
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zoon01are here admins around to delete an translation completely?09:14
zoon01i messedup de.po and de_DE09:14
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ricotzhello, I am seeing this chroot problem https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/1509322614:17
acheronukricotz: flaky ubuntu keyserver. I've had that happen from time to time. canonical sysadmin did have an open ticket on it14:28
acheronukretry usually sorts it14:28
kkeithleyyesterday I built my (glusterfs-4.1.1) packages with no problem. Today I'm trying to respin with arm64 and armhf enabled. The arm packages have built, but the amd64 and i386 builds are all failing with chroot problems.15:30
cjwatsonjust retry those - there are known keyserver issues that cause that15:31
cjwatsonin fact I'll do a batch-retry of today's failures15:32
kkeithleymkay. I've been retrying them. quite a few times. As long as it's a known problem I'll keep retrying15:35
cjwatsonask #canonical-sysadmin if it persists.  I'm off today15:35
ricotzretrying doesn't help here :(15:35
cjwatsonthen a sysadmin will need to fix the keyservers - LP staff can't15:36
ricotzis the ticket public viewable?15:36
cjwatsonno idea15:36
cjwatsonsee "off today"15:36
ricotzalright, thanks15:39
cjwatsonI've poked our internal outage channel15:40
acheronuk2/2 uploads failed for me :/15:53
cjwatsonnothing more possible to be done here15:54
cjwatsonit's in sysadmins' hands15:54
acheronuksome ppas seem ok. others fail time after time. weird16:13
cjwatsonyes, there's caching involved.16:15
cjwatsonso such an effect is to be expected.16:15
acheronukso maybe a temp way around it if you NEED to get something built, is to build in an ok ppa and then copy over16:19
* acheronuk shrugs16:19
acheronukor maybe not. sigh16:20
cjwatsonOK, the keyserver issues should be better now19:22
cjwatsonretrying a bunch of earlier failures19:23
cjwatson(bug in an Apache rewrite rule, apparently)19:23
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