
RUTTHello xubuntu friends!00:04
RUTTI am trying to see if my parents can handle basic web browsing / word processing via xubuntu instead of buying a new pc with a new windows version every few years.00:07
RUTTSo hopefully I can send them here instead of them calling me for support00:07
RUTTAs you all seem to be a vocal bunch, I'm sure they will have no problem getting help and support here!00:09
Spasshopefully his parents will be more patient01:51
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flocculantdepends where they learnt about patience ;)03:53
crocus-bcnBon dia des de Barcelona -- Good morning from Barcelona.06:39
fietGood Morning back to you, from about 2000 km north of you.07:09
xubuntu36wI am preparing to upgrade to 18.04 but can't find instructions for how to create a bootable USB. Where are those instructions?08:03
diogenes_xubuntu36w, upgrading doesn't require usb, re-installation requires it.08:03
xubuntu36wI am preparing to re-install, yes. From what I have heard, it's better than upgrading.08:04
diogenes_yes, absolutely08:05
diogenes_then, download the iso, use etcher to write the iso to usb08:05
pmjdebruijnsudo dd if=my.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M :D08:08
pmjdebruijnjust be very very very careful in selecting /dev/sdX :D08:08
diogenes_i'd advice new users to stay away from that08:09
diogenes_only after they get more experienced08:09
xubuntu36wYes, OK. I'm not a new user.08:09
xubuntu36wI seem to remember that it was necessary to set some boot parameters on the USB stick and therefore we had programs like unetbootin to handle that.08:18
xubuntu36wWhatever the case is, I would expect to find a section of the Xubuntu documentation about this topic08:19
xubuntu36wNobody thinks along those lines here, I see. You're all computer geeks?08:21
pmjdebruijnboot parameters?08:26
pmjdebruijnunetbootin was never required08:26
pmjdebruijnmaybe you mean syslinux08:27
pmjdebruijnthat's only true if you want it on vfat or whatever08:27
diogenes_A better thing to me is not to re-write the usb over and over again but just to make a multiboot one where you can store the isos and add grub menu entries for them, when a new iso comes out, you just delete the old one and replace with the new one, also you can keep as many different distros on the same skick as you want.08:30
sadsagfjgHey all, I have problem after installing xubuntu, I cant install any program12:46
diogenes_sadsagfjg, did you reboot?12:47
sadsagfjgdiogenes_:  no :(12:47
diogenes_then go ahead and reboot then come again12:47
sadsagfjgok man12:47
sadsagfjgNow i rebooted but i have another error :/12:51
diogenes_which is?12:51
sadsagfjgafter this command :12:51
sadsagfjgI think my source link wrong12:52
diogenes_sadsagfjg, run this: sudo apt update12:53
diogenes_after that run: sudo apt install vlc12:53
sadsagfjgdiogenes_:  thanks man, Do you have a link for necesary command in GNU/Linux >12:57
diogenes_sadsagfjg, necessary for what?12:58
sadsagfjgfor normal life in GNU/Linux12:58
sadsagfjgfor example installing and some12:58
sadsagfjgnormal; work12:58
diogenes_sadsagfjg, this the the guide (linux bible) that you should start with: https://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/12:59
sadsagfjgdiogenes_:  oh wtf, Now i have again erro on end of installing12:59
diogenes_which is?12:59
diogenes_runŞ sudo apt update once again13:01
sadsagfjgrunŞ what?13:01
diogenes_i mean run: sudo apt update13:01
sadsagfjgi did13:01
diogenes_same error?13:02
sadsagfjgso setting up now13:03
sadsagfjgnow done thanks diogenes_13:03
sadsagfjgdiogenes_:  you installing with apitude or apt-get?13:04
diogenes_sadsagfjg, only apt install no aptitude or apt-get13:06
sadsagfjgdiogenes_: How?13:06
diogenes_sadsagfjg, you have to install/remove or doing other similar operations only with "apt" command, e.g apt install, apt remove, don't use neither aptitude nor apt-get.13:08
diogenes_that will save you form troubles.13:08
sadsagfjgwhy and how?13:08
diogenes_sadsagfjg, here: https://itsfoss.com/apt-vs-apt-get-difference/13:09
xubuntu64whi. I've just installed xubuntu android-x86_64-7.1-r2. After Update  and restart are alle menu lines and diappeared13:15
xubuntu64wall menues and shortcuts disappeared13:18
sadsagfjgdiogenes_:  man which IDE is good for python in xubuntu?13:18
diogenes_sadsagfjg, they are not specific for xubuntu, you could try eclipse, atom.13:19
sadsagfjgI want  good IDE for fast run13:20
sadsagfjgfor example if i press f5 the code is run13:21
sadsagfjgwhich IDE is good for python in xubuntu?13:36
sadsagfjgI want when i press some key for example f5 then my code run13:37

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