
wallyworldbabbageclunk: a couple of thoughts, see what you think?00:43
babbageclunkwallyworld: ok, will take a look00:48
babbageclunkwallyworld: I agree with both of those, thanks!00:51
wallyworldbabbageclunk: so to check, the only place you will change to plug in the raft backend is (st *State) getLeaseClient()01:00
wallyworldgetLeaseStore() even01:01
babbageclunkwallyworld: no, it'll need to be higher up - not a method on state at all01:02
babbageclunkwallyworld: because the new manager won't be running as a state worker.01:02
babbageclunkIt'll be a method on the facade context.01:02
babbageclunkOh, hang on - that's how an API facade will get the checker or claimer it needs.01:03
babbageclunkThe store will be passed into a manager worker running in the machine agent manifolds, constructed from the FSM and the hub.01:04
wallyworldmakes sense01:05
wallyworldlet me know when the pr is not WIP01:05
babbageclunkwallyworld: ok, just doing the last set of tests.01:11
veeberswallyworld: I've pushed up PR fixes and additions. There is a bit of duplication there (for the config retrieval); where would be the best place to put a common function or 2 so there is only 1 impl (plus will be easier to test that one)01:13
wallyworldveebers: just saw the above, was reviewing the commit. it's not too bad have a few lines of code duplicated. can you make sure you fully test against the staging controller, deploying and upgrading charms etc, before landing01:28
veeberswallyworld: can do01:29
vinowallyworld: could u plz look at PR. I have modified the mock to export state obj.01:51
vinowallyworld: i am adding back the bundles.go file in facades/client/client01:57
wallyworldvino: i left a couple of comment s- it's coming along nicely02:04
wallyworlda few things to look at. i'll be back in 15 minutes02:04
vinowallyworld: i have added back the files bundles.go and bundles_test.go fixed the issues becuase of my changes in NewFacade.02:34
vino... adding validation for unit test n export method. yes i has issue becuase nothing is filled in.02:34
vinoi thought validation is enough.02:34
vinodo u want to mock serialize methods as well ?02:35
wallyworldvino: not mock serialise methods, just return a model.Description that is then serialised as normal and checked02:39
wallyworlddescription.Model i mean02:40
wallyworldthe mock state would just return description.NewModel()02:40
wallyworldwith args having an app or unit or something02:40
wallyworldjust something to result in a really simple result to check02:41
vinoi am adding a simple app. and get that validated.02:43
babbageclunkwallyworld: ok, that PR isn't WIP anymore. I'm doing a smoke test then I'll review your PR03:24
wallyworldyay, ty03:24
wallyworldbabbageclunk: i have to head to hospital in 5, will quickly review, then back in an hour03:24
babbageclunkok - no rush03:25
wallyworldbabbageclunk: i think it looks ok, lgtm. we should run some manual tests as well with charms etc03:32
veebersbabbageclunk: why can I not do something like: "s.ControllerConfig[controller.CharmStoreURL] = s.srv.URL" at the end of "func (s *charmStoreSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C)". It's not an error, but that value isn't sticking04:21
vinowallyworld: pushed a commit. can u please verify...04:23
veebersah, probably because I"m just changing the copy in the test suite, whereas the one in the actual code will be a version based on that which was passed into the bootstrap04:28
veebersthumper: you have a moment?04:58
veebersor babbageclunk ?04:59
veebersand finally wallyworld ? ^_^ http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/x8G9BN5qcz/ The problem being that the conn suite does the bootstrap, and setups up the DB that's needed to start the charmstore and http server, but we need that url *before* the bootstrap so we can set the charmstore controller config :-\05:18
veebersso my fix here was to shoehorn in a patch05:18
wallyworldveebers: jujuconnsuite has controller config attrs05:20
wallyworldyou can put any initial values to use with bootstrap in there in setup05:21
veeberswallyworld: ack, you need to set them before calling SetUpTest05:21
wallyworldor, do that and then call jujuconnsuite setup test05:21
veeberswallyworld: But you need to call SetUpTest to prepare the DB that's used to spin up the charm store, which is where we get the url that we need to set05:21
wallyworldie set the controller cfg, and then call jujuconnsuite setuptest05:21
wallyworldveebers: so SetupTest calls setupConn() which bootstraps05:23
wallyworldso before calling SetUpTest(), set the controller cfg05:23
veeberswallyworld: but I don't know what the value is until the charmstore is spun up, and I can't spin up the charmstore until after setuptest05:24
wallyworldwhat does the charmstore depend on in setup test?05:25
veeberswallyworld: the db05:25
wallyworldbut not the same one as juju uses05:25
babbageclunkveebers: I think you could change JujuConnSuite to allow you to set a callback that it would call to get attrs for controller config.05:25
wallyworldcharmstore and juju controller state are different dbs05:25
wallyworldor should be different dbs05:26
wallyworldthey are not the same db in the real world05:26
babbageclunkAnd then abuse the fact that the session would be set up by the time the callback runs05:26
veeberswallyworld: unless I'm reading this wrong: it does: "db := s.Session.DB("juju-testing")", then ".. =  charmstore.NewServer(db, nil, "", params, charmstore.V5)"05:26
wallyworldso that's unfortunate05:26
wallyworldwhoever wrote the test is abusing things05:26
veebershah ok, so it can be improved.05:27
wallyworldbut it can still be made to work05:27
veebersI think we can all agree though that my attempted fix is pretty shoddy and can be done better05:27
wallyworldset up mongo ahead of time05:27
wallyworldi'll have a quick look at the code, going from memory here05:28
wallyworldthe fix is "ok" but we don't want to introduce new Patch functions if we can help it05:28
veeberswallyworld: ack thanks. I gotta EOD shortly, visiting family but I'll check back in later on05:28
wallyworldno rush, we can land monday05:28
veebersagreed, it would be nice to just set the controller config and have it all shake out like in real life05:29
wallyworldkelvin_: reviewed. there's an issue with test setup to get the charms. see my comments and can chat if needed06:09
wallyworldlooking good though06:09
kelvin_wallyworld, thanks, looking it now.06:10
wallyworldveebers: quick thought, in charmstoreSuite we do JujuConnSuite.SetUpTest(), then s.srv = httptest.NewServer(handler), then charmstore client set up06:12
wallyworldwe can move s.srv = httptest.NewServer(handler) to the top of the set up if we get a different mongo session06:12
wallyworldno strict need to use the same one as for juju06:13
wallyworldthe sessions will use the same mongod which is running, but will be constructed individually06:13
wallyworldusing the s.Session for both was just a shortcut06:13
wallyworldworth digging a bit to see how it pans out06:14
wallyworldkelvin_: the charm testing comment make sense? at a high level, it's a matter of correctly setting up the (global) testcharms.Repo to point to the correct path ("quantal" or "kubernetes")06:16
kelvin_wallyworld, yes, i m working on it right now. thx06:18
wallyworldgreat, ty06:18
veeberswallyworld: ack, will do06:18
wallyworldveebers: ty. i haven't dug too deeply but it should be doable once we see how the s.Session is constructed06:19
wallyworldjust make one to use for the store storage itself, remembering to add to cleanup06:20
manadartAnyone able to do a quick back-port review? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/890108:47
rathore_all: anyone tried juju 2.4 with bionic?09:14
rathore_Trying to get bionic lxd containers work with ti09:14
rathore_fails do proper bridge setup09:14
manadartrathore_: What is the particular issue you are seeing?10:06
rathore_manadart: The container networking seems to be issue on bionic. Everything works well on series xenial and lxd containers are not able to complete initial bootstrap10:10
rathore_manadart: I am trying to install openstack using https://github.com/openstack-charmers/openstack-bundles/blob/master/development/openstack-lxd-bionic-queens/bundle.yaml10:11
manadartrathore_: On what provider are you attempting to deploy the bundle?10:20
rathore_manadart: maas10:22
manadartrathore_: I'll try the same bundle shortly. In the meantime, if you can locate any specific logged errors, that would be good info for a Launchpad bug.10:26
rathore_manadart: I am trying to get a simplest bundle to reproduce it.10:27
naturalbluehi everybody10:28
naturalblueI am having an issue with juju and maas. juju reload-spaces doesnt reflect the new space changes. it still shows an old space that is no longer there. also juju show-controller shows an ols model that is not there and i dont seem to be able to remove it10:30
rathore_manadart: Simplest bundle to reproduce: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4T75kzCt3B/10:36
rathore_manadart: paste has more information on the issue10:36
rathore_seems to be lxdbr0 is not using provider network10:37
rathore_manadart: it also looks that containers have got IP address from provider network (br-bond0) but are connected to lxdbr010:38
manadartrathore_: This *could* be an issue with cloud-init networking and netplan (Bionic) vs e/n/i (Xenial). I will investigate.11:02
rathore_manadart: I have a feeling it could be mtu 9000. Trying with mtu 1500 now11:23
manadartrathore_: Oooh, I have definitely seen that one.11:23
rathore_manadart: Thats a relief. In that case it should work with mtu 1500, i will confirm in few minutes11:24
rathore_manadart: Yes confirmed it is mtu 9000 issue. It doesn't work with bionic.11:41
rathore_all: any ideas to kill containers that are stuck in error  state12:30
rathore_0/lxd/5   error                   pending              bionic           Creating container12:30
teste_juju --helo12:53
teste_juju --help12:53
teste_juju --help;12:53
teste_shutdonw now12:54
rathore_all: What is the way to kick a container stuck in error state while being created14:18
rathore_rick_h_: Any suggestions ?14:26
rathore_Getting quite a lot of "juju.provisioner provisioner_task.go:1115 failed to start machine" in 2.4 bionic14:58
kwmonroerathore_: try "juju status --format=yaml <machine_number>".  sometimes the yaml output will yield more info about provisioning issues.15:27
kwmonroerathore_: there's also "juju retry-provisioning <machine_number>" if you want juju to retry a failed machine.15:28
rathore_kwmonroe: It doesn't allow retry for containers16:22

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