
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
Laneynot on proper train wifi so probs not going to last for long07:36
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers!07:42
didrocksgood morning07:45
Laneywb oSoMoN!!!!!07:47
Laneyhow's it all going?07:47
Laneyhey didrocks kenvandine07:47
Laneydid you find somewhere to work from?07:47
oSoMoNdidrocks, kenvandine, Laney : are you all in Almería yet?07:48
kenvandinedidrocks, Trevinho and I are in almeria07:48
LaneyI'm on the train07:48
Laneyin UK07:49
Laneysomewhere near Loughborough07:49
kenvandineoSoMoN, did you see the email about fcitx in snaps?07:49
kenvandineoSoMoN, sorry to jump right to work :)07:49
Laneytry pronouncing that one if you're american :-)07:49
kenvandineLaney, lol, not even going to try07:49
kenvandinehey willcooke07:51
willcookemorning kenvandine!07:51
willcookeSleepy much?07:52
oSoMoNkenvandine, yeah I saw the e-mail, there's a trello card so I'll add a reminder to it07:52
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke07:52
willcookeMorning oSoMoN, how's life papa?07:52
willcookewelcome back!07:53
kenvandinewillcooke, bright eyed!07:54
didrockshey Laney, welcome back oSoMoN!07:55
oSoMoNwillcooke, life's good and busy :)07:55
oSoMoNthanks didrocks07:55
didrockswillcooke: well, the changes they are making needs to be communicated so that the web team knows :)08:04
didrockswillcooke: I guess you are going to liase with them?08:04
Laneywish this train had curtains08:22
* Laney squints08:22
Laneyespecially as I'm trying to do indentation fixes :P08:23
willcookeCan GNOME Shell be made to do 1/4 screen window tiling?08:23
willcookeGoogle says the numpad can do it, but it doesnt wor08:23
willcookecould be a wayland thing08:24
LaneyIt's planned, but as far as I know not actually in yet08:27
willcookeack, thx Laney08:30
Laneythey call it "quarter tiling"08:30
willcookemakes sense08:31
willcookeThis suggests it was being worked on 2 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/40ba3i/gnome_320_quarter_tiling_is_here_o/08:33
willcookebut then this suggests its not in yet08:35
willcookesomething to ask about at GUADEC08:39
youpiTrevinho, andyrock: hello, are there news about the compiz merge requests?08:41
jibelwillcooke, bug 1779961 is probably the cause of the slow boot I was seeing yesterday with bionic08:55
ubot5bug 1779827 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1779961 failure to boot with linux-image-4.15.0-24-generic" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177982708:55
willcookejibel, ah ha!  cc Laney ^08:59
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seb128good morning desktopers10:51
willcookehey seb128!  Catching up on emai today? :)10:52
willcookehow was your journey10:52
Laneywillcooke: jibel: thx10:54
willcookeAny ideas when we started accepting reviews via u-s-c?10:56
seb128willcooke, I've a queue of things to reply to, use a bit of the time plane for that10:57
Laneythis interwebs sux11:18
Laneycan't push to gitlab11:18
Laneycan't even load gitlab half the time11:19
oSoMoNhey seb11:45
oSoMoNdarn, he left and tab completion sucks11:46
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Laneybetter connection using my 4g modem on the plane than I had in the airport12:11
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seb128hey oSoMoN, sorry I was at lunch. How are you?  not too much backlog coming back? ;)13:18
oSoMoNseb128, hey! there's backlog, but it looks manageable so far13:52
seb128good to read :)13:52
seb128and how is sleep level?13:53
oSoMoNchaotic, but that was expected :)13:53
seb128yeah, sadly that seems a standard option which is part of the deal14:03
willcookeA drunk baby is a sleepy baby14:25
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willcookenight all17:33
oSoMoNgood evening everyone17:50
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