
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
denza242when I click on anything that isn't konversation it always switches back to konversation04:05
denza242did i maybe press a hotkey or something04:05
denza242and now it's not?04:07
denza242i think it was my mouse getting pressed inside my backpack04:22
somekoolThank you for pushing 5.12.6 to backports05:20
lordievaderGood morning06:05
acheronuksomekool: you're welcome06:07
newrgHello,I recently installed Kubuntu 18.04 and boot takes up about a minute and shows some errors.I did some search and found this https://paste.debian.net/1031636/08:14
newrgPlease help.08:14
diogenes_newrg, run: systemd-analyze blame08:15
diogenes_it will show you the services that take up the most time to load08:16
newrgI ran it and the results are in the pastebin link I gave.08:16
newrgdev-sda1 takes up about 20 sec,so is my hard disk corrupted?08:16
newrg 20.250s dev-sda1.device      16.045s apparmor.service        11.194s systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service08:17
diogenes_and what os did you have before?08:18
newrgI used Linux Mint 18.3 before and it also took about a minute to load.08:19
diogenes_you got an SSD or HDD?08:19
diogenes_then about a minute is nothing bad08:20
diogenes_if you had an SSD, you'd boot in maximum 10 seconds08:20
newrgduring the boot it throws errors like the one's I listed in the paste link,is this some hardware issue?08:23
diogenes_newrg, if everything works as it should then those errors are safe to ignore.08:26
newrgone more thing,I have Kubuntu installed on Legacy BIOS,secure boot : off ; when I tried to move to UEFI BIOS- I was unable to do so.On running diagnostic,it shows Hard Disk self-test unsucessful,terminated.08:32
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=== Guest46711 is now known as Mike_Pooh
Mike_PoohHi All09:58
R13oseHow do I disable trackpad sounds on Linux from going into my mic?  I don't want others to hear the noise11:05
lordievaderGet an external microphone.11:07
R13oseIs that the only way?11:12
lordievaderWell, I suppose your mic is built in and close to the trackpad. Correct?11:17
hateballR13ose: I suppose you could enable tap-to-click rather than actual pressing down11:20
R13osehateball: how?11:21
hateballR13ose: in the touchpad settings11:21
hateballI am not sure if it is possible on Wayland, if you are running that11:22
R13oseI am on x11 but I see no tap-to-click11:24
hateballR13ose: typically it is the default11:31
hateballmeaning if you tap with one finger it is left click, tap with two and it is rightclick11:31
hateballno need to press down on the toucpad11:31
BluesKajHowdy folks11:31
hateballbut that also depends on the touchpad hardware11:31
R13oseEverything is gray in taps except the mouse click emulation box.11:36
hateballR13ose: yeah, it's called mouse click emulation11:46
hateballR13ose: maybe it looks different on 18.04, I am on 16.04 still11:46
R13oseYes but why everything else in that setting not working?11:47
newrghello,I am using Kubuntu 18.04 and tap to select is not working for my mousepad,is this standard behavior?12:02
hateballnewrg: if you are using wayland I think it is12:16
newrghow to tell I'm using wayland? I wrote this in Terminal  echo $DESKTOP_SESSION and it returned plasma12:19
BluesKaj!wayland | newrg12:23
ubottunewrg: Wayland is a display server protocol that can be used instead of X. Ubuntu 17.10 uses Wayland by default on systems that support it. For more info, see https://wayland.freedesktop.org/12:23
BluesKajnewrg, wayland is not installed by default on kubuntu12:24
diogenes_BluesKaj, and which is in beta for about 10 years :)12:24
BluesKajdiogenes_,heh, yeah, and not in the running for those who use nvidia gpus12:24
diogenes_exactly :)12:25
newrgBluesKaj, I did not install wayland or something else on Kubuntu then why is tap disabled?12:25
BluesKajoh your mousepad12:27
newrgI am unable to tap to select on my mousepad so hateball suggested that it might be due to wayland12:28
BluesKajwell, wayland is installed only if you choose to so after the kubuntu install, so it wouldn't be wayland  unless you forgot thast you installed it12:29
BluesKajto do so rather12:29
newrgI installed Kubuntu 18.04 today only.I did install third-party software as suggested in the installation itself and the updates which came after installation.12:30
BluesKajthen take alook at your login page and check your options to see if wayland is available, but I doubt that it's there12:32
diogenes_newrg, run in terminal: apt list --installed | grep synaptic12:33
diogenes_paste here what you get but ONLY if there's less than 3 lines12:33
newrgWARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/bionic,now 1.9.0-1ubuntu1 amd64 [installed]12:34
newrgI got this diogenes_12:34
newrgBluesKaj, wayland is not available12:35
diogenes_newrg, try: sudo apt remove xserver-xorg-input-synaptics12:35
BluesKajsynaptics must be installed12:35
diogenes_on some machines it works better with libinput on others with synaptic12:36
newrgdiogenes_, I did it.Next?12:36
diogenes_power off the machine and then start it over again12:36
BluesKajsynaptic is a package manager, and Synaptics is an input driver found in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, an unfortunate choice of names there12:37
newrgdiogenes_, I did it.Please tell what to do next?12:40
diogenes_newrg, now test if the mousepad works as it supposed to12:41
newrgdiogenes_, It doesn't.12:41
diogenes_then most likely the driver doesn't support all the features for your device12:41
newrgI am using Dell Inspiron 15 3567.Could it be that my mousepad is faulty?but all the other functionality is working.12:44
diogenes_newrg, how old is your dell?12:45
newrgaround 6 months,it's still under warranty12:45
diogenes_yeah, then most likely you need to wait for 18.10 that will bring support for the most recent hardware12:46
BluesKajnewrg, try reinstalling synaptics after updating and upgrading with apt12:47
diogenes_good idea ^^^12:48
newrgdiogenes_, but I think this model launched in 2016/1712:48
diogenes_newrg, try: sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics12:49
newrgBluesKaj, alright12:49
diogenes_then reboot12:49
BluesKajnewrg, yeah your mousepad should work, the HW isn't really new12:49
diogenes_yes if it's 2016 then it should work, also i'd suggest to try a live session of 16.04 kubuntu12:50
diogenes_might work better12:50
newrgdiogenes_, installed,I hope reboot will make it work or I will try 16.0412:51
diogenes_yep try12:51
BluesKajio what was that other touchpad app you mentioned?12:52
diogenes_BluesKaj, touchpad app?12:52
BluesKajfound it libinput12:53
diogenes_oh, it's a new driver meant to replace the old xorg synaptics one12:53
BluesKajdiogenes_, well that's what my 4 yr old lenovo uses by default, just checked12:54
newrgdiogenes_, BluesKaj It worked!Thank you so much.12:54
BluesKajon 18.0412:54
BluesKajnewrg, cool :-)12:55
diogenes_nice nice12:55
BluesKajmy touchpad skills suck , always use a wireless mouse :-)12:59
diogenes_hehe, at home i use mouse, at work touchpad because it's faster and more productive :)13:00
newrgBluesKaj, yes,I use a wireless mouse that's why it took me so long to realize something is wrong with my touchpad(I installed the distro few hours ago)13:00
* BluesKaj nods13:00
BluesKaji used desktops at work before retirement, laptops were in their infancy back then and very expensive13:02
diogenes_oh i guess it was like 1997 - 200013:03
newrgBluesKaj, must be hard troubleshooting at that time?13:03
BluesKajwe started using windows pcs in the early 90sthe first laptop I recall seeing was around '97 as you say diogenes_13:05
diogenes_yes they were damn expensive13:05
BluesKajThe IT/admin guys in the computer dept looked after troubleshooting , we had no IT guy in our lab at that time13:06
newrgBluesKaj, then how did you manage?13:07
BluesKajwe'd call the computer dept  :-)13:08
newrgoh good ;D13:09
BluesKajI used application designed computers which were mostly dos with a lab instrument application running on top13:10
BluesKajcompanies likw Perkin-Elmer and Varian wrote thier apps or hired someoen to do so, I guess13:12
BluesKajwasn't much interested in computers back then, they were just a tool13:12
newrgBluesKaj, only DOS,must be tough13:14
BluesKajthe computers ran the instruments quite well, since they were application dedicated, most of the problems weren't software related, they were hardware related13:17
BluesKajwhich we learned how to fix, most of the time13:18
newrgBluesKaj, oh now I get it since they were application dedicated,the scope of the machine was limited unlike modern computers which can do so many things13:19
BluesKajyup, exactly13:19
=== osx is now known as Majoe
eeosI do not seem to be able to activate a sound equalizer on kubuntu 18.04 64 bit .... any clue of what I should do?14:49
eeosI am of course using pulseudio, and can use either gstreamer or vlc as backend.14:50
eeosThe laptop is Thinkpad Yoga X1 Carbon14:50
hateballeeos: do you mean systemwide?14:51
diogenes_eeos, u using pulse-equalizer14:51
eeoshateball: yes, systemwide15:09
eeoshateball: if I test using front left and front right in my stereo headset, I hear both the front left (right) in both ears15:10
hateballeeos: I am not on my 18.04 machine atm, I cant recall if pulseaudio-equalizer is nicely packaged or not15:10
hateballor if you perhaps need to load that module manually15:11
eeoshateball: deinitively not .... you cannot even launch it!15:11
hateballeeos: it's in universe it seems15:12
hateballanyhow, I sadly do not have access to a 18.04 atm, and I must leave. hopefully someone else can help you15:12
eeoshateball: thank you all the same! syl15:12
=== kt529 is now known as eeos
eeos /msg NickServ identify p0l8e7a015:27
eeoshi everybody! My laptop (Thinkpad X1 Yoga Carbon) battery consumption has gove through the roof after update from 17.10 to 18.04?18:23
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest99120
fscaleHey folks, I can't seem to find a way to disable automatic update checks at start? https://i.imgur.com/ad0UrgI.png Is there a way to disable it?22:21
aqmalhi, this is a test message22:23
fscaleyour test message was successful.22:23
fscaleHello? Anyone here? fscale to Kubuntu community, do you copy?22:49
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest55345
_rschalchhello fscale23:24
fscale_rschalch: Do you know the answer to my previous question?23:32
_rschalchIll try to do a search, let me check what I find out23:34
fscale_rschalch: Thanks. Me tried to search to but couldn't find an answer.23:39
fscale*search too23:39
_rschalchok I found it ... type muon in start menu23:48
_rschalchthen go to settings -> configure software sources, it will ask you your admin password23:49
_rschalchgo to the updates tab and deselect check for updates, thats it23:49
_rschalchI didnt know this package manager23:50
fscale_rschalch: I found that via one google search result but there is no Configure software sources within my system settings. If you're using Kubuntu 18.04, can you share a screenshot if you can find that option?23:56
_rschalchits not from system settings ... type muon on start menu and start muon package manager23:57
fscale_rschalch: This is muon package manager, where is it's settings button? https://i.imgur.com/6IJ7I79.png23:59

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