[00:04] sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions # and reboot [00:04] brb [00:05] hi [00:06] It didn't work, I'll ask there [00:08] how do i install Ubuntu 18.04 on VirtualBox for Windows? [00:09] whoa... over 1000 people on this channel! [00:19] brendantcc: just like any OS in VB on Windows [00:20] i meant what specs i punch in [00:21] specs? [00:21] idk, still not able to add [00:21] Whatever you require for your use case [00:21] ram, etc.. [00:26] brendantcc: you'll have to read the documentation for Virtualbox or look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements for ubuntu minimum requirements [00:26] or not [00:27] leftyfb: i managed to somewhat fix (I think..) the issue with apt [00:28] so i was googling the grub issue and stumboled across someone having same kinda issue as me, he edited the file: /var/lib/dpkg/status to remove the offending packages, and ran apt upgrade e.t.c after that [00:28] i folowed this and it now apt updates/upgrades without any errors or issues [00:29] i dont think those kernels were actually installed, i think it broke during install...because there's nothing in /boot relating to the -45 kernel [00:29] only my -43 [00:29] Battle: you should still try to install the hwe kernel [00:29] alright I got applets now. Thanks guys [00:29] 4.15 [00:30] what was that full package name again? [00:30] qwebirc1063: it was only a google search away [00:30] Battle: linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 [00:30] thanks, is there any reason i should install that specific kernel?I only ask because i currently use and run qemu for other things and id ont want to break that by changing kernels entirely ? [00:31] (if thats even possible?) [00:31] Battle: it's the latest and will always upgrade to the latest [00:31] ah [00:31] !hwe | Battle [00:31] Battle: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [00:31] any1 get diablo 3 to successfully work with continued crashing for one reason or another [00:32] nemesis: try #wine [00:32] ah i see [00:32] hm, maybe not [00:32] also is it normal for this to be telling me to autoremove busybox-static extlinux genisoimage hfsplus libhfsp0 libhivex0 libllvm5.0 libllvm5.0:i386 libplymouth4 lsscsi mtools plymouth plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text scrub supermin syslinux syslinux-common zerofree [00:32] Battle: reinstall cryptsetup [00:33] nemesis: /join #winehq [00:33] do i need cryptsetup? [00:33] sweet thanks [00:33] i remember it asking me if i wanted to have an encrypted user or something and i said no [00:33] Battle: not unless you're encrypting, but it being a dependency of those other packages, I would just leave it [00:34] ah [00:34] leave ti as in install cryptsetup to keep thos epackages? or leave it and remove the unneeded depeneds? [00:34] it* [00:34] reinstall cryptsetup [00:36] oh dear, seems we're nto out of the woods [00:37] lost connection >< [00:37] oh dear, seems we're nto out of the woods [00:37] grub-probe: error: disk `mduuid/4351570248a139c2fdf813affcbca916' not found. [00:37] when installing that kernel you mentioned [00:38] some google results suggested restarting the system could resolve that issue....at the same time, restarting could make the system not boot....so im gonna backup the whole server [00:38] and see what happenes when i restart.... [00:38] lol [00:52] cat /proc/mdstat or mdadm --examine --scan [00:53] funny disk failure? === marve is now known as Guest132 === littlebit1 is now known as littlebit [01:36] i Have KDE and mate, spyder IDE launches with a dark not eye killing theme under kde, but with dying white on mate envoriment [01:36] how can I use the dark theme on the mate envoriment too? === jinkyu is now known as jincreator [01:40] mattfly: it's not exactly the answer you're looking for, but you might be interested in also installing redshift [01:40] hm let me google [01:41] mattfly: this may help https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/issues/7269 [01:42] but any qt application on the mate DE is getting a dark theme [01:42] i just wanted the one from kde to be in there [01:42] since im using the black mate the gtk windows work fine [01:44] mattfly: spyder is a Qt app (thus uses the Qt/KDE settings) as i understand it. If using a recent MATE you'll be using GTK+3 where is spyder uses GTK+2 (from that post; I'm no expert) [01:44] no [01:45] wait mate is not using qt at all? [01:45] older mate is GTK+2; being recently upgraded to use GTK+3 [01:45] but the app is a qt app [01:45] its not written in gtk in any way [01:45] it is having a white theme on mate and dark on kde [01:46] exactly the same application [01:46] correct; but the stuff going to screen usually uses gtk+; what Ubuntu are you using (how much gtk+2, gtk+3 in your mate?) [01:46] 18.04 [01:47] gtk3 i guess [01:47] okay - you're all GTK+3 I think - with gtk+ support (for visually neatness only) [01:47] (sorry gtk+2 support for visual neatness only) [01:48] i cant make it use a darker theme for qt applications? [01:50] i can't help sorry mattfly (my knowledge isn't enough; yeah I misread that post!), maybe try #ubuntu-mate or the https://ubuntu-mate.community/ or here later? [01:50] i found this https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/05/get-qt5-apps-to-use-native-gtk-style-in.html [01:50] okay thanks [01:50] sure looks like it's the issue mattfly [01:51] and that looks (to me) like it'd work (if that's the issue) well done mattfly [01:52] sounds like the same as that github discussion, QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gtk2 [01:53] yes! if i set this variable before launching an application it works [01:54] :) [01:54] huh, i set export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 on my .profile and it doesnt work by default [02:00] I'm trying to get my TrueCrypt volume mounted in Ubuntu Linux. It mounts, but only in read-only mode. What do I have to do to get it mounted in read-write mode? Thanks. [02:05] Or is NTFS support only available in Linux in read-only form? [02:07] Randolf: truecrypt is deprecated and unsupported by anyone [02:07] I know that. [02:07] Randolf: so copy what you need from it onto something else and delete it for good [02:07] What encryption solutions are available now? [02:08] I need something that can work on Linux and Windows. [02:09] there isn't one [02:09] That's terrible. [02:09] Not Linux' fault. [02:09] other than maybe GPG [02:09] but that's per file [02:09] Yeah, I need a file system. [02:09] TrueCrypt was a fantastic implementation. [02:10] I was so happy to find it in apt. [02:10] Sorry, not in apt, but in Linux form. [02:10] it's ensecure, as in, completely useless [02:10] insecure* [02:11] Actually, it passed the security audit. [02:12] Randolf: no, it's insecure, discontinued and unsupported by anyone [02:13] Randolf: https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-veracrypt-ubuntu-16-04-16-10 took a minute of googline [02:13] damn typing [02:13] googling* [02:14] try bing sometime [02:14] no thanks [02:16] I'm pretty sure, bing does all the same data mining that google does that makes people refuse to use google. If I'm going to choose, I'll choose the one that gives me the best results [02:33] jeez trying to pull data off this old busted ass drive is slowing down everything haha [02:36] As I recall, "bing" is the Chinese word for soldier. [02:38] leftyfb: Oh, VeraCrypt has been updated it seems. The last time I looked at it they didn't even have anything to download. [02:55] Hello [02:55] how can I make all users be able to "sudo -H pip" ? [03:00] amosbird: `man sudoers` ? [03:03] sudo and pip, try to avoid that, an user can safely install in their environment [03:08] oh sorry, i read that as switching to the pip user [03:11] that would need an extra -U i think [03:12] oerheks: ah right [03:26] ok, thanks [03:37] #opennic [04:00] Hi. I'm getting this error "Restarting tinyproxy (via systemctl): tinyproxy.serviceJob for tinyproxy.service failed because the service did not take the steps required by its unit configuration." [04:01] running this: /etc/init.d/tinyproxy restart [04:01] Any idea? [04:03] hi [04:18] when trying to connect to my bluetooth adapter I get, "Connection Failed: blueman.bluez.errors.DBusFailedError: Input/output error.." How can I fix this? === guiverc_t is now known as guiverc_d [04:58] hello friends === littlebit1 is now known as littlebit [04:59] hey [04:59] hi bsdk [04:59] kutta [04:59] suar [04:59] yo my boi [05:00] ok bhailog gaali mat likho [05:00] u all my boi [05:00] anyone up? [05:00] lets do fun [05:00] gaand ke andhe [05:01] gaali mat likjh bhai [05:01] connectd h [05:01] okk [05:01] meko0 bhi quit kark aan de [05:01] cho [05:01] kkrh baccho [05:02] hjdfbjkedfk [05:02] mera naam mt likh [05:02] Oye Pratik Gupta..BSS k office me milo meko [05:03] tm mera ghar me milo apna [05:03] llo [05:03] beti ke s [05:03] aasaath [05:03] aby pakda jaga [05:03] mat d gaali [05:04] bhai mssijkr [05:05] yo guys [05:06] i need hlp[ [05:06] why [05:06] attention [05:06] iron_fist: how about ask a question instead of flooding [05:06] chahiy [05:06] mko [05:06] hy lotus [05:06] rember m [05:07] remember me? [05:07] iron_fist: do you have an ubuntu support question? [05:08] can you tell me th features of ubuntu? [05:08] iron_fist: we dont take polls here, only ubuntu support [05:08] okay [05:09] so do u have a bf? [05:09] iron_fist: stop it please [05:09] Hey guys [05:10] im sorry lotus [05:10] Ok rose [05:10] are u aboy? [05:10] yes [05:10] !ops [05:10] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax [05:11] hey lotus [05:11] ops mean? [05:11] lotus? [05:11] tell me are u a boy? [05:11] Lotus are u straight? [05:12] iron_fist: stop [05:12] Messi: stop [05:12] i'll never disturb u again maybe [05:12] WHO ARE YOU? [05:12] if u give me ur genders [05:13] KOI H? [05:13] !ops [05:13] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax [05:13] oPS KYA HOTA H LODU [05:14] MKC [05:15] hey babe [05:15] Hi [05:16] workbenchproject: welcome to ubuntu support, how can we help you? [05:17] why u blocked my friends? [05:18] hey? [05:18] ? [05:19] subham: inappropriate behaviour [05:20] subham: see the topic for the channel guidelines [05:21] okk [05:21] generally, this channel is for english ubuntu support only, no other ubuntu topics. [05:21] but unblock my friends [05:21] (and no other langauges, there are seperate channels for obuntu support in other languages) [05:22] subham: you can bring it up on #uubntu-ops [05:22] * #ubuntu-ops [05:22] subham: not at this point no. they can ask in #ubuntu-ops in 24hrs time if they have studied our irc guidelines [05:22] #ubuntu-ops [05:23] le kar diya [05:29] hello #ubuntu. So I want to give another user (I don't have access to their machine) ssh access to my server, using keys. It looks like what I need to do is set up an rsa key pair, put public key into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and send the private key. Is this correct? [05:32] ed105: no, you never send private key [05:32] Tm_T: so how can I do it for another party without them being involved? [05:32] ed105: oh, actually that way, could this other user create the key and send you the public part? [05:33] ed105: worst case option sure would be you creating the keypair, I just cringe on idea of sharing private key (: [05:33] Tm_T: they aren't very tech save and I am trying to avoid explaining what and how to do [05:33] ed105: generally, they create a key and send you the publickey. [05:34] if they aren't tech savvy enough to create a key they probably aren't tech savvy enough to handle a key being sent to them without compromising it. [05:34] Tm_T: so my plan was to do what I've described. But once you confirm that technically this will wokr, my next question was -- what are the implications of me emailing private key [05:34] Sleaker: good point actually [05:35] ed105: creating a key is very very simple. [05:35] ed105: anyone who has that key can access your machine [05:35] ed105: but yes, technically that's how it works [05:35] I'd think it would be more difficult to try and copy it int othe right directory and setup the permission properly so ssh will actually use it by default, etc. [05:35] ed105: emailing passwords is usually a bad idea too [05:36] even better, set it up from their system yourself? [05:36] :D [05:36] right, you both are correct. I guess the easiest thing for me would be to actually type an email explaining "ssh-keygen -t rsa" [05:36] well, i wish I could, I don't have an account there [05:37] ed105: added benefit, more likely the file rights end up being correct [05:38] here is another question -- how can I make it so that they can't login at all? (all I need them to do is dump some files onto my system over scp). Will creating an account with nologin shell work? [05:39] better question: can account with /sbin/nologin shell be used to scp files? [05:39] ed105: no [05:39] any idea how to do this? [05:39] you need a basic shell that allows atleast the minimum scp commands there are shells that provide only those facilities [05:40] a quick google returned that rssh and scponly would do this [05:41] rssh and scponly -- thanks, that's enough pointer. Never heard of these things :( [05:49] ed105: if you dont want to install extra software (rssh / scponly), you can configure an sftp only chroot using just openssh itself https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SFTP_chroot [05:50] tomreyn: scponly looks like a good solution. Any reason not to use it? (may be not secure, known for vulnerabilities?) [05:50] sftp clients are ubiquous, also across different OS (e.g. winscp, cyberduck). [05:51] !info scponly 16.04 [05:51] '16.04' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily- [05:51] !info scponly xenial [05:51] Package scponly does not exist in xenial [05:52] ed105: this, it's not an official package - you can install it from elsewhere, but you wont benefit from automatic or semi automatic security patches. [05:53] well, I am cheating a little here, scponly is available in centos (which is what I am using). I am here on #ubuntu because this is an awesome channel with great people [05:53] ...which supports ubuntu only [05:54] my question wasn't any distro specific really [05:54] #openssh and ##linux were of 0 help, unlike you guys [05:55] those who decide to spend their time on supporting people here usually do so because they want to support people using ubuntu specifically. you should respect this. [05:56] do you feel disrespected? [05:56] I use ubuntu on my personal machines if this helps... [05:58] yes, i think this is disrespectful. if you're asking about another OS, you should be stating this at the same time you ask your question, which will result in you being told you're off-topic, since you are. [05:59] but I want asking "about another OS"... [05:59] I apologize personally to you, if I offended you [06:00] *but I want asking = but I wasn't asking [06:14] tomreyn: I think you should really read this channel's guidelines and code of conduct (which I just did out of curiosity) and stop being so fragile. Thanks for help anyways! [06:22] ed105: i'm not "fragile", claiming i seems derogative to me. by requesting support with your centos system here on #ubuntu (topic: "ubuntu support channel") and in addition to doing so on other channels (and not actually indicating this) here you violated the cross posting guideline. as you can probably tell by now, i read the guidelines. [06:22] ed105: since this discussion is also off topic here, we can move it to ubuntu-offtopic if you like [06:40] checking for updates 'failed to download repository information' [06:40] please advise [06:43] rush: please run this on a terminal: sudo apt update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [06:43] then report the http address returned [06:45] nothing [06:45] maybe i typed it wrong [06:46] cant copy and paste in here.... teally silly [06:46] r [06:46] nc [-46CDdFhklNnrStUuvZz] [-I length] [-i interval] [-M ttl] [06:46] [-m minttl] [-O length] [-P proxy_username] [-p source_port] [06:46] [-q seconds] [-s source] [-T keyword] [-V rtable] [-W recvlimit] [-w timeout] [06:46] [-X proxy_protocol] [-x proxy_address[:port]] [destination [06:46] !paste | rush [06:46] rush: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [06:46] !pastebinit [06:46] pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit [06:46] i mean, i cant copy texts here.. so i have to type codes [06:46] and sometimes get them wrong [06:47] its a bad desing on hexchat [06:47] ctrl-c and ctrl-v work for me [06:47] using hexchat also [06:47] on a temrin you may need to use them with shit [06:47] not me [06:47] *shiFt :) [06:47] on a terminal you may need to use them with shift [06:47] i get no option to copy when i right click the text in here [06:48] also middle mouse button should work [06:48] ahh.. good [06:48] middle mouse worked [06:48] thanks [06:48] right, you just makr it, then press ctrl-c to copy to clipboard [06:49] http://termbin.com/a7d2 [06:50] what's the one-line output of "lsb_release -ds"? [06:50] Ubuntu 18.04 LTS [06:50] then why do you use some apt sources for ubuntu 16.10 on it? [06:50] hmm? [06:51] i dont evne understand the wuestion [06:51] http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/antonbatenev:/tox/xUbuntu_16.10 Release [06:51] ? [06:51] is, based on its name, an apt package repository for (x)ubuntu 16.10 [06:51] it is configured and active on your system [06:51] what should i do? [06:52] maybe cos i had help installing sum stuff, maybe they had to use that method, i dunno [06:52] rush: either disable it, or replace it by one which matches the ubuntu version you are running, and which is actually available (this one isn't, probably because ubuntu 16.10 has reached end of life a good while ago) [06:53] will it upset any programs i have installed tho? [06:53] maybe some wont work on the new one [06:54] you can disable PPAs and third party software repositories using software-properties-gtk [06:54] it's called "Software & Updates" on the menu [06:55] i think i enabled it cos it wa sadvised to enable it ? [06:55] i use third party stuf i think [06:55] rush: well maybe it worked back then, but it no longer exists now [06:55] and will just throw errors [06:55] what should i do [06:55] rush, removing a 16.10 repo generally means you won't get updates from it, but given 16.10 (2016.october) release reached EOL mid-2017 there are buckley's (near 0) chance of it getting updates; but your choice [06:56] ok [06:56] how do i do it please [06:56] it is also non-existing on the remote server, so there is definitely no use in keeping it [06:56] you can disable PPAs and third party software repositories using software-properties-gtk [06:56] it's called "Software & Updates" on the menu [06:57] ok, opened it [06:57] rush: does this not help? [06:57] no what [06:57] what do you mean by "no what"? [06:57] now what [06:57] i opened software and updates [06:58] click on the "other software" tab [06:58] ok [06:58] then look for "http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/antonbatenev:/tox/xUbuntu_16.10 Release" === qwebirc76484 is now known as hackerman [06:58] i see it === hackerman is now known as hackerman__ [06:59] select it, then click on "remove" on the bottom [06:59] i did it [06:59] do i have to add 18 now ? [06:59] depoends on whether you want / need to continue using this third party repository, i guess [07:00] i might need to [07:00] as i have third party software i think [07:00] what shall i do now ? [07:00] it doesn't seem to provide any packages for any distributions anymore [07:00] so i guess you dont want to [07:01] i dont know [07:01] Hey there, I'm having a hard time figuring out what's causing Ubuntu 16.04 LTS shutdown to not work properly. When I try shutting down/rebooting from the GUI or the power button, which is set to "interactive shutdown", nothing happens. "systemctl poweroff" works fine from terminal [07:01] you have another third party repository setup which is also broken and should be replaced or removed. [07:01] oh [07:01] Any ideas? I already tried to fsck the disk from recovery mode. [07:01] rush: ^ that's https://pkg.tox.chat/debian stable Release' [07:02] rush: i suggest you remove both, then we can look into alternatives. [07:02] i removed 16 [07:02] so now remove debian also [07:02] thats both right? [07:04] my os seems to be working strange now [07:04] rush: you remove those two 3rd oparty repositories i pointed out, that's right. [07:04] rush: tox is available from ubuntu's own repositories, version 25.0 for bionic [07:04] nooo [07:04] it doesnt work well [07:04] !info tox bionic [07:04] tox (source: tox): virtualenv-based automation of test activities. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1 (bionic), package size 145 kB, installed size 1288 kB [07:04] i had to talk to the devs at tox for a long time.. they helped me install it [07:05] they thanked me cos i helped them find a bug [07:05] so now tox wont work cos i uninstalled them things? [07:06] rush: if you had packages installed from those repositories then they're still present, in those probably very outdated versions. [07:06] its gone weird now anyway.. mouse clicks and movements when i dont do anytihng [07:06] tox does not work properly [07:06] maybe they used the old stuff go get it to work [07:06] i dont know [07:06] it was the devs who got it working for me [07:06] rush: noe of what we just did would have changed how tox or your mouse behaves [07:07] i will restart, see if stuff still works [07:07] brb [07:08] hackerman__: do you have acpid installed? [07:08] dpkg -l acpid [07:09] the line listing 'acpid' should start with 'ii' [07:09] tomreyn: it does [07:09] still seems to be ok [07:10] do i need to add anytihng new? or just leave it like this? [07:10] rush: if you plan to continue using tox, you should probably wither up-/downgrade to the version in ubuntu, or add a supported third party repository. [07:11] whats wither up? [07:11] tox still seems to work, just tested it [07:11] hackerman__: i guess i'd review syslog and dmesg then after triggering the non-working shutdown form the GUI [07:12] rush: typo, i mean "either" [07:12] hackerman.. the best damn hacker in the world [07:12] hmm [07:12] well, if it still works now.. maybe its ok ? [07:12] rush: can you show this: "apt-cache policy tox | pastebinit" [07:13] tomreyn: dmesg outputs nothing at all. [07:13] hackerman__: are you saying the 'dmesg' command produces no output on your system? [07:14] Installed: (none) [07:14] Candidate: 2.5.0-1 [07:14] Version table: [07:14] 2.5.0-1 500 [07:14] 500 http://lk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/universe amd64 Packages [07:14] 500 http://lk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/universe i386 Packages [07:14] tomreyn: no, I'm saying, that after triggering the gui shutdown button, dmesg and /var/log/syslog don't output any new info [07:14] !paste | rush [07:14] rush: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [07:15] hello [07:15] rush: actually the "tox" package in ubuntu is a different software. [07:15] rush: please read what ubottu told you there (it told you this before) [07:15] ? [07:16] pastebin [07:16] ok [07:16] https://pastebin.com/ggbeShZj [07:16] hackerman__: ok, check syslog then? maybe Xorg.0.log, too, and ~/.xsession-errors [07:18] So I had trouble with the suspend in the last 1 week, It has a black screen after starting from suspend. So I changed my nvidia 390, to X.org server - nouveau , and it is a little change. I can see after power up from suspend the screen about 2 sec and then also goes to black... [07:18] rush: what'S the output of: dpkg -S $(readlink -f $(which tox)) 2>&1 | pastebinit [07:18] tomreyn: nothing new from those 3 either. [07:19] error [07:19] did u giv ecorrrect command? [07:19] hackerman__: okay, i don't have a better suggestion, then, i'm afraid. you could try creating a new user account, login to that and see whether it works there. this would allow to find out whether it's specific to your user account or generic. [07:19] Is there anyway to emulate a mouse button press inside the search field of gnome shell when i press the "windows key"/invoke the search...because if I just start typing it writes the first letter a lot of time (and its not a problem with bouncing of keys on keyboard since in other apps it doesnt do that) [07:20] https://pastebin.com/REfavfPb [07:20] Is it a problem to run a docker container with ubuntu:18.04 on older infrastructure (eg. 16.04 oder 14.04)? [07:20] rush: okay, hoiw do you start tox currently? [07:20] MonsieurBon: we normally advice not to mix package versions over ubuntu versions [07:20] searc hfor it in the menu and press the icon [07:21] its running now.. seems ok [07:21] MonsieurBon: unless your physical machine runs another ubuntu version on a virtual machine? [07:21] tomreyn: I haven't really encountered anything like this either. A few days ago, everything was working fine. The only thing I changed was installing albert launcher. But I'm not sure how that software can be related to this problem [07:22] rush: the issue there is you have no upgrade path. you may very well be running an outdated tox client with known security vulnerabilities [07:22] lotuspsychje, nope, physical machine is 16.04 or 14.04 and runs docker directly [07:22] did we remove the update path? [07:22] MonsieurBon: perhaps search for a snap version, more up to dated(latest)? [07:23] rush: can you find out which version you are running, and what the client is actually called? there are multiple, none of which is called "tox": https://tox.chat/clients.html [07:23] MonsieurBon: this way you could run docker on xenial with higher version for example [07:23] rush: you did not have an upgrade path before we started working on this. your third party apt repositories were both broken. [07:24] qtox [07:24] rush: version? [07:24] and the devs spend a few hours with me... cos it doesnt work in ubuntu 18 [07:24] they said i helped them find a bug [07:24] they just gave me a few lines to paste, and it installed ok [07:24] MonsieurBon: snap find docker: docker 17.06.2-ce [07:24] rush: okay, then talk to the devs again, i guess. [07:25] di o need t opreplac any of the things i deleted now? [07:25] need to replace? [07:25] lotuspsychje, :D so I did change to x.rog from nvidia, and I can now see 2 sec from coming back from suspend but then it goes to black, and only hardreset works, tho numlock is swithing the led [07:25] MonsieurBon: see also !pinning or !backports [07:26] lotuspsychje, or we'll just stick with ubuntu:14.04 and ubuntu:16.04 as base images. They are our own containers, so there's no pressure to upgrade [07:26] we deleted 16, and debian or something. do i need to replace them? [07:27] rush: again, the apt repositories you had configured, and which i guided you to remove, were broken,. they served no value other than creating errors. what will improve your situation is to ensure that your system can get updates of this software. this is not currently the case, for all we know. [07:27] apart from the qtox issue, everything is good? [07:28] i also thought you said we have to replce the deleted ones with something, or add somethin else [07:30] lotuspsychje, oh, I might have misunderstood you. I'm not concerned with the version of docker. We are fine running the older docker versions on our 14.04 and 16.04 servers. I was only wondering, whether we could already upgrade our docker images to be based on ubuntu:18.04. [07:31] rush: yes, i said this, but when i did i just meant that you should ensure you have an update / upgrade path for tox. you don't now. but your ubuntu should be fine (or as fine as before, minus the broken PPAs). [07:32] thanks [07:32] !latest | MonsieurBon [07:32] MonsieurBon: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [07:32] i checked for updatesm it said ther eare no updates, but good news is i got no error [07:32] MonsieurBon: look into backports [07:32] MonsieurBon: as far as i know, that should be fine [07:32] rush: so i suggest you /join #qtox and ask about how to install it on ubuntu 18.04. [07:33] it is installed.. i will just check if it needs updates [07:33] thanks [07:33] rush: there is one more issue on your system that we came across, which is the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tee [07:33] yea.. it keeps apprearing [07:34] hmm lotuspsychje , now I tried again and now it is working fine (x.org) [07:34] lotuspsychje, I'm not trying to run a newer docker version than is available in the repositories :-) [07:34] rush: it is an apt configuration file which is currently being ignore since its filename is unexpected. you can either just remove it or try to find out what its purpose may have been. [07:35] I will leave this as it now. But there is something to be fix with nvidia drivers and the latest 18.04 updates, on suspend [07:35] rush: would you like to do one or the other, or neither? [07:35] not sure whats best [07:35] ducasse, Ok thx. We'll give it a go then [07:37] rush: what's best depends on your preferences, i can't decide this for you. investigating its original purpose may take some time, but might help you understand why something never worked for you. just removing it will ensure these warnings about the file will be gone, but you wont loose any functionality you have now. and ignoring it saves the most time, but won't remove the warnings. [07:37] here is the log with working xorg suspend. lotuspsychje https://pastebin.com/gjj0Ab3B [07:38] well. maybe it came from previous failed attemps at installing tox.. i was pastign many tihngs that never worked [07:38] other thant that ive been mainly installing from the softwre center i think [07:39] rush: if you want to know better you can put it on the pastebin and we can look at it: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tee [07:39] permision denied it said [07:40] "sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tee | pastebinit" then, or just look at it yourself using "sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tee" [07:41] rush: if you'll decide you dont need it, you can remove it using: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tee [07:41] well, it asked for my password, but displayed nothing after [07:43] rush: so it's an empty file, you can verify this using : sudo du /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tee [07:44] this will return the file size in bytes. if it's empty, it will be 0 [07:44] if it's empty then keeping it definitely serves no purpose. [07:47] 0 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tee [07:47] yea a zero [07:49] sorry for the delay.. i have a bad stomach lol [07:49] had to keep going to the john [07:52] maybe it was a typo since tee is a command [07:53] rush: john the ripper, eh? just delete it then: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tee [07:54] not sure it worked [07:54] got no message one way or another [07:55] then it worked [07:55] you can run the du command again and it will report there is no such file [07:55] sudo du /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tee [07:56] great [07:56] hey im not sure if i should ask here as its an unofficial package, but all of a sudden new programs are opening underneath google chrome, does anyone have any idea how/why that could be happening? [07:56] thanks for the troubleshooting [07:57] Skaface82: wich ubuntu version is that, and what happens exactly? [07:58] rush: welcome. here's how you can inspect such things yourself in the future: [07:58] !terminal | rush [07:58] rush: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal === nshire is now known as NealShire [07:59] i dont really understand linux, but ubuntu is my favorite. seems stable, runs well ,and is easier than others to use [07:59] terminal i dont understand lol [07:59] rush: that's why i just pointed you to a guide which explains how to use it. it's not that hard. [07:59] 18.04, for example i open deluge, i get a little status window pop up the top of the screen saying "Deluge is ready" and it opens in the background under my web browser, so i need to alt-tab to it [08:00] Skaface82: normal behaviour on ubuntu 18.04 [08:00] well, pretty hard for me. ineve rreally wanted to have to learn that stuff. i was told i dont need to, and linux is as eay as windows lol. . but i think not. having saoid that, i think ubuntu is great when i can get it set up [08:01] lotuspsychje: really? ive only noticed it happen in the past couple of days [08:01] but.. maybe slowly slowly i will learn it [08:02] Skaface82: you get notifications ontop when the program is not first window [08:02] i wa salways disgusted with linux lol.. but this time sincei tried it.. im pretty pleased with ubuntu. actually leaving in my system [08:04] rush: all we did today could also have been done from the graphical interface only, but since we were working on this together, it was bette rusing the temrinal since this allows for easier remote debugging, and you get proper error messages (errors are never 'hidden') [08:05] rush: the good thing about linux is, you can choose freely whether you want to do things on the temrinal on not. and the terminal is very powerful, once you understood the basics. [08:06] lotuspsychje: oh i worked it out, i have my terminal set to always on top, and the application I opened was overlapping the terminal by a few pixels when it opened so it was pushed to the back [08:06] !yay | Skaface82 [08:06] Skaface82: Glad you made it! :-) [08:07] hmm [08:07] i will take a loot i think [08:08] yes, loot your terminal [08:08] lol [08:13] Morning, smartd keeps complaining about a failed device, although the device was replaced and is working properly. Is there a way to kind of "reset" smartd [OS debian, "Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS"]? [08:13] Or: has anybody observed such a behaviour? [08:14] why do people still use 16 if 18 is available? not easy to upgrade? need to do fresh install ? [08:14] pvn: first update your system to .4 please [08:14] !lts | rush [08:14] rush: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information. [08:14] hmm [08:15] As it is LTS, and this is a mission critical system, we do not update the OS release. [08:15] But I'll have a look at .4 [08:16] !usn | pvn always keep your system up to date [08:16] pvn always keep your system up to date: Please see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates. === r0Oter is now known as r00ter [08:20] people recommend runnjng puppy from a usb.. but im running a full ubuntu and it works really well. thats impressive === captain_fixerpc1 is now known as CaptainFixerpc14 [08:36] quiet in here [08:40] Is it possible to update Firefox on an EOL version of ubuntu? [08:41] wats eol? [08:41] End of life, so a release that's no longer receiving updates [08:41] ohh [08:41] dont know [08:42] try the new ubuntu?, dseems pretty fast to me [08:42] or the ELO version.. good band lol [08:43] I will in the near future but right now I just need to update firefox [08:43] im not sure how, maybe someone here will know [08:43] lots of people here [08:51] ddoobb, EOL releases are off-topic here (unless you need help moving to a supported release), so don't expect a response/answer. [09:12] in order to write to syslog, won't a user need the syslog or adm group? [09:17] chl_: /dev/log is writable for everyone [09:17] i got an application running with no permissions to write to /var/log/syslog, but for some reason it still does O_O [09:18] chl_: does it write to the file, or does it use system logging facility via /dev/log socket? [09:18] it's highly likely it does the latter. nobody should be writing to syslog directly, then that's not SYSLOG, it's just writing to a file. [09:18] I probaly need to dig abit into that [09:18] and when I say syslog I mean /var/log/syslog. see the confusion there? :) [09:21] hi [09:21] I installed "android-studio" via snap. [09:21] blackflow: sudo lsof /var/log/syslog [09:21] blackflow: how can I tell wether it writes to /dev/log or the file directly? [09:21] Problem: It does not open. [09:21] there are no errors [09:21] what can I do? [09:21] chl_: on unix, system logging services, or syslog, has traditionally been a special daemon. then applications would use special functions to talk to it, via the standard /dev/log socket. [09:22] chl_: that way applications are just concerned with logging, while the daemon is concerned with filtering and storing those logs soemwhere [09:22] memphisto: yes, the syslog service has the file open [09:22] blackflow: so its ok, its going through srsyslogd [09:22] chl_: well obviously if it doesn't have the permission and yet the log appears there, it used the logging service [09:22] blackflow: nobody else is using it [09:23] memphisto: I know, why are you telling me that? :) [09:23] blackflow: cause your wondering why do you have app logs in syslog [09:23] memphisto: I most cetrainly am not :) chl_ is [09:24] blackflow: then i missunderstood something [09:24] yup. [09:24] brb [09:30] ok, so with an: lsof -u -t /var/log/syslog the process ids shows up, but I dont get how that is possible when the does not have permissions to write to syslog [10:00] hgfh [10:20] chl_: what program is that? [10:23] blackflow: its a custom application, but gunicorn runs infront of it, so I think that might be where the problem lies [10:25] chl_: most certainly, if the application is opening the file directly, it should NOT do so. [10:25] application is writing to its own logs stored in /var/log//.log [10:26] is gunicorn run as root, as a service? [10:26] as a service, but not root [10:28] chl_: well then is the user part of the adm group? though default confugration allows write only to the syslog user [10:29] chl_: or maybe there's a custom facl rule allowing access to that specific file? [10:29] no, its only member of its own group [10:29] Hi [10:29] aha, you said something clever blackflow [10:30] in /etc/group it says the user is member of syslog [10:31] and what are the ownerships of hte /var/log/syslog? [10:31] no, wait, sorry, wrong user [10:32] "groups " only output membership of its own group [10:34] chl_: well it can be then. either the user has write access to the file directly, or through group memebership (but then /var/log/syslog would need g+w which it doesn't by default), or through an ACL, OR the service started as root at some point, opened the file, and then went unprivileged. [10:34] *can't be [10:34] alright, I guess I have some digging to do :) thanks alot blackflow [10:35] I'll thank him when I see him, yeah :) [10:37] im back [10:38] hey quick question where can i find out info on my bluetooth. like the init.sh? is there something like that in ubuntu that i can look at that,will give me info on bluetooth? [10:39] hi ubuntu === ubuntu is now known as Guest644 [10:41] hi, I have a serious problem 2 days ago. PC doesn't boot and display "failure sector 0x82 on hd0" and give the grub rescue> prompt === Guest644 is now known as blackbird1 [10:42] blackbird1: sounds like your drive is failing [10:43] I'm afraid so [10:43] blackbird1: can you liveboot with ubuntu usb and check the partitions for errors? [10:43] blackbird1: you can also check the disk health with smartmontools. it is probably time to backup and get a new drive by the sound of it [10:43] im having trouble doing a system image back up of ubuntu. managed it on acronis for windows, but for some reason ithe back up takes a looong time to boot [10:43] maybe cos the drive is a different size than the original ? [10:43] hateball: Yes, I'm on live usb right now [10:44] ha [10:45] we are anonymous [10:45] hateball: Please help me to recover my data. [10:45] wrong data? [10:45] blackbird1: can you access the drive at all from the live session? [10:46] blackbird, hook it up to acronis back up on windows, then do a system image copy [10:46] maybe it will be ok [10:46] bumbar bummed out lol [10:46] @blackbird all ojay? [10:47] okay [10:47] wkwk [10:47] How can I find the KeyCode of a keyboard key? [10:48] hateballn rush_: Mounting the partition /dev/sda1 failed [10:48] hmm [10:48] ElectroXexual: xev [10:48] mission fail [10:48] i used acronis on windows to back up my linux usb the other day [10:48] thats all i can tell you [10:49] bcked up the usb linux to a 25ogb ssd lol. and it boots.. just boots slowly [10:49] tomreyn, thanks [10:49] wtf [10:49] blackbird1: does it give any additional information? [10:49] :v [10:50] i cant speak english haha [10:50] im hacker from indonesia [10:50] on linux, you'd use ddrescue to create an image of a storage device, then operate on y copy of that image. [10:50] haha [10:51] blackbird1: do you have an internet connection in the live session? if you you can "sudo apt update && sudo apt install smartmontools" then you can check you drives health with "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda" [10:51] MR_Sp0ngeBoB: do you have an ubuntu support question, though? since this is what this channel is about only, but there are other ubuntu channels) [10:51] hateball, https://pastebin.com/RLhA0L5m [10:51] blackbird1: But you can also try running a "sudo fsck /dev/sda1" [10:52] blackbird1: yeah those errors indicate a failing drive [10:52] ubuntu is the best linux os. im an impatial newbie, but there sa reason its the number distro. looks good runs good [10:53] blackbird, u better get that thing hooked up as an extranal drive and get as much of your data off it ass possible befor eit dies [10:53] hateball: https://pastebin.com/5xDTRmW7 [10:53] blackbird1: put the drive in a fridge (not freezer) for 30 minutes, then try recovering it again using dd_rescue. try to keep it as well cooled as possible. [10:54] rush_: I'm trying to get data off, but How to do that ? [10:54] get a long lead, run it from insde the fridge lol [10:54] im not sure blackbird.. try differnet methods, different softwares. maybe one will be good enuff t let you get access [10:54] tomreyn, are you serious :) ? [10:55] tomreyn: I read that with modern drives that have support for parking the freezer trick can actually cause more harm (I had a similar situation a few weeks ago) [10:56] hateball: not freezer, fridge === CChaplin1 is now known as CChaplin [10:56] blackbird1: yes. it can help. if the drive is currently hot then everything grows. so things *may* work better if cooled. [10:57] but you'd want to put it into a plastic bag, in case its not helium filled and it got air flow [10:58] hardware is really ##hardware, though [10:59] i bet ssd's work really ewll in sub zero temps. no moving parts [10:59] as long as they dont get icy [10:59] hello all [10:59] hahabba [10:59] ahsjshs [10:59] shs [10:59] ah ah ah [10:59] hi ndraz, you got epilepsy ? [11:00] how i can install dual boot ubuntu [11:00] rush_: not helpful [11:00] hi rush,no [11:00] well, he was spamming [11:00] shhh ahhh shhhaaaaa crotttttt crotttttttttttt [11:00] kontol :v [11:01] no rush,im boring [11:01] Ndraz3n: please stop that [11:01] Ndraz3n: you're in a support channel for ubuntu, please try to stick to that discussion, no random noise please [11:01] ok ikona [11:01] thanks [11:01] sorry [11:01] hateball: I'm trying to paste the result of "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda" [11:01] how replay message [11:01] blackbird1: sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 9999 [11:02] [11:02] rush,ikonia [11:02] oy [11:03] some one will answer your question ndraz, if they know how to help [11:03] or u cns try google while u wait [11:03] what you number hp? [11:04] hp what ? [11:04] handphone :v [11:04] number phone [11:04] why would i give you that [11:04] make a friend [11:04] Ndraz3n: do you have an ubuntu support question? [11:05] no bro [11:05] he wanted to know how to dual boot ubuntu [11:05] okay, but that's the only thing topical here. [11:05] in between jerking around [11:06] sorry all [11:06] Ndraz3n: if you have questions about how to dual boot, this is the right place, just not for general chat [11:06] how to dual boot ubuntu? [11:07] in windows 7 32bit [11:07] dual boot ubuntu, so two copies of ubuntu next to one another? [11:07] so do you mean ubuntu and windows 7 next to one another? [11:07] yes [11:07] tes tom [11:07] yes* [11:07] you can help me? [11:08] now which one? [11:08] EriC^, it doesn't paste all the out put [11:08] Ndraz3n: ubuntu and ubuntu, or ubuntu and windows? [11:08] blackbird1: try with sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [11:08] ubuntu and windows tom [11:08] windows and one ubuntu? or windows and 2 ubuntus ? [11:08] well one of each is pretty easy === HoloIRCUser4 is now known as emtib8 [11:09] Ndraz3n: you install windows first, then install ubuntu. done. [11:09] ok thanks [11:09] im off now [11:09] EriC^, same thing [11:09] blackbird1: what output is it missing? the end? [11:09] a lot [11:11] does any one know any good weather apps for ubuntu? [11:11] blackbird1: try sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io [11:13] How to find out if the sector 0x82 was copied into a backup sector ? [11:14] blackbird1, Does it has to deal with disk? [11:15] blackbird1: extract and reverse engineer the drive firmware [11:15] xD [11:15] gotta split, bye all [11:16] bipul: Sorry, I didn't understand your question. [11:17] How can I upgrade to firefox 61 on ubuntu 18.04 (bionic)? [11:17] senecaty: wait until it comes through updates [11:18] there are links on https://www.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/new/ did you try [11:19] blackbird1, When you mention sectors , that means "sectors on disk"? [11:19] bipul: yes [11:19] You're pointing to the address where data has been stored. Right? [11:20] Well checksum is there to check for data integrity. [11:21] 0x82 the sector that causes the error [11:22] and consistency. [11:22] That means that sector is corrupted. You have to format and reassign the file system. [11:23] you dont format the file system because a sector is corrupt, no [11:23] well, you attempt to write to it so the HDD ECC mechanisms reallocate it [11:24] *EC [11:25] Yes. [11:31] or you don't make things worse and ignore this (virtual) sector. [11:36] or get a new drive. Once bad sectors start proliferating, it'll only get worse [11:37] this ssemed to be about data recovery, not about reusing / prlonging use of the drive (that'd be a very bad idea in this situation), but i can be wrong [11:39] sure, this was just comment wrt masking bad sectors by allowing them to reallocate. that's always just a temporary solution. [11:39] s/allowing/forcing/ === coconut is now known as coconut_away [11:50] hello === Nicmavr is now known as Guest53466 === Guest53466 is now known as Kestrel-029 [12:12] People : hi ! Is there something special to do, on an ubuntu 16.04 system, to enable php syntax folding with vim ? I've tried many tutos, and all says roughly to do a let php_folding=1 and :set folding=syntax, but it doesn't work at all. [12:14] geodb27: consider asking in #vim, probably a higher chance of someone knowing. [12:14] All right, I'll go for that, thanks for your kind answer adrian_1908 :-) [12:16] :) [12:18] hello is there any ubuntu software to recover removed files of android? [12:18] geodb27: does :set ft=php change anything? [12:18] let me try. [12:19] The filetype is already set to php [12:21] geodb27: so then you do have php syntax highlighting [12:21] geodb27: ohhh... you asked about folding [12:21] indeed :-) [12:36] hello guys [12:36] sepi njir [12:37] cabut ah [12:52] hello [12:52] is there anybody here [12:52] ? [12:53] ... [12:54] qwebirc96823 type /names [12:54] I am typing "/names" (without quotes) and nothing happens [12:55] qwebirc96823 this is the ubuntu support channel, ask your ubuntu question here [12:56] ok, thanks a lot. I have tried to create an USB bootable installation of Ubuntu, but didn't succeed [12:56] how did you try? [12:56] https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#0 [12:56] followed these instructions [12:56] and arrived until the end (it was very easy) [12:56] qwebirc96823 are you now in window or in ubuntu? [12:57] windows [12:57] windows* [12:57] qwebirc96823 better ask in ##windows, then [12:57] I boot my pc, select the boot from the USB device, and get an error [12:58] tekll us where it goes wrong, and check your download of the iso. [12:58] qwebirc96823 what error? it may contain the first step to a solution [12:58] is there an alternative link you can suggest to create a bootable USB installation of Ubuntu? [12:59] qwebirc96823 if you're working in windows, you better ask in the channel i just suggested [12:59] !md5sum [12:59] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM [13:00] in ##windows they will joke [13:00] SHA256: 3F8FE0A5987CF508317300963AF7845B01A8E45FC7E7D3EB2B094A40ED8D0A3B [13:00] ubuntu-12.04.5-desktop-i386.iso [13:00] unsupported, EOL, dead [13:00] try 14.04 [13:01] ok, I'll try 14.04... I wanted the oldest Ubuntu available [13:02] unsupported... it doesn't matter to me, I want to use for running a SINGLE old program that I badly need [13:03] again, would you suggest an alternative link for an how-to on how to create a bootable USB installation of Ubuntu? [13:03] no, that url would do fine [13:04] I cannot ask in a Windows channel... I boot my pc, immediately ask to go to the USB device attached, and it doesn't work... Windows is out of the picture the entire time === czesmir_ is now known as czesmir [13:05] "doesn't work" and "an error" are useless descritions for triaging issues. [13:06] tomeryn, agreed... [13:06] explain what was printed on screen, how the system behaved [13:06] then try to do better ;) [13:06] I'll try to do it again and report the error [13:06] thanks for your help so far [13:07] see you later (with another nick) [13:07] it will probably start with "qwebirc", too [13:07] see you then [13:10] I am back, I was asking minutes ago about an USB installation [13:11] :15 [13:11] "the selected boot device failed. press enter to continue", this is the first message [13:12] when I press enter, it allows me to select either Windows boot manager or "boot from EFI file", and I choose the latter [13:12] The first option is Ubuntu 12_0, and I select it [13:13] and then it just shows me a list of directories: , , ... [13:14] the last one is [13:14] and I am stuck there [13:14] qwebirc40576: make sure your bios (uefi) is configured to allow booting from usb [13:14] also disable secureboot [13:14] it allows booting from USB because it asks me whether to use the hard disk or my usb [13:15] secureboot... this may be, I will google for it [13:16] qwebirc40576: secureboot is sometimes hidden behind a "Windows" section in the BIOS [13:18] question: may I test this USB installation on an older notebook that (hopefully) doesn't have secureboot? [13:18] qwebirc40576, sure, test away [13:18] thanks === Thedarkb1 is now known as thedarkb [13:29] hi, i'm looking for a little help/direction with previous functional ssh/gnome-keyring-daemon configuration that stop working [13:30] the sytem is that ssh login using a private key now no longer work [13:30] symptom [13:31] symptom's started this morning (after a system restart) but was working as of last night [13:31] ubuntu 18.04 [13:32] nmrh: not using it. but can you check the link https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GNOME/Keyring#Start_SSH_and_Secrets_components_of_keyring_daemon [13:32] memphisto: will do [13:34] for reference ssh -vvv user@host ends with complaints about not finding id_rsa files [13:34] nmrh: so have you checked ~/.ssh/ folder for id_rsa? [13:36] memphisto: there are no files "id_rsa" in ~/.ssh/ but all the files user_rsa that I have used as of last night are present [13:36] nmrh: what do you have there..can you list those [13:37] nmrh: i have id_rsa id_rsa.pub known_hosts known_hosts.old [13:37] nmrh: you should have the same (maybe not known_hosts.old) [13:38] memphisto: authorized_keys, known_hosts, various user_rsa and user_rsa.pub for the servers I log into regularly all permissions look correct [13:38] Is it possible to flash/upgrade a BIOS (Dell) from Ubuntu without a USB device? [13:39] memphisto: user_rsa is generic for about 3 boxes I log into: eg user1_rsa, user2_rsa etc [13:42] nmrh: do you have ssh_host_rsa_key.pub in /etc/ssh [13:42] memphisto: remote sever or client side [13:42] ? [13:43] server side; place where you connect to [13:43] memphisto: hold on, I'll have to physicaly go to box to check... [13:45] memphisto: on anouther ubuntu 18.04 the server config looks good (the file you reference is present) [13:46] one of the "boxes" is a dd-wrt router so I think it unlikely the issue is server side [13:47] Hello? [13:47] hard to imagine 2 ubuntu boxes and dd-wrt sshd all went bad at same time... [13:47] I am trying to set the grub bootloader as the default bootloader [13:48] unless there has been a major change ssh and I missed the prompt to update my configuration [13:48] However my laptop seems to ignore that and goes directly to the windows bootloader [13:49] Also there appears to be at least 4 bootloader files [13:49] Cooler: from BIOS/ UEFI change boot device [13:49] Yes I can change the bootloader [13:50] nmrh: don't know. but can you generate a ssh key in box that misses it. do ssh-copy-id to other box and try [13:51] I have secure boot on [13:51] It seems like the DellBIOS-guide hasn't been updated in some time. Dell's newer drivers don't allow for the 'floppy' trick. [13:52] And the FreeDOS-link is down. [13:52] memphisto: thanks for the help and suggestion - I'll stick around in this channel for a bit while trouble shooting [13:52] If I go into the "select a boot file as trusted" option, it lets me select from the uefi file system [13:53] Cooler: good, and selected ubutnut one [13:53] I can select from 4 different files in the Ubuntu folder [13:53] fwupx64 [13:53] Cooler: use the one with shim in the name [13:53] grubx64 [13:53] shimx64 [13:54] mmx64 [13:54] All have the .efi extension [13:54] I previously selected grubx64 [13:55] Cooler: shim is used for secure boot [13:56] hello, fresh installation of ubuntu mate on raspi2 and i cant open firefox bc it's crashing. can someone help me please? [13:56] good evening [13:56] afternoon sorry [13:57] I am having a java problem, that is supposed to be out of jvm related and it definitely has to do with some hardware type issue [13:57] do you mind me sending the logs and you can have a look? [13:57] hi [13:57] I have tried all online solutions [13:58] helo.. [13:58] That's really weird [13:58] kubuntu 18 is not detecting any other computers on the network ( 4 connected) 2 are windows & 2 are Kubuntu 18 with samba & shared folder .. but non of them are being detected. [13:58] hi everybody, I am back with my issue with USB installation of Ubuntu [13:58] I have disabled secureboot, with no effect [13:58] qwebirc88608: what's the issue ? [13:58] I can't see the shim option in the list of bootloaders [13:58] hello [13:58] In the list where you can select the boot order [13:59] I previously had all 4 listed there [13:59] created and USB bootable system with the following instructions [13:59] https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#0 [13:59] But then I select reset secure boot settings to factory settings [13:59] it seems it worked, but I cannot boot from there [13:59] Can anybody help with the java problem?? [13:59] And the I added shimx64 as a trusted file [13:59] Cooler: you said you have shimx64.efi [14:00] Cooler: can you boot now [14:00] hy i from indo [14:00] But it's not showing up in the list where you can change the boot order [14:00] Do I have to reboot after adding a new file as secure? [14:01] qwebirc88608: and what's the error you get ? [14:01] Cooler: it shoulndn' be necessary to do so [14:02] "the selected boot device failed" [14:02] tiktok [14:02] it allows me to continue pressing Enter [14:02] there is the option "boot from EFI file" [14:02] Damn it, maybe I shouldn't have factory reset the secure boot settings [14:03] I choose Ubuntu from the list [14:03] Cooler: maybe :) [14:03] Because even after rebooting shim isn't showing up in the list [14:03] and it shows me a list of directories in the USB device, and I am stuck there [14:03] qwebirc88608: I havnt used these windows tools for years after started using Kubuntu as my main (always used manually installed grub2 + isos) .. but I remember YUMI never failed me before so try it ? https://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ [14:03] And if I try to add shim as a secure file again it shows a message saying "file is exist" [14:04] Cooler: maybe you've added it to boot manager; just select it and boot [14:04] Can I remove stuff from the boot order list? [14:04] thanks michaelh [14:05] ...michaelh, but I'm on a Windows system, does this Yumi work on Windows? [14:06] ok, "ssh -i .ssh/user_rsa user@host" will prompt me for my public key password and log me into host [14:06] memphisto now the option is gone from the boot loader menu as well when I press F12 to select which device to boot from [14:06] so likely not a ssh issue and likely a gnome-keyring-daemon issue... [14:06] So does that mean I somehow deleted the Ubuntu bootloader? [14:07] qwebirc88608: that only means the boot loader has been installed correctly, but Im not sure how your tools extract the file to the USB ... but the tool I linked to is what got me started years ago & is very easy to use (and automated) . That's all I can help with, Good Luck [14:07] qwebirc88608: yes, it's a windows only tool [14:07] I will try adding grubx64 as a secure file as well [14:07] Hello what is up? [14:07] thanks michaelh [14:08] user_: not sure what's up, but I know what's down : my kubuntu's ability to discover other pcs on the network is down ! [14:08] My download failed here [14:09] Ok that worked now I have the grub option in the F12 select boot device menu [14:10] Now how do I get that to show up in the UEFI select boot order menu? [14:10] Cooler: f12 is the one time boot ? [14:11] Oh wait I just rebooted and now it's in the select boot order menu [14:11] And there we go [14:11] Now grub is set as the default bootloader [14:11] Thanks for the help [14:12] Yes F12 is the one time boot [14:12] Cooler: great [14:13] Do I need to update after a fresh install? [14:13] is there anouther irc channel I could try for gnome-keyring issues on ubuntu? [14:13] Update Ubuntu 18 === Nicmavr is now known as Guest62234 === nat_ is now known as Natkeeran [14:21] i have installed vpn network manager / gnome etc, l2tp, vpnc etc. Once I create the vpn and click the radio button, it doesn't do anything. it just goes back to off [14:21] Is it normal to have devices labeled loop0, loop1, loop2 when looking at disk activity in nmon? [14:21] i have already restarted te services [14:22] pragmaticenigma: yes, snaps' loopbacks [14:23] ah, that makes sense blackflow ... any idea why there'd be 4 of them? and is there a way to see which device belongs to which snap === Guest62234 is now known as Kestrel-029 [14:26] pragmaticenigma: snap list will show you how many snaps you have installed. in Bionic, by default there's a nubmer of them. [14:26] i have none on bionic [14:26] pragmaticenigma: not sure about checking which device is which, maybe throuhg mountpoints in /snap/... [14:27] ppf: you removed them? :) [14:27] upgraded from artful [14:27] ppf, same here,no snaps with do-release-upgrade [14:27] odd... I only have core listed for snaps... yet 4 devices [14:27] pragmaticenigma, df -H [14:28] ppf, but there are with a fresh install [14:28] ioria: interesting, am i missing out on anything? [14:28] Why is there no brightness setting in the display settings? [14:29] not a fan of snap to be honest [14:29] How do I change brightness? [14:29] Cooler: your monitor or display driver may not support setting the brightness [14:29] Yes it does [14:29] I was able to do it on windows [14:29] Cooler: *driver [14:29] This is a laptop screen btw [14:29] Do I have to update the drivers? [14:30] ppf, nope , i think it's normal ...let's say system-monitor ; now it's a snap but if you upgrade from 17.10 it just upgrades the repo pkg [14:30] Cooler: you may have to use the keyboard functions to change the brightness... If the drivers do not detect the ability, they will not display the option in the control panel [14:30] I didn't install any 3rd party drivers [14:30] How do I update the drivers [14:31] it's actually a bit disconcerting that upgrading leads to quite a different installation, than instaling from scratch. not sure upgrading is ever even recommended then... [14:31] Oh wait a second wth [14:31] There is a brightness setting on the power tab [14:31] And I can change the brightness there [14:32] Cooler: That would be because the display driver doesn't support it, however the power management drivers do [14:33] imgur.com/qXobg5o [14:33] So I need to update the drivers then [14:34] How [14:34] ? [14:34] If you can control it from the power management screen, that's all you're going to get... Ubuntu isn't like Windows... theere is no Update drivers, because the latest drivers are always installed [14:35] What [14:35] No there's an option to install 3rd party drivers [14:35] Maybe that will help [14:35] hello [14:36] how can i emulate a hardisk to make seem like cd-rom drive ? [14:36] That's not an update Cooler ... that's installing third party drivers... not the same thing [14:36] mrpanda: why? [14:36] i wanna install a game.. [14:37] Yeah but maybe it will help [14:41] mrpanda 's question interests me, i wonder if it's possible [14:41] hmm i think done it before [14:41] but forgot how [14:41] I have a c program that does printf. Works fine in terminal mode. I put it in a service and want to see the output someplace. I have tried StandardOutput=file:/ All storage devices are treated in a similar fashion... CD-ROM are just harddrives mounted as readonly... Are you sure mrpanda, that you are not meaning you want to mount an ISO image as a disk so you can play your game? [14:42] yes i guess [14:43] i tried furious iso mount [14:43] for docker users (I've asked in #docker already) I've lost internet connection after installing docker, and the docs suggest disabling the NetworkManager, but considering a production machine [14:43] GrandPa-G: When an application is launched as a service, it's output is not displayed anywhere... the application needs to write its own log file [14:43] what is the tradeoff in disabling networkmanager? [14:44] I can't find a proper workaround in google, so far I have to hardcode the dns address to google's [14:45] related: https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/36153 [14:48] MonkeyDust: that would be something with mount iso loop, but do know what you're installing. === coconut_away is now known as coconut [14:49] pragmaticenigma:then what is the point of the StandardOuput option in systemd? [14:50] coconut address mrpanda, he came up with the question [14:51] ok, merci [14:51] oops, sorry [14:51] figure have to make iso from img [14:51] no worries [14:51] have nice day :) [14:52] GrandPa-G: This might help... I'm not familiar with systemd, only that services typically don't provide output to stdout [14:52] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37585758/how-to-redirect-output-of-systemd-service-to-a-file [14:53] pragmaticenigma:I wouldn't be here asking if I hadn't already did the google and found such answers. I am trying to find someone who has actucally done this and it worked. [14:54] use full path for that output file [14:55] GrandPa-G: you may also want to google for flushing a (file) buffer [14:56] nmrh:I don't even get the file created. [14:57] GrandPa-G: It might have been written to a "buffer" but the buffer never was "flushed" before the program exited [14:57] GrandPa-G: sorry, its been a while since I ran into a problem like this... just a suggestion of where to look for solutions [14:58] nmrh:that maybe true, but the file still should have been created but 0 length. [15:00] GrandPa-G: that is sensible and rational but I seem to recall that my sense and reason didn't apply === u0_a270 is now known as Ndraz3n [15:02] who online? [15:03] hello [15:03] Ndraz3n this is the ubuntu support channel, ask your ubuntu question here [15:03] GrandPa-G: You may have better luck with /join ##programming ... as they're are likely more people there who have a solution. [15:03] how install ubuntu [15:04] !install [15:04] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate [15:04] pragmaticenigma:this is not a programming question, it is a systemd service question [15:04] thanks all [15:06] GrandPa-G: We're equiped to handle system configuration and running of applications that are provided through Ubuntu's software repositories. You mentioned that you were working with a C programing, which I assumed meant you were coding and testing an application. [15:07] sup [15:07] im melon [15:07] sup [15:07] Hello, i want to install Wireshark. It asks me whether i want to install "dumpcap" vs having to run WS as root. Anyone got experience with that, and an opinion on the issue? [15:08] melon_: Weclome, do you have an Ubuntu related support question? Please feel free to ask it at anytime. Please understand this channel is for Ubuntu support. If you are interested in chatting, please see #ubuntu-offtopic. [15:08] adrian_1908: It depends on what purpose you are installing Wireshark for [15:09] correction: It asks about installing "dumpcap" in a certain way, not whether at all. [15:09] pragmaticenigma: just for me, on my home system, single user basically. [15:09] And i want to learn a bit about where packets go, nothing too serious. Won't be using it daily. [15:09] adrian_1908: running wireshark as root is considered dangerous / unsafe, since it does a lot of complex filtering on network traffic and this can easily result in sevrity vulnerabilities, which could then be easily exploited by a network attacker, gaining instant root on your sstem. === Kestrel-029 is now known as Guest16446 [15:09] adrian_1908: I'd opt for the run WS as root option then [15:10] Nope changed to Nvidia drivers and still no brightness option [15:10] sevrity -> severe [15:11] tomreyn: In either case it runs with system level permissions. The question is installing dumpcap as a service versus launching the process when Wireshark is run [15:11] The query message has about as divergent an suggestion as you two guys ;) === Guest16446 is now known as Nicmavr [15:13] adrian_1908: I would suggest installing Kali-Linux to a VM (or even another copy of Ubuntu) and running Wireshark from there while you get familiar with it. [15:13] "Dumpcap can be installed in a way ... This is recommended over the alternative of running WS directly as root." and 2 paragraphs below: "Enabling this feature may be a security risk, so it is disabled by default. In in doubt, it is suggested to leave it disabled". [15:13] adrian_1908: Without the full context, some of that is lost on me... [15:14] pragmaticenigma: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3GngKBtTPC/ [15:15] adrian_1908: Wireshark needs a component to run with administrator/root level permissions in order to "tap" into the network connections. That component is dumpcap. When you run WS as root, dumpcap gets it's permissions from the execution of wireshark as root. [15:16] adrian_1908: The other method, installs dumpcap as a system service. Where it always has the permissions it needs. The "as a service" as a security risk as it runs as a service and can potentially become an attack vector to compromise your system [15:17] adrian_1908: because dumpcap as a service is always on, instead of running WS as root, which means it is only running when WS is running [15:17] pragmaticenigma: I see. I think i'll opt for the run-as-root path then. [15:18] which looks to be the default () [15:18] adrian_1908: that's what I do with mine. If I were using wireshark as a network monitoring tool full time, or as part of a network security implementation, or shared environment; I would opt for the dumpcap as a service. [15:19] pragmaticenigma: right. ok, thanks a lot for the quick help! [15:21] adrian_1908: you're welcome [15:29] /leave === X230t is now known as Chinesium [15:37] is there a way to disable the top bar? [15:37] i mean like hide it when an application is maximized [15:38] sure, there are tons of gnome extentions, also "hide topbar" https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/545/hide-top-bar/ [15:39] and F11 does the same [15:39] CoolerZ: Do note that most of your applications use the top bar for their menu's ... hiding it may remove some functionality [15:41] Also... if you want to remove it... say when using your browser... then F11 will also remove your tabs. [15:47] pragmaticenigma, that doesn't seem to be true [15:47] the menu bar is in the application window itself, not the top bar [15:47] the only this in the top bar is the application and if you click it the option to quit [15:49] JimBuntu, yeah but if you move your mouse close to the top while in fullscreen mode then the tabs will reappear [15:50] CoolerZ, thank you, great to know. [15:52] how do i move the things around? [15:52] the top bar and the side bar? [15:54] ok theres an option in settings > dock [15:54] not. there is some option in systemsettings, but for the sidebar only [15:54] and gnome-tweak-tool might have more [15:55] and on top of that gnome-shell-extensions [15:55] go wild [16:01] hi all! i am having some problem with my server. i have installed ubuntu 18 server and due to the softwares, i need to use the legacy network naming (eth0, eth1). i used GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" and then update-grub. however, it fails to get an ip. i see igb ... pcie link lost, device now detached warning. and 'ip a' shows that the ethernet port is down. any suggestions? [16:01] i upgraded ubuntu to bionic from artful and i got this https://bpaste.net/show/09d9116221eb some problem with gpg using oobsolete commands so now i can't use encrypted backups? [16:03] cihhan: if you change the NIC name, you have to adjust the network config files as well. check /etc/netplan/... unless you configured something else instead [16:04] cihhan: I would revert the changed settings back to their original and find a better solution. Starting with the application looking for eth0 may have an update (as the dropping of eth0 has been planned for 12 years) [16:04] pragmaticenigma: "dropping of eth0"? what. [16:04] dropping of the usage eth0 [16:04] using the newer naming methods [16:05] certainly not by the kernel (who does the (re)naming), as that would break userland which Linus is VERY LOUDLY against :) [16:05] netplan +1 [16:06] blackflow: I thought it was controlled through ifconfig [16:06] my bad [16:07] ifconfig is deprecated, tho'. if that's what you meant. [16:07] anyone here use kde plasma desktop? [16:07] blackflow and pragmaticenigma: the thing is another computer is working just fine with the same configuraiton. however, this one is giving such an issue. [16:07] cihhan: right so did you check the config files? [16:07] the other problem is that unfortunately this is the case bcs i can't change multiple softwares [16:07] is it the same as kubuntu-desktop? [16:07] i was also using net-tools (/etc/init.d/networking) [16:07] and it seems to be fine [16:07] according to this website you need tasksel to install it? [16:07] https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-kde-plasma-desktop-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux [16:08] CoolerZ, yeas, but join the #kubuntu channel and ask about neon [16:08] cihhan: the method you used I have found a thread with dozens of comments saying to not do it... it was applied to Ubuntu 16.04.x version... what I'm seeing is there are udev rules that need to be changed to make it work properly [16:08] pragmaticenigma: no you don't [16:08] net.ifnames=0 suffices [16:09] you'll also need to change the netplan config [16:09] cihhan: did you reboot after making the change? [16:09] CoolerZ: Plasma desktop is the engine that KDE uses to create it's desktop environment. It is included with any KDE installation. Which is provided by the kubuntu installation. You can also install KDE in your current system if you like without requiring a reinstall [16:10] ugh, netsplit [16:10] leftyfb: yep, i rebooted. also afaik, if you have net-tools and ifupdown, you can skip netplan [16:10] cihhan: I would grep -R /etc for the old NIC names [16:11] cihhan: but taht requires proper config in /etc/network/interfaces .. did you set that up? === wiak_ is now known as wiak [16:11] blackflow: yep, i have the configuration [16:11] cihhan: pastebin it please? [16:11] blackflow: no network ;) [16:11] the issue is that when i run 'ip a', i see that the port is down even though it should be up [16:11] leftyfb: and he's here how? magick and fairy dust? :) [16:11] s/he [16:12] and it says igb,,, eth0: PCIe link lost, device now detached [16:12] blackflow: how are they going to get the config from the server to the client he's on now? usb flash drive? [16:12] leftyfb: obs from the console. or else this assistance is moot as teh server can't be reached.... [16:12] *obviously [16:13] pragmaticenigma, what is kde? [16:13] blackflow: think 2 machines. One he's online with now talking to us. The other is the server that is not online at all. There's no way to pastebin configs from that offline server unless sneaker-netting conf files to the client workstation [16:13] CoolerZ: KDE is an alternative Desktop Environment, Gnome is the default isntalled with Ubuntu, KDE is the default that is installed with Kubuntu === tolecnal is now known as tolecnal1 [16:14] ok [16:14] cihhan: what does "ifconfig" show for interface names? The original or the legacy? [16:14] and why is it called kubuntu === tolecnal1 is now known as tolecnal [16:14] leftyfb: you do realize there is also then no way to fix it? [16:14] CoolerZ: To help differentiate between the two installation options. [16:14] cihhan: can you ssh to the server or otherwise access the terminal? [16:14] blackflow: incorrect. keyboard and monitors work fine [16:14] SIGH! [16:15] leftyfb: it shows that there is no packet transfer at all [16:15] it show eth0 [16:15] cihhan: I didn't ask that [16:15] blackflow: i cant, it doesnt have any network packet transfer at all [16:15] cihhan: ok. Are you setting static ip's or dhcp in your configs? [16:15] cihhan: can you access the machine, look at the interfaces file and pastebin that please? [16:15] What was that with freenode a minute ago? (or was it me?) [16:15] CoolerZ: The K is for KDE... a common naming convention used by developers "back in the day" to show the application the wrote was for KDE versus Gnome [16:15] cihhan: then how are you planning to fix this? [16:16] leftyfb: doesnt matter -- it shows the interface as down [16:16] even though the cable is connected [16:16] blackflow: what part of this aren't you getting? The machine is completely offline. To say we won't help you get it online because you can't get it online is silly [16:16] cihhan: it does matter [16:16] * pragmaticenigma is stepping away for a bit... [16:16] blackflow: what part of this aren't you getting? The machine is completely offline. To say we won't help you get it online because you can't get it online is silly [16:16] cihhan: ok. Are you setting static ip's or dhcp in your configs? [16:16] `ip link show` shows that it is DOWN [16:16] cihhan: stop [16:16] leftyfb: dhcp [16:16] ok [16:16] pragmaticenigma, so its like xwindow? [16:16] cihhan: can you set it to a static ip for troubleshooting purposes? [16:16] leftyfb: setting where if her's no acces to the machine? [16:16] CoolerZ: No [16:17] blackflow: there is not NO access to the machine. There's just not network access to it [16:17] i remember trying and it didnt work, let me try again [16:17] there clearly is access to it, or they couldn't get `ip link` output ... [16:17] cihhan: lets try it now [16:17] leftyfb: so what's the problem about pastebinning the interface file? those few lines can't be retyped? a photo can't be taken? [16:17] set of window management libraries? [16:17] CoolerZ: what are you asking about? what kde is? [16:18] pffffffff [16:18] is tris trivia? [16:19] cihhan: after you configure the static ip's, try: sudo ifup eth0 [16:19] did anyone working on cihan's issue notice that it's not the NIC looing a network link but the PCI link beetween mainboard and NIC going down? [16:19] tomreyn: where did you see that? [16:19] "igb ... pcie link lost, device now detached" - the message quoted here twice [16:20] that would be a problem then [16:20] ifup eth0 says no such device somehow. interesting. [16:20] cihhan: dmesg -T [16:20] cihhan: do you see the NIC disconnecting from the pcie bus there? [16:20] it may still be an igb bug, or a mainboard / mainboard firmware / NIC firmware / power issue. === tom__ is now known as tchrist [16:21] ok here is another thing i tried [16:21] anyway is it really heavy weight? kde plasma? [16:21] please notice > https://freenode.net/news/security-update-rpa [16:21] i tried lshw -c network and it shows them as disabled [16:21] cihhan: dmesg -T [16:21] some websites saying xfce is better for laptops, battery powered devices [16:21] leftyfb: srsly?! after you trolled about that request to pastebin interfaces?! [16:21] CoolerZ, only you can tell on your system/specs [16:22] CoolerZ: 'heavy weight' is totally relative. it is heavier than xfce, etc. [16:22] i recently read the changelog for one of the more common intel NICs which are driven by igb, and i think it said something about a NIC firmware issue there. [16:22] blackflow: I didn't ask to pastebin anything [16:22] the last things are PCIe link list, device now detached [16:22] forgot the details, though [16:22] CoolerZ: I would not say any of the flavors are specifically better for 'laptops' [16:22] CoolerZ: if your machine is older/slower, you might find the desktop more responsive with lubuntu/xubuntu certainly [16:22] cihhan: maybe power down and re-seat the NIC's? [16:23] leftyfb: the last things are saying PCIe link list, device now detached [16:23] leftyfb: i have rebooted multiple times... [16:23] cihhan: it appears to be a hardware issue [16:23] cihhan: I didn't say reboot [16:23] cihhan: $1M question. do you have working networking when you remove those kernel command line options? [16:23] ooh but when i go back to the regular ubuntu 18 confiugration, they are working again [16:24] cihhan: "regular 18 configuration"? [16:24] blackflow: yes, at the beginning it works fine with the clean ubuntu 18 configuration, it works fine [16:24] so can we go back to square one please and start with the config at hand, pastebin, retype, take a photo, whatev... [16:24] after i change the device names to eth0, it fails [16:24] cihhan: can you reproduce this now? [16:24] cihhan: can you somehow show us the configuration you're using? [16:24] leftyfb: sure, i can just comment out the /etc/default/grub file conf and update-grub and reboot [16:25] cihhan: ok, can you do that now? Can you get it back online by reverting your changes? [16:25] blackflow: you mean the network or the grub change? [16:25] cihhan: network [16:25] leftyfb: sure, let me do it [16:28] with an empty /etc/network/interfaces file, it got an ip from the dhcp server and it has internet now [16:28] here's an example log for when igb reports this issue (ooold kernel, unrelated issue, just to know what the log records look like); https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/7233151/ [16:28] leftyfb: with an empty /etc/network/interfaces file, it got an ip from the dhcp server and it has internet now [16:29] * blackflow gives up. good luck [16:29] again, netplan +1 [16:30] blackflow: thanks a lot for the suggestions so far, i truly understand [16:30] pada jalan" doang [16:30] hello [16:30] !en | MR_Sp0ngeBoB [16:30] MR_Sp0ngeBoB: The main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [16:30] asek asek joss [16:30] heloo [16:31] cihhan: ok, so no E/N/I and you get an ip? [16:31] i cant speaking english [16:31] !es | MR_Sp0ngeBoB [16:31] MR_Sp0ngeBoB: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [16:31] interesting, does ubuntu have anything on ctrl + u and ctrl + l ? [16:32] !id | MR_Sp0ngeBoB: [16:32] MR_Sp0ngeBoB:: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia [16:32] ngomong apaan si [16:32] siip [16:32] leftyfb: what is E/N/I? but yes, it gets ip from dhcp server. [16:32] because in sublime text ctrl + u is set to uppercase the selected text [16:32] but instead it deselects the selection [16:32] cihhan: with eth0 as the iface name? [16:32] and ctrl + l is supposed to lower case the selection, but instead it selects the entire line [16:33] leftyfb: no, i just returned to the original naming [16:33] in the keybindings file, the keyboard shortcut hasn't been changed [16:34] and also in the command palette, "convert to uppercase" command still shows ctrl + u [16:34] cihhan: ok, I think your issue is that you still have netplan controlling things but then are trying to use interfaces to config and things get confusing [16:34] CoolerZ, but sublime text is paid stuff, and does not follow the open source rules [16:34] do i have to change the keyboard shortcuts in the ubuntu settings? === shann_ is now known as shannara [16:35] oerheks, what does that have to do with this? [16:35] also its free to use [16:35] leftyfb: let me purge it and go back to eth0 to test it again [16:35] leftyfb: do you think that it would be a good idea to try? [16:35] cihhan: I didn't say switch back to eth0 [16:36] cihhan: I think it would be a good idea to listen to suggestions [16:36] cihhan: and stick to 1 path of troubleshooting at a time [16:37] leftyfb: the problems are there are multiple softwares written for the old interfaces. now, i cant just go over so many tools and change them right now. this is why im trying to find a way to make it work using the old way [16:37] cihhan: As of right now, you are online and things are working. If you want it working with ifupdown, then you need to figure out how to properly migrate from netplan to ifupown so they don't conflict. DO NOT mix other variables in like changing the interface names yet [16:37] cihhan: 1 thing at a time [16:38] cihhan: that said, you should not rely on software that hardcodes interface names ... but deal with that later [16:38] it implies that you need to alter the shortkeys to have the same feel & look, for one application [16:39] leftyfb: i know, but one thing at a time. so i cant change them right now. but that s in to do s list [16:39] oerheks, i am asking about ubuntu tho, does ubuntu have anything set on ctrl + u, if so can i change it? [16:39] leftyfb: regarding to the netplan, it seems that it s not installed right now also [16:39] cihhan: sure, but not right now. Work on properly migrating from netplan to ifupdown [16:40] cihhan: if you have no config in e/n/i (/etc/network/interfaces) then something else is controlling your network interfaces, more likely netplan. What makes you think netplan isn't installed right now? [16:41] CoolerZ, yes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts [16:41] that ctrl + i gives italic [16:41] leftyfb: i remember that i installed net-tools and ifupdown. so they might be the ones controlling [16:42] cihhan: if you have no config in e/n/i (/etc/network/interfaces) then something else is controlling your network interfaces, more likely netplan. What makes you think netplan isn't installed right now? [16:42] the ctrl keys are common, so why sublime text wants to change that, really not good [16:42] leftyfb: apt remove netplan shows that it s not installed [16:42] cihhan, dpkg -l netplan.io [16:44] ioria: you are right, it s still there. i thought it s netplan, not netplan.io [16:44] cihhan, but no need to remove it, in my opinion [16:44] netplan is a package name [16:45] ok, looks like it doesn't get installed though [16:45] interesting [16:45] because of ifupdown [16:45] good to tell such details at the end [16:47] cihhan: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/disable-netplan-on-ubuntu-17-10.html [16:47] ioria: will that work in 18.04? [16:47] let me see [16:47] ioria: let me try that part too [16:48] leftyfb, no idea, but easy to test and revert [16:48] seems like a simple fix, but seems lower level then it needs to be [16:48] ioria: let me try [16:49] cihhan, i guess you wanna get rid of netplan config and use the interfaces file with ifupdown,right ? [16:50] test [16:51] leftyfb: netplan is not the same as nplan [16:51] ioria: yes and also with eth0 namings [16:51] leftyfb: just an fyi, it's an *old* package name [16:52] cihhan, and atm your interface name is ? enp3s something ? [16:52] eth0 is enp0s31p6 [16:52] cihhan: do you have a strong reason to change the naming? why do you specifically care? [16:53] nacc: legacy applications with hardcoded iface names :/ [16:53] leftyfb: oh goodness. [16:53] nacc: because i have legacy softwares that use the eth* namings and i cant change them all at this moment [16:53] yeah [16:53] cihhan, that ^ first you need a trick to restore the old naming [16:53] ioria: I would say getting ifupdown working first if that's one of the end goals [16:54] ioria: no sense in dealing with netplan configs if it's going away [16:54] leftyfb, yes [16:54] cihhan, can you paste your *.yaml file ? [16:54] but netplan is unrelated to the network device naming; no need to remove it (afaict) [16:55] nacc: I agree, but not sure if there's another reason they want ifupdown [16:55] GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" [16:55] I personally prefer ifupdown :) [16:55] ioria: we did that and it caused problems because they assumed ifupdown was working and changed the configs there [16:55] leftyfb, ah [16:55] ioria: also, there's no network, so pasting configs requires sneakernetting [16:56] ioria: i have applied this now GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" and i still have internet [16:56] cihhan: have you rebooted since? [16:56] :/ [16:56] but when i have the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0", it completely fails [16:56] nacc, update-grub and reboot [16:56] cihhan, do you have connection right now or not ? [16:57] sorry i made a mistake in my previous msg [16:57] cihhan: those two sentences eem contradictory [16:57] i have this GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="netcfg/do_not_use_netplan=true" and i have internet [16:57] when i have these GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" i lose internet [16:58] and 'ip link show' shows that all the ports are down [16:58] cihhan, maybe because you did not chanhe netplan accordingly [16:58] *change [16:58] lshw -c network shows that all the network devices are disabled [16:58] cihhan, do you have connection right now or not ? [16:58] cihhan: you need to slow down [16:58] cihhan: you need to stop [16:59] cihhan: we cannot help you if you keep changing things without anyone suggesting the changes. We cannot keep troubleshooting a moving target [16:59] cihhan: it works like this, we suggest a change, you make change and confirm results. Then we work on another change together. [17:00] leftyfb: this was something i have observed before. right now i just added GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="netcfg/do_not_use_netplan=true" and my device name is enp0s31f6 right now [17:00] cihhan: stop bringing up before. We're only working with right now [17:00] cihhan: did you update-grub? [17:00] leftyfb: yes [17:00] cihhan: did you reboot? === beaky1 is now known as beaky [17:00] leftyfb: yes [17:01] cihhan: ok then we focus on this one issue, nothing else. Do not change or mention anything else [17:01] anyone? [17:01] !ask | tony_ [17:01] tony_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [17:02] nope, anyone is gone with everybody [17:02] wooo [17:02] fire [17:02] tony_: what ubuntu support question do you have? [17:02] leftyfb: im listening to your suggestings [17:02] im just checking [17:02] im new to irc [17:02] cihhan: sudo grep netcfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg [17:03] tony_: that's not the purpose of this channel :) [17:03] tony_: try #ubuntu-offtopic if you are interested in chatting [17:03] cihhan: do you get results? [17:03] tip 1 : read the topic [17:04] leftyfb: it shows netcfg/do_not_use_netplan=true (5 times) [17:04] ok [17:04] cihhan: then looks like that grub config doesn't work. Have to come up with a different way to switch from netplan to ifupdown [17:05] leftyfb: ok [17:05] is there android emulator other than anbox? [17:05] how do i switch between internal speakers and headphones when the headphone jack is plugged in? for some reason pacmd set-sink-port 0 analog-output-speaker is silent [17:06] !sound | motte start here [17:06] motte start here: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [17:06] cihhan: Unfortunately, I have yet to run 18.04 on any servers. I do not yet know the proper way to switch. [17:07] nacc: ? ioria ? [17:07] yep [17:07] cihhan, do you have connection right now or not ? [17:07] leftyfb: to switch from netplan to ifupdown? install ifupdown, remove the netplan config (it won't run if it's not configured), setup /e/n/i like usual, profit. [17:07] ioria: yes, i have [17:07] is there any android imulator other than anbox? [17:07] nacc: yeah, in my brief google, I found that to be the answer as well [17:08] !repeat | tony_ [17:08] tony_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [17:08] cihhan, and using netplan, right ? [17:08] ioria: im not sure. how can i double check? [17:08] cihhan, ps -A | grep -i network [17:09] cihhan, ps -A | grep -i network | pastebinit [17:09] ioria: it onyly has systemd-network and networkd-dispat [17:10] cihhan, can't you use pastebinit ? for some reason ? [17:10] let me ssh to that computer then [17:10] just a sec [17:10] cihhan, oh, it's a server ? [17:10] cihhan, ubuntu server-edition iso ,imean ? [17:10] ioria: yep, it s another machine. im just using my laptop for irc now [17:11] tony_ there are more than 400 people in the #android channel, better inform there [17:11] ioria: yes, it s ubuntu server 18 [17:11] cihhan, ps -A | grep -i network | pastebinit [17:11] how do i swich to gdm from lightdm? [17:12] tony_: why? [17:12] cihhan, if it has default config, it should use netplan with systemd-netkord as renderer [17:12] ioria: here is the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2s6k8C357n/ [17:12] im not liking the lightdm display manager [17:12] i prefer gdm [17:12] although im using unity rn [17:13] if im connected via ssh as sudo how can i run some command as www-data user ? [17:13] soee: connected via ssh as sudo? [17:13] soee: do you mean you ran "sudo su" after you ssh'd to a remote machine? [17:14] soee: sudo su www-data (won't work if there's no shell for www-data) [17:14] soee: why do you need to run some command as www-data? [17:14] im a user that has sudo power but i want to run command as www-data [17:14] lotuspsychje: i dont think any of these pages contains an answer to my question. is it likely that switching to internal speakers while headphone jack is plugged in is impossible due to hardware? laptop is a T420 [17:14] ioria: any suggestions? [17:15] cihhan, sorry. disconnected [17:15] ioria_2: no problem [17:15] cihhan, the url ? [17:16] ioria_2: sure, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2s6k8C357n/ [17:16] cihhan, cat /etc/netplan/*.yaml | pastebinit [17:17] ioria_2: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NwNk654pzx/ [17:17] cihhan, mmm... are you sure is server ? [17:18] ioria_2: yep, ubuntu 18.04 server [17:18] ioria_2: why? [17:18] cihhan, is the original or you changed it ? [17:19] cihhan, the yaml file,i mean [17:19] ioria_2: i just installed ifupdown and net-tools [17:19] ioria_2: i didnt touch it at all [17:19] cihhan, ok,confitm in 'ip a' that enp0s31f6 is your working and UP interface [17:20] *confirm [17:20] ioria_2: yes it shows it as UP [17:20] so far plasma is looking amazing [17:20] runs smoothly and looks really professional [17:20] cihhan, cat /etc/network/interfaces | pastebinit [17:20] ioria_2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PDBC9vwddn/ [17:20] ioria_2: sure, just a sec [17:21] ioria_2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RbMXsHrDQm/ [17:21] this should just be the default [17:22] cihhan, for now set that file with 'lo' and ' enp0s31f6' ststic or dhcp ... yuo know how ? [17:22] ioria_2: sure let me do it [17:22] CoolerZ: that's nice that you have that opinion. You are welcome to use KDE if you like. [17:24] ioria_2: is this ok? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NdB2X2xsSh/ [17:25] cihhan, add dns-nameservers (or whatever) [17:25] :) [17:25] CoolerZ: it is for some distro's... [17:25] for some reason my desktop icons have got huge [17:26] easier to type [17:26] how can i reset them thanks? [17:26] ioria_2: ok, i have added it too, shall i reboot or what? [17:26] on ubuntu 18 [17:26] cihhan, nope, cd in /etc/netplan and backup all your *.yaml files [17:27] ioria_2: ok, done [17:27] cihhan, ls -l /etc/resolv.conf (you can paste it in here) [17:27] ioria_2: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Apr 26 19:07 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf [17:28] cihhan, now the hard part ....resolvconf is installed ? dpkg-l | grep resolvconf [17:29] ioria_2: it seems not -- empty output [17:29] ioria_2: can you give me a min, brb [17:29] cihhan, oknp [17:31] Is https the default these days with apt? (i cannot check at the moment) [17:32] coconut: no. [17:32] coconut: the default ubuntnu repo's are not configured as https by default [17:33] ioria_2: ok im back -- so what shall i do next? [17:33] cihhan, ifupdown is installed,right ? [17:34] ioria_2: yep, it s installed [17:35] cihhan, ok, systemd-resolved is running now ? [17:35] cihhan, ps -A | grep resolv [17:35] I was just thinking though... is there much to encrypt when deb's are binaries? [17:35] ioria_2: yes, it is running [17:36] cihhan, sudo apt install resolvconf [17:36] ioria_2: Package 'resolvconf' has no installation candidate [17:37] !info resolvconf [17:37] resolvconf (source: resolvconf): name server information handler. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.79ubuntu10 (bionic), package size 47 kB, installed size 183 kB [17:37] cihhan, do you have universe enabled ? [17:37] most prob not, when i search it doesnt show anything [17:37] oh, filenames off course, well.. [17:38] cihhan, check /etc/apt/sources.list [17:38] but on server should be enabled [17:38] ioria_2: they are not commented [17:39] ioria_2: for ex., deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic universe [17:39] cihhan, can you paste it ? [17:39] ioria_2: ok installing it now, i needed apt update first [17:40] ioria_2: installed [17:40] cihhan, ok [17:40] cihhan, sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved [17:40] ioria_2: ok stopped it [17:41] hi [17:41] cihhan, sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved [17:41] how to resize desktop icons? [17:41] ioria_2: ok, removed the service now, disabled [17:41] 01010100101010010101010 [17:41] cihhan, sudo dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf (here i cannot help you, be intuitive :þ) [17:42] ada orang goblok disini? [17:42] ioria_2: ok, reconfigured and this it the output resolvconf-pull-resolved.service is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it. [17:42] jefri: can we help you with somrthing? [17:42] yeah [17:43] Is there any management tool to check hash sums of files every some days? [17:43] ah, it's MR_Sp0ngeBoB [17:43] ioria_2: i have a question though. right now i have internet and it is working all fine. i think the issue is regarding to the naming change [17:43] shocker, with u0_a121 as the ident [17:43] ioria_2: but im listening to you [17:44] cihhan, we need an /etc/resolv.conf like this '-> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf' [17:44] can you teach me about "opencv" on cam live multi-colour? [17:44] cihhan, ls -l /etc/resolv.conf [17:44] jefri: /join #opencv [17:44] ioria_2: here, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Jun 29 17:42 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf [17:44] ok [17:45] oh salah masuka aku ternyata [17:45] maap ye [17:45] :D [17:45] cihhan, now ,you should have a working /e/n/i without netplan ... [17:45] ioria_2: ok [17:45] jefri: English only [17:45] ioria_2: how about the eth0 problem? [17:46] cihhan, eth0 vs enp0s31f6 is something different ... [17:46] cihhan, reboot [17:46] ubuntu 17.10 shows a ad-hoc type network every time I enable wireless. I created this network a long while ago, but I can not find it in the list of networks in order to delete it and stop it from happening [17:46] ioria_2: sure [17:46] cihhan, it's the predictable naming [17:46] is there some config file somewhere for the networkmanager config? [17:48] ioria_2: ok, rebooted [17:48] and it s workign with static ip now === fabionet is now known as FabioNET [17:48] cihhan, good job ...now cat /etc/default/grub | pastebinit [17:49] ioria_2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZxYm8mbMmn/ [17:51] cihhan, comment this line : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="netcfg/do_not_use_netplan=true" [17:51] ok [17:52] cihhan, uncomment this : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" and add in quotes : net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 [17:52] ioria_2: what s next? [17:53] ioria_2: ok done [17:53] paste it again, please [17:53] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HcrbGmNvdp/ [17:53] ioria_2: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HcrbGmNvdp/ [17:55] cihhan, what is "maybe-ubiquity" ? [17:55] ioria_2: i believe that it came by itself. i didnt put it there, so i didnt touch ut [17:55] cihhan, ok, sudo update-grub [17:56] ioria_2: done [17:56] cihhan, now, you should have ,when rebooted, the old interface names ,but not sure it will be eth0 because you have a lot of nics [17:57] ioria_2: we ll see :-) let s test :-D [17:57] cihhan, ok [17:58] ioria_2: right now none of them are active, no internert [17:58] ioria_2, cihhan: couldn't you edit udev rules only,thats if you have small number of machines [17:58] sorry eth devices [17:58] cihhan, check 'ip a' [17:59] memphisto: for going back to eth naming? [17:59] ioria_2: all are showing down (though the names are ethX) [17:59] cihhan, sure ... you nee to change /etc/network/interfaces [18:00] cihhan, with the right(new name [18:00] ioria_2: sure im doing it now [18:00] cihhan, is eth0 or what ? [18:00] but since the cable is connected, it should have shown up as far as i know [18:00] ioria_2: yes, eth0 [18:01] cihhan, good, change enpxxx with eth0 [18:01] cihhan: in udev rules you can name it what ever you like [18:01] hi [18:01] where are you from all? === mous is now known as mouses [18:02] ioria_2: all of them are down. it got the static ip but no internet, 0 packet transfer [18:02] . [18:02] . [18:02] . [18:02] . [18:02] . [18:02] memphisto: hmmm. maybe instead of changing the grub conf, i should check that. [18:02] cihhan, did you edit /e/n/i ? [18:02] ioria_2: yes [18:02] cihhan, have you rebooted ? [18:03] jefri: this channel is not for general chitchat, please stop. [18:03] ioria_2: it got the static ip for eth0 but it s not active [18:03] ioria_2: yes i rebooted too === mouses is now known as mous [18:03] cihhan, sudo ifconfig eth0 up [18:04] ioria_2: it was already showing with ifconfig. but i did again. and still not internet [18:04] cihhan: is the link showing as active? [18:04] `ip link` iirc [18:04] cihhan, ping [18:05] ioria_2: no internet [18:05] nacc: kernel panic, let me reboot [18:05] just a sec [18:05] cihhan, paste 'ifconfig' [18:05] uh... [18:05] spontaneous kernel panic? [18:06] nacc yeah... weird. [18:06] it s saying no network (during boot up_) waiting 30 sec now [18:06] nacc: all of them are down, nothing is up [18:06] cihhan: are you still getting the device down issues in dmesg? [18:06] s/issues/messages/ [18:07] nacc: yes, it s still showing it [18:07] eth0 pcie link list, device now detached [18:08] right, so i still believe your hardware is faulty/mis-seated [18:08] the pcie link should not be going up/down [18:08] nacc: but it works when i use the default naming of ubuntu. it fails when i go to ethX naming [18:08] cihhan, paste 'ifconfig' please [18:09] ioria_2: there is no internet so i cant paste anything [18:09] ok [18:09] but all the RX TX packets are 0 [18:09] ioria_2: even though the eth lights are blinking, the packets are all 0 [18:09] cihhan, dmesg what says ? [18:10] cihhan, dmesg | grep eth0 [18:10] the last thing is igb 000:03:00.0 eth0: PCIe link lost, device now detached [18:11] it says added, then eth0: PBA NO Unknown [18:11] ioria_2: then eth0 link is not ready [18:11] and [18:11] ioria_2: this is the last msg igb 000:03:00.0 eth0: PCIe link lost, device now detached [18:12] it's not clear to me if you gave your device long enough while "it worked" with the default naming for it to fail [18:12] if it's a PCI bus issue, or a mis-seated card [18:13] cihhan, your kernel ? uname -r [18:14] how can i join a ubuntu machine to windows domain [18:14] ioria_2: 4.15.0-23-generic [18:15] xirg: samba [18:15] nacc: i have no idea as well, i have been trying to understand it all night long.... [18:15] cihhan: do you actually need 18.04? [18:15] cihhan: why not just install 16.04 with the appropriate grub options to change bios device naming? [18:16] nacc: unfortuantely yes... the network card seems to be working for only 18 [18:16] cihhan, and that nic, what is that ? lspci -k | grep -i ethe -A 3 [18:17] anyone free to help me? [18:17] cihhan: it's very strange, as the device name should be fully transparent to the device, it seems like a rather unfortunate bug [18:17] ioria_2: it shows Intel I211 [18:17] kernel driver in use: igb [18:18] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1442638 [18:18] cihhan, iirc you have several cards... [18:18] bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1442638 in kernel "igb ... PCIe link lost, device now detached, but reloading the igb module fixes things" [Unspecified,New] [18:18] funny [18:19] cihhan: can you try `sudo modprobe -r igb; sleep 1; sudo modprobe igb` ? [18:19] cihhan, ^ nacc ,try to reload [18:19] nvm checksum is not valud. pcie link lost, device now detached [18:20] uh [18:20] cihhan: that implies a firmware error, i think [18:20] "nvm checksum is not valid" ? [18:20] nacc: heck... [18:21] cihhan, i'd rename eth0 with enpxxx, change /etc/default/grub; sudo update-grub,reboot and paste lspci -k lol [18:21] https://sourceforge.net/p/e1000/mailman/e1000-devel/ has some people reporting similar stuff too [18:21] brb [18:22] nacc: the fun part is i have 3 of these machines and 2 of them are like this. the other one is working fine. and i have no idea why the working one is working.... everything is the same from my side. but it seems not from their side. [18:23] cihhan: have you checked they all are at the same fimrware level? [18:23] nacc: that s a good idea, let me try to check that [18:23] any suggestion on how i can check it [18:23] ? [18:24] cihhan: sudo ethtool -i, i think [18:24] cihhan: passing the device name [18:25] ok [18:25] let me connect the other machine and let me test [18:29] nacc: here is the weird thing again. ip link show shows ethX [18:29] and when i write ethtool -i eth0 it says cannot get driver information: no such device [18:29] the one working shows it fine though [18:32] nacc: any idea? [18:36] nacc, ioria: any suggestions? [18:36] cihhan, what i missed ? [18:36] ioria: nacc suggested that i should check the ethtool -i eth0 to get the driver info [18:36] for the one failing, it says that there is no such a device [18:37] sure [18:37] even though ip link show lists them as ethX [18:37] I have successfully installed virtual box guest additions now and checked with lsmod but it is still not working. [18:37] cihhan, do we know the exact model name of this nic ? [18:37] ioria: how can i learn it? [18:37] lspci? [18:37] yes [18:40] ioria: lshw -c network shows me Intel Ethernet Connection I219-LM === dewwii is now known as deww [18:40] this one is for the connected port [18:41] the other ports show I211 for example [18:41] cihhan, have you tried to unlodad and reload the module with -v flag ? [18:43] ioria: nope, i just tried modprobe -r igb and modprobe igb [18:43] cihhan, no output ? [18:44] let me try now but i had to restart it -- it says 5 min wai to raise network interfaces [18:44] Hi I am using pepper mint and want to learn if there is a Wifi hotspot program available? [18:46] are there any wifi hotspot programs available for linux? [18:47] I have successfully installed virtual box guest additions now and checked with lsmod but it is still not working. [18:50] cihhan: sorry,m was afk for a bit [18:51] aneedh: Best asked in the ##linux channel :) [18:53] Hello, Is anybody listening me here? [18:54] pankaj: yes, are you going to ask the saem question you just asked in #ubuntu-server? [18:54] nacc: But I am not getting any answer from that channel that is why I am asking here. [18:55] cihhan: can you cut/pastebin the outputs of the commands you are running? [18:55] nacc: The '.VboxLinux....run' package installed successfully at last and when I rebooted it is still the same. [18:59] nacc: Is their any answer to it or not? [18:59] oh you didn't use Vbox in softwarecenter, that comes with DKMS ? [18:59] cihhan: can you list content of your /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules [19:00] oerheks: To me? [19:00] pankaj, yes [19:00] oerheks: [19:02] oerheks: I installed dkms, build-essential, linux-headers-generic, linux-headers-$(uname -r) before running the executable of VboxGuest additions iso [19:02] aneedh: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/04/create-wifi-hotspot-ubuntu-16-04-android-supported/ [19:04] oerheks: And I am using ubuntu server 14.(I do not know other numbers ....) and I have not installed any GUI [19:09] memphisto: i dont have that file. i just have 70-snap.core.rules [19:09] memphisto: and it is really long. [19:11] cihhan, you could try another card, goot totest if it's hw related [19:11] oerheks: Sorry, I was disconnected. My mistake. So, is their any solution to this problem? [19:11] cihhan: have you pasted ip link output [19:11] memphisto: since there is no internet, i couldnt [19:12] cihhan: can't you take a picture and share via ...some sites [19:12] but they are basically all showing mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 [19:13] cihhan, still on ssh on physically on the server ? [19:13] memphisto: sure, if you want. i can do it, but this is all it shows [19:13] ioria: physically since there is no internet [19:13] lol [19:14] memphisto: do you want the photo? [19:15] oerheks: Please tell. If solution does not exist please tell. [19:15] cihhan: yes, i'd like to see what interfaces you have [19:15] cihhan, confirm lshw -c Network is : 'Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM' ? [19:16] what is the best way to install the vbox guest additions for ubuntu? [19:16] ioria: yes it s correct [19:17] cihhan, so maybe wrong mosule ... i'am reading it uses e1000e [19:17] !info virtualbox-guest-additions-iso | cxc99 [19:17] cxc99: virtualbox-guest-additions-iso (source: virtualbox-guest-additions-iso): guest additions iso image for VirtualBox. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 5.2.11-122181-1 (bionic), package size 38042 kB, installed size 56634 kB [19:17] yes but u don't have to install the iso, can't you use install vbox-guest-additions-dkms/x11? [19:17] i tried it, but for some reason the x11 ones have to be reinstalled after updating [19:19] cxc99: no such packages in ubuntu [19:20] ioria: this has been a good amount of headache... [19:20] be strong [19:21] cihhan, sudo modpobe -r igb && sudo modprobe e1000e [19:22] ioria: interesting [19:22] nacc, don't pay atention to me [19:23] virtualbox-guest-x11 virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-dkms [19:23] those are all in ubuntu 18.04 LTS [19:23] ioria: what else after that point? [19:23] cihhan, the output ? [19:23] ioria: it didnt show anything [19:24] cxc99: that wasn't the package name you said earlier [19:24] cxc99: yes, i guess you can just install those pacakges [19:24] cihhan, sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup -v eth0 [19:25] cxc99: i've never once had a need to install virtualbox, sorry [19:25] ioria: but almost all the other eths have disapperad [19:25] ioria: just oneleft [19:25] well virtualbox is kinda crap but it's what we got so [19:26] ioria: it says cant find the device [19:26] maybe you mixed guest additions from the oracle site, and vbox from our repos, no clue there... and how would you manage vbox guests? [19:27] it's another day, at ubuntu support [19:27] cihhan, wrong turn [19:27] in #ubuntu-server you said something about 'techrepublic.com' with topic 'how to install virtualbox guest additions on ubuntu server', care to explain what you exaclty installed?? [19:27] no i was trying to use those packages to install the guest additions but like i said when i do a dist-upgrade, the display driver doesn't resize [19:27] unless i reinstall the x11 package...just wondering if i'm doing something wrong [19:28] oerheks: unless they changed nicks, that's a different user [19:29] i know, replied to pankaj [19:29] cihhan, sudo modprobe -r e1000e && sudo modprobe igb [19:29] sorry, should use names more [19:33] ioria: now it shows pcie link lost, device now deteched [19:33] cihhan, sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup -v eth0 [19:33] the nv, checksum is not valid [19:34] nv ? [19:34] ioria: sorry nvm [19:35] hi [19:37] Can anyone help? I can not run alpine 3.8 from images.linuxcontainer.org https://thepasteb.in/p/k5hYRQA2mG0UE , alpine 3.7 is ok. Any idea? [19:37] cihhan, so,we can say that your nic 's not working with the old interface names ? [19:38] ioria: yep that seems to be the case.. unfortunately [19:38] sorry about that [19:38] muhaha: i think you want #lxcontainers [19:38] muhaha, we have no control over alpine images [19:38] ah.ok. [19:38] ioria: which is extremely weird to me... but anyways [19:39] cihhan, same here [19:39] ioria: thank you very much for all your help though [19:39] cihhan, no problem [19:43] cihhan, do you have by any chance an nvidia card ? [19:44] wtf bitch === Ray is now known as Guest29066 [19:44] ioria: nope [19:44] cihhan, nvm [19:44] dafuq [19:44] wrong channel Guest29066 [19:45] !ohmy | Guest29066 [19:45] Guest29066: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [19:45] fuck [19:45] Guest29066: please stop [19:46] hgahgagaha [19:48] two strikes and out should be sufficient [19:53] hola [19:58] Hello ceibal, do you have a support question about Ubuntu? Please feel free to ask. If you would like to chat, please visit our other channel #ubuntu-offtopic ... Para Español, por favor visite #ubuntu-es [20:05] yo [20:05] I'm in netinstall [20:05] how can I wifi-menu/pick my wifi network [20:05] I really don't want to downlod the whole iso [20:06] kubast2: It is recommended that if you are using the network install method that you use ethernet. WiFi connections are not reliable and the install will take much longer [20:07] I mean I have 30Mb/s anyway ,and my router doesn't limit it in any shape or form [20:07] If I had something like an Fiber -To -The -Home with at least 50-100 mbps maybe [20:07] pragmaticenigma, I doubt it but maybe idk [20:08] kubast2: This isn't a place to debate network topology. i'm offering a suggestion. [20:08] not really feelin like hooking my pc to a router so I'm jsut gonna download full iso [20:11] pragmaticenigma, windows trashed itself for me today and I think I have now bad blocks on my hdd :shrug: [20:11] jeez the bios lagged so hard [20:12] so that will take awhile until dd zeros my hdd anyway [20:13] kubast2: boot off a usb stick and use gparted to clean up your hdd [20:13] kubast2: If switching from windows to full on linux, there is no reason to zero out the drive. If there are bad sectors, they will not be repaired. If it's corrupted data, Linux does not use the NTFS file system, it will overwrite the data with the new disk format [20:14] pragmaticenigma, I can't format the hard drive without dmesg getting full of failed writes [20:14] at least on arch [20:15] I tried to boot my /home partition that I left out before comming back to windows [20:15] and it was shredded [20:15] it mounted but not much else [20:15] folders unaccesibble etc [20:15] and mkfs.ext4 takes over an hour to complete(just stopped the process) [20:16] or smthn I'm not really knowledgable enough to tell whether those were failed drives [20:16] checked and the hdd sits on tight [20:16] kubast2: can you fsck -y partition (of /home)? [20:17] pavlos, haven't tried that yet but I allready stopped mkfs in a middle of a format so [20:17] The dmesg errors are from physical issues with the disk... dd'ing the drive isn't going to do anything [20:18] kubast2: your /home may be /dev/hdd5 and fsck -y /dev/hdd5 may clean it [20:19] pavlos: they haven't installed Ubuntu yet, they're in the process of starting [20:19] pragmaticenigma, doesn't it like force the drive to rellocate those sectors? [20:19] the hdd is barerlly 1 month old so [20:19] kubast2: no, dd will quit if there are physical errors [20:19] pragmaticenigma: earlier he mentioned /home is shredded [20:19] ah I thought all bad blocks are physical [20:19] pavlos, yeah ntfs partition is fine [20:20] kubast2: I should rephrase... dd will work so long as the firmware on the drive handles the reallocation of bad sectors silently... blocks are a feature of the disk file system format, not the physical drive [20:21] there always is ultimatebootcd with hdd manufacturers tools [20:21] can u see my message? [20:21] now yes [20:22] kubast2: so you have a disk with ntfs partitions (fine) and ext4 (corrupt). Is that the summary? [20:22] yup [20:22] and it did so under windows :shrug: [20:22] was readable before [20:23] the whole windows like trashed for me tho [20:23] I think the reboot after bsod was taking quiet a while to get passed the login screen [20:24] but my windows install was on ssd and on 2nd reboot it worked fine sort of an didn't checked files on ssd [20:24] but after I wiped it on arch the bios "speed" up a bit [20:25] kubast2: I apologize, I was operating under the assumption you had a corrupt windows installation, and were converting to Ubuntu... Did you have a driver installed on Windows to Read/Write to the Ubuntu/Linux partition you had setup before? [20:25] nope [20:25] I use ntfs partition on hdd as a gateway to exchange files beetween windows and linux [20:26] I put there anything I want to be shared [20:28] I've done that before; eventually I turned it into an ext4 partition, which now still contains an "ntfs" folder [20:29] my 6ix sense tells me that I needleslly added thermal paste under the long die on cpu [20:30] albeit it didn't crashed during prime95 [20:30] like the heatsink in my laptop has a cutoff [20:30] where one of the dies has a longer"route" to the heatsink [20:30] and I just added in more paste because I didn't remembered whether the die had any paste so I rather have it in [20:31] so yeah there's hat [20:31] kubast2: https://i.redd.it/xd00wmyvvfhy.jpg [20:32] https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1bZuJSpXXXXXkaXXXq6xXFXXXo/Intel-core-I5-7200U-SR2ZU-SR342-FJ8067702739739.jpg_350x350.jpg [20:32] that's a wrong pic [20:32] tbh [20:32] but like the middle die is a bit shorter [20:32] and a square [20:32] and the other die is smaller in width [20:32] and a bit longer [20:33] so that die is connected via thermal paste to heatpipe [20:33] I don't understand file systems and partitions - I mean I sort of know how to stumble my way around, but these days I just count on stuffing it up and needing to restore from backup [20:33] yeh [20:34] next time gonna put some on my external [20:34] I rarely encourage dual boots from the same drive [20:34] lz4 -9 /dev/disk /hdd/file.lz4 [20:34] it's just more hassle than it's worth compared to putting something fresh on a clean empty drive [20:34] I usually single boot tbh [20:34] I make backup of windows partition [20:35] There are probably elegant solutions to fix your issue but honestly, I personally wouldn't have the time for it and would just go to the backup [20:35] yeh but windows boots fast enough now [20:35] but I will install linux anyway [20:36] It's entirely up to your own goals [20:36] cause there is something wrong with nvidia driver/freq scalling under windows [20:36] yeh [20:36] I want to game so I will do linux [20:36] cpu/gpu scalling isnt broken :shrug: [20:37] what I've learned about dual booting or running different OSs is that to focus, you need to dedicate as much hardware as you can at it; which generally means avoiding dual booting and just getting a second cheap drive (be it external or internal) [20:38] it was different 20 years ago when there was no such thing as booting from USB [20:38] (make sure it's at least USB 3.0) [20:38] anyways how stable is btrfs? I usually used ext4 but that dedup and zstd compress is sorta tempting [20:38] yeh I know [20:38] for /rootfs [20:39] I've only ever dealt with ext2, ext4 and fat/ntfs [20:40] well ubuntu iso almost done downloadin [20:40] good thing I have a backup laptop [20:40] hi, I'm trying ubuntu 18.04, I'm using AZERY keyboard and I'm using Arabic and french layouts, when Arabic layout is activated pressing CTRL+A (select all) closes some applications (like TODO), other application I think it behaves like CTRL+Q (as my keyboard is AZERTY). is there a solution? [20:45] comrest arrest that was the dmesg btw [20:51] hello all! What’s the proper way of configuring bridging for kvm on ubuntu 18.04? https://www.hiroom2.com/2018/05/08/ubuntu-1804-bridge-en/, which one to choose? [20:53] I’ve tried to set it up with bridge-utils, but it simply doesn’t work… [20:53] niekniek: those are all out of date [20:54] niekniek: netplan is the default on ubuntu 18.04, not ifupdown [20:54] niekniek: although if you're on desktop, 3/4 may work [20:54] nacc: thx, so https://askubuntu.com/questions/971126/17-10-netplan-config-with-bridge? [20:54] niekniek: 5/6 may as well, but not standard [20:54] niekniek: probably [20:54] niekniek: there is a #netplan as well [20:56] in /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml: Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system [20:57] niekniek: so it's a desktop? [20:57] guess so ;) [20:57] I forgot... [20:57] niekniek: .. how do you not know? [20:58] I do all kinds of stuff... [20:59] niekniek: that's not really an answer [20:59] niekniek: in any case, then follow 3/4 from that site [20:59] I just did, rebooting now [20:59] why is there a difference between server and desktop distros? === badrabb1t is now known as rabb1t [20:59] niekniek: not sure what you mean. [21:00] niekniek: network manager is a GUI tool used on desktop [21:00] niekniek: server has no GUI by default === rabb1t is now known as badrabb1t [21:00] sure, but most of the times a gui is just a frontend for a command line tool [21:00] nmcli in this case, which would run fine on a server [21:01] no [21:01] niekniek: nmcli is a cli tool to the backend service [21:01] niekniek: your assumptions are false, please read a bit about it [21:05] I like ubuntu [21:05] ilhvfs: I like ubuntu as well [21:05] I like spam [21:05] I like spam [21:05] I like spam [21:05] I like spam [21:09] nacc, it works, thx [21:09] niekniek: yw [21:10] btw, what would you guys consider the best remote desktop solution on Linux? [21:10] Currently using thinlinc, works pretty nice [21:21] Guys I just installed ubuntu [21:21] Got blanking "-" [21:21] What do I do? [21:22] Bios install [21:22] Wait am I retarted what if I have hdd boot set [21:22] And an old grub install pointer [21:22] hei guys. sooo .. i did a VERY stupid thing. tried to install 18.04 and accidentally selected the wrong drive to install / , and it also had "format partition" option. realized after about 10s and aborted everything, but was a bit too late. partition info was already overwritten and now it appears as empty. I know the stuff it's still there, but how I can recover the journal ? [21:23] itch: you don't know the stuff is still there, but you should look into various disk rescue options [21:23] or .. you know. rebuilt the partition info ? [21:23] You didn't almost install 2 / paritions though lmao [21:23] nacc, i do know. you can`'t really wipe 4Tb in 10 secs :) [21:23] so like u did better than me if I didn't realise my mistake [21:24] itch: you can wipe enough that the partition can be unrecoverable. But in any case, do what I said. [21:24] i can probably recover it file by file, but that's like some many hundreds of GB of photos, all out of name / folder structure .. [21:25] any way i can rebuilt partition ? [21:25] i know about supernodes backups spread across partion [21:26] buuut .. is it safe to be used? cuz the way I see it, probably all supernodes were recreated when the new partition was created .. [21:26] itch: there is a progrma called testdisk to recover data [21:26] mhm [21:27] that's what i'm running at this very moment [21:27] thing is, my partition was not damaged. a new one was written over. [21:27] at least .. the partition info [21:28] so .. now i'm doing a deep scan with testdisk. but 4Tb is't gonna take a while. [21:28] itch: i think you are confusing partition with filesystem [21:28] itch: the issue is if the filesystem was already created, typically [21:28] nacc, yes. you are right. my bad [21:29] ..i think [21:29] i mean, before, the partion was exactly the same (size wise), using the same FS [21:29] ext4 [21:29] it was just ... re-created [21:29] dunno if it's the correct term [21:31] so i figure, unless ubunt install it's doing a all-zeroing on a hdd when creating / formatting a partition, changes are good that that the stuff it's still there [21:32] *chances [21:35] Hi, how do I disable all shadows using xfwm4? I would like to keep the compositor on but disable the shadows but GNOME applications (gnome-disks, baobab, gedit, etc) are ignoring xfwm4 settings and create shadows around the windows [21:35] Hello. On Ubuntu 16.04 MATE I just got a message which translates to “too little space”. Does anyone know what that means? Too little to do what? [21:35] As if GNOME application ignored the xfwm4 setting [21:35] itch: if the filesystem is the same as it was before doing this, and no partitions were changed in size; then probably only "some part" of the data has been formatted i guess. [21:36] well, i am hoping that it was a quick format ... [21:36] or i am not seeing something right... [21:37] itch: that i do not now, but yes that would recover better [21:37] *know === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [21:43] hmmm. here's another stupid question. any way to check timestamp / when a certain superblock was created? [22:10] vlt: what shows ' df -h ; df -i ' ? to see where the disk/Inodes space is . === Guest62913 is now known as Phage === Nicmavr is now known as Guest55439 [22:21] Hi, I'm using pbis-open to connect to my windows domain. Authentication works etc. However applications installed via "ubuntu software" (snapd) seem to be pretty unhappy. I get all sorts of apparmor=DENIED listed in system logs. Ex: [22:21] apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/snap/core/4830/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" [22:21] apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/snap/core/4830/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/home/local/AD/" pid=12681 comm="snap-confine" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1958741078 ouid=0 [22:25] Anyone got any ideas? [22:29] qwebirc57041: possible solution here https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/ubuntu-18-04-fresh-install-apparmor-blocking-slack-spotify-and-vscode/5245/2 [22:34] badrabb1t: you are my hero :) that did the trick! [22:44] itch: i'd say superblocks are created by the time the file system is created / modified (structurally, i.e. resize). if you'd like to inquire each superblock about when the FS was created, you can do this: BLOCKDEV=/dev/vg/home; for SUPERBLOCK in $(dumpe2fs $BLOCKDEV | grep -Eo 'superblock at [0-9]+' | cut -d' ' -f3); do echo "[ $SUPERBLOCK ] $(dumpe2fs -h -o superblock=$SUPERBLOCK $BLOCKDEV 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '/^Filesystem created:/ {print [22:44] $2}')"; done [22:45] but i'm not sure that's what you actaully want ;) [22:45] yeah, me neither :) [22:45] what do you want [22:45] i keep reading about ext4 / inods /blocks :P [22:45] itch: what are you trying to do? [22:46] tomreyn, TLDR: re-reated my ext4 partition (from ubuntu install menu). [22:46] now all my files are "gone" [22:46] trying to recover them [22:47] was it set to "format"? [22:47] *re-created [22:47] mhm :( [22:47] it only run for about ~10 sec before realizing .. [22:48] was the partition created at the same spot where you previously had a partition of the same size with an ext journalling file system? [22:48] yup [22:48] same partition size (entire hdd) and same FS, ext4 [22:48] then the old superblocks will have bene overwritten, since they'd be on the same blocks. but, maybe the latter ones have not been overwritten withing the 10 s [22:49] i'm trying to figure out a way to check which superblocks backups are older [22:49] maybe i can restore from them [22:50] so far .. i've got this: https://pastebin.com/GAQx7RaR [22:50] not much progress since [22:57] I just installed Ubuntu 18. When changing workspaces it only moves the primary window. How can I get it to update all the monitors? I currently have 2 monitors [23:02] Anyone able to help? [23:02] phelix, systems settings does not have that option, gnome-tweak-tool does, GTT > workspaces > display handling [23:02] !info gnome-tweak-tool [23:02] gnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB [23:02] They removed this feature in 18? I used to work in Ubuntu 16 [23:04] does ubuntu have keyboard shortcut for on screen keyboard? [23:04] phelix: there is not 18 (or 16) version of Ubuntu. There are 16.04, 16.10, 18.04, and 18.10 (still in dev) [23:04] I am on 18.04 [23:05] When I was on 16.04 when I hit ctrl+alt and up or down arrow all my monitors changed not just the primary one [23:05] phelix: it is still the same, but you can check (and re-assign if you want) going to Settings/Devices/Keyboard [23:06] itch: did you try my command, though? this should indeed help you identify old super blocks (from the previous file system) if those are at the same place where the new ones would have been placed, and they have not been overwritten, yet. [23:06] I don't understand. [23:06] I am just trying to enable both monitors to change when I change my workspace [23:06] I used to be able to set workspaces to the left and right as well as top and bottom. Seems only top and bottom now? [23:07] phelix: go to Settings/Devices/Keyboard. Look at the keyboard shrotcuts there. Verify they are the way you want, and adjust if not [23:07] itch: that's if the list my command outputs provides different FS creation dates, then you'd be able to use those superblocks which refer to an older creation date to recover. [23:07] wouldn't 16.04 been unity, 18.04 gnome? [23:07] phelix: Gnome as installed only provides a vertical sequence of WS [23:07] hmm interesting. [23:08] phelix: you will need to install an extension to get a matrix of workspaces [23:09] tomreyn, nop. trying it now .. [23:09] Dont remember having to do that before. Are there any extensions that allow for this? [23:09] phelix: the one I use is Workspace Grid . Go to https://extensions.gnome.org/local/ and select the extensions you would want to have [23:09] phelix: 16.04 used Unity as the DE. 18.04 uses Gome now [23:09] ohh. That must be what happened. [23:09] my on screen keyboard is not working. what to do? [23:09] * oerheks mumbles gnome-tweak-tool [23:10] itch: be sure to adjust BLOCKDEV to point to the right partition (or backup thereof) [23:10] phelix: ^ gnome-tweak-tool :-) [23:10] oerheks: heh, thanks. [23:10] qwebirc46603, if enabled, space with your mouse on an empty place would activate, or bottom. [23:10] mhm. i was looking at it now [23:11] hggdh, I installed that. IT moves both monitors now. But on the Activities when it shows hte monitors I can't drag any apps to the other monitor [23:11] hggdh, Why does it want me to download based on shell version.. I am using ZSH not bash. [23:12] phelix: if you want to drag a window to another WS, I *think* it is Ctrl-Shift-arrow [23:12] phelix: it is probably talking about *Gnome* shell, not a terminal shell [23:13] Def not ctrl-shift-arrow [23:13] ahh ok [23:13] oerheks: I don't understand. Clicking empty text field does nothing [23:13] that is the key sequence I use [23:14] phelix: again, you can change the keyboard shortcuts to whatever you want [23:14] or maybe part of gnome-shell-extensions [23:14] tomreyn, the command worked. but apparently all superblocks were re-written [23:14] thanks anyway [23:14] oerheks: yeah, I am not an expert on Gnome anymore [23:14] maybe your fix is just to make those 2 displays as 1, in systemsettings - devices- displays [23:16] hggdh, yeah, lots of tweak stuff around, sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions available in gnome-tweak-tool after install, and wants to push back to gnome-classic. [23:16] but that could easily be fixed at login [23:17] oerheks, I tried that. It only shows on a single monitor when I do that. [23:17] i think one needs to logout/login after installing gnome tweak [23:18] Is it possible to have the top bar on all monitors. Annoying when an app is on one monitor to have to go to the other monitor to get to menu settings. [23:20] maybe there is a setting in one of the tools, or a dconf tweak [23:24] ubuntu 18.04 zsh [23:28] I am having install problems with the nvidia cuda libs from their repository. (cuda 9) Unresolved dependencies. It is affecting my ability to update my software. Suggestions? === caffe is now known as Guest5664 [23:41] hi all [23:41] im callin from new mint 19 [23:42] mint, nice, have fun, but mint is not supported and offtopic here [23:42] hey guys, i'm new to linux and just installed Ubuntu 19.04 LTS, i got a issue. I have google online account connected via the Settings dialog [23:43] however whenever i click on the google drive mount, it doesn't connect [23:43] what is wrong? [23:44] moredrowsy, we don't have your time machine? [23:45] seems pretty straight forward https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-connect-ubuntu-18-04-to-your-google-account/ [23:45] "Walk through the sign-in process for your Google account. When that completes, you'll be greeted with the options available" [23:45] oerheks: yes im in live version now [23:46] oerheks, thanks. ill read that. [23:47] https://imgur.com/a/wXScB7Z oerheks [23:48] oerheks: r u using weechat ? [23:48] mint stop that, thanks. join your own channel.. [23:48] !mint [23:48] The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle) [23:50] oerheks: do exist a irc client where you can have more than one chan in the same windows ? [23:51] mint, no [23:51] join ##windows [23:52] oerheks: why ? [23:54] mint: please stop. You're not running Ubuntu and your questions are not related to Ubuntu. Please go to #mint for help with mint. [23:55] leftyfb: oerheks im more ubuntu than you , anyway yes sir i will back to my ubuntu 18 installation (since ubuntu 6) [23:55] bye [23:56] there's no ubuntu 18 or 6 [23:56] anyone is more ubuntu than me. i like word games [23:56] leftyfb, please stop, 18.04 is the latest distribution [23:57] Younder: correct. 18.04. Not 18. [23:57] semantics [23:57] Comstock: negative. It makes a BIG difference [23:58] the difference here was gigirock is a nice guy ... [23:58] Comstock: someone comes saying they're running Ubuntu 16 and packages aren't updating. They're running 16.10, not 16. That makes a big difference when troubleshooting. As one example. [23:58] wait ;-D [23:59] hi , i was mint [23:59] leftyfb, then you ask which. you don't assume. [23:59] there is a difference. [23:59] :-o [23:59] but anyways, not going to get into a debate. [23:59] oerheks, also a good lookin guy