvomborzecki: so that is why dbus does not own the dir? because it would be empty?09:25
mborzeckimvo: yes09:25
mvomborzecki: that seems to be slightly silly tbh, it could ship a README in there (again assuming the theory about inotify is correct)09:25
mborzeckimvo: it ships /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d, though we don't touch that09:26
mvomborzecki: because dbus is buggy for other packages as well. install foo-that-uses-dbus.d and it won't get picked up until dbus is restarted09:26
mvomborzecki: anyway, just my 2¢09:27
pstolowskizyga, mborzecki can you take another look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5416 ?09:28
mupPR #5416: interfaces/hotplug: add hotplug Specification and HotplugDeviceInfo <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5416>09:28
pedronisniemeyer: Q, what kind name we would use for the new single one (the old one cannot be reused because different expectations about Value)  ?09:29
niemeyerpedronis: Was hoping we could just preserve what we have09:31
niemeyerpedronis: How has the Value changed?09:31
niemeyerpedronis: Is it incompatible?09:31
pedronisniemeyer: Value is now a mapping of details, before it was just snapName09:31
* niemeyer looks again09:31
niemeyerpedronis: But is it just more than what we had, or incompatible somehow?09:32
pedronisit's incompatbile string vs mapping09:32
niemeyerpedronis: Ah, the entire "value" was a snap name?09:32
pedronisniemeyer: we could use  snap-revision-not-available-as-specified   (to follow your suggested base error message)09:34
niemeyerpedronis: "snap-not-available" maybe09:34
zygapstolowski: yes09:34
pedronisniemeyer: sounds a bit too much like snap-not-found to me09:35
mvozyga: I took the liberty to push a very small spread test to your 5432 fixup pr, thanks again for this09:35
zygasure, thank you09:36
pedronisniemeyer: also to explain, I went for two kinds, not just because I needed a kind, but because so a naive client could give a slightly accurate message without parsing value09:37
niemeyerpedronis: Ah, indeed.. that will also be solved with the separate kind09:38
pedronisI mean "there is nothign for this arch"  vs "there is something but not in this channel"09:38
niemeyerpedronis: I see09:41
niemeyerpedronis: That's nice indeed09:41
niemeyerpedronis: and I guess the "nothing for this arch" is quite useful, even if there's nothing in this channel either09:42
niemeyerIt's more like "give up, you won't find anything here"09:42
pedronisthat was the reasoning09:42
niemeyerpedronis: +109:42
pedronisI will switch to the shorter kind you proposed tough09:43
niemeyerpedronis: Btw, I think we should provide such a message from the server also09:43
niemeyerpedronis: In case the client is dumb09:43
niemeyerpedronis: Right now I think it's only providing the general "nothing found" one09:43
pedronislet me see09:43
pedronisniemeyer: no, it gives two different messages if (it has info)09:44
pedronisno snap revision for the given channe09:44
niemeyerOr more specifically, "nothing for given constraints".. there's a note about this message being bad in the review, but it would be nice to at least hint at the delta between "nothing for this arch" vs "nothing for this channel", even if we don't go full blown for now09:44
pedronisno snap revision for the given architecture09:44
niemeyerpedronis: Ah, okay.. I must have missed something then.. it thought it was just returning the rna.Error() message, which is a single one09:45
pedronisthat's used only as fallback09:45
pedronisif some reason or corner case09:45
pedronisthe store doesn't provide the info09:45
pedronisniemeyer: code is here:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5403/files#diff-e1016939c627280d9f6c53bdab0530bfR39909:46
mupPR #5403: many: use extra "releases" information on store "revision-not-found" errors to produce better errors <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5403>09:46
niemeyerpedronis: Cool, thanks, looks good.. suggested a minor tweak to the messages09:48
pedronisok, I'll proceed as discussed then09:48
pedronisabout simplifying thanks, I'll first go over the other feedback, messages and kinds09:49
pedronisand then see what i can do09:49
pedronis(it's already a bit big and some of that is preexisting)09:49
niemeyermvo: Three PRs from 2.34 to go.. but I'll try to get a couple of hours of sleep before the meeting marathon this morning.. may not be able to review these last ones before my afternoon09:49
pedronisheh, s/thanks/things/09:49
mvoniemeyer: no worries09:49
mvoniemeyer: we can always postpone them or merge them slightly later09:50
mvoniemeyer: thanks a lot for your reviews09:50
niemeyernp, see you all soon o/09:50
pedronismvo: I'll go over the new feedback for 5403 after lunch09:56
mvopedronis: thank you, also no worries, I plan to do 2.34~pre1 today to see if it builds everywhere and if autopkgtest are fine, we will probably need to do a ~pre2 to deal with that fallout anyway so if a PR is not ready today that is not too terrible09:58
mvopedronis: I also updated 5428, should be an easy review I hope10:00
pstolowskizyga: can #5411 land?10:09
mupPR #5411: many: remove core-support interface <Core18> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5411>10:09
pedronismvo: it's red atm10:09
zygapstolowski: I think so but I wanted jdstrand to see it too10:10
mupPR core#89 opened: hooks: fix 30-fix-timedatectl.chroot to DTRT when running on non-core devices <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/89>10:13
mupPR core18#44 opened: hooks: fix 030-fix-timedatectl.chroot to DTRT when running on non-core devices <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/44>10:14
mupPR snapd#5431 closed: interfaces: move ValidateName helper to utils <Simple> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5431>10:22
mvozyga: we are down to two failing test: ubuntu-core-18-64:tests/main/snap-disconnect (and one race) and tests/main/catalog-update which I am looking into right now10:29
zygathat's great, I will give you the patch for disconnect today so that will be just landing and polishing for next week10:30
zygamvo why is catalog-update failing?10:30
mvozyga: no idea, might be a fluke10:30
zygaand what happened to systemd and signals? did you find the issue?10:30
mvozyga: checking now10:30
mvozyga: this is the racy one10:30
zygaI see that test fail from time to time (~ once a week maybe)10:30
mvozyga: still not sure what is going on there :(10:30
zygaok, good news though10:30
zygaI think core18 will rock :)10:31
mvozyga: heh, eventually10:31
mvozyga: but yeah, we are on the right path at least10:31
sil2100mvo: so I just did a quick check - the /etc/hosts file is still generated by netcfg from what I see, which is a d-i package10:48
mvosil2100: aha, so we probably should include something in our build given that we don't run d-i10:48
sil2100mvo: I guess the easiest way would be just to prepare a static one10:48
sil2100Let me do that10:49
mvosil2100: \o/ thank you10:50
mvozyga: catalog-refresh looks very much like a bug in get_journalctl_log10:50
mvozyga: when I run journalctl -u snapd.service | MATCh things magically work10:50
zygaI think that it is buggy because of buffering10:50
zygawe don't see stuff in the "pipe"10:50
mvozyga: I think we need to revert that10:50
mvozyga: it might also the reason why the stop-mode test is failing10:50
mvozyga: I can look after lunch10:51
zygathat would be a good thing to see actually10:51
zygaok, thank you10:51
mvozyga: my gut feeling is revert10:51
zygaI'm doing reviews, my head is too dizzy still10:51
mvozyga: ok - if you want we can have a quick HO and I can do the disconnect work. I just need some info what you had in mind. but lunch first10:52
zygano, that's fine, I will finish that one :)10:52
mvozyga: I'm super motiviated to get the last bit in10:52
mvozyga: ok10:52
* mvo hugs zyga10:52
zygayes, mee to :)10:52
zygame too10:52
zygajust ... sleepy10:52
* zyga takes a break from reviews and hacks that bit in10:52
mupPR snapd#5433 opened: interfaces/repo: added AllHotplugInterfaces helper <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5433>10:56
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
mupPR core18#45 opened: Provide a static simple /etc/hosts file <Created by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/45>10:59
zygamvo: ok, testing the fix now10:59
mvozyga: woah, thats impressively fast11:08
mvosil2100: \o/11:09
zygamvo: that's a good joke for a 1st patch at 13:12 :)11:12
* mvo hugs zyga 11:12
mupPR core18#45 closed: Provide a static simple /etc/hosts file <Created by sil2100> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/45>11:15
mupPR snapd#5434 opened: overlord: introduce InstanceKey to SnapState and SnapSetup, renames <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5434>11:25
zygamvo: some more tweaks after first round of testing11:50
zygaI'll break for 30 minutes now and get back to this before the standup11:50
zygaI think it will pass before the standup11:50
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
mupPR snapd#5408 closed:  i18n: use xgettext-go --files-from to avoid running into cmdline size limits <Created by mvo5> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5408>12:15
zygamvo: I tweaked it now to be even easier, testing now12:36
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
zygarunning more tests, it's funny how I ping pong around the cod12:47
mvozyga: :) thanks a lot!12:52
zygaI forgot we have resolve disconnect that is full blown and used in daemon/api.go12:53
zygaso perhaps the tweaks to other places are actually not needed12:53
zyga(more self-contained change)12:53
pedronisyes,  the fewer the places the better, the easier is to reason about12:54
mvopedronis: re 5422 - I agree with you, we need at least a proper test and I can give the idea of using the connections a go. I want it in 2.34 but in a way that is not too ugly12:54
pedronismvo: yes, a regression test would  also be good12:56
Chipacaoops, standup13:07
* Chipaca runs13:07
zygamvo: it passes now, I will remove my extra patches :)13:08
zygamvo: I pushed two tiny patches to my integration PR13:13
zygamvo: I will amend the latest one to have more tests13:14
zygahave a look13:14
mvozyga: nice13:14
zygamvo: question13:25
zygamvo: why is snap-disconnect test _not_ listed for systems: [-ubuntu-core-16-64]13:25
mvozyga: I don't know why its disabled there?13:26
zygamy guess was home is not auto connected but that's not relevant there13:26
zygaI'll re-enable it13:26
mvozyga: thanks13:26
mvozyga: lets check git blame13:26
zygaha, good idea13:26
zygasince day 113:27
zygamvo: and it passes :)13:41
mvozyga: \o/13:41
zygamvo: also pushed13:41
Chipacamborzecki: where is that failure from? the MATCh one13:45
mvoChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/tests/lib/prepare.sh#L482 is the relevant code13:46
Chipacayes i've got that13:46
mvoChipaca: aha, you mean from what PR?13:46
mborzeckiChipaca: i don't remember the actual PR13:46
Chipacabasically, two things could be happening that I can think of right now:13:46
mborzeckiChipaca: but if you pick one of the failed ones there's a high chance you'll run into it :)13:47
Chipaca1. a non-printable character is in that file, before 'test'13:47
Chipacanote the first grep does >> instead of >, so if there was rubbish there it'll still be there13:47
Chipaca2. something wrote to the file between the grep and the MATCH (I don't think so as nothing should be happening concurrently at this point)13:48
pedronisChipaca: one possibility is that the file >>  sometimes doesn't end with newline13:48
Chipacapedronis: right, that's what I mean, there might be a \0 or something in the file, and it gets test:yaddayadda appended13:49
pedronisI meant the file >> to13:49
Chipacaif there's no reason for the first >> we should change it to a > and be done with it :)13:49
Chipacapedronis: sorry i didn't quite follow you13:50
Chipacapedronis: if you mean the left hand side of the >>, that's a grep so it'll be adding its own newlines13:50
pedronisI mean the preexisting file ending13:50
pedronismaybe we should add a check about that assumption13:50
pedronisat least it woudl cleanly13:51
pedroniswould fail cleanly13:51
sergiusensChipaca: so I've followed the suggestion to mount inside the VM, so carry on with the idea of 400 for snaps13:52
Chipacasergiusens: *smooch*13:52
mvoChipaca: fwiw, golang-1.10 builds fine on xenial in pbuilder, trusty looks a bit more involved, at least the build-depds need to be updated there but probably also not that much work given that we have 1.6 there already13:53
pedronisChipaca: something like  either length is 0  or  tail -c 1 /mnt/system-data/var/lib/extrausers/"$f"| some way to check for a single "\n"13:54
mvoChipaca: I did not really look into trusty though as agreed in the standup :)13:54
mvozyga: I ran snap-disconnect from your PR and it failed :(13:55
Chipacamvo: I'll be giving that a poke on Monday, I reckon14:02
zygamvo: how did it fail, which test did you run exactly?14:20
mvoChipaca: sure thats fine14:22
mvozyga: I used your branch and did: spread -v google:ubuntu-core-18-64:tests/main/snap-disconnect14:22
mvozyga: zyga error: snap "core" has no slot named "home"14:22
zygahmm, I ran exactly that !14:22
mvozyga: but maybe I did smething wrong14:22
* zyga checks for un-commited stuff :)14:22
mvozyga: and have the wrong branch or whatnot14:22
mvozyga: I'm in a meeting so maybe that14:22
mvozyga: was distracted14:22
zygamvo: I pushed one more patch there14:22
zygamaybe that is also needed in practice14:23
mvozyga: ok, let me pull14:23
mvozyga: running it again14:23
mvozyga: I have b4d4df8ff92ddde657cea9f7249b8a69872d69e0 on top currently14:23
zygaI think I commited it wrong, it needs to be split into two14:23
Chipacapedronis: so, it's not gibberish at the start of the file14:24
zygaI have 71230a6d0e5f11eb6a09aa958b200c00167592b714:24
zygamvo: top is "    overlord/ifacestate: translate explicit requests for core to snapd"14:24
zygaI will split this patch and check what I did14:24
pedronisChipaca: ?14:25
Chipacapedronis: the MATCH thing14:25
Chipacapedronis: I've got a shell in a failed run14:25
Chipacathe file is fine afaict14:25
mupPR snapd#5435 opened: overlord/snapstate: introduce path to fake backend ops <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5435>14:25
pedronisChipaca: mmh14:26
pedronisfine in which sense14:26
pedronistest: ...14:26
pedronison its own line?14:26
Chipacaand MATCH passes14:26
Chipacabut it failed14:26
mborzeckiChipaca: can you write a short script, source $TESTSLIB/spread-funcs.sh inside and check if that MATCH works in the script?14:27
pedronisfun, not14:27
Chipacamborzecki: by a short script you mean one that does the 'for f in …' thing?14:28
zygamborzecki: note that spread-funcs is empty outside of a spread run14:28
zygait doesn't "cache" any copy of the functions in the tree14:29
ChipacaI'm going to add a 'sync' option in there and run it a few times to see14:30
mborzeckizyga: but it's dumped in top level prepare in spread.yaml, won't that be present in when you have debug shell?14:30
zygasleep 114:30
zygasync # to be sure14:30
zygamborzecki: yes, in debug shell that works ok14:30
Chipacazyga: mount / -o remount,sync14:30
mborzeckizyga: but MATCH in debug shell comes from the profile which is mangled by spread, i want to check the MATCH that was duped to spread-funcs.sh14:31
Chipacamborzecki: next time it fails i'll look into that14:31
mborzeckiit's probably ok anyway14:32
mvopedronis: 5403 is green, anything missing there or can I merge it? we can always do a followup14:32
mvopedronis: aha, I think this probably needs a re-review first, right?14:32
zygamborzecki: just source it then :)14:33
zygamborzecki: actually14:33
zygawrite a script that _sources_ it and _execute_ the script14:33
mvozyga: it woooooooooooooooooooooorked14:35
* mvo hugs zyga14:35
zyganice :)14:35
pedronismvo: I don't know14:35
zygaso that's ... ... that's all that passes now?14:35
zygajust reviews and merges and stuff?14:35
mvozyga: please propose your PR and then I can push the big core18-all-tests PR14:37
zygaon it ;)14:37
mvozyga: \o/14:37
mvosergiusens: let me search for this postpone of refresh command now14:41
mvosergiusens: its "snap set core refresh.hold", let me find a proper example14:42
sergiusensmvo: thanks!15:07
mvosergiusens: I'm creating a integration test with a proper example15:10
zygamvo: I'm still reworking it slightly to be less copy-pasty15:24
mvozyga: ok, still in a meeting15:25
mupPR snapcraft#2174 opened: build_providers: inject snaps when running from a snap <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2174>15:36
sergiusensmvo: in case you have moments to spare ^15:38
mupPR snapd#5436 opened: tests: add basic integration test for spread hold <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5436>15:43
mvosergiusens: the hold example is here -^15:43
senyahello! are there examples of complete ruby on rails applications packed with snapcraft?15:44
senyaspecifically: how do I pack an application if it depends on a DB running instance?15:49
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zygasenya: hey, I don't knof of any but please ask around and also check on the forum16:13
zygasenya: note that the database may be (perhaps) a separate snap if that is more convenient16:13
senyathe whole idea of snap is to be self-sufficient, so I think that if DB is a part of the application then it should be bundled with the application16:14
=== mup_ is now known as mup
zygawell, it depends on how you look at it16:18
zygayou can bundle for a totally self-contained product16:18
zygayou can also integrate with an existing database16:18
zygathis also makes sense when you think that database may be shared by many systems that have the app snap installed16:18
zygait depends on what you want to achieve16:18
Chipacaso... with the changes to prepare.sh, I can no longer get the MATCH thing to fail16:24
Chipacathis bothers me intensely16:25
senyawhat I think would be cool to have is a way to package RoR apps with snap, like Redmine, Discourse, etc, so that you can deploy a service with just "snap install redmine" and start using it right away, and then upgrade it with snap when new release is out16:25
zygamvo: still moving stuff around but the resulting logic is much nicer16:25
zygaI will push another patch in this branch but open an itegrated PR for master16:26
mupPR snapd#5437 opened: tests/lib: sync the file before checking its contents <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5437>16:26
zygasenya: yeah, I agree16:26
zygasenya: I think this is possible16:26
zygasenya: and even in a mode where they bundle a simple database16:26
zygasenya: but allow a full database to be attached via the configuration system in snaps (snap set)16:27
Chipacasenya: doesn't nextcloud use ruby at all?16:27
Chipacaafaik it ships with the whole stack in a snap16:28
Chipaca(but it might be php, for all i know)16:28
senyanextcloud is written on php16:28
senyabut if it bundles a DB it could be good as a reference!16:29
popeyThere's not a ton of ruby snaps in the store16:29
popeyI can't even think of any right now16:29
Chipacazyga: repyhape?16:29
senyathere was a ruby example somewhere at snapcraft.io I think, but it was for ruby gem, not for a Rails application16:30
zygaa frankenstein with php ruby and python16:30
Chipacapopey: rubymine?16:30
popeythats... java?16:30
Chipacapopey: psh16:30
Chipacahow can they write an ide for a language in anything other than the language16:31
Chipacahard to take 'em seriously16:31
popeyturns out you can take one ide, re-skin it for 10 languages and $$$ :D16:31
popey(I kid, their IDEs are amazing)16:31
zyga$$$ oh wait, it is free ;)16:31
Chipacapopey: nothing against $$$ tho16:31
popeyuntil it isnt16:31
ChipacaI like $$$, myself16:31
popeynom nom tasty dolla16:31
senyaI think I can take https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap as a reference and try to adapt the approach for RoR16:31
Chipacajust the other day I used some of it to obtain some coffee, and it was good16:32
senyaoh, the repo even includes some ruby code, interesting16:32
senyathat what you meant by frankenstein16:32
Chipacazyga: https://twitter.com/perrito666/status/101273066042605977716:37
Chipacai think I should probably check out16:37
senyathey are building mysql from the source code https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap/blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml#L25516:37
senyabut is it possible to use apt to get the mysql package bundled to the snap?16:37
Chipacasenya: yes16:38
senyaI like this idea better16:38
Chipacaanyway, EOD, EOW, etc. Will probably pop in later to check on that silly PR, and such, but for now I'm going to go out with the boys before summer ends16:38
zygait just started16:40
zygaunless brexit makes UK go directly from one winter to another16:41
tomwardillbritish summer usually starts and ends in the same week16:41
tomwardilland goes from 'cold and rainy' to 'rainy and a bit warmer'16:42
zygaI should invite chipaca over16:42
zyga(for winter)16:43
zygamvo: ok, I think I have a nicer version now16:51
zygastill missing extra tests for many cases, I will attack those over weekend16:51
zygabut now in a much much nicer shape16:51
zygawhere all remapping is done in a pair of functions16:51
zygaincoming and outgoing16:52
zygaso we could eventually remap more things if we want to, without ripping the code apart16:52
zygaI'm running spread now, will check how the patch looks like16:52
zygaone last bastion is daemon/api.go16:52
zygawhich really duplicates (synchronously) some of the work in other places16:52
zygaone thing I can do (and should) is to move the remapping logic to a place where daemon can use it as well16:53
zygalet me look16:53
zygaI pushed to my branch for reference16:54
zyga(force pushed since this is all bunch of WIP's and rebases)16:54
zygait passes, so no regressions17:03
zygathat was 16, now trying core 1817:03
zygaall green17:13
zygamvo: I will have 3 nice small branches soon, just need to take the dog out17:42
zygaone refactor that makes it easy17:42
zygaone new helper17:42
zygaand the meat (tiny then)17:42
zygabut first17:42
zygadog :)17:42
zygamvo: actually, not sure if you are around18:20
zygamvo: I have some ideas how to shrink that to two branches18:20
zygabut I should _pack_ first18:20
zygaso I will send stuff to look at (next week, please have your weekend)18:21
zygabut my time would be better spent on packing everything for the move18:21
zygamvo: if you are around and want to provide quick feedback that is also welcome18:22
zygamvo: because I could change how I refactor that further based on your input18:22
mvozyga: sorry, wasn't around earlier but back now18:42
zygamvo: re18:55
zygamvo: let me show you quickly...18:55
zygamvo: please look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...zyga:feature/snapd-core-remapping?expand=118:56
zygaI will drop the first change that adds NewConnRefStrings perhaps, I need to do one more pass through this18:57
zygathe key thing is the pair of remap functions that define the transformations18:57
zygaand their application in several places18:57
zygaI plan to refactor this a little bit more to propose the refactoring without the remapping so that remapping is clearly layered on top18:57
zygaalso some of the comments should just be unified and placed in one spot18:58
zygathis looks a bit nicer than earlier attempt that had similar-but-not-quite code all around18:58
zygaI still don't like how we need to careful remap in specific places but hopefully those are limited18:58
zygawe cannot remap at the api level though because there it would show up in the state18:59
zygaso this is a compromise of sorts18:59
zygathe key improvement in this iteration is that the functions that remap are well defined and we could possibly do other mappings later easily18:59
mvozyga: ok, thank you! I check it out, just workiing on 2.34 beta right now19:01
mvozyga: this looks pretty nice19:23
mvozyga: feel free to propose19:25
mvozyga: that PR19:25
zygaI'm 30-40% through packing, I would still like to change one little detail there and add some tests19:25
kyrofaHey zyga, I just got a bug report from a user who's snap suddenly stopped working. Logs are filled with lines like this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/JsKrXrGx9b/19:32
zygakyrofa: snap version please19:33
zygathis means the profile was not loaded so we could not switch to it19:33
zyga(and sandy that's not an error message we can easily fix, though I will look into it)19:33
zygaa way to fix it would be to call apparmor_parser -r /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap*19:34
zygabut I'm wondering why the profiles were lost19:34
zygaideally which distribution and how is it set up (containers?)19:34
kyrofazyga, I asked for `snap version`, but the bug says "Debian 9 (stretch) with all updates applied"19:35
kyrofazyga, excellent on the workaround, shall I suggest it, or do you want more data first?19:36
zygasuggest it and ask for uptime, and logs perhaps (system logs)19:36
kyrofaShall I suggest uptime, syslog, and snap changes?19:37
zygaoh, snap changes is always useful, yes19:40
zygathat sounds like an excellent choice19:40
kyrofaWait, does Debian actually use apparmor?19:43
kyrofaI didn't think so19:43
kyrofazyga, here is `snap version`: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/XjfvCT8Br9/19:43
zygayes, it does, though we don't rely on it as much there19:44
zygathis all looks good19:44
zygaI do wonder what happened19:44
mvozyga: do you think this diff is good enough to cherry pick into the core18-all-tests-all-fixes branch? or will it change again?19:44
zygamvo: it will change a little but it depends on how you plan to use the branch19:45
zygamy idea is to decompose it and land bits as they get reviewed19:45
mvozyga: ok19:45
zygaso it can stay there because the branch will be rebased and rebased until it shrinks and becomes identical to master19:45
zygayou can take it to see how far you get19:46
zygaif that helps, sure19:46
zygait might conflict with older patches in that branch so feel free to drop them19:47
zyga(they are pretty clearly labeled as affecting ifacestate)19:47
mvozyga: its ok, it can probably wait until monday19:47
zygas/might/will, I'm just polite/ ;)19:47
mvozyga: hm, hm, can't cherry pick apparently19:58
mvozyga: no worries20:00
mvozyga: fixed the conflicts20:00
kyrofajdstrand, the fact that snaps can stat files outside of their confinement but not actually open them is starting to get really annoying :P20:02
kyrofaHas there been any progress on fixing apparmor in that regard?20:02
kyrofaSo many things look for files and open them if they find them. If they find a file they want to open, they rarely write guards around an inability to open them20:03
kyrofaI've had to patch certbot already, and now it looks like I need to patch mysql20:03
jdstrandkyrofa: not that I'm aware. jjohansen may have additional details ^20:06
zygakyrofa: can layouts help?20:15
mupPR snapd#5438 opened: many: run all of main against core18  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5438>20:16
kyrofazyga, maybe, but I haven't played with them20:17
kyrofaAnd only once layouts are generally available everywhere20:18
zygajdstrand: thank you for the review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/539520:23
mupPR #5395: interfaces: generalize writable mimic profile <Core18> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5395>20:23
zygajdstrand: I replied to some of the comments there20:25
zyganot everything because too tired and packing20:25
mvozyga: I pushed the core18-all-tests PR which includes your disconnect fix, fingers crossed20:27
mvozyga: I call it a day now, enjoy20:28
zygaI wonder if it will pass or if we missed anything20:28
zyganight night20:28
jjohansenjdstrand: meh, I agree its a pita, but isn't something I can change with in apparmor, it needs to be done in the LSM and vfs20:49
jjohansenwhich is something that some people don't want20:49
jdstrandjjohansen: ack. kyrofa, fyi ^20:49
jjohansenbasically hiding them would make applications think they can create, and now we have people trying to create something that doesn't exist20:50
jdstrandkyrofa: but, the application is buggy. just cause you can stat() something has little bearing on if you can open() it20:50
jjohansenbut really does20:50
jdstrandkyrofa: I suggest filing an upstream bug20:50
kyrofajjohansen, but at least in that case they'll just get a good old permission denied20:51
kyrofajdstrand, no argument from me, but it's been multiple projects now20:51
kyrofaLogging bugs upstream doesn't save me from needing to patch them myself, I'm afraid20:51
jdstrandno, it wouldn't20:53
kyrofajdstrand, actually, it seems the issue is in the core snap21:08
kyrofaLook at the last line of /snap/core/current/lib/lsb/init-functions21:08
kyrofamysql runs that file, it seems21:08
kyrofa[ -e /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh ] is true, but then it can't source it21:09
kyrofaSo the script exits non-zero, which then brings mysql down with it21:09
kyrofaWho is in charge of the core snap, these days?21:10
kyrofaI guess I can log a bug over there21:11
kyrofajdstrand, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/177941621:24
mupBug #1779416: Scripts in core snap attempt to do things impossible under confinement and die <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1779416>21:24
kyrofaniemeyer, I guess you guys own the core snap these days? ^21:25
niemeyerkyrofa: Yeah21:25
niemeyerkyrofa: Yeah, removing the line sounds fair21:28
kyrofaniemeyer, does spread provide a way to determine the OS under test?22:22
kyrofaIn a task, I mean22:23
kyrofaOoo, $SPREAD_SYSTEM maybe22:24
niemeyerkyrofa: Yeah, exactly22:55
niemeyerAll the "matrix" is exposed as vars22:55

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