
mvomborzecki: I see two failures in your PR and in one of my PRs related to arch: snap-run (that tests strace) and interfaces-timezone-control start failing it seems, did anything in arch change?06:49
mvomborzecki: this is very recent, probably started ~during the night06:49
mborzeckimvo: systemd got updated recently, that may affect timedatectl06:49
mborzeckimvo: systemctl --version06:50
mborzeckisystemd 23906:50
mvomborzecki: chipacas pr fails in the same two tests, so does mine06:51
mborzeckimvo: i can look into it06:51
mborzeckitimedatectl is probably something silly06:51
mborzeckirun --strace may be more interesting06:51
mborzecki(although i used it yday and saw no issues)06:52
mvomborzecki: ok I just started snap-run with --debug to get an idea06:52
mvomborzecki: I bet with the next master merge we will see master failing as well06:52
mborzeckimvo: yup, most likely06:52
mvo/var/lib/snapd/snap/strace-static/current/bin/strace: Unexpected wait status 0x8b06:59
mvoerror: exit status 106:59
mborzeckiaah it's using strace from snap07:00
mvomborzecki: how can I install the system strace?07:00
mborzeckimvo: pacman -S strace07:00
mvomborzecki: its using the snap as a fallback07:00
mvomborzecki: aha! that worked07:01
mvomborzecki: so I will add strace to the default packages for arch07:01
mvomborzecki: one problem down .)07:01
mborzeckimvo: yes, please do07:01
mborzeckimvo: do we need to rebuild strace-static snap maybe?07:01
mvomborzecki: thanks for your help with this one?07:01
mvomborzecki: s/?/!/07:01
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mvomborzecki: good idea, let me have a look at strace-static07:01
mborzeckimvo: i'm looking into timedatectl07:02
mvomborzecki: it should be pretty recent but probably not enough so07:02
mvomborzecki: \o/07:02
mvopstolowski: good morning07:02
mborzeckimvo: the package one is 4.2307:02
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:02
mvomborzecki: hm, arch seems to have the same version07:03
mborzeckimvo: i meant the arch package one is 4.23, the one from strace-static is 4.2007:03
mvomborzecki: aha, ok07:06
mupPR snapd#5480 opened: tests: add strace to default arch packages <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5480>07:06
mborzeckimvo: that timedatectl problem seems to be some sort of race07:09
mvomborzecki: interessting, maybe they changed the dbus communication or something and now it returns before all changes are made07:12
mborzeckimvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jpts966WWh/07:17
mborzeckimvo: set-ntp behaves the same07:18
mvomborzecki: hm, so racy and we just need to loop over the output for a bit?07:20
mborzeckimvo: yes, adding it now07:20
zygagood morning07:25
zygaI think yesterday was the sweet spot of sleep/work cycle, I feel rested and not sleepy07:25
zygamvo: I woke up earlier but I was busy with housework07:25
zygamvo: we can have a call shortly07:26
mvozyga: sounds good, I will make a cup of tea and then I'm ready07:26
mvozyga: I had to add https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5478/commits/304e27a5b3735f34ebd6ac85fdb0be431c3a50a4 to fix unit tests07:27
mupPR #5478: many: run core18 tests <Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5478>07:27
mvozyga: without that firstboot test fails, but my PR now only fails in two arch tests that are unrelated (and are in the process of being fixed)07:27
newbeehi, i want to know is the ubuntu core 16 is 32 bit or 64 bit architecture. please help me07:27
zygaI removed it because pedronis asked if we could use the production id instead07:27
zyganewbee: we support 4 architectures07:28
mvozyga: yeah, we can do that too, just needs some reworks in the firstboot test07:28
zyganewbee: x86, x86_64, armv7 and aarch6407:28
zyganewbee: two of thoes are 32bit and the other two 64bit07:28
zygamvo: ok, let's add that to the todo list07:28
zygamvo: can snap-ids be forged easily?07:28
mvozyga: yeah07:29
mvozyga: in tests07:29
mvozyga: in the real world I think not07:29
newbeeok, so when i install the ubuntu core on Raspberry pi 3 model B(ARMv8), getting the error for serial communication.07:30
mvozyga: very exciting! the integration PR has only 3 failures all in non-core1807:30
* mvo goes and makes a cup of tea to celebrate07:30
newbeeis there any version for ARMv8 ubuntu core for raspberry pi 3 Model B. I have downloaded the ubuntu core from https://developer.ubuntu.com/core/get-started/raspberry-pi-2-3 and installed on Raspberry pi 3 model B07:33
zyganewbee: no because that board doesn't support ARMv8 in practice,07:34
zyganewbee: that is, the hardware is there but last time I checked the required early-boot code that toggles to aarch64 is not publicly available07:35
zyganewbee: all raspberry pi boards are (still) running in ARMv7 (except for those with older CPUs that use even older v6 instruction set)07:36
newbeeOk thanks, i have checked in the ubuntu release, found that ubuntu core version is 16, is there any other version available ?07:38
zyganewbee: we are working on the 18 release07:39
zyganewbee: it should be available a little bit before ubuntu classic 18.1007:39
newbeeso we have to wait to work on 64 bit (ARMv8 - Raspberry pi), am i right please correct me.07:40
zyganewbee: raspberry pi aarch64 mode is entirely up to the pi foundation, we have no influence over any release dates07:41
zyganewbee: I suspect it is more of a design decision to keep the ecosystem simple and unified around a pair of architectures (armv6+armv7) rather than three07:42
zyganewbee: you can get other devices today that run in aarch64 mode07:42
zygamvo: ready when you are07:42
newbee:-).. actullay we have installed and ran our app in Intel NUC as per you guys guidlines, now we are trying for raspberry pi, please suggest me can i try in raspberry pi 207:44
mupPR snapd#5481 opened: tests/main/interfaces-timeserver-control: account for non-immediate changes with systemd >= 239 <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5481>07:47
mborzeckimvo: ^^07:47
mborzeckimvo: one quirk, both PRs (yours and mine) will fail on their own :P07:47
mborzeckimvo: can you merge yours? it failed on google:arch-linux-64:tests/main/interfaces-timeserver-control as expected07:48
mvomborzecki: sure, I can merge yours or you merge mine07:50
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ogra_newbee, you really dont want to run armv8 on a 1GB RAM board ... v8 binaries allocate twice the amount of RAM by default when running08:00
mborzeckimvo: merge yours, it alreay ran, i'll restart the build on mine then08:00
mupPR snapd#5482 opened: tests: fix tests on arch  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5482>08:01
ogra_newbee, what are the benefits you expect of running v8 on a Pi ? will you do a lot of number-crunching and heavy math operations on it ?08:01
mvomborzecki: snap :)08:02
mborzeckimvo: ta08:09
mupPR snapd#5481 closed: tests/main/interfaces-timeserver-control: account for non-immediate changes with systemd >= 239 <Created by bboozzoo> <Closed by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5481>08:10
jameshmvo: I can't push branches to ~snappy-dev, but the source code to test-snapd-eds is in the snapd tree08:16
mborzeckipedronis: hi, could you do a quick sanity check on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5426 in case something non-obvious is missing?08:20
mupPR #5426: client, cmd/snap: pass snap instance name when installing from file <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5426>08:20
Chipacapedronis: o/08:27
pedronismborzecki: yes, I plan to do reviews today08:29
pedronisChipaca: hi08:29
mborzeckipedronis: great, thanks!08:29
mupPR snapd#5482 closed: tests: fix tests on arch  <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5482>08:30
Chipacapedronis: #5479 is the scope pr08:30
mupPR #5479: store, daemon, client, cmd/snap: expose "scope", default to wide <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5479>08:30
pedronisChipaca: ah, thanks, I missed it (somehow)08:31
mupPR snapd#5480 closed: tests: add strace to default arch packages <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5480>08:31
Chipacapedronis: I should've gone with a more clickbaity title maybe08:31
pedronisChipaca: I think is more of a case of too many PRs08:32
mvoChipaca: I labeled that 2.34 - is that correct?08:32
Chipacamvo: I believe so08:32
mvojamesh: thank you, I will take care of it then08:33
mborzeckimvo: we need to pick the test fixes for 2.3408:36
mvomborzecki: indeed, let me do that08:36
pedronisChipaca: afaict   scope=wide  is only about risk, not finding other archs?  am I missing something08:37
Chipacapedronis: ah i might've misunderstood08:37
Chipacalet me test08:38
Chipacapedronis: you are correct08:38
Chipacapedronis: i'll fix that08:38
pedronisChipaca: +1 with a couple of wonderings, also related to that08:40
Chipacapedronis: I thought the argument was about risks and architecture (ie have it be a driving force towards stable + multi-arch), but I misunderstand things a lot08:40
pedronisChipaca: I always saw  it called "find edge and beta in search"08:40
pedronismaybe there's a general misunderstanding, not sure08:41
phakohi - I'm currently struggeling to get software running that loads plugins from /usr/lib/x86_64/ - it claims that it cannot find the libraries - what exactly am I missing there?08:41
Chipacaarchitectures was about info i guess08:41
pedronisChipaca: worth poking roadmr when is around08:41
pedronisChipaca: yes, indeed  some errors cannot refert to info because info doesn't do multi-arch08:41
Chipacaphako: try 'snap run --shell your.app' and look in *that* /usr/lib08:41
phakowell they are in the squashfs08:42
phakobut let me check08:42
Chipacaphako: maybe your LD_LIBRARY_PATH is wrong then08:42
phakohm, they are indeed missing from the shell08:42
mupPR snapd#5483 opened: tests: fix arch tests (2.34) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5483>08:42
Chipacaphako: the squashfs isn't at /08:42
Chipacaphako: so if they're in the squashfs they'll be under $SNAP08:43
Chipacaphako: so your library path should have something like $SNAP/usr/lib/yadda08:43
phakonot sure that works, might be that gphoto is looking for hardcoded paths08:43
Chipacaphako: might be that you need to build it from source to look at the other paths then :-)08:44
phakobah. :)08:44
Chipacaphako: if it's regular dynamic libs, setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH should work08:45
Chipacaphako: if it's doing plugins and dlopening stuff, it might be looking in more than one place (maybe via XDG_* env vars)08:46
Chipacafiguring out the latter is a lot of fun08:46
phakowell for shotwell I'm pretty sure it looks in the hardcoded libdir (fixable) for gphoto I'd actually have to check the code08:46
Chipaca(in the early days we even submitted patches to, iirc, xkb so you could override where it looked for stuff)08:46
Chipacaanyhoo, good luck :)08:47
pedronismborzecki: #5426 looks fine, the questions are more what we will do in api.go.  just left a small comment08:49
mupPR #5426: client, cmd/snap: pass snap instance name when installing from file <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5426>08:49
pedronismvo: what's blocking #5422 ?08:52
mupPR #5422: devicestate: fix race when refreshing a snap with snapd-control <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5422>08:53
mvopedronis: aha, I think this one is good now, iirc yesterdays tests were unhappy, let me squash-nmerge it (and cherry-pick)08:53
phakoChipaca: hah - gphoto2 actually has an environment variable for that. cool08:54
mupPR snapd#5422 closed: devicestate: fix race when refreshing a snap with snapd-control <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5422>08:54
Chipacaphako: winning08:56
pedronisChipaca: probably worth linking to the PR from the topic08:56
mvo5476 needs a second review, maybe Chipaca has some cycles for this?08:56
Chipacahmm, google:arch-linux-64:tests/main/interfaces-timeserver-control and google:arch-linux-64:tests/main/snap-run have failed twice in a row08:57
mvovery few 2.34 milestoned PRs left :)08:57
Chipacamborzecki: do you know anything about that ^?08:57
mvoChipaca: yeah, we fixed it this morning08:57
Chipacamvo: i'll take a look08:57
mvoChipaca: just merge msater08:57
Chipacamvo: w00t08:57
mvomaster even08:57
Chipacano, no, now i'm going to merge msater08:57
Chipacatoo late to change it08:57
* mvo hugs Chipaca 08:58
* Chipaca hugs mvo back08:58
phakobtw, is udev workin inside a snap?09:00
Chipacapstolowski: ^ one for you i think09:02
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pstolowskiphako: no09:14
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mvozyga: we have a green run on 5478!09:18
zygamvo: looking09:22
zygamvo: wait, so holidays now? :D09:23
mvozyga: :-D09:26
Chipacamvo: so I need to squash things for 2.34?09:27
phakopstolowski: k, thanks09:28
mvoChipaca: just if they have a gazillion of commits09:30
pedronisChipaca: if they are not a single commit anyway, yes, easier to back-port09:30
mvoChipaca: if you do the cherry-picking and proposing I don't mind09:30
mvoChipaca: I mean, its just convenient09:30
mupPR snapd#5476 closed: snapstate: make sure all *link-*snap tasks carry a snap type and further hints <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5476>09:43
mupPR snapd#5484 opened: snapstate: make sure all *link-*snap tasks carry a snap type and further hints (2.34) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5484>09:46
zygamvo: ok, I have it09:46
zygamvo: I will push in a moment09:46
pedronismvo: anoteher backport ^09:47
mvopedronis: yay09:47
mvopedronis: thank you09:47
pedronisstill waiting for 5197 to get green09:53
zygamvo: ok, ready now09:54
zygapushing to two PRs09:54
zygaman, something is wrong with my network in ubuntu :/09:57
zygamvo: I pushed https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5439/commits/ca539763589fc20536dea6180cb25292ec55431c10:01
mupPR #5439: overlord/ifacestate: translate "core" <=> "snapd" as appropriate <Core18> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5439>10:01
zygamvo: I also pushed https://github.com/zyga/snapd/commits/feature/core18-snapd-implicit10:02
zygamvo: out of that the essence of what I told you about is: https://github.com/zyga/snapd/commit/09bf3fb17fbad8db32e2b3e2bcca2af74c45173310:02
zygamvo: the part that I said was missing in the test branch is now done as https://github.com/zyga/snapd/commit/5deb5e89be201f07b80d7d3d8e953156beaaa95810:03
mvozyga: cool, I check in a sec10:04
zygaand there are some follow up clenaups there10:04
zygamvo: my suggestion is to take your integration branch, yank all my prior patches that are not in master and add just https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/548510:06
mupPR #5485: testing: support for interfaces on core18 <Blocked> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5485>10:06
mupPR snapd#5485 opened: testing: support for interfaces on core18 <Blocked> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5485>10:06
zygamvo: the only remaining thing I strongly know about is remaping of outgoing API responses10:07
zygamvo: so what's next, what should I focus on?10:12
zygamvo: I have some branches I can work on for interfaces10:12
zygamvo: we could also talk to pedronis to explain the approach we took10:13
mvozyga: yeah, I think the next step is to sync with gustavo and samuele to get advice10:15
mvozyga: I merge/run your PRs now in the integration branch10:15
zygathank you10:22
zygamvo: you can keep the one patch I didn't include here, the one that does simple remapping in the client10:23
zygamvo: or one of the tests will fail, but this is not that important10:23
mvozyga: $ snap interfaces -i network now shows: "snapd:network  network-consumer" before it was showing ":network"10:39
zygathis is what I meant above ^10:39
zygait was client-side remapping that was -1 by pedronis10:39
mvozyga: aha, ok10:39
zygathe code there is a bit weird IMO as it does cliend side remapping anyway (for system)10:40
ogra_when will the urandom fix land in edge (or did it already) ?10:40
ogra_(working on my kiosk images firstboot on a pi3 takes around 8min til mir-kiosk and chromium are seeded ... i just noticed wiggling the mouse cuts that down to 5min so there is some chance the fix will help with slow arm firstboot too)10:41
ogra_(talking about the snapd workaround obviously ... )10:42
zygamvo: you can try this:10:42
zygause "nick" to perhaps understand parts of snapd snap https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/qHO4nsvj/10:42
mvoogra_: our fix does unfortunately not help with the real seeding issue10:42
pstolowskizyga: can https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5433 be turned into +1? ;) i'm happy to discuss why it's needed10:42
mupPR #5433: interfaces/repo: added AllHotplugInterfaces helper <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5433>10:42
zygapstolowski: let me look10:43
mvoogra_: when seeding happens for real we need real randomness and that will block until the kernel is fixed - what version of the kernel do you use?10:43
mvozyga: that was the part that was NACKed ?10:43
zygamvo: no, I did an explicit abbreviation of both "core" and "snapd" in cmd_interface*10:44
ogra_mvo, whatever is in edge, one sec ...10:44
pedronismvo: to be clear I didn't nack, I'm just generally confused why we do that in the client and not the api10:44
zygamvo: the nick idea is IMO broken10:44
zygamvo: if we want system we had a PR for that10:44
ogra_mvo, pi2-kernel 4.4.0-1092.100 (56)10:44
zygaif we don't want system, what do we want? core or snapd?10:44
zygamvo: this is related to the question about for how long we should re map the outgoing state10:44
zyga(not related to rollbacks)10:44
pedronismvo: it seems a hack that started with core vs ubuntu-core10:44
zygathat is when we should show users that it is really snapd that holds the slots10:44
mvoogra_: did that kernel get the crng change? I thought that was 4.8+ only10:44
pedronisand then it kept growing10:45
pedronisbut is  a bit unclear it's the right place for it10:45
pedronisit just keeps growing10:45
zygapedronis: the iteration of remapping is going to re-map the outgoing API as well10:45
mvopedronis, zyga yeah, I will update the test and we can think about a better way10:45
zygapedronis: that's hte only remaining part10:45
zygapedronis: I agree, I would rather remove the nick concept altogether but I'm not sure why we introduced it10:45
mborzeckipedronis: i'm gonna land #542610:45
mupPR #5426: client, cmd/snap: pass snap instance name when installing from file <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5426>10:46
pedroniszyga: maybe we are not talking about the same thing10:46
pedronis(me is a bit confused)10:46
zygapedronis: I think you are referring to an earlier RFC patch where I was abbreviating "snapd" like we abbreviate "core"10:46
zygapedronis: on the client side10:46
ogra_mvo, i dont think the 4.4 kernel had any issue, my hope was the dropping of getrandom() in some places in snapd might help in general here... but if the actual seeding isnt involved in that thats indeed moot10:46
zygapedronis: is that correct?10:46
pedroniswell, we want to do that10:47
pedronisthe question is where to achieve it10:47
mupPR snapd#5459 closed: cmd/snap: add 'debug paths' command <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5459>10:47
zygaabbreviation was always client side10:47
mborzeckimvo: #5455 can be landed too?10:47
zygaI think to answer the how part we need to decide what to do long term10:47
mupPR #5455: many: assorted shellcheck fixes <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5455>10:47
zygawill we pretend core has the slots?10:47
zyga(not in the state but in the user-visible places)10:47
pedroniszyga: I think the hack as it was existed because of core vs ubuntu-core10:47
zygathe hack being the nick concept?10:48
mupPR snapd#5426 closed: client, cmd/snap: pass snap instance name when installing from file <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5426>10:48
pedroniszyga: no the fact that in the client we check  for core,  then it became ubuntu-core, then system (not even sure why) and now snapd10:49
pedronisthis is getting out of hand10:49
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=== pstolowski|lucnh is now known as pstolowski|lunch
zygapedronis: I think this grew out of the desire to have explicit and non-magic API and a bit of magic in the CLI to make users life easier10:49
zygaif we abbreviate on the server then this is an API break10:50
pedronisbut the api now is kind of magic anyway10:50
pedronisbecause you can use core even if it doesn't exist10:50
pedronisit's magic on the way in, but not out?10:50
zygayes, but that is backwards compatible10:50
zygaI plan to make it magic on the way out, yes10:51
zygamy only real issue now is how long we keep the magic10:51
zygaand if we can kill the nick concept once we decide10:51
zygafor state we can keep the magic indefinitely really10:51
zygaI'm not sure if there is real value in keeping the magic in the API for too long10:52
zyga(and the state should drop the magic once we have epochs and a single snapd that doesn't roll back)10:52
pedroniszyga: to be fair I'm also not sure why we have:    || slot.Snap == snap.UseNick("core")  ?10:52
pedroniswhen does the api return system there?10:52
zygaI don't think we ever do that10:53
zygait feels like dead code IMO10:53
zygalet me check10:53
zygapedronis: the interface repo which answers that query never talks about "system"10:53
zygaso perhaps just symmetric but unused code10:54
pedronisyes, something is off there10:54
zygayes, agreed10:54
zygaI'm happy to clean it up once there is agreement on what to do exactly10:54
zygamy gut feeling is:10:54
zygaremap both sides completely for now10:55
mupPR snapd#5197 closed: cmd/snap: display a link to data privacy notice for interactive snap login <Simple> <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5197>10:55
zygadrop system nick idea (why do we have it if this is the only instance of the "system" term in the whole interfaces and we explicitly chose not to do a "system" snap that holds slots)10:55
zygaonce epochs land migrate the state10:55
zygaonce we feel like it stop talking about core as host in the API and start to refuse "connect foo:network core:network"10:55
zygathat's my rough idea that is least disruptive and most consistent10:56
mupPR snapd#5440 closed: snapstate: allow setting "refresh.timer=managed" <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5440>10:56
pedroniszyga: well,  we have it for symmetry with the use in gadget defaults10:56
pedronisalso now connections accepts it too10:57
zygawell, maybe that should say snapd instead?10:57
zygaI mean, it's half half now10:57
pedronisit's even the only spelling10:57
zyganot all the way in10:57
pedroniswell,  we decided not to use snapd10:57
pedronisfor defaults10:57
pedronisit was an explicit decision10:57
mborzeckisystem was to be used there (among other things iirc)10:58
pedroniszyga: the issue is essentially   core, snapd  in the end  are implemetnation details10:58
pedronisif we keep exposing them,  we keep needing to migrate people away10:58
zygapedronis: this feels like a one way mapping though, people ask for system, get snapd10:59
zygapedronis: it is also odd that you see system as a snap name11:00
zygabut it's not installed, has no info, etc11:00
zygait feels okay if this is an "alias" of some sort11:00
pedroniswell, it's odd that system plugs are on a snap or another11:00
pedronislots of things are odd11:00
zygaperhaps but at least it is a real snap you can see11:00
zygait really doesn't matter which as long as we are clear about the semantics, my point is that right now we are not clear because it's sometimes system, sometimes core11:01
zygaand with the introduction of snapd it's a growing complexity problem11:01
zygathe api talks about "core"11:01
zygathe users see "system"11:01
pedronisremember as well that we planned to deprecate that api/comamnd11:02
pedroniswasn't pawel working on something else called connections?11:02
zygathis is not just here, it's also visible in the new api11:02
zygasnap interface is the new api and it is visible (core) there11:02
pedronisbut that work isn't finished11:02
zygathe connections api is not written down anywhere so I cannot comment11:03
zygathe interface work is finished, the connection is not11:03
zyga(singular interface)11:03
pedroniszyga: correct, see what it says for  "snap interface network" under slots11:04
zygain the client it says system (client side remapping)11:04
zygain the api it says core11:04
mupPR snapd#5478 closed: many: run core18 tests <Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5478>11:04
pedroniszyga: we need a bit to decide if it should keep saysing core or snapd or system11:05
zygaI agree11:05
pedroniswe are changing something either way11:05
zygawhat was the rationale to use system in the gadget configuration language?11:05
pedronis(I'm also not entirely sure we anything is using those apis programatically atm)11:05
zygapedronis: at the very least gnome software is using them11:06
zygaI believe this is where it gets the interface summary from, at least11:06
mupPR snapd#5484 closed: snapstate: make sure all *link-*snap tasks carry a snap type and further hints (2.34) <Created by pedronis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5484>11:10
mborzeckizyga: iirc not all api pieces could do remapping of system/core due to the risk of breaking the api11:11
zygamborzecki: can you give me an example?11:11
mupPR snapd#5483 closed: tests: fix arch tests (2.34) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5483>11:11
mborzeckizyga: i think that snap interface foo is remapped at the client side11:12
zygabut foo is the interface name, not plug or slot name11:12
zygainterface talks about interfaces, not plugs and slots, as the primary concept11:12
zygaconnections will have this issue11:12
mborzeckizyga: well whatever was coming down in snap interface(s) queries was being remapped at the client side11:14
zygamborzecki: currently only the "system" <=> "core" is remapped11:14
mborzeckizyga: yes11:14
zygabut again partially, you cannot see "system" slots via snap interface*s*11:15
zygawe just have to decide what we want11:15
pedronismvo: are you doing the cherry-pick for the snap login change?11:16
mvopedronis: yes11:16
mvopedronis: its in 2.34 now, waiting for the full branch test run right now, tests are very unhappy today it seems11:17
pedronisyes, I see a lot of red there11:19
mupPR snapd#5486 opened: tests: run all spread tests on core18 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5486>11:20
mvopedronis: I am checking right now for patterns but nothing emerging currently11:22
* mvo considers lunch11:23
zygaok, I have functional response remapping now11:24
zygamvo: I'll push them to 548511:39
mvozyga: oh, neat11:40
zygapushed now11:40
mvozyga: this means the interface-cli test does not need any change anymoreß11:41
zygasettle is not converging https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/dW6uZhJt/11:41
mvozyga: right - one sc11:42
zygaI need to re-map legacy responses as well11:42
mvozyga: thats the patch I told you about11:42
zygaI will do legacy remapping now11:42
zyga(legacy "snap interfaces" response)11:42
mvozyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5486/commits/3be7a6ac8c4ee462ed53b5ff2fa8a5ec18f43aa611:42
mupPR #5486: tests: run all spread tests on core18 <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5486>11:43
mvozyga: either this or tweaking the firstboot_test to include the snap-id of the production snapd11:43
zygathanks, I'll cherry-pick that11:43
zygaodd, I don't have the base patch in my working branch11:44
zygabut the helpers landed, no?11:44
zygaI mean the policy work11:44
zygawell, that's fine anyway11:44
zygamvo: once you cherry pick those patches and run the tests let me know, ok?11:48
zygaI need to do a housework errand before my wife gets here :)11:49
mvozyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5486 - green11:50
mupPR #5486: tests: run all spread tests on core18 <Core18> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5486>11:50
zygaok :)11:51
mvoChipaca: 5479 is green and has two +1, can I merge and cherry-pick?11:52
Chipacamvo: woo! yes :-)12:03
Chipacamvo: squash also if you wish12:03
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
mupPR snapd#5479 closed: store, daemon, client, cmd/snap: expose "scope", default to wide <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5479>12:06
Chipacamvo: :-D thank you12:06
Chipacalanding code makes me happy12:06
pedronispstolowski: I did a pass again over disconnect-hooks, I'm a bit confused by the new code in checkConnectConflicts, something seems off12:07
mvoChipaca: what makes me happy is that all targeted PRs are in12:10
pstolowskipedronis: thanks, let me think12:10
Chipacamvo: that's because you've leveled up12:10
mvoChipaca: level three tea drinker, yay!12:10
Chipacamvo: we should have a sprint in london just to go have posh tea sometime12:11
mvoChipaca: oh yes!12:11
mborzeckiChipaca: could you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5455 ? some shellcheck cleanups12:17
mupPR #5455: many: assorted shellcheck fixes <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5455>12:17
Chipacamborzecki: first, tea12:17
Chipacapost-lunch tea is best tea12:18
mborzeckiChipaca: thanks, and enjoy your tea!12:18
mupPR snapd#5487 opened: overlord/snapstate: improve PlugsOnly comment <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5487>12:22
vidal72[m]FYI apparmor is now build-in in one of Archlinux kernels: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/commit/trunk?h=packages/linux-hardened&id=14eccc6c604d37fa3001146f5bd4ca32ffa15c4f12:30
zygavidal72[m]: that is very interesting. Is it enabled by default as well?12:31
vidal72[m]zyga: no12:32
vidal72[m]zyga: probably never will be but at least it's something :)12:33
zygamvo: I'll look after some apparmor work now12:45
mupPR snapd#5455 closed: many: assorted shellcheck fixes <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5455>12:46
mborzeckividal72[m]: wow, surprising, do you know what was the motivation? i don't recall this being announced on the dev/general mailing lists12:48
vidal72[m]mborzecki: the motivation was user requests, that's tiny change in general and mantainers don't have to explain their choices in ML12:50
mborzeckividal72[m]: well that's the backstory about linux-hardnend :P12:51
mborzeckividal72[m]: any clue if the userland bits will come to the main repos?12:51
vidal72[m]mborzecki: it depens on some TU/dev wanted to mantain it. For now there is no interest12:54
mupPR snapd#5488 opened: tests/interfaces-contacts-service: use random XDG dir via mktemp <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5488>12:56
vidal72[m]mborzecki: but compiling userspace isn't a big deal after all12:56
mborzeckividal72[m]: but it touches quite a bit of core packages12:57
mborzeckividal72[m]: and it's still some building you have to do12:57
vidal72[m]mborzecki: ah, do you mean enabling apparmor support in system tools like systemd? That's out of question for now but I think it's not necessary for using apparmor. Apparmor userspace tools are enough13:02
jdstrandvidal72[m]: that's good news :) and yes, I agree that userspace tooling should be enough. not all that much really needs libapparmor and adding it over time (eg, like systemd) seems a fine way to go13:11
zygamvo: I'm very happy with the outcome now, I will drive towards system being the first class slot holder across the API13:30
vidal72[m]how long till core18 will replace core16?13:36
Chipacamborzecki: google:arch-linux-64:tests/main/interfaces-timeserver-control moaning again: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/400865901/log.txt13:37
Chipacamborzecki: :-)13:37
Chipacavidal72[m]: <----- this much time ----->13:37
mborzeckiChipaca: hm the log is awfully short13:38
Chipacamborzecki: gah! somebody restarted it :-(13:38
Chipacai shoulda saved it13:38
Chipacavidal72[m]: more seriously, AFAIK (but mvo might know more) we're aiming to 18.10 timeframe but not promising it13:39
mborzeckiChipaca: which pr is this?13:39
Chipacamborzecki: #548713:39
mupPR #5487: overlord/snapstate: improve PlugsOnly comment <Simple> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5487>13:39
vidal72[m]Chipaca: thx13:43
Pharaoh_Atemvidal72[m]: fourth of never ;)13:47
Chipacaniemeyer: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/479213:51
mupPR #4792: overlord/snapstate: block install of "system" <Created by chipaca> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4792>13:51
Chipacaniemeyer: the error on 'info' is for fun, but the error on install is alright i think13:53
Chipacaanyway, school run time13:53
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah, definitey ok on both ends13:54
niemeyerChipaca: The one on info we can fix when we do the alias handling properly.. the other can stay as you point out13:54
sparkiegeekhmm, can't seem to get 'snap run --strace' to work (snapd 2.33.1) - I'm suspecting due to running it in a LXD container, is this "known"?14:01
mvosparkiegeek: not known, what error do you get?14:03
sparkiegeekmvo: the very helpful "error: exit status 1"14:03
mvosparkiegeek: *cough* quality error message14:03
mvosparkiegeek: let me see14:03
sparkiegeekmvo: note installing the same snap on my host and trying it there worked just fine14:04
* zyga hugs mvo who runs to debug issues just prior to starting holidays14:05
sparkiegeekmvo: I tried to strace -ff the 'snap run --strace' but that got me into a hung process which resisted Ctrl-C and Ctrl-\14:05
mvosparkiegeek: do you get more with snap run --strace="--raw"14:05
zygasparkiegeek: any denials?14:05
mvozyga: aha, excellent idea14:05
sparkiegeekJul  6 15:02:49 firestorm kernel: [62403.985473] audit: type=1400 audit(1530885769.599:1727): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.snap-store-proxy.snap-store-proxy" name="/proc/14257/mounts" pid=14257 comm="python3" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=100014:06
sparkiegeek 14:06
zygammm, that's probably not the issue14:13
zyganot with hanging14:13
* zyga needs to break now and tidy the house a little14:13
zygaI will propose the remapping PR (without the remapping condition)14:13
zygaand the remapping condition (without the remapping)14:13
zygato discuss next week14:13
sparkiegeekzyga: yeah, not that bothered by the hanging, strace of snapd doing strace inside an LXD is almost guaranteed to hit some weird corner cases :)14:18
mvosparkiegeek: anything from snap run --strace="--raw"14:26
Chipacasparkiegeek: did you see jd.strand's "how to strace"? might still be relevant for your use case14:26
Chipacasparkiegeek: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/stracing-snap-commands/143314:27
sparkiegeekmvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sCxNJ7Hdz3/14:29
mvosparkiegeek: interessting, out of curiosity, can you snap install strace-static --edge and see if that makes any difference? I doubt but worth a shot14:30
sparkiegeekmvo, zyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CxMYGH326c/ some denials14:31
sparkiegeektruomg strace-static now14:32
zygathere you go14:32
sparkiegeekeugh, off-by-one error on home-row :)14:32
mvosparkiegeek: thats interessting14:32
pedronismborzecki: does #5434 need a merge with master,  I don't see the s/name/path/ change in there14:35
mupPR #5434: overlord: introduce InstanceKey to SnapState and SnapSetup, renames <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5434>14:35
mvozyga: maybe its a jamie question but can we get strace work inside lxd inside snapd?14:35
pedronismborzecki: there's been quite a bit of churn with the 2.34 push, probably worth merging master in it either way14:37
zygamvo: I think so14:52
zygamvo: it looks like interplay of both profiles14:52
pedronismborzecki:  I looked a bit at #5452,  seems some tests are missing, error code handling doesn't seem right for install and instance keys.  also the code seems to assume sometimes but not always that download is not used with instance keys (which is fair, but need to be made more explicit)14:53
mupPR #5452: store, overlord/snapstate: introduce instance name in store APIs <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5452>14:53
pedronismborzecki: I mostly looked at store.go itself, before looking at the higher levels14:55
pedronisred, random red14:59
* pedronis calls it a week15:00
pedronismvo: mborzecki: enjoy the vacations15:00
mvopedronis: have a great weekend15:10
mupPR snapd#5489 opened: release: snapd 2.34 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5489>15:21
cachiomvo, hey, 2.34 is ready right?15:23
mvocachio: yes, beta validation would be great if we are lucky it can make it to candidate today15:24
mvocachio: and welcome back - I guess you had internet issues?15:24
cachioMy machne is dead, I am using the backup15:24
mvocachio: uh :( sorry to hear15:24
cachiomvo, I had to buy a new charger for it15:25
mvocachio: if possible the sru validation for 2.33 (1773118) would be great, then I can prepare the 2.34 sru15:25
mvothanks cachio15:26
cachiomvo, is there any diff with the snapd 2.33.1 which I already validated last week?15:28
cachiomvo, is it a new one?15:28
mvocachio: diff is absolutely trival http://launchpadlibrarian.net/377239984/snapd_2.33.1ubuntu1_2.33.1ubuntu2.diff.gz15:29
mvocachio: so a smoke test is fine15:29
mvocachio: I think the tags in the sru bug may need updating though but maybe I just misremember15:30
mvo(iirc some were still at validation-needed)15:30
cachiomvo, great15:30
* zyga stopped mopping the floor for a sec15:34
zygait's not easy to maintain relative cleanness in the middle of the forest15:34
cachiomvo, is there a list of changes for 2.34 in http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/core-changes/html/beta/ ?15:35
mvocachio: should be, let me check, its a cron job15:36
Naanhello it seems my spotify was installed automatically through snap and now I don't know how to force it to add "--force-device-scale-factor=1.5" as a command line option15:41
Naanby default i mean15:41
Naanuh never mind I just used an alias15:46
mborzeckipedronis: thanks for the review and enojoy your weekend!15:59
Chipacamvo: late in the game, but what's the easiest way to get a directory made writable across the cores at this stage of the game?16:15
niemeyerkyrofa: Heya.. have a few minutes for a call now?16:20
zygaChipaca: goat and a long knife17:07
zygaChipaca: we could expand the core fixup script17:07
zygaChipaca: what is the directory that you need to change?17:07
Chipacazyga: mumble mumble mumble17:07
zygaChipaca: also what do you mean by "across all the cores"17:08
zygado you mean writable-paths writable17:08
Chipacazyga: /usr/share/bash-completion/completions17:08
zygaor chmod +w writable17:08
zygaand you want to drop files there?17:08
ChipacaI'm not sure how it slipped through the cracks, but, yeah17:08
Chipacazyga: we try to drop files there, currently17:08
Chipacawell, symlink17:08
zygathat's fun17:08
zygaso completions don't work on core?17:09
Chipacaoh hold on17:09
Chipacaa ghost of a memory is coming back to me17:09
Chipacalet me test something17:09
mvoChipaca: what directory is that?17:09
zygaChipaca: ghost of past releases17:09
zyga(chains rattling) you will pay your tech debt17:09
Chipacasorry, mis-click17:09
mvozyga: /usr/share/bash-completion/completions ? is that the dir?17:09
Chipacamvo: yes17:09
zygamvo: I think I know as much as chipaca just told me17:09
Chipacabut it might not be needed17:09
zygaChipaca: do we really drop files there?17:10
Chipacaon classic, we drop snippets in there17:10
mvoChipaca: right17:10
Chipacawell, we symlink17:10
Chipacabut in core17:10
Chipacai think the expectation is that you'll source complete.sh17:10
Chipacavia profile.d or sth17:10
Chipacabut, let me check with ondra-san17:10
Chipacaunless one of you still have quick access to core17:11
mvoChipaca: sourcing complete.sh would be much easier, making a /usr... dir writable is not ideal on core17:11
Chipacamvo: especially one that has all sorts of junk in it already17:12
mvoChipaca: exactly17:12
zygaChipaca: nope, my wife is driving here with one extra device (pi3-1) from home17:12
mvoChipaca: we are in sync-dir territory then, I don't like this17:12
mvoChipaca: I have access to core, what do you need?17:12
mvoChipaca: fwiw, we control /etc/profile on core, its RO so we can easily append sourcing anything we need there17:13
zygaChipaca: yes17:13
zygaand perhaps there's some /etc/profile.d/17:13
Chipacamvo: working with ondra17:14
zygabtw, what happens if we do nothing, is something broken now?17:14
mvoChipaca: ok17:14
Chipacazyga: not broken, just not working17:15
zyga"honey the car is not broke, it's just not working"17:15
Chipacai mean, the snap still is installable and everything (the completion bits fail but don't block)17:15
zygaChipaca: what is not working?17:15
zygaI see17:15
zygahow did we miss that, we have spread tests for this17:16
Chipacazyga: systems:17:16
Chipaca    - -ubuntu-core-*17:16
Chipacamvo: we'll debug it with ondra next week17:19
Chipacamvo: you go away already17:19
* Chipaca asks JamieBennett to kickban mvo until his holiday is over17:19
mvoChipaca: ok17:19
* mvo vanishes and hugs Chipaca on the way out17:19
ogra_Chipaca, note that mvo is wrong, /etc/environment is rw17:39
ogra_8on core)17:39
=== twobitsp1ite is now known as twobitsprite
* zyga looks at re-flashing his LTE modem with unbranded firmware by following a Russian forum18:45
ogra_what could possibly go wrong :)18:50
zygaogra_: holidays19:51

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