
davidramaoups .. hi12:50
davidramaAnyone knows why sometimes hosts in commisionning phase get hung at IP-Config stage with DHCP RARP timoute ?12:52
davidramatimeouts ..12:52
davidramaugins Mellanox Connect-X3 nics.12:52
roaksoaxdavidrama: could be issues with the hardware ?13:20
roaksoaxdavidrama: at what stage do they hang13:21
davidramaroaksoax on 3 servers onlz one has this issue so far, it hangs at the commisionning phase if this is a phase >D13:38
ciscokidI'm Frank15:29
sentinel-primehi frank15:29
=== edmz_ is now known as edmz
ciscokidWhat are u looking for15:30
dannfroaksoax, newell : are arm64 pods supported w/ maas 2.4, or is that a 2.5 thing?21:03
* dannf suggests s/2.3.0/2.4.0/ in /topic21:03
newelldannf: 2.521:07
dannfnewell: cool - would it be possible to update the 2.4 release notes to note that it's x86 (or whatever architectures) only for that release?21:09
dannfnewell: do you know when 2.5 snapshots will start hitting the PPA?21:09
dannfpatriciadomin is interested in doing more testing w/ it21:10
dannfactually, patriciadomin, looks like these docs might be on github if you want to propose that change (2.4 is x86-only)21:11
dannfpatriciadomin: https://docs.maas.io/2.4/en/contributing-writing21:11
newelldannf: https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/ubuntu/experimental321:11
newelldannf: as far as release notes, roaksoax would make call on that21:11
newelldannf: not a bad suggestion though21:11
dannfnewell: thx - yeah, if the software doesn't tell you not-supported when you try to use it, release notes seems like the obvious backup21:13
SupoHi all,21:19
Supoi'm looking for some advice on why i am seeing "no mbr magic treating disk as raw" during deploy21:20
Supothis happens after it deploys and during reboot21:20
Supohas anyone seen this?21:22
roaksoaxdannf: 2.521:56
mupBug #1779953 opened: [API, doc] API documentation is not consistent on value types for parameters <api> <doc> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1779953>22:16

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