
rbasakahasenack: git-ubuntu imports are caught up now, excepting the imports that still error (eg. most Python related things).01:52
rbasakFixing those is next for me I think.01:52
lordievaderGood morning06:31
SycoHi, I'm having an issue with the latest ubuntu server 18.04. I created a few vm in virtualbox and then cloned them with different mac address. Inside the vm I can see (with ip a or ifconfig) that the mac address changed accordingly. But they still get the same ip from the dhcp server. All the methods I new don't work anymore. Any help understanding this new system? Thanks08:08
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ahasenackrbasak: ok11:56
ahasenackSyco: if you cloned, it's likely the dhcp client is requesting the same ip from the server, regardless of the mac address11:56
ahasenackSyco: the client stores a cache of the ip it was using11:57
ahasenackSyco: that being said, the server shouldn't hand out that ip to multiple computers, regardless of what they ask for11:57
ahasenackit's just an initial hint the dhcp client uses: "hey, I'd like an IP, I was using this one before, could I get it again?" of sort11:57
l4m8d4Hello, is it possible in server 18.04 to use netplan to automatically assign a network interface to another namespace?12:05
ahasenackl4m8d4: I don't know, but can you try asking in #netplan?12:19
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* ageoffire go to way`s13:33
baldpopeis there a pre-compiled tickless kernel?14:28
sdezielbaldpope: not sure about tickless but have you checked "grep HZ /boot/config-$(uname -r)" ?14:31
baldpopeCONFIG_NO_HZ=y ; so with that I should be able to pass kernel command line option in?14:34
sdezielbaldpope: I don't know, I always assumed that nothing special needed to be done for this to take effect14:35
baldpopethanks sdeziel - maybe kernel is already set and I just need to add some cli options to boo14:37
sdezielbaldpope: OK, if you find a boot args that's needed, I'd be curious to know which14:38
blackflowbaldpope: afaik all modern kernels are tickless by default14:38
baldpopeblackflow: is that true? I didn't know that14:39
blackflowlemme find the kernel docs on that14:40
blackflowI think it's this: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/timers/NO_HZ.txt14:41
blackflowright, so check that doc what exactly is happening here, due to NO_HZ and NO_HZ_IDLE being enabled14:42
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coreycbjamespage: i'm going to do the py3.7 update for python-oslo.db, unless you have that in progress?15:44
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jamespagecoreycb: nope16:29
jamespageI've uploaded thethree I did yesterday a16:29
coreycbjamespage: ok oslo.db is uploaded16:30
jamespagecoreycb: I nearly have horizon done...16:30
jamespageso close...16:31
coreycbjamespage: yay :)16:31
Ubu-1604i'm trying to upgrade this irc client .. sorry for the quit/connect .. almost done...19:43
Ubu-1604all done :)19:51
=== Guest54338 is now known as medberry
ServerbeginnerHi all. Do you know what's with Ubuntu Server's admin GUI, Landscape's install ? apt install landscape-server-quickstart is not found in the repository so the instructions told on Ubuntu and Landscape specific official sites don't seem to work for 18.0421:54
Serverbeginnerupdate, repo-s are all ok, no errors.21:54
ServerbeginnerExcept I had to use in "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:landscape/17.03" 18.03 instead, because for 17.03 there's a repo error message (an ip not found or similar..)21:56
ServerbeginnerSo the website of Ubuntu and Landscape might need some refresh and/or actualization, maybe updating the command to 18.03 OR making a note below with read that Landscape isn't available for 18.04 LTS yet ..21:57
geniiServerbeginner: According to https://help.landscape.canonical.com/?action=show&redirect=LDS not available for 18.04 yet21:58
ServerbeginnerSh_it, as a newcomer to Ubuntu Server none of the sites told me this nice fact _BEFORE_ downloading and installing 18.04. Anyway, thanks. Time to reinstall then. :/22:00
* tomreyn didnt even know this domain name exists22:01

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