
bluesabreochosi: that'd be ok01:26
bluesabreochosi: messaged the lp devs with some questions, should be able to finish the lp cleanup tomorr01:48
bluesabre(man, I'm tired)01:48
bluesabreochosi: alrighty, so if I switch the bug tracker on lp to point to xfce, the bug listing will disappear, bug the reports will remain. I'm copying the bug reports over the bz, then will switch the tracker over, and then link to the xfce bug02:13
bluesabrea bit of manual work, but that's fine02:13
bluesabrexfpanel-switch only has 2, so less painful02:14
bluesabreochosi: thought of another item, the release manager02:49
bluesabreochosi: bugs are migrated, lp bugs linked, and catfish reconfigured on lp... all the lp work is done :D10:14
bluesabreUnit193: for ristretto, do I need to bump the build dep for xfconf for the transition, or is uploading a new package sufficient?10:25
bluesabrecurrently, libxfconf-0-dev (>= 4.10.0)10:25
ochosibluesabre: \o/12:14
Unit193bluesabre: You don't need to bump it.  I can take it if you want, but looks like you've already got it.18:38
bluesabreUnit193: cool, will upload in a sec21:30
knomeone second is gone already21:31
Unit193He already uploaded.  Also dang, it's not on Salsa yet.21:31
knomewell done then :P21:32
bluesabrealmost sent to bionic21:34
Unit193Good, passed on the newer arches.21:41
* bluesabre did nothing intentionally21:42

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