
waldo323_good morning11:24
jrwrengood morning12:00
notlikethesoupgood morning12:37
ColonelPanic001anyone else use kubuntu (or probably just kde in general)? I dist-upgraded yesterday, and ever since now conky and yakuake appear to run, but not be visible12:49
jrwrenthat sucks.12:54
jrwrenwhat if you launch them from a terminal window?12:54
ColonelPanic001behaves normally then, too... except it's not visible12:55
ColonelPanic001it's not quite a crisis for me, but it is a bit annoying12:56
ColonelPanic001[mike:~] 127 $ yakuake12:56
ColonelPanic001QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.12:56
ColonelPanic001QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.12:56
notlikethesoupmm the only ubuntu derivatives i've used are xubuntu and ubuntu-gnome12:56
ColonelPanic001Yakuake is already running, toggling window ...12:56
ColonelPanic001to be overly specific.12:56
jrwrenwhat if you pkill yakuake and then start it from terminal?12:58
jrwrendid its keybinding change?12:58
ColonelPanic001nah, it's there - in fact, I can click it. I just realized that part - if I hit f12 (my key for it), and then click where it would be, the window I was in loses focus, I can run a command, etc. It's... there. Just can't see it. weird.12:59
jrwrenvery weird.13:00
ColonelPanic001I'm lazy, trying reinstalling it. tiny package anyway, and meh13:00
ColonelPanic001I dont' expect it to help, but whatever13:00
ColonelPanic001yeah, same. meh13:00
ColonelPanic001honestly probably not worth the time now. meh. Thanks for trying, though13:01
jrwrenis there a settings file or dir you can move out of the way?13:02
jrwren$HOME/.kakuake or $HOME/.config/kakuake ?13:02
ColonelPanic001can't hurt to try13:08
ColonelPanic001eh, it's all of three entries, nothing relevant. trying anyway because can't hurt, still13:09
ColonelPanic001yeah, no effect13:10
ColonelPanic001I wonder if just something about a certain window class or something is treated differently in an update13:10
ColonelPanic001seems odd that it's two different programs getting the same thing13:10
cmaloneyPerhaps it's getting different arguments?13:11
ColonelPanic001conky runs just off it's config, I'm not running it with any arguments on the cli at least13:11
ColonelPanic001same with yakuake, afaik13:11
cmaloneyI mean when it gets launched13:12
cmaloneylike there might be some other profile or something that it is selecting13:12
ColonelPanic001maybe? doesn't seem it, but hey, it's not like I've got a better idea13:14
ColonelPanic001I don't know desktop stuff all that well, especially any more13:14
ColonelPanic001the dist-upgrade taketh away, perhaps a future one will giveth13:15
ColonelPanic001if i had time to f around with desktop stuff I would run something more interesting than ancient LTS Kubuntu13:16
ColonelPanic001but here I sit. Kubuntu 16.0413:16
jrwrenwait... this recent "upgrade" was *to* 16.04 ?13:32
jrwreni wonder if do-release-upgrade would have done some magic that dist-upgrade didn't.13:33
ColonelPanic001oh, sorry, no - this was just a apt-get dist-upgrade, not literally upgrading the distro13:38
jrwrenwhy would you ever run dist-upgrade on ubuntu?13:39
waldo323_doesn't that grab latest kernel etc?13:40
cmaloneyYEah, dist-upgrade gets the latest kernel packages and other left-behind packages13:41
cmaloney(technical term)13:41
jrwrenapt upgrade does that for you automatically13:44
jrwrenAFAIK, there is no reason to run dist-upgrade in ubuntu.13:44
jrwrenin fact, that is why there is no dist-upgrade on the apt command.13:44
jrwrendist-upgrade is for bouncing between debian versions, mostly for running debian unstable or testing where package versions can be wonky.13:45
waldo323_is the answers here outdated? https://askubuntu.com/questions/194651/why-use-apt-get-upgrade-instead-of-apt-get-dist-upgrade13:49
ColonelPanic001amazing that there's no reason to do it13:49
ColonelPanic001since I do13:49
ColonelPanic001and it works13:49
ColonelPanic001just muscle memory at this point13:49
ColonelPanic001sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:49
ColonelPanic001which really is just me doing "ctrl+r dis <enter>13:50
jrwrenat some point ubuntu started doing the `apt update` via cron, at least daily.13:53
jrwrenand `apt upgrade` is all ya need.13:53
jrwrenwaldo323_: yes, i don't believe that accepted answer is actually correct.13:54
jrwrenI certaily ain't saying that dist-upgrade broke anything. I'm saying there is little point to it. That is all.14:02
cmaloneyI think I see the difference14:06
cmaloneysince apt is a different command than apt-get14:06
cmaloneywhich still does the "classic" behavior14:06
cmaloneywhereas apt upgrade does kernel upgrades as well14:07
jrwrenubuntu does the kernel upgrades as well, period.14:09
jrwrenbecause of the way ubuntu packages things.14:09
jrwrendist-upgrade is really a debianism.14:09
jrwrenat least, AFAICT.14:09
jrwrenI'm no expert :)14:09
ColonelPanic001yeah I started doing dist-ugprade back on debian14:17
jrwrenme too.14:18
jrwrenit works great there. I used to bounce between testing and unstable on my PWS14:18
jrwrenand when it would get stuck, I'd manually fix some package scripts and it would keep on going.14:18

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