
=== mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08
sil2100Anyone from the DMB team around? I guess we don't really have any candidates for today15:04
sil2100I guess no meeting today then15:12
micahgok, bye then :)15:17
sil2100I'll stay around in case there's someone wanting anything from us15:18
LaneyI want a cake15:19
Laneyand a kitten15:19
LaneyNOT combined together before someone says something horrible15:19
sil2100Fear not, the DMB is here to help15:19
DalekSecLaney: https://i.imgur.com/BJsJaVd.jpg we tried, but alas it didn't go too well.21:21
tsimonq2Laney: I have a cake and a giraffe, is that good enough? :P21:23
* Laney screams21:28
sarnoldtsimonq2: hey can I borrow your giraffe sometime? :)22:44
tsimonq2sarnold: After Laney's done with it. :D22:44
* sarnold puts his name next on The Giraffe List22:48

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