[00:18] woo, the opo is here. going to try 16.04 on it first [00:47] @AngelDMercedes, Yay I'm not the only one :B [00:48] It broke me lol [00:49] I got it to boot pretty much everything but ubports [00:49] [Edit] I got it to boot pretty much everything but ubports (well, Unity 8 - the rootfs boots but Mir/Unity 8 won't play nice) === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [03:06] So interesting. Telegram crashed on me and I still get notifications but I’m back at the welcome and enter your phone number screen. On 16.04 [03:07] yeah that's happened to me too [03:08] @Lyokanthrope, Glad I’m not the only one === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [08:10] Is cloudmusic available for for 16.04 bcuz I saw a video by geotechland in which cloudmusic is installed on 16.04 nexus 5 [08:12] check the open store === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [09:29] @Vladimir, Anyone know whats happening to dekko 2 and Xenial? [09:31] What do you mean? Dekko2 is being develop for xenial but it is not ready yet [09:33] Hmm Dave removed his question ^ 😋 [09:33] @advocatux, OK just wondered how it was progressing as I need an email client. [09:36] @Dave S, if you have gmail, there is a webapp that works wel enough (as a temp solution)https://open-store.io/app/gmail.google [09:44] @Dave S, 👍 This is issue tracker https://gitlab.com/dekkoproject/dekko/issues [09:52] Hey together. Interesting discussion going on in our matrix room #ubports:matrix.org [09:54] Norbert from the german company regionetz.net offered to host a ubports matrix homeserver. We are currently discussing name proposals over there. [10:24] @YougoChats, Not available [11:07] 🤷‍♂️ [11:32] @John_athan, you might need to download the vivid version from the web site and install it manually, to get it under 16.04, right now [11:35] @John_athan, Not yet [12:44] yay mir 0.32 [12:44] https://community.ubuntu.com/t/mir-0-32-0-release/6774 === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [12:47] @mariogrip can we haz mir 0.32 for the unity8 session on 18.04? :D [12:47] @popescu_sorin, yes we can! [12:47] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/iynBhqDS.webp [12:51] https://github.com/ubports/mir/tree/bionic \o/ [12:52] wohoooo :D [12:52] can we have it on UT? 😻 [12:52] that was fast lol [12:53] will unity8 on 18.04 be the "next big thing" for the core team to focus on? [12:53] (for desktop / laptop use) [12:54] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/UlSJT1rq.mp4 [12:54] @rogieroudshoorn, next big thing is to bring the new unity8 and mir to phones [12:55] 16.04 [12:55] ah so moving to 18.04 to get it is a lot more work then? [12:56] but nice to know :) [12:58] yeah, systemd is the problem there [12:58] upstart is so much better :) [12:58] really? for the relatively simple stuff i work with it's pretty brilliant [12:58] systemdhate! [12:58] systemdisevil! [12:58] !!! [13:00] someone has a highlight ;) [13:02] what kind of problems is systemd causing? [13:10] @rogieroudshoorn, it needs extra kernel configs, and update of all our start up files and service files [13:11] mariogrip *yawn* [13:11] :P [13:12] okay now I will stop trolling :P [13:13] (Photo, 2560x1536) https://irc.ubports.com/OE04lmBG.png [13:14] needs glossy screen ;) [13:14] err [13:14] wait [13:14] that IS glossy screen [13:14] it needs matte screen [13:17] @bshah, You will never stop trolling :P [13:47] @mariogrip, nice :D [13:48] btw.. i get a black screen :/ [13:48] do i need anything else? QtMir something? [13:49] strange... i only see old entries in journalctl —user-unit unity8.service [13:51] humm [13:51] i will do a clean unstall [13:52] @popescu_sorin, can you see if /usr/share/wayland-sessions/unity8.desktop exists_ [13:52] @popescu_sorin, [Edit] can you see if /usr/share/wayland-sessions/unity8.desktop exists? [13:54] It,s not [13:55] ah! [13:55] i found the problem [13:55] this failed to build https://ci.ubports.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/unity8-desktop-session/detail/bionic/3/pipeline [13:55] pushed a fix for that [13:55] Yay [13:55] https://ci.ubports.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/unity8-desktop-session/detail/bionic/4/pipeline [13:56] once thats built, just do apt update and upgrade and try again [13:57] also i have added a new config for hidpi screens [13:57] ``` … cat ~/.unity8/configs.conf … SCALE=2``` [13:58] if you have an hidpi screen you can set scaling there [13:59] thanks :D [14:00] what's the res on the XPS? 4k? [14:00] i haz 1080p [14:00] 30 dpi wololo no joke [14:00] i use a cheap tv... [14:00] as a monitor right now [14:01] @mariogrip, nice! [14:01] is it integer only? :P [14:02] @popescu_sorin, yes 4k 3000x2000 ish, i dont have an exact number [14:02] @vanyasem, it does float to [14:02] it calculates it [14:02] @mariogrip, WOOOOW! [14:02] that's so awesome [14:02] 3200x1800 is not 4k [14:02] but the newer ones are actual 4k (3840x2160) [14:11] @popescu_sorin it's done building :D [14:13] @mariogrip, yay apt list —upgradable … Listing... Done … unity8-desktop-session/bionic,bionic 1.0.14+ubports+0~20180629135525.4~1.gbp8868f1 all [upgradable from: 1.0.14+ubports+0~20180221184021.2~1.gbpfb44cd] [14:18] @mariogrip still nope, now i'm bouncing back to lightdm [14:18] ls /usr/share/wayland-sessions/ … plasmawayland.desktop unity8.desktop [14:18] iun 29 17:15:39 pixel-desktop systemd[2062]: Starting Unity Shell v8... … iun 29 17:15:40 pixel-desktop unity8-session[2307]: [2018-06-29:17:15:40.914] Failed to create display (No such file or directory) … iun 29 17:15:41 pixel-desktop unity8-session[2307]: /usr/bin/unity8-session: line 75: [: !=: unary operator expected … iu [14:18] n 29 17:15:41 pixel-desktop unity8-session[2307]: /usr/bin/unity8-session: line 79: kill: (2350) - No such process … iun 29 17:15:41 pixel-desktop systemd[2062]: Started Unity Shell v8. [14:19] remember to select the unity8 on wayland one [14:19] oh :D [14:19] on wayland? [14:20] @dohbee, the logind session is called that, it does not use or run on wayland [14:21] Was logind support merged into mir? ^.; [14:21] [Edit] Was logind support merged into mir? ^.^ [14:21] lol wut [14:21] @vanyasem, yup [14:21] @popescu_sorin, you can also use any DM i use the one comming with kubuntu [14:21] @mariogrip, Sddm? [14:21] jep that one [14:22] I use it on my nexus 5x [14:22] @mariogrip, but i don't see the unity8 wayland session, i have plasma (wayland), plasma (x11) and unity8 [14:22] so there is only one unity8 session [14:22] and it bounces back to lightdm [14:22] @popescu_sorin, looks like a bug in the session start script [14:22] humm, let me try with lightdm real quick [14:23] @dohbee, humm yeah looking at it line 75: [: !=: unary operator expected [14:25] cat /usr/bin/lightdm-unity8-session … #!/bin/sh … # -*- Mode: sh; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2 -*- … # TODO: The following block is to work around the OOBE wizard for the phone. … # See LP: #1435877. … # From mterry: This should be removed, I think; I believe our wizard should run … # for the user ev [14:25] en on the desktop (it does in snappy, and … # should on classic too). But I'm writing this late in the … # zesty cycle and don't want to change anything now. … if [ ! -f $HOME/.config/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard-has-run ]; then … mkdir -p $HOME/.config/ubuntu-system-settings … touch $HOME/.config/ubuntu-system-setti [14:25] ngs/wizard-has-run … fi … systemctl —user import-environment … systemctl —user set-environment MIR_SERVER_VT=$XDG_VTNR … dbus-update-activation-environment —systemd QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland … dbus-update-activation-environment —systemd UBUNTU_PLATFORM_API_BACKEND=desktop_mirclient … /usr/lib/gnome-session/run-systemd-session unity8.service … dbus-up [14:25] date-activation-environment —systemd QT_QPA_PLATFORM= … dbus-update-activation-environment —systemd UBUNTU_PLATFORM_API_BACKEND= … exit 0 [14:25] Launchpad bug 1435877 in Ubuntu UX "[edge education] tutorial not adapted to desktop mode" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1435877 [14:26] (Please don't paste long content in telegram) [14:27] k [14:27] (Deleting it doesn't help IRC has already been damaged) [14:27] :P [14:27] :)) [14:27] sorry IRC [14:28] speaking of IRC, is the matrix bridge broken? someone was saying there was some discussion in matrix earlier, but it wasn't appearing in here [14:28] matrix ubports channel and #ubports on freenode is not linked [14:28] neither is telegram and ubports on matrix [14:29] we should do what we do in halium just link irc and it will use this irc bridge to bridge over [14:29] yep [14:30] That's what it already does [14:30] @mariogrip, i did manage to start the session [14:30] You can join... #freenode_#ubports:matrix.org, I think [14:30] from tty [14:31] But the Matrix-IRC bridge has been down more and more recently [14:31] QT_QPA_PLATFORM=mirserver unity8 [14:31] @popescu_sorin, but this doesn't start the session, because it's not systemd running it, and thus the other systemd jobs which depend on the unity8 job [14:32] don't know what it does but it loads unity8 X-) [14:34] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/Msj0aRgG.png [14:34] Wooo! :D [14:35] but still not the correct thouhg [14:35] could you try creating ~/.unity8 folder just to see if it's my fault [14:37] why add new "SCALE" thing though? [14:39] @mariogrip, yep [14:39] uuu c/p works now [14:40] so it was my fault :P ok will fix that [14:43] @mariogrip, so, still nope :D bounces back to login screen [14:44] ok so it was not much fault [14:44] :D [14:45] same [14:45] iun 29 17:42:18 pixel-desktop systemd[2046]: Starting Unity Shell v8... … iun 29 17:42:20 pixel-desktop unity8-session[2290]: [2018-06-29:17:42:20.408] Failed to create display (No such file or directory) … iun 29 17:42:20 pixel-desktop unity8-session[2290]: /usr/bin/unity8-session: line 75: [: !=: unary operator expected … iu [14:45] n 29 17:42:20 pixel-desktop unity8-session[2290]: /usr/bin/unity8-session: line 79: kill: (2355) - No such process … iun 29 17:42:20 pixel-desktop systemd[2046]: Started Unity Shell v8. [14:46] cat -n /usr/bin/unity8-session | grep -e 75 -e 79 … 75 while [ $(ps —no-headers -o state $child) != "T" ]; do … 79 kill -CONT $child [14:46] but what does it mean o_O [14:47] Send SIGCONTINUE to all children [14:47] well the while loop is broken [14:48] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/jcVyw9GY.webp === Acou_Bass is now known as Piece_Maker [15:18] hey look a usb "monitor" https://www.amazon.com/Logic-Controls-Pole-Display-LV4000U/dp/B00BRF7V68 [15:25] oops was gonna ask if that works with the driver i found on uphone ohw well [15:26] If you have a technical question related to your UBports device, ask it. You don't need to link Amazon. Thank you :) [15:35] So this is weird... Click is magically doing what it's supposed to on my FP2 now. [15:36] upgraded from xenial and picking the correct version of preinstalled versus old updates? [15:36] And the open store running is the xenial version even though the vivid version is out in /opt/ [15:44] Not sure if a bug or not. Whenever I try to open a file within an app (example kiwix) or try to import my own wallpaper, I don't have file manager as an option. (16.04) [15:56] @AlexanderPlaza, Yes it's a known bug. [15:57] File manager is not showing up anywhere. So you cannot open files or attach anything [16:01] because it's a deb i guess [16:11] Alright, yep [16:11] Clicks are okay now [16:11] @mariogrip weird.. so i had the same problem with egmde session + lightdm, changed to gdm3 and now the session loads. you are using sddm, right? maybe it's something wrong with lighdm? :/ [16:12] @UniversalSuperBox, Took you a while [16:12] @rupansh, Need to test thoroughly [16:12] Also, what? [16:13] You had the problem since 22 or something rihgt? [16:13] I've had two sessions actually working on it [16:14] But if you feel that it was too slow, I'd always appreciate more contributors [16:15] @rupansh, how rude. [16:15] @UniversalSuperBox, Aye didn't mean it in a bad way [16:16] Just wanted to ask the root cause and how you fixed nothing else [16:16] Well, it was definitely broke before but now it isn't [16:17] No one touched it [16:17] Oxford comma is a friend, too [16:18] It was always supposed to work like this, but before it didn't [16:18] And now it did [16:18] [Edit] And now it does [16:19] *thinking low-res sticker* [16:19] Was it a DT problem or Ubports problem? [16:19] @UniversalSuperBox, magic [16:19] It's possible that something rebuilt somewhere else, but that seems unlikely [16:20] Rebuilt somewhere else and fixed it* [16:20] @popescu_sorin, humm, yeah maybe it is [16:20] (Sticker, 336x512) https://irc.ubports.com/Qykx0N5A.webp [16:20] well it could be a race condition [16:20] wouldn't be the first one in that code :) [16:21] I thought you were kinda joking when you said "rewrite it in C++" [16:21] But now I understand [16:21] it's writting in vala, thats a big problem [16:22] @mariogrip, Whats vala though OOP+C? [16:23] no [16:23] it is vala, which is transpiled to C [16:23] Then [16:23] wew [16:23] it's a very nice way to write gtk+/glib apps [16:24] I see. Sounds pretty interesting [16:24] or a simplistic library that's only accessed via introspection [16:26] Really weird for a primarily Qt OS to have picked it up [16:26] But it probably made it easier to make the PackageKit plugin [16:26] it wasn't primarily qt when it was written [16:26] Oh yeah [16:26] click scope was originally written in vala too, for example [16:27] yeah, vala was a reasonable choice for click for several reasons, at that time [16:28] it just never got rewritten, and the replacement plan was "ubuntu personal" based on snaps [16:28] but that's all over now [16:31] @mariogrip changed back to lightdm and now the egdme session starts x-) . i'll take a break now [16:48] Aha, click is broken on the Nexus 5 [16:48] So yeah [16:48] #RodeyWasProbablyRight [16:52] @dohbee, Mmm Ubuntu Phone using snaps, that would have been cool [17:04] @AlexanderPlaza, tada.. snaps on ubuntu touch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHE5THEWq7c [17:05] i was able to install / remove snaps, there were also some snaps apps like terminal, calendar etc [17:06] but only managed to run the hello world (cli) snap [17:07] Published on Feb 12, 2017 [17:25] @mariogrip changed to sddm, same thing (bounce back to sddm) so it's probably something else wrong, maybe it's my install [17:25] oh well [17:25] @popescu_sorin, so it just sometimes work, or did it not work at all? [17:26] didn't work at all from the greeter (lightdm or sddm) [17:27] the only way to start unity8 is to jump to a TTY and type "https://t.me/ubports/137600" [17:27] [Edit] the only way to start unity8 is to jump to a TTY and type "QT_QPA_PLATFORM=mirserver unity8" [17:28] maybe try `apt install --reinstall unity8 unity8-desktop-session` [17:29] let's see :D [17:30] ah! i think i found the issue! i just did that on my laptop [17:36] still nope :D same as before [17:36] i'll take a break for now :D hopefully other ppl will try the session [18:10] @popescu_sorin I just fixed it :D [18:11] apt update and upgrade and magic [18:30] @mariogrip muhahaha iz works! [18:30] but there is still something strange, it didn't the first time, i had to login twice [18:31] YAY :D [18:31] first time bounched to sddm and second time worked :DDDDD [18:31] \o/ [18:32] @popescu_sorin, yeah it's still a bit buggy. but now that we got logind support we can start working on making it more stable :D [18:33] yeah :D stable is nice [18:37] 😃👍 [18:37] @popescu_sorin, happened the same for me [18:38] is it just me or is the scroll wheel inverted? [18:38] when i scroll up it scrolls down, i've seen the same thing with egdme [18:38] hmm nautilu is not working for me after logging out back to gnome 18.04 [18:39] o_O [18:39] its not opening anymore lol [18:41] restart [18:43] yup now it works again [18:44] but yeah, unity8 works now fine again :) [18:44] (Photo, 1280x719) https://irc.ubports.com/0linYad6.png [18:45] ew nautilus [18:45] :)) [18:45] Dolphin ftw [18:45] @malditobastardo btw telegram works on unity8 [18:45] TG Desktop 1.3 is not showing up for me in the scopes [18:46] i'm pretty sure it's still using xmir for stuff [18:46] but yes, It used to work [18:46] @malditobastardo, are you using snap? [18:46] No no, normal one from the Sotware ctr [18:46] oh, weird [18:47] Yes because its like @popescu_sorin said, it used to work before, at least for me now its not working [18:47] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/6P8nECKr.png [18:47] Why must you all tempt me so [18:47] telegram, solitaire (gtk3) and kate (qt5) [18:48] I've got work to do, I can't be installing Ubuntu 18.04 right now. :P [18:48] :)) [18:51] @UniversalSuperBox, you can do it in background in a VM :P [18:51] naaah [18:51] I'm a bare metal kinda guy [18:52] (Also that'd take seven years to download) [18:58] @popescu_sorin, Any doc to install and test unity 8 on 18.04 ? [19:06] (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/AEBl97fH.png [19:06] Gotta tests lots of devices [19:08] (Not pictured: The FP2 which just started up) [19:08] @Ern_st, yep, here you go https://github.com/ubports/unity8-desktop-install-tools [19:10] you just need to run the script and it will install a unity8-session [19:11] and then from the login screen select unity8 [19:17] (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/P5UOh11U.png [19:17] I think I have a problem [19:18] @UniversalSuperBox, Only one has openstore at the top left hand corner? [19:18] @AlexanderPlaza, You only get that when you have enough horizontal real estate [19:18] Phones do not [19:34] @popescu_sorin, Thanks [20:02] Oh, interesting. Either click or system-image-upgrader removes old versions of apps if a deeper database contains a newer version [20:03] system-image doesn't touch clicks [20:09] I guess it's click then [21:22] Hello to everyone [21:30] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/x50OLIrb.mp4 [21:30] Thank you [21:32] I have a log file. Could you tell me why the error is? I am using samsung j5 (j5lte). [21:34] I am curious about the solution [21:34] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/SGpz44cz.null [21:51] samsung j5 is not a supported device [21:52] why would you even attempt to install UT on it [21:52] Because it's not terribly obvious why devices are or aren't supported to someone familiar with the common Linux "Install anywhere" idea [21:59] It's a memory problem. what should I do?. also the only phone to eliminate :) [22:03] Are you installing your own port or...? [22:05] port :( [22:06] but I could not zip it. [22:06] Correct [22:06] Well [22:07] How am I going to get zipped? [22:08] There is no way to do that, since Halium isn't distributed as a zip ever. You'll probably want to use this alternative installation method: http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/install-build/reference-rootfs.html#install-rootfs-and-system-img-alternative-method [22:09] Replace `-p halium` with `-p ut` [22:09] I am doing it with sailfish os. that command does not work. [22:10] What are you doing with sailfish OS [22:12] I'm going from his source. [22:23] That's... probably not going to work? [22:23] But you'll still need to use tha script to install [22:28] systemimage not build. [22:30] ninja: error: '/home/enes/hadk/out/target/product/j5lte/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libOpenSLES_intermediates/export_includes', needed by '/home/enes/hadk/out/target/product/j5lte/obj/EXECUTABLES/bootanimation_intermediates/import_includes', missing and no known rule to make it … make: *** [ninja_wrapper] Error 1 [22:33] @popescu_sorin, Does it break something else ? [22:47] @ankaos, Please join @halium and direct questions there for porting it to a new device. [22:48] ok [22:51] @Ern_st, No :)