
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:57
lotuspsychje!info firefox03:00
ubot5firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 60.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 45249 kB, installed size 171244 kB03:00
oerheksnope, no update03:05
lotuspsychjehmmz :p03:06
lotuspsychjeevery new FF my speed dial has to be set again very anoying03:06
lotuspsychjeand i dont like that for my customers neither03:07
lotuspsychjeill see what happens on 61, if its the same ill file a bug03:12
oerhekstoo early https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/06/firefox-61-released-with-faster-tab-switching-on-linux03:16
hggdhjust a public announcement, given I have just seen such an issue (somewhere else, not germane right now): please make sure your pass(words|phrases) are non-trivial, not-reused, long, etc03:18
lotuspsychjeok tnx hggdh03:19
oerheksmake it longer than 16 char :-)03:19
hggdhaye aye03:19
oerheksas windows has this limit ..03:20
hggdhand add special chars, and what the hell else03:20
hggdh(my password manager is set to create passwords 32 chars long. If a site is dumb enough not to accept it, I cut-and-paste to the limit)03:21
oerheksi avoid managers, paper it is.03:21
lotuspsychjeyeah i buy i cheap notebook for my customers with all their passes03:22
lotuspsychjewifi, websites,ubuntu admin,..03:22
hggdhand I never ever reuse passwords. which means the password manager has a truck, no a train, load of passwords now03:22
hggdhbut, then, I am paranoid03:22
lotuspsychjejoin the club :p03:23
lotuspsychjehggdh: but you would be amazed how many customers got a full FF logged passwords set03:23
lotuspsychjeold FF==>exploit browser==>passwords stolen03:24
hggdhthis is the hell-on-earth thingy. You have to have stupidly long passphrases, and you cannot save them in FFox (or whatever).03:25
hggdhnot counting with each site having different rules for passwords03:26
lotuspsychjei see customers with different not reused passwords, but all very weak03:26
hggdhand the fact you are able to see them should be a warning something is wrong. But, again, I am paranoid03:27
lotuspsychjehggdh: did you check yourself yet? https://haveibeenpwned.com/03:27
lotuspsychjemillions are compromized03:28
hggdhlotuspsychje: yeas, I have. Not 100% reliable, but if you get there...03:28
lotuspsychjeoerheks: tab warming, i like the sound of that03:29
hggdhwe need to find something, a different style of 2FA, that actually works.03:29
lotuspsychjehggdh: i like security questions on login forms03:30
lotuspsychjehggdh: then i answer it wrong lol03:30
lotuspsychjewhat is your pet name?===>coward7965!!03:31
hggdhlotuspsychje: I had/had a client that uses security questions. Their implementation costs (used to cost) about 2 minutes to login03:31
hggdhI know this is an extreme case, but add to it the fact that sessions timed out on non-use in a few minutes03:32
lotuspsychjehggdh: but then alot of ppl answer security questions a right way03:33
hggdhso, for me to work around a change in 20 different servers would take about one hour of logging (and re-logging in)03:33
lotuspsychjehggdh: so when the abuser knows the email, and the person he knows their pet name and gets in03:33
hggdhlotuspsychje: oh, ALL my seurity answers are false. Er, fantasy.03:33
hggdhI have been born in more countries than I can remember03:34
lotuspsychjea linux mind :p03:34
hggdhbut I agree thi sis not the common approach03:34
hggdh(I mean, not telling the truth)03:34
lotuspsychjehggdh: older customers and remembering a whole list of passwords isnt a good idea03:35
lotuspsychjethey already flip on few passes03:35
lotuspsychjeso their admin needs to inform them their forgotten password lol03:35
hggdhthis is why a password manager is important. Preferably one that does not save on the cloud03:36
* lotuspsychje doesnt like the cloud03:36
lotuspsychjei know its a big deal...but the idea of something stored somewhere else then deep in my yard...brrr03:36
hggdhcloud is OK, as long as YOU are the only one that knows the encryption key. And the key is not trivial. And you do not have the NSA looking at you03:37
lotuspsychjearent we all looked at?03:37
lotuspsychjeprism, skype cough :p03:38
hggdhIDK. Sort of, probably. Adding US and GB, a lot of us are scanned03:38
lotuspsychjei like the idea of fantasy, if they catch, they catch fantasy03:39
lotuspsychjea john doe public wifi wardriver :p03:39
hggdhthere is that. And the fact that keys in wifi are not that big of a problem03:40
lotuspsychjebut thats the problem, everyone has a social media, nothing is fantasy anymore these days03:40
lotuspsychjetype one name, and you get 10 pages of him/her03:40
hggdhheh. I DO have facebook, but just for immediate family. I think I posted one thing up to date03:41
lotuspsychjeyeah alot of traces everywhere for everyone03:43
lotuspsychjeunder the hood we are all random prey03:44
lotuspsychjethats how i see it03:45
hggdhunfortunately, I do not disagree03:45
lotuspsychjeand its not gonna be better with those smartcities upon us03:46
lotuspsychjehggdh: i reccomend this one: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/02/stupid-cities/553052/03:51
hggdhlotuspsychje: this is a amazingly turn-me-down view, but I cannot really fault it03:54
lotuspsychjechine is building 1000 of smart cities as we speak03:55
lotuspsychjeor stupid :p03:56
hggdhanyway, time to hit the bed, still have an install to complete tomorrow03:56
lotuspsychjehggdh: laterz03:56
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lordievaderGood morning06:19
ducassegood morning06:29
lordievaderHey ducasse , How are you doing?06:32
ducassei'm good, thanks - and you?06:36
lordievaderDoing good here :)06:41
lotuspsychje!info spotweb08:13
ubot5spotweb (source: spotweb): web interface to search and filter Usenet spots. In component universe, is optional. Version 20130826+dfsg3-4 (bionic), package size 634 kB, installed size 3282 kB08:13
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
EriC^hey all13:21
tomreynhey EriC^. watch JimBuntu granting qwebirc3425793428759283475983 permission to boot their other computer off their usb key.13:24
EriC^hey tomreyn13:25
EriC^JimBuntu: did you ever end up trying fortnite?13:25
pauljwhi everyone13:42
JimBuntuEriC^, only watching them play it... now all I hear is fortnite found guilty, fortnite found guilty13:44
EriC^heh :D14:08
EriC^hey pauljw :)14:08
pauljwhi EriC^, how's it going today?  :)14:09
EriC^good thanks, you? :)14:09
pauljwall good here, EriC^14:12
lotuspsychjehey guys16:09
* pragmaticenigma waves16:10
lotuspsychjehey pragmaticenigma and tomreyn16:14
lotuspsychjehow are you guys today16:14
pragmaticenigmadoing alright, just about to grab lunch lotuspsychje ... how about you?16:16
lotuspsychjejust got home from work, chill now and vacation!16:16
leftyfbgod damnit, blackflow is annoying as hell16:25
leftyfband not great at troubleshooting16:25
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: i talked to him, its an ok fella16:26
lotuspsychjeidled in discuss for a while too16:26
leftyfbPIA and again, not that great at troubleshooting. Loves to either jump around to random things or to hone in on one single aspect and ignores everything else16:26
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: the art of support is letting go of the ego, and work togheter as a team16:27
lotuspsychjeeven on hard(er) times16:27
lotuspsychjeblame or attack each other doesnt gain nothing16:28
lotuspsychjehmm we have a bunch of those malesian trolls again, like this morning16:32
tomreynleftyfb: spanish is not too commonly spoken in indonesia ;-P16:33
leftyfbI only copied sorry. Got a lot going on all at the same time over here16:33
tomreynjust nagging, sorry16:33
naccleftyfb: tbh, i agree with you16:51
leftyfbit doesn't help that cihhan is all over the place and loves to just make changes on their own16:57
nacctoo much power :)16:58
pragmaticenigmaHave such a hard time understanding why someone finds it funny to cuss in a chat room19:48
oerheksmaster of the keyboard, payed by dad & mum19:49
naccmaybe they are 719:49
nacccurse words are generally funny to 7 year olds19:50
naccalso defying authority19:50
pragmaticenigmaI've seen 30 something think their being devious for cussing... I see it as lowering my belief they're educated beyond a first grade level19:51
oerhekssome drop that attitude and hang around to find civil talk.19:52
leftyfbI know of someone in their 40's who still trolls to this day. Just got booted from a linux channel on another network after giving them "Another chance" for the 50th time.19:53
leftyfbage has little to do with it19:54
JimBuntuI have known people in their 40s and beyond that trolled. I never did understand HOW they got joy from it20:05
pragmaticenigmaIt's like when you were a kid and got away with sneaking cookies when you though Mom/Dad wasn't looking. The rush of doing something naughty that you know if someone knew who you were, would call you out on it20:09
pragmaticenigmaThe digital realm doesn't carry the same peer pressure as being physcially together in a room. If you start cussing in a large room full of people, everyone will look at you and know who the potty mouth is... No one knows who you are on the Internet20:10
naccwhat i want to say in #ubuntu21:00
naccniekniek: "it feels like that's such a basic question, that perhaps setting a bridged network is not really in your best interest"21:00
daftykinsooh bridges eh :)21:04
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