[05:58] good morning [06:07] Hi didrocks [06:07] And with that, bbl [06:08] hey duflu, see you! === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [07:07] greetings [07:07] morning Laney [07:07] hey didrocks [07:07] home day today :'( [07:07] how's it going? [07:08] Laney: same old, same old :p yourself? [07:08] Laney: see the positive side: back to a life where you sleep at night ;) [07:09] indeed! [07:09] and eat a normal amount :P [07:09] for a few days… until GUADEC :) [07:21] Morning Laney. What's the route home? (assuming it's by land) [07:23] duflu: Sadly not, flying from Pisa [07:48] jibel: do you mind having a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/apport/whoopsie-auto-ui/+merge/348479? I plan to release it today to cosmic and prepare the SRU [07:49] didrocks, okay, I will [07:51] thx :) [08:02] looks like I forgot to say hi when I started IRC earlier this morning [08:02] good morning desktopers :) [08:02] (done with backlog!) [08:03] Hi seb128, jibel, willcooke, world [08:04] Hi duflu [08:04] and seb128 and all [08:04] hey seb128 [08:21] c-lobrano: thanks for the feedback! (and hi ;)) [08:21] hi didrocks [08:21] how's going? :) [08:21] c-lobrano: good good! Yourself? [08:22] didrocks: except back pain, everything's fine :D [08:22] take care :/ [08:23] eh, long story :( === youpi1 is now known as youpi [08:25] didrocks: I've always thought I'm a little behind when talking about dependencies (like GTK2), packaging, repositories, CI, etc. anything you could suggest me to study/read about that? [08:27] I mean, I know it's a long story, but something to start with [08:29] c-lobrano: do you want to read a little bit about debian packaging, or rather CI, or… ? ;) [08:30] didrocks: I've read something about debian packaging already, so CI would be good [08:31] c-lobrano: hum, it really depends on the system you are using. For communitheme, I'm using Travis, and just read the Travis doc. In case you didn't read it yet, you can have a look at our travis ci yaml: https://github.com/ubuntu/gtk-communitheme/blob/master/.travis.yml [08:31] as there are 5 repository, I factorize what we do in a single script we download [08:31] to ease maintainance and not always repeating the same step [08:31] didrocks: perfect, I'll start with that [08:32] c-lobrano: the script is that one: https://github.com/ubuntu/communitheme-snap-helpers/blob/master/build/prepare-build-snap [08:32] to handle PR per snap [08:32] and as well releasing edge to master [08:32] a simpler one which can be interesting to you: https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-report/blob/master/.travis.yml [08:33] you can see here how I have tag attaching automatically some release artefacts, like the binary [08:33] and so, you end up with this: https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-report/releases/tag/v1.2.0 [08:33] didrocks: uhu, awesome [08:33] :D [08:33] (notice the ubuntu-report-linux-amd64.tar.xz) [08:33] if you have any question, do not hesitate, that should give you some start ;) [08:34] I won't :D, thank you [08:34] yw! [08:58] tadaa: https://imgur.com/a/ZtXEKqm [08:58] kenvandine[m][m], I'll run that past design ^ [09:10] what is that for? [09:11] The snap only GNOME Software snap for not-Ubuntu [09:12] I see === frederik is now known as Guest83848 [09:38] reboot [09:39] SHAN'T [09:50] Verified #1768786 [09:50] thanks andyrock [09:50] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1768786 [09:50] Ubuntu bug 1768786 in ubuntu-unity-meta (Ubuntu Bionic) "Desktop is displayed when resuming from suspend" [Undecided,Confirmed] [10:00] willcooke: np! === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch === pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk === jhernandez is now known as jhernandez_ [18:31] night all