
luk3yxWill build.snapcraft.io use Ubuntu 18.04 soon?03:30
Son_Gokuzyga, well, this is a problem: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=159675310:28
=== pbek_ is now known as pbek
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bodqhrohroDoes Snap has a cache everywhere?17:26
bodqhrohroI've installed and removed a large (0.5G) snap, but the disk space is still overflowed. Removed all revisions, stopped snap, unmounted it's squashfs partitions, looked for deleted entries in lsof, but nothing helps17:28
bodqhrohroSo looks like it flooded somewhere else. Not in /snap directory, it has only ~270MB of one revision of core17:29
popeybodqhrohro: it's not in /snap, the snaps are in /var/lib/snapd17:57
bodqhrohropopey: yes, I found cache here and cleaned manually, thank you. Does snap provide a command like apt's clean/autoclean for this?18:00
popeythe stuff in /var/lib/snapd is _not_ a cache18:01
popeyit's the snap itself.18:01
popeywhich gets mounted (it's a loopback squashfs mount) in /snap18:01
bodqhrohroEven in /var/lib/snapd/cache? So why there left 4 files if after all I had only one revision of core?18:02
popeyi meant /var/lib/snapd/snap18:07
popeywhich will likey be consuming some space18:08
cjwatson~/wg 3720:08
cjwatsonbah, sorry20:08
mcphailCan someone point me towards the documentation for architecture-dependent conditionals in a snapcraft.yaml please?20:59
AuroraAvenueWhat command do I use in terminal to open this program up & get it running (as it seemed to install oka) althou there's nothing in the budgie menu.22:20
AuroraAvenue**What command do I use in terminal to open this program up & get it running (as it seemed to install oka) althou there's nothing in the budgie menu ?22:20
AuroraAvenuecjwatson, ping22:22
AuroraAvenueelopio, pingu22:29
AuroraAvenuediddledan, last time tryin' ping someone this Saturday :(22:32
AuroraAvenuemoving along ...22:51

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