
xnoxinfinity, smoser - please elleborate if I am dissolusioned about the btrfs-progs/tools bug.... i thought i went with smoser over this before, and it should be all fine with a (transitional-package -> provides), no?12:17
xnoxi don't believe i've done such a hack before, but i hoped it would be all fine like that.....12:17
ginggsxnox: hi! i think there are some issues with boost and python3.7, did you see my message in #-release?12:54
ahasenackhi guys,13:30
ahasenackI see that ldb is in cosmic-proposed for quite some time13:30
ahasenackI checked it out and all it needs is a samba rebuild13:30
ahasenackI have a samba MP prepared to bump it to 4.8.2 (from 4.7.6), but I hit a regression in a test suite13:30
ahasenackfiled bug upstream and with debian, but can't tell when it will get some attention13:31
ahasenackso if somebody could perhaps do a no-change rebuild/upload of cosmic's current samba, that should unblock libldb (which is a sync)13:31
ahasenackbetter do that now than closer to the release I think13:31
ahasenackupstream bug I opened: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1348613:32
ubottubugzilla.samba.org bug 13486 in File services "CIFS guest connection can't read back file it just created in mode 0600" [Normal,New]13:32
ahasenackdebian bug: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=90243113:32
ubottuDebian bug 902431 in samba "samba: cifs guest connection can't read back 0600 file it just created" [Normal,Open]13:32
ahasenackI also emailed samba@13:32
=== osx is now known as Majoe
ahasenackbut no thread ensued13:32
ahasenackthis is one of the failing tests: https://git.launchpad.net/qa-regression-testing/tree/scripts/test-samba.py#n76313:34
ahasenackit fails at https://git.launchpad.net/qa-regression-testing/tree/scripts/test-samba.py#n785 (when trying to write to the mkstemp file that was just created)13:35
lubuntuuseranyone knows the command-line name for TUI installer?13:56
dmj_s76Trevinho: Any chance to get the fix to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=786929 backported for 18.04?15:59
ubottuGnome bug 786929 in general "Attaching a monitor to laptop while in suspend and then waking up laptop will reliably crash gnome-shell" [Major,Resolved: fixed]15:59
Trevinhodmj_s76: would love to, althoug there's a bit of changes in mutter and g-s too, so I'd prefer to stay a bit on master then we'll backport to gnome-3-28 branch and thus we'll pick it from there16:04
dmj_s76Thanks, want to make sure suspend works reliably for users :)16:05
TrevinhoI agree16:05
cybernoutdoes any one here know the command ( bash ) , that would do the same thing as , the "Clear All" on 18.04  messages tray : https://i.stack.imgur.com/VlcPe.png17:23
nacccybernout: i'm not sure there is necessarily anything exposed for that17:24
nacccybernout: you may want to ask #gnome?17:25
cybernoutthought ubuntu is using a modified version.. and not the default gnome one17:28
cybernoutbut ok , i will try there ;)17:29
cybernoutby the way, there seems to be no limit the the messages that can get there, after a while it gets really clutterd17:34
cybernoutin that way its an ubuntu problem as well17:35
cjwatsonGenerally when people ask you to talk to upstream they aren't denying that it's an Ubuntu problem too, just saying where the most effective place to solve the problem would be17:54
cybernoutno problem, i understand ..18:05
nacccybernout: what cjwatson said; i mean, yes, ubuntu is a downstream of gnome, but i'd imagine if there is a cli version of that tool, #gnome would know immediately :)18:05
cybernouttrying to write a wrapper to avoid problem, thanks for the feedback18:05
nacccybernout: why is that a problem, btw? If you don't acknowledge the messages there ...18:05
cybernoutpublic space computer, after a day running its eating resources18:07
nacccybernout: oh i see, if it's public, why even have the notification tray?18:08
nacci wonder if it's disable-able (maybe with tweaks, etc.)18:09
nacccybernout: but, tbh, i think you want #ubuntu at this point :)18:09
nacccybernout: or #gnome, as i mentioned18:09
cybernoutmoving from 16.04 to 18.04 created some problems with lockdown scripts that also used desktop notifications to inform user about usage , any way thanks..18:11
cybernoutbye and keep up the good work18:12
* cybernout afk18:12
ahasenackit looks like for exim4 debian only maintains the debian/ directory in git: https://salsa.debian.org/exim-team/exim421:06
ahasenackis that something each team decides, and how does one build a source package from that usually?21:06
ahasenackI'm assuming scripts or tools exist, otherwise I'll just do it manually21:06
ahasenackmy motive is pushing an ubuntu delta up to debian, I want to make an MP there, but it's the first time I see this structure21:07
ahasenack(in salsa)21:07
xnoxahasenack, debuild can build that21:25
ahasenackxnox: just plain debuild in that git checkout that only has debian/ ?21:26
xnoxahasenack, it prints many warnings "ignoring deletion of <every single upstream file>" but otherwise it is fine.21:26
xnoxahasenack, yes.21:26
* ahasenack tries21:26
xnoxahasenack, one needs orig tarball in ../ e.g. with pull-debian-source -d exim4 for example21:26
xnoxand well, build a source package $ debuild -S, obviously =) it will fail to build binaries ;-)21:27
xnoxor like unpack tarball and move in '.git' and $ git checkout debian/21:27
ahasenackxnox: worked, thanks21:42
infinityxnox: Oh, I didn't notice the provides.  It's still generally not good practice to depend on a virtual instead of a real package, mind you, but you're right that the provides makes removal less dire.22:41
xnoxinfinity, it will be easier once all the things with old name are dead =/22:49
xnoxinfinity, if it makes things happier, we can change the dep in curtin; but the installer code will continue to install the old (virtual) package name22:51
xnox(installer code inside curtin that is)22:52

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