[00:07] if nothing else kwmonroe at least Hue shows me whats missing and whats completely borked currently in the Big Data stack :P [02:05] kelvin_: can you remember what the "extra thing" was to use docker installed from snap? i.e. so you didn't need to use sudo [02:07] veebers, the thing was snap version of docker was a little bit out of date, so the flag we need was introduced does not work [02:07] kelvin_: ah, sorry this is me using it locally on my machine. I tire of having to use 'sudo', I'm sure there was something to work around that, but perhaps it required a logout or something [02:08] veebers, it's not related the user group. [02:08] veebers, if u wanna use docker without sudo, then u just need to add ur user to the docker group [02:08] kelvin_: ah I see, it's in the readme https://github.com/docker/docker-snap [02:09] kelvin_: also, that states that docker snaps won't be updated, so you made the right choice with the install type for that job! L:-) [02:10] aha :-> [02:38] wallyworld: Hmm, I'm having trouble with the charm command trying to push a charm with a docker resource (I get: unsupported resource type "docker", after adding a filename to the resource as it complains about that too which it shouldn't) [02:38] this is with the edge snap of charm installed [02:45] * veebers tries building from source [02:48] veebers: is that a cmd message or one from the store? [02:49] wallyworld: good question, I assumed from the command. I do have JUJU_CHARMSTORE exported, let me check I have that setup properly [02:50] wallyworld: that seems fine, charm whoami stats I'm not logged into the staging [02:51] ah shoot, I need to remember my username/password now ^_^ [02:51] lol [02:51] ah wait, which sso does the staging use? Probably staging sso? [03:00] hmm, charm login doesn't work anyway [03:05] wallyworld: yeah, if I set JUJU_CHARMSTORE to the staging env, I can't charm login. I'll fire off an email [03:09] veebers: ah bollocks ok [03:33] babbageclunk: just a quick check, but this lease refactoring keeps both bits working right? [03:33] thumper: both bits meaning singular and leadership? [03:34] yes, I think so - tests all pass. [03:34] both bits meaning mongo and raft [03:34] raft isn't there yet [03:34] I mean, it's there but doesn't know about leases [03:35] ok, so this is just paving the way? [03:35] yup [03:35] But the idea is that they'll both be working, and we can select between them at bootstrap time. [03:35] um... [03:36] at controller config time? [03:36] don't we want to be able to switch in a running system? [03:36] Well, maybe, if we're alright with all of the leadership changing at that point. [03:36] I think that'd be fine. [03:36] I've been thinking a little [03:36] Then yeah, that should be fine [03:37] it would be nice if an operator could say "make that unit the leader" [03:37] just something to think about [03:37] consider our rolling upgrades [03:37] upgrade a single non leader unit [03:37] Yeah, you've mentioned something like that before. [03:37] then make it the leader [03:37] then upgrade the others [03:37] something like that... [03:37] I imaging that there will be some weird edge cases... [03:38] Yeah, definitely - what if that machine dies first. [03:38] But worth a try. I'm keen to get the existing stuff working first though. [03:38] definitely [03:43] wallyworld, can i have ur a few minutes to dicuss charms for gpu testing? [03:51] babbageclunk: fyi tests failed, didn't check what [03:52] thumper: ooh, thanks [05:03] babbageclunk, thumper: is there a way in a JujuConnSuite (or so) to set a controller config? If so I can alter these deploy test just a little to cover using the charmstore url from controller config across the board [05:03] veebers: there is, I'm just trying to remember how you do it. [05:05] veebers: Try setting s.ControllerConfigAttrs in the SetupTest before you call s.JujuConnSuite.SetupTest [05:06] babbageclunk: awesome, cheers! I'll give that a bang [05:06] veebers: you can see an example in apiserver/admin_test.go [05:08] babbageclunk: is s.Session.DB setup by the ConnSuite? [05:08] uhhh [05:08] I ask because I need to get the charmstore url created by new server as a controller config, if I need to do that before conn.SetupTest then I have an issue ^_^ [05:09] I think it does [05:11] oh, yeah, it's setup in MgoSuite.SetUpTest, which gets called from JujuConnSuite.SetUpTest. [05:11] Sounds like you need a closed time-like loop. [05:12] So what generates the charmstore url? [05:12] veebers: ^ [05:13] babbageclunk: charmstore.NewServer(db, nil, "", params, charmstore.V5) creates a handler which is then passed into httptest.NewServer(handler), the result of that has the URL. (not db in NewServer is from s.Session.DB("juju-testing")) [05:13] hmm [05:14] babbageclunk: hah is MgoSuite.SetUpTest idempotent? ^_^ [05:14] no, it's not [05:15] worth a try though [05:17] babbageclunk: hmm, actually being able to do that might not be as useful as I originally thought, so not a biggie that I can't. Thanks for sorting me out on that though [05:17] You could extend the ControllerConfigAttrs handling so that if there's a callback set it calls it to get the config attrs [05:17] And by default the callback just returns s.ControllerConfigAttrs [05:18] That would give you a chance to get the url [05:18] It's awful but the JujuConnSuite setup is already terrible [05:19] ^_^ [05:32] babbageclunk: quick query, I'm doing this, is there a better way? https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/WVgsk2pKbf/ [05:32] as the patched function now takes the url to use, but it needs to be that one specifically [05:33] looking... [05:35] oh, I see - yeah, I think that's ok. Not sure how else you could do it, without knowing the rest of the code. [05:35] babbageclunk: ack, cheers. wasn't sure if there was a better way than taking a ref and using that [05:37] Well, depending on what else it does if you could bypass calling the patched out function that would probably be simpler. [05:37] but I think that's fine. [05:38] The patched function does what was returned pretty much (at this point at least) but felt it was patching too much, would be nice to not even need the patch [05:40] yeah, if you can avoid it better not to, but sometimes that's really difficult. [05:42] ugh, just found a test that passes if it's run with the others in its suite but fails when run by itself (or in a ci build, apparently) [05:43] ugh :-\ that's going to be fun to nail down [05:44] well, easier than the other way around [05:44] true, half-full then :-) [05:51] wallyworld: FYI https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8896 [05:52] ah damn, the formatting for the PR comment is borked, I misunderstood what it would look like from the vim buffer 'hub pull-request' bought up [05:52] * veebers will fix that after dinner [06:51] wallyworld: do u have min to discuss regarding the version increment [06:51] sure [06:51] HO [07:14] wallyworld: sorry i was a bit away during ur discussion. [07:14] no problem, i'll jump back in [07:15] :p [07:15] k thank u [10:08] I'm guessing that file shouldn't be there - https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/develop/apiserver/dependencies.tsv [10:13] PR of removal https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8898 [12:01] help [12:01] juju status [15:05] Anyone faced any issues with bionic host and bionic lxc containers? [15:05] My bionic containers are started and has IP ( saw in host) but Juju is still thinks it doesnt have IP [15:29] rick_h_: so it turns out there is a MinRootDiskSizeGiB() used by vsphere and gce, but not the others.- 8Gb. [15:30] hml: ah gotcha that makes sense [15:33] rick_h_: Would you have any idea. juju starts bionic lxc containers and wait indefinitely [15:34] rathore_: no, there were some issues addressed in 2.4.0 with pulling in maas resolve info and such but nothing I can think of about not getting an IP? [15:34] rick_h_: sudo lxc list on host shows me that IPs are there. I have tried 2.4 and 2.4(beta) [15:35] rathore_: is there anything in the debug-log about the machines not coming up? anything more in juju status --format=yaml around the machines status? [15:36] I am just deploying again and would paste as soon as I see any logs [15:46] rick_h_: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HdDw4HDWCR/ is from yaml output [15:56] rick_h_: Ok, so the containers are still downloading the tools from controller [15:56] somehow the networking in container is messed up [15:57] rick_h_: The file downloads are fine on host but toooo slow in container [16:08] rick_h_: It seems to be lxdbr0 issue, it is not connected to any network [16:08] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6YqtgNBpxZ/ [17:30] rick_h_: I've got some updates for conjure-up and cloud integrator charms for the Juju Show, FYI [17:31] cory_fu: woot woot [17:31] rick_h_, is that discourse board going to be officially staying? i want to direct all non bugs from github conjure-up to that forum [17:32] stokachu: yes, we're just ramping it up [17:32] rick_h_, is it ok if i start pointing people there? [17:34] stokachu: by all means [17:34] thanks [17:34] stokachu: I'm going to bring it up on the show and we're slowly starting to port docs/notes/etc and will kill the lists in a few [17:34] rick_h_, ack, sounds good [17:43] rick_h_: Oh, and if there's time for it, also a change to the interface for layer options. [17:43] cory_fu: k, sounds good [17:43] cory_fu: did you see there's a charms and charming in the new discourse as well? [17:43] cory_fu: it'd be great to kick some discussions/etc that way as we flesh it out [17:44] bdx: have a test bundle I can demo today? [17:44] rick_h_: Yep, I was working on a write up for the layer options bit on there already [17:44] cory_fu: <3 [17:50] cory_fu: kwmonroe bdx and anyone else that wants in, 10min to Juju Show [17:51] https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/kstii25wdnd5jorqvle3grpblae for joining the conversation and ... [17:51] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0R5DC7_Dio for watching me make a fool of myself live on the interwebs :) [18:02] https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-charm-development-part1#0 [18:03] https://discourse.jujucharms.com/ [18:10] I didn't realize you could bootstrap an older controller. That will be very useful [18:13] https://docs.conjure-up.io/devel/en/conjurefile [18:14] https://jujucharms.com/u/containers/aws-integrator/ [18:14] https://jujucharms.com/u/containers/gcp-integrator/ [18:14] https://jujucharms.com/u/containers/openstack-integrator/ [18:17] Full changelog for conjure-up: https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md [18:29] cory_fu: kwmonroe feel free to update https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/juju-show-37-2-4-0-lxd-show-and-tell-and-more/60 if you have additional links/notes to drop in there [18:29] ty for the idea kwmonroe [20:32] morning team [20:32] g'morning maestro! ;-) [20:53] Morning all o/ [21:15] hacked together an oozie charm kwmonroe as i don't see one in the store anywhere thats current [21:15] i'll get someone to clean it up and send it upstream if you want to add it to the bigtop charms [21:17] +100 magicaltrout! i saw the open jira about puppet and oozie client/server. did you sort that out? [21:18] well [21:18] it's a bodge [21:18] but it works [21:18] i'll google bodge later [21:19] run puppet -> fix the package -> rerun puppet to finish the install [21:19] ah, so normal puppet then ;) [21:19] pretty much [21:29] What is supposed to show under the "LABELS" column when running juju metrics ? [21:45] maaudet: it's optional for charms to supply a label to the metric in order to tell things apart in the data coming out [21:49] rick_h_: I see. If I'd like to add a label to my metrics on my charms, where would I put it? Is it simply a key "label" to add in my metrics.yaml objects? [21:49] rick_h_: Nice show today. For life of me I cannot get juju to work with bionic. The lxd containers have some issue with networking. The packet speeds are in bytes/sec. The configuration works well with xenial. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6YqtgNBpxZ/ [21:53] wallyworld: I got access to the staging store, I needed to log in via the web ui, I needed to build charm from source and I also needed to RTFM for the image attach :-) [22:34] veebers: great, so unblocked..... [22:34] wallyworld: aye, onwards and upwards [22:35] babbageclunk: i need a more experienced person to review a change with an upgrade step https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8900 [22:35] no rush [22:35] wallyworld: just sorting out the test failures on my WIP PR, I think it'll need some more. If you get that chance could you review and assess?(https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8896) [22:35] sure [22:43] veebers: quick initial comment - the controller config has the default value as "". It should probably be csclient.ServerURL. That avoids checks for != "" in places and also makes it explicit when printing controller config what the url used will be [22:44] wallyworld: ah, good point. I though leaving it to the construction of the client and passing "" would default fine, but what you're suggesting is the same result && more explicit /obvious [22:45] veebers: there's a place in the PR outside of the actual client where we check for != "" [22:45] this would avoid that as well as being explicit [22:53] ack [23:02] veebers: left some initial comments [23:05] wallyworld: ack. Oh, you dont' think conConfig doesn't just roll off the tongue? Like Con-Air? :-) [23:50] vino: i left some comments - ping me if it's unclear [23:51] sure wallyworld