
fooI'm looking at how many workers to set on an app. It says this: Rule of thumb : (#CPU * 2) + 1 - how do I know how many know of #CPU's I have? What command would show me that? This instance is running in aws05:46
lordievaderGood morning06:18
lordievaderfoo: `lscpu` shows the cpu count.06:19
foolordievader: thank you06:19
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coreycbjamespage: i'm going to promote qemu to pike-updates for LP: 1779162. only been in proposed for a day but it's tested and causing data corruption on migration for s390 guests.12:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1779162 in Ubuntu on IBM z Systems "qemu versions 2.10 and 2.11 have error during migration of larger guests" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177916212:35
jamespagecoreycb: +1 sounds like a priority14:01
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UssatSooo....getting headache here or hurting the wall hitting it with my head...have a log check issue on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, sure its a user issue :) but I have no idea what I crewed up, here is a pastbin with errors at bottom: https://pastebin.com/dRLqUR4515:42
Ussatcommand run was"  su -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/logcheck -d" logcheck15:42
Ussatthe -d is for debug output15:43
Ussathmm no one ?16:28
Epx998Where can I get a PPC iso for 16.04.3?16:32
Epx998nm found it16:34
tomreyn16.04.4 is current, though16:35
Epx998yeah this is a corner case where I need .316:35
njbairany known issues with conjure-up on 18.04? I've tried and failed several times to set up a novalxd server on two different machines over the last couple days.16:37
whislockEpx998: Do you -actually- need .3?16:41
naccEpx998: rather curious why you need .3?16:50
whislockAny time I see that, it's some variant of "software maker X says I need this exact version."16:51
whislockWhich is 99.9% of the time not true.16:51
naccright, and .3 is not really a thing, it's *maybe* a HWE level16:51
naccinasmuch as .3 was just a time when an iso was spun up (iirc)16:52
naccso perhaps they meant they wanted to test that kernel :)16:52
* Ussat slams head into desk16:53
whislockThat seems painful.16:53
Ussatyup.....so is this issue16:54
naccUssat: did you see if /usr/sbin/logtail2 on that file works manually?16:54
Ussatno did not try that16:54
Ussatbah it is useing logtail216:55
Epx998NACC: It's for an IBM P9 server with a specific CPU, current stuff doesnt work on it - dev wants specfically some 16.04.3 PPCEL proposed that has some nvidia drivers in it16:55
Epx998something to that effect, the plea for help from my workmate isnt very clear16:56
naccEpx998: oh ppc64el not ppc16:56
naccEpx998: that's confusing "ppc64el proposed"?16:56
Epx998yeah sorry - im being told the ibm p9 with this 2.1 cpu version is locked into this release and a kernel on it16:57
whislockEpx998: No, it's locked into that kernel.16:57
Epx998the info from my workmate doesnt feel complete on what hes looking for16:57
naccnone of that seems right to me16:57
whislockEpx998: There's no such thing as a "18.04.3" release.16:57
Ussatmanually, it runs fine16:57
whislockAnd I am highly suspect of the notion that the .3 kernel works, and the current one doesn't.16:57
Epx998I am talking 16.04.316:57
whislockEpx998: Same idea applies, replace 18 with 16.16:58
Epx998ppc64el - thats whjat i told him, there was no prposed for that16:58
whislockThere's no such thing as "16.04.3".16:58
whislockThere is 16.04.16:58
naccEpx998: so they need the 4.10 kernel?16:58
naccEpx998: which didn't get patched for meltdown/spectre??16:59
Ussatas an IBM shop P9's are not kernel locked to ANYTHING16:59
naccdpb1: --^ would you know?16:59
whislockEpx998: Okay, so there's a lot of experience here saying that your requirement isn't really needed.17:00
UssatI run a fairly large P9 install base as well as X86 linux and no17:01
dpb1no, would need a bug link.17:01
dpb1hi nacc17:01
naccdpb1: heya :)17:01
naccdpb1: figured you would be able to more definitively tell us re: p9 support, etc.17:01
dpb1p9 is supported for sure, if there is an issue, it should be filed as a bug17:02
naccdpb1: ack, thanks17:02
UssatWe have it on 4 LPARS here17:29
pankajI am trying to install virtual box guest additions on my virtual machine. I clicked on device tab and downloaded the package but it does not work. Please help me.17:52
pankajI have successfully installed virtual box guest additions now and checked with lsmod but it is still not working.18:33
loptaIs it difficult to install Ubuntu Server onto an md mirror?18:44
pankajlopta: What?18:49
nacclopta: md is a software construct18:50
loptapankaj: Software RAID-118:50
nacclopta: are you asking if you can setup swraid during install?18:50
loptanacc: Yes, probably ;-)18:50
pankajlopta: I was following a blog on 'techrepublic.com' with topic 'how to install virtualbox guest additions on ubuntu server'. It was successfull till the end and my ubuntu server told me to just restart and everything will be fine but it did not happen. I cannot enjoy full screen.18:51
pankajlopta: I am not asking about software RAID now.18:51
loptapankaj: I am though.18:52
nacclopta: ok, afaik, yes18:52
nacclopta: use the old installer not the new one, iirc18:53
whislocklopta: Requires the use of the "legacy" installer, I believe.18:53
loptaThanks whislock18:53
lopta(and nacc)18:54
runelind_qhow can I disable the HWE kernel and go back to stock 16.04 kernel?23:38
sarnoldrunelind_q: there's no explicit instructions I nkow of .. ttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack23:40
sarnoldrunelind_q: I think from what I can see on that page I'd try "apt-get install linux-generic linux-generic-hwe-16.04-"23:41
runelind_qwell I had the option in my bootloader for just booting into the 4.4 kernel again, so I'm running that kernel atm.  Should I just uninstall the linux-generic-hwe-16.04?23:42
sarnoldaha, yeah, that sounds good23:43
runelind_qok, trying the reboot.23:46

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