
hfpSpeaking of handbooks, is there something similar to the FreeBSD handbook for Ubuntu?00:20
Umeaboytldp.org is the only handbook I know, but that's general.00:21
EchoHello, how do I do to be able to edit an archive with emacs and not just be in read-only mode?00:22
hotaronohanakoEcho: #emacs00:23
Echotank you, but it's not working00:23
UmeaboyEcho: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/180910/how-do-i-change-read-write-mode-for-a-file-using-emacs00:23
oerhekshfp, some are in pdf https://help.ubuntu.com/00:24
oerheksand some startup guide https://ubuntu-manual.org/downloads00:25
oerhekshttps://fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads/ and https://fullcirclemagazine.org/special-editions/00:27
ubuntunoobhello guys. could use some help with wifi on Ubuntu 18.0400:33
hfpoerheks: thanks00:34
hfpHow do I make a "cleared" partition with parted?00:34
=== medberry is now known as Guest62131
hfpIt's an option in gparted but I can00:35
hfpt find how with parted00:35
ubuntunoobwifi is hard blocked after resuming the laptop from suspend. any ideas? #WIFI00:37
hfp!patience ubuntunoob00:39
hfpubuntunoob !patience00:40
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/00:40
hfpThere we go00:40
ubuntunoobMy apologies, was framing my question better!00:41
=== EdB is now known as handlebar
ubuntunoobwifi is hard blocked after resuming the laptop from suspend. Tried most if not all solutions on Ubuntu's Stackexchange page... Laptop is HP ab035tx. WiFi card - RTL 8723BE. Secure boot bisabled in BIOS and in MOK. Tried github drivers and a lot of other methods. Thanks for your time. Any help will be really appreciated!01:12
xamithanClick the wifi button to turn it on01:15
=== ianychoi_ is now known as ianychoi
tomreynwhat does "hard blocked" means and what does "rfkill list" show before and after suspend?01:17
ubuntunoobafter suspend, rfkill list shows hard blocked - yes01:17
oerheksis this on a encrypted system with encryted swap?01:18
ubuntunoob@xamithan the aeroplane mode button does not work either01:18
ubuntunoobno, no encryption enabled. secure boot disabled01:18
xamithanwell hard blocked means it is in the bios or hardware blocking it01:18
oerheksfn key + wireless perhaps01:18
tomreyndo you have a wireless specific keyboard combo to switch it on / off?01:18
ubuntunoobIt works fine till the laptop goes into sleep, then goes hard-blocked01:19
ubuntunoob@tomreyn the airplane mode key does not work in ubuntu. it is f12 key. It works in windows though01:20
tomreynubuntunoob: airplane mode is probably not wireless only, but meant to control all kinds of networking (also bluetooth). so i was wondering about a wireless only button / key combo01:21
ubuntunoobI do not have any such button01:22
duckx0rDoes anyone else have the problem where after resuming a suspended session it brings you to the login screen instead of the unlock screen? And then logging in again just seems to hang the system? It happens to me randomly, like maybe 1 in 15 suspends. It is also something specific to 18.04 because I didn't have this problem at all in 17.10.01:22
erik_mI just installed an 18.04 server now I want to bind the up and down arrows to bash history. 1) Says 'bind: Not Found' 2) apt install bind returns 'Package 'bind' has no installation candidate'. Any Ideas?01:22
leftyfberik_m: by default, in ubuntu, if you're in a terminal and you press the up or down error, it will show you the commands from your history01:23
leftyfberik_m: there's no need to bind anything01:23
ubuntunooboerheks: nope01:24
erik_m@leftyb: That is what I though but I am getting scan codes when pressing up or down. Maybe it is an ssh thing01:24
leftyfberik_m: shouldn't be01:25
leftyfberik_m: what version of ubuntu are you ssh'ing into and what type/version OS are you ssh'ing from and with what client?01:25
xamithanAre you sure your ctrl or alt keys or something aren't stuck down?01:25
ubuntunoobxamithan: if that was for me, yes, I am positive no other keys were pressed. I even had a keypress monitoring tool running in terminal01:27
erik_m@leftyb I am on an Ubuntu Mate 18.04 (terminal) connecting to Ubuntu Server 18.04 (Hosted/vitual)01:27
leftyfberik_m: hosted how/where?01:27
erik_m@xamithan Yes no other keys a locked/pressed01:28
erik_m@leftyb Rackspace. They call it 'cloud servers' but is a public Open Stack01:29
tomreynubuntunoob: you may want to try playing with the module options - especially those related to power save: https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new/wiki/rtl8723be-options01:29
leftyfbericus: can you ssh to the same machine you're on to test if it's a problem with your local client01:30
tomreynubuntunoob: i would suggest fwlps=0 swlps=1 for starters01:30
ubuntunoobtomreyn: disabled power save, tried rtlfinger from github01:30
tomreynubuntunoob: all three forms of power save then?01:31
ubuntunoobtomreyn: i disabled power management for the card, if that's what you mean01:31
tomreynubuntunoob: fwlps swlps and ips are the power save related module options01:32
ubuntunoobtomreyn: i'll go try that now... I'll ping you here with the results01:33
tomreyna german language forum i was just looking at suggests to use swenc=1 fwlps=0 ips=0 ant_sel=101:33
erik_m@leftyfb no issue when ssh to local or other 18.04 server on lan01:34
erik_m@leftyfb I think I found something but I will need to test later. I was following this guide https://plusbryan.com/my-first-5-minutes-on-a-server-or-essential-security-for-linux-servers and is calls for useradd instead of adduser. Think that the account that I added is an empty "shell"01:41
xamithanJust usermod and fix it01:42
ubuntunoobtomreyn: could you please repeat your command?01:43
tomreyn<tomreyn> ubuntunoob: i would suggest fwlps=0 swlps=1 for starters01:43
tomreyn<tomreyn> a german language forum i was just looking at suggests to use swenc=1 fwlps=0 ips=0 ant_sel=101:43
gasullWhere can I find an Ubuntu installation ISO image for a non-graphical installation?01:44
ubuntunoobtomreyn: thank you. One second while I try!01:44
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Bashing-om!minimal | gasull01:44
ubottugasull: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:44
tomreynthe latter seems to combine disabling power save with the ant_sel bluetooth co-existence workaround for better performance.01:45
tomreynubuntunoob: ^01:45
tomreyngasull: one of the server images will also work, you just need to install the "ubuntu-desktop" package afterwards.01:45
tomreynyou should ideally have an ethernet connection for this, though01:46
ubuntunoobtomreyn: is there any way I can make sure the options are in effect currently?01:56
=== Tin^man is now known as Tin_man
hfpIs there a version of top that shows the ARC (ZFS) summary on Linux like on FreeBSD?01:57
ubuntunoobtomreyn: nope, did not work. WiFi still hard blocked after resume from suspend01:57
tomreynubuntunoob: systool -v -m rtl8723be01:57
tomreynubuntunoob: that's to answer your question. a pity it would not work. return the computer if you can, or replace the wireless chipset / modem / card01:58
ubuntunoobtomreyn: rebooting to get WiFi back. And I've seen issues with other cards that Hp support. Apparently, I can't use any other WiFi card because of some FCC thing02:00
tomreynubuntunoob: you might need a patched bios for this, right. hp blacklists hardware ids in bios on some models.02:01
ubuntunoobYeah. Any way I can get WiFi working?02:02
tomreynwell you have it working, until you suspend. so dont suspend, i guess02:03
ubuntunoobtomreyn: Is this a driver or firmware issue? :(02:03
tomreynthis is a chipset maker doesn't support linux, and buyer didnt check the hardware before they bought issue02:03
ubuntunoobtomreyn: oh damn. I mean I've had this laptop for long, v want to learn Linux.02:05
ubuntunoobSo there's no solution at all?02:05
oerheksmake it not sleep/hybernate02:05
ubuntunooboerheks: but it's a laptop :/ I keep moving around and all... Helps battery life.02:06
xamithanShut it down when you aren't using it ?02:06
xamithanIssues like that is why no one buys HP for linux02:07
oerheksreplace it with an intel minipci card02:07
tomreynwell thiunkspads can work fine02:07
tomreynubuntunoob: alternatively sell it, buy a different pre-owned one at the same price.02:08
ubuntunoobxamitham: hmmm.. okay. I got it 2 years back, undergraduate peep... Got interested in Linux, so disk boots... Didn't expect this :/02:08
xamithanCould always just run windows and use VMs02:09
ubuntunooboerheks: how does not have it on their bios hardware, last I checked02:09
ubuntunoobxamithan: true, but the performance was quite bad. Hence dual boot02:10
xamithanIts got an i7 and 8gb ram and has bad performance on VMs?  Maybe you didn't configure them right02:11
ubuntunoobxamithan: I did. 2 processors, 4gb ram allocation, enabled virtualization etc... But that's not the issue. I was wondering if I could get help on the WiFi card hopefully :)02:12
bapaubuntunoob: What kind of performance? Graphics, disk, etc. ?02:12
bapaI heard people say enabling Host I/O cache improved performance a LOT for them in their VM software. I personally turn it off because I don't want to risk VM disc corruption, but there's that to consider.02:13
ubuntunoobbapa: fairly un-responsive. Takes time for... Tasks02:13
xamithanI don't think anyone can help ya beyond whats already been said =(,  realtek|ralink are known to have terrible performance and issues02:13
bapaAlso might want to make sure you give your VM all 4 cores.02:13
bapaWHat OS do you have in the VM?02:14
ubuntunoobxamithan: damn... That's sad...02:15
ubuntunoobbapa: I sure appreciate your help regarding that, but currently I'm interested in getting Ubuntu WiFi working in dual boot configuration. To answer that, host: windows 10, guest, Ubuntu 18.0402:16
bapaStupid question, but the VM .vmdk file isn't fragmented, right?02:17
ubuntunoobNope :)02:17
bapafor my own curiosity though, are you using VMware of Hyper-V?02:17
bapaPlease tell me Hyper-V.02:18
ubuntunoobVirtual box02:18
bapaHave you verified VT-x is enabled? And/or checked the BIOS (of your host computer) to make sure it's on?02:18
ubuntunoobYeah, yeah02:18
xamithanvirtualbox is like the slowest thing ever02:18
xamithaneven with guest tools installed02:18
bapahave you checked if the Ubuntu VM *knows* it's being virtualized? (Then again, it's Ubuntu... should work automagically.)02:19
bapaBtw, sorry for all this noob-tier "advice". I know it's frustrating mang.02:19
ubuntunoobThanks for your help guys! I'll look into buying the Intel mini pcie card, hopefully, that'll work!02:20
tomreynswitch to a different desktop on 18.04 VMs, it'll be a lot faster02:20
ubuntunoobbapa: it's okay! Yep. Ubuntu knows it's virtualized02:20
tomreyngood luck02:20
ubuntunoobThank you! Have a good day you all!02:21
tomreynthanks, you, too02:22
=== Xcytre2 is now known as Xcytre
FurretUberIs there a way to check a connection as metered? I'm using Xubuntu 18.0402:39
xamithanDon't think so.  All that'd do is disable updates which you can do manually02:50
tomreynFurretUber: there is the "restrict background data usage" option02:50
algidanyone know how i can get Terminator to open in a secondary display instead of the primary one?02:57
tomreynFurretUber: https://i.imgur.com/d63tl4p.png02:58
FurretUbertomreyn: This is for Ubuntu, but I'm using Xubuntu03:00
tomreynhmm right, it doesn't seem like nm-connection-editor offers this option03:02
louiemathello all !03:23
louiematcan I be seen?03:23
Bashing-omlouiemat: Yes.03:25
guest-rdz9dihello everyone03:25
guest-rdz9dihow are you03:25
louiematthank you03:27
=== Nicmavr is now known as Guest73109
tomreynFurretUber: so you want "metered=1" in the [connection] section of the interface profile in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/03:46
tomreynthis survives edits with nm-connection-editor as long as the profile isnt removed03:49
tomreynor use nmcli https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/364927/networkmanager-set-current-connection-of-device-as-metered03:51
algidanyone know how i can get Terminator to open in a secondary display instead of the primary one?04:27
Broken-displayOh I wanna hurt this computer so bad04:38
Broken-displayThis will be my third time time trying to type this04:38
Broken-displayI have a laptop running xubuntu 18.0404:39
Broken-displayThe built in display is shot04:39
Broken-displayexternal monitor connected04:39
Broken-displayextended instead of mirror04:39
Broken-displayDisplay settings dumps on broken display every time instead of on monitor whelly freaking use itre I can actua04:40
Broken-displayoh man, why can't anyone in the linux community program any form of palm rejection04:40
Broken-displayOk trying yet again04:41
Broken-displayDisplay settings dumps on broken display every time instead of on monitor where I can actually use it04:41
Broken-displaycan ANYONE tell me how I can modify my display settings from terminal or otherwise get the system settings on the working monitor?04:42
lotuspsychje!info arandr | Broken-display04:45
ubottuBroken-display: arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.9-2 (bionic), package size 50 kB, installed size 309 kB04:45
Broken-displayyeah looking into xrandr no04:47
AdamMacbookHello, this is a question about elementary os, is that supported in this channel?04:57
AdamMacbookI think it's an ubuntu derivitive :/04:57
lotuspsychjeAdamMacbook: no, we only support vanilla ubuntu & flavors mate04:57
AdamMacbookunderstandable, disregard then :)04:58
lotuspsychjeAdamMacbook: if you install a version from topic, we can help you :p04:58
* AdamMacbook looks at topic04:58
lotuspsychjeAdamMacbook: this channel is 24/7 and very active community04:58
AdamMacbooktopic doesn't state what the official flavors are :/04:59
lotuspsychjeAdamMacbook: you 'could' install an LTS and make it look like elementary?04:59
lotuspsychje!flavors | AdamMacbook04:59
ubottuAdamMacbook: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours04:59
oerheksAdamMacbook, it does.04:59
AdamMacbooksorry :)04:59
AdamMacbookI'm about to try like kubuntu on this macbook, elementary isn't digging it much. Mouse stopped working, it won't reboot, etc05:00
AdamMacbookafter installing some light updates05:00
AdamMacbookPerhaps ubuntu supports these old plastic core2duo macbooks better ^_^05:01
oerhekssure, go find out.05:02
AdamMacbookI picked up a 5 pack of these things for like 288 bucks off auction and I'll be damned if I use them on osx ^_^05:02
lotuspsychjeAdamMacbook: ubuntu transforms every computer into something magic05:03
AdamMacbookI use ubuntu server at work, and elementary on my thinkpad, and kubuntu on my asus gaming laptop05:04
AdamMacbookonly use windows on the massive gaming rig05:04
lotuspsychje!discuss | AdamMacbook05:05
ubottuAdamMacbook: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!05:05
=== kenden is now known as Guest33686
__Myst__Hi, for some reason Ubuntu 16.04 isn't reading my SD card slot?06:16
__Myst__I'm on a MacBook Pro (late-2011) and I can confirm the SD card slot actually works due to the fact that in macOS I have no issue transfering files in and out of ther06:17
ubNewguys I am not able to see the enable wireless network option in the top right corner06:19
ubNewany help?06:20
ubNewI just now restarted the network manager but still I am unable to see the option over there06:20
ubNewit showed up previously06:20
ubNewbut not now06:20
oerheksmyst that could well be correct, see the mac pages06:25
__Myst__oerheks: what do you mean?06:25
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages06:25
oerheksi remember some model, with that issue06:25
oerhekspro 8,106:26
__Myst__that's exactly my model06:27
__Myst__oerheks: there oesn't seem to be any page for the 8,1?06:27
oerhekssearch for ubuntu + mac 8,1 + sdcardreader, tons of posts06:28
oerheksno fix, as that cardreader is integrated in the wireless, that does not work properly too06:29
oerhekswireless or ethernet.06:30
__Myst__wireless works pretty properly?06:31
__Myst__oerheks: so basically i'm going to have to install propietary drivers if i want this to work or does it just straight up not work at all?06:36
oerheksagain: no.06:36
oerheksyou could have found 10 pages with your problem, linux wide, not just ubuntu06:37
__Myst__oerheks: i've been googling around a bit, and my lack of a solution led me here06:38
oerheksthere *is* no solution :-(06:38
oerheksbuy a cheap usb cardreader06:38
__Myst__oerheks: how come there's *no* solution though? if the network card also controls the sd card reader, wouldn't the drivers for the network card allow you to use the sd card? how come that doens't work?06:39
__Myst__also, i have a usb micro-sd card reader thankfully, but my 3ds uses a "full sized" sd card06:40
__Myst__it gets  a bit annoying for homebrew06:40
oerheksreverse engineering didn't work, and apple does not coop.06:40
__Myst__that's sad06:40
__Myst__tangently related but what's the best laptop, driver-support wise?06:41
tiggster79Check out System7606:41
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:41
LagairI'm trying to change the hostname on a system. I edit the /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, reboot, and everything is back to where it was.06:41
oerheksthat page has a laptop section, generally HP, Asus, Lenovo ( but some wireless are trash)06:42
__Myst__I'm kinda scared of Lenovo tbh06:43
oerheksLagair,  make sure the names match, not even a space behind it06:44
Lagairoerheks: But what would cause the files to revert upon reboot. That's just odd.06:45
oerheksdid you edit with sudo?06:45
LagairYep, sudo -i, then edit the files.06:46
oerheksThen i have no clue06:46
oerheksno special step after that..06:47
LagairAnd again, it resets /etc/hostname06:47
oerheksis this ubuntu server 18.04?06:48
oerheksthat has a new instance etc/cloud/cloud.cfg06:48
oerheksyou need ot set "preserve_hostname: false TO: preserve_hostname: true" https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-change-hostname-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux06:49
oerheksand *then* the hostname will stay, static06:49
oerhekssudo hostnamectl set-hostname <markshuttleworthiscute>   # should work too, systemD06:50
LagairWhere can I find more info on this cloud crap. Seems like they are making things more awkward than necessary.06:50
oerheksserver manual perhaps? https://help.ubuntu.com/06:51
oerheksoh, and check out netplan06:52
oerhekshttps://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/12/01/ubuntu-bionic-netplan -- https://netplan.io/06:52
LagairYeah, I saw that when I was trying to set a static IP. Again, making things more complicated than needed.06:53
snaphelpAnyone here know of a good web panel for LXC?06:59
kubast2_So I tried ubuntu 18.04 iso07:15
kubast2_Ah wrong channl lel07:15
kubast2_nouveau in the iso doesn't render gnome fully in try it out mode07:16
kubast2_Yeh same goes for install mode07:16
FightingFalconWhich is better > ubuntu or debian?07:20
lotuspsychjeFightingFalcon: we dont take polls here, only ubuntu support07:23
lotuspsychjekubast2_: systems specs? graphics card chipset?07:23
kubast2_GT 910 arch linux kernel worked fine(4.17) i5-3470 8GB of ram ; there is only this sorta texture background and mpuse rendering for try it live it stops rendering half way through an effect the mouse also got some line in the middle of it in try it out mode p8h61-m lx3 r2.0 vga and hdmi connected lotuspychje07:26
kubast2_Half way through desktop login effect*07:27
lotuspsychjekubast2_: nvidia driver version?07:29
kubast2_It's the install iso idk07:29
lotuspsychjekubast2_: have you tryed 390?07:29
kubast2_Ttys are disabled07:29
kubast2_Stabs lotus07:29
lotuspsychjekubast2_: ubuntu-drivers list to see07:29
kubast2_how it's an install media and ttys are disabled07:30
kubast2_Unless there is some new shortcut for going to tty ,the install medium have a disabled text/console07:31
lotuspsychjekubast2_: have you tryed !nomodeset?07:31
kubast2_nope but I just booted up arch it's gonna be my test unit anyway07:31
lotuspsychje!tty | kubast2_07:32
ubottukubast2_: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution07:32
kubast2_It would break on ubuntu and on arch07:32
kubast2_doesn't work on install medium07:32
lotuspsychjewe only support ubuntu here kubast2_ not arch07:32
kubast2_If ctrl+alt+FX worked I probablly wouldn't be here07:32
kubast2_but yeh regardless I allready flashed the usb with arch ,gonna install it and get compiling07:33
=== CChaplin1 is now known as CChaplin
=== Richard is now known as Guest38807
bipulWhen we upgrade the system, then how could we remove the orphan packages and unwanted packages which are no more use?08:10
=== | is now known as Guest59248
oerheksif you run update, apt would tell that there are packages to be removed, else apt clean/autoremove08:12
bapaAnyone here know how well 2016 LTS runs with an Nvidia 560 Ti, under either Nouveau or proprietaries?08:13
bipulokay thank you oerheks08:13
MrM1stHi all08:16
MrM1stI'm having problems with wayland. Seems mouse clicks stops registering08:18
MrM1stguilain: hi08:18
MrM1stAnyone else having problems with wayland and mouse clicks?08:19
guilainmy touch pad's physical key does't work08:20
MrM1stEverything starts out fine here. But suddenly the mouse button just stops responding after a while. And I know it's not a HW-problem. Logging out and changing to "gnome on Xorg" fixes everything...08:23
guilainbut my ubuntu is ok ,when i use elementary os based ubuntu ,you can move but you can not click,08:25
MrM1stguilain: Does it use wayland or xorg?08:25
guilainif u restart xorg ,it's work08:25
guilainps -t tty708:25
guilainkill it ,it's work08:26
luke_66anyone here08:26
MrM1stSeems like the same problem. I bet you're using wayland as well08:26
MrM1sthi luke08:26
MrM1stHeading out for lunch... bbl.. I'm having problems with mouse clicks using wayland08:27
guilaini don't know08:27
guilainit's ubuntu's driver08:28
luke_66I'm using ubuntu 18.04 with gnome 3.28. I decided few days ago to install unity as a fallback desktop envirnment (just in case). Unfortunately today I did a reboot and the choice of desktop enviroment at the login screen disappeared, so I can only use unity08:28
bapaMrM1st: Opposite for me... Gnome apps -- namely the "Videos"/Totem app -- break under X.08:28
bapaBut if I use Wayland, then Chromium breaks...08:28
luke_66can someone provide help about that?08:28
mar77ihmm, I have this automated installation script, and I'm passing --option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew to apt-get already, but the script still insists about "What would you like to do about menu.lst?" -- is there a way to pass the answer to that as well?08:51
mar77iI don't really have a stdin in this case.08:51
matmal01My XTerm configuration options (Application Cursor Keys and Application Keypad settings on the Ctrl-MiddleClick menu) change when ssh'ing into and logging off from any machine, does anyone know of any reason this might happen?08:54
=== anders is now known as Guest35909
Marvelchu: You diddn't ban me08:59
melissa666Marvel, don't gloat09:00
MarvelI think... I misunderstand09:00
Marvelyou misunderstand*09:00
Marvelmelissa666: I will support anyone who is in need, that is my character trait09:02
melissa666Marvel, me too. sometimes I prey on them though09:02
Marvelmelissa666: Anyone who stands in my way, I don't give a shit09:02
melissa666times of need is when people are easiest prey09:02
melissa666i will be rich one day. i will prey on billions.09:03
melissa666for now, I prey mostly on the helpless09:03
MarvelI am harsh, the reason I am harsh, the faster they can give details the faster I can tell I can help or not09:04
melissa666Marvel, you're a big softy. i know this, because you're in here telling everyone you're harsh. harsh people never say that about themselves. they project onto other people, and claim to be nice09:05
MarvelI've been on Freenode, for roughly 8 years09:05
MarvelSo, I've seen how Freenode being asshole community and change into what it is now09:06
melissa666Marvel, Freenode doesn't fuck with trifling softys. We need predators here.09:06
Marvelmquin knows who I am09:06
melissa666Marvel, Maybe, but nobody knows who the fuck mquin is, so who cares?09:07
Marvelmelissa666: /whois mquin09:07
melissa666Marvel, /whois Marvel09:08
MarvelNobody knows who the fuck mequin is09:09
Marvel/whois mquin09:09
Marvel05:12 -!- mquin [~mike@freenode/staff/mquin09:12
MarvelMrM1st: You need help with something?09:16
MrM1stI'm having problems with wayland. Mouse clicks suddenly stops working. Using X11 instead, it doesn't happen09:18
newbuntuGuys I am unable to see the enable wifi option on ubuntu 16.04 machine09:18
MarvelBecause 16.04, that's probably old by now09:21
MarvelHowever, newbuntu has it ever worked?09:22
=== Marvel is now known as Bigzie
newbuntuMarvel:  yes it worked previously09:23
newbuntuBigzie: ^^09:23
BigzieWhen it stopped working09:24
newbuntua couple of days.. I donno what made it to stop working09:24
BigzieDid you run updates09:24
newbuntuhmm yeah I do run updates whenever they pop up09:25
BigzieNo, did you run updates between the time it worked and last worked?09:25
Bigzielast not worked sorry09:26
newbuntuI am not sure Bigzie09:26
BigzieIf you didn't do any software update between when it worked and now09:26
newbuntuBigzie: in case if you need this to respond https://kopy.io/HKpoJ09:27
BigzieYou might have to consider hardware failure although you did say that is working under X1109:28
melissa666newbuntu, check rfkill09:28
BigzieFor one, I was going to ignore helping you because Wayland is not flush out09:28
newbuntuI will get back09:29
MrM1stBigzie: were you writing to newbuntu or me? I'm also having problems with wayland09:30
MrM1stalthough not quite sure WHERE in the stack the problem is, as I haven't been able to isolate the behaviour09:31
BigzieHe left09:31
BigzieWhat's your problem?09:31
MrM1stMouse buttons suddenly stops working after a while09:32
MrM1stEverything seems fine, using alt+tab, alt+f4 to close stuff. However it seems to only happen when using wayland09:32
=== Richard is now known as Guest31042
newbuntuGuys I just restarted the system but still I am unable to get the wifi option09:34
Bigzie05:18 < newbuntu> Guys I am unable to see the enable wifi option on ubuntu 16.04 machine09:36
MrM1stAnother topic completely: gnome-terminal doesn't work right together with the gTile gnome3 extension.09:37
BigzieMrM1st: I think you should tell the development team your experience09:38
BigzieMrM1st: I am not sure this best spot to find out if other people experience the same problem as yours09:38
BigzieNow, if you can actually video record the problem that you having, that would move things along much faster09:39
MrM1stBigzie: You're right. The gnome-terminal thing might be a bit off-topic :P However I wanted to throw it out there09:39
MrM1stBigzie: Video-record that mouse clicks suddenly stops working? The clicks won't show on a video..09:40
BigzieI got confused09:40
BigzieI was trying to respond to one thing09:40
BigzieI see why you asked me09:40
BigzieMrM1st: First, address the author of the program09:41
BigzieBefore you address wayland09:41
BigzieIt's likely the Author knows about it09:42
MrM1stBigzie: I'm trying the wayland channel instead then.09:44
BigzieMrM1st: All programs don't respond to key presses?09:44
BigzieMrM1st: Because I am pretty sure, one security issue that Wayland was trying to save, is that with X11, every software see key presses09:45
BigzieMrM1st: Before you go there and complain, all software?09:46
=== bildramer1 is now known as bildramer
MrM1stBigzie: Yep. Everywhere09:48
BigzieMrM1st: Then, what GPU you have?09:50
yusimplei have a question09:51
yusimplecan you help me09:51
yusimplei need help09:51
user031677 user wating for your question09:51
yusimplei can't find the update in software desktop09:52
sky_why ? how do you do this ?09:53
MrM1stBigzie: There's no GPU here. Only the one in the i7 CPU09:53
yusimplei have install youtube-dl09:53
yusimplei can't find software in system-setting09:54
yusimplewhat i use is ubuntu 1604 desktop09:54
yusimplewhich leads to i can't change source09:55
yusimplecan anybody help me09:55
yusimplecan you help me09:56
qwebirc49865Hi there09:57
qwebirc49865Need some help with driver issues please09:57
yusimplecan you help me with the problem09:57
BigzieMrM1st: So you have intergrated Intel GPU that's built into the CPU09:57
qwebirc49865Just bought a ASUS ROG GX501, but the the Fn keys don't work and the WiFi doesn't work.09:58
qwebirc49865Also the touchpad09:58
BigzieMrM1st: lspci10:00
qwebirc49865Help please10:02
MrM1stBigzie: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 620 (rev 02)10:04
BigzieMrM1st: Now you know10:05
stevenm_hey I think my system supports hibernating - but when I turn the system back on again i just get the normal grub bootup menu for a normal startup - ignoring presumably what is stored in swap10:06
stevenm_is there an extra step i'm missing?10:06
Bigziestevenm_: You not dual booting10:06
stevenm_Bigzie, ?10:07
BigzieYou are not dual booting?10:07
stevenm_it does dual boot yes10:07
BigzieThat's the problem10:08
stevenm_and it is the problem, because...10:08
BigzieHowever, with hibernation, just boot as usuage10:08
BigzieIt won't boot automatically like you expect10:08
stevenm_no i'm not complaining about the grub menu10:09
stevenm_i'm saying it doesn't do the resume after picking ubuntu (or letting it time out and itself picking ubuntu)10:09
BigzieWell, the default Kernel command as resume tag10:09
BigzieShould be the default10:10
BigzieThis, take from a grain of salt.. The kernel needs to see where stored image10:10
stevenm_well i've read GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT needs to be altered to have a resume= added10:10
BigzieWhat Ubuntu version on you on?10:10
stevenm_i've already had to trade the default swapfile for a swap partition to get this far10:11
stevenm_what are the odds this even work if your using encrypted ext4?10:11
* stevenm_ reads http://blog.pixelastic.com/2017/10/22/hibernating-ubuntu-16-04/10:13
stevenm_this guy seems to have gone through the same steps :)10:14
Bigziestevenm_: I am not expert on Ubuntu10:15
BigzieBut that shit should be easy for you10:15
BigzieSo I will concede because, unless it's a laptop, which I don't, nor a reason to investigate10:16
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stevenm_ok forget all the above - i'm re-installing to see if I can get this straight first time around...10:42
stevenm_if I *want* a swap partition (I want it as I've read a swapfile isn't compatible with hibernation)... but I also *want* encryption... then on the advanced partitioning screen do i make two "physical volume for encryption" entities both with the same password?10:42
stevenm_as well as an ext2 /boot10:43
stevenm_or perhaps is this only possible with luks + lvm  -  which i think is how i've seen it done before10:45
stevenm_because if LVM is the answer then the advanced partitioning screen doesn't even give you options to make lvm physical volumes10:49
BluesKajHi folks10:50
EriC^^stevenm_: the ubuntu installer isn't very encryption customizable10:51
EriC^^if it's just that you dont want a swap file, im doubtful it causes hibernation issues, must have been something else10:51
stevenm_been doing research into it... apparently it does10:52
stevenm_i had a swapfile the first time - on a normal install... wouldn't hibernate until i changed to a partition10:52
Triffid_Hunterstevenm_: yeah the kernel wants a contiguous section of a block device with direct access for swap/hibernate, found that out the hard way trying to make swapfiles on btrfs.. have to run it through loop because btrfs uses cow so it's not contiguous on disk10:53
stevenm_right so i can't use the normal 'wizard' like options as that'd erase other partition10:54
stevenm_the install alongside option wont do encryption10:54
stevenm_so i'm stuck with the advanced mode that can't handle lvm10:54
stevenm_if lvm is even the answer... can't i just have a crypt ext4 and a crypt swap?10:55
stevenm_but that'd mean two passwords i guess10:55
Triffid_Hunterstevenm_: I haven't bothered with lvm since btrfs was able to do most of that stuff at the filesystem level rather than block level10:57
stevenm_this is as a result of mega over simplification i think11:09
stevenm_i want to keep my other partitions, i want encryption, i want (for hibernation) a swap partition... and it just isn't possible using the UI11:09
stevenm_since i believe that needs lvm and it won't do it11:09
stevenm_so i'm left wondering if ubuntu desktop still has the old alternate text installer?11:10
stevenm_because i know that has lvm support in it11:10
stevenm_it's like i've fallen into a use case no one has thought about11:10
stevenm_and i don't even like swap partitions11:11
stevenm_i purposefully haven't been making them in ubuntu for yeeeaaars and now i want hibernation.... i kinda need one ?  eugh11:11
ppfstevenm_: you can resize an existing partition11:16
stevenm_ppf, not sure how that comes into this11:17
ppfyou need space, do you not?11:17
ppfwhat's it you want to do?11:17
ppfadd a swap partition to your system?11:17
stevenm_it's all above11:18
ppfit's wall of text11:18
ppfsummarize please11:18
stevenm_it's difficult to summarise there are many factors11:18
someone235Hi, I installed cuda from here: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&target_distro=Ubuntu&target_version=1710&target_type=deblocal11:18
someone235and followed the instructions11:18
ppfdo you want to add swap to a running system? do you want a new system?11:19
someone235but I can't find the cuda binary11:19
stevenm_ppf, this is a new system11:19
ppfsomeone235: 'binary'?11:19
ppfsomeone235: what specifically are you looking for11:19
someone235ppf, where cuda is installed11:19
ppfstevenm_: the installer let's you partition the disk, including swap11:19
stevenm_ppf, so?11:20
someone235ppf, I know that it's usually in /usr/loca/cuda, but I can't find it there11:20
ppfsomeone235: which instructions did you follow11:20
stevenm_ppf, what it does not allow is for the possibility of someone who a) wants to keep 4 existing partitions (windows and all its recovery crud)... but also b) wants encryption but also c) wants a swap partition as thats the only way to get hibernation to work11:20
stevenm_it's a combination of things11:20
someone235ppf, ubuntu 17.10 deb (local)11:21
stevenm_the only way i've seen encrypted swap work is if it is an lvm lv along with the root lv in a pv that is on top of luks11:21
ppfstevenm_: these are somewhat orthogonal requirements11:21
ppfah so you want encrypted swap11:21
Tin_manstevenm_, you'd be better off just adding a seperate HDD, or SDD and keep everything seperate..11:22
stevenm_and the advanced partitioning screen doesn't allow for lvm - despite the easy setup screen does do lvm if you pick encryption11:22
ppfstevenm_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnableHibernateWithEncryptedSwap11:22
stevenm_ppf, that link helps how?  because i've already been reading it11:22
ppfon top of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostInstallationEncryption11:22
stevenm_that 2nd link isn't even the same encryption11:23
someone235ppf, do you have any experience with cuda?11:24
Bigziesomeone235: Was it a Zip program?11:24
ppfsomeone235: dpkg -L cuda-cudart-9-211:26
ppfassuming 9-2 is the version11:26
ppfdpkg -L cuda-cudart-<tab> to be sure11:26
=== wanda is now known as wanda_
someone235ppf, I did sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1710-9-2-local_9.2.88-1_amd64.deb11:31
ppfsomeone235: and not the other three steps?11:34
someone235ppf, I did them all11:35
ppfdpkg -L cuda-cudart-<tab>11:35
tobraWhat happened to pdfjam in Ubuntu 17.101? 'Unable to locate package pdfjam'12:00
ppfapparently it got removed12:02
tobracan I still install it easily?12:03
ppfhave to install it manually12:04
tobraI guess it’s included in 'texlive-extra-utils'12:04
ioriatobra, yes, https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/all/texlive-extra-utils/filelist12:05
BluesKajdoes pdfjam have a reader or is it an editor ?12:08
tobraI use it as a command line utility to process pdf's12:08
tobralike converting double sided scans to a single page document.12:09
tobraHere’s a little script that becomes a one-liner with pdfjam: https://gist.github.com/antlypls/84709512:10
ludaNeed some help with my ubuntu12:11
ludaThere's a problem with my xorg12:11
ludaAnd the display isn't working12:12
ioria!details | luda12:12
ubottuluda: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.12:12
BluesKajI'm using foxitreader because okular won't work on some government pdf docs , foxit appears in the context menu to open music files. Why is beyond me.12:14
luda_ubottu: The xorg log file said that the Greeter display manager didn't start, screens found but none with valid config12:15
luda_ubottu: Only ssh access availabel to the system, no internet on the system12:15
iorialuda, ubuntu version and Desktop in use ?12:15
=== Richard is now known as Guest93751
ludaXorg.failsafe.log file had the fiollowing12:22
luda[    38.758] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to assign any connected display devices to X screen 0.  [    38.758] (EE) NVIDIA(0):     Set AllowEmptyInitialConfiguration if you want the server [    38.758] (EE) NVIDIA(0):     to start anyway [    38.758] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failing initialization of X screen 0 [    38.825] (II) UnloadModule: "nvidia" [    38.825] (II) UnloadSubModule: "wfb" [    38.825] (II) UnloadSubModule: "fb" [    38.825] (EE) Sc12:22
ludaI got disconnected from this channel earlier, and the probem was that my display isn't working. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with Nvidia 1080*412:24
ludaDon't have internet connection on it, but I can ssh into it12:24
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iorialuda, we might need to reinstall nvidia drivers, so you need an active connection12:28
Sven_vBI'm trying to install bionic-desktop-amd64 onto my USB thunb drive with Unetbootin as I used to do with previous Ubuntus, but now it says my target partition (2 GB ext4) was out of space, althought the ISO is just 1.8 GB. do I really have to rearrange my thumb drive partitions?12:31
Sven_vBtarget should have been empty, since I freshly created the ext4.12:32
dziaduhi, I have python 3.4 and python 3.5, wher running python3 the 3.4 is executed, how to change to 3.5? is there any other way than using alias? I wan't to make it system wide? update-alternatives --config python3 doesn't work, I don't see any selection for python there12:34
initrmhi there. i've got xubuntu 16.04.4 installed on my SSDs (so the standard installation i normally boot from). it's been (booting and) running fine like this for a while. however, booting this system today failed, it got stuck loading the initramfs. i tried the other kernels installed, but the effect was identical - stuck during initrd load. i have now booted from a xubuntu 16.04 installer live usb,a nd inspected the12:37
initrminitrd, and see it contains nothing but kernel/x86/microcode/12:37
initrmkernel/x86/microcode/AuthenticAMD.bin actually12:37
initrmso i guess the amd64-microcode package seems to have caused this.12:38
initrmi've just run mkinitrd -c -k all from the chrooted 'default' system now, and it creates the same broken initrd's again12:38
dziaduok, I found it12:38
initrmhow should i proceed?12:39
ogra_mkinitrd ? thats definitely not a valid ubuntu thing12:39
ogra_ubuntu initrd's need to be built by update-initramfs12:39
Sven_vBseems to be a problem with my ext4. the numbers in df don't add up.12:39
initrmogra_,  whoops, i mixed those up, /usr/sbin/update-initramfs is what i ran12:40
ogra_good ...12:40
initrmbut this doesn't fix the situation ;)12:41
ogra_the initrd ships *a lot* more than just the microcode (on x86 thats typically tens of megabytes of compressed scripts and drivers)12:41
initrmwell, it should, yes12:41
initrmjust this one doesnt12:41
initrmwhich will be why i'm stuck at boot12:41
ogra_well, if you generate an initrd all the virtual filesystems (/dev, /proc, /sys) needs to be mounted ... if you do it insode a chroot, make sure they are mounted *inside* that chroot too12:43
initrmogra_, how would you inspect the contents of an initrd? i used mkdir /tmp/initrd; cd /tmp/initrd; cpio -i </boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-24-generic12:43
initrmthey are12:43
ogra_to unpack an initrd you will also need to decompress it12:43
initrmonly if its compressed, this one isnt12:44
ogra_how did you get it to that state ? comoression is a default12:44
ogra_did you tinker with the system defaults ?12:44
initrmare you sure? since i didnt change this default12:44
initrmi dot think i tinkered with system defaults, no. it was a fresh installation based on 16.04.212:45
initrmi installed using the classic server installer12:45
ogra_$ grep COMPRESS /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf12:45
ogra_# COMPRESS: [ gzip | bzip2 | lzma | lzop | xz ]12:45
ogra_yes, i'm sure12:46
BigzieI am reading12:46
initrmhmm, i have the same line there12:46
BigziePlease next time post a link12:46
ogra_then you should have a gzipped initrd12:46
initrmogra_, okay, but then "cpio -i </boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-24-generic" would have failed, right?12:46
ogra_yes, it should have complained12:47
initrmbut it didnt12:47
Bigzieinitrm: intrd is compression12:47
leftyfbinitrm: "based on 16.04"? Was it 16.04 or was it 16.04 that someone customized?12:47
initrmit extracted this one file fine12:47
Bigzieinitrm: You just need to extract that to see the files12:47
initrmso my guess is that whatever the microcode package adds to the instructions on how to generate the initrd just overwrites everything else12:48
BigzieThat's not in initd12:49
BigzieThat's vmlinux12:49
initrmBigzie, hmm, well it is in mine12:49
initrmfor early microcode loading, i assume it has to be in initrd?12:49
leftyfbinitrm: can you nswer my question above?12:50
MustachesGreetings all! Is this the proper channel to ask for help when we can't fix our own system problems?12:50
geirhafile /boot/initrd.img*  shows only ASCII cpio archives. So apparently update-initramfs doesn't bother compressing them12:50
leftyfb!ask | Mustaches12:50
ubottuMustaches: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:50
initrmleftyfb, whoops, missed yours. i used the standard xubuntu amd64 server installer, 16.04.2 point release12:50
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:51
initrm# cat /var/log/installer/media-info ;echo12:51
initrmUbuntu-Server 16.04.2 LTS "Xenial Xerus" - Release amd64 (20170215.8)12:51
leftyfbinitrm: when did you install this? 16.04.2 was released last year. We're up to 16.04.4 now12:52
initrmgeirha, thanks for checking. so apparently compressing doesn't work.12:52
initrmleftyfb, i guess i installed around summer last year12:52
Bigzieinitrm: I am here to help12:52
w4|k3rI just installed bionic on one of my machines and ma facing certain issues with setting up custom key shortcuts. I am using amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%+ to increase the volume. This works fine in the terminal, but not from the keyboard shortcuts.12:52
BigzieI am going to offer whatever expertize I have12:52
leftyfbinitrm: also, xubuntu doesn't have a server installer.12:52
initrmleftyfb, it's been woprking fine. probably until the amd64-microcode update12:52
initrmBigzie, thanks12:53
Bigzieinitrm: What did you do that end up there12:53
Bigzieinitrm: Can explain the steps you made to end what you in right now12:53
MustachesOk, thanks! I have no sound on a clean ubuntu Mate 18.04 install. I've tried the solution with pavucontrol, messing with alsamixer, installing third party drivers, and installing another DE. Nothing seems to help fix the problem.12:54
sa_Is there anyway to know library files (.so shared object) is part of which ubuntu package?12:55
BigzieMustaches: What steps have you did to end to where you are now12:55
initrmi only installed updates, and did "update-initramfs -u -k all" once12:55
zetheroohow can I tell what DE a user is using (via terminal)?12:55
=== med is now known as medberry
leftyfbinitrm: -25 is the latest kernel. I noticed you are only running -2412:55
JimBuntusa_ : dpkg -S /path/to/file12:56
Bigzieleftyfb: Why did he need to do update-initramfs12:56
BigzieMustaches: It would be great otherwise I can't help you and I am going to move onto someonle who needs more help12:58
MustachesBigzie: I tried to install pavucontrol, messed with all the options there. I installed and ran a driver update from realtech. I force reloaded alsa. I checked alsamixer for muted tracks to ensure that it wasn't just going through the wrong link.12:58
initrmleftyfb, must be my apt mirrors. i did apt update just some minutes ago and didnt get -2512:58
leftyfbinitrm: ah, it's me. I have proposed enabled. Maybe try that?12:58
thebigjI am in this architecture and Ubuntu version https://dpaste.de/dkV1/raw12:59
thebigjThere is one script which is using LVM commands like vgremove12:59
BigzieMustaches: Why did you run driver udpate for Realtek?12:59
thebigjThat shell script failed with an error that the command "vgremove" is not found.13:00
BigzieMustaches: It wasn't working before ?13:00
thebigjWill I have to install any package to use LVM commands?13:00
MustachesBigzie: The sound wasn't working from install.13:00
thebigjPlease let me know if further details are expected.13:00
initrmleftyfb, a good suggestion, but for now i think it's more likely to be related to amd64-microcode. so i'll uninstall it and do "update-initramfs -c -k all" again13:00
BigzieMustaches: lspci13:00
thebigjPlease note I am on aarch64 instance of Scaleway13:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:01
initrmleftyfb, for the record, amd64-microcode 3.20180524.1~ubuntu0.16.04.1 is installed13:01
leftyfbthebigj: lvm2 is the package you need for lvm utils13:01
thebigjleftyfb: Okay. Let me try. Thanks!13:01
leftyfbinitrm: I have 3.20180524.1~ubuntu0.16.04.2 from proposed13:02
Bigzieleftyfb: Does Mustaches need PAVUCOUNTROL13:02
leftyfbinitrm: updated just a couple days ago13:02
MustachesBigzie:        https://pastebin.com/DyHwgUTk13:02
BigzieAudio device: NVIDIA Corporation GF116 High Definition Audio Controller13:03
BigzieIs that HDMI?13:03
initrmleftyfb, i removed it, and it automatically did "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-24-generic". and this is now a compressed initrd13:03
initrm# file /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-24-generic13:03
initrm/boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-24-generic: gzip compressed data, last modified: Fri Jul  6 13:01:02 2018, from Unix13:03
MustachesThat's my graphics card. I don't know why that is showing up on the sound menu.13:04
initrm# file /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-23-generic13:04
initrm/boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-23-generic: ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with no CRC)13:04
BigzieIs this a Laptop?13:04
initrmleftyfb, it only updated this one initrd when i purged the package, so the others are still broken13:05
leftyfbinitrm: to be fair, you only need 1 :)13:05
sa_JimBuntu: Thank you13:05
MustachesNo, its an old tower.13:05
leftyfbmaybe it only updates the one you're running13:05
initrmleftyfb, right, i'll also need to make sure this one is not broken now13:05
initrmleftyfb, i'm sure it only updates the one you're running13:05
BigzieMustaches: Has the sound ever worked?\13:05
thebigjleftyfb: https://dpaste.de/X4X8/raw I am getting this error13:06
thebigjleftyfb: I am not sure why it is coming.13:06
BigzieMustaches: I know say this is the first but I need to know if it ever worked13:06
MustachesYeah, I know it worked last time I plugged it in. But that's been a year or so ago.13:06
BigzieBecause based on your hardware, only Audio device is waht I posted13:06
leftyfbthebigj: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/199164/error-run-lvm-lvmetad-socket-connect-failed-no-such-file-or-directory-but13:06
BigzieMustaches: You said 16.0413:07
BluesKajhow to remove foxitreader from KDEInit ? I uninstalled foxit using their uninstaller, but KDEInit still looks for it when trying to open a pdf file ..removed all the other associated files from ~/opt where it installed itself originally13:07
MustachesBigzie: No, its 18.04.13:08
BluesKajmaybe I should ask in #kde13:08
MustachesBigzie: Does NVIDIA actually make sound cards though? I thought that was an error?13:08
BigzieMustaches: So it worked then it stop working13:08
leftyfbMustaches: Nvidia makes the chipsets13:09
BigzieI am sorry13:09
BigzieThe linux kernel ALSA, what Ubuntu and mose popular distro choose13:10
BigziePretty much just work13:10
MustachesYeah, it worked on Arch linux and windows. The arch was too old to update so it broke from liberal use of forced updates. So I installed ubuntu mate 18.04 to try to get by that.13:10
thebigjleftyfb: I did suggested ways in the post. Still getting the error. I also think I am making some mistake in starting the service.13:10
sa_When I’m running the executable a.out I’m getting  “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by a.out)”, how to solve this?13:10
thebigjhttps://dpaste.de/OMON/raw This is the log when I installed the lvm2 package.13:10
thebigjleftyfb: ^^^13:10
BigzieMustaches: I am not a ALSA guy13:12
leftyfbthebigj: you have bigger problems than managing lvm.13:12
initrmleftyfb, could you check the changelog for the amd64-microcode package you have from -proposed for a bugfix regarding how it adds to the initrd?13:12
Bigziei know a lot developers try to make detection very easy and just work13:12
BigzieI don't know what Ubuntu is doing, I assume is build flags13:13
MustachesBigzie: Thanks for your help anyway.  I've never had problems with ubuntu sound before, it's usually pretty good to build it automatically.13:13
BigzieBut that's speculation because Ubuntu tries be capatabile on most hardware13:14
leftyfbinitrm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vVGrbH8hxh/13:14
BigzieMustaches: It should just work.. Maybe pulse audio doesn't see it ?13:16
BigzieMustaches: `have you did alsa test?13:16
initrmthanks lefty, sounds like this might fix it13:17
=== Bigzie is now known as Bugzie
algidanyone know how i can get Terminator to open in a secondary display instead of the primary one?13:18
MustachesBugzie: no, how do I do the alsa test?13:18
=== root is now known as Guest7908
MustachesOk, I'll go try this. Thanks! :)13:20
BugzieI hope next time you help other people13:20
uxbalhey guys13:23
uxbalhow much space would you give to root on a fresh install on a 256gb drive13:23
Bugzieyour home is where it's going to take the mose space13:25
BugzieHoever, 20GB, if you plan to install a lot of software13:26
BugzieIncrease it to 40GB13:26
JimBuntuOf course, that's only if not defaulting to /home being within /, right? I mean otherwise, why would you ever not allot the max... i.e. 25gb - swap - boot13:27
BugzieJimBuntu: You can have swap file like me13:28
Bugzieon SSD13:28
BugzieJimBuntu: /home is where most of the data is going to be13:29
JimBuntuBugzie, yuk, a file... that I have to worry about not backing up/etc... with no known speed boost. no thanks. It IS an option though.13:29
leftyfbuxbal: I would give all of it13:29
JimBuntuBugzie, and by default, last I checked... /home lives in /13:29
uxbali want to have / and /home separate13:30
leftyfbuxbal: why?13:30
BugzieHe might change hist mine13:30
BugzieSame here13:30
JimBuntuYeah, if isolating them to different partitions (probably for backup purposes)13:30
adriangranpenewhere are u from?13:31
BugzieI have 20GB Linux, with 10GB /home13:31
leftyfbadriangranpene: This is a support channel. Please detail your Ubuntu support question.13:31
Bugzie10GB is not enough space you play download stuff from the internet13:31
BugzieAs far as Linux13:31
Bugzie/dev/sdb5              20G   12G  7.0G  63% /13:32
coconutAnyone here on an Entroware laptop?13:34
JimBuntu!poll | coconut13:35
leftyfbcoconut: that's not a support question13:37
BugzieJimBuntu: I did not fucking answer because I thought it was some random joke13:40
JimBuntu!language | Bugzie13:40
ubottuBugzie: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:40
BugzieJimBuntu: ban me from the room13:40
compdocBugzie is Bugzing me  :/13:41
Bugzie09:35 < JimBuntu> !poll | coconut13:42
=== Shiva188 is now known as Shiva187
BugzieTake a poll and ban me from the room13:42
MarvelI need to be quiet from the room13:46
Marvelgenii: can you quiet me from the room please13:47
geniiMarvel: If you can't refrain from being crude and abusive, you don't really give us a choice13:47
Marvelgenii: Do you mean I don't follow your social politics13:48
Marvelgenii: No13:48
geniiMarvel: This channel has rules, which are in the topic when you join. If you can't follow them, don't come here13:48
compdocno politics involved, except what you brought with you13:48
Marvelgenii: As I saying right now, I don't follow your social politics13:49
* genii makes more coffee13:49
amdmattgenii: You need to ban me13:55
geniiamdmatt: I don't need to do anything in particular.13:56
amdmattgenii: I will not accept you social tactics13:56
compdocusing ipv6 addresses, I guess a person could evade bans forever13:58
geniiYep, this is why I haven't bothered with +b13:59
blackflowcompdoc: it's actually not unlike ipv4. you just ban the whole /6414:00
kmodgenii: yeah14:01
kmodI will not partipae in social engineering you guys doing14:03
=== qwebirc55097 is now known as Tigran
Tigranhello guys. The recent upgrade of xorg has broken dual monitor setup completely. Namely, the system is unusable: after login even gnome-terminal causes random rectangles (of the colour matching the xterm's background colour) to appear on either of the monitors14:09
TigranI meant 16.04.4. I am contemplating upgrade to 18.04.4 (I assume this xorg breakage is an "incentive" to upgrade)14:10
jarnosHello! Are there any meta kernels in any Ubuntu release that depends on an linux-image-unsigned kernel?14:10
Tigranfortunately, I had a backup, so I reversed all that xorg stuff and right now have a usable (but a frozen non-upgradable 16.04.4 system). Any ideas? I can't log it as a bug because ubuntu-bug command requires apport package and I don't install bloatware on my system.14:11
Tigranmy system has a very plain i915, nothing fancy.14:12
kmodI can't help you recover from a terrible experience14:12
blackflowhuhu +r ... tough times.14:13
* genii wanders back to work14:13
Tigranis 16.04 still maintained? I am surprised that nobody tested a dual monitor setup. Maybe it is specific to one monitor being connected via VGA port and another via DVI.14:14
JimBuntuIt is still maintained14:14
Tigranand, needless to say, it worked all these years (since 16.04 release) on this same configuration without any issues until this upgrade14:14
blackflowTigran: it'd be great if you could isolate which package upgrade exactly is the cause. or is it just xorg?14:14
Tigranwell, the /var/log/apt/history.log contains this chunk:14:15
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:15
TigranHere is the link to the chunk: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5cf8hq6JQK/14:16
TigranThere are libegl1-mesa libraries there as well, so maybe it is not xorg. Xorg was just a natural thing to blame in this situation.14:17
blackflowTigran: well, if you used the apport tool and filed a bug report, there'd be details for someone to look at those and maybe help.14:19
Tigranblackflow: thank you, but is there no way to file a bug report manually via launchpad? I think it was possible in the past?14:20
Tigranthe only problem is, I am not sure which package to point to.14:21
blackflowTigran: there is, but you'd then have to collect the logs and attach them yourself manually.14:21
Tigranblackflow: yes, that is fine with me.14:21
blackflowif you're not sure, you could report it against xorg, it can be reassigned once more detail is known.14:22
blackflowTigran: meanwhile, any errors wrt graphics, display, intel, gnome or xorg, logged in the journal?14:23
TigranI logged in to Ubuntu (it even shows 1 bug reported by me), but I don't see the option to create a new bug report14:24
Tigranblackflow: no, there were no errors, but let me check again...14:24
blackflowTigran: I'd look into xorg log  /var/log/Xorg.0.log too, for any (EE) entries specifically14:24
Tigranblackflow: yes, that's the first place I would look. I am looking at it now and see nothing special. I'll compare it to the current (working) Xorg.0.log14:25
Tigranoh dear, practically every line is different because of different probing, timings etc14:26
blackflowTigran: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect14:26
Tigranbut no errors or warnings even.14:26
Tigranblackflow: thank you, brother, that link worked! :)14:27
blackflowTigran: it's listed under "Filing Bugs Manually" here  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs14:27
blackflowAnyway, this could be one of those glitches where no error is logged. Eg, around the time of 16.04 and 16.10, gnome had this glitch with artifacts around window borders with nvidia drivers.14:29
blackflowTigran: which kernel are you using there?14:29
Tigranblackflow: .15.0-24-generic #26~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 15 14:35:08 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:29
TigranI meant 4.15.0-24-generic #26~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 15 14:35:08 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:29
Tigranbut I booted with my own compiled 4.17.1 and the behaviour is exactly the same.14:30
RainyavielSo jenni left14:36
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RainyavielSo jenni can't ban me14:37
Tigranblackflow: I have created it here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/178044914:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1780449 in Ubuntu "Dual monitor system unusable after xorg+mesa upgrade" [Undecided,New]14:42
Tigranblackflow: thank you for your help.14:43
Tigranblackflow: I will explore the possibility of upgrade to 18.04 but usually it is a big hassle as I have to check if all the software I use is still working fine.14:44
blackflowgreat :)14:45
jocicHey guys, I was wondering if it's possible for me to up-scale my screen resolution to 4k (on a 1080p monitor) so I can make 4k screencasts?14:45
jocicI'm aware that Nvidia's dynamic super resolution isn't supported, but you know.14:46
blackflowjocic: you can't go 4k on a non-4k monitor14:47
jocicblackflow: bah, so I have to invest 300$ and get a 4k monitor. :(14:47
geniiYou can actually set any arbitrary resolution larger than your actual one, but you will only ever see a portion of it on your actual screen, it will scroll when you hit a screen edge14:48
Tigranjocic: indeed, you can't do that, but perhaps you can capture it via ffmpeg as FHD and then resample it to 4k?14:48
tonyyarussojocic: I have no idea how to do it, but one *maybe* tactic I could think of would be somehow convincing your system that you have a *second* monitor attached, and *that* one is 4k, and mirror the content.  If you pushed 4k to your actual monitor I'd guess it would either be just black or cropped like genii said, so you couldn't actually work, but you might be able to have 4k on the phantom14:49
tonyyarussomonitor and downsample it to your real one to work?14:49
jocicI tried executing the following "xrandr --output eDP-1-1 --scale 4x4" and it kind of works but as you said - only a portion of the screen is visible.14:49
jocictonyyarusso: it would require some coding, but it may actually work.14:50
algidanyone know how i can get Terminator to open in a secondary display instead of the primary one?14:54
leftyfbalgid: compiz has this feature. Not sure if that's still a thing in 18.0414:55
_KaszpiR_algid see --geometry ?14:59
timelesscan someone point me to the proper way that vendors should handle package versions so that a user can migrate from xenial to artful/bionic? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/CI5o26dm/15:07
leftyfbtimeless: that package/repo should be removed before upgrading. Then reinstalled15:08
timelessleftyfb: but, couldn't the vendor just do something so that an upgrade could happen naturally?15:09
leftyfbtimeless: yeah, include their packages in the official ubuntu repo's15:09
blackflowor even better, provide a snap!15:10
timelessright now the official repo has 3.0.x from debian...15:10
tomeaton17ffs my damn client15:11
UmeaboyWow! I managed to get a crash with the stable version of Firefox in Ubuntu 18.04.15:13
UmeaboyI even got a backtrace.15:13
compdocI heard there was a bug in firefox recently15:13
UmeaboyI get high cpu usage every now and then.15:14
blackflowUmeaboy: yeah, same here (cpu)15:14
blackflowUmeaboy: do you use a ton of extensions you can blame for the crash?15:15
UmeaboyJust 3.15:15
Umeaboy59.0 works just fine.15:15
UmeaboyAdding sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next to see if the problem is solved upstream.15:16
timelessUmeaboy: fwiw, you're crashing in nss (the crypto library)15:16
timelessit would be vaguely helpful to know what the crash signal was, and to have a sense of what the memory and instruction looked like15:17
brx_what software do youtube debate channels use?15:17
brx_for example they have like split screen with the 2 debators in a square on the screen15:17
UmeaboyThat's created on their side of the screen I think.15:18
UmeaboyYoutube just broadcasts it.15:18
brx_i know15:18
brx_just wondering what they use15:18
brx_i think they build the video and then broadcast it to yt with OBS15:18
brx_so its the step prior to obs that im interested in15:18
UmeaboyOpen Build System?15:18
brx_its erm15:19
JimBuntubrx_, could be a variety of software... from the commandline, gstreamer can do this, for example.15:19
brx_"open broadcast software"15:19
timeless(also, you should be able to figure out what server you're talking to -- lsof would work, although you can puzzle it out from the variables)15:19
UmeaboyI seem to get high cpu usage on pages with a lot of clips.15:19
brx_JimBuntu, can gstreamer actually do the processing, i.e dividing up the screen and watermark etc15:19
UmeaboyIf I just normally browse the web everything is fine.15:19
JimBuntubrx_, it sure can15:21
Umeaboytimeless: Here's what's before I ran bt full: https://hastebin.com/oyokuhuzag.go15:21
UmeaboyWhen the crash happened.15:21
UmeaboyDoes that help?15:21
timelessUmeaboy: hmm...15:22
timelessthat's what i was looking for15:22
JimBuntubrx_, You may also want to check out webcamStudio15:22
timelessbut, um... i wouldn't expect sigpipe to be fatal15:22
timeless(i mean, it can be, but i would expect firefox/nss to not treat it that way)15:22
brx_thanks JimBuntu15:22
UmeaboyI wish that every distro would have like a seperate iso to use with newer computers to gather information to the developers so that they know what hardware to write the system for.15:23
UmeaboyJust like Mandriva used to have a form in the installer.15:23
UmeaboyWith that, you sent in everything that happened during the installation, good or bad.15:23
UmeaboyI want to take a step further though.15:24
UmeaboyTo have tests made, to check what settings work and what doesn't.15:24
programingshi, anybody having problems with incorrectly displayed icons in mate-panel after the last mesa update on Ubuntu with Mate desktop?15:24
UmeaboyFor instance..... I couldn't boot the installation for 18.04, but 17.10 worked just fine15:25
TigranUmeaboy: I am preparing a usb boot disk with 18.04, we'll see if it boots soon...15:26
timelessUmeaboy: did you attach a debugger because something was going wrong?15:27
timelessor did it crash and offer to attach a debugger when it crashed?15:27
timelesssometimes (often) people will have a crash, and then try running w/ a debugger, and not realize that they need to `continue` past certain signals (which are in fact handled by the program)15:28
UmeaboyI ran firefox --debug and it offered me to use gdb.15:30
timelessok, let's assume when you get `sigpipe` that you haven't hit the crash, just use `c`15:30
UmeaboyHmmmmmmmmm. Upgrading to the newer Firefox version disabled all my addons.15:32
kunjiMy time is a few minutes out of sync on my host.  systemd-timesyncd fails with: ConditionFileIsExecutable=!/usr/sbin/VBoxService was not met   So I think that it assumes the VBoxService will handle the time sync.  I can't seem to figure out how to make the host time sync with an NTP server using VBoxService.... and it has broken it for timesyncd (which is what timedatectl uses (so I have Network time on: yes, but NTP synchronized: no when running sudo timedatec15:43
AngrygermankidsCan I have some help with my dummy output at https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239571015:48
kunjiWell... I temporarily remove the executable bit from /usr/sbin/VBoxService , restarted the timesyncd service (so time synced), then added the bit again, but it isn't a permanent solution as time will eventually drift again.  I'm leaving the IRC chat for now though.16:01
NoCodeWould "sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install ubuntu-desktop" install a minimal Gnome3 installation16:10
blackflowNoCode: I think so yes16:12
compdocthe new installer has a minimal option16:12
blackflowNoCode: at the very least gnome-shell and gdm3 are its dependencies16:12
AngrygermankidsAbout my problem with sound16:17
AngrygermankidsWhy aren't you listening16:19
compdocno one seems to know how to fix it16:19
AngrygermankidsIf you need more information on my problem I'll give it to you16:20
compdocI know there are often several sound cards to choose from in the gui, and you have to test each one to get it working, sometimes16:20
AngrygermankidsTheres only dummy output in the gui16:22
compdocthen the driver is not likely loaded16:22
AngrygermankidsHow do I load the driver then16:23
leftyfbAngrygermankids: try running the "drivers" utility and see if there's a sound driver that you can pick from16:23
compdocbe sure sound is enabled in the bios too16:23
AngrygermankidsIs it in software and updates16:24
leftyfb"additional drivers" tab16:24
Angrygermankidsno drivers16:24
compdocthe sound card is listed in lspci, etc?16:26
Umeaboytimeless: The problem seems to be fix upstream.16:27
compdocAngrygermankids, do you use hdmi?16:30
AngrygermankidsNo hdmi16:30
compdocAngrygermankids, says hdmi in your pastebin. maybe change your bios options. disable sound over hdmi, since you dont use it16:34
AngrygermankidsMy motherboarrd is M4A87TD/USB316:36
leftyfbcompdoc: 00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)16:37
leftyfbit also says that16:37
compdocah, I looked but missed that16:37
leftyfbit's old, but worth a try : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1088978&p=6878453#post687845316:38
Angrygermankids_No dice didn't work16:43
compdoc<leftyfb> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:43
compdoc<leftyfb> it's old, but worth a try : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1088978&p=6878453#post687845316:44
compdocAngry kid  ^16:44
Angrygermankids_DId you hear me16:45
Angrygermankids_If you didn't  if didn't work16:48
TigranI have tried Ubuntu 18.04 (after 16.04) and I can't understand how to use workspaces on the _second_ monitor. On the first monitor (where "Activities" is shown in the top left corner) they work fine.16:50
Tigranlooks like workspaces with multiple monitors don't work in Ubuntu 18.04, according to this: https://github.com/home-sweet-gnome/dash-to-panel/issues/3516:51
Tigranwhen I switch between workspaces the second monitor keeps showing the same thing.16:52
Angrygermankids_There's still no sound16:52
Sven_vBwhich unionfs do I need for bionic? (trying to install bionic desktop amd64 and stuck at "/cow format specified as … no support found")16:52
kubast2_How can I use sysrq?16:52
kubast2_tried alt+prntscrn r and alt+prntscrn+r16:53
kubast2_Am I actually retart16:53
kubast2_Doesn't work with b16:54
Sven_vBkubast2_, is it a notebook? in that case you might need a function key. also is the magic sysrq enabled at all?16:54
kubast2_How to enable it even or check foor it16:54
Sven_vBlast time I checked it was disybled by default16:54
Sven_vBlemme check16:54
Sven_vByeah I think it had security risks, therefor disabled16:54
Sven_vB  augeas { "/files/etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf": changes => [    "set 'kernel.sysrq' 1",    ] }16:55
Angrygermankids_What's taking so long to respond16:56
kubast2_I need it to save logs to disk properlly16:56
kubast2_So yeh16:56
Sven_vBkubast2_, so you need fsync?16:56
kubast2_Yeh sync and then reboot possiblly16:57
Sven_vBI think I read somewhere the kernel does that every few (10?) minutes, so if it's disabled just wait longer than then you should be safe. you can use the wait time to check whether my heresay is real. :)16:58
ducasseAngrygermankids_: we're all volunteers, there's no guaranteed response time. if you don't get a response, wait 15-20 minutes and ask again16:58
leftyfbkubast2_: it's CTRL+ALT+PRNT+X   only S U and B work now.16:58
=== cajhne is now known as crogers
scroteHow do I add the following repo?  I need legacy postgres for my application. http://codepad.org/W0dQLk7817:05
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
blackflowscrote: there's no 9.1 for Bionic17:08
blackflowscrote: why do you need 9.1 tho'? What's so specific about it that, say, 9.6, can't solve?17:08
scroteblackflow: I'll try 9.6 how do I get it?17:11
blackflowscrote: from that same pgdg repo you installed. it's jsut that 9.1 is long gone and it's unsupported upstream.17:11
scroteE: Package 'postgresql-9.6' has no installation candidate17:12
blackflowscrote: search for it with apt, or try tab autocomplete, I don't know the upstream package name by heart.    but then, is there any reason why you can't use Bionic's postgres 10?17:13
POJOhello, so I've been reading that there's no longer Amazon botnet included in Ubuntu, is that true?17:14
blackflowPOJO: was there ever?17:15
scroteblackflow: because my application uses legacy sqlalchemy17:15
blackflowscrote: so? is there anything in newer pgsql that is backwards incompatible in that regard?17:15
POJOblackflow: aren't Amazon components still coming bundled with the system?17:15
blackflowPOJO: not sure what Amazon components or "botnets" you're talking about.17:16
scroteblackflow: tons of stuff that no longer exists.17:16
blackflowscrote: can you give one example?17:16
AngrygermankidsAny fixes I haven't tried yet17:17
AngrygermankidsThe final one I tried was laptop17:17
AngrygermankidsAs in model laptop17:17
AngrygermankidsFixes for sound17:18
algidanyone know how i can get Terminator to open in a secondary display instead of the primary one?17:20
AngrygermankidsWhat's taking so long to orespond17:21
scroteWhat's the point of adding a foo.list to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?17:21
blackflowscrote: that's how you add new repos. you could technically just add them to /etc/apt/sources.list but this way it's nicely modular, in its own file. plus, packages can drop and maintain files there.17:22
AngrygermankidsIs it because you need more information from me17:22
blackflow!patience | Angrygermankids17:23
ubottuAngrygermankids: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/17:23
pragmaticenigmaAngrygermankids: try running "pactl load-module module-detect"17:29
AngrygermankidsFailure: Module initialization failed17:30
pragmaticenigmaAngrygermankids: do you have any sound now?17:32
scroteI have added a repository, and get a gpg error.  How do I solve this gpg error? http://codepad.org/XEc3S7AI17:32
Exterminadorhello guys. is there a way to shrink a partition via command line? I know the partition is /dev/sda7 and it's currently 194.5GiB and i want to shrink it to 80GiB17:33
pragmaticenigmawe don't support 3rd party repos scrote ... you will need to contact the maintainer directly17:33
=== jamesmyers_ is now known as jamesmyers
pragmaticenigmaExterminador: There is no way to shrink a partition on a live system. You need gparted booted from a live CD to shrink partitions17:34
Exterminadoralright. i can do that17:35
blackflowpragmaticenigma: you mean there's no way to shrink a mounted fs... which means no online shrinkage of root, but those that can be umounted are shrinkable17:37
=== Richard is now known as Guest74778
pragmaticenigmablackflow: I'm taking the path of least risk17:37
blackflownot sure how doing it from the livecd is lesser risk17:38
pragmaticenigmablackflow: If you have a different suggestion, then please step forward and offer it to the requestor...17:39
Exterminadorno problems. I can do that as I need to create the partition and install the OS. so I can do 2 in 117:40
blackflowI thought I did. if the fs can be unmounted, then it could be shrinked.17:40
blackflowyou can't umount live root anyway, so it kinda blocks itself.17:40
pragmaticenigmaAngrygermankids: If the computer is brand new, it's possible the audio is configured differently than previously encountered and may take time for the drivers to catch up. That particular audio chipset appears to be the source of many issues.17:41
AngrygermankidsMine is not new my motherboard is M4A87TD/USB317:43
gabbomanHi, I think this is the correct place to ask17:44
gabbomanwhere can I get ubuntu theme files?17:44
gabbomanim interested in using it on another distro17:44
pragmaticenigmaAngrygermankids: I would suggest updating your post on askubuntu, with system specifications, what action you last performed prior to experiencing the issue, and what you have tried so far. You need to provide a lot more information upfront for anyone to help you.17:46
pragmaticenigmaAngrygermankids: If you upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04, there is no official upgrade yet, and forcing it will leave the system in a buggy state.17:47
brygphilomenaDoes anyone have wireless drivers for the pixelbook?17:47
Angrygermankidswhat information should I put in my post17:48
pragmaticenigmaAngrygermankids: what I just said is a start, include the lspci output as well, motherboard manufacture and model17:49
pragmaticenigmagabboman: If you are seeking a way to extract the installed ubuntu themes, there is no known method. Themes are distributed through sites like gnome-look.org and others. If this is for a different distro, try searching google for your distro "Ubuntu Theme"17:51
Angrygermankidsis this enough information https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239571017:51
gabbomanI think im going to look for the files in a iso in /usr/share17:52
compdocAngrygermankids, can you boot your system with live ubuntu desktop from a usb/dvd, and see if the sound works?17:52
AngrygermankidsIndeed it will work on DVD17:53
pragmaticenigmaAngrygermankids: Did you upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04?17:54
compdocAngrygermankids, how long ago did you try?17:54
AngrygermankidsI did not upgrade17:55
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RDaneel01ivawhello everyone, I'm having some difficulties with mounting my internal ntfs drives, wondering if anyone could help. I've been through many help topics on the ubuntu support forums, and many suggested to edit the fstab, which I've done, and added the proper device, but the drives are mounting read only. When I try to change the permissions by right clicking on them, it says they are owned by Root and I can't make any changes18:09
bngsudheerHello. I get the error: https://pastebin.com/2Vj5DA4y this is on Ubuntu 16.04. How can I fix this?18:11
bngsudheerRDaneel01ivaw, what is the exact fstab line?18:11
RDaneel01ivawI'm on 18.04 if that helps. I have that line for both my media internal drives18:12
leftyfbRDaneel01ivaw: if you mount them manually, are the r/w?18:13
pragmaticenigmaRDaneel01ivaw: You are on the right track for mounting NTFS volumes. By default, drives listed in fstab are mount in read-only state. To enable read-write, there is a parameter you need to specify. Can you pastebin your fstab file? and paste the link here18:13
AngrygermankidsDoes anyone know the solution for my dummy output at https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239571018:14
RDaneel01ivawThey are mounting at boot, which is happening because of these entries in fstab correct? I'm not sure how to un-mount them and manually re-mount them...? I will create that paste right now, one sec18:14
AngrygermankidsI'll give you information if you need it18:15
pragmaticenigmaRDaneel01ivaw: It's the options being specified... specifically "defaults"... trying to look up the correct parameters18:16
Bashing-omRDaneel01ivaw: This too may be of interest : http://askubuntu.com/questions/113733/how-do-i-correctly-mount-a-ntfs-partition-in-etc-fstab .18:17
RDaneel01ivawgotcha. thank you so much! I followed a forum post to do that before18:17
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, there was a bug time ago; try 'killall nautilus' and reopen18:18
pragmaticenigmaioria: Doesn't that apply when the drives are manually mounted after boot?18:18
iorianot that i know18:19
RDaneel01ivawhmmmm, I read that askubuntu link, thanks for that... I couldn't find that before (theres SO much conflicting info on askubuntu for this topic) - and it says to use these paramaters:18:20
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, there was a bug time ago; try 'killall nautilus' and reopen18:20
RDaneel01ivawiora: tried that, reopened, everything is the same as before18:22
pragmaticenigmabngsudheer: Without knowing what you did prior to receiving that libcrypto error, there is little we can do to help.18:23
Exterminadorwell. I need some alternative to gparted (command line if possible). gparted is taking centuries to detect the partitions18:23
pragmaticenigmahow large are the drives being analyzed Exterminador ?18:24
Exterminadorthe drive is just 500Gb18:25
knittlhi. what defines the maximum number on threads on the system? I have checked ulimit for my user (95633 process) and sysctl kernel.max_pid (default 32768). however, when running a userspace programm that does nothing except allocating threads, after 10.000 threads, it fails with out-of-memory (and processes running in another terminal also fail with fork: resource temporarily unavailable". RAM should be plenty (free -g shows 8G free, 11G available). what18:25
Exterminadorgparted is in search mode for the last 10 mins or so18:25
AngrygermankidsDo you have any fixes for my sound18:26
RDaneel01ivawthis page: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283131 says the following: # NTFS ~ Use ntfs-3g for write access (rw)  --- so maybe I just need to edit my devices to be "ntfs-3g" instead of just "ntfs" ... you think?18:30
ExterminadorI know my laptop is old, but this is taking more time that I'd expect. hence I'm trying to find a way (via command line) to shrink /dev/sda7 from 195GiB to 80GiB18:31
RDaneel01ivawbuth then I'm also unsure about the options, the default says it's rw, but then I don't know what that umask option does.18:31
pragmaticenigmaExterminador: what is slow though? getting the cd to boot or to analyze the disks?18:34
hfpIf I want to change my server's rootfs to be zfs, am I better off reinstalling or is there a way to migrate the installation?18:35
hfpi.e. prepare a new drive with zfs and `cp --archive` or something like that18:35
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, 1) can you paste 'mount' ? 2) ntfs-3g  is installed ? 3) have you tried to umount and remount the partition ? you'll get more infos18:35
oerhekshfp, root and zfs, join the zfs channel https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-16.04-Root-on-ZFS18:36
pragmaticenigmahfp: You cannot change the filesystem of partition without loss of data. You will need to back up your files first and then format the drive to the new filesystem... then copy files back. If this is your boot partition, things trickier18:36
RDaneel01ivawntfs-3g is installed yes18:37
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, mount | pastebinit18:37
mforcehi guys just joined the room, I am kind of new to linux and need some help with an issue I am having with an image based off ubuntu18:37
mforcemy xserver is not loading18:37
RDaneel01ivawnot sure how to unmount and remount the drives after they are mounted by fstab, looking that up now18:37
mforcethis images is for a miner with GPUs18:38
mforceI found some logs on the xorg log file it says this:18:38
oerheksmforce, 'based off ubuntu' what does that mean?18:39
mforceit was working good yesterday, but then I installed brave browser deb pkg and after reboot I could no longer login to xserver18:39
Exterminadorpragmaticenigma: to analyse the disks. it's taking ages. I think I'll search for resize the partition (it's a fat32 one) in command line18:40
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, according to fstab,    sudo umount /media/Media1   and sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb218:40
mforceI guess it means they used a trimmed down base ubuntu image and made some changes to it18:40
ti1ChohcHow can I watch n last lines of stdout of some command? I know I can redirect the stdout to a file and then run "watch tail" on it, but is there a way to do that with pipes?18:41
hfppragmaticenigma: that's how I wanted to do it, setup a new drive with zfs and copy the old drive over to the new one18:41
hfpoerheks: #zfs or #zfsonlinux?18:41
oerheks#zfsonlinux i guess18:42
RDaneel01ivawhere is my mount pastebin - n3ur0M@nc3r18:42
AngrygermankidsDoes anyone have the solution to my sound problem18:43
RDaneel01ivawlol, that's the wrong paste.18:43
RDaneel01ivawhere's the paste - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3cJMsMkK5N/18:43
RDaneel01ivawif you look at line 51 and 5218:43
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, it's rw18:43
RDaneel01ivawthat's what it says, but I can't write to it18:44
oerheksmforce, not a standard setup, mining iso from others, so we must fix this..18:44
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, user_id=0,group_id=018:44
oerheksso why did you install a browser on a miner server?18:44
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, cd /media/Media118:45
RDaneel01ivawmdir: cannot create directory ‘test’: Permission denied18:45
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, and sudo touch test_file18:45
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, with sudo18:46
RDaneel01ivawhmmm, that worked!18:46
RDaneel01ivawI have a testfile now18:46
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, sudo rm tes_file ; it's not read only, you just not have the permissions18:47
RDaneel01ivawah, gotcha, okay, so it IS mounted correctly?18:47
RDaneel01ivawsorry for the confusion, I'm still learning all of this :)18:47
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, yes, but with the wrong permissions18:48
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, you need uid=1000,gid=1000 in fstab or sudo chown -R  /media/Media118:50
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw,  sudo chown -R     myuser:myuser /media/Media118:50
coconutThere isn't really a blu ray burning tool under ubuntu currently, am i correct with this?18:53
AngrygermankidsWhy doesn't anyone understand my problem18:53
RDaneel01ivawfor ntfs drives, once mounted in fstab, I don't think the chmod stuff works, hang on18:55
oerhekscoconut, there is .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning#Blu-Ray_Burning18:56
RDaneel01ivawyes, I think it needs to be mounted with "permissions" flag for those kinds of commands to work, which mine is not18:57
coconutoerheks: yayyy (i would loved to have had this by an default gnome app though)19:00
coconutBut at least it's possible19:01
FightingFalconis ubuntu much better than windows?19:02
oerhekscoconut, yes, but a copy of a commecial BR .. good luck, br media codes can be updates19:02
oerheksFightingFalcon, please not again...19:02
leftyfbFightingFalcon: That question is not appropriate here19:02
leftyfbFightingFalcon: please stop asking19:03
compdocFightingFalcon, all of the free programs for ubuntu allow me to do things in ways I cant do in windows, so i use ubuntu more. but I still have windows for quickbooks and photoshop, etc19:04
FightingFalconi see thanks compdoc19:04
coconutoerheks: ohh, it's doing it's own things? Hmm, i should read up on that...19:04
serei have abunch of text which are russian and im trying to translate to english.. how can i do this19:05
oerhekscoconut, to play, https://www.howtogeek.com/240487/how-to-play-dvds-and-blu-rays-on-linux/19:05
oerheksbut may be outdated!19:05
AngrygermankidsWhy does nobody have a fix for my sound problem19:06
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TigranI take back my question about workspaces on multiple monitors --- I have figured out how to enable them (just install gome-tweak and it allows you to do this).19:07
oerheksAngrygermankids, i just read back, does you bios have an option Azalea snd/ AC'97 simulation ? often the ac'97 setting works perfectly, but just 2.119:08
TigranSo far only Adobe Acrobat Reader is not working on Ubuntu 18.04 (but I haven't tested printing yet). The critical applications like XeLaTeX and Wolfram Mathematica 11.3 seem to be working just fine.19:08
compdocAngrygermankids, many forums suggest removing the sound related software and reinstalling. its just a few simple commmands. But your sound should have been setup during install. if you can boot ubuntu live and it works, and removing/installing doesnt work, try reinstalling from scratch. I would do test installs on a different drive until you get it right19:09
TigranAh, just as I expected --- printing doesn't work. I had to fiddle quite a lot to get it working with Ubuntu
NoxturnixHello World19:12
TigranI had to install something beginning with hp*19:12
RDaneel01ivawioria: okay I've added the uid and gid to my fstab, but should I remove the umask 0222 option? I'm not sure if I need that since by default it's rw19:12
AngrygermankidsYes burt only for front panel19:12
TigranAs my printer is LaserJet Pro M102a and by default Ubuntu installs the driver for M101-M106 which doesn't work, but HP's original thingie installs the right driver. So I guess I have to do the same for Ubuntu 18.04...19:13
oerheks<Angrygermankids> Yes burt only for front panel .. oh, that information is new19:14
oerheksplease explain your whole issue19:14
AngrygermankidsMy motherboard is M4A87TD/USB319:14
oerheksso there is no dummy sound output ?19:15
AngrygermankidsHeres some nformation at https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2395710 if you need more ask me19:15
AngrygermankidsI only have dummy sound output19:15
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw,  remove it19:15
=== gms is now known as Guest75033
biessieehello! i am trying to setup a folder on my apache server running 18.04 to host pictures of my grand parents for my family.. but it's showing 403 on that particular folder. after googling i was told to chmod it to 755 which i did and still nothing. how do i get this off 403?19:16
biessieethe main website works.. just the subfolder does not19:17
ioriaAngrygermankids, "I have a VIA soundcard" ?19:17
pragmaticenigmaExterminador: If you're still around, if the drive is taking a very long time, I'm concerned it might be failing. Usually disk tools are pretty quick19:18
Ubu-1604biessiee: perhaps only OWNER has permissions to see that subfolder, maybe check the permissions on that subfolder? .. just guessing.19:18
biessieeUbu-1604: i just did 777 on the folder and all pictures inside and still 40519:19
AngrygermankidsI have a VIA soundcard to be more specific SBx00 Azalia19:20
Ubu-1604biessiee: maybe try moving a few pictures UP to the folder you said it can see.19:20
ioriaAngrygermankids, it's not via it's amd19:21
Exterminadorpragmaticenigma: it's probably failing since 2016 :x thanks to EriC^^ I've zeroed the drive once and then it kept working xD waiting for 2nd hand laptop that someone is sending me soon19:22
pragmaticenigmaExterminador: I'd wait out that new drive if you can. Risk of data corruption is higher than I'd be comfortable with19:23
AngrygermankidsFixed it19:23
pragmaticenigmaAngrygermankids: Congrats! If you could, please document how you did it on your forum posting on askubuntu. That way it will help the next person :-)19:24
Exterminadorpragmaticenigma: also since 2016 the disk had 10 windows 10 reinstalls, and probably more than 50 *buntu installs and stuff19:24
Exterminadorit's pretty much dead indeed19:25
ucc_Hello there! I have a strange problem with nvidia and X. Installed new card. The old was NVS300, the new is GT730. After I change it it worked, but after reboot second time some drivers changed and now the card have "manually installed drivers" that doesn't work well and other are not accessible (in grey).19:25
biessieeUbu-1604: okay so if i type the image file name specifically it loads up.. but doesnt show them as a list by typing just the folder name19:25
AngrygermankidsI got using sudo lshw19:26
ucc_The "Nvidia application" shows that the card is OK, but it doesn't work properly19:26
ioriaucc_, define 'properly'19:27
Angrygermankidsfixed it to say I have a AMD soundcard to be more specific SBx00 Azalia which I got using sudo lshw19:27
ioriaAngrygermankids, given solved, no need to discuss it anymore, right ?19:27
AngrygermankidsNo my problem isn't fixed yet19:28
Angrygermankidsi still have dummy output19:28
Ubu-1604biessiee: I have to update this quassel client .. back in a minute ... perhaps try adding a single slash to the end of that folder name ... http://dir1/subfolder1/ ... since it might be looking for .... /subfolder1.html19:29
oerheksAngrygermankids, again: does you bios have an option Azalea snd/ AC'97 simulation ? often the AC'97 setting works perfectly, but just 2.119:30
ucc_when start even youtube clip or small clip in VLC the CPU goes to 90 - 100% and I have 8 cores .... and the graphics cut terible19:30
RDaneel01ivawioria: I can't seem to unmount one of my drives because "it's busy" to remount it and check, so I will reboot with new fstab options and come back and let you know19:31
naccbiessiee: apache has generally good logging, see /var/log/apache2/error.log19:31
scroteIm running ubuntu server no gui.  How do I automatticaly run a script upon login?19:32
leftyfbscrote: at login or bootup? What version of ubuntu? What is the server used for? What will the script be doing?19:33
Angrygermankidsdo you mean mode or simluation19:33
biessieenacc:  [Fri Jul 06 14:31:33.590949 2018] [autoindex:error] [pid 14253] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /var/www/html/grandparents/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.php,ind$ [Fri Jul 06 14:31:58.380442 2018] [autoindex:error] [pid 13208] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /var/www/html/grandparents/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.php,ind$19:33
scroteat login because I need the user's username in the script.  bionic.19:33
biessieeahh so it's looking for index.php19:33
oerheksit is an option, in your bios, it falls back to intel ac9719:33
biessieebut i did the trailing / on the end19:33
scroteleftyfb: this is ran from inside a virtualbox VM, via cron to do admin tasks.  thats why I need the upon login.  it uses the users id to connect with a postgres server19:34
Ubu-1604biessiee: maybe add /*.* ... or /*.jpg?19:35
ucc_cron: can't lock /var/run/crond.pid, otherpid may be 1847: Resource temporarily unavailable19:35
biessieei got it19:36
Ubu-1604biessiee: what did ya do? .. works now?19:36
biessieei had to add this... to the config file - https://pastebin.com/F7kPG00g19:36
AngrygermankidsAccording to the manual of my motherboard at https://pastebin.com/FkMj0qj4 it only works on front panel19:36
biessieeand then i restarted the apache2 server19:36
ucc_before the manually installed driver (which I don't know how appeared at all) with driver 390 worked very good!19:37
Ubu-1604good job man! .. i don't know much abot a web server ... perhaps I'll set one up like you did ... seems simple enuf19:37
Ubu-1604brb again .. still upgrading...19:37
biessieeThanks for your help anyways :)19:37
biessieenacc: thank you too19:38
crmltWhere can I get ubuntus 4.17 kernel sources?19:38
leftyfbcrmlt: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/  # I google for "ubuntu kernel"19:40
oerhekscrmlt, 4.17 is not released yet, but you can use the mainline..19:40
crmltleftyfb: there are only binaries19:41
oerheksAngrygermankids, so that works?19:41
leftyfbcrmlt: You can find the source from there19:41
crmltoh I see it now19:42
crmltCan I make PR?19:42
AngrygermankidsI don't have front panel connnectors19:42
RDaneel01ivawioria: it worked! now I can write to my mounted drives!19:46
RDaneel01ivawthank you so much!19:46
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, good job19:46
biessieeDoes anyone know how to setup a folder to show as thumbnails on apache vs a list of images that means nothing?19:48
RDaneel01ivawioria: thanks again for the help, I'm off to get some stuff done, have a great rest of your day :)19:48
ioriaRDaneel01ivaw, ok, no prob19:49
leftyfbbiessiee: you'll need a web application for that. That is beyond the scope of this channel19:49
pragmaticenigmabiessiee: Are you using the default Index feature with apache?19:49
Ubu-1604all done ... got new quassel client going .. irc is fun :D19:49
raubI need to setup a dhcp server in one port. Any reason not to use dnsmasq?19:49
pragmaticenigmaioria, RDaneel01ivaw what ended up being the solution?19:50
ioriapragmaticenigma, permissions19:50
RDaneel01ivawyes permissions19:51
RDaneel01ivawI tried a lot of different parameters. Basically there is a LOT of conflicting info on askubuntu and other forums on the proper way to mount an ntfs drive19:52
biessieepragmaticenigma: i am using the default index feature yes19:52
biessieepragmaticenigma: i found this.. i may give this a whirl. http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?127856-ApacheGallery19:53
pragmaticenigmabiessiee: Okay, as leftyfb mentioned, that moves you support question out of scope for this channel. Or programming your own.19:54
AngrygermankidsA long time and still no sound19:55
ucc_Any idea how can I enable the graphic drivers? They are in "grey - not accessible" not clicable .... only the manually installed driver is active, but it doesn't works19:55
pragmaticenigmabiessiee: Side note... Look very carefully at dates of articles and posts... if they are more than a year or two, they are way out of date and should not be followed19:55
biessieepragmaticenigma: Thanks for the top.19:55
AngrygermankidsI am quitting for now If you want to help me with my problem go to https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239571019:56
DbuggerEvery time I update a GNOME extension, I get an "error" badge... Is that normal?19:57
=== MetrAw is now known as Metraf
ucc_when I try to install  nvidia 390 I got error: E: /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-G7kStC/12-libnvidia-gl-390_390.48-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb: new libnvidia-gl-390:amd64 package pre-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 220:03
ucc_Any idea how to fix that?20:06
pragmaticenigmaucc_: I'd try putting back the old card, uninstalling the drivers, then install the new card20:07
ucc_Hm OK I will give it a try20:10
memphistoucc_: do you have older driver installed already?20:11
memphistoucc_: check this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/176805020:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768050 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "package libnvidia-gl-390 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: new libnvidia-gl-390:amd64 package pre-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 2 (NOT FIXED)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:11
edenI'm having an odd issue where my /etc/rc.local doesn't seem to be executing my command. I have the following (sleep 20 su myuser -c 'google-chrome http://localhost:3000')20:23
edenI can bash it and it works20:23
edenbut rebooting/booting does nothing20:23
EriC^^eden: rc.local runs by root way before your desktop starts20:25
EriC^^eden: try 'startup apps' from your user's desktop20:25
edenEriC thats probably it, this is for a production application, I would prefer to do everything with scripts and not mess with startup apps20:26
qwebirc32442My Ubuntu doesnt start any more (blue screen). Recovery mode works, but I cant figure out how to establish network to reinstall.20:26
EriC^^eden: startup apps is sort of a "script" you can manually add a .desktop file, look at ~/.config/autostart20:26
qwebirc32442If I start "Enable network", it gets to "Reached target Swap" and stops. I dont knoe what to do next.20:26
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=== Richard is now known as Guest10671
qwebirc32442Very rarely at random, I get from recovery option resume into Ubuntus Desktop.20:31
qwebirc32442but not int the last hour or so20:31
qwebirc32442memory check and all diagnostics dont find anything20:32
Zexaronhey I got a problematic HDD it's the dreaded 3TB from Western Digital that have high failure rates, i misordered I meant to order the 4TB one20:35
eden.desktop will be run as my user that I log in with right?20:37
EriC^^eden: yeah20:37
edenEric: thanks going to test it now brb20:37
GeoHi, using openvpn, how would I set up a VPN server at location A that serves as the gateway into a LAN located at location B? ie, connecting to A's IP address, and once negotiated it puts me into the LAN behind B's address20:40
ZexaronAnyone want to look at this SMART data, this HDD was freezing my whole windows up, had to hard reboot, it's NTFS and GPT, but I'm on linux mint now and got this smart data, d and ordered the stupid 3TB instead of 4TB20:40
compdocZexaron, looks fine20:41
compdocyou should run some smart tests on it20:42
hfpFun times! I disabled and masked systemd-networkd-wait-online service because it was hanging my 17.10 server's boot for 2 minutes every time. It booted faster, but no network anymore. So I tried unmasking it and re-enabling it, reboot: still no network. Any ideas? https://dpaste.de/PQuC20:46
hfp(the dpaste are the commands I used to disable and re-enable, plus excerpts from the service's status)20:47
taliptakoi bought a new 14 inch laptop with 1920 1080px screen20:48
taliptakoi cant see texts clearly they so little for me20:48
Zexaroncompdoc: well DMA_CRC_Error_Count is a bit different from an age old one which zas none of them20:49
Zexaronthe linux mint I'm on right now is on a very old seagate barracuda 320GB from 200620:50
Zexaronit does have some errors too yes but keeps working for many months now, true that EXT4 is more robust than NTFS but that probably doesn't matter with deep drive errors20:51
compdocZexaron, Ive purchased about 20 wd red drives over teh years since they first started selling them, and none of them have failed20:51
compdocI dont see anything in that smart that says its bad20:51
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grkblood13im not sure if some update just came out but I use autologin on my settop build running xubuntu, today it started going to a black screen after bootup.20:53
compdocZexaron, those 4 ATA errors are about a problem when the drive was sent the standby command, and the others are about drive cache. sounds like the os or drive doesnt like going into standby20:53
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compdochave you ever changed the cache settings?20:54
compdoca bad power supply is more likely20:55
xodiakCool Ubunu / linux apps to pass time on another screen while killing an hour at work? I usually like having HexChat open and just watching the text scroll through.20:56
xodiakTrying out KDE-Neon atm/20:56
=== nut is now known as nutsicle
Zexaroncompdoc: yeah I'm not a fan of standby either but I don't remember using it at the time, I think I did maybe a few times but not sure20:59
Zexaronit's definitely a rarity that I use standby, I'm aware of the unreliability of that feature on windows20:59
ZexaronIf that's the solution it would be easy to adapt to it, but I think it was Win7, I'm now I got more into Win10 (heavily tweaked tho :P), but actually I've expanted to multiple OSes (on separate disks, ubuntu, mint, win10, win7), but I don't really need to use standby21:01
ZexaronWell as long as it's readabale so I can save data I'm not that concerned, I will then play with it once data is secure and figure out more21:02
ZexaronIt did kinda froze the OS when I started writing files, transferring some stuff21:02
Zexaroncompdoc: in the middle of the transfer, I remember now, it froze the OS, I think it was Win7 yes21:03
compdocZexaron, I used to test new systems by transferring large files. if you have bad ram, then it can show up there21:05
compdocstill could be the PSU21:05
=== nutsicle is now known as nuts
Zexaroncompdoc: indeed I have identified a bad PSU, a ton of things happened recently, many failures, I replaced with more powerful PSU, not sure if you're aware but yes I had problems with HDDs booting/detecting and running well, weird symptoms of slow 5 minute boots21:08
compdocZexaron, how old is the system?21:08
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Zexaroncompdoc: it's not over yet, I got BSODs on the fresh Win10 just days ago, with the new PSU and only 4 HDDs connected in the past month, it was a hard bsod it says CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED and no writing of dump was possible, after a reboot the Win10 SSD wasn't recognized, until anothrer hard repower21:11
ZexaronThis WDRED30 was not connected for 2 months21:11
ZexaronI didn't had time to fix it21:11
Zexaroncompdoc early 201321:13
Zexarontests show no erorrs, I think I did the extended test through windows tools, I think I had WD diagnostics tool on that Win7 (which I don't, anymore, I have a new Win7 install and a new Win10 on newer SSDs)21:14
Zexaronso the extended test was from earlier, I did the conveyance and short test today and shows no errors21:14
algidanyone know how i can get Terminator to open in a secondary display instead of the primary one?21:15
ZexaronI'm suspecting there's some coincidential things happening at the same time, this Win10 BSODs which look awfully like a SSD failure or something, they started happening more faster after boot, once after 2 hrs, then after 30 mins, then afert 15 mins, then after 5 mins21:15
AngrygermankidsCan I have help with my sound problem21:17
AngrygermankidsI only have dummy output21:17
_KaszpiR_Zexaron  this smells like some firmware issue - see if your disk vendor released any firmware to ssd21:18
compdocZexaron, I bet the mainboard has bad capacitors21:18
_KaszpiR_Zexaron on emore thing, try with different sata cable (yeah really)21:19
binary_hamsterhow do i fix a broken package system in ubuntu?21:20
Zexaroncompdoc: indeed, right on the sata controller or that sata port, it doesn't happen when I boot to ubuntu which is on another SSD (older one which used to have the old  Win7)21:21
lotuspsychjebinary_hamster: can you give us some more details plz?21:21
_KaszpiR_Zexaron one more thing, replace battery on the motherboard (seen really funky shit due to the old batteries)21:21
compdocZexaron, sounds like its time for a modern computer, and keep that WD21:22
binary_hamsteri was trying to download a game on ubuntu and a dialog box popped up saying my package system is broken.21:22
_KaszpiR_memory errors *usually* end quickly with bsod21:22
lotuspsychjebinary_hamster: wich game on wich ubuntu version? downloaded from where?21:23
Zexaron_KaszpiR_,compdoc: yeah I did ask about that before and those were the suggestions, I have 3 SSDs, PORT1: Samsung 860 EVO 250GB, PORT2: Samsung 840 PRO 128GB (old win7, now ubuntu), DISONNECTED: Samsung 850 EVO 250GB (pending fresh win7 install)21:23
_KaszpiR_otherwise dying capacitors, maybe bumping voltages a notch or two for IOH on the mobo could help21:23
OyeaitsmeHey team, would anyone know of a Discord add-on allowing for End-to-End encryption? If not, is there another chan that might? Thanks in advance!21:23
_KaszpiR_Oyeaitsme Discord does not support that21:24
Zexaroncompdoc,_KaszpiR_: I used the empty 850 EVO to clone the image of the 860 EVO Win10 and I'll keep all new testing with that one, that should rule out drive failure, or at least help right?21:24
binary_hamsterlotuspsychje:Extreme tux racer from software boutique21:24
leftyfbOyeaitsme: try #freenode for non-Ubuntu questions21:24
Oyeaitsmeleftyfb: gotcha. sorry about that!21:24
Oyeaitsme_KaszpiR_: that's what I feared. Is there a comparable alternative that might accomplish same thing?21:24
Zexaroncompdoc,_KaszpiR_: I did 2 backup images with clonezilla today, one with partclone and one in DD mode, i used the DD mode image in this case21:25
_KaszpiR_Oyeaitsme not aware of, sorry21:25
_KaszpiR_maybe just change medium to exchange sensitive information21:25
binary_hamsterloutuspsychje:also on ubuntu mate xenial (not sure if spelled right)21:25
Zexaron_KaszpiR_: wouldn't mem error show up on Ubuntu too ?21:25
_KaszpiR_like telegram or rocket.chat has something like OTR21:25
Oyeaitsme_KaszpiR_: that makes sense. Thanks for answering! I'll go ahead and ask around in #freenode. :)21:26
_KaszpiR_Zexaron it would and probably end with kernel panic (just as bsod under windows)21:26
lotuspsychjebinary_hamster: what kind of error you getting?21:26
_KaszpiR_unless you have ECC mem, then you can recover certain errors21:26
Zexaron_KaszpiR_: I think I did once already, not remember, but I'm sure I checked with voltmeter, however I'll check again indeed21:27
Zexaronno ECC21:27
binary_hamsterlutuspsychje: (exact text): The package system is broken21:27
binary_hamsterCheck if you are using third party repositories. If so disable them, since they are a common source of problems.21:27
binary_hamsterFurthermore run the following command in a Terminal: apt-get install -f(tried that, didnt work)21:27
_KaszpiR_Zexaron remove dust from computer, replace battery, squeeze a bit bios chip (if it is on the replacable chip on the socket on mobo, then sometimes the connection dies and it is worth to remove and place it back), move cables, replace some cables (idk but quite a lot I had issue with sata cables dying after some time21:28
Zexaroncompdoc,_Kaszpir_: how would I check for bad caps, do I need elextrician?  I can ofcourse research, but these are japanese ones, or do they also look different?21:29
_KaszpiR_like if sata cables were oxidating  or something21:29
lotuspsychjebinary_hamster: we dont support external ppa's here, check your sources.list to see if you still have some enabled21:29
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | binary_hamster21:29
ubottubinary_hamster: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:29
_KaszpiR_bad caps usually are easily spotted - they are bulged21:29
binary_hamsterThanks o21:30
ZexaronWell I do keep it pretty clean as I have industrial pressure air just around corner, it's practically dust free, and it was recently I did major cabling maintenance21:30
binary_hamsterlotuspsychje: thanks will do21:30
ZexaronBut yeah, I just did reconnections, rerouting, new psu, etc, not actually replacing any of the sata cables21:30
_KaszpiR_http://www.robotroom.com/Parts/Samsung-monitor-capacitors/Spot-the-bad-capacitors.jpg like that, they should be flat21:30
ZexaronKaszpiR_: including the japanese caps?21:31
_KaszpiR_that depends on the moterhboard21:31
Zexaronor whatever they are, they aren't the usual ones, they're all small21:31
_KaszpiR_and how well ventilated it was21:31
_KaszpiR_some caps will look good, unfortunately21:31
Zexaronit is well wentilated, absolutely21:31
_KaszpiR_recently I had more issues due to dust than anything else21:32
_KaszpiR_unfortunaltely one of myu mobos really loves to get mental if there is slight amout of dust in certain areas :21:32
Zexaronwell, i'll see what i can do with  this cloned image to a different SSD, different port and different sata data cable21:33
Zexaronand also I'll disconnect all other disks too21:33
Zexaronit's late now I have go soon, i'll keep the caps in mind etc21:34
_KaszpiR_otherwise I had one or two issues with ssd disks and firmware (like disks ended to be bricks) but firmware fixed  (and some voodoo to bring them back to life to update firmware)21:34
_KaszpiR_thermal paste on cpu, and on chipsets21:34
Zexaronofcourse, now that i have backups, i can do firmware, i was afraid they wouldn't work for read-only21:34
Zexaronthey* it21:34
Zexaronallright, thanks guys, later21:35
hfp/quit/j clonezilla21:35
ServerbeginnerHi all. Do you know what's with Ubuntu Server's admin GUI, Landscape's install ? apt install landscape-server-quickstart is not found in the repository so the instructions told on Ubuntu and Landscape specific official sites don't seem to work for 18.0421:35
_KaszpiR_I remember once having mobo which had rock stone solid thermal paste on the nort/south bridge (cant remember) and it ended in a weird freezes cause the chipset was getting sometimes too much temperature because it could not transfer it to the heat spreader21:35
=== hfp- is now known as hfp
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Guest60578how do i register21:49
lotuspsychje!register | Guest6057821:49
ubottuGuest60578: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.21:49
AngrygermankidsDoes anyone have a solution for my problem at https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239571022:01
AngrygermankidsI'll give information if you need it22:01
tomreynAngrygermankids: have you gone through this already? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure22:03
tomreynAngrygermankids: and do you have all of these packages installed? linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils22:04
AngrygermankidsAll of them are installed22:05
AngrygermankidsHow long wiill those steps take22:07
tomreynAngrygermankids: i don't know, never had to go thoguht them. you can cherry pick if you know what's not needed22:08
Angrygermankids7. alsamixer doesn't work22:08
tomreynAngrygermankids: "doesn't work" is about the worst way to describe a problem.22:09
tomreyntry to explain what happens, how you know it "doesn't work"22:09
Angrygermankidsit says cannot open mixer: No such file or directory22:10
tomreynAngrygermankids: also run "sudo update-pciids" and post the out put from "sudo lspci -nn"22:10
tomreynmuch better!22:10
AngrygermankidsHere it is https://pastebin.com/TrdpGsRk22:12
lotuspsychjeAngrygermankids: did you clean install or upgrade?22:15
tomreynAngrygermankids: is this an intel CPU with AMD graphics?22:15
AngrygermankidsThis is AMD CPU22:16
psichashttps://ibb.co/b857nJ how to rename pci card on network manager, or how ignore that name?22:18
AngrygermankidsTyped clean install then upgrade22:18
AngrygermankidsLike right now22:18
TBotNikHey All: Need help on network shares!  Wrote this up at: https://www.unix.com/ubuntu/279114-samba-help.html#post303019672.  The main thing I need right now is linking to win server so I can find the \\server\tools directory and a .xlsx file we use for process tracking here at the computer shop!22:18
TBotNikJust getting the cmd right at the command line so I can add it as a mount to fstab, so they always show at bootup, is the current goal!22:20
tomreynAngrygermankids: did you run "alsaconf" already? and if so, did it say it added something to /etc/modprobe.d/ ?22:25
lotuspsychje!samba | TBotNik start here22:26
ubottuTBotNik start here: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html22:26
pavlospsichas: create a rule in /etc/systemd/network/ see this, https://askubuntu.com/questions/783457/renaming-network-interface-in-ubuntu-16-04-with-systemd-fails22:29
qwebirc51888Hi,  I'm Cherrera22:30
AngrygermankidsI tried to run alsaconf  but i get command not found22:30
qwebirc51888I need help for update my S.O, but return error the connection to internet :/22:31
tomreynAngrygermankids: alsaconf was removed. use "sudo alsactl init"22:33
Angrygermankidssays alsactl: init:1757: No soundcards found...22:34
qwebirc51888I from chile22:36
qwebirc51888I need update but return two errors22:37
tomreynAngrygermankids: do you have and oss* packages installed? dpkg -l 'oss*'22:37
qwebirc51888My SO 17.04 desktop22:39
AngrygermankidsNo https://pastebin.com/5SmTPC8S22:39
Bashing-om!17.04 | qwebirc5188822:40
ubottuqwebirc51888: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html22:40
qwebirc51888Now I understand, but how do I act? I can update?22:42
Bashing-om!eol | qwebirc5188822:43
ubottuqwebirc51888: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:43
qwebirc51888but how do I change the version without losing my information?22:45
qwebirc51888Is posible?22:45
oerheksif you have no backup already, your data is not important22:45
oerheksyes it is possible, but do not blame us when something goes wrong22:46
tomreynAngrygermankids: what'S the output of  "ls -lt /etc/modprobe.d/ 2>&1 | pastebinit" ?22:51
Angrygermankidshere it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DWRRczPqqk/22:52
tomreynAngrygermankids: you could download this, review it, make it executable (if you think it can be trusted), and run it: http://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-utils.git;a=blob_plain;f=alsa-info/alsa-info.sh22:59
tomreynsee also "is my soundcard supported?" and "how do i test my soundcard" on https://alsa-project.org23:01
tomreynAngrygermankids: this is going to return much output, including "Your ALSA information is located at", followed by a HTTP address, which you could report here.23:03
Angrygermankidshere it is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Xk8V9yp2Sp/23:03
GothSparkhi I am facing a problem with pkexec on minimal server install ... every password I enter in pkexec are denied23:07
thatfossguyanyone using a iMac 2015 27"? No matter what I do on whatever distro I  can not the sound to work, unless I play audio through a browser window, that works for some wierd reason23:10
tomreynAngrygermankids: hmm, i'm not sure what else to try really. newer alsa should not help, since apparently there are people who had it working (more or less) on older linux versions. there are 2 newer (mainboard) bios versions than the one you have, https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M4A87TDUSB3/HelpDesk_Download/ , but there is no reason to assume they would improve this issue.23:13
tomreynAngrygermankids: actually, maybe try "modprobe snd-hda-intel" and see whether alsa-info.sh gives better output then23:17
bn_workhi, for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, is there a simple package for use as a Certificate Authority (CA) server?23:18
bn_work(was looking around in `apt search ca | grep -2 " CA "` and `apt search pki` but not finding much)23:19
GrandPa-GThis is actually on Raspberry, but hope someone here knows the issue. I have StandardOutput=file:/home/pi/web.log in service file. systemd version = 232. I get error on boot Jul  6 13:22:36 raspberrypi systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/web.service:13] Failed to parse output specifier, ignoring: file:/home/pi/web.log23:20
tomreynbn_work: can you discuss what a 'CA server' is from your point of view, since this term can be ambiguous.23:21
bn_worktomreyn:  just an app that can sign certificates for other servers (doesn't need to be web-based, can be CLI), not sure if OCSP/CRL services would be needed yet, would openssl suffice to do that?23:24
tomreynbn_work: yes, if it can be manual. there is also tinyca as a frontend23:25
psichaswho could help me do links with systemd? :)23:27
bn_worktomreyn: thanks!  do you know if it supports / exports to .JKS too?23:28
tomreynbn_work: i don't, i'm not even sure whether openssl would. openssl can export to pkcs12, though, and java's keytool can import that to a keystore.23:30
tomreynbn_work: also check "xca" as an alternative to tinyca. it is newer, with ongoing development (tinyca is basically dead).23:32
bn_worktomreyn:  thanks, yeah, was just looking at that too... although I'm still not sure what the process would be to generate a CA cert and then sign other certs via just `openssl` CLI23:33
tomreynbn_work: http://pki-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/simple/23:34
tomreynbn_work: it's probably best to work with two computers or at least two terminals, one acting as the CA (and possibly intermediate CA), the other as the average client wanting their certificate signed.23:38
bn_worktomreyn: thanks!  yeah, that's my exact scenario anyway, I have one machine I want to make the rootCA and the other as the client (server) whose CSR I want signed23:39
tomreynbn_work: do it once first, taking notes / documenting the process on each end (you'll tear your hair anyways), then reinstall + harden the CA system, and redo it from scratch.23:41
tomreynif this is going to be serious you'll want to buy some form of HSM23:41
tomreynhardware security module, a generic term for different types of devices https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_security_module23:42
b-04hi to all!23:43
b-04what is the best RDP client for ubuntu?23:43
tomreynbn_work: cacert.org is a non-commercial CA, and so is letsencrypt. both have produced a lot of documentation, including policy documents, you should review some of them at some point.23:43
tomreynbn_work: you'll come across many 3 letter acronyms such as 'CSP' (certificate signing policy) there, but also hints on how to harden (both technically and organizationally) your CA. we're way OT here now, feel free to ask me mor ein #ubuntu-offtopic23:45
tomreynb-04: freerdp IIRC. there is also rdesktop, and several frontends.23:46
b-04thanks tomreyn !! :=)23:46
=== larry is now known as Guest94215
tomreynwelcome. and be sure to decive for yourself what's "the best", since only you can ;)23:47
b-04Last inquiry, I have a vnc server on ubuntu desktop. Is it possible to connect two different pcs in two different sessions or desktops in that ubuntu?23:47
tomreynb-04: i think you'd need the -alwaysshared option to tighvnc's Xvnc for this23:52
tomreyn(and remove -nevershared if set)23:53
b-04excelent! i go to try :) thanks tomreyn !!23:53
tomreynb-04: also consider x2go instead of vnc, and don't mix up vnc and rdp ;)23:54

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