
ahoneybunLinode has renewed their sponsorship for 1 more yeat.19:01
ahoneybunSo we have 1 year and 4 months.19:01
ahoneybunThis will be the last year so we need to figure something out after that unless it changes.19:01
ahoneybunvalorie: yofel acheronuk tsimonq2 wxl19:01
wxlany reason not to believe they will continue doing this?19:02
valorieI'm off for the day at the cabin with my son -- his 41st bday19:02
tsimonq2ahoneybun: \o/19:02
tsimonq2valorie: Happy birthday to him!19:02
wxlalso: any interest in having canonical do the hosting? i know they take forever to get it set up but if you don't mind wordpress that's problem solved, ad infinitum19:03
wxlvalorie: that's how old i am :)19:03
wxltell him happy bday19:03
valorielinode doesn't do the website19:03
tsimonq2wxl: Hosting =/ VMs for developers to work with.19:03
valoriethat's canonical19:03
valorieI will19:03
valorieit was quite a day (eventful home birth) I woke up dreaming about it19:04
ahoneybunvalorie: wait it's his bday! What! He's working today!19:13
ahoneybunwxl: the support ticket I opened told me they do not do sponsorships anymore and will do it once more.19:13
wxlahoneybun: bummer.19:16
wxlahoneybun: maybe gandi?19:16
tsimonq2wxl: O_o19:16
tsimonq2Gandi does VPS services?19:16
tsimonq2OR... Digital Ocean?19:17
tsimonq2I'd rather Digital Ocean because it's the next best thing imho.19:17
ahoneybuntsimonq2: mm Linode is the best in my POV.19:20
tsimonq2ahoneybun: Well, we can't get Linode anymore. :P19:20
tsimonq2I mean, not after a year.19:20
tsimonq2While the Linode folks are super cool, Digital Ocean also makes a less confusing interface.19:21
ahoneybunI've never had an issue with their interface.19:26
tsimonq2Have you ever done a side-by-side comparison with Digital Ocean?19:26
tsimonq2I'm not saying there's a problem with Linode's interface; I'm saying that Digital Ocean does it a bit cleaner.19:27
IrcsomeBot1<Valoriez> @ahoneybun different son. Paul's is today. Ok, good bye to call service19:45
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> Call service?19:45
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> @ahoneybun, Cell service19:50
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Reception19:50
acheronukahoneybun: if I recall, that is precisely what linode told you last time :P20:04
acheronukahoneybun: thanks you for sorting that :)20:05
ahoneybunOf course. Yes but we'll see how it goes but be ready for them to pull the rug from under us.20:18
acheronukI was expecting the rug to vanish in 4 months, so this is bonus20:19

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