
emostarHi all... just came back to Ubuntu after using Macs for so long. I am using Guake to popup a terminal quickly, and my shortcut key is set to Super+J, but when I push it, I have to push J twice. The first J bleeds through to whatever text entry is open on the desktop... any idea where to look into this?00:00
naccemostar: that seems like possibly a bug in your keyboard, i would look at what `xev` sees from the keypresses00:03
naccemostar: does that also happen if you press super, first, then press j?00:03
qwebirc63269I'm having an issue with the ubuntu budgie DE, but the IRC for that seems to be dead at the moment00:04
qwebirc63269When I launch a new program it seems to start minimized / under my programs00:04
emostarnacc: i hold down super and have to press j twice. fwiw, it occurs with an external bluetooth keyboard and the laptop's keyboard.00:04
emostarnacc: i am seeing a FocusOut when i press super, perhaps that is causing it... just super is set to show Activities or something.00:04
qwebirc63269It mainly happens for google chrome, and discord. Other programs don't seem to have that issue00:04
naccemostar: how did you setup the shortcut?00:06
naccemostar: and what version of ubuntu?00:07
naccemostar: i just tried adding one in the settings -> keyboard -> shortcut and it worked fine00:07
nacc(for super + j)00:07
naccagreed, that without one set there, i see the bheavior you do00:07
qwebirc63269can someone help me?00:09
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emostarnacc: the shortcut is set in the Guake settings, other shortcut keys work properly though. I'm running 18.0400:16
ntdhas there been any word on what ubuntus intention is, vis-a-vis VLC/libvlc in xenial?00:18
ntdvlc2 won't get patched, debian upgraded stable/oldstable to vlc300:18
emostarnacc: anything with a super+ causes the bug it seems. changing it to ctrl+j makes it work as expected. i am guessing the super key causing a Focus Out is the root cause.00:19
oerheksntd install the snap version ? 3.03-1-300:21
emostarnacc: confirmed. using tweaks, under 'keyboard & mouse', chanigng 'overview shortcut' from 'left super' to 'right super' fixes the issue for me. so the problem is with Guake, since other super+ shortcuts work as expected outside of Guake.00:22
ntdsnap? really?00:22
ntdsnap itself=good. the app store and contant phoning home=bad00:23
hangar18hey guys. is the hydrogen drum machine program still being supported for ubuntu? i just tried to go to the website for it and the site's down00:23
oerheksmeh, fud, it checks once a day for update.00:23
ntdnot very linux-y00:25
ntdthe way they (canon...) did snap and rpi: does not bode well IMO00:26
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naccemostar: ack, agreed00:26
oerheksyour opinion is valuable, but not for this channel00:27
bazhangntd ubuntu support issue? lets take the chatter elsewhere please00:27
naccvlc is in universe as well, i assume this is about the security issues?00:28
ntdi'm asking: is their plan to let xenial users holding the bag? it's not like VLC is "niche" sw00:28
naccntd: do you understand how universe works?00:29
emostarnacc: thanks for the `xev` pointer :)00:29
naccemostar: yw00:29
ntdyeah, hence me "asking", not "flaming"00:30
naccntd: this is not a policy channel, this is a support channel00:30
naccntd: that is, your question is meant for the ubuntu security team, afaict00:30
emostarnacc: i got the guake code and building it now... it uses Gtk and Python, so probably the real root cause is in one of those (or the Gtk python binding)00:30
naccemostar: could be :)00:31
naccntd: perhaps #ubuntu-hardened00:31
oerheksone could file a sru, but not sure how this works for universe00:31
naccoerheks: the sru process is unrelated to the componnent00:34
naccoerheks: the component only refers to who provides security support really00:34
Gringonarok i can add boot paremeters now00:37
Gringonarnomodeset says ut cantWhere do i add nomodeset?00:39
GringonarWhere do i add nomodeset?00:40
Gringonarisit to the linux line or a new one?00:40
emostarnacc: and the docs have a manual keybinding section... guess it's a common enough bug that there is a workaround for it. all is good now lol00:44
GringonarI'm unsure if i add the nomodeset properly or not but it just gives me a black screen00:45
Gringonarwhen trying to boot00:46
sonicwindGringonar, it goes on the linux line00:46
sonicwindend of the line, usually before quiet splash00:46
Gringonarit says "quiet splash ---"do i add it after the --- or does it signify the end of the parameter list?00:47
Gringonaroh ok00:47
sonicwindput it before the quiet splash as far as I know00:47
Gringonarok now it freezes in the grub menu :(00:48
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speedy01created media...no joy00:59
speedy01guess ubuntu just doesn't like my hardware00:59
rangemongerdid you google ubuntu and your device? maybe others have similar experiences/workarrounds?01:00
tateranyone know what would be generating a bunch of random certs in /etc/ssl/certs?01:00
taterall with the extension .001:01
speedy01recap...can't get ubuntu to get past grub menu.  goes to blank screen.  I've tried creating media from different workstation, different usb, difference creation tools.  tried editing grub option to no splash debug --verbose with no change01:03
leftyfbtater: that is normal01:03
speedy01also tried setting gfxpayload=text01:04
speedy01tried nomodeset01:04
rangemongerwhat device was it again?01:04
speedy01still nothing. .would like to note that fedora boots and installs fine01:04
speedy01rangemonger: Lenovo yoga 72001:04
speedy017th gen intel with integrated gnu....kaby lake I believe01:05
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rangemongerspeedy01: can you tell me whats in the uefi folder on your fedora iso?01:07
Gringonari have the samme issue as speedy but different hardware01:08
Gringonarvery odd01:08
rangemongerim looking into the yoga 720, it def not only you01:10
speedy01rangemonger: sure..give me a sec01:10
speedy01err..iso is on my work computer01:11
speedy01I can d/l it again if needed01:11
sonicwindGringonar, not sure but this thread might help - https://askubuntu.com/questions/162075/my-computer-boots-to-a-black-screen-what-options-do-i-have-to-fix-it01:13
speedy01rangemonger: on the laptop, I can tell you whats in the /boot folder if that helps01:14
rangemongersorry bout that01:15
Gringonarsonicwind thank you, i already read it apperently i'm suposed to get a purple grub screen but mine is black01:16
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GringonarI can't get to the ubuntu installer01:17
Gringonaror the live options01:17
Gringonari can only add boot parameters which are quite alien to me lol01:18
Gringonari tried nomodeset and modprobe.blacklist=nouveau01:18
Gringonarall give a blackscreen01:19
taterleftyfb: how is that normal01:21
speedy01I'm going with hardware being the issue..01:24
rangemongerdo a hw test01:25
rangemongeron windows01:25
rangemongerwith burn in test or something01:25
speedy01bin running windows on the machine for a while..really don't think its hardware per se, likely the ubuntu media is missing something01:27
rangemongeri wouldnt peg fedora as much harder to use that ubuntu, per se01:29
rangemongeronly that deb/apt is a bit easier a package manager to work with than rpm01:29
rangemongerso if you can find another debian based distro maybe01:29
speedy01yeah...just hoping to try ubuntu...seems like there is more packages/software available for it01:30
rangemongeris your hdd controller set to ahci mode?01:32
rangemongerthe 2nd post on that page01:34
BiessieHow can i delete a partition (Windows 10) and make that partition part of my linux partition? is it possible without reinstalling?01:35
speedy01yep...I saw that as well01:36
speedy01but no joy01:36
rangemongeryeah, it seems like a tough go at best01:37
rangemongerBiessie: run gparted, delete win10 partition (if thats what you really wanna do) and then resize the linux one to the space available01:37
Biessierangemonger : Thanks!01:38
rangemongerno prob01:38
speedy01this will likely be my last lenovo01:38
rangemongeri dunno man, i have an asus tab and linux runs spotty on that too01:39
rangemongerits nice on a pc but on something portable, its really hit and miss01:39
Biessiemy asus UL50VT (pretty old) sucks running anything01:40
speedy01it seems like pc manufacture are locking down consumer PC more and more every release01:40
Biessienot a fan of asus though01:40
speedy01the bios options on this thing is so limited...01:40
rangemongerevery portable uefi machine ive seen has almost no bios options01:41
speedy01microsoft I think is over inflating win 10 numbers by forcing it on people01:41
speedy01new 8th gen intel, MS is blocking windows 7 installs on01:42
rangemongerits what they do01:42
speedy01read somewhere that some manufactures have to make linux install difficult on machines certified as "microsoft signature editions" devices..01:43
speedy01which is suppose to mean no bloat...but I guess it also means no linux! lol01:43
speedy01and I think the 720 I have is a "ms signature edition".  should have bought a Mac.....as least with that, I know what I would have been getting into....01:44
rangemongermight have read something like that too01:44
speedy01<rant over>01:44
rangemongersubstituting one bad thing with another :P01:44
speedy01regardless...thanks for trying to help me out!01:44
rangemongersorry it didnt work out for you01:44
speedy01no worries...have fedora on it...its a starting point!01:45
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rangemongerand a decent one at that01:47
Bashing-omspeedy01: Any help: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1734147 here ?01:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734147 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "corrupted BIOS due to Intel SPI bug in kernel" [Critical,Fix released]01:48
rangemongerBashing-om: that was actually a bug in linux that killed bioses01:48
Bashing-omrangemonger: I just see the finger pointed at many Lenovo systems .01:50
rangemongeryeah it happened to them but i think it killed them01:50
rangemongerspeedy01s system isnt nuked01:51
speedy01not nuked yet any way!01:54
rangemongerhopefully never01:54
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Biessierangemonger : Its not allowing me to add to the partition.. is it because im mounted? even the SWAP partition i want to make a little bigger.02:08
Biessierangemonger : Do i have to do it another way? im mounted because im on the OS obviously02:08
rangemongerrightclick on the partitions and unmount/swapoff02:09
Biessienot allowing me.02:10
rangemongercan you boot off a live usb stick?02:11
rangemongerthen it should let you02:11
Biessieill see about getting one made02:11
Biessiethanks. thats what i was expecting to hear02:11
MKHey guys I need some help: my Ubuntu froze on the lock screen screensaver, but I can ctrl-alt-f1 to the other terminal. What would be the best way to recover from that? Just kill Xorg?02:17
rangemongerand then startx if need be02:20
MKalright, thanks02:21
naccMK: is it 18.04?02:21
AAA_awrightMy on-screen keyboard appears when I don't need it to, usually touching the screen. I don't have it turned on in the settings. How do I permanently disable the on-screen keyboard from appearing?02:21
naccMK: ok, then perhaps what rangemonger said02:21
MKYup, it worked, thanks guys02:21
rangemongernacc: would it be different on 18.04?02:22
rangemongerthey did go back to xorg02:22
naccrangemonger: yes, in that f1 is not a tty anymore02:22
rangemongeroh, i havent even noticed that yet02:22
nacciirc, f1 will take you to the greeter02:23
Biessierangemonger : Can i use ubuntu 18.04 desktop install cd as a live cd to repartition?02:26
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rangemongerBiessie: yes02:26
Biessiegreat news. will do that now02:26
rangemongero wait, install cd? whats the iso name?02:26
rangemongeras long as its one that goes to the desktop when it boots02:26
Biessiei dont know the iso name off hand im not on the desktop that i burned the image on02:27
Biessiethe 18.04 LTS iso02:27
rangemongerwhen you boot it does it go to the desktop?02:29
rangemongeror offer atleast ask if you want to go to it02:29
rangemonger*or atleast02:29
rangemongerwhats up02:52
dinoziwhich is the best for upgrading 16.04.3 to 16.04.4 ? apt v apt-get v aptitude .. dist-upgrade vs full upgrade ?02:53
oerheksdist-upgrade full-upgrade .. both work02:54
dinozioerheks: whatabout the prefix?02:55
dinoziapt v apt get vs aptitude02:55
oerheksofficial it is apt now, still apt-get still works02:56
dinoziapt-get wont break the system even if still works?02:57
oerheksand aptitude is optional, not standard. but also good.02:57
oerheksdoes it break?02:57
dinozibeen using apt-get and apt in mix fashion lately .trying who will complete the task better. :(02:57
rangemongerapt because its less to type02:58
rangemongerits almos the same thing02:58
dinozii read depending on the apt version it will only do certain task.. so how will i know the apt version?02:58
rangemongerthe non commandline type guy in me says open synaptic and look at the ver there :P02:59
dinozifeels like ive been doing it wrong right from the start.02:59
oerheksunlikely, apt and aptitude difference are long gone02:59
dinozirangemonger:  also trying to install synaptic, & it wont let me.shucks02:59
rangemongersudo apt install update, then sudo apt install synaptic03:00
rangemongerupdate is important03:00
rangemongernot to be confused with upgrade03:00
dinoziare they always partners? like you need to do update before an installation?03:01
rangemongerupdate updates what packages are available03:01
rangemongerso say thinger version 2 came out last week and thinger version 3 came out today but you never typed update, if you apt install thinger, it will get 203:02
dinoziim trying to make a script that only does a 1 time update then install all ppa and applications but it appears its not responsive.03:02
rangemongerthis is troublesome when some packages are expecting one version of something and only see another because it wasnt updated03:02
lotuspsychjedinozi: we dont support external ppa's here03:02
lotuspsychjerangemonger: sudo apt install update? what are you talking about?03:03
rangemongerno, sudo apt update, then sudo apt install03:04
rangemongersorry, i typed it wrong03:04
rangemongermy brain crossed wires or something03:05
dinoziwhats the next best thing to ppa-s? if i would avoid ppa's03:06
lotuspsychjedinozi: installing packages from the official ubuntu repos03:06
rangemongeri love PPAs03:06
dinozigot a link on the ubuntu repos?03:07
rangemongerif ubuntu is so against them why did they create them?03:07
lotuspsychjerangemonger: please keep that for offtopic chat03:07
lotuspsychjedinozi: you can search packages on your system with: apt-cache search keyword03:07
oerheksno, we provide the platform, but the owner is the one for support03:08
dinoziyep.thats the command im trying to google since.but not succesful03:08
dinoziPackage 'synaptic' has no installation candidate :(03:09
lotuspsychjedinozi: what are you trying to do exactly?03:09
dinoziinstall app and update to 16.04.403:10
rangemongerthat doesnt seem right, i install synatpic after every install :S03:10
lotuspsychjedinozi: wich app?03:10
dinoziits a fresh install.theres a lot of apps i like to install starting with synaptic03:11
lotuspsychjedinozi: why do you need synpatic, you can install packages from terminal or software center?03:11
dinozisoft ctr is not responsive03:11
rangemongermaybe they dont like typing commands all the time03:12
rangemongerand software center always bugs out03:12
dinozilotuspsychje:  terminal is uncooperative.03:12
lotuspsychjedinozi: if software center does not response, perhaps you choose a too heavy ubuntu version for your hardware?03:13
rangemongerso if you "sudo apt install synaptic" it gives you that error you just mentioned?03:13
dinoziE: Package 'synaptic' has no installation candidate03:13
rangemongerno, software center craps out on my 16gig ram+ i503:14
rangemongerits not us, its sw center03:14
Biessiedoes apt install and apt-get install work the same?03:14
lotuspsychjerangemonger: please don't generalize statements in #ubuntu like that03:14
dinozilotuspsychje:  12gb ram xenial 16.04.303:14
rangemongerim sorry if i hurt ubuntus feelings but clearly it needs a little assistance with its software center03:14
lotuspsychjerangemonger: software center working like a charm on 2 gig ram here03:15
lotuspsychjerangemonger: you can only speak of your own system..03:15
rangemongerso its not our systems specs atleast03:15
dinozilotuspsychje:  what version ur using?03:15
rangemongermine and the people i administer03:15
dinozi16.04.1 was a breeze to install.i dunno whats happening lately03:17
lotuspsychjedinozi: first of all, before installing software, keep your system up to date with: update-manager or from terminal: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade03:17
dinozithats the 1st thing i always do03:17
lotuspsychjedinozi: that doesnt make sense, as ubuntu 16.04.4 is out and you say your on .303:18
dinozithe live usb was on .303:18
rangemongereither way that cant be it, synatpic was available on either one03:18
lotuspsychjedinozi: when did you download your .iso?03:19
dinozilotuspsychje: less than a month old03:19
rangemongerhow about downloading the synatpic deb from ubuntus servers and installing it via gdebi?03:20
dinozirangemonger:  let me check on that03:21
lotuspsychjedinozi: .3 is out from august 2017...03:21
rangemongermaybe the mirror you have ubuntu set ot dl from is down at the moment?03:21
dinozilotuspsychje: maybe im wrong w/ the dl date.. is it possible to show nautilus a column for creation date?03:23
lotuspsychjedinozi: how about you focus on updating your system first...before you do other things?03:24
lotuspsychjedinozi: if you trying installing packages on a non-updated system, you getting older packages that could be outdated, or with security holes03:26
dinozilotuspsychje:  yeah.im stuck on the update part.cant do anything else even if i want to03:26
lotuspsychjedinozi: open a terminal and type: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade and hastebin us the results please03:26
oerheksheh, on a live usb ?03:27
lotuspsychjeoerheks: he's on live?03:27
dinozilotuspsychje:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wPVpHHJbYH/03:28
dinoziim on full install.dont want to nuke it again03:29
lotuspsychjedinozi: how did you get those http://mirror.pregi.net in your sources?03:30
dinoziby changing to the fastest server ?03:31
Bashing-omdinozi: ' sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5 ' to fix the key issue .03:31
lotuspsychjedinozi: try changing that to another server, some of your preggi 40403:32
dinozilotuspsychje: they are not supposed that way?03:32
dinoziayt.ill change (again) is there a max of times in changing servers?03:32
dinoziBashing-om:  should i do that now or change servers?03:33
lotuspsychjedinozi: try what Bashing-om just pasted03:33
Bashing-omdinozi: either way .. will lead to the same end :)03:33
dinoziBashing-om: deep :D03:34
dinoziwhere is this applicable for every badsig issue? -- > sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B503:36
Bashing-omdinozi: " The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 " from your paste .03:37
dinoziongoing sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade .. pls bear with me03:37
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Biessierangemonger : Partitions are setup like i needed and extended my swap. thanks again03:42
rangemongerBiessie: oh nice, good stuff, glad it worked out03:43
dinozilotuspsychje:  is this the site ? https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/   the ppa killer site? :)03:43
Biessiewindows had 3 partitions taking up over 60% of my hdd. i deleted it all and extended my linux partition to take it all up03:43
Biessieincreased my swap from 975 megs to 4gb03:44
lotuspsychje!sources | dinozi03:44
ubottudinozi: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.03:44
rangemongercool, yeah it takes up a lot03:47
dinozisometimes,after i change servers,it will update a long list,then it will b interrupted saying check your internet connection (even if internet is still connected) question how can i resume just those who are partially & not yet downloaded?03:49
BiessieHTOP - xorg is using up 20-50% of my cpu consistently .. is that nomral or my cpu is just crap? lol03:52
lotuspsychjeBiessie: on wich ubuntu version?03:52
Biessielotuspsychje : 18.04 LTS Desktop03:53
Biessiei truly do not need xorg to run though.. it's rare ill use it once i have it all setup how i want it. should i just disable it on bootup ? if so, how so i go about doing that? lol03:54
Biessiei can always manually load it up as needed03:54
Biessiehttps://www.asus.com/Laptops/UL50Vt/specifications/ is my old POS laptop its r unning on03:55
lotuspsychjeBiessie: gnome is known bottleneck overall, but its being worked on03:55
Biessieshould i use a different GUI? KDE or something you recommend?03:55
rangemongerimo kde is tops03:56
rangemongeror xfce03:56
rangemonger2 best ones but thats me03:56
Biessiehow do i load that by default?03:56
Biessievs gnome?03:56
lotuspsychjeBiessie: at the end of the month 18.04.1 comes out, perhaps await this release point?03:56
Biessielotuspsychje : Sure!03:57
Biessiewont hurt, right03:57
lotuspsychjeBiessie: alot of bugs get solved on every release point, worth the test :p03:57
Biessieso i just do sudo apt update / upgrade commands and it will take care of it?03:58
Biessieor its a little more than that? sorry for noob questions03:59
Bashing-omdinozi: corrupted control files ? try ' sudo apt clean ; cd /var/lib/apt ; sudo mv lists lists.old ; sudo mkdir -p lists/partial ; sudo apt clean ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' .03:59
Biessierangemonger : Yea i've ran XFCE before. cant remember if i liked it though lol. was on 16.0404:00
Biessieits been a while.04:00
lotuspsychjeBiessie: just updating your system will result to new release points too, yes04:01
Biessielotuspsychje : Perfect. i run the update/upgrade commands on the daily! :)04:01
lotuspsychjeBiessie: thats the spirit!04:01
dinoziBashing-om: im sorry ,but the --->   cd /var/lib/apt     what is the complete command for it?04:02
Bashing-omdinozi: that is the comp[lete command where you are changing the working directory to that target, sych that long paths for the following commands are not needed .04:03
rangemongerkde = mad features and customization, xfce =  pretty lite and overall sane, gnome = tablety and composited if thats your bag, mate/gnome2 = kind of like xfce but more customizable, cinnamon = based on gnome3 but more traditional04:03
dinozii mean,just execute 1x1 ?04:04
dinozisudo apt clean04:04
dinozicd /var/lib/apt04:04
dinozisudo mv lists lists.old04:04
dinozisudo mkdir -p lists/partial04:04
dinozisudo apt clean04:04
Bashing-omdinozi: Ues, one command at the time :)04:04
Biessierangemonger - thanks for that.04:05
Biessierangemonger - I found this https://www.lifewire.com/best-linux-desktop-environments-4120912 pretty nice comparisons04:05
rangemongeri love kde because it can be pretty much any other one04:07
GHF-Hi, I was trying to add failover IP to my server, and it seems I have done something wrong, now even my primary address is not working04:08
dinoziis it possible to change bionic's desktop into xenial without complications?04:13
Bashing-omdinozi: No, too much has changed . But you can add any desktop that you like ,, what desktop did you have in 16.04 ?04:14
Toadisattvawasn't uniity the default in xenial?04:15
Toadisattvagnome is better anyway :P04:15
flyingtoasterUbuntu gnome is now pointless04:16
Bashing-omToadisattva: True if was a (u)buntu default install .04:16
RandolfAre there any plans to update openjfx to work with default-jre in Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS?  It seems that OpenJFX was forgotten, and so we're stuck having to use Java 8 instead of Java 11.04:16
ToadisattvaI'm an lxde and xfce type guy myself, but that's just what floats my boat04:17
Bashing-om!info unity | di04:17
ubottudi: unity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.5.0+18.04.20180413-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 1748 kB, installed size 6808 kB04:17
GHF-this is my ifconfig: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vz6bFPmdwJ/04:20
Bashing-omdinozi:  Try again ' sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5 ' .04:20
lotuspsychje!latest | Randolf04:21
ubottuRandolf: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.04:21
Bashing-omdinozi: See: http://askubuntu.com/questions/41605/trouble-downloading-packages-list-due-to-a-hash-sum-mismatch-error . Maybe change your mirror and try again .04:27
dinoziok.tnx for your time everyone04:28
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GHF-I would appreciate any help regarding my interfaces issue04:38
shachafIs it possible to install Ubuntu without a /boot partition (booting from the EFI system partition) with encrypted root?04:40
shachafCertainly the installer doesn't support it, but is it even achievable?04:41
=== guiver_d is now known as guiverc
subhamwhat rangemonger?05:09
rangemongernothing, bad joke05:09
subhamso where r u from rangemonger?05:10
rangemongerontario, canada you?05:10
subhamwest bengal,INDIA05:11
lotuspsychje!ops | subham known troll05:12
ubottusubham known troll: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax05:12
subhamare u a boy?05:12
tonyyarussoThis is a support channel - please limit your conversations to on-topic use.05:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:13
davidfg4_/!\ ATTN: For any questions PM ajvpot he is the Official support contact /!\05:13
uxbalhey there ubuntu folks. I'm looking for a good home office distro to get the job done. I'm done with tinkering with rolling releases as i don't have time for that. i was torn between ubuntu and opensuse leap, as they seem the most 'enterprisish', but am a bit wary of ubuntu moving out of 'consumer' space. what does that mean for ubuntu desktop?05:27
rangemongerthere doesnt seem to be any threat to ubuntu desktop as far as i can tell05:28
rangemongersuse is pretty solid too though05:29
rangemongeri dont think you can go wrong either way05:29
rangemongerbtw, suse just got bought out by some other co05:29
=== giraffe is now known as Guest56583
shachafEven *with* a separate /boot, it seems like disk encryption and dual boot are just not supported?05:33
shachafAre people who don't want to erase their entire disk supposed to install unencrypted, or what?05:33
kuberonI am investigating problems with my Sata controller and disks, have Win10 and Ubuntu on separate SSDs, got hard BSODs on Win10 a few mins after boot05:36
uxbalrangermonger: yeah, i like opensuse, but the yearly reinstall of point releases is somewhat offputting05:36
kuberonnow with Ubuntu I sometimes get very long login times, how do I check if any errors happened ?05:36
kuberonWhen logging in there is purple background displayed for like 30 minutes before login screen reappears05:37
guiverckuberon: systemd has a blame option; but I usually look in journalctl, dmesg for issues (this is general only) - i remove 'quiet splash' [grub] so more appear on screen & compare with normal..  i'd check smartctl, temp (hardware inc. disk) too if I didn't know05:43
AnthaasSet up a new computer yesterday - fresh install, 18.04. As soon as it is has installed and restarted, I try to log in for the first time, and the screen goes black, and then takes me back to the log in screen. The mouse and keyboard are very slow/laggy too if they are even responsive.06:13
=== krock22 is now known as cary
HaMsTeRsSup ppl06:46
HaMsTeRsjust got my ubuntu installed, i'm very Happy with it06:47
HaMsTeRsit seems can definitely replace my Windows 1006:47
HaMsTeRsI'm currently customizing the look, just wonder is there any clean glassy theme that could share with me?06:47
plasm0duckHow do I stop my Bluetooth keyboard going to sleep?06:52
guivercHaMsTeRs: have you looked at those available via gnome-looks site?  (assuming using gnome or 18.04)06:52
HaMsTeRsguiverc, thanks for reply.  Yes, i'm currently using 18.0406:53
HaMsTeRschecking gnome-look site now06:53
plasm0duckIf I don't use it for a while it goes to sleep and becomes unresponsive. The only way to make it work again is to turn it off, turn the bluetooth connection off on computer, turn the keyboard back on and turn the bluetooth connection back on and press any button on the keybord and then it will become "connected" again.06:54
HaMsTeRshm... in gnome-look.org, should I browse the shell-theme or gdk or gdm?07:01
=== agm is now known as Guest94550
AnthaasSet up a new computer yesterday - fresh install, 18.04. As soon as it is has installed and restarted, I try to log in for the first time, and the screen goes black, and then takes me back to the log in screen. The mouse and keyboard are very slow/laggy too if they are even responsive.07:04
kuberonguiverc: but the issue happens when logging in not booting07:13
kuberonI did the tweak anyway, will try it next time07:13
kuberonhaven't seen anything unusual in dmesg, journalctl07:13
kuberonwhat about systemd blame option?07:14
svernagovichragazzi il mio computer non riesce a vedere gli hd che monto su usb07:16
ducasse!it | svernagovich07:16
ubottusvernagovich: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:16
svernagovichok sorryù07:18
astra`hi there07:20
astra`i'm experiencing some bad lagging since i upgraded to 18.04 i.e. while watching a video, every few minutes the picture freezes for a few seconds while the sound is still playing07:22
niceguy99lxc launch images:debain/stretch/amd64 sagemath07:34
niceguy99how come that image can't be found its listed07:34
hay207Hi, my bluetooth isnot working07:35
hay207i think it's related to this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-wily/+bug/154294407:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1542944 in linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu) "QCA9565 / AR9565 bluetooth not work" [Medium,Fix released]07:36
hay207shouldn't this bug be fixed in 18.04?07:37
hay207i posted my bug in this link, shall i open a new bug report?07:40
hay207under name of haytham-med07:41
swebinstalling ubuntu 18.04 on virtulabox no internet access07:44
astra`why is 18.04 so laggy?07:44
SysGhostAtheros is, imho, not a good choice of a brand for a hassle-free linux life.07:44
SysGhostOne would think that Atheros based hardware would get a whole lot better once Qualcomm took it over... but... that still remains to be seen.07:45
astra`streaming freezes 1 or 2 seconds every few minutes while the audio is still playing just fine07:45
SysGhostubottu: ...so no wonder if Atheros based hardware/firmwares sstill linger around with bugs that "hould" have been solved.07:45
swebhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tMvVFPcrsQ/ my netplan configuration07:45
ubottuSysGhost: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:45
guiverchay207: 'fix release' applies to that bug; do you have the same hardware? (exactly or very close?) otherwise I'd suggest a new bug...07:46
SysGhostdarn these bots07:46
maretHi I am having a problem with rights. I am using visual code studio which has plugin for saving local history. I set path for saving to ~/home/vshistory but I am getting access denied error.07:46
astra`i7-8700k gtx 1060 gb07:46
swebvirtual box two inter faces, NAT and HostBridge ... i donno what's the problem of conncection07:46
SysGhosthay207: What I wrote to ubottu above...07:46
hay207i posted my dmesg, lspci and lsusb reports in that bug07:47
hay207i think i got same hardware07:47
SysGhostIn short: (╯°□°)╯︵soɹǝɥʇ∀07:48
hay207it only got a problem cause wifi and bluetooth are on same chip07:48
swebproblem is when i active second interface internet gone07:49
SysGhostit'sa common combo. imho, see if one can replace the card with an Intel based one instead. It is what I do with my laptops. If I ever see Atheros or MediaTek in em, I'll rip em out.07:49
=== anders is now known as Guest13744
MacroManMy server lost network connectivity last night. This is the point of failure I found in syslog: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Jyx22y9mtQ/07:52
hay207i guess i open a new bug07:52
MacroManDoes that indicate the network was pulled (or thought it was pulled)?07:52
guiverchay207: give pilot6 a few days & see if you get a response (or are told to file a new bug).  I'd suggest ensuring you are subscribed to the bug  (and hit affects me too - looks like you did, so thank you!)07:53
SysGhostMacroMan: "PCIe link lost, device now detached" can mean so much. Some reason the chip on the PCIe card simply stopped talking to the system bus. Reasons? No idea. Is it likely that someonw pulled the card? Is the motherboard of such kind it can manage hot swap of pcie cards?07:54
hay207i will continue searching for a solution in ubuntu forums07:54
SysGhostMacroMan: try reloading the igb module, and see what happens.07:56
MacroManSysGhost: I doubt very much the card was actually pulled. I'm also getting a disk timeout error on bootup: [ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-e1e68588\x2dd8ae\x2d82f6\x2d889e\x2d022a411956a7.device07:57
MacroManI think this is swap space07:57
SysGhoststart to sound like a bad PSU07:57
MacroManSo power spikes and the such to the server components?07:57
SysGhostcan be. Are the servers protected for spikes and surges? UPS units?07:58
MacroManI presume so. It's rented from a data centre.07:59
SysGhostah... can it be that you're in a VM?08:00
MacroManNo, dedicate08:00
SysGhostHear with the owners of the server. Report the errors to em. Likely they'll suspect something along these lines...08:00
MacroManThey reported these errors to me lol.08:01
MacroManI'll pass back I think it's the PSU and see what they say. Thank you08:01
SysGhostcould be a buggy igb kernel module too, but as you also have other errors too, it is more likely to be something else.08:02
SysGhostwhich is why you should at least try a kernel module reload. rmmod igb && modprobe igb08:02
MacroManOk will do. I presume as sudo08:02
SysGhostodd thing is that what you have there, can be related to an old igb bug from around 2015... should have been solved by long now... unbless the distribuition you have there is really old and not updated.08:03
MacroMan'rmmod igb && modprobe igb' completed without any output08:04
SysGhostsee dmesg08:04
DXH30cat /var/log/messages08:04
MacroManWhat am I looking for?08:04
SysGhostthe last lines mentioning anything about igb and if it successfully detecting a card again or not08:05
MacroManI can see the card was detached and re-attached. It's come back up fine08:06
DXH30lsmod | grep igb08:06
SysGhostwell... that's odd.. .you seem to have a bug in igb that should have been solved. possible regression perhaps?08:06
MacroManShall I paste the whole output of dmesg?08:07
MacroManObviously the relavent bits08:07
DXH30dmesg | grep -i igb08:07
MacroManDXH30: http://termbin.com/ro3u08:08
MacroManHang on, that was from lsmod08:08
MacroMandmesg: http://termbin.com/e6pm08:09
MacroManThe lines starting at 2935 was when I removed and re-attached igb08:10
DXH30ip l08:10
DXH30is there any enp2s0f008:11
MacroManI think so: http://termbin.com/be7q08:12
SysGhostnow that the link is back up again, does it work as intended?08:13
DXH30the card detected as enp208:13
DXH30ip link set dev enp2s0f1 up08:13
DXH30ip link set dev enp2s0f0 up08:13
MacroManYes, it seems to be working fine.08:15
DXH30lspci | grep -i ig08:15
DXH30lspci | grep -i igb08:15
DXH30is it solved ?08:15
MacroManI'm just concerned about what caused it to go down in the first placew08:16
SysGhostMacroMan: Well then. If it repeats, it's time to file a bug report. if it remains stable it might just have been a fluke of some kind.08:16
MacroManI'll keep my ear to the ground on this one.08:16
MacroManThanks guys08:16
DXH30good luck08:17
SysGhostCould be someone @ the data centre doing service, and in lst second discovered he pulled a cardfom the wrong machine. pushed it quickly back in again and hope no one noticed. I've seen that kind of hickups happen before =P08:19
SysGhostmachines @ data cemntres usually are capable of PICe hot swap.08:20
MacroManI did cross my mind.08:21
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
coconutIs there any ubuntu app to paste terminal or code strings in and explains them?08:29
hay207guiverc: i also found this bug report related to my problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/176464508:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1764645 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth not working" [Medium,In progress]08:33
swebwhy netplan ? cannot configure simple network no internet access no well documentation08:34
guiverccoconut, you mean more than `man`  ([reference] manual);  i recall easier ones (you had to install), but they only covered common options (and put larger emphasis on example)08:34
guiverchay207, if that fits perfectly (or very close) add yourself to that  (that bug has more heat)08:38
coconuton i don't refer to man... just trying to figure out whether an simple code explainer exist.08:39
=== neon is now known as Guest95583
=== Guest95583 is now known as kubast2
kubast2Hey is it possible to copy a firefox profile from live dvd ?08:40
kubast2like copy .mozilla to an external hard drive08:40
hay207SysGhost: i prefer to buy a bluetooth dongle than to do open surgery on my laptop :P08:40
kubast2and then copy it back into /home/$user/.mozilla ?08:40
kubast2I guess I can08:43
SysGhosthay207: the "open surgery" pretty much involves lifting a lid, removing a card, insertinga better card. reattaching the lid.08:45
SysGhostbut yeah I get you. If there's a software solution to the whole thing it mught be enough. Just me that just have grown tired of some hardware manufacturers and their complete and total linux-ignorance.08:46
hay207isnot a dongle better?08:47
SysGhostimho... nope.. But.. it's me. I hate dongles. Prone to break and are, imho, ugly "ghetto-solutions" to what should be a smooth experience.08:48
=== shannara_ is now known as shann
plasm0duckIf I don't use it for a while it goes to sleep and becomes unresponsive. The only way to make it work again is to turn it off, turn the bluetooth connection off on computer, turn the keyboard back on and turn the bluetooth connection back on and press any button on the keybord and then it will become "connected" again.08:50
plasm0duckHow do I stop my Bluetooth keyboard going to sleep?08:50
=== plasm0duck is now known as plasmoduck
SysGhostperformance and functional -wise, dongles doesn't do any better than their wifi/bt counterparts. Some times they even do worse.08:50
SysGhostOnce one get the bt to work, it doesn't really matter that it sits ona wifi/bt combo card. I have a few laptops where I put mini PCIe with Intels AC7260 (Includes bluetooth functionality) Best mini pcie wifi/bt combo card out imho.08:55
plasmoduckHow do I stop my Bluetooth keyboard going to sleep? If I don't use it for a while it goes to sleep and becomes unresponsive. The only way to make it work again is to turn it off, turn the bluetooth connection off on computer, turn the keyboard back on and turn the bluetooth connection back on and press any button on the keybord and then it will become "connected" again.08:57
=== plasmoduck is now known as Plasmoduck
astra`streaming freezes 1 or 2 seconds every few minutes while the audio is still playing just fine08:59
coconutguiverc: is there something online that you know?09:00
guivercman pages are available online coconut ; there is doco (including ubuntu manual) & i recall reading (maybe omg ubuntu) of easier alternatives to man but I didn't find it sorry.  (I'm happy with `man` myself)09:02
MacroManSysGhost: For info: My issue was caused by Intel driver incompatibility with 18.0409:02
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
qwebirc35814im trying to dual boot ubuntu on hp pavilion 11 x360 with pentium processor running on windows 10, the think is the ubuntu installation process is showing installing grub2 for long time without finish for hours09:55
qwebirc35814can anyone help09:55
rushmy vlc player wont play my vidoes10:00
rushplease advice10:00
rushand how to press 'ok'  when an ifo message comes up in the terminal.  there is no way t ocontinue..  very frustrating10:01
rushinfo message*10:01
brainwashrush: you can enable logging in the VLC settings10:03
guivercrush, what ubuntu version, and what type of videos? - for restricted formats the following is useful (codecs etc) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats10:04
rushubuntu 1810:04
rushany videos10:04
rushvlc usually playss the mall10:04
rushthem all *10:04
rushwhats logging for?10:05
brainwashit tells you what VLC is doing, what errors it encounters etc.10:05
brainwashthere may be some hint in the log10:05
rushi wouldnt understand that10:06
brainwashI would assume that VLC tells the user via a dialog window why it cannot play a media file though10:06
rushjust thought vlc is supposed to 'play anything; like it does on windows ?10:06
rushno, nothing10:06
rushjust doesnt play10:06
brainwashso yeah. obtain the log file.10:07
coconutguiverc: no, VLC has their codecs built-in, no need to installed them separately.10:07
brainwashrush: also, people in #vlc can help you with debugging the issue10:07
guiverc:) thanks coconut (explains why I didn't need to do anything...)10:08
rushyea, it works straight off the bat in windows10:08
rushlinux yet again fails lol10:08
brainwashin your case it does10:09
qwebirc35814im trying to dual boot ubuntu on hp pavilion 11 x360 with pentium processor running on windows 10, the think is the ubuntu installation process is showing installing grub2 for long time without finish for hours10:09
coconutvery unusual though, normally it play 99.x% of video's (did i say ALL video's here?)10:09
rushmany things seem to fail 'in my case'  on linux though10:10
rushits just not up to par10:10
brainwashqwebirc35814: I would try this https://askubuntu.com/questions/758089/ubuntu-installation-takes-an-hour-is-there-any-way-to-see-logs10:10
qwebirc35814okay thanks let me try this10:11
brainwashrush: without any log output we cannot help you10:12
rushmaybe ill try another player10:13
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coconutrush: MPV is known as an great media player too10:14
rushwill try10:15
coconutrush: though some might be interested in a log10:15
JimBunturush, get the log, post in #vlc. I seriously doubt it's the kernels fault (a.k.a. Linux)11:04
=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest96099
nathdwekHi guys, I have a bit of a headache with Firefox and qbitorrent11:43
howzitcalSET password11:43
nathdwekSome time ago I used qbitorrent to open a magnet link, and now all files are opened with qbitorrent, eg pdf11:44
nathdwekI have check in preferences->data associations11:44
nathdwekand in mimeTypes.rdf, which I have regenerated11:44
nathdwekstill does it11:44
nathdwekAny idea what might be the problem?11:44
=== coconut is now known as coconut_
CoolerZsomething is wrong, the menu options are all white/grey11:52
blackflowCoolerZ: what, where, what did you do?11:55
CoolerZevery menu in every program is like that11:55
CoolerZblackflow, i just restarted the computer11:55
CoolerZthe only thing i can think of that could be messing with this is kde plasma11:56
blackflowis that Unity on Xenial?11:56
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CoolerZno i am using gnome on ubuntu 18.0411:56
blackflowthat's not plasma UI11:57
CoolerZno but i did install and try plasma a few days ago11:57
blackflowah. well, I used to see such issues in the past. I believe tehre's even a few bugs open.   Reboot fixed it?11:57
CoolerZno reboot didn't fix it11:58
blackflowCoolerZ: huh. can you pin point the moment that started happening? what did you do just before that? installed kde plasma?12:02
CoolerZblackflow, i can't pinpoint the moment, i noticed it right now when i started my laptop and logged into ubuntu12:10
CoolerZmaybe i should try restarting12:10
Marvelchu: I am suppose to be banned12:11
arifuzzamanMy 8GB flash drives has become read only. Previously I made it bootable using `Startup Disk Creator` and later formatted if using Disks. Now I can't write in it. I already tried to format it again using the `overwrite existing data` option. Tried to used `chmod` to make it writable. Tried with `dosfsck`... None helped... Would anyone point me to the right direction please..12:15
arifuzzamanI meant USB pendrive12:16
Marvelchu: You need to ban me12:18
lotuspsychjeMarvel: can you stop that please, only ubuntu support here12:19
CoolerZwell restarting didn't fix it12:24
CoolerZfirefox and the file explorer seems to be fine though, their menus look normal12:25
CoolerZand so does the terminal window's menus12:25
CoolerZonly sublime text and hexchat seems to be affected12:25
CoolerZi wonder if thats because they are using a particular window/menu library12:25
=== Richard is now known as Guest54912
BluesKajHey folks12:33
brainwashCoolerZ: probably gtk2 vs gtk312:40
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brainwashCoolerZ: sublime and hexchat are still gtk2 applications12:42
CoolerZbrainwash, do i need to reinstall gtk ?12:42
brainwashI doubt that12:42
brainwashnot sure what the exact issue is12:42
brainwashdo you use a non default theme?12:43
cesdohi all!12:52
CoolerYbrainwash, what do i do12:53
brainwashCoolerY: I would test with a different theme12:56
brainwashto see if it's a general issue12:56
brainwashor theme related12:56
AnthaasI built a new PC yesterday, installed a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04. However, when the machine gets to the log in screen, the mouse and keyboard are _extremely_ sluggish, and when I am able to enter my password, it takes me straight back to the login screen again after a brief black screen.12:58
=== antoine__ is now known as antoine
leftyfbAnthaas: maybe try installing the closed source video drivers?12:59
pragmaticenigmaAnthaas: What was the last thing you installed or configured prior to experiencing the sluggish behavior? If your not to far into your installation, I would suggest installing again, document each step and if it happens again, we can narrow down what is going on12:59
AnthaasI ticked the box for proprietary stuff on the install screen, drivers etc.13:00
alexm_<Anthaas> are you mount existing user dir?13:00
CoolerYbrainwash, how do i change theme?13:00
leftyfbAnthaas: Nvidia or AMD video chipset?13:00
CoolerYyou mean theme inside sublime?13:00
CoolerYdoes hexchat have themes?13:00
AnthaasThis is a _brand new_ machine. I installed from Bootable USB, restarted, and experienced the above.13:01
brainwashsystem wide themes13:01
CoolerYok how13:01
AnthaasI have tried reinstalling twice too13:02
AnthaasIn case something went wrong each time.13:02
alexm_<Anthaas> try some different conf in login page13:02
alexm_there is classic gnome13:02
crimson_riderCoolerY: https://hexchat.github.io/themes.html13:03
alexm_or change gdm to lightdm13:03
pragmaticenigmaAnthaas: were you keeping track of what you did each time? Did you install, everything was working, then start installing more and then something happened? Or was this right after the initial install completed?13:03
brainwashCoolerY: I'm not familiar with gnome, but maybe try via gnome-tweak-tool (installation may be required)13:03
pragmaticenigmaalexm_: That's not really helping the situation, changing the greeter isn't going to fix this problem13:03
=== Richard is now known as Guest7231
alexm_then better use 16.04 lts13:04
alexm_its _stable_13:04
Anthaaspragmaticenigma: Right after the initial install completed.13:04
leftyfbAnthaas: https://www.pcsuggest.com/install-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu/13:04
pragmaticenigmaAnthaas: When I've encountered issues like this, I've just gone to the most basic install. I don't check the box for proprietary drivers or 3rd party software. I just click through and let Ubuntu install its core elements.13:05
alexm_Ive come back to 16.04 after more than weak head mad with 18.0413:05
pragmaticenigmaAnthaas: The drivers that are on the installation media might have a bug that has been fixed by a later release. If you don't install them right away, you will get a working system, were the software updater can then retrieve the up-to-date drivers13:06
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: The ubuntu iso does not include the proprietary nvidia drivers13:06
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: I was speaking on the drivers in general. Sorry I wasn't specific13:07
pragmaticenigmaThere could be a conflict with the nvidia driver being fetched on a different driver or software library being out of date13:07
Anthaaspragmaticenigma: Ahhh ok, I will try that next. No doubt I will be back here when it doesn't work. Cheers.13:07
leftyfbI've had big problems, including performance of the Nouveau drivers13:07
alexm_Is its true that team which made Unity was fired?13:07
leftyfbAnthaas: try the link I posted above13:08
pragmaticenigmaalexm_: That is offtopic and should take place in #ubuntu-offtopic13:08
leftyfbalexm_: it's also not true13:08
BluesKajdoes ubuntu have driver manager in it's system settings? I've forgotten , it's been a while since I ran gnome or unity13:08
alexm_ok, sorry.13:09
pragmaticenigmaBluesKaj: Kind of... There is a section in the control panel for selecting free versus proprietary drivers13:09
CoolerYoh dude that fixed it13:09
leftyfbBluesKaj: https://i.stack.imgur.com/CV4K8.png13:09
CoolerYchanged the theme to adwaita13:10
MagePsychoI have deployer user and want to allow to run sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/* folder, what I have to do to prevent the password prompt?13:10
BluesKajpragmaticenigma, ok thanks13:10
CoolerYok so sublime and hexchat both can't deal with adwaita dark13:11
pragmaticenigmaMagePsycho: I recommend reading up on sudo user setup13:11
CoolerYthe background and the menu text color both become dark13:11
leftyfbMagePsycho: you really should just create vhosts for users or use a bind mount for that problem13:11
CoolerYand inside the menus the text and the background are both light13:11
CoolerYevery other application looks fine13:11
AnthaasThanks leftyfb - I've bookmarked that so I can try all this when I am home from work13:12
CoolerYhmm high contrast and high contrast inverse seems to work for sublime and hexchat13:13
MagePsychodeployer ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/chown13:13
MagePsychodeployer ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/chmod13:13
Marvelchu: I am not suppose to be in the room13:13
leftyfbMagePsycho: your current solution is not the right way to do it and has serious security implications13:13
pragmaticenigmaMagePsycho: That's a very bad idea13:13
alexm_Does Unity progect officealy closed, or will exist in Ubuntu fork?13:13
CoolerYalso radiance works great13:14
CoolerYweird how some themes work for all applications but some don't13:14
brainwashCoolerY: themes with proper gtk2 support will obviously work fine13:14
pragmaticenigmaalexm_: Again, offtopic, and a group of developers have forked Unity into their own project going forward.13:14
CoolerYbrainwash, can i install more themes?13:14
brainwashCoolerY: well yes13:15
pragmaticenigmaCoolerY: You can install any theme you desire, not all applications will play nicely with different themes.13:15
alexm_<pragmaticenigma> thanks.13:15
leftyfbMagePsycho: can you explain why you need this new user to write to /var/www ? Are they the only one updating the website?13:16
MagePsychoI am going to some deployment tool like capistrano as deployer user to deploy website in /var/www/mywebsite folder13:16
pragmaticenigmaMagePsycho: You should make the user deploying a member of the "www-data" group. Then make sure the folder being deployed has group write access. This will remove the need to run the application or user with elevated permissions.13:18
leftyfbMagePsycho: you should use a vhost pointing to deployers home dir13:19
leftyfbMagePsycho:  mywebsite.com should have its documentroot in /home/deployer/WWW/13:20
CoolerYhow do i set it up so that i can do    code . in the terminal and it will open sublime text 3 opened to the current folder?13:24
CoolerYdo i have to create a file called code in /usr/bin and put the path to sublime text 3 elf file in there?13:25
AnthaasCoolerY: By using `subl` not `code`13:25
Anthaascode is usually VSCode13:25
CoolerYoh thanks13:25
afidegnumhello, how do i create a Win UEFI bootable disk using ubuntu ?13:25
CoolerYgreat now how do i delete a file in /usr/bin ?13:27
leftyfbCoolerY: really?13:27
CoolerYreally what13:27
CoolerYrm sublime ?13:27
CoolerYsudo rm sublime13:27
leftyfbCoolerY: how did that file get there?13:28
CoolerYi used touch sublime13:28
leftyfbCoolerY: ok, then just rm it13:29
pragmaticenigmaCoolerY: You should never modify anything in that folder. Should not add or remove anything. That's all managed by the software manager. If you manually added something there the command is rm... use GREAT care when removing something or you will make your machine non-functional13:29
pragmaticenigmaMagePsycho: I do not accept DM/PMs please keep all conversation in the main channel13:29
leftyfbMagePsycho: please take my advice13:30
memphistoafidegnum: https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/easily-create-windows-10-bootable-usb-ubuntu13:30
leftyfbmemphisto: they're gone13:31
memphistoleftyfb: oh, i see. but maybe someone else was interested in solution13:32
CoolerYpragmaticenigma, yeah well it should have let me touch sublime without sudo anyway13:32
CoolerYshould NOT have13:33
AnthaasIf you want your own files in a bin directory, use ~/bin (you may need to create it)13:33
hoppfullHello, I need to boot linux in order to develop on it because previous developer made his code coupled hard to ubuntu. VirtualBox is too slow. I need to boot ubuntu from an external drive and I've been at this for quite a while now. I had a scare this morning when my work computer suddenly didn't want to start because "grub" was installed on it. Is it possible to make an external hdd with ubuntu bootable without installing anything 13:34
leftyfbhoppfull: what version of Windows are you running?13:36
hoppfullleftyfb: Windows 10 Pro13:36
leftyfbhoppfull: look into WSL13:36
leftyfbthis is exactly what it was made for13:36
hoppfullleftyfb: thank you, I will look into it13:37
memphistohoppfull: have you tried vmware ? have you installed guest tools in virtualbox ?13:37
memphistohoppfull: you can install ubuntu to external disk and put grub on it. when ever you need to boot off of it youll have to change bios boot device13:37
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memphistohoppfull: what ubuntu version are you using? 16.04 was ok with 1.5GB of RAM, but 18.04 is bit more demanding in a vbox13:39
hoppfullmephisto: if I install ubuntu onto an external disk it sneaks in and adds a ubuntu entry in my efi partition13:39
pragmaticenigmamemphisto: That method doesn't always work, and can potentially corrupt the host PC's configuration13:39
leftyfbmemphisto: let them look at WSL first. It'll give the best results13:39
CoolerYAnthaas, oh so thats why there are 2 bin folders13:39
AnthaasMany of these things could be found out by Googling. Its better to spend time reading to understand something before fiddling with it / taking wild guesses.13:40
leftyfbAnthaas: there are more than 2. They all serve a different purpose. The bin in your home directory is so you can manage your own binaries/scripts13:40
CoolerYno wait you are talking about ~/bin not /bin13:40
hoppfullleftyfb: I looked at wsl before and it can't install any apps, it's just a bash shell13:40
memphistopragmaticenigma: i'm not following about corruption of PCs configuration13:40
Anthaasleftyfb: I believe that was for CoolerY13:40
leftyfbhoppfull: you most certainly can install apps. Just not graphical. What graphical applications do you need for development?13:41
pragmaticenigmamemphisto: Just as hoppfull mentioned... Ubuntu if it receives a kernel update or other trigger, will try to add itself to the Master Boot Record of the host PC. When the external driver isn't present, the host PC will panic13:41
pragmaticenigma*external drive13:42
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: that's not true. update-grub does not update the MBR. grub-install does that.13:42
hoppfullleftyfb: that's great, I don't need any graphical applications, only build-essentials13:42
leftyfbhoppfull: then WSL will work fine for you13:42
leftyfbtry it13:42
memphistopragmaticenigma: ubuntu will be on external drive. will be booting off of external drive. no issues there13:43
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: as another solution, installing Ubuntu on an external drive can be done without affecting the main drive in the machine. But I don't think that's the best solution in this case13:44
memphistohoppfull: why then linux is slow in VBox if your not using GUI?13:44
drzrafHi. I've an hardcore problem this morning (yesterday's linux-tools* update?). My local loopback iface is named "eth0" (!!). So no "lo" anymore which basically broke the whole network connectivity. I desesperate finding the root cause for that...13:44
leftyfbmemphisto: can you just let them try a solution before troubleshooting something they specifically said they're not using?13:44
leftyfbdrzraf: recreate the lo interface13:45
leftyfbdrzraf: updating linux-tools should not remove your lo interface13:45
blackflowdrzraf: what, eth0 got assigned
drzrafyes blackflow. Or, more exactly, I believe that loopback interface got assigned the "eth0" name13:48
leftyfbdrzraf: are you asking how to fix it?13:48
drzrafleftyfb: $ ip link set up dev lo   ==> Cannot find device "lo"13:49
leftyfbdrzraf: Are you asking how to fix it?13:49
drzraffix (and understand)13:49
leftyfbdrzraf: Was your eth0 set static or to dhcp?13:49
drzrafit was not used. enp3s0f1 was13:49
drzraf(nothing about eth0 in /etc/network13:50
leftyfbdrzraf: is this on desktop or server?13:50
blackflowdrzraf: can you pastebin   ip addr show eth0   ?13:50
memphistodrzraf: how does your /etc/network/interfaces look like13:51
leftyfbdrzraf: what version of ubuntu?13:51
CoolerYis this for real? https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1193879/13:51
drzrafauto lo\niface lo inet loopback13:51
drzraf/etc/network/interfaces.d/ : empty13:52
CoolerYis that gnome on ubuntu or some other os?13:52
CoolerYseems more than just a theme, the top bar is missing13:52
blackflowdrzraf: it's got a MAC so it's probably not lo renamed eth0, but still that's some weird stuff there.13:52
Pedro_Nqni have a problem with mi server ubuntu 18.0413:52
leftyfbdrzraf: ls /sys/class/net13:53
CoolerYalso how do i install it?13:53
Pedro_Nqni have two lan cards13:53
Pedro_Nqnone of them from the internet conecction13:53
leftyfb!enter | Pedro_Nqn13:53
ubottuPedro_Nqn: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.13:53
blackflowdrzraf: anything in the logs or dmesg that would suggest what happened?13:53
bluesmonkhi there... I need help debugging a networking issue. I installed docker in a fresh installation of 18.04, which adds a docker0 interface13:53
JimBuntuCoolerY, I don't think that's really an #ubuntu support question. Probably best to ask for details from the author at the link you provided.13:53
drzrafll /sys/class/net : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fxcDNpNs4H/13:53
drzraf(for the symlinks)13:53
JimBuntuCoolerY, btw, I think it's Manjaro13:53
bluesmonkafter the installation finishes, my dns server is messed up, say I can ping but not google.com13:54
leftyfbdrzraf: so it looks like some virtualization/bridging software created eth013:54
Pedro_Nqnok... how i configure netplan for two lan card? the first for internet and the second por a dhcp server for a lan13:54
bluesmonkhow can I debug this? I've added docker0 to unmanaged-devices in /etc/NetworkManager.conf13:54
leftyfbbluesmonk: you should try #docker13:55
leftyfbPedro_Nqn: https://netplan.io/examples13:55
bluesmonkand checked with a colleague we have the same output of systemd-resolve --status, we have the same local dns server13:55
bluesmonkleftyfb: yeah #docker is kinda dead13:55
leftyfbbluesmonk: be patient13:56
drzrafblackflow: this morning: "systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE13:56
drzraf+ "ifup[1341]: Cannot find device "lo"    ifup[1341]: Failed to bring up lo.13:56
Pedro_Nqnyeha! but the problem i have is that when i power on the pc, dont recognice each lan card, i have to discconect and them conect13:56
leftyfbdrzraf: there must have been some software that configured eth013:56
leftyfbPedro_Nqn: Are they cards or usb adapters?13:56
blackflowdrzraf: can you pastebin    journalctl -u networking.service  ?   maybe limit it just to _today_ if it goes beyond that13:57
Pedro_Nqnno, the cards are one onboard, and pci13:57
CoolerYJimBuntu, the desktop environment is Manjaro?13:57
blackflowdrzraf: also which ubuntu is this?13:57
drzrafleftyfb: I used to have one custom file, that I dropped this morning (what didn't solve the problem) : /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link13:57
leftyfbPedro_Nqn: you're removing pci cards while the machine is on?13:57
JimBuntuCoolerY, based on the tags and the comments, I suspect so. That or Arch.13:57
CoolerYbut it says gnome 3.2813:57
CoolerY Easy On The Eyes Material design like Gnome 3.28 theme.13:58
leftyfbdrzraf: why did you have that? What was it's contents?13:58
JimBuntuCoolerY, yes, people can install gnome on a wide variety of distros.13:58
leftyfbPedro_Nqn: if you're needing to reseat pci cards in order to get them detected, then that is a hardware issue13:58
Pedro_Nqni dont know how to tell to netplan that the first card is for internet, and the second is for lan.13:58
memphistodrzraf: maybe not the best solution https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/loopback-device-renamed-to-eth0-541674/13:59
Pedro_Nqnleftyfb the machine detects two cards13:59
Pedro_Nqnleftyfb: the machine detects two cards13:59
JimBuntuPedro_Nqn, the routing based on subnet... from DHCP will handle that. Computers have no concept of "internet" versus "local"... they only want to know how to route traffic.13:59
CoolerYoh manjaro is a distro14:00
leftyfbPedro_Nqn: 2018 Jul 03 09:56:36 <Pedro_Nqn>yeha! but the problem i have is that when i power on the pc, dont recognice each lan card, i have to discconect and them conect14:00
drzrafhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nZ6WNyYcRC/ (a previous attempt to get "enp3s0f1" named "eth0")14:00
blackflowmemphisto: drzraf: that post is most certainly not the solution, but it might point at the probable cause here, being eth0 renaming going wild.14:00
blackflowdrzraf: that looks broken and missing proper match14:01
blackflowdrzraf: if you want to use old naming scheme (ethX),  adding   net.ifnames=0  to your kernel command line in grub is all you need.14:01
leftyfbdrzraf: you use https://www.itzgeek.com/how-tos/mini-howtos/change-default-network-name-ens33-to-old-eth0-on-ubuntu-16-04.html for that14:01
drzraf`journalctl -u networking.service`  : incredible! That "Cannot find device "lo"" message dates back from May 16! But system was working fine until today...14:01
Pedro_Nqnthis is my net plan configuration14:02
ramsub07Hi, I have an external hard drive on my system that i'm not able to mount. When i do fdisk -l, i see the hard drive on /dev/sda.14:02
drzraf(daily reboots)14:02
ramsub07and when i do lsblk, i see only /dev/sda and not /dev/sda114:02
ramsub07my hard drive is exfat and it has data which i don't wish to lose, how do i mount it?14:02
blackflowdrzraf: leftyfb's post, with net.ifnames=0 and biosdevname in grub is all you need to get eth0. no .link files, no udev rules are needed.14:02
MagePsychoHere is the command that I am using to create deployer: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ggqHtg8JcB/14:03
adrian_1908Pedro_Nqn: just joined, what is the issue?14:03
leftyfbMagePsycho: please follow my advice I posted above for you14:03
blackflowdrzraf: that'd be the .link file you posted previously, with invalid match, causing it14:03
drzrafbut even if the warning is related to that file. The eth0-lo renaming is still here (with or without that file)14:05
drzrafback in time that was a kind of udev name cache, somewhere around /dev/.udev, and autogenerated files in /etc/udev14:06
leftyfbdrzraf: remove the file, make the changes we suggested and reboot14:06
memphistodrzraf: so you have now removed .link file and rebooted ? or restarted networking?14:06
blackflowdrzraf: I didn't mean warning, I meant the entire breakage of lo14:06
drzrafis there still something that somewhat "cache" device names from their sysfs properties14:06
ramsub07Hi everyone(not sure if my laptop is connected to IRC)14:06
leftyfb!pateince | ramsub0714:07
drzrafI reboot many times since I removed that file. The issue still exists.14:07
leftyfb!patience | ramsub0714:07
ubotturamsub07: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:07
ramsub07leftyfb: my wifi reconnected, not sure if my previous message was sent :)14:07
leftyfbdrzraf: ll /sys/class/net/14:07
drzrafleftyfb:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fxcDNpNs4H/14:07
MagePsycholeftyfb: using document root to deployer's - how it will fix the issue?14:08
JimBunturamsub07, your messages appear to be getting to us. While I can't solve your issue, I would suggest backing up the contents of the drive as a whole, before attempting anything further14:08
leftyfbdrzraf: sudo grep eth0 /etc/systemd/system -R 2>/dev/null14:08
ramsub07JimBuntu: yeah, i have a backup, but don't want to lose what's here14:08
blackflowdrzraf: also please  dmesg | grep eth014:08
drzrafleftyfb: nothing14:08
leftyfbMagePsycho: because "deployer" will now own all the files14:08
ramsub07as a matter of fact, i've faced this problem before and it happens whenever the system restarts14:09
drzrafdmesg|grep eth0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MRB2ByBxdP/14:09
ramsub07i am not sure what i used then. my command line history doesn't seem to show that anymore(presumably deleted)14:09
ren0v0Hi, can anyone recommend an application that will allow me to use a proxy for only certain applications?14:09
ren0v0I don't want to use a system wide proxy, i want to be able to run from command line specific apps14:09
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pragmaticenigmaren0v0: This channel is for Ubuntu Support... for application recommendation type questions please check out #ubuntu-offtopic14:11
ramsub07I remember someone from here, suggesting me to change fstab, but i don't remember what changes :(14:11
blackflowdrzraf: please also grep eth0 -r /lib/systemd/14:11
svipWhere can I see change notes for each Linux kernel change that Ubuntu uses?14:11
drzraf dmesg |egrep -w 'eth0|enp|lo' : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4qXf4yH2FD/14:11
ren0v0pragmaticenigma: well if you want i can turn it into ubuntu support14:12
drzraf$ grep eth0 -r /lib/systemd/  === nothing14:12
ren0v0because the package i tried to use from ubuntu repos "proxychains" is broken with the following error >>  ERROR: ld.so: object 'libproxychains.so.3' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored14:12
ren0v0is that good enough?14:12
drzraf /run/network/ifstate.lo is empty by the way14:12
blackflowdrzraf: that rename1 tho' .... did you change udev rules perchance?14:12
leftyfbsvip: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-meta/   # found from googling for "ubuntu kernel change log"14:13
memphistodrzraf: or you have one more of those .link files14:13
drzrafblackflow: no, afair. In doubt I did a couple of find -newer in /lib/udev, but nothing strange there14:13
svipleftyfb: I found /l/linux without -meta, but thank you!14:13
MagePsycholeftyfb: but those files should be owned by www-data user in order to be run by web server14:13
blackflowdrzraf: in /etc/udev/rules.d/ perhaps14:13
leftyfbMagePsycho: negative14:13
drzrafmemphisto: no other .link file in /etc14:14
drzrafoh wait !14:14
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leftyfbMagePsycho: if it makes you happy, then add your user to the www-data group and chown -R .www-data /home/deployer/WWW14:14
drzraf(from the same tutorial, I believe. This one is not in etckeeper...)14:14
blackflowdrzraf: pastebin it please14:14
drzraf/lib/systemd/network/99-default.link http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/t6wDSdzQHw/14:14
blackflowdrzraf: yeah, that's why I wanted you to grep /lib/systemd, some completely wrong tutorials suggest doing changes there14:15
blackflowdrzraf: welp, that 99-default.link looks normal14:15
drzrafHere I have 80-container-host0.network  80-container-ve.network  80-container-vz.network  99-default.link14:15
drzrafmd5sum : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yTKsVHJKRF/14:16
memphistodrzraf: list those too14:16
drzraf(it's strange. There are 3 *.network and 1 *.link there)14:17
blackflowdrzraf: those are default (but you could pastebin them just in case)14:18
drzrafdebsums -s udev systemd && echo ok   === ok14:19
blackflowdrzraf: grep GRUB_CMDL /etc/default/grub  please14:20
leftyfbdrzraf: got a link to the tutorial that had you make all these changes?14:21
guest68hi, does gimp support other languages?14:21
AscavasaionI inserted USB stick into my computer.  copied stuff onto it, unmounted and ejected it.  Inserted the stick into another computer and the stuff was gone and stick was blank.  I reinserted the stick into the original computer and now I cannot copy onto it and get the message that the file system is read only. Some advice please.14:21
guest68it does not show any other besides english in the settings14:21
drzrafGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet resume=UUID=9125b1e1-1e9e-4bb6-942d-aced081667e9"14:21
leftyfbAscavasaion: bad hardware (usb stick)14:22
blackflowdrzraf: and I'm out of ideas, other than: see what leftyfb just asked    and are tehre files in /etc/udev/rules.d/?14:23
drzrafleftyfb: I don't remember. But anyway 18.04 was installed after that. So only a few files migrated from my old /etc/ have been changed. The rest of the fs is not modified.14:23
pragmaticenigmaguest68: Gimp should find the language setting of the computer and use that, so if ubuntu is set to English, Gimp will also use English14:24
pragmaticenigmaguest68: https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/en/gimp-fire-up.html#gimp-concepts-running-language14:24
drzraf/etc/udev/rules.d/  : 70-snap.core.rules  70-snap.gimp.rules  70-snap.vlc.rules  99-hide-broken.rules14:24
leftyfbdrzraf: you made some wild changes to network configuration then upgraded to 18.04 and it stopped working?14:24
drzrafno. 18.04 is working since may 10th. It stopped working this morning.14:24
Ascavasaionleftyfb: Oh, okay.14:25
Ascavasaionleftyfb: thank you.14:25
drzrafThe only change from yesterday was: "committing changes in /etc after apt run" with the linux-**14:25
blackflowdrzraf: I don't know, is that 99-hide-broken.rules  something coming from ubuntu? whats in it?14:25
leftyfbdrzraf: you mean you upgraded to a new kernel?14:26
drzrafblackflow: it from an old harddrive (SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", DRIVERS=="sd", ATTRS{rev}=="SDM1", ATTRS{model}=="XXXXXXX", ENV{UDISKS_IGNORE}="1")14:26
drzrafleftyfb: just the automatic update of yesterday14:27
leftyfbdrzraf: I would remove all references to eth0 including in the grub config, reboot and go back to the normal modern making. Get things working as they should be14:27
YounderHave you tried lsscsi?14:27
guest68https://imgur.com/a/jfTdLt4 <- does not show other languages in the settings, even though gimp officially supports others14:28
YounderIn Linux all divers are internally strored as if the were SCSI drives.14:28
drzrafleftyfb: I don't have reference to eth0 in /etc/: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JbnQqGmw3N/14:28
leftyfbdrzraf: you don't think "dhcp/dhclient.conf:#  interface "eth0" is a reference to eth0?14:29
leftyfboh, it's commented14:30
drzraf# grep -r eth0 /var/run   === /var/run/udev/data/n114:30
drzraf/var/run/udev/data/n1 === http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6jRVMj5PCg/14:30
blackflowdrzraf: also note that in 18.04 ifupdown is deprecated. I don't know if the upgrader from 16.04 keeps it around, but there could be some conflict going on there.14:30
drzrafthat file dates from today14:31
blackflowon fresh new installs, you get netplan14:31
drzrafblackflow: for new encryption scheme to work I had to completely drop my previous system14:31
blackflowdrzraf: sorry I don't follow...14:31
drzrafI've one reference to eth0 in this file : /var/run/udev/data/n114:32
drzrafblackflow: (from home-only encryption of 16.04 to luks encryption of 18.04 => preferible to wipe the whole system)14:33
byrdclawHello folks.  On 14.04 and having some troubles starting nginx as a service.  I can start the process directly, and I can also use start-stop-daemon pointing to the spots that it should be using for pidfile and exec, but service nginx start returns nothing and doesn't start the service.  Nothing logged in /var/log/nginx/error.log.  Is there some way to get more info out of the startup script on what's failing?14:33
blackflowdrzraf: I see. but is this an upgrade, or fresh new installation of 18.04?14:33
byrdclawsorry, 16.04, not 14.0414:33
drzrafblackflow: fresh 18.0414:34
leftyfbdrzraf: wait, you installed 18.04 fresh and then dumped your old, custom /etc/ into it?14:34
adrian_1908byrdclaw: have you tried starting it with the -t flag?14:34
blackflowdrzraf: cat /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml  please     (don't know if you've been asked this before)14:34
blackflowdrzraf: you did mention ifupdown tho'... did you reinstall it?14:35
drzrafleftyfb: only a couple of carefully selection files ;) (except that .link)14:35
drzraf/etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml  : not exist14:35
byrdclawadrian_1908 yeah, -t checks out on the config14:35
byrdclawno errors there14:35
zuziaHi i question how i can configure mplayer for open all video file in my system i use xbuntu 18.04 i not wont use MIME type is any parametr to edit and set mplayer as defoult player in xfce4? Cheers from Poland.14:36
blackflowdrzraf: did you install ifupdown there?14:36
drzrafgood question. I don't remember. Apparently it was already bundled with 18.04 (or installed even before I installed etckeeper)14:37
hoppfull_leftyfb: My dude, WSL works like a charm. A thousand times thank you!14:37
leftyfbhoppfull_: glad it worked out14:37
tomreynbyrdclaw: which nginx packages are installed?14:37
leftyfbhoppfull_: future reference, you should go to #ubuntu-on-windows for any support with it14:38
blackflowdrzraf: wait wait wait... etckeeper? so you essentially nuked bionic's /etc and replaced with whatever was in etckeepr's repo?14:38
adrian_1908byrdclaw: maybe the errors are being logged elsewhere by default? I would check /var/log/syslog. if you have set the error_log variable in the nginx config, then discard my suggestion.14:38
byrdclawnginx-common, nginx-full, but there's also what looks like a custom compiled nginx here as well since I'm pointing to /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx for daemon14:39
hoppfull_leftyfb: Thank you, I will!14:39
drzrafblackflow: no! only things like php/7.2/fpm/pool.d/   rsyslog.d , ....14:39
tomreynbyrdclaw: well, this will be your issue. why dont you use the packages in ubuntu?14:39
drzrafMy installation of 18.04 is "pure" :)14:40
drzrafcat /var/run/udev/data/n1  /lib/udev/rules.d/99-systemd.rules   : http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P2pcPc8k9g/14:40
blackflowdrzraf: cant' be pure if you don't have netplan config14:40
leftyfbdrzraf: if it was, then you wouldn't be having this problem14:40
leftyfbthat too14:40
blackflowdrzraf: maybe the filename's different. anything in /etc/netplan/  ?14:40
drzrafI do have a /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml14:40
byrdclawtomreyn not quite sure.  The original implementation was done 2+ years ago by someone else.  I've built custom nginx for things like rtmp streaming, but I don't see that directive being used in this case so I don't know that it's 100% necessary.  In any case, this is how prod is working14:40
byrdclawand QA doesn't work.. so I kinda am stuck in a position of getting QA working to match prod14:41
blackflowdrzraf: that's fine14:41
byrdclaweverything nginx wise seems to work since I can get the process to spawn successfully by just calling nginx and pointing it to the config file14:42
drzrafIHMO the issue could be somewhere with : /lib/udev/rules.d/99-systemd.rules  and that /var/run/udev/data/n1 file. I pastebin'ed both^^14:42
tomreynbyrdclaw: i suspect you don't have local documentation on how you setup / run your customized envirnments?14:42
byrdclawand yeah adrian_1908 I've specified the log location in the nginx.conf14:42
byrdclawtomreyn wouldn't that be great, but not in this case14:42
tomreyn:-/ i guess i'd set it up from scratch14:43
pragmaticenigmaguest1524: Your system is currently set to English, and only the english language package was installed with Gimp. Did you read the article I sent to you?14:43
byrdclawyeah, that's what I really want to do, but I'm supposed to match this environment to what prod is doing.  Which everything seems to be matched up, and it just won't start14:43
tomreynbyrdclaw: otherwise you'll never know what you're working with and how to fully recover prod in case of a major failure14:44
byrdclawdoesn't give me much hope that prod will survive an unexpected restart14:44
tomreynyou can always rsync ;)14:45
blackflowdrzraf: there are no rules in that udev file that would explain this. it's also default. the var/run/udev I don't know what it is, but I doubt it's any config. runtime udev files be there.14:45
SheilongUbuntu is crashing when I attemp to log on default desktop or gnome, how can I see the logs?14:45
tomreynSheilong: depends on the ubuntu version you're running there14:46
SheilongI am running 16.04lts14:46
tomreynthen it's /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:46
Sheilongthank you14:46
tomreynlook for lines saying '(EE)'14:47
MagePsycholeftyfb, pragmaticenigma - groups deployer -> deployer : deployer sudo www-data, so I should make www-data to be primary group for deployer?14:47
pragmaticenigmaMagePsycho: Did you read the article that leftyfb sent to you earlier?14:47
leftyfbjust add deployer to the www-data group14:47
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: I didn't send a link14:48
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: well, I did yesterday in regards to what a sticky bit was14:48
SheilongNVIDIA: Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module. Please see the14:48
byrdclawif I use service nginx start... should it just run /etc/init.d/nginx script?  Is there a way to make sure that's what is used when calling service nginx start?14:49
SheilongNVIDIA:     system's kernel log for additional error messages and14:49
leftyfbbyrdclaw: what version of ubuntu?14:49
leftyfbbyrdclaw: you should be using systemd14:49
oh4I posted this in the Ansible room but I think it might be more appropriate for here:14:49
oh4installing on ubuntu 16.04, I cannot get 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible'  added because of an error "Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~ansible/ubuntu/ansible'. ERROR: '~ansible' user or team does not exist." So I added the repo url's manually to /etc/apt/sources.list. However, when I run 'apt-get update', it doesn't find the signing key for the repo's I added. Where do I find the keys and how can I add them?14:49
AnthaasI am home now, and I have reinstalled without proprietary drivers, and I am experiencing the same issue.14:50
Sheilongthe erros https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/eMt47pDR/errors14:50
Anthaaspragmaticenigma leftyfb ^14:50
SheilongI've installed it a long time ago.14:50
guest1524pragmaticenigma: had to reconnect. could you repost? i did try gimp in terminal, but gimp remained in english, gnome-language-selector has been executed and it did translate packages such as libreoffice and chromium14:50
dtwoWhere can i stream sweden switzerland?14:50
drzrafleftyfb: after a call to `udevadm info -c` the /var/run/udev/data/n1 file disappeared14:50
Sheilongand it crashed the system. I have had to create a new user because I couldn't fix the desktop to the main one14:50
AnthaasI dont experience any lag etc when running the bootable USB, so would that sugget a hardware problem?14:50
leftyfbdtwo: That's not appropriate here14:50
AnthaasProbably the SSD I am trying to install on?14:51
byrdclawleftyfb: I'm not well versed in the differences between this stuff, but I thought systemd was different from upstart?  and 16.04 uses upstart?14:51
guest1524pragmaticenigma: i apologize for not viewing your message, though. thank you.14:51
jnewtanyone know why upgrading to 18.04 would make my printer stop working?   it shows in cups through my web interface but shows unable to locate printer.14:51
leftyfbAnthaas: you're running Ubuntu from a usb drive?14:51
leftyfbbyrdclaw: 16.04 uses systemd14:51
byrdclawif I do systemd --help there is no command found for systemd14:51
Sheilongdtwo: I have no idea where you live, but in my country televisions are streaming freely to everyone whom want to watch the world cup lol14:51
Anthaasleftyfb: No, I am installing from a USB drive, I have installed to a SSD, and it is booting from there which I am experiencing the issues.14:51
leftyfbbyrdclaw: because systemd isn't a command14:51
SheilongDo you guys have any idea how I could fix it https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/eMt47pDR/errors ?14:52
drzrafudevadm info -e still dump a dev with IFINDEX=1 and DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/net/eth0 *but* it does not have the USEC_INITIALIZED=1972427 anymore14:52
drzrafI will try a reboot14:52
jnewtdoes cups have anything to do with samba / workgroups ?   my samba doesn't work either, but i was going to just continue with nfs  in the meantime14:52
pragmaticenigmaguest1524: https://docs.gimp.org/2.10/en/gimp-fire-up.html#gimp-concepts-running-language14:52
byrdclawsystemctl command not found14:52
oh4I posted this in the #ansible room but I think it might be more appropriate for here:14:53
oh4installing on ubuntu 16.04, I cannot get 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible'  added because of an error "Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~ansible/ubuntu/ansible'. ERROR: '~ansible' user or team does not exist." So I added the repo url's manually to /etc/apt/sources.list. However, when I run 'apt-get update', it doesn't find the signing key for the repo's I added. Where do I find the keys and how can I add them?14:53
pragmaticenigma!repeat | oh414:53
ubottuoh4: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:53
guest1524thank you pragmaticenigma, i did try that, i will retry with something else14:53
oh4oops, I didn't realize my first post went through...network glitch14:54
byrdclawleftyfb: I'm not supposed to be able to do systemd --version and see something returned?14:55
MagePsycho<pragmaticenigma> <leftyfb> - can you send me the link once again please? I cannot scroll up (limit)14:55
leftyfbMagePsycho: Follow an apache tutorial to create a VirtualHost pointing to your domain with the DocumentRoot being the WWW directory in deployer's home directory14:56
leftyfbMagePsycho: add deployer to the www-data directory and chown -R www-data /home/deployer/WWW14:56
Anthaaspragmaticenigma: leftyfb: Any other ideas? :/ This is a brand new machine - all brand new parts, high spec.14:57
MagePsycholeftyfb: I have added many groups to the deployer user and want to remove them14:58
MagePsychogroups deployer -> gives deployer : deployer sudo www-data14:58
leftyfbMagePsycho: I don't understand what you're saying/asking14:59
MagePsychowhen you run command: groups deployer14:59
pragmaticenigmaAnthaas: switch to one of the other ttys (ctrl + alt + f3) and log in. check what your logs are saying14:59
MagePsychoit gives me the result: deployer : deployer sudo www-data14:59
leftyfbMagePsycho: that's fine14:59
Anthaaspragmaticenigma: I cant open a TTY - they aren't opening.14:59
MagePsychowhich means deployer user is associated with many groups like sudo www-data14:59
leftyfbMagePsycho: and nothing is wrong with that15:00
MagePsychoso my question was, how to make www-data the primary group15:00
MagePsychofor deployer15:00
MagePsychosuppose if a file is created as deployer, should be owned by www-data not deployer15:00
leftyfbMagePsycho: sudo usermod -g groupname myuser15:01
pragmaticenigmaAnthaas: F2 through f6... one of them should be working... otherwise, where did you get your installation media?15:01
byrdclawleftyfb: wow, my mistake.  saw the login message with 16.04.4 in it and tuned out the line that it was "new release available" . I'm on 14.0415:02
leftyfbbyrdclaw: ok, then you won't have systemd15:02
MagePsycholeftyfb: thanks. do you agree that www deployer should have primary group of www-data?15:02
leftyfbMagePsycho: sure15:02
Anthaaspragmaticenigma: None of them do, and I created it from the ISO from Canonical and Rufus.#15:03
byrdclawleftyfb: right, is there a way to doublecheck what script is used when I call service nginx start?15:03
guest1524i suspect this may be an issue in the 32 bits binary package; does anyone know where i can find the build logs for such packages?15:03
leftyfbbyrdclaw: look at the file in /etc/init.d/15:03
Younderolds school init? What happened to the systemd deamond? Is it just backup?15:04
byrdclawleftyfb that's the only place that the script could be?  where is that path defined?  I can take commands from that script and run them and get nginx to start successfully, which is why I'm trying to figure out if maybe there's some other script it's using15:05
leftyfbbyrdclaw: did you look in syslog or nginx logs when you try to start it?15:05
pragmaticenigmaAnthaas: I'm out of ideas I'm affraid. I don't know how the tty's are not available. That's a basic function15:06
pragmaticenigmaAnthaas: and the only way I can think of to look at the logs being generated when you attempt to log in15:07
leftyfbAnthaas: are you using Fn to hit your Function keys?15:07
AnthaasOh wait, this keyboard doesn't have secondary function key operations15:07
Anthaas(Has separate media keys)15:07
AnthaasOk - so past it being INCREDIBLY slow, I have just managed to log in15:07
AnthaasAnd it is absolutely normal.15:08
AnthaasSo its just the log in screen that is struggling...15:08
byrdclawleftyfb: yes, nothing in the error log for nginx specified in the nginx.conf file.  syslog doesn't show anything either15:09
MagePsychogroups deployer -> deployer : www-data sudo Q: how to remove sudo group from deployer user15:09
leftyfbMagePsycho: sudo deluser <username> <group>15:11
zuhaitzHi, I have a problem with nvidia in 2 laptops after an automatic actualization.15:11
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leftyfbzuhaitz: actualization?15:11
zuhaitzI solved it in one of them installing ubuntu 18.0415:11
zuhaitzthe other one (this) with 16.04 have the problem15:12
zuhaitzI cant use nvidia propietary driver15:12
zuhaitzleftyfb, is not that the correct word? :)15:12
MagePsycholeftyfb: deluser or userdel15:12
leftyfbMagePsycho: I didn't say userdel15:13
MagePsycholeftyfb: thanks that workded15:13
zuhaitzis there any bug reported?15:14
zuhaitzI need here 16.04 (no way to install autodesk maya in 18.04)15:14
jnewti can't even get my printer to print with the brother installation package.   i keep getting:  Unable to locate printer "BRN30055C6D2ADF.local15:24
thesebhow turn off "Computer will suspend soon because of inactivity" popups?15:25
leftyfbtheseb: plug the computer in15:28
leftyfbtheseb: or disable suspend15:29
oerheks_is it inactivity or low battery?15:29
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blackflowdrzraf: any luck finding the cause of that?15:31
AnthaasOk, I am trying to get WiFi set up through this wifi dongle I have plugged in - wired connection works fine, wireless said Connection Activation Failed15:31
pavlosAnthaas: maybe you need to load drivers from additional drivers in software and updates15:34
afidegnumanyone know tools/utilities to help convert win iso to uefi bootable disk?15:35
pragmaticenigmapavlos: Anthaas originally installed with the 3rd party enabled with the smae effect15:35
afidegnumlike a rufus equivalent in ubuntu15:36
pavlospragmaticenigma: I see, thx15:36
oerheks_afidegnum, there is a tool WOEusb, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/create-bootable-windows-10-usb-ubuntu15:36
oerheks_good luck, i don not support it15:36
pragmaticenigmaafidegnum: There are many tools that do different things... can you explain what you are trying to do in detail so we can offer educated suggestion?15:37
oerheks_win iso should be uefi compatible anyway15:37
afidegnumoerheks_: i have done that, and it didn't work15:38
afidegnumthere is not even an option to select the GTP partition option15:38
pavlosafidegnum: in win there is rufus that writes iso to usbstick15:38
afidegnumpavlos: yes, i used rufus but strange enough it didn't convert my disk to a uefi type15:39
oerheks_afidegnum, what do you want exactly?  an iso is an iso, you don't mess around with gpt15:39
oerheks_again: win iso should be uefi compatible anyway, so your iso is corrupt15:39
thesebleftyfb: it is plugged in and i suspend at night rather than turning off..don't you?15:40
afidegnumoerheks_: the initial iso is MBR bootable but not UEFI compatible, i had to copy some move some core files... long process15:40
pavlosafidegnum: I've used rufus many times wo issue. There is also etcher which works on all OS15:40
oerheks_afidegnum, lolz15:41
afidegnumetcher too no UEFI15:41
oerheks_not an ubuntu issue, get a valid iso?15:41
afidegnumetcher only transpose the image15:41
byrdclawleftyfb: thanks for the help earlier.  Talked with another colleague that actually did set part of this up years ago.  Looks like we're going to recommend to start from scratch with an updated OS and new nginx install.15:41
leftyfbtheseb: no, I always disable suspend. I've done it since I was running Windows XP since it never works the way it is supposed to. The most common theme I hear about suspend is "oh, I know how to work around that issue. It doesn't bother me"15:41
leftyfbafidegnum: Your issue is not a support issue. Try #windows15:42
afidegnumi want to do it in linux15:43
pragmaticenigmaafidegnum: This doesn't sound at all like an Ubuntu support issue.15:43
pavlosafidegnum: has the computer/laptop UEFI enabled in bios?15:43
leftyfbafidegnum: It's not an ubuntu support issue. Try #windows for help getting a Windows ISO burned15:43
oerheks_woeusb works fine.15:43
pragmaticenigmaafidegnum: This channel is for supporting the Ubuntu (and it's flavors) only. It's not an appropriate place for your questions as they are not focused on Ubuntu.15:44
afidegnumpavlos: yes the laptop is uefi based15:44
afidegnumi want to be able to use ti to install ubuntu as dual boot15:44
Lopedoes anyone know how to suspend a kernel module when the computer sleeps in ubuntu 18.04?15:45
leftyfbafidegnum: you don't use a Windows iso to install Ubuntu. If you need help installing ubuntu, we will help you with that15:45
LopeI want to implement this fix because my wired eth adapter stops working after suspend.15:45
LopeBut the path is a bit different15:45
pavlosafidegnum: is there an OS on the laptop?15:45
ausjkewhat's the best way to share ubuntu 1804 desktop? no vnc etc as it is a separate desktop, not the one on local screen15:48
afidegnumpavlos: i have cleared the original os on it15:48
leftyfbausjke: x11vnc will use the local desktop15:48
ausjkewindoes machine with vnc will copy the whole screen as-is, ubuntu gave me a separate process, yes i got a x-windows from ubuntu, but it has _nothing_ to do with the real local :0 display!15:49
leftyfbausjke: x11vnc will use the local desktop15:49
pavlosafidegnum: so first install win on the laptop, then dual boot with ubuntu. Any (rufus,etcher) will write an iso to a stick15:49
ausjkeleftyfb: thanks, googling15:49
leftyfbausjke: sudo apt install x11vnc -y && x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -display :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -usepw15:49
afidegnumausjke: teamviewer anydesk,  I CU U C Me15:50
kab0mHi. I have major problems with setting up a sambaserver on my kubuntu. It says "smbpasswd: command not found" and i cant share files via Dolphin. Please help me getting this done15:50
ausjketeamviewer sometimes is a hassle on ubuntu, but yes i used it before15:50
ausjkelet me try x11vnc, tightvnc certainly does not work, neither does all those remote-desktop thing in ubuntu, for real local window sharing15:51
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leftyfbausjke: I've never found teamviewer to be a hassle15:51
ausjkedon't tell me 'join.me' though :)15:51
ausjkeleftyfb: lightdm is ubuntu pre-18.04 correct?15:52
ausjkefrom 18.04 i think it's gdm15:52
leftyfbausjke: correct15:52
mrmaze404http://mrmaze404.blogspot.com 😂15:54
matmal01Hi there, I've noticed that after ssh'ing onto a machine and logging out my arrow keybindings are messed up. From looking at the output of `cat` when pressing the up arrow, it seems xterm is sending different escape characters.15:54
matmal01Before ssh'ing, the up-arrow sends the escape characters '^[[A', after it sends '^[OA'. From looking at `infocmp -cL` it seems these are the characters for `cursor_up` and `key_up` respectively.15:54
matmal01So it looks like on xterm startup, pressing my up-arrow sends the codes for `cursor_up`, but after ssh'ing into a server then logging out pressing my up-arrow sends the codes for `key_up`.15:54
matmal01From that I have two questions: 1) which should the up-arrow send? (from reading `man terminfo` I would expect `key_up`, but I'm not certain). 2) why would ssh'ing into somewhere change things?15:54
leftyfbmrmaze404: please don't15:54
newbsduserHello guys, I want to serve a single installer file only(50 mb), too many people can download it.  How should I serve it? By using ec2 or google drive? Or vps+ramdisk  What is the correct way to do that?  Do I need load balancer?15:55
leftyfbnewbsduser: that's not an ubuntu question15:55
leftyfbnewbsduser: try #freenode15:55
pavloskab0m: have you installed samba-common-bin ?15:56
kab0mpavlos: yes i have15:56
LopeI've discovered that my question relates to a known bug which was apparently JUST fixed in the new kernel. Will try it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/175277215:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752772 in linux (Ubuntu) "r8169 ethernet card don't work after returning from suspension" [Medium,Fix released]15:56
blackflownewbsduser: cloud services are most expensive for traffic. how much of it do you expect to see?15:57
mrmaze404leftyfb: sorry😂15:57
blackflownewbsduser: also maybe better asked in #ubuntu-server15:57
blackflow(or discussion continued there)15:57
pavloskab0m: find it in /usr/bin/smbpasswd ?15:57
kab0mpavlos: no,its missing15:58
kab0mpavlos: every tipp i found online was: install samba-commin-bin and it seems to fix everyones problems but mine :(15:59
leftyfbkab0m: what version of ubuntu?15:59
kab0mleftyfb: Kubuntu 18.0416:00
pavloskab0m: common not commin ... try again sudo apt install samba press TAB 2 times16:00
ausjkefor the record on ubuntu 1804 just turn on the screen sharing via settings, then using remmina to connect to vnc://your-ip, and it works in local LAN16:00
ausjkereal screen sharing, not a remote x11 new window16:00
leftyfbkab0m: please pastebin: apt-cache policy samba-common-bin16:00
kab0mpavlos: was a typo here in chat, i have installed samba-common-bin but nothing changed16:00
leftyfbkab0m: please the output of the following to pastebin: apt-cache policy samba-common-bin16:01
pavloskab0m: do you have samba-libs16:01
kab0mleftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XyPs5cpMKh/16:02
pragmaticenigmaaudis: Are you looking for something like when you SSH to a remote machine and launch a program you can view it on the local machine?16:02
pragmaticenigmaaudis: Also known as X-Forwarding16:02
leftyfbkab0m: please the output of the following to pastebin: which smbpasswd16:02
kab0mpavlos: samba-libs is allready installed16:02
kab0mleftyfb: which smbpasswd founds nothing16:03
O_GopalIn Ubuntu 18.04, I'm suddenly getting incessant messages "Activation of network connection failed." This seems to relate to Bluetooth. "nmcli device" shows bt "disconnected." And yet bluetooth seems to be working.16:04
Gargravarrhey all, does anyone have any experience with APT hooks? i'm trying to hook into the Update::Pre-Invoke hook to test whether the laptop is on our office LAN, and switch the sources to our internal mirror. the hook is being called and seems to be swapping the pre-defined files over before the sources are fetched, but on its first run through, APT picks up the old sources instead16:05
leftyfbkab0m: ls -l /usr/bin/smbpasswd16:05
pavloskab0m: I'd suggest reinstall the packages, sudo apt install samba*16:05
rushwhat is the easiest linuxc to use for people who ar eused to windows?16:06
leftyfbpavlos: --reinstall16:06
leftyfbrush: that question is not appropriate here16:06
leftyfbrush: Try ubuntu16:06
rushi am.. i like it16:06
rushbut just curious about others16:06
kab0mleftyfb: not found16:06
rushubuntu is my fave oversall so far16:06
callMe_Dude Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module". what does this mean ? I got this when I ran Installation script for InetlliJ IDEA ?16:06
leftyfbkab0m: sudo apt install --reinstall samba-common-bin16:07
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rushi heard the new icon set was not quite ready in time for the ubuntu 18 release, but they are available in beta somewhere?  anyone know where?  interested to see the new windows and icon set16:07
leftyfbcallMe_Dude: you'll have to contact InetlliJ for support with installing InetlliJ IDE16:07
Gargravarrrush: the Cinnamon desktop environment is very Windows-like and easy to install on Ubuntu. there's also a distro with Cinnamon by default, Linux Mint, but that distro is out of scope here16:08
callMe_Dudeleftyfb: okay16:08
leftyfbrush: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/02/install-the-new-ubuntu-theme16:08
oerheks_!find canberra-gtk16:08
ubottuFound: libcanberra-gtk-common-dev, libcanberra-gtk3-0, libcanberra-gtk3-dev, libcanberra-gtk3-module, libcanberra-gtk-dev16:08
rushi trie mint.. i prefer ubuntu...  once buntu is set up i just slightly prefer it. just takes a while to get the top task bar t odissapear and free up some space etc16:09
callMe_Dudeleftyfb: its issue with gtk-module right ? so it has something to do with ubuntu ,isn't?16:09
oerheks_cinnamon desktop is also available from our repos16:09
leftyfbcallMe_Dude: you'll have to contact InetlliJ for support with installing InetlliJ IDE16:09
rushthe ubuntu aesthetic pleases me.  it also seems to run faster at some tasks than mint did16:09
rushfor me anyway16:09
kab0mleftyfb: thanks you! this did the trick for my smbpasswd problem. But i have one porblem left, i cant share files via dolphin. When i set the sharing dialog and exit the dialog the settings are lost/not saved and the folder is not shared16:09
rushany one tried the new beta icaon set?16:10
oerheks_callMe_Dude, tell them to fix it , see the canberra package ubottu talks about16:10
leftyfbkab0m: sorry, I'm not familiar with Dolphin16:10
leftyfbrush: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/02/install-the-new-ubuntu-theme16:10
kab0mleftyfb: ok thank you very much ;)16:10
HathadarHow do I get my ubuntu box's hostname to appear on my local network?  I can ping it via IPv4 but am unable to ping it with the hostname.16:10
rushlefty, you are a machine! answering everyone16:10
leftyfbHathadar: is your ubuntu box set with a static ip or dhcp?16:11
callMe_Dudeleftyfb: are you bot?16:11
rushlefty is the ubuntinator16:11
leftyfbcallMe_Dude: no16:12
callMe_Duderush: whats "ubuntinator" ?16:12
rushthe ubuntu equivalent of the terminator.. a maching that 'absolutely will not stop'16:13
callMe_Duderush: alright ,now I got it. I am just getting used Irc lingo . lmao!16:14
Hathadarleftyfb: DHCP16:14
leftyfbHathadar: What version of ubuntu?16:15
leftyfbHathadar: nmcli device show|grep DNS16:17
leftyfbwhat does that give for the IP4.DNS ?16:17
HathadarFirst is my local network router followed by two google DNS ips.16:18
leftyfbHathadar: remove the google ip's from your routers dns config (the dns server it gives out for DHCP)16:18
leftyfbHathadar: your router forwards DNS queries to the external DNS it's configured for. No need to give local devices the public DNS servers.16:19
leftyfbHathadar: if you want local DNS to work, you need to only be using your local DNS server (router) otherwise it's hit or miss which DNS server you'll be using and local lookup will certainly fail when it hits public dns servers16:20
leftyfbHathadar: or play around with zeroconf16:20
leftyfbHathadar: I recommend the former16:20
HathadarI am a little confused then.  The google DNS IPs are specified within my router.  They are needed so my router may do DNS resolution for my entire local network.  If I remove them then I have no DNS resolution at all.16:22
leftyfbHathadar: your router should have 2 places for DNS config. The public DNS server(s) it uses to resolve. And the DNS server(s) it gives out to devices via DHCP on your local network16:22
KolKHello, I cannot find more detailed information about Curtin installer.16:23
Gargravarrleftyfb: it's actually quite uncommon for consumer routers to have these controls16:23
leftyfbGargravarr: I beg to differ16:23
leftyfbKolK: try #ubuntu-server16:23
leftyfbKolK: or #maas16:23
KolKleftyfb: thanks16:23
naccKolK: #curtin16:23
Gargravarrthey often take the ISP's DNS via DHCP on the WAN side and then proxy the queries, specifiying themselves as the LAN DHCP server16:23
leftyfbnacc: is that a thing?16:23
naccleftyfb: yes.16:24
Gargravarrat least, this is my experience16:24
KolKnacc: thank you very much ;-)16:24
leftyfbGargravarr: yup, that sounds like a default config. Not the only config available.16:24
Gargravarrleftyfb: many of the routers i've played with don't have any way to override this16:24
leftyfbnacc: I'm actually going to be looking at curtinator again soon. I wonder if it's still actively developed16:24
naccleftyfb: not sure, tbh16:25
leftyfbnacc: my last experience with it was that it didn't support Power8 arch :)16:25
Gargravarrit's one of the reasons i run my own DHCP16:25
naccleftyfb: lol16:26
BluesKajGargravarr, one just needs to login into the router firmware, not difficult, it's usually the gateway IP then a setup a login admin name and pw. Even ISP provided routers are configurable in most cases16:26
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GargravarrBluesKaj: again, most of the routers i've played with only have the web UI for config, and they don't have options to set the DHCP/DNS. none of the consumer routers have CLI configs either16:28
leftyfbHathadar: find the options?16:29
rushhow to log out of ubuntu 18 without restarting ?16:29
Gargravarrrush: dropdown menu, top-right16:29
BluesKajGargravarr, tried TP-Link , dhcp/static/dns are all there, my ISO provided arris router is just as configurable16:29
rushi saew that, but no log out option16:30
Gargravarrrush: expand your username16:30
leftyfbrush: click your username16:30
Gargravarrso close to jinx :)16:30
GargravarrBluesKaj: fair enough. my experience is that the functionality is very uncommon, but that may be just British ISPs16:31
leftyfbGargravarr: my experience is that it is common16:31
leftyfbin the U.S.16:31
leftyfbwith ISP provided modem/routers and off the shelf routers16:31
rushthat worked16:31
rushbut didnt see any option in log in menu to use the new theme i just installed16:31
BluesKajGargravarr, yeah I've heard you Brits have clamps on ISP routers16:31
BluesKajdunno about consumer routers16:32
GargravarrBluesKaj: indeed. my Virgin Media fibre (Netgear) router was heavily locked down. i ended up taking over most of its functionality on my server16:33
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BluesKajGargravarr, Canada here, still fairly network neutral here16:34
rushthe new icon set didnt work16:34
rushwha tdoes this mean?:16:34
rush'If all goes well the Communitheme, Suru icon set, and GNOME Shell theme will be set. If not, use GNOME Tweaks to select them.'?16:34
rushi didnt even see the communintheme option in log in screen16:35
rushgah.. everytime ubuntu starts to get good im reminded why ive never used it for long before...  things keep going belly up16:36
rushwell.  linux in general actually16:36
rush'Once installed you need to log out, select the ‘Communitheme’ session from the session selector on the login screen, and log in as normal.'16:37
rushive intalled it, but get no theme option16:37
lotuspsychjerush: did you install the snap?16:39
rushwats a snap?16:39
rushi installed the two lines of code in the website into the terminal yea16:39
rushmaybe i need gnome tweak tool?  whatever that is16:39
lotuspsychjerush: in gnome-tweak-tool you can easy switch themes yes16:40
rushhow do ge tthat?16:40
rushbut why wont this new theme even show up in my log in option16:40
rushi installed it16:40
rushbut not there16:40
thesebleftyfb: thanks for your help....I turned off "automatic suspend"...but that doesn't mean can't still *manually* turn on suspend...problems solved....you're the man!16:40
lotuspsychje!info gnome-tweak-tool | rush16:41
ubotturush: gnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB16:41
rushstill cant see an install link for it?16:41
lotuspsychjerush: you can install packages for ubuntu from the terminal16:42
rushi cant no16:43
rushit stoo difficult to do that16:43
rushi just copy an dpaste whan im told16:43
rushsometimes works, sometimes doesnt16:43
lotuspsychjerush: from a terminal: sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool16:43
rushi manged to find it in software center16:43
ash_worksiI think, whilst trying to get my IME to work, I installed a depricated package ibus-m17n16:44
ash_worksiwhich I think may have in turn put a .anthy dir in my home directory16:44
ash_worksidoes anyone know if that's necessary for the ime or can I just remove that/.16:45
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: is it possible to pastebin some output of what you are trying to do?16:45
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: lets say hastebin the output of: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade16:46
rushthink i prefer the 'ambiance theme anyway'  but worth a look16:46
rushthanks for the tips16:46
lotuspsychjerush: you are welcome16:46
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: wich ubuntu version are you on?16:47
ash_worksilotuspsychje: 18.0416:48
ash_worksiI was just thinking of removing this .anthy dir16:48
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: seems like your package is available for 18.04..im not sure what you are trying to do yet16:49
jasom18.04 does not boot on my machine; the salient errors appear to be something about APST failing and then a message about my NVME's drive size changing to 0 sectors.  I tried some suggested workarounds such as setting default_ps_max_latency_us=0 in the kernel options, but nothing seemed to fix it.  Booting with the previous kernel from 16.04 LTS allowed me to boot.  Any suggestiosn?16:50
ash_worksilotuspsychje: what I'm trying to do: remove the .anthy directory (if that does not present a problem)16:50
ash_worksithat's it16:50
lotuspsychjejasom: if you find a bug for a specific kernel, i would suggest to file that bug..if you tested on other kernel and it works16:52
lotuspsychje!bug | jasom16:53
ubottujasom: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:53
lotuspsychjejasom: this way you helping yourself and the community16:53
lotuspsychjejasom: are you on desktop or server?16:54
ash_worksiI just don't know if .anthy is required by the native ibus implementation or not16:55
ash_worksirather I don't know if installing jpn from `settings` put it there or my random efforts to get jpn ime working some other way which turned out (presumably) not to be necessary16:55
lotuspsychjeash_worksi: the better you describe what you are trying to do, the better users can try to help you16:56
ash_worksilotuspsychje: I'm not sure how to be more clear; I *think* the anthy dir was a product of my flawed thinking and not essential to the current IME config, so I want to get rid of it, but I am not *sure*, so I am asking if someone can shed some light on that... do I *need* the .anthy dir for the _native_ ime settings?16:57
rushi  *dont know*   somebody else might *help*  you16:58
ash_worksiwhen you go to `settings > region & language` there is a 'manage installed language' button; if you click it there is an 'install / remove lanaugages...' button; would that have created the .anthy directory?16:59
ash_worksior would `sudo apt-get install ibus-m17n` have created it?16:59
ash_worksiI am pretty sure `sudo apt-get install ibus-m17n` was meaningless to my endeavor to get the JPN IME working16:59
ash_worksiis any of this making the topic clearer hopefully?17:00
ioriaash_worksi, dpkg -l | grep anthy17:01
ash_worksiioria: okay; there are several packages which include the word, yeah17:02
ash_worksiI'm gonna assume this is necessary at this point17:03
rushengland comubia soon.. im about to foul myself i nanticipation17:03
ash_worksithanks ineiros17:05
ash_worksithanks ioria17:05
ash_worksi* ^17:05
ioriait's ok17:05
rushon thunderbird, whats the difference between 'email' and 'movemail' ?17:07
rushalso on hexchat, how to show list of all rooms ?17:09
leftyfbrush: each of these applications has documentation17:10
leftyfbrush: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movemail17:11
jasomlotuspsychje: desktop17:11
rushsounds complax, dont understand it17:12
rush'movemail is a computer program by the GNU Project that moves mail from a user's Unix mailspool to another file. It is part of GNU Mailutils.'  its gibberish to me17:12
rushguess i dont need it17:13
lotuspsychjejasom: is that a clean install 18.04 or did you upgrade from 16.04?17:13
coconut_rush: i don't know hexchat specificly, but you should be able to do a /list17:13
jasomlotuspsychje: upgrade17:14
coconut_or better, a /msg alis list <name>17:14
lotuspsychjejasom: could you test this on a clean install please, its not adviced to upgrade from xenial yet17:14
rushi got it  'server - join  channel - retrieve channel list'17:14
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lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | jasom17:14
ubottujasom: Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.17:14
lotuspsychjejasom: if it still persist, try to file a new !bug17:15
flickeerrrAhoj lidi!17:15
rushlove the software center now.. so many apps and stuff all one click to install.   ubuntu is starting to finally kick ass17:16
drzrafleftyfb, blackflow: I wanted to thank you for your attempt in helping save my loopback...17:18
rushalso, how can this ubuntu be so fast?  i have a full instalation on USB only, yet it runs very well.  just impressive.  boots as fast as, or faster than linux puppy lol  go figure17:19
blackflowdrzraf: you're welcome. did you get it?17:19
lotuspsychjerush: keep this channel free to ubuntu support questions only here please, you can discuss in #ubuntu-discuss if you like17:20
drzrafI managed to get dhcp enp3s0f1 back again by simply removing/adding back that iface in NM. So the most important is saved.17:22
drzrafbut my loopback is still named eth0. It creates a warning from ifupdown at startup, but most importantly: 'm not fine with that if name17:23
ioriadrzraf, already checked /etc/network/interface ?17:25
blackflowdrzraf: could you do one more thing please, can you check    sud grep "rename1" -r /etc/*17:25
blackflowdrzraf: you shouldn't have ifupdown on Bionic, that's not default did you install it manually?17:26
ioriaunless you did a do-release-upgrade -d17:27
blackflowioria: asked that before, this is supposedly installation from scratch, but with some config files brought in with etckeeper17:27
drzrafblackflow: if that's not the default, then yes. I used to find it very useful, but I didn't care bringing back my old /etc/interface/* stuff in this new systemd-based one.17:28
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drzrafblackflow: no "rename1" in /etc17:28
blackflowdrzraf: my advice wuld be to let go ifupdown and keep netplan config17:28
naccdrzraf: you're confusing systemd and netplan.17:28
ioriai was just curious about the lo device named eth017:29
drzrafIHMO the problem is about udev and persistence. There should a cache somewhere which didn't go away, even with `udevadm info -c`17:29
drzrafthat's why I still have that eth0 thing inside /var/run/udev/data/n117:29
blackflowdrzraf: according to your dmesg you have (had) two renames: enp3... to eth0 and then lo -> rename1 -> eth017:30
ioria/var/run  is a  temporary filesystem17:31
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drzrafI created an issue here: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/9497 where I hope I put everything needed to find out *where* eth0 comes from and drop that. Let me know if it miss a useful info.17:34
drzrafIHMO the `udevadm info -e` containing reference to "eth0" is not normal.17:35
blackflowdrzraf: that'll just get itself closed with not-out-bug :)   personally I doubt the problem is in systemd itself. it's what you suggested, probably, some lingering / cached  config/udev rule or something, perhaps even conflict with ifupdown17:36
igghello all!!!17:37
naccdrzraf: is your /var/run a symlink to /run and /run is a tmpfs?17:37
iggI am trying to mount a nas in my fstab using afp and im having issues getting it to mount on boot17:37
naccdrzraf: and this file "/lib/systemd/network/99-default.link" does not exist any longer?17:38
naccdrzraf: does it exist in your initramfs?17:38
drzrafnacc: contrary to files /etc/, this one is part of udev (dpkg -S /lib/systemd/network/99-default.link)17:40
blackflownacc: it's there and default but.... huh.... initramfs... I totally forgot to suggest rebuilding that.17:41
naccdrzraf: is that a yes or no?17:41
ioriadrzraf, lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r) | grep 99-default.link17:41
drzrafnacc: yes, I have it17:41
naccdrzraf: with what contents?17:41
iggDoes anyone know how to mount a afp share in the fstab? I have read a lot of the forum posts and they do not seam to apply to 18.0417:41
naccdrzraf: the ones mentioned in the upstream issue?17:41
naccblackflow: yeah, it's maybe a red herring, but worth checking17:41
naccdrzraf: you mention some contents in 8 in the upstream issue.17:42
naccioria: i'm fairly sure by default it's in the initrd17:43
blackflowdrzraf: I thought you said you removed that file?17:43
iorianacc, yeah17:43
blackflowthe one in point #817:43
naccioria: the issue is if it was manually changed, and the initrd wasn't rebuilt automatically (e.g., no kerenl installed), it will be wrong in the initrd17:43
nacc*could be wrong17:43
blackflowah yes I failed to read below the codeblock.17:43
naccblackflow: right, that's what i was trying to clarify as well17:44
ioriai see17:44
naccioria: it would take a particular timing of events, but is definitely possible17:44
naccso it's not just presenece, but we ned to see the contents; alternatively, just rebuild the initrd now and see if it works (presuming the file has been restored to the default contents)17:44
blackflowinitramfs sounds totally plausible now, given that this started happening after kernel upgrade (which triggered initramfs), and I'm assuming that bad-match .link file was present then, though removed after.17:44
naccblackflow: yep, exactly17:45
blackflowdrzraf: put some champagne on ice and update-initramfs -u , reboot :)17:45
jerwareI dont know weather to apt-get install python-virtualenv or apt-get install virtualenv for python projects.17:47
naccblackflow: i'm trying to think if this would be at all detectable, but i think the minimal would be to run the "triggers" for the udev package after making modifications (or reverting modifications) to the config files17:47
iggjerware, in the terminal17:47
naccjerware: did you read their descriptions?17:48
jerwarethey match.17:48
naccjerware: "they match"?17:48
naccjerware: read the last line of each.17:49
naccjerware: also what version of ubuntu?17:49
jerwarevirtualenv - Python virtual environment creator   vs  python-virtualenv - Python virtual environment creator17:49
naccjerware: that's the *short* description17:49
naccjerware: read the whole description fiel.d17:49
naccjerware: also look at their dependencies, etc. it becomes clear how they releate17:50
jerwarehow do I get that information?17:50
naccjerware: `apt-cache show ...`17:51
drzrafThe initrd lib/systemd/network/99-default.link  == the content of the former (buggy) file /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link !! You got it17:52
ksbalajihow to solve could not locaate dkms.conf file error17:52
naccdrzraf: yep17:54
naccdrzraf: so rebuild the initrd and check it again17:54
naccdrzraf: and close your upstream bug as PEBKAC17:55
naccksbalaji: please pastebin the entire command and error where you see that17:55
oerheks_ksbalaji, we need more info that that17:55
oerheks_ksbalaji, how to solve: give proper information, what ubuntu, what desktop, what are you doing :-)17:56
ksbalajiI just update using updater. I keep getting this error. I feel that because of this error, nowadays it takes a lot more time for updates.17:56
ioriaksbalaji, ls   /etc/modprobe.d/dkms.conf17:57
ksbalajiI  have ubuntu 16.04 running in my acer aspire E 15 laptop.17:59
m0x90Hello, I noticed that the amd64 package linux-image-4.15.0-24-generic-dbgsym is not in http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux-hwe/. Instead now an unsigned one is present.18:00
ksbalajiioria, result of command: ksbalaji@ksbalaji-Aspire:~$ ls   /etc/modprobe.d/dkms.conf  is: /etc/modprobe.d/dkms.conf18:03
luxiowhen I click the Calculator icon in the apps list, it won't open18:19
luxioit does the spinning cursor icon but never opens18:20
lotuspsychjeluxio: what happens when you try gnome-calculator from terminal?18:21
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luxiolotuspsychje: https://pasteboard.co/HsMridP.png18:22
leftyfbAnyone know if there's a way to run a bash function from within a ProxyCommand as part of ssh?18:24
TheRedHackerleftyfb, no sorry18:24
TheRedHackerI have a question18:24
TheRedHackercan I go to another server or something?18:25
leftyfb!ask | TheRedHacker18:25
ubottuTheRedHacker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:25
tomreyn!irc | TheRedHacker18:25
ubottuTheRedHacker: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see !alis - See also !Guidelines18:25
tomreynfor general irc help, /join #freenode18:26
lotuspsychjeluxio: hmm version should be 3.28.118:26
lotuspsychjeluxio: can you apt-cache policy gnome-calculator please?18:27
lotuspsychjem0x90: perhaps the #ubuntu-release channel might have a clue on that18:29
Disaster_Areacan someone help me install a font? I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS & I have a .ttf font file I want to install18:29
brainwashlotuspsychje: does apt-cache list snap installations?18:29
tomreynbrainwash: no, "snap list" does18:31
lotuspsychje!fonts | Disaster_Area start here18:31
ubottuDisaster_Area start here: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/18:31
Disaster_AreaI opened the .ttf file and hit the Install button in the font viewer and it said "install failed" btw18:32
oerheks_nice :-)18:33
oerheks_that it opens fontviewer *18:33
oerheks_but you need to make a folder in ... and do ... ( see the wiki : manually)18:34
Disaster_Areahm actually I think I might have successfully installed it using something I just saw in a Wikihow18:39
m0x90lotuspsychje: thanks, that channel doesn't seem to exist?18:39
Disaster_Areanow comes the hard part of figuring out how to make LaTeX use it....................18:39
lotuspsychjem0x90:  Now talking on #ubuntu-release18:40
lotuspsychje!latex | Disaster_Area continue here18:40
ubottuDisaster_Area continue here: tex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX18:40
pipegeekDoes anyone know when Firefox 61 is likely to hit the package repositories for bionic?18:41
pipegeek(or if?)18:41
lotuspsychjepipegeek: its comming, you can test the snap already if you want :p18:41
pipegeekokie doke!  Thanks :)18:41
lotuspsychjepipegeek: keep your system up to date and all things come straight18:42
bapaHeyo. Just dropped in to get a concensus on how stable 18.04 has been for people so far, since I've been experiencing a lot of `gnome-shell' crashes and other issues lately. How's 18.04 been treating y'all?18:43
PsychoBoBwhat the version of ubuntu must speed18:43
PsychoBoBi am using ubuntu 1818:44
compdocbapa, Ive only used ubuntu-mate 18.04. works pretty well18:44
PsychoBoBand deepin, but i dont like deepin18:44
oerheks_bapa, pretty good, sorry to hear about your crashed, did you do research why this happened?18:44
PsychoBoBi need other18:44
PsychoBoBdon't slow18:44
bapaPsychoBoB: Pardon? You mean which version oon of Ubuntu is fastest?18:44
oerheks_PsychoBoB, download ubuntu from the site18:44
supermouarfi 'm french18:44
lotuspsychje!fr | supermouarf18:44
ubottusupermouarf: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:44
oerheks_yeah, his question does not make sense , does it?18:44
supermouarfi have a/join #ubuntu-fr18:45
bapaPsychoBoB: If I did understand you right, then I'd say avoid the 2016 LTS release. IMO, Unity is really, really slow on the few machines I had it installed on. 18.04 seems much, much speedier for me on the same hardware (I did a clean install from 2016 -> 2018 LTS and it made a huge difference).18:45
eriswansHas anyone noticed and/or gotten to the bottom of why the latest Xenial images in AWS somehow are automatically installing and running the amazon-ssm-agent snap?18:46
oerheks_bapa, fud, 16.04 lts is great too18:46
lotuspsychjebapa: we dont really take polls here, try ubuntu-discuss or offtopic for that18:46
oerheks_eriswans, because .. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/ssm-agent.html18:47
oerheks_EC2 Messaging service thingy18:47
bapaRight-o, sorry. Didn't figure that'd venture into subjective territory.18:47
eriswansNo, I mean, previous to a couple weeks ago the ssm agent didn't get installed by any means. I just spun up a new xenial instance using a more recent ubuntu ami (official from ubuntu) and the newer ami *does* automatically install it now.18:48
lotuspsychjebapa: this channel #ubuntu we only take support questions :p18:48
lotuspsychje!discuss | bapa welcome here18:48
ubottubapa welcome here: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:48
bapaAs far as the crashing goes, I don't mind it happening, since I am a technical user (used to run Gentoo for years on my desktop...). I'm just curious if Gnome 3 has known issues, because I don't want to be embarassed when I go to peddle 18.04 on other people's machines :X18:48
oerheks_eriswans, correct, SSM Agent is installed, by default, on Amazon Linux base AMIs dated 2017.09 and later.18:48
oerheks_so you must have 16.04.5 ?18:49
oerheks_err 16.04.4 release march 1 201818:49
eriswansIt's automatically installed on "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-20180627 (ami-759bc50a)", owned by Canonical.18:50
lotuspsychjebapa: gnome3 is known to be bit heavy, needs (higher) system specs to run smooth18:50
eriswansThat's a quite disruptive change. Where should I have been watching to know it was coming?18:50
nacceriswans: you may want #ubuntu-server18:51
lotuspsychje!dmesg | bapa for the crash look here?18:51
ubottubapa for the crash look here?: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.18:51
oerheks_https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ >>> https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/sysman-install-ssm-agent.html18:51
bapaIt does, and it's why all the machines I want to install it on have at least 3GB or 4 GB of RAM. Performs fine on them, just is a bit crashy on multiple machines for me (which coincidentally all have Nvidias, and it makes me wonder if it's related to compositing).18:51
oerheks_they provide excellent manuals18:51
luxiolotuspsychje: http://termbin.com/os6u18:52
bapaSo I assume there's some folk here who run Gnome 3 on 18.04, with no issues?18:52
eriswans@oerheks_ I know exactly what the ssm agent is. What I want to know is why the ubuntu ami's provided by canonical were changed to automatically install it when they previously did not.18:53
lotuspsychjeluxio: hmm i wonder why its not installed? are you on ubuntu-desktop 18.04 or another flavor?18:53
luxioubuntu-desktop 18.0418:53
bapaAlso, how serious does Canonical take crash reports from Apport? I've been shamefully keeping my crashes to myself and not submitting them :X18:53
luxioit shows up on the apps menu lotuspsychje18:53
luxiothe bottom left18:53
nacceriswans: as i said, you want a different channel, there is #ubuntu-server and then you jmight be able to get in touch with the AMI creators18:53
naccbapa: fairly seriously, if it's in main18:53
lotuspsychjebapa: clean install or upgrade?18:53
bapaClean install. It's probably been a decade since I upgraded Ubuntu in-place~18:54
lotuspsychjeluxio: sudo apt install gnome-calculator18:54
luxiolotuspsychje: now there's two calculator icons18:54
lotuspsychjebapa: can you define what sort of crashes occur exactly?18:55
bapanacc: but, good to know. I'll submit crash reports if they're from Main. (And pray that base64 memory dump has no embarassing strings in it ;>)18:55
lotuspsychjeluxio: try them both, wich one working?18:55
luxiolotuspsychje: the one on the right18:56
lotuspsychjeluxio: hmm i should have asked sooner..is your system up to date?18:56
luxioidk, how do I check?18:56
bapalotuspsychje: Sure. It's usually gnome-shell freezing, in which nothing responds, and sometimes immediately or minutes later, it decides to relaunch and things work again. Or sometimes it just freezes and never recovers, where I then have to go to a terminal and restart my X session. Or sometimes gnome-shell crashes, where all my window decorations disappear and I'm just left with windows that can't be18:56
bapainteracted with.18:56
lotuspsychjeluxio: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade18:56
lotuspsychjebapa: xorg or wayland and on wich nvidia driver version please?18:57
bapaVideo card is Nvidia 560 Ti. Happens on both Nouveau, and Nvidia 390 proprietary drivers.18:57
bapaUsing XOrg. Wouldn't touch Wayland with a 10-foot pole yet.18:57
lotuspsychjebapa: can you check what drivers avalaible in your system with: ubuntu-drivers list18:58
luxiospeaking of, will 18.10/19.04 be using Wayland since those aren't LTS versions?18:58
naccluxio: you want #ubuntu+1 for future release and it's not relevant to ask about 19.04, as that hasn't even started yet18:58
bapaI mean, I'd submit a bug report for this, but I hate reporting bugs if I feel I'm the only one in the world that has the issue - hence why I am here to ask before I try submitting.18:58
oerheks_bapa, open a launchpad account, then you can trace your bug18:59
luxiolotuspsychje: ran those commands, still same problem18:59
oerheks_all reports are helpfull, some ens just up as data/confirmation, that is also good18:59
luxiotwo calculator icons, one working, one not18:59
bapaOh, strange, it says I have both nvidia-340 and nvidia-driver-390. Unless the 340 is that one weird, transitional meta package I remember seeing once.18:59
lotuspsychjebapa: as a test try another driver?19:00
lotuspsychjeluxio: weird, can you findout if they have different versions?19:00
lotuspsychje!info gnome-calculator bionic | luxio19:01
ubottuluxio: gnome-calculator (source: gnome-calculator): GNOME desktop calculator. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.28.1-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 391 kB, installed size 2736 kB19:01
ioriabapa, they are both installed ? dpkg -l | grep nvidia | pastebinit19:01
bapaI could try 340, lotuspsychje. I'll report back if I still have the same issue.19:01
lotuspsychjebapa: try what ioria suggests19:01
bapaOh, I know. I think the 340 from ubuntu-drivers list was just the *candidate* drivers. I definitely *only* have 390 installed.19:02
lotuspsychjebapa: normally 390 is a good match for bionic..19:02
bapa(output from dpkg -l|grep nvidia)19:03
oerheks_if the 390 gives issues, use the driver ppa19:03
lotuspsychjebapa: is your card optimus?19:03
bapaI mentioned my card earlier, but it's an Nvidia GeForce 560 Ti. And FWIW, performance is just fine even for demanding applications.19:04
bapaAt least under 390 (nouveau is a slideshow)19:04
ioriabapa, and what is the problem ?19:04
bapaAlso anyone have an idea of when the legacy 304 drivers (yes, 304, not a typo of 340) might hit 18.04's official repos? I have an ancient machine with a 6150 Nvidia card, and Nouveau is really problematic. :X19:05
lotuspsychjeioria: he's getting gnome crashes19:05
ioriabapa, no 304 in bionic19:06
ioria!info nvidia-30419:06
ubottuPackage nvidia-304 does not exist in bionic19:06
oerheks_6150 .. that will run nouveau great.. maybe it will play youtube19:06
bapaI do run Nouveau on it, but it causes the machine to not wake from sleep about 1/10th of the time with a hard freeze :X19:07
ioriabapa, how often it freezes ? and how ? might be a gdm/mutter issue,19:07
lotuspsychjebapa: try to tweak your system a bit, install preload, trim down starting services, disable nautilus file index searching in settings, disable animations,..19:07
lotuspsychjebapa: and run lightweight packages19:07
bapaAnyhow, thanks for the support everyone. Didn't mean to drag everyone into trying to troubleshoot for me. I just came to ask if this was known. :X19:08
ioriabapa, try lightdm instead og gdm319:08
ftrcCan I ask a question about the forums here?19:09
lotuspsychjeftrc: if its ubuntu related, shoot19:09
ftrcI made a new account SSO, and when I try to access the forums it says  "you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of the following reasons:"19:10
lotuspsychje!forum | ftrc maybe this can also help?19:11
ubottuftrc maybe this can also help?: The Ubuntu forums can be found at https://ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at https://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums19:11
ftrcThank you I will try that one19:12
lotuspsychjeethan_: welcome, what can we do you for?19:20
ethan_Are you an admin?19:20
lotuspsychjeethan_: this channel is for ubuntu questions, volunteers are supporting here19:20
ethan_I have a question.19:21
ethan_What can you use to record your Desktop on a Raspberry pi 3?19:21
lotuspsychjeethan_: i like kazam as recording tool19:22
ethan_Oh me too.19:22
ethan_I tried that.19:22
ethan_I think it works. lol19:22
lotuspsychje!info recordmydesktop | ethan_19:23
ubottuethan_: recordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 49 kB, installed size 124 kB19:23
oerheks_ Press Ctr — Alt — Shift –R to start recording what is on your screen. ( standard on 18.04 LTS gnome )19:24
Ubu-1604question : how do I see the latest VERSION of ubuntu I am running .. I have several commands but during updates I see much later version numbers ... commands like 'lsb_release -a' are not showing the EXACT version I am running.19:24
oerheks_and hit it again to stop, i think the standard length is 30 sec?19:24
bapaI feel dumb for asking, but where do I go to actually report a bug? I'm on `/ubuntu/bionic/+bugs' and when I hit "Report a bug", whose URL is "https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+filebug", it redirects me to a wiki entry instead. And after scanning the page multiple times, and Ctrl+F-ing like a mad-man, I cannot find a way to get to a page to file a report. :X19:24
lotuspsychjebapa: from a terminal: ubuntu-bug your-package-here19:25
bapalotuspsychje: Okay, thanks. I only skimmed the wiki page because I assumed it was boring, common sense advice to stop the bug tracker from being overloaded :X19:26
PsychoBoBbapa, yes, i need a interface fastest of ubuntu19:27
PsychoBoBi am using 18.0419:28
PsychoBoBand deepin like a theme19:28
PsychoBoBsorry myenglish isnot good19:28
bapalotuspsychje: I assume when I hit "Send" it'll allow me to write-up and fill in information on my own?19:28
lotuspsychjebapa: your bug will get simulated, you just add the title when its done and add description19:29
lotuspsychjePsychoBoB: only ubuntu support questions here please19:30
bapaOkay, thanks. Because the text "Send" itself makes it sound like it does something final. Kinda like having a "Send" button in an email client, which you think will immediately send an email... but it actually just brings you to a window that lets you *compose* an email. :P19:31
bapalotuspsychje: Are there any secret URLs that'll give me free reign over how to compose my bug report? I've feeled hundreds in the past on various distros, and "user friendly" forms just slow me down :X19:32
bapas/feeled/filed/ (although the anology is apt, since I am swamped with feels due to misbehaving software :P)19:33
lotuspsychjebapa: not sure if i understand you right, you need help with adding a description?19:33
PsychoBoBwhat interface I need use?19:37
iggCould someone give me a hand in mounting a network share with fstab?19:37
lotuspsychje!fstab | igg start here19:37
ubottuigg start here: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions19:37
PsychoBoBwhy my left button of mouse dont work fine on ubuntu?19:37
iggI generally know how to use fstab, but it appears that in 18.04 the way APF is mounted has changed.19:38
hggdhPsychoBoB: all in one line, please19:41
PsychoBoBoh my god19:42
npgmI'm looking for a text/cli based network management tool that knows about linux network namespaces. 18.04's netplan has no notion of network namespaces. I need a configuration that will allow me to define the namespaces and the associated interfaces and have this persist on restart.19:42
PsychoBoBjust  rules, nothing of solutioj19:42
igglotuspsychje, I have spent a good part of the day reading the help forums on how to mount a afp and none of what I have read seam to work in 18.0419:42
lotuspsychjePsychoBoB: we can only help, if we understand the question correctly, with all details, all in one line19:43
npgmis there a irc channel for ubuntu server?19:46
lotuspsychje!server | npgm19:46
ubottunpgm: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server19:46
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_KaszpiR_lotuspsychje #ubuntu-server19:46
_KaszpiR_ow sorry for highlight19:47
npgmlotuspsychje: thansk19:47
ducasseigg: have you checked the 18.04 release notes? there might be mention of it there if it has indeed changed.19:49
iggducasse, no I have not19:50
lotuspsychje!releasenotes | igg19:51
ubottuigg: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes19:51
igglotuspsychje, I aldeay have them pulled up19:52
iggducasse, you were correct the release notes had the answer19:54
ducasseigg: yay :)19:55
Bashing-om!cookie | ducasse19:55
ubottuducasse: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:55
valhalla_22Hi ,I am using bionic server, since 30 days, now I desire to get static ip address so that i could ssh from mac terminal [setting in virtulbox:NAT] ,the problem is whenver trying to configure the yaml file via NETPLAN , PING is not working but i get an static IP20:22
valhalla_22Hi ,I am using bionic server, since 30 days, now I desire to get static ip address so that i could ssh from mac terminal [setting in virtulbox:NAT] ,the problem is whenver trying to configure the yaml file via NETPLAN , PING is not working although I got   static IP  which is non sshable. so plz suggest some steps20:23
blackflowvalhalla_22: so this is a virtualbox VM?20:25
valhalla_22yeah blackflow20:26
valhalla_22bionic is installed in vm20:26
blackflowvalhalla_22: you mention virtualbox:NAT, iirc with that setting you can't access the VM from the host20:26
valhalla_22ok what setting do i need20:27
blackflowit's been a while since I used virtualbox, so I might give you a wrong answer, but iirc you needed bridge so the VM could get its own IP in your LAN20:27
valhalla_22when i followed http://hammondslegacy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=244 then on pinging it says destination host unreachable.20:27
valhalla_22means I get an static IP but there is no internet20:28
blackflowvalhalla_22: btw, that tutorial does not say you should set up NAT:    Network, Attached to: Bridged Adapter, Advanced, Adapter Type: Intel PRO/1000 MT Server20:30
blackflowthat's under "VirtualBox Virtual Machine Settings"20:30
valhalla_22that too tried , but it didnt worked20:31
blackflowand then also make sure if you can set up static IPs in your LAN, or that you don't conflict with dhcp ranges20:31
valhalla_22now I am backtracking all method like greedy beelzebub20:31
bapaYeah, I generally use Bridged networking to get a VM to get its own IP and all that jazz. Though I have no idea how secure bridged networking is, or if there's a saner way to do it.20:34
valhalla_22bapa:  from stack overflow Bridged: Your VM will be in the same network as your host, if your host IP is then your VM will be like It can be accessed by all computers in your host network.20:35
valhalla_22bapa:  bridged is not secure20:35
blackflowyes, they're sharing the same physical network card20:35
blackflowvalhalla_22: you just had to look up what bridged is, and all of a sudden you know if it is or isn't secure?20:36
valhalla_22blackflow: when I am doing bridged its working20:36
valhalla_22i came from legacy linux 14.04 and 16.04 where config was very easy20:36
ZPQvalhalla_22: you can always try to ask in #vbox20:37
blackflowvalhalla_22: great, then use that. just make sure your static IP is compatible with your LAN requirements20:37
valhalla_22with introduction of netplan thing, i am facing issues in setting up yaml file20:37
blackflowvalhalla_22: what issues? netplan.io is recommended setup on Ubuntu Bionic. but, you're not forced to use it, you can use networkd files directly.20:38
valhalla_22blackflow:  ohh really , can you illustrate me on this netwrokd thing20:39
naccor ifupdown20:41
newdimensionAll of sudden Ubuntu 18 isn't booting on Virtualbox. If I press ESC during boot, I can see "Failed to start Snappy daemon". Then a bunch of ok steps that last one being "user@120.service"20:41
blackflowvalhalla_22: the systemd.network(5) manpage has almost all you need. you can also look up examples on google. or start here to get familiar with netplan (plenty of examples): https://netplan.io/examples20:41
valhalla_22what if my addresses is and then what should be my gateway ?20:42
bapavalhalla_22: Same as your current router's IP address.20:42
OlofLHello i setup an vsftp server, with ftps. it worked fine with nautilus client. but when I connect with filezilla on windows I get some weird messages. "please login with user and pass" error 53020:43
blackflowvalhalla_22: is your host in that subnet?20:43
valhalla_22blackflow: thanks for link, Now I am comfortable with netplan, i made myself high, stuck to reading since 10hrs.Now i am cool.20:43
bapaAssuming you want your VM OS to be functionally identical to havinganother machine on the same network.20:43
valhalla_22blackflow:  what do we mean by host in my subnet , my ip is something 10.2.x.x20:44
=== newdimension is now known as newdimension565
newdimension565I think I had a nick issue that prevented my messages from going through. Can anyone confirm that my question was posted?20:45
blackflowvalhalla_22: the physical cable connecting to your NIC (assuming not wireless), "belongs" to the specific subnet defined by the upstream router. since your VM shares the same NIC and thus the same physical cable, and thus the same subnet, you can only use the same subnet in the VM (unless VLANs but that's... entirely different topic)20:46
bapavalhalla_22: On your HOST computer, run: `route -n`. The first IP address listed under `Gateway` is probably the Gateway IP you wanna use in the VM.20:46
valhalla_22my mac is connected to wireless.20:46
blackflowvalhalla_22: so whatever your static IP setup in the VM is, it must mirror your host's, otehr than the IP itself (so same gateway, dns, ...)20:47
valhalla_22thanks bapa i did.20:47
blackflowvalhalla_22: okay then imagine a virtual, wireless cable :)20:47
bapaProtip regarding DNS: If you dunno what DNS to use 'cause you're not using DHCP, and you don't know if your router has a DNS server built-in, "" and "" are easy-to-remember choices. They're DNS servers run by Google.20:48
valhalla_22bapa:  thing to note , whenever i did nameservers as you told and as hammond guy, it gave me msg destination host unreachable20:49
naccvalhalla_22: nameservers are unrealted to routing20:49
blackflowvalhalla_22: did you actually use those same numbers, or did you use the numbers specific to your subnet?20:49
bapanacc: but, don't you need to be routed somewhere to even reach a DNS server? :O20:50
valhalla_22netplan has no thing such as DNS in yaml file , blackflow i used nameservers  -addresses : [,]20:50
naccbapa: well, yes. But their sentence is invalid.20:50
oerhekshmm changing netplan in an existing ubuntu vm .. i wonder, why?20:50
blackflowvalhalla_22: the "nameservers" key is the DNS20:51
blackflowvalhalla_22: so first things first. with that static IP, are you in the correct subnet?20:52
naccvalhalla_22: DNS = Domain Name System (served by "nameservers")20:52
newdimension565How can I run systemctl status when ubunbut fails to load?20:56
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oerheksone can always boot in previous kernel = recovery mode20:58
valhalla_22blackflow:  my subnet is
bapavalhalla_22: That sounds about right for most consumer router setups.20:58
newdimension565@oerheks, right now I have one error "Failed to start Snappy Daemon". Then a bunch of [ok]. But nothing progresses20:59
bapaProtip: If you know your subnet mask is, and something asks you how many bits the mask is. the answer is /24.20:59
blackflowvalhalla_22: that is netmask, not subnet.20:59
bapaI think he just meant "subnet [mask]".20:59
valhalla_22nacc: exactly when i did nameservers to be 8888 8844 then it says destination host unreachable20:59
blackflowvalhalla_22: for example, in   the subnet it 192.168.1.x20:59
blackflowvalhalla_22: so if your host hast that IP, for example, you can only set up your VM in 192.168.1.something   being careful you don't conflict with dhpc range21:00
valhalla_22blackflow: so here the devil sleeps, conflict of dhcp range !!21:00
naccvalhalla_22: changing the nameserver won't make routes unreachable.21:01
valhalla_22cani see my dhcp range21:01
blackflowvalhalla_22: but your router probably doesn't take the entire /24 for dhcp, you can check the router settings, and assign an addr outside of that range21:01
valhalla_22nacc it says , addresses , gateway4: namesrevers 8888 884421:01
naccvalhalla_22: please use a pastebin21:02
blackflowvalhalla_22: what's your host's (mac's) IP address?21:02
Sparky-UKHi, can anyone tell me how to install a ddeb (debug symbols) file?21:02
valhalla_22it is something 192.168.x.y but when i nat vm told me ip to be 10.0.x.y21:03
blackflowvalhalla_22: 10.0.x.y is virtualbox' internal network21:04
blackflowvalhalla_22: so here the important thing to know is what's x in 192.168.x.y  so that your VM has the same x, but different y21:05
oerheksthere is a wiki, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages21:05
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valhalla_22while my vm ip under the bridged network  is
blackflowvalhalla_22: that's the host?21:07
blackflowvalhalla_22: oh, so that's what you get with dhcp?21:07
blackflow192.168.43.92 ?21:07
oerheksoh, your host is troubling you, valhalla_2221:07
oerheksagain: changing netplan in an existing ubuntu vm .. i wonder, why?21:07
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valhalla_22blackflow:  when i set my dhcp to something hammonds http://hammondslegacy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=24421:09
valhalla_22infact i copied the whole thing from hammonds21:09
kab0mleftyfb: bye bye21:09
blackflowvalhalla_22: so you tried to use for your VM?21:09
naccdon't c&p things from the internet.21:10
blackflowvalhalla_22: well you can't if your subnet is
Sparky-UKnvm, got it :)21:10
valhalla_22which i think was silly mistake .21:10
blackflowvalhalla_22: yes. like I said, your VM has to be in the same subnet as the host, because they're on the same network interface.21:10
valhalla_22yeah now i get it , i am reading networking book to get the idea of networking21:11
valhalla_22the book is tannebaum which is more noisy it talks more about algorithm instead i want to know other things21:12
blackflowthere's Networking for Dummies21:12
oerheksvsphere for dummies too?21:13
valhalla_22i read that book only last 3 chapter were useful , rest were talking about cables and wirecutters21:13
blackflowoerheks: probably. chances are there's X for dummies for quite a domain of X values :)21:13
valhalla_22all the book for dummies are bad , i even i got mail from wiley to read sex for dummies , i thought that was spam21:13
blackflowvalhalla_22: https://www.google.com/search?q=networking+basics21:14
LopeShould I rather start buying USB-C peripherals, and get USB-C to USB-3.0 adapters for backwards compatibility with my old USB2/3.0 stuff? Is USB 3.0 going to disappear?21:14
blackflowLope: #hardware21:14
eeoshi everybody .... Thinkpad X1 Yoga Carbon .... going from 17.10 64bit to 18.04 64bit has halved the battery life21:14
eeosI did plenty of googling to no avail. Anyone who can help?21:14
bapaLope: IIRC, USB-C is just the connector type. You can have USB A, B, and C, but they could be either 2.0 or 3.0 (though I suspect nobody has manufactured USB-C's that use the 2.0 standard).21:15
valhalla_22eeos:  i think you are correct , many things are moved to python  from c in bionic, which may be probable cause for extra consumption21:16
blackflowwhat's moved from c to python? O.o21:16
eeosvalhalla_22: oh, I did no know .... I have some difficulties here .... the battery used to last 10 - 11 hours now is much less and it is a bit of a probelm whne I am going away for a day for work21:17
eeosWhat can I do?21:17
valhalla_22move to 16 its good there!!21:18
eeosvalhalla_22: I do not understand .....21:19
valhalla_22you can rollback to 16.04 that i wanted to say21:19
AAA_awrightLope: If you buy a USB-C peripheral it can only go into a USB-C port, there's no converter that changes a USB-C peripheral to a USB-A port21:19
AAA_awrightIn therory you can have a USB-3.0 hub that has a USB-C port, but these haven't materalized yet21:20
blackflowLope: bapa: AAA_awright: please discuss cabling elsewhere, it's a bit offtopic and noisy here.21:20
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AAA_awrightAnyways, I'm here to ask how do I disable the on-screen keyboard for touchscreens?21:21
AAA_awrightIt keeps appearing every time I touch the screen and I don't need it. I already have it disabled in Settings.21:21
AAA_awright"caribou" isn't even installed, it appears, so I'm not sure where the keyboard is coming from.21:23
oerheksAAA_awright, there is a setting in systemsettings21:24
oerheksuniversal access, perhaps you already enabled the panel indicator21:25
AAA_awrightoerheks: Everything in Settings -> Universal Access is turned off21:29
blackfloweeos: there's a few bugs reported for Ubuntu about spammy journal events. It's possible that those contribute to faster battery depletion.21:30
AAA_awrightChanging Screen Keyboard on/off doesn't seem to change the behavior at all, or pop up a new one21:31
oerheksi wonder what installed 'caribou'21:32
oerheksand that it does not respond to universal settings21:32
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Soul_Sam1leare there any quick fixes for games under GNOME? I'm getting 60-100 FPS less in counterstrike and dota compared to unity/plasma/xfce. Gnome shell is obviously interfering. I love the workflow, but this kinda sucks21:36
oerhekshmm seems to be an mint-cinnamon issue21:36
oerheks60-100 FPS less .. wow21:36
Soul_Sam1leyes, dota2 ran with over 200, now i'm getting 100-150, which is tolerable. but counterstrike dips under 60 and it really feels laggy21:37
Soul_Sam1lei found some reddit posts, some askubuntu topics with the same question, but nobody had any answers, unfortunately.21:37
blackflowyou spoiled brats can't play anything under 60 fps....21:37
oerheksmaybe better videodrivers for Nvidia, helps21:38
blackflowmeanwhile, phoronix pegs gnome among the most performant for games benchmarks, usually first or second place21:38
oerheks*if* you have nvidia, ofcourse21:38
blackflowspeaking of which, if nvidia, which nvidia driver?21:38
Soul_Sam1lewell I have nvidia 396 installed21:38
oerheksfrom the driver ppa?21:38
Soul_Sam1leyes, the ppa-graphics-driver source21:39
blackflowSoul_Sam1le: btw do you have the clock in gnome shell displaying seconds?21:39
Soul_Sam1leno, only minutes21:40
blackflowI've read somewhere that there's (or was) a bug where displaying seconds would cause serious performance issues21:40
OlofLIm looking at a vsftpd setup. Its using ftps, with a users file called /etc/vsftpd.users. But nowhere in /etc/vsftpd.conf can I see that the users file is called. However, I can only auth via users defined in that file. Where is that setting defined?21:40
blackflowOlofL: probably default path21:42
blackflowchecked the manpages?21:42
squealingcodeOlofL: What are you trying to do?21:42
squealingcodeDo you want to allow all local users?21:43
Soul_Sam1leoh well, i'll resort to logging into openbox or something for gaming21:43
blackflowSoul_Sam1le: I'd be very curious to know if that fixed it21:44
OlofLsquealingcode: im trying to figure out a setup which i didnt setup. but i think its intended to use a local database and NOT the users from /etc/passwd21:45
Soul_Sam1leblackflow: there's no curiosity, i know it works on other desktops/window managers :D21:45
OlofLblackflow: no reference of /etc/vsftpd.users21:45
squealingcodeOlofL: I see. Does it make any difference if you add 'userlist_enable=NO' to your conf?21:46
squealingcodeI guess the vfstpd daemon itself knows about the file, but I've always seen it referenced to in the vsftpd.conf.21:47
OlofLsquealingcode: no that didnt let me login with a user from /etc/passwd either21:48
OlofLubuntu 18.04 here21:48
squealingcodeI'm not sure if user_listenable can override it, but I local_enable is set to YES?21:48
squealingcodeOtherwise I am not really sure, unfortunately.21:49
blackflowSoul_Sam1le: you mean to say with openbox you don't see such framerate drop?21:50
Soul_Sam1leblackflow: I'm saying I only see it in GNOME. And Plasma if I don't disable window compositing while gaming, but Plasma is nice enough to do it automatically. Gnome can't do that, seems like it21:51
Soul_Sam1leblackflow: this whole thing began when i "upgraded" from unity to gnome21:52
blackflowSoul_Sam1le: I see thanks for teh feedback21:52
AAA_awrightoerheks: there's no 'caribou', isn't that the on-screen keyboard program?21:53
OlofLsquealingcode: local_enable is yes21:53
AAA_awrightOr rather, what's the on-screen keyboard that Ubuntu uses for touch laptops?21:53
blackflowSoul_Sam1le: btw, seen this?  https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel-8400-desktops&num=121:53
oerheksAAA_awright, you said caribou, not me21:54
oerheksso i reacted, it is a mint-cinnamon issue21:54
Soul_Sam1leblackflow: maybe it's not a problem unless nvidia is involved :/21:56
blackflowSoul_Sam1le: well I haven't noticed any difference for the games I play, between Ubuntu/GNOME and gentoo/i3wm, except in DooM i Wine'd Steam, and that only in _one_ place in the entire game where framerate dropped to unplayable levels on Ubuntu, while ti only slightly slowed down on gentoo.21:58
blackflows/i Wine/in Wine/21:58
Soul_Sam1leI'm gonna try to downgrade 396 to 390, someone on askubuntu said that they have gaming issues since they upgraded to 39621:59
blackflowI have yet to test that same scene wiht latest nvidia (396) and vulkan21:59
blackflowSoul_Sam1le: fwiw, I had massive issues with nvidia 390 and bionic gnome. freezes twice a day wiht nvidia errors in journal22:00
blackflowupgraded to 396 and they're gone22:00
Soul_Sam1lewell i'll re-upgrade if it becomes worse22:01
oerheksAAA_awright, " what's the on-screen keyboard that Ubuntu uses " .. you have been there22:01
Soul_Sam1leit's been a while since i upgraded nvidia drivers through ssh on my phone lol22:01
AAA_awrightWhat's the package that provides the on-screen keyboard for Ubuntu?22:02
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Soul_Sam1ledowngrading nvidia from 396 to 390 gives me 40-50 more fps in CS:GO22:19
squealingcodelol, that's nvidia drivers for ya.22:19
blackflowSoul_Sam1le: interesting.22:20
Soul_Sam1lei just hope there won't be any weird side-effects22:20
Sven_vBthere seems to be a new setting in Thunar that I have to opt-in to execute shell scripts as their default open action. does anyone know where that setting is?22:20
squealingcodeSven_vB: I believe this is what you're looking for? https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=20230322:22
Sven_vBsquealingcode, that's a neat work-around at least. thanks!22:23
squealingcodeSven_vB: You may also be interested in this thread. I am not sure if it's applicable in Ubuntu, but may be worth a read. https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=19446422:24
krobzaurHeyo, I'm running a ubuntu 16.04 on a macbook pro and I'm having wifi troubles with the newest kernel, version 4.13.0-45. Anyone else having issues?22:41
gambl0rei configured opendns on my wifi settings but its still not blocking harmful sites23:20
hggdhgambl0re: I am sorry, but why would it detect harmful sites?23:24
pavlosgambl0re: are you using ipv6?23:24
gambl0reopendns has family shield which is what its supposed to do23:24
zmuggrandolf, are you here man?23:25
oerhekszmugg, wrong channel dude23:25
zmuggare you sure?23:26
hggdhgambl0re: I guess you have to take it with them23:26
oerheksyes, hoover over his name, it does not show logged in, in this channel23:26
zmuggok, thx, bye23:27
oerheksgambl0re, take the advise from ##linux: see opendns about it23:28
guivercgambl0re, from what i can see, family shield is an option for opendns; not a default.23:28
gambl0rei got it working before but i had to take it off. but now when i try putting it back on its not working.23:29
gambl0reanyways seems like you guys dont know much. thanks anyways23:29
pavlosgambl0re: test it with https://welcome.opendns.com/oops/23:30
pavlosgambl0re: yes23:30
gambl0resame pavlos from before?23:31
guivercgambl0re, we support Ubuntu, opendns is a corporate product from what I saw that is not Ubuntu related23:31
pavlosgambl0re: I assume ... that's my name since birth23:31
pavlosgambl0re: did I help in the past?23:32
gambl0reyour name sounds similar. maybe it was someone else. anyways23:32
SheilongI am having trouble with my nvidia card.23:52
Sheilongsuddenly I wasn't able to log into and still yet to he default desktop23:53
SheilongThe error showed in /var/log/Xorg.0.log https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/yoegCUuo/23:53
SheilongI have no idea about what to do to fix23:53
SheilongAny help is welcome23:53
Max-PHi, suddenly as of today my Ubuntu VM has started taking 2-3 *minutes* to boot instead of the usual 5-10 seconds. Any ideas why? Here's the systemd plot: https://d.max-p.me/irc/ubuntu-boot-slow.svg23:54
Max-PSheilong: How did you install the driver? Also check dmesg, it seems that the kernel module is not starting or failing to load up the card, likely because nouveau grabs it before23:56
SheilongMax-P: I don't remember how I installed, this started to happening today just when I turned the PC on, yesterday was working fining23:57
gambl0rehow do you check your dns server ip?23:57
Max-Pgambl0re: systemd-resolve --status23:57
Sheilongdmesg does point no error23:57
Max-PSheilong: did you possibly install it straight from the nvidia website instead of the repo? Sounds like the typical "breaks after kernel update" situation23:58
gambl0re         DNS Servers:
gambl0rehow long does it usually take for dns servers to update?23:58

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