
hans_Does any one know of a open source project that can use a beginner developer?00:27
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Dolmance41list min 10002:43
jubo2I have problem with my /-partition (20GB) filling up. I removed package linux-lowlatency but this saved merely few tens of kb. I was expecting a bigger saving in disk space08:55
jubo2I guess it didn't remove the kernel images at all, just something08:56
jubo2Any tips on how to save space on the /-partition ... other partition holds only /home08:56
mpmcjubo2: Give bleachbit a try.08:57
diogenes_jubo2, afaik the new 18.04 finally introduces purging of older kernels by running: sudo apt autoremove09:04
hateballhow do I manually add a network connection in 18.04? I am trying to get a 4G modem to work09:07
hateballit prompts me for the pin code, but I can't find any connection in nm-applet. in 16.04 I can just press + and add a new connection09:08
diogenes_hateball, maybe you have to run something like kde-hm-connection-editor09:08
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hateballdiogenes_:  there is no such thing09:11
hateballI can add connections with nmtui :|09:11
diogenes_hateball, run: ls /usr/bin | grep connect09:11
diogenes_see what you get09:11
hateballdiogenes_: I installed modem-manager-gui and configured stuff from there, gonna see if plain nm-applet will play nice now09:20
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jubo2mpmc: what's bleachbit?10:07
BluesKajHowdy folks11:17
ChinoNemoHi everyone, is there a scheduled date for updating to KDE Plasma 5.13 on Kubuntu backports for Bionic?11:29
acheronukChinoNemo: can't give an ETA yet, as it requires new Qt which hasn't even landed in Cosmic11:34
ChinoNemoThanks mate11:37
=== VitaminRoey is now known as EvilRoey
[Relic]apt-utils broken  <- my check today for updates produced that; do I just wait till tomorrow and see if it is fixed or is it something that triggers just on my system for some reason?14:01
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acheronuk[Relic]: didn't break for me :/14:24
[Relic]tried it again and it went through; that was odd, just didn't want to break something if it was actually a problem14:26
IrcsomeBot1djermson was added by: djermson14:59
IrcsomeBot1<djermson> how do i remove my krunner history of indexed files ? some files keep appearing in the plasma search, tried .config/krunnerrc but there is no such dir15:00
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IrcsomeBot1marterix was added by: marterix18:34
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