
lordievaderGood morning06:07
jamespagecoreycb: working through the py37/async syntax failures10:35
jamespagemost upstreams have commits at least so generally picking those10:35
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coreycbjamespage: great, thanks11:48
ahasenackrbasak: hi, good morning, did you see my ping about the git-ubuntu importer being apparently stuck?12:23
rbasakThe experimental deployment environment had died.12:25
rbasakI intend on restoring it this afternoon12:25
ahasenackrbasak: I have a salsa merge request to add dep8 tests to the krb5 package. This package is currently a sync in ubuntu13:20
ahasenackrbasak: no response from salsa yet13:20
ahasenackrbasak: should I keep waiting, or is it worth it to add a delta because of dep8?13:20
ahasenackrbasak: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/krb5/merge_requests/213:21
rbasakahasenack: good job with the tests. I think it's fine to add a delta. Though does the slapd-gssapi test perhaps belong in the openldap side source package?13:30
ahasenackrbasak: it's testing mostly gssapi, not ldap13:30
ahasenacksince the only call I'm making is ldapwhoami13:31
ahasenackI'm not even seting up an ldap "database"13:31
rbasakSure it's testing mostly gssapi, but really isn't it openldap's gssapi implmentation that's being tested here? Anyway, it's clearly subjective :)13:31
ahasenackno, it's also testing cyrus-sasl13:33
ahasenackkerberos is used also for services, not just people13:33
ahasenackso any service I pick could have this argument13:33
ahasenackit's testing both13:34
ahasenackbut I'm sticking to authentication when talking to this other service, that's where I think the separation lies13:34
ahasenackif I had been exercising slapd acls with this authentication and authorization, then it would belong in the slapd package, for example13:35
ahasenackfor slapd dep8 tests I have other ideas, much more ldap cnetric13:35
rbasakI appreciate it's sort of "in the middle" so which end is very much opinion. Let's see if the Debian maintainer accepts it :)13:43
ahasenackrbasak: there is one argument in your favor, though. If there is a related bug in the slapd package, the krb5 dep8 tests will fail14:10
ahasenackrbasak: but so will apache2 tests if openssl has a bug, for example14:10
ahasenackif, say, slapd gets a bug like the current mariadb one, where it's not running after installation, the krb5 dep8 tests could fail because of that14:11
mattkIs the ntp package missing from the 18.04 server ISO on purpose? I have some Packer builds that don't reach out to the Internet, and they're failing b/c that package is missing from the install media.14:22
mattkIt's easy enough to fix on my end, but wondering if it'll be back in the 18.04.1 server ISO.14:23
mattkI based my build off of this preseed.cfg, and it's works for 14.04 and 16.04:14:24
rbasakmattk: on purpose. ntp has been demoted to universe in 18.04 in favour of chrony.14:26
rbasakmattk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Chrony14:26
mattkahhh, good to know. And thanks for the pointer! rtfm ;)14:27
coreycbjamespage: comparing neutron-lbaas and neutron-fwaas. why do you have python(3)-neutron-fwaas -> neutron-fwaas-common and neutron-lbaas-common -> python(3)-neutron-lbaas? i thought the plan was to do the former but maybe i'm missing something.14:53
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paulbarkerHi, I'm trying to bring up a bridge without any external interfaces (for containers to use) on Ubuntu 18.04, I have the following in /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml: https://pastebin.com/0S9hqZ9515:34
paulbarkerAfter running `netplan generate && netplan apply` and looking at the ouput of `ip addr` I have a new lxdbr0 interface but it's not fully up: https://pastebin.com/mGXQZ2Pm15:35
paulbarkerI've done some googling but can't find much info on how to set up an "isolated", "private" or "internal" bridge (those are the terms I've searched for as that's what I'd call it)15:35
paulbarkerAnyone got any ideas?15:35
cyphermoxpaulbarker: you can't bring an bridge with no member interfaces up right now with netplan, some config is missing from the generated systemd config15:37
cyphermox(I'm working on fixing this)15:37
cyphermoxI think dja wrote down exactly what you need to do to make it work, if I can find the blog post again15:38
paulbarkerOk. I'm only trying to set this up in netplan manually due to problems with lxd's managed interfaces15:38
compdocI use bridges for kvm guests, and i found in 18.04, kvm wont see bridges created in netplan15:39
compdocpaulbarker ^15:39
paulbarkerEven with "ipv4.firewall", "ipv4.nat", "ipv6.firewall" and "ipv6.nat" set to false in my lxd network config it's still injecting iptables rules15:39
cyphermoxit's top of my list for stuff in netplan, I'm getting to that today15:39
cyphermoxcompdoc: you mean libvirt? we fixed this recently15:39
paulbarkerMy actual end goal is using lxd + nftables instead of lxd + iptables15:40
compdocbut if you create the interfaces in netplan, and the bridges in /etc/network/insterfaces, kvm will see them and use them15:40
cyphermoxcompdoc: yes, but this is unrelated to what we're talking about here15:40
cyphermox(and we fixed it, at least in bionic)15:40
paulbarkercompdoc: From what I've seen other people post online, lxd should be able to see those interfaces if netplan brings them up correctly15:40
compdoctry it. create the bridge the old way15:41
paulbarkercyphermox: I'll be a happy guinea pig to test any fix for this when you have one out15:41
compdoci figure kvm will catch up to netplan eventually15:41
paulbarkercompdoc: What's the "old way"? Purge netplan and move back to ifupdown?15:42
cyphermoxpaulbarker: what compdoc is suggesting (using ifupdown) will work for now (though not for the same reason as it does anything for libvirt/kvm)15:42
cyphermoxyou don't need to purge netplan for that15:42
paulbarkerI did that when Ubuntu 18.04 came up but figured it was time to move to the new stuff15:42
cyphermoxbut there's another way too, you can add an extra file to /etc/systemd/network15:42
paulbarkerManually messing with systemd-networkd configuration is not something I ever want to do15:43
paulbarkerHappy to learn one new config language (netplan) but not 215:44
cyphermoxpaulbarker: you should be able to copy /run/systemd/network/00-netplan-lxdbr0.network to /etc/systemd/network/00-netplan-lxdbr0.network, and add to it "ConfigureWithoutCarrier=true" under the [Network]  block.15:45
cyphermoxpaulbarker: that's your alternative, if you don't want to use ifupdown instead for now15:46
paulbarkercyphermox: Do I then remove it from the netplan config for now?15:46
cyphermoxor you'll have to wait until I put up the fix on my ppa or upload it to the archive15:46
cyphermoxdon't need to, but you can if you wish15:46
paulbarkerI'd rather not throw everything out and move back to ifupdown when I've got almost everything working now with netplan15:47
paulbarkerSo will give that a go for now15:47
cyphermoxit's not throwing everything out15:47
cyphermoxon a new install of 18.04, you don't have ifupdown, but you don't need to remove netplan to use it15:47
cyphermoxboth can coexist fine if you don't try to configure the same device in both :)15:47
cyphermoxOTOH, what I suggested for systemd-networkd is essentially the fix that will be implemented in netplan's generator, just it will be written in the file under /run (which doesn't help you here, if you don't want to write it yourself every time you reboot)15:48
paulbarkerLiving in a world of multiple admins here, having both a netplan config and a network interfaces file on the same server is just inviting others to accidentally break it15:48
blackflowindeedy. less conflicting layers the better.15:49
paulbarkerI'll do the systemd-networkd config fix for now as it's easy to then back that out when you've got a fix out15:49
blackflowsince netplan is only creating networkd config and not itself doing any networking API, you can do both netplan and throw in a separate .network file for the bridge15:50
cyphermoxpaulbarker: I'm a bit surprised you didn't just let lxd handle things, it usually does the bridges just fine itself15:50
paulbarkercyphermox: Even with "ipv4.firewall", "ipv4.nat", "ipv6.firewall" and "ipv6.nat" set to false in my lxd network config it's still injecting iptables rules15:50
paulbarkerThat causes the iptable_nat kernel module to be loaded which prevents me from using nftables (as the modules conflict)15:52
blackfloware nftables even ready for prime time yet?15:52
cyphermoxpaulbarker: then, please also file a bug for lxd so stgraber can potentially fix this15:52
paulbarkercyphermox: Already done. Also happy to help testing a fix for that15:53
cyphermoxI'm reasonably sure if you set ipv4.firewall=fasle and whatnot, you shouldn't still get stuff injected in iptables :)15:53
cyphermoxpaulbarker: ok15:53
cyphermoxpaulbarker: great15:53
paulbarkerIt's still injecting the rule for automatic checksum generation15:53
paulbarkerblackflow: As long as you're running a recent kernel, nftables should be pretty stable now15:56
blackflowneat, I might start toying with then.15:57
paulbarkerI'm currently loving the ability to split my rules file using "Include" directives but still get atomic switchover to a new ruleset15:59
paulbarkerNever found how to do something like that with iptables16:00
blackflowpaulbarker: different files you use for iptables-restore? with the flush directive available, the replacement should be atomic, no?16:01
paulbarkerYea you can do atomic replacement with iptables-restore but not with the rules split into multiple files16:03
paulbarkerI'm using ansible to push configurations to a bunch of servers and have never got on well with the ansible iptables module.16:05
sdezielpaulbarker: I use something along those lines: cat /etc/iptables/*.snippets | iptables-restore16:05
paulbarkersdezial: Yea, I could put together a script to do that and then write a systemd unit file for it I suppose16:06
paulbarkerBut with nftables that's built-in and I can use the existing nftables service16:06
paulbarkerI have `include "/etc/nftables.d/*.conf` in my /etc/nftables.conf file and it works really well16:07
blackflowpaulbarker: check out iptables-persistent and netfilter-persistent packages (the former being a plugin for netfilter), it already comes with a service.16:07
paulbarkerblackflow: Don't need either and iptables-persistent just calls iptables-restore which doesn't support includes16:08
blackflowwhy do you need includes if you use ansible? just combine one file from multiple files16:09
paulbarkerThe fragments are split across different roles. Yes I can mash it all together using templates in ansible but that's more of a mess16:12
paulbarkerAs usual there's 20 ways to solve the problem depending on personal taste16:13
blackflowno, you can have one role or action run at the end that takes all the files other roles placed into /etc/my-iptables-fragments.d/, creates a single file out of them and has a change handler that feeds it to iptables-restore if they're changed ;)16:15
paulbarkerblackflow: That would work. But I still want to play with the new shiny nftables :p16:18
blackflowoh, sure :) I just mean it's more than possible to achieve that with iptables, if you want.16:20
jamespagecoreycb: most pkgs with agents ave the dep common -> py18:29
jamespagenot py->common18:29
jamespagewe should switcharoo18:29
coreycbjamespage: ok so everything should switch to py->common, even pkgs with agents.18:30
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