
=== mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08
* slangasek waves15:01
* genii checks the fridge15:01
xnoxgenii, not sure if this meeting is on the fridge ornot15:02
slangasekit was previously :)15:03
geniiSeems to be 2 on there for this time15:03
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jul  5 15:03:35 2018 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:03
xnoxgenii, never a conflict..... at least not in this channel. but there is also #ubuntu-meeting-215:03
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round15:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e slangasek bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson rcj philroche Odd_Bloke juliank fginther)15:04
slangasekmwhudson sil2100 rbalint fginther slangasek Odd_Bloke philroche infinity doko bdmurray tdaitx rcj cyphermox xnox juliank15:04
slangaseksil2100: hullo15:04
sil2100Uh oh15:04
sil2100I... won15:04
sil2100- SRU reviews and releases15:04
sil2100- Kernels:15:04
sil2100  * Released new kernels on Monday, 4.15 regression noted15:04
sil2100  * Reviewed new point-release cycle kernels15:04
sil2100  * Reviewed re-spins of the new cycle kernels with the regression fix15:04
sil2100- partman:15:04
sil2100  * Uploaded partman-efi and -auto SRUs to bionic15:04
sil2100  * Removed leftover checks for ignore_uefi15:04
sil2100  * Lots and lots of install tests for SRU verification on a kvm15:04
sil2100- grub:15:04
sil2100  * Uploaded grub and shim related SRUs to bionic15:04
sil2100  * Performing validation of the SRUs (not fully complete yet)15:04
sil2100- Sponsoring of some uploads (console-setup, livecd-rootfs)15:04
sil2100- Looking into newly encountered ubuntu-image issues due to gadget.yaml spec additions15:04
sil2100- Preparation for the next xenial langpack scheduled update15:04
rbalint(short week)15:05
rbalint* verified ebtables wsl fix on remaining releases15:05
rbalint* many unattended-upgrades updates including speedup around 10x,15:05
rbalint  one more change is being tested before 1.415:06
rbalint* updated gce-compute-image-packages15:06
rbalint* things i can't talk about15:06
fginther* livecd-rootfs SRU for adding pollinate to minimal images15:06
fginther* livecd-rootfs SRUs for updating unminimize scripts15:06
fginther* cloud images build system vanguard15:06
fginther* updating 14.04 ppc64el image builds for maas15:06
slangasek * short week, US holiday yesterday15:07
slangasek * trying to troubleshoot image build failures in cosmic; first debootstrap was broken, now apt is throwing exceptions?15:07
slangasek * SRU reviews15:07
slangasek * NEW reviews15:07
slangasek * livecd-rootfs xenial sponsorship to get pollinate back into minimal images15:07
Odd_Bloke* Short week15:07
Odd_Bloke* Worked on following lp:simplestreams migration to git15:07
Odd_Bloke* Various partner bits15:07
Odd_Bloke* Preparation for the minimal image launch next week15:07
philroche* Minimal image preparation15:07
philroche* Cloud image build system vanguard15:07
slangaseknot here15:08
doko- working on random python3.7 fixes15:09
doko- working half time this week15:09
doko(done, sorry, didn't prepare the status)15:09
bdmurraygranted error tracker access to an evince developer and a DD15:10
bdmurrayfixed issues with mojo spec code revision, secret leaking, and a script location15:10
bdmurraytested mojo spec production daisy, retracer units (good!)15:10
bdmurraytested mojo spec production errors units (issue with LP integration)15:10
bdmurraymodified u-r-u deb2snap code to ask yes/no dialog re upgrade instead of aborting15:10
bdmurraymodified wording in u-r-u deb2snap code15:10
bdmurraymodified u-r-u deb2snap code to remove debs if snap is already installed15:10
bdmurrayintegrated snap connectivity check into u-r-u deb2snap code15:10
bdmurrayreviewed a software-properties merge proposal15:10
bdmurraydiscovered a screen locking bug after the upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 when testing LP: #177881715:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1778817 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Bionic) "release upgrade from xenial to bionic desktop: screen locks itself, password to unlock fails" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177881715:10
bdmurray✔ done15:10
tdaitxsorry, prepared my status in a hurry, ended up a bit verbose15:10
tdaitx* JCK 8:15:10
tdaitx  - xfwm got better results15:10
tdaitx  - 20+ tests still need more than one run to pass15:10
tdaitx  - some parts of the runtime JCK can be run without the reference implementation, thus might be possible to use that subset in a autopkgtest15:10
tdaitx  - devtools and compiler still demand the reference implementation15:10
tdaitx  - jck needs to be unpacked using the reference implementation (ongoing, not sure this will affect the test results)15:10
tdaitx* Investigated the --release VS -source/-target issue reported on debian15:10
tdaitx  - release does not expose OpenJDK internal API, thus packages that use those FTBFS15:10
tdaitx  - source/target causes runtime compatibility problems, ie. packages build with openjdk 9+ can't be run on openjdk-815:10
tdaitx  - overall openjdk-9+ is not compatible with openjdk-8 software that rely on internals15:10
tdaitx  - nobody should using the internal API, which is now a maintenance hell15:10
tdaitx* lxd 3 decides to bind and save my dynamic wifi ip into its database making the daemon inaccessible (not even lxd --init works), moving to the old ip works, still need to check the db files, reproduce and report the issue15:10
tdaitx* cloud-init didn't work with images from lxc ubuntu: (user data was saved but never used/consumed, runcmd/bootcmd never ran, etc)15:10
tdaitx* got a Xenial armhf image up and running to test openjdk-7 + eclipse on Trusty, but setup and install still takes quite some time (and for whatever reason apt sources.list gets rewritten on reboot, gah)15:10
rcj* Various cloud partner work15:10
rcj* Cloud image cleanup15:10
rcj* (off yesterday)15:11
xnoxcyphermox, ?15:11
slangasektdaitx: what packages are affected by the internal API break?15:11
cyphermoxI wasn't sure if rcj was done15:11
cyphermox- monday was off15:12
cyphermox- MIR reviews15:12
cyphermox- SRUs:15:12
cyphermox - finishing trusty's shim15:12
cyphermox - verify update-manager (artful)15:12
cyphermox - verifying initramfs-tools (xenial, artful, bionic)15:12
cyphermox- investigate UEFI booting failure due to path case on some firmwares15:12
cyphermox- finishing upstream work on MokManager timeouts15:12
cyphermox- netplan ipv4 link-local support15:12
xnox* Working on subiquity:15:12
xnox  - added network interface UI screen15:12
xnox  - fix up flake8 of the vlan screen15:12
xnox  - working on fixing focus bug15:12
xnox  - working on bonds UI15:12
xnox* boost1.67 is in debian NEW queue15:12
xnox* uploaded new qclib15:12
xnox* working on fixing systemd adt fail in cosmic15:12
xnox* I'm offline next week through 16th of july15:12
tdaitxslangasek: I don't have a list at hand, but quite a lot broke when debian made the change to ant (they didn't even do maven or gradle)15:12
juliank* SRU update-manager/bionic for bug 1771914, yet to verify15:13
ubottubug 1771914 in update-manager (Ubuntu Bionic) "release-upgrade-motd can't update message via apt proxy" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177191415:13
juliank* SRU {amd64,intel}-microcode/{bionic,artful,xenial,trusty} for bug 1778738, yet to verify15:13
ubottubug 1778738 in intel-microcode (Ubuntu Bionic) "Default to early instead of auto when MODULES=most" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177873815:13
juliank* some apt bug triage15:13
juliank* preparing python-apt SRU for xenial for bug 1773316 (well, title needs fixing for that, slightly different instance)15:13
ubottubug 1773316 in update-manager (Ubuntu Xenial) "Object of different cache passed as argument to apt_pkg.DepCache method" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177331615:13
juliank* while doing that, found I introduced a regression (bug 1780099), needs bionic+cosmic updates15:13
ubottubug 1780099 in python-apt (Ubuntu) "Cache remapping breaks hashing of Package objects" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178009915:13
juliank* working on PackageKit socket-activated debconf integration (bug 1726068, https://github.com/hughsie/PackageKit/issues/257); plan to ship debconf socket unit and helper service in packagekit and make aptdaemon use that one too15:13
ubottubug 1726068 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "debconf socket closes if aptdaemon/PK client exits" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172606815:13
tdaitxslangasek: base64 and Unsafe are internal classes that folks used quite a lot15:13
slangasekany other questions on status?15:14
slangasekxnox: did you see my follow-up comment on LP: #1779685?15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1779685 in mdadm (Ubuntu Bionic) "[18.04.1] Backport support for Intel VROC arrays in mdadm" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177968515:14
tdaitxand some of the internal ones have no exact replacement (sun.misc.Unsafe being the most important/used one)15:15
* juliank also reviewed https://github.com/hughsie/PackageKit/pull/25315:15
xnoxslangasek, yes, to reply still.15:15
slangasekxnox: ok15:15
slangasek[TOPIC] Bugs15:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs
bdmurrayI don't have anything new for today.15:17
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB15:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekanything else?15:17
cyphermoxwhat are schedules like for the next weeks?15:18
cyphermoxI mean, who's here and who's not?15:18
cyphermoxgiven that there are vacations and all15:19
slangasekweek after next is Montreal sprint for some of us15:19
rbalinti'm here till debcamp15:19
bdmurrayI'm out the 13th and part of the 12th.15:19
juliankI'm here all of the next 2 weeks15:20
sil2100I'm here always15:20
dokotransition status? I assume nobody is working on that explicitly until the debian import freeze ...15:20
cyphermoxsil2100: always?15:20
slangasekdoko: oh, well, I currently have autoimports disabled by discussion yesterday (or was it Tuesday?) on #ubuntu-release15:24
dokoahh, I didn't follow irc that closely15:25
dokoI'll look over autopkg test failures and give those back which should succeed with all-proposed=115:25
slangasekalright, if there's nothing else...15:27
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jul  5 15:28:43 2018 UTC.15:28
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-07-05-15.03.moin.txt15:28
slangasekthanks, all!15:28
sil2100Thanks slangasek !15:29
sil2100cyphermox: j/k of course!15:29
WimpressAnyone from the CC joining?17:05
wxli haven't heard anyone from anything about that, Wimpress, except for myself and ahoneybun occassionally asking what is going on17:05
wxl(in some time)17:06
wxlthat said, you might want to join #u-cc and we discuss further there17:06
WimpressI was kicked from that channel and unable to rejoin.17:07
wxlask cs for an invite and see if that doesn't help17:07
wxloh i think i see the problem. nick change.17:07
wxlno that's not it17:09
wxlthat's not it, either17:10
wxljust ask for an invite and it should just work17:10
=== chiluk_ is now known as chiluk

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