[02:22] yaay new fresh user arrived here... :) [06:35] hello all [06:36] knock nkknock [06:36] hello , i am trying to install XAMP for pi ? [06:36] Any recommendedation for a webserver for PI [06:41] lighttpd [06:47] i am trying to setup pi to do hotspot and stuck :-( [06:47] @m4t , i am using - https://github.com/billz/raspap-webgui , but not able to install [06:48] using this command [06:48] sorry never used that [06:48] wget -q https://git.io/voEUQ -O /tmp/raspap && bash /tmp/raspap [06:48] might try #raspberrypi or something to that effect [06:49] Package php5-cgi is not available, but is referred to by another package. [06:49] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [06:49] is only available from another source [06:49] E: Package 'php5-cgi' has no installation candidate [06:50] any idea how to fix the above m4t ? [10:02] alkisg, found the culprit: systemd-udevd [10:03] alkisg, once i disable all systemd-udevd services (incl. kernel and control), then kill -9 any remaining systemd-udevd process, i can install 18.04lts without trouble [10:05] alkisg, i got a bunch of screenshots, anywhere you want me to dump them ? === gigi is now known as Guest89136 [10:49] hi, [10:51] hi === gigi__ is now known as ig === ig is now known as Guest67009 === gigi is now known as Guest4972 [16:40] congrats and cheers to Ubuntu Mate - official desktop of Amazon Linux 2 [16:40] AND my raspberry pi [17:57] my wifi is not showimg [18:01] hi [18:10] hi lilbin [18:10] bye libin dag nabbit