
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
=== Hafert92 is now known as Guest73818
=== qwebirc42373 is now known as Epsilon_AskUbunt
Epsilon_AskUbuntHello? Is anyone on?03:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:49
alkisgEpsilon_AskUbunt: ^04:49
=== mikez is now known as Guest75365
beanbag-does anyone have a document on setting up xrdp on 18.04 since every other so called bullshit document was wrong19:04
beanbag-like a official lubuntu document on setting up xrdp19:05
alkisgI don't think it's related to the desktop environment19:08
alkisgSo probably a how-to  from their site19:08
wxlbeanbag-: keep the language family friendly, please. also, like alkisg said, there's nothing specific about lubuntu that requires special treatment re: xrdp. that said, xrdp can be a real pain for some use cases. you might have better luck with no machine which is really fantastic. it's also non-free, but it works.19:10
beanbag-hmm true I forgot about nomachine, thx19:11
alkisgx2go runs fine as well19:12
beanbag-yeah installing19:20
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon

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