
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:58
Bashing-omWB lotuspsychje ,, been brisk in main for a change .03:09
lotuspsychjeneat Bashing-om03:09
lotuspsychjeusers are sniffing new point release lol03:09
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Interest in new installs on bizar hardware has certainly increased :)03:15
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: alot of specific techy stuff has reached us for sure03:23
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: i also feel very low bionic graphics problems these days..03:23
=== guiver_d is now known as guiverc
ducassegood morning05:48
lordievaderGood morning06:01
lordievaderHey daftykins06:10
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:10
daftykinsnot bad at all thanks! not much sleep though, too many thoughts swishing around about work plans :>06:11
daftykinshow are things with yourself?06:11
ducassemorning, lordievader06:11
ducasseenjoying your morning?06:11
lordievaderDoing good here.06:12
lordievaderSlowly configuring an old host as a secondary hypervisor06:13
daftykinsah nice, which technology?06:13
lordievaderHa, you dont want to know 😋06:14
lordievaderAn overclocked C2D.06:14
daftykinssorry i meant the virt tech in use06:15
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
JimBuntu"fail for linux" + "What's logging" = Same person X-D11:08
lordievaderdaftykins: Oh, just libvirt/qemu.11:10
lordievaderNothing fancy for failover or anything. Just some more resources for non-essential vm's.11:11
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all12:11
lotuspsychjehey blackflow12:12
lotuspsychjejust needed to fix a gdm issue on 18.04 on my desktop12:12
blackflowlotuspsychje: you mean to get it boot faster?12:12
lotuspsychjesystemd stuck at gnome display manager ppp link was shut12:13
lotuspsychjeno couldnt get in anymore12:13
lotuspsychjepurge gdm gdm3 and reinstall gdm3 and ubuntu-desktop fixxed it12:13
lotuspsychjeblackflow: got 2 new wishlists going for bionic12:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1776742 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[Wishlist] Add a GUI systemd service manager by default" [Wishlist,Confirmed]12:16
blackflowwas gdm package dropped?12:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1779723 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "[Wishlist] Add a GUI option autoremove kernel cleanup on updates" [Wishlist,Incomplete]12:16
lotuspsychjeblackflow: not sure what caused this..12:16
BluesKajHey folks12:33
lordievaderHey BluesKaj12:46
lordievaderHow are you doing?12:46
leftyfblotuspsychje: Marvel = Bugzie12:49
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: oh jeez12:51
lotuspsychjehey lordievader BluesKaj12:51
BluesKajHi lordievader, lotuspsychje12:56
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial16:36
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB16:36
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic16:36
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB16:36
lotuspsychje!info ibus-m17n bionic16:48
ubot5ibus-m17n (source: ibus-m17n): m17n engine for IBus. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-5 (bionic), package size 25 kB, installed size 188 kB16:48
lotuspsychjewelcome rush17:20
rushthanks lol17:20
rushi wil ask same question in here17:21
rushim on ubuntu 1817:21
rushhow can this ubuntu be so fast?  i have a full instalation on USB only, yet it runs very well.  just impressive.  boots as fast as, or faster than linux puppy lol  go figure17:21
rushis that normal ir did i just get lucky somehow ?17:21
lotuspsychjehow many ram do you have rush17:21
rush8 gb17:21
rushlenovo x23017:21
lotuspsychjerush: ssd or mechanical hd?17:21
rushhdd.. but running ubuntu from a 64 gb micro sd card in a usb stick only!17:22
leftyfbwhy not run it natively?17:22
rushi was normally relying on windows17:22
rushbut to be honest yes.. i think its an option now17:22
lotuspsychjerush: i5 and 8g goes a fast way17:22
rushi was hving problems using linux for all my needs on this laptop... but this new ubuntu seems to be doing a great job17:23
lotuspsychjerush: but as leftyfb suggest i would also go for physical install17:23
rushit literally seems as fast a a linux puppy usb17:23
rushwell.. the usb is so fast , i hardly need one?17:23
lotuspsychjerush: usb bottlenecks your speed17:23
rushand igf i get stuck, i can use windows on the hdd here17:23
naccleftyfb: uh, what? loopback named eth0?17:23
rushi have a windows 7 usb,  thats much slower than ubuntu usb17:24
rushi do have a 'spare' ssd laying about17:24
rushi might consider ubuntu ssd instal lin this computer17:24
lotuspsychjerush: then i would suggest plugin your ssd and install ubuntu clean on it17:24
rushshould run great17:24
lotuspsychjerush: sata speed will get you more then usb17:24
rushproblem is.. it takes a while to configure lol... and i forget some of the tips i was given17:24
rushalso, id like a dua lboot.. just in case i get stuck an dneed windows17:25
rushbut windwos 10 seems very brutish with boot up menu thse days17:25
rushhard to dual boot with it17:25
lotuspsychjei dont like dualboots myself, but just my opinion17:25
rushif i was sure i wouldnt need windows.. id go for single boot17:26
rushmaybe in a while when i feel mor econfident i'll go for it17:26
lotuspsychjerush: you could also try virtualbox with w10 afterwards17:26
rushge tsoem goods use out of my ssd too17:26
rushyuea.. this laptop is not for gaming. so vb would probably be enough17:26
lotuspsychjerush: you can then, run windows from the virtualbox17:27
leftyfbnacc: yeah, he was messing with renaming his interfaces with .network  system files .. did it wrong of course17:27
naccleftyfb: yuck17:27
leftyfbi've learned how to deal with the new naming, it's not difficult17:27
rushi actually cloned this usb ubuntu to my ssd with acronis on windows, and put it i nhere.. it does boot up.. but for some reason the boot up is really slow. fine once it gets going though17:28
leftyfbthough I'm still not keen on netplan17:28
naccand it's useful when you care about it17:28
rushreason i cloned is cos id hate to loose all my tweaks and setting ive put in here17:28
leftyfbrush: it's good practice to do it all from scratch again17:28
rushi suppose17:28
lotuspsychjerush: i usaully install ubuntu in 30min17:29
rushthe tweak cna take me literally days or weeks17:29
lotuspsychjerush: sudo apt install rar vlc photoprint preload...etc17:29
rushas i have to seek help17:29
blackflowleftyfb: my only problem with it is interfaces changing name when you make a hardware change that's not related to networking, eg gpu pulled out or added in.17:29
rushapart from the learnign curve and trouble shooting.. im well impressed with ubuntu on this lenovo x23017:30
rushjust a super combo17:30
lotuspsychjerush: glad you like it17:30
lotuspsychjerush: can you define fast boot?17:30
rushi like the aesthetic too17:30
naccblackflow: that's presumably due to probing order changing?17:30
rushdefine how?17:30
lotuspsychjerush: time, seconds,minutes17:30
rushusb boot takes unde a minute i think17:30
rushmaybe 45 seconds17:31
rush30,. perhaps17:31
blackflownacc: possibly, there's an issue open on systemd's github17:31
rushfast for usb17:31
lotuspsychjerush: yeah, it will rcoket on the ssd then17:31
naccblackflow: i know some backplane are really weird about it17:31
leftyfbblackflow: I've never experienced that17:32
rushi think these old gen lenovos are a steal..  over a thousand $ whe nthey came out.. but can get the 2012 - 13 models for maybe $150   with i5 and decent quality.  made for linux lol17:32
blackflownacc: though it's not often one changes hardware. just something to keep in mind when you work remotely17:32
naccblackflow: absolutely17:32
leftyfbmmmm BMC's17:32
naccblackflow: also, the MAC shouldn't have changed17:32
nacctbh, that change just proved how bad so many sysadmins were :)17:33
leftyfb"but I always assume eth0!"17:33
leftyfb"it's hardcoded in all my things!"17:33
blackflownacc: sure, some .link magick can help pin that down17:33
rushyouve got me tempted.. i'll consider my option.. what i might 'miss' without win 10 on here, then i might get this on ssd17:33
naccblackflow: yep, exactly17:33
rushjust hope its easy to clone in case of failure17:34
leftyfbrush: dual boot until you realize you haven't booted into Windows in a year and then reclaim the space for Ubuntu17:34
leftyfbrush: make a backup of your files on Ubuntu. And keep a list of applications you've installed. Rebuilding from scratch it fairly easy from then17:35
rushi need windows for my main gaming laptop.  but apart from a fwe photo editing an dvideo softwares, i dont think i miss windows for muc helse.  though it does have masses of software choices17:35
leftyfbrush: over time you learn of all the stuff you "customized" which you never used and start to weed out of your build list17:35
rushyea, justa few programes not avialabe in software center wer etricky to install.  plus tweaking the desktop was a bit fdiddly too17:36
rushremoving the top bar for example17:36
rushtake up too much real estate17:36
leftyfbrush: which programs?17:36
rushand removing the title bar from the windows and browsers17:36
rushqtox secure mesenger for one17:36
rushi talked to the dev, i helped him fin a bug17:37
rushso hpopefully the next verions will be easiet to install17:37
leftyfb2nd time in my life hearing someone wanting qtox17:37
rushwell.  afew years back i trieed linux.. the skype bac kthe nwas soo bad. like 1990's software17:37
rushi hear dabout tox and tried it instead17:37
leftyfbrush: and yes, the dev forgot to mention installing autoconf17:38
rushnow i have a few contacts on there so i need it installed17:38
rushdunno.. he said the install was bugged anyway17:38
rushbut he gave me a few lines of code that sorted it out17:38
rushi just dumbly coppied and pasted17:38
rushthat swhy i cant replicate it myself lol17:38
rushanyway.. all that said. it probly wouldnt take that long to get it all confirgured again... ssd instal ltempting17:39
rushanyway.. i wont hog your chat17:40
rushthanks for the tips17:40
rusham i connected ?17:46
rushcool lol17:47
rushits was becoming  a monologue17:47
* daftykins has seen far worse17:47
rushdoes ubuntu remain stable for long?17:48
rushi mean.. afte ra few months, its often a godo idea to reinstal lwindows17:48
rushhow about linux ?17:48
rushsorry, bad typing... thse laptops have prety much the best keypboars u can get, but ther eis no hope for me17:49
lotuspsychjelts | rush17:50
TeguI haven't felt the need to reinstall neither windows nor ubuntu after a few months17:51
rushits gets slow sometimes17:52
daftykinsnot been true about Windows since XP :)17:52
Tegubut yea, check LTS indeed and compare it to the life cycle of non-LTS releases17:52
rushor a tleast used to on windows.. maybe 10 is better though17:52
rushwhats lts?17:52
ubot5LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.17:52
rushi see17:52
rushmake or break tiem for england..  facing columbia any minute now17:55
rushby the way.. would you recommend using 'wine'  for running windows programs, not games.   or better to just is virtual box?17:57
rushphoto editing peograms etc17:57
oerheks_wine should die17:58
daftykinseither commit fully or dualboot17:59
blackflowoerheks_: shush!17:59
daftykinsbuuuut dualboot is messy since you will always end up neglecting one OS over the other17:59
blackflowor! or! gpu passthrough qemu-kvm!   (virtualbox is a toy)18:00
daftykinsi am the black sheep of the channel as i only run Linux servers :)18:00
daftykinsmeh, relies on VT-io and so forth :>18:00
oerheks_explore the beautifull linux programs like darktable, then you would drop wine forever18:01
rushsorrry.. football time .. bbl18:02
lotuspsychjechoose football over ubuntu now?18:02
ubot5The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1779723 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "[Wishlist] Add a GUI option autoremove kernel cleanup on updates" [Wishlist,Incomplete]18:37
lotuspsychjeseems like its a work in progress already18:37
lotuspsychjemorning hggdh19:41
hggdhlotuspsychje: agood afternoon19:41
lotuspsychjehggdh: can you heat yourself a bit on your area :p19:42
naccdoes this user just not understand networking? why are they using VMs at all21:03
oerheksyes, i wonder, existing vbox vm, and now changing with netplan21:07
blackflowoerheks: wants to switch from dhcp to static21:08
oerheksthe host has set it already, or could21:08
oerheksit is always good to show the guide at the end21:10
oerhekslet us guess, sweat and think hard21:11
blackflowthey showed it earlier and I already asked earlier if they used those numbers but didn't get the response :)21:11
oerheksoh, i missed that :-(21:12
tomreynthis wasnt the first tme, was it :) <zmugg> randolf, are you here man?23:43
oerheksiirc so yes23:47

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