[12:55] We recently had Denver comic con. It looked neat. I didn't get a chance to go though. A few co workers went. I was downtown and saw lots of cool cos play [14:19] @All - Hypothetically speaking. How may of you would be interested in doing an Escape Room? We would need a group of between 5 and 10 and the cost is normally $25-$30 per person [14:19] I'd like to do it. [14:20] Ok. Let me see how may others respond [14:21] I'm sure my wife and kids would like to go too. [14:22] @AdamOutler, I am not sure about the the kids, many have a minimum age of 15 (and some scenarios actually are 18+) [14:36] I'd so do it if I were in town [17:20] Well if that's the case we will find a babysitter [17:20] I'm sure my wife and I would go for an escape room.