
LocutusOfBorgdoko, I think I have fixed them, but a double check would be awesome05:58
LocutusOfBorgkazoo python-tenacity and psycopg205:58
juliankIt seems one of the hosts hosting archive.ubuntu.com is outdated, in 4 runs with xenial-proposed, I only got apt to upgrade itself to the proposed version once.07:05
sarnoldjuliank: btw curl's --resolve is the easiest way to track down which servers have which contents07:36
julianksarnold: nice, letme check07:37
juliankI see it everywhere with curl07:39
sarnoldhrm, I wonder if they got in sync inthe meantime or ..07:40
sarnoldoh well, that's for someone more awake than me :)07:40
tomreynfor IP in `dig -t A archive.ubuntu.com +short` `dig -t AAAA archive.ubuntu.com +short`; do echo "$IP: $(curl --silent --resolve archive.ubuntu.com:80:$IP http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-proposed/Release | grep ^Date: | cut -d ' ' -f2-)" ; done07:52
tomreynlooks identical to me07:52
juliankI still get some runs where apt install apt does not find it07:53
juliankmaybe I'm hitting a bug in apt somewhere07:53
juliankYup, it seems to be a bug in apt07:54
juliank'grep ^Package.*apt /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com*Packages'07:56
juliankPackage: apt07:56
juliankbut apt-cache shows no apt version in a repository07:56
juliankIn fact, the cache only contains the status file07:58
juliankmight be a race with some cloud stuff when initializing the container08:00
julianksimple test case: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4Zzw6mnhKg/08:02
juliankjust launch a new container, wait 5 seconds08:02
juliankreplaces sources.list, run update08:02
juliank=> you only see dpkg status file08:03
julianksarnold: tomreyn so the problem I was seeing is that cloud-init rewrites the sources.list file after I rewrote it, and thus my newly added proposed repo goes missing08:20
juliankI guess I have to modify my scripts to wait for cloud-init to settle first08:20
tomreynjuliank: why dont you place yours in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ instead?11:12
julianktomreyn: mostly don't want to download all the other stuff in the default sources.list11:25
juliankcould -o dir::etc::sourcelist=/dev/null, though11:25
didrocksxnox: do you mind merging https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/apport/whoopsie-auto-ui/+merge/348479? We would like to upload to cosmic today and seb128 approved it but can't merge (nor can I)13:22
didrocksor maybe juliank, I saw you touched apport recently :)13:27
didrocksjuliank: so, if I take the bzr branch (lp:apport), all the snap part isn't in it, and the bzr-ubuntu branch is outdated versus the repo13:28
didrocksI'm happy to apply a debdiff, but it seems we don't have any source of truth anymore?13:28
juliankdidrocks: apport is complicated13:28
juliankdidrocks: the ubuntu branch seems up to date? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/cosmic/apport/ubuntu13:30
julianknot sure what you were looking at13:30
didrocksjuliank: the cosmic one is, not binoic13:30
didrocksjuliank: but what do you generally do, merge lp:apport into this one?13:30
didrocksand so, you have the snap stuff into /ubuntu but not upstream apport?13:31
juliankdidrocks: I leave it to bdmurray to handle that13:31
juliankbut yes, the snap stuff is in ubuntu only13:31
juliankdidrocks: sometimes people don't push bzr branches for stable stuff13:32
didrocksjuliank: yeah, it's kind of annoying as we have inline deltas with upstream13:32
didrocksok, I'll upload a debdiff then for now (at least cosmic)13:32
didrocksthe branch is up for upstream to merge13:33
didrocksand I'm happy to have a bionic/ branch ready if up to date13:33
juliankmaybe cyphermox and bdmurray have some branches locally for their uploads13:33
juliank(apport 2.20.9-0ubuntu{7,7.1,7.2} for bionic)13:34
juliankOtherwise, I'd say import the dscs13:34
didrocksyeah, also those are native packages, which isn't expected from the version, as told the other day13:34
didrocks(and no release :p)13:34
didrocksbut yeah, let me create a debdiff, that way, I'm sure to not revert your work ;)13:34
juliankthey were not initially13:34
didrocksyeah, and we didn't have distro-patches13:35
didrocksand .pot was updated ;)13:35
didrocks(not only when building the package)13:35
didrocksanyway, not that important for now, but I'm happy to help fixing anything that needs to be fixed in case13:35
xnoxdid didrocks quit?15:04
seb128yes, he called it a week15:15
seb128he had the apport changes uploaded which was a good point to stop working15:16
sarnoldjuliank: ugh :/ thanks for the feedback18:18
=== imcleod_ is now known as imcleod
Unit193cjwatson: BTW, thanks for putting some time in on new SSH key types.21:12
cjwatsonincremental progress :)21:13
Unit193Yes, I've been following upstream get stuck on it, out of your court and you're still prepping for when they do add support.21:16
cjwatsonECDSA is doable now, though I'm not especially wild about that format.21:34
Unit193Unfortunately I'm waiting for Ed25519.21:37
cjwatsonYeah, I use that most other places now.21:37
cjwatson(At least merely offering it to Launchpad no longer causes an SSH hang.)21:37
Unit193Huh, cool.21:37
bluesabreinfinity: would you be interested in reviewing the xubuntu core/base patches? https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/debian-cd/xubuntu-base/+merge/347414 - https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/livecd-rootfs/xubuntu-base/+merge/347319 - https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-cdimage/xubuntu-base/+merge/347320 (or do you know who might be? :))22:35
infinitybluesabre: TBH, I've been dragging my feet a bit because there's been some discussion that we really should do stacked livefses in ubiquity, which would allow you to have both "flavours" in one ISO.22:37
infinitybluesabre: Of course, if the only real goal here is a smaller download, then you really do want two different ISOs.22:38
bluesabreinfinity: I think the team is interested in the dual-iso solution. We've been spinning the Core iso for each release since the 2015 announcement and getting testing on it. One of the reasons it's promoted is the smaller size, for those with limited bandwidth or CD-drive requirements22:42
infinitybluesabre: Kay, fair enough.  Icky, but understandable.22:43

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