
ubptgbot<Javacookies> working port for HTC 10 please! I really want a new phone LOL00:12
ubptgbot<dreamcreator108> Is there any way to let libertine-container-manager use a mirror source instead of http://ports.ubuntu.com when I run `libertine-container-manager create -i xxx` ? … My ISP always throw different hash sum packages to me, which will produce errors, so I can't create a libertine container successfully... … I want to use a http01:29
ubptgbots mirror instead01:29
ubptgbot<johangm90> Hello01:31
ubptgbot<johangm90> CloudMusic App developer here!01:32
ubptgbot<johangm90> Anyone want to help me testing or developing my app?01:32
ubptgbot<Jo_Led> Sry if this is a stupid question, but i cant find anything when checking the forum news: Is the openstore down for some reason? It doesnt work on my vegetahd and frieza for a few days now.01:35
ubptgbot<dohbee> @dreamcreator108, Well ports.ubuntu.com is the main archive host for armhf packages. I don't know if you can select a mirror instead, but they're still over http either way01:39
ubptgbot<dreamcreator108> @dohbee, I'd like to use this https mirror https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu-ports/01:40
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @johangm90, What's going on?01:42
ubptgbot<johangm90> i need to switch from qmake to cmake01:43
ubptgbot<johangm90> and compile it for 16.0401:43
ubptgbotsudip dahal was added by: sudip dahal01:52
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Gents, I've issue to create a libertine container under Xenial02:05
ubptgbot<Ern_st> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4R9h2zrHRp/02:05
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Any idea to fix it, is that a bug ? (i never use libertine before)02:06
ubptgbot<amolith> @sudip dahal, Welcome, Sudip! Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started and feel free to ask any questions you may have here or in our Welcome & Install room! πŸ™‚02:28
ubptgbot<sudip dahal> When will wide range of devices be supported to install Ubuntu touch?02:30
ubptgbot<NotKit> @sudip dahal, being able to install it on any device is unlikely to happen, as each device currently has to be ported specifically02:57
ubptgbot<sudip dahal> It sucks...03:02
ubptgbot<NotKit> well, it's easier to buy specific device than port for random one03:10
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @johangm90, So you are the creator of CloudMusic app. Great app, really, thank you, I will definely donate to you, above all if you will port it to 16.04! Count on me to test it on 16.04 since I have a spare phone to exploit, but I'm not a developer unfortunately04:55
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @johangm90, [Edit] So you are the creator of CloudMusic app. Great app, really, thank you, I will definitely donate to you, above all if you will port it to 16.04! Count on me to test it on 16.04 since I have a spare phone to exploit, but I'm not a developer unfortunately04:56
ubptgbot<amolith> @johangm90, I'd love to help test it! πŸ™‚04:57
ubptgbot<padraic7a> Nexus 5 owners - any of you on 16.04 devel have your sim card recognised? … When I reboot I am required to enter my sim pin, but in settings I am told there is no mobile carrier.05:53
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @padraic7a, For me is working fine. When that started to happen to you?06:34
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @johangm90, You are awesome. Btw I just tested your app yesterday in xenial devel and I was surprised that it was working just fine. But it would be to have a new revamped version :). Thank you06:35
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @johangm90, [Edit] You are awesome. Btw I just tested your app yesterday in xenial devel and I was surprised that it was working just fine. But it would be nice to have a new revamped version :). Thank you06:38
ubptgbot<padraic7a> @malditobastardo, I just got hold of an old n5. Probably should have tested it on Android... … I see there are a few github bugs related to it, but not sure which are still current06:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> @sudip dahal, Yes it sucks, but this is not our fault :) Say Thank You to Google and the hardware vendors especially06:47
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @padraic7a, I suggest you to reinstall 15.04 vivid that is the stable version and try it again06:49
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> There it must work if it doesn't then it might be a hardware issue06:49
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> [Edit] There must work if it doesn't then it might be a hardware issue06:50
ubptgbot<padraic7a> Good idea, thanks06:50
ubptgbot<libremax> @Flohack, Or say thank you to famous free and fair competition without regulators07:30
ubptgbot<advocatux> @padraic7a I think is a good idea when using a second hand device to install or update its Android stock ROM before installing UT. That way you can check out if everything works properly and you get the latest firmware for your device07:37
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ubptgbot<wouterx> why does our installer use "adb -P 5038 shell " and not the default port 5037 ?08:19
ubptgbot<padraic7a> @advocatux, I'll look into that. Thanks08:22
ubptgbot<advocatux> πŸ‘08:22
ubptgbot<neothethird> @wouterx, No particular reason, just to avoid interference with any adb servers that might be already running in the system08:25
ubptgbot<neothethird> @wouterx, plus, we're always one step ahead from the competition08:26
ubptgbot<popescu_sorin> Lol08:30
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @Javacookies, Hey it is working :P08:30
ubptgbot<vanyasem> Halium.mynameisivan.ru08:30
ubptgbot<vanyasem> [Edit] Halium.mynameisivan.ru/htc-1008:30
ubptgbot<vanyasem> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/dKttZOYL.png08:33
ubptgbot<vanyasem> Wait for xenial and halium caf stuff to settle and it will be officially out. The port itself is doing just fine08:34
ubptgbot<wouterx> @neothethird, To prevent interference -> why not just kill the (all)  adb server?08:35
ubptgbot<advocatux> @vanyasem that's amazing \o/ … Kudos!!08:37
ubptgbot<vanyasem> The port is quite old tbh, Wayne made a podcast about it back in February :P https://soundcloud.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch-news-desk-18021208:38
ubptgbot<vanyasem> Thank you ^.^08:38
ubptgbot<neothethird> @wouterx, I'm a pacificst, i think killing is wrong as a concept08:38
ubptgbot<neothethird> but you might have a point08:38
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @neothethird, Yeah maybe I'm pushing halium images in a second terminal08:39
ubptgbot<vanyasem> I would be upset if ubports installer killed my instance on 99%08:39
ubptgbot<vanyasem> Considering the rootfs might be 5Gb :P08:39
ubptgbot<wouterx> @vanyasem, UBinstaller wont work with 2 devices connected? (no?-> adb -s  )08:43
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @wouterx, Adb can be used to a lot of stuff08:43
ubptgbot<vanyasem> Maybe i have an adb session between my emulator and androud studio08:43
ubptgbot<vanyasem> I wouldn't want it to be killed08:44
ubptgbot<wouterx> OkπŸ‘08:45
ubptgbot<neothethird> anbox uses adb as well, for example08:45
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @neothethird, 😹😹😹08:47
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @vanyasem, yeah and that's really cool but I need a stable one ;) … I want to replace my main phone which is bq E5....it lasts 1 week for but it's far slower than my Nexus 5 (far faster to die LOL)08:53
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @vanyasem, [Edit] yeah and that's really cool but I need a stable one ;) … I want to replace my main phone which is bq E5....it lasts 1 week for me but it's far slower than my Nexus 5 (far faster to die LOL)08:53
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @vanyasem, [Edit] yeah and that's really cool but I need a stable one ;) … I want to replace my main phone which is bq E5....it lasts 1 week on me but it's far slower than my Nexus 5 (far faster to die LOL)08:54
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @vanyasem, [Edit] yeah and that's really cool but I need a stable one ;) … I want to replace my main phone which is bq E5....it lasts 1 week on me but it's far slower than my Nexus 5 (far faster to die though LOL)08:54
ubptgbot<Pascal> Finally succeeded with installing UBports on FP2 !!! The instructions on ubports-installer dialog screen (0.1.18 used) are not accurate : you must follow the instructions as given in the video tutorial on ubports.com. I guess the key thing is to launch ubports-installer first, *with the phone not connected*.09:05
ubptgbot<wouterx> @neothethird, maybe an advanced installer (can adjust all options -) and a standard user installer -> an average user only has 1 device connected 😊09:10
ubptgbot<advocatux> @wouterx, It's better to keep the thing as simple as possible :)09:11
ubptgbot<neothethird> @wouterx, PRs welcome *dodges heavy airborne object* Ok, will do. Actually tocuhing that area of the code for another thing, so it shouldn't be a problem. Good idea09:12
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Pascal, Congrats! Yes, starting the installer first and then pluging the device is the first advice we usually give to someone having an issue while installing09:12
ubptgbot<neothethird> @Pascal, What OS, what device? Sorry, i think we talked before, but i talk to too many people... DId it also not work when selecting the device manually?09:13
ubptgbot<wagafo> @YougoChats, I've tried Unav again today in 16.04 devel on a Nexus 5. I've updated this device from 15.04 without wiping. Voice navigation works, but i f I click on Settings -> Download voices it does nothing and freezes Unav.09:13
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ubptgbot<Pascal> Device is FP2 (new). The UBports distro is 15.04 stable. I used Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (installed) to run the ubports-installer-0.1.18-beta as root.09:16
ubptgbot<Pascal> I confirm I still had to select to select the FP2 device manually.09:18
ubptgbot<neothethird> why as root?09:19
ubptgbot<neothethird> you don't need to run it as root09:20
ubptgbot<Pascal> I have on Fairphone's website, they recommended to use fastboot tool (and their shell script flash-for-unix.sh to get back to Android 18.04.1) with sudo.09:22
ubptgbot<neothethird> (Photo, 591x681) https://irc.ubports.com/K09Tbe11.png I wrote a thread about how annoying windows security features are, and this is how they responded09:28
ubptgbot<neothethird> microsoft is so funny09:28
ubptgbot<YougoChats> the criterium for "not being evil" is "they paid us money to remove the warning"?09:31
ubptgbot<juliocst> @neothethird, Indies don't like that09:31
ubptgbot<YougoChats> or "everybody uses it so i guess it's fine"09:31
ubptgbot<neothethird> @Pascal, Yeah, but the installer will run everything that needs to be run with elevated privilleges by itself09:33
ubptgbot<neothethird> and ask you for the password09:33
ubptgbot<technicalbird> @neothethird, Why are you using Windows 10?09:34
ubptgbot<neothethird> @neothethird, but you shouldn't normally run visual applications with sudo09:34
ubptgbot<neothethird> @technicalbird, i'm not, i published the ubports installer for windows, since we have quite a few users coming from there09:34
ubptgbot<neothethird> @technicalbird, https://twitter.com/NeoTheThird/status/101458051953371136109:34
ubptgbot<technicalbird> @neothethird, How do you test the installer?09:35
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> https://mobile.twitter.com/IntelGaming/status/1008831597221593088?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1008831597221593088&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.benchmark.pl%2Faktualnosci%2Famd-wymieni-procesor-intel-core-i7-8086k-na-ryzzen-threadripper.html09:35
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> Intel is funnier09:35
ubptgbot<neothethird> @YougoChats, It's a little more complicated than that, but essentially, yes. You can buy either a developer account to publish on the windows store, or a codesigning key so your "reputation" can be carried over for subsequent releases.09:36
ubptgbot<Pascal> @neothethird, For sure, but I tried too much things to get the installation done !09:38
ubptgbot<neothethird> @technicalbird, i also have a windows machine, but i almost never use it. For the most part, i make other people test it to see what's what. There are also differences on windows 10 and 7... good times.09:39
ubptgbot<neothethird> @Pascal, ah, okay09:39
ubptgbot<neothethird> @Pascal, what package did you use? deb, snap or appimage?09:40
ubptgbot<nhaines> Two wires wrapped around a supermagnet.09:41
ubptgbot<johangm90> @malditobastardo, Thank you10:01
ubptgbot<johangm90> @amolith, Thank you10:05
ubptgbot<johangm90> @mattbel10, Thank you10:06
ubptgbot<VeryOriginalUsername> I can test as well on hammerhead10:15
ubptgbot<geotechland> @johangm90 I had installed the vivid version of cloud music app on my nexus 5 and it worked perfectly. Now that it seems to be released on the official store, i tried upgrading to it10:36
ubptgbot<geotechland> And now the app is broken πŸ€“10:37
ubptgbot<johangm90> Hahaha10:37
ubptgbot<geotechland> I should add im using 16.0410:37
ubptgbot<johangm90> Someone tell me that it's working fine in 16.0410:38
ubptgbot<johangm90> πŸ€”10:38
ubptgbot<johangm90> @VeryOriginalUsername, Thank you10:38
ubptgbot<geotechland> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/J5w00yEa.png10:53
ubptgbot<geotechland> @johangm90 thata how it looks on 16.0410:54
ubptgbot<johangm90> I see10:54
ubptgbot<johangm90> Missing the icon10:54
ubptgbot<geotechland> Yep. So I click the app, it tries to load, then just closes10:58
ubptgbot<advocatux> @johangm90 are you going to keep using Launchpad for your projects? Should we report bugs there? … Anyway, this is the log from starting to crashing CloudMusic on xenial https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2sSjKMQYcQ/11:10
ubptgbot<johangm90> I will switch to gitlab11:11
ubptgbot<advocatux> Okay, ping us on the OpenStore group when you finish the move11:13
ubptgbot<johangm90> https://gitlab.com/johangm90/cloudmusic-qml11:13
ubptgbot<advocatux> That was quick πŸ˜†11:13
ubptgbot<johangm90> 😁11:14
ubptgbot<advocatux> @johangm90 do you want a proper bug report filed on GitLab? or that pastebin is good enough?11:15
ubptgbot<johangm90> I prefer to have it in gitlab11:15
ubptgbot<advocatux> Okay, no problem11:15
ubptgbot<Flohack> @wouterx, Hello Wouter, glad to see you are still around11:16
ubptgbot<wouterx> @Flohack, 0/... Still here11:18
ubptgbot<johangm90> @advocatux, I uploaded a new build... can you test it please?11:31
ubptgbotHussaini1 was added by: Hussaini111:35
ubptgbot<Hussaini1> What happen with … Nexus 6 … ??11:35
ubptgbot<Hussaini1> Please tell11:36
ubptgbot<advocatux> @johangm90, It's alive \o/ πŸ˜†11:47
ubptgbot<advocatux> It's working but it seems there's an issue with the logo still11:47
ubptgbot<johangm90> Mmm11:51
ubptgbot<advocatux> @johangm90 the icon works on the dash now (I needed to reboot the phone) but see this11:51
ubptgbot<johangm90> Screenshot?11:51
ubptgbot<advocatux> wait a sec :)11:52
ubptgbot<advocatux> (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/MsxsAMfY.png11:52
ubptgbot<johangm90> Ahhh it's in the about screen11:52
ubptgbot<johangm90> Ok I will fix it later11:52
ubptgbot<advocatux> Okay, thank you for your work !!11:53
ubptgbot<johangm90> Y en espaΓ±ol11:53
ubptgbot<johangm90> 😁11:53
ubptgbot<advocatux> hahaha (o jajaja) πŸ˜‚11:53
ubptgbot<johangm90> Si me puedes enviar capturas para el store seria genial11:54
ubptgbot<johangm90> Saludos11:54
ubptgbot<advocatux> Yeah, I'll PMed you the screenshots11:54
ubptgbot<johangm90> Thank you11:54
ubptgbot<advocatux> you're welcome11:55
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @vanyasem, Wayne no podcast. Wayne say podcast dirty fruity word. Wayne like audiocast. Yay audiocast!11:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> @wayneoutthere, word salad11:58
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> FYI CLI launch of Libre Office sub-programs such as Writer, Calc etc still doesn't work, but you can launch startcenter instead then pick which one you want from there.12:18
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Doesn't work perfectly though. I tried to save a remote file (which is a major feature I'm looking forward to with Xenial in general for Libertine) but I couldn't connect to any remote service.12:19
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Nor printers.12:19
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Firefox says it can't start and can't log a crash dump. VLC crashes on the CLI before even showing any GUI elements. Gedit seems to be fine I think.12:20
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Really need to get this across in bug reports, I know.12:20
ubptgbot<Pascal> @neothethird, I used the deb package, on the 16.04 LTS amd64.13:23
ubptgbot<neothethird> ok, interesting... thanks13:23
ubptgbot<Gilmars> @advocatux, Advocatux...  I wanna try to port UT to Redmi Note 3 (Kenzo). … How can I get started?13:24
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @TartanSpartan, to add to this, Midori does start fine but is unusable because all tooltips open full screen in a new window.13:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Gilmars, halium.org14:08
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @johangm90, I also confirm your app works apparently very well on my pro5 UT 16.04. Thank you again Johan! :)14:10
ubptgbotSyed Adil Gilani was added by: Syed Adil Gilani14:18
ubptgbot<johangm90> @mattbel10, Thank you for confirm it also thank you for your donation.14:20
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @johangm90, Pleasure 😁 hope the development of your app will continue and the improvements also....that donation will not be the last one. Ciao!14:56
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Gilmars, Yes, you need to start with the Halium part. Read this https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html to get the general idea of what you need to do. Good luck!15:29
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Syed Adil Gilani, Hi & welcome! Take a look to https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you up to speed. … There are UBports language focus groups too πŸ‘15:30
ubptgbotAsKida was added by: AsKida15:42
ubptgbot<AsKida> ΠΏΠ°ΠΌΠ°Π³ΠΈΡ‚ΠΈΠΈ..15:42
ubptgbot<advocatux> @AsKida, Hi  & welcome! Check out https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome … This group is English only, but there's a Russian group too https://t.me/UBports_Ru15:45
Betonis there any way to configure resolution and proportions of external HDMI display? I connected external 5:4 display, but my tablet is sending 16:9 image to it.16:29
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> ^I'd love to know how to do that or if it will ever be possible.17:45
Betonmirout shows that there is only one possible mode - 1920x1080p for HDMI17:49
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It's possible that this is a hardware limitation18:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> there's also at least no  properly supported way to change resolution of displays, either18:01
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> It'd be lovely to have a way to change resolution and scaling for external displays18:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> or internal displays18:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> all the displays and all the pixels18:08
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> That too18:08
ubptgbotbettygea was added by: bettygea18:08
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Yeah. We've got such great high-DPI support, might as well be showy18:08
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> #OTA05Goal18:10
ubptgbot<anpok> Often the hdmi drivers on those phones have some half implemented Code paths around selection of output modes.. I. E. Google for hmdi_drv and sil and enjoy18:15
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> Tryin installer  0.1.9 on windows.19:18
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> (Photo, 810x626) https://irc.ubports.com/k7HEfngK.png19:18
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> has anyone got it to wokr?19:18
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> [Edit] has anyone got it to work?19:19
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> [Edit] Trying installer  0.1.9 on windows.19:19
ubptgbot<dohbee> 0.1.9 or 0.1.19?19:19
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> the download is titled 0.1.9-beta19:19
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> maybe the instruction need updating on github: https://github.com/ubports/ubports-installer19:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> did you first try the latest version?19:24
ubptgbot<dohbee> are you running the installer as admin? is adb/fastboot installed and working?19:24
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> @dohbee, yes, i have tried 0.1.18-beta, it gives this message:19:25
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> (Photo, 636x339) https://irc.ubports.com/aTELh0O1.png19:25
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> That link goes to 0.1.9-beta19:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, but did you "Continue" from there or just go straight to 0.1.9?19:25
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> @dohbee, tried waiting for ot to recognise the phone, tied manually selecting the phone (nexus 5) tried different usb cables. tried rebooting everthing.19:27
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> @dohbee, The install guide recommends installing universalAdbDriver19:27
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> (Photo, 1280x533) https://irc.ubports.com/TuobwmOZ.png19:36
ubptgbot<advocatux> Check out `adb` and `fastboot` tools are in your user `$PATH`19:38
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Daniel_Wood, Yes it works19:41
ubptgbot<Flohack> Ignor .9 and taker latest plz19:41
ubptgbot<Flohack> And you need in any case universal adb package and it wont hurt if you are an Admin19:42
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> @advocatux, Yes they are.19:50
ubptgbot<Daniel_Wood> Run out of time. Thanks for the help.19:52
ubptgbotVlad was added by: Vlad21:21
ubptgbot<Bolly> Welcome all !!! Check out this to get you started! If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or in our Welcome and Install room! https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome21:52
ubptgbotcnutrstey was added by: cnutrstey23:16

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