
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:30
* AdamMacbook coughs05:05
AdamMacbookhello all05:05
lotuspsychjeAdamMacbook: there's a pretty active gaming community on #gamingonlinux aswell05:06
AdamMacbookYeah, I do a lot of gaming on linux ^_^05:07
AdamMacbookusually with wine but, you know.05:07
AdamMacbooka few on steam05:07
AdamMacbookBut hey, perhaps lubuntu would work good on this older macbook05:07
AdamMacbookis there a cli tool to make ubuntu live usb's like unetbootin... because I'm kinda restricted to terminal at this point05:08
AdamMacbookactually, let me try a reboot, brb05:08
oerhekshe runs faster thant that macbook05:09
ducassegood morning, guys06:27
lordievaderGood morning06:31
ducassegood morning, lordievader06:32
lordievaderHey ducasse , How are you doing?06:33
ducassei'm ok, thanks, and you?06:34
oerhekshi there lordievader06:34
lordievaderDoing good here :)06:34
lordievaderHey oerheks06:34
lordievaderHow are you?06:34
oerheksfine thank you, and how about yourself?06:35
lordievaderDoing good here. Trying to get a Windows vm to cooperate.06:36
oerhekswhat colour?06:39
lordievaderWhat do you mean?06:40
oerheksbsod :-P06:44
lordievaderHave only seen one 😋06:45
oerheksi like blue, this naked cargobike will be RAL5005 soon https://www.dropbox.com/s/klgfdd2kfrutxt7/2018sanding-bike.JPG?dl=006:45
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:22
BluesKajHi folks10:50
EriC^^hey BluesKaj10:50
BluesKajHi EriC^^10:51
BluesKajencrypting ubiquity ? ...wth10:52
JimBuntuneeds some paint oerheks11:04
lordievaderEncrypting ubiquity? Where?11:06
BluesKaj<EriC^^> stevenm_: the ubuntu installer isn't very encryption customizable11:15
BluesKajhey lordievader11:15
lordievaderHow are you doing BluesKaj ?11:16
BluesKajok here lordievader, how about you?11:17
lordievaderDoing good here :)11:18
pauljwhi everyone13:06
leftyfbcould someone assist Mustaches in the main chat? That troll(Bugzie/Bigzie) is just going to make things worse for them13:08
BluesKajbugzie suffers from "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" syndrome ...he thinks he's actually helping13:15
leftyfbhe's a known troll13:29
leftyfbplease just ignore him13:30
JimBuntuhmmmm. It seems ubottu has lost some commands13:38
JimBuntubest, anyone and poll don't seem to work anymore, yes they are still listed at the ubottu.com/factoids.cgi page13:39
leftyfbhggdh: ? chu ?13:42
hggdhgenii took care of it13:43
blackflowhe usually just comes back with another IP or nick. they all share one thing though, "marvel" account name. that one should be keyed.13:46
blackflowoh look, he just did.13:47
blackflowhggdh: ^^  :)13:47
coconutAnyone here ever used an Entroware laptop?13:53
leftyfbcoconut: if you need help with it, I would suggest detailing an actual support question in #ubuntu13:54
coconutleftyfb: no i just want a good laptop, as we all do i guess. I don't have on of that brand yet.13:55
coconutBut thanks for caring. :)13:56
hggdhhe does not keep the same account always.14:22
blackflowand he's back. Rainyaviel, ircname: win1014:38
EriC^^why's #ubuntu +r?16:02
JimBuntunuisance chatter16:03
tomreynleftyfb: thanks again for your support earlier ;)19:07
leftyfbtomreyn: did you get it sorted?19:07
tomreynturns out ITS ALL TJ's FAULT!!!111 (TM)19:08
leftyfbisn't that usually the case? :)19:08
tomreynyes, sorted, and not really TJ's fault, just kidding. i applied these ACPI_OSI tests to my system and had forgotten about it19:08
tomreynwhich just made the system fail to boot without any message19:09
tomreynand then got puzzled by the initrd format, which still puzzles me19:09
tomreynhttp://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html is what i'm referring to. i had put 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=! acpi_osi="Windows 2015"' into my /etc/default/grub on this ryzen system19:11
Bashing-omtomreyn: reasons we should not recommned TJ-'s advise ?19:14
tomreynwell, depend son whether you want it to boot or not ;)19:15
tomreynbut his article is fine. it's just me who failed to test it.19:16
tomreynits not that his article says "this will work"19:16
Bashing-omtomreyn: Not usable on a Ryzen board ? .. As I have had good results from the DSDT change on laptops .19:17
tomreynBashing-om: not the "Windows 2015" string, for me. i haven't tried any others, yet, plan to do this still. for now i'm just glad i can boot19:18
tomreynit's also a desktop, not a laptop. but i do have some acpi issues. acpid freezes on shutdown and, i think, also after power saving.19:19
tomreynoh i should say i was the "initrd" person on #ubuntu in case you watched me yelling for help there.19:20
Bashing-omtomreyn: I would hate to find out the hard way on another's system that the ability to boot is lost . Still have access via the recovery console ?19:20
tomreynyou can just remove the paramerters from grub.19:21
tomreynall i got on normal boot was a blank screen, all i got on recovery was grub printing that is it loading linux, then loading the inirtd. and there it got stuck.19:22
tomreynand IIRC ctrl-alt-del didnt work19:22
tomreynso i had forgotten that i had put the acpi_osi stuff there (i also had it on the recovery kernels, silly me)19:23
tomreynand so i thought it would have to do something with initrd, since this was the last line printed on screen. so i had booted from a live usb and looked into the initrd's i've got19:24
tomreynand noticed they were not comproessed (according to GNU file)19:24
tomreynand when expanded with cpio, contained only one file19:24
tomreynit's still this way now. on the same system, where i booted from this initrd fine.19:25
tomreynobviously i'm not getting how initrd works nowadays.19:25
tomreynthis is 16.04 with hwe-edge19:27
Bashing-omtomreyn: Naw .. nothing silly at all :) .. Me too gone round and round with minor ACPI issues in this ole desktop ( ex-file server _ I make my notes in the grub file when I make a change ! // and yeah .. lots has changed with systemd as the init system .. ouch .. lots of homework to do .19:27
tomreynit would help trmendously is not all of the documentation was outdated19:29
Bashing-omtomreyn: in respect to the paste and the -25 kernel .. I have seen a lot of bug reports on this particular kernel .. and it has not been released for cosmic to this time .19:29
tomreynit's not just the -25, the others are the same19:30
tomreynalso 4.4.0-13019:30
tomreynso my guess is that the initrd files actually consist of multiple joined archives19:34
Bashing-omtomreyn: Have not had cause to look at initrd.img in ages . Just do not recall .. Iffen ya want I do have a 16.04 install I can boot into if ya want me to see what my results are .19:39
tomreynBashing-om: thanks, bit no need. i compared to another 16.04 already, it's the same.19:40
tomreynand it works. i just dont understand how. but i'll learn.19:40
Bashing-omtomreyn: ^ what keeps us out of the bars at night :P19:42
tomreynthat, and soccer19:47
tomreynor rather *some* people reacting to soccer19:48
tomreynbinwalk to the rescue! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MQ296gq7RQ/20:44
daftykinshmm what's that showing, the 'trailer' bit suggest it's a bad file?20:45
tomreynso the gzip in the end contains the actual initrd, plus it has (in my case) two microcode files attached in front off it20:45
tomreynTRAILER!!! is just a mark to make it easier to tell where in this large blob the next part starts20:45
tomreynso basically one would need to count the number of trailers, and check their addresses, then dd these parts into separate files, and handle each of them (the microcodes with cpio, the gzip with ... gunzip)20:47
tomreynand the gzip is the main part, the one which contains most of the files and the init script20:48
tomreynyours will look the same, though youmight not have both (or any of) the microcodes prepended.20:49
lotuspsychjegood night to all21:03
lotuspsychjehey daftykins21:03
tomreynunmkinitramfs(8), as provided by bionic's initramfs-tools, is the tool to use there http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/unmkinitramfs.8.html21:34
lotuspsychjehey tomreyn21:35
tomreynhey lotuspsychje21:36
tomreynshouldnt you be going out, enjoing your life and stuff?21:37
lotuspsychjetomreyn: i was trying to sleep, but the heat doesnt leave our house anymore21:37
tomreyncredit to Mr. (CJ)Watson to the above21:37
lotuspsychjebesides, whats better then irc green on black?21:38
lotuspsychjehey hfp-21:38
tomreynyou could do what i did, add random kernel parameters to your system and forgot about it, reboot, and panic.21:38
tomreyni mean human panic, not kernel panic21:39
=== hfp- is now known as hfp
* lotuspsychje is calculating tomreyn's information......21:40
lotuspsychje.........nothing found21:40
tomreynam i producing too much output? i'll tune it down, coming to a rest now.21:41
lotuspsychjestill trying to figure out what life has to do human panic :p21:41
lotuspsychjeseems like it deep joke night tonight21:42
tomreynoh, didnt get that one21:42
lotuspsychjenvm im bit in the twilight zone21:43
tomreynis it so hot in .be today? i'm in .be%00rlin, not too hot today, not much sun21:44
lotuspsychjeyeah whole week 27+21:44
tomreynyesterday it was unbearable here, too21:44
lotuspsychjeat the morning i open garden door, works for like 1h then warms up again21:45
tomreynmake some clouds tomorrow, they helped here21:45
tomreynmoar chemtrails needed!!1121:45
lotuspsychjemore HAARP21:46
lotuspsychjeand more transhumanism21:46
tomreynwhats HAARP, i read that before21:46
lotuspsychjetomreyn: that weather war machine from alaska21:47
lotuspsychjetomreyn: it can influence the weather21:47
tomreynoh, looks like i missed something exciting21:47
lotuspsychjeyeah if you like chemtrails, worth to lookup :p21:47
tomreynso far i only knew the russians had a programme like this, to have nice military marches21:48
lotuspsychjecontras will say its impossible, pros even say when vulcano activity rises, haarp activity rises at same times21:48
tomreynthat sounds like nonsense :)21:49
tomreynlooks like i missed a relevant conspiracy theory there, thanks for the hint21:50
lotuspsychjealot of things sounding as nonsense als got true years after21:50
tomreynclimate change? ;)21:51
lotuspsychjewho knows whats the bigger plan of those who have money to influence21:52
lotuspsychjefrom nature i dont trust big orgs or govs..21:53
tomreynbeing sceptic there is surely wise.21:54
lotuspsychje!info pv22:08
ubot5pv (source: pv): Shell pipeline element to meter data passing through. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.6-1 (bionic), package size 50 kB, installed size 126 kB22:08
lotuspsychjeyeah think that was it ducasse daftykins22:08
Bashing-omtomreyn: "sure to decive for yourself what's "the best""" . I thought - given the circumstance .. was quite apt to say "decieve" :)23:59

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